See what “Memorable Dates of Russia” are in other dictionaries. Abstract: Calendar of significant and memorable dates Central Library named after. A. Akhmatova


3 - 125 years since the birth of Tolkien (Tolkien) (1892-1973), English writer, philosopher, language historian, author of fairy tales “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings”.

4 - 205th anniversary of the birth of E.P. Rostopchina (1812 - 1858), poetess and writer. The poet P.A. Vyazemsky called her “Moscow Sappho”.

6 (?) - 605 years of Joan of Arc (c.1412 - 1431), French military leader

6 - 145 years since the birth of A.N. Scriabin (1872-1915), Russian composer

6 - 130 years since the birth of I.I. Golikov (1887-1915), Russian master of Palekh miniatures, founder of the art of Palekh.

9 - 220 years since the birth of F.P. Wrangel (1797-1870), Russian traveler, admiral, one of the founders of the Russian Geographical Society. Born in Pskov.

12 -110 years since the birth of S.P. Korolev (1907-1966), an outstanding scientist and designer in the field of rocketry and astronautics.

13 – Russian Press Day

15 - 395 years since the birth of Moliere (Jean Baptiste Poclein) (1622-1673), French playwright, creator of the genre of so-called high comedy.

16 - 150 years since the birth of V.V. Veresaev (1867-1945), Russian prose writer and literary critic.

18 -135 years since the birth of Alan Alexander Milne (1882-1956), English humorist, playwright, classic of English children's literature.

23 -185 years since the birth of Edouard Monet (1832-1883), French impressionist artist.

24 - 285 years since the birth of Auguste Caron de Beaumarchais (1732-1799), French playwright.

25 - 185 years since the birth of I.I. Shishkin (1832-1898), Russian painter, master of landscape.

27 - 185 years since the birth of Lewis Carroll (1832-1898), English writer, professor of mathematics at Oxford University.

28 - 120 years since the birth of V.P. Kataev (1897-1986), Russian writer.

31 - 220 years since the birth of F. Schubert (1797 - 1828), the great composer


180 years ago(1837) a duel between A.S. Pushkin and Dantes took place on the Black River.

170 years ago(1847) in the magazine “Sovremennik” in the first issue an essay by I.S. Turgenev “Khor and Kalinich” was published.

75 years ago(1942) the newspaper “Pravda” published K. Simonov’s poem “Wait for me.”


2 - Died in prison 75 years ago Daniil Kharms(1905-1942), Russian writer.

7 - 205 years since the birth of Charles Dickens (1812-1870), a classic of English literature.

8 – Day of Remembrance of the Young Anti-Fascist Hero

9 - 130 years since the birth of V.I. Chapaev (1887-1919), the legendary hero of the civil war.

10 - Memorial Day of A.S. Pushkin. 180 years since his death (1799-1837).

20 - 165 years since the birth of N. Garin (N. G. Mikhailovsky) (1852-1906), Russian writer.

25 - 105 years since the birth of V.V. Sanaev (1912 - 1996), Russian actor

26 -215 years since the birth of Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French writer.

27 - 85th birthday of Elizabeth Taylor (1932 - March 23, 2011), American actress

165 years ago(1852) the opening of the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg took place.

140 years ago(1877) the premiere of P.I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “Swan Lake” took place.


6 - 80 years since birth (1937) V.V. Tereshkova, the first female cosmonaut.

15 - 80 years since the birth of V.G. Rasputin (1937), Russian writer

24 - 235 years since the birth of O.A. Kiprensky (1782-1836), Russian portrait painter and graphic artist, representative of romanticism.

24 -140 years since the birth of A.S. Novikov-Priboy (1877-1944), Russian writer.

27 - 90 years since the birth of M.L. Rostropovich (1927-2007), an outstanding cellist and conductor.

27 – International Theater Day

31 - 135 years since the birth of K.I. Chukovsky (1882-1969), Russian writer, critic, literary critic.


95 years ago(1922) the former family estate of the Hannibal-Pushkins became the State Memorial Museum-Reserve of A.S. Pushkin (Mikhailovskoye village, Pskov region).


10 -80 years since the birth of B.A. Akhmadulina (1937), Russian poetess.

12 - 90 years since the birth of Harper Lee (1927), American writer.

15 - 565 years since the birth of Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), a brilliant Italian painter and scientist of the Renaissance.

22 - 110 years since the birth of I.A. Efremov (1907-1972), Russian science fiction writer, author of the socio-philosophical novel “The Andromeda Nebula” - 55 years since its publication (1957).
28 -110 years since the birth of Z.I. Voskresenskaya (1907-1992), Russian writer.

75 years ago(1942) the legendary ace pilot A.I. accomplished his feat. Maresyev (1916-2001).


16 - 130 years since the birth of Igor Severyanin (1887-1941), Russian modernist poet, translator, memoirist.

22 -145 years since the birth of Teffi (N.A. Lokhvitskaya) (1872-1952), poetess and writer of the Russian diaspora.

28 - 140 years since the birth of M.A. Voloshin (1877-1932), Russian poet, critic, artist.

29 -230 years since the birth of K.N. Batyushkov (1787-1855), Russian lyric poet, representative of sentimentalism.

29 - 120 years since the birth of I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov (1892-1975), Russian writer.


1 - 85 years since the birth of B.A. Mozhaev (1932-1996), Russian writer, publicist.

9 - 345 years since the birth of Peter I the Great (1672-1725), Russian Emperor, statesman.

15 - 150 years since the birth of K.D. Balmont (1867-1942), Russian poet, critic, representative of symbolism in Russian poetry.

18 -205 years since the birth of I.A. Goncharov (1812-1891), Russian writer.

18 - 75 years since the birth of D.P. McCartney (1942), English musician, one of the legendary Beatles

20 - 90 years since the birth of V.M. Kotenochkin (1927 - 2000), Russian animator, director of “Well, wait a minute!”

20 - 85 years since the birth of R.I. Rozhdestvensky (1932-1994) Russian poet.

28 - 305 years since the birth of Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), French writer and philosopher of the Enlightenment, representative of sentimentalism.

28 - V. Khlebnikov (1885-1922), Russian poet, futurism theorist, died 95 years ago.



1 - 110 years since the birth of V.T. Shalamov (1907-1982), Russian writer, poet, author of “Kolyma Tales”.

7 - 130 years since the birth of M.Z. Chagall (1887-1985), Russian artist.

24 - 105 years since the birth of N.O. Gritsenko (1912 - 1979), Soviet actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR and USSR, Laureate of State Prizes of the RSFSR and USSR.

29 -200 years since the birth of P.K. Aivazovsky (1817-1900), Russian marine painter.

31 - 80 years since the birth of E.S. Piekha, pop singer



8 - 90 years since the birth of Yu.P. Kazakov (1927-1982), Russian writer.

17 - 75 years since the birth of M.M. Magomayev (1942 - 2008), Azerbaijani singer, People's Artist of the USSR

19 - 145 years since the birth of M.F. Kshesinskaya (1872-1971), Russian ballerina

19 - 80 years since the birth of A.V. Vampilov (1937-1972), Russian playwright, author of the plays “Duck Hunt”, “Elder Son”, etc.

20 - 85 years since the birth of V.P. Aksenov (1932-2009), Russian writer.

29 – 155 years since the birth of Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949), Belgian writer, playwright, philosopher, Nobel Prize laureate (1911).


5 - 200 years since the birth of A.K. Tolstoy (1817-1875), Russian poet, writer, playwright, author of the historical novel “Prince Silver”.

8 - Day of military glory. battle of Borodino (1812)

10 - 110 years since the birth of V.I. Nemtsov (1907-1993), Russian science fiction writer.

11 -135 years since the birth of B.S. Zhitkov (1882-1938), Russian children's writer.

11 -80 years since the birth (1937) of Joseph Kobzon, pop singer.

17 -160 years since the birth of K.E. Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935), an outstanding Russian scientist and inventor, founder of modern cosmonautics.

21 - 70 years since the birth (1947) of Stephen King, American writer.

21 - Day of military glory. Victory of Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380)

25 -225 years since the birth of I.I. Lazhechnikov (1792-1869), Russian writer, author of novels “ Ice house", "Basurman"


75 years ago(1942) publication of A.T. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” began, which is considered to this day best poem about a soldier of the Great Patriotic War.


1 - 105 years since the birth of L.N. Gumilyov (1912 - 1992), Russian historian, geographer, author of the work "Ethnogenesis and Biosphere of the Earth"

4 - 60 years ago (1957), the world's first artificial Earth satellite was launched in our country. The beginning of the space age.

7 - 65 years of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (1952), Russian statesman

8 - 125 years since the birth of M.I. Tsvetaeva (1892-1941), Russian poetess.

9 - 470 years since the birth of M. Cervantes (1547-1616), Spanish writer of the Renaissance.

31 - 115 years since the birth of E. A. Permyak (1902-1982), Russian writer.

60 years ago(1957) the film “The Cranes Are Flying”, directed by M. Kalatozov, was released on the screens of the country, recognized as one of the best films of world cinema. At the Cannes Film Festival in 1958, the film was awarded the Palme d'Or.


2 - 220 years since the birth of A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky (1797 - 1837), Russian prose writer, poet, critic, Decembrist.

3 -130 years since the birth of S.Ya.Marshak (1887-1964), Russian poet, translator, classic of children's literature.

6 - 165 years since the birth of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak (1852-1912), Russian writer.

14 - 110 years since the birth of Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002), a famous Swedish writer, author of 87 books translated into 76 languages.

People communicate in numerous languages. Each of them has its own characteristics of pronunciation, spelling and use of words. Speech captures changes in the cultural traditions of society and its development. They are reflected in works of literature and oral creativity of the people. The international holiday calls for preserving the accumulated legacy of achievements.

Who's celebrating

Everyone involved in the study and transmission of knowledge about speech and writing is related to the celebrations. Among them are researchers, teachers of literature, Russian language, and library staff. Teachers, students, and graduate students of philological faculties of higher educational institutions consider the holiday. The event is attended by everyone who has received an appropriate education and is interested in writing, their relatives, acquaintances, friends and loved ones.

History and traditions of the holiday

The event originates from Ivan Klimenko’s article “Let there be a Day!”, published in one of the newspapers. He is also famous for creating the Russian word game (an intellectual game accompanied by competitions in the field of philology). The author described the idea of ​​the holiday in his work, submitting it to the readers.

The initiative, outlined on the pages of the printed publication, initially did not find any support from the Russian authorities. The United Nations turned out to be much more efficient. In 2010, the UN declared June 6 as Russian Language Day, and already in 2011 the President of Russia issued a decree. The document fixed this date at the state level. It has a symbolic meaning, as stated in the legislative act.

The event is dedicated to the birth of A. Pushkin, one of the most significant figures of the so-called golden age. An outstanding personality is considered the author of modern literary norms for the use of words, and his works are included in the world cultural heritage. Some researchers believe that the poet’s contribution is exaggerated, and his image has been elevated to the rank of a cult, at the instigation of I. Stalin.

Russian Language Day 2020 is widely popular in educational and professional circles. The event is celebrated at the festive table. Colleagues discuss news, tell stories from life and workdays. Congratulations and toasts are heard, ending with the clink of glasses. The government makes speeches that talk about supporting the language. Those gathered exchange valuable gifts. One of the most desirable and widespread is the rare book.

On this day, it is customary to attend cultural events: film screenings, theater performances, exhibitions, concerts of song and dance groups. Students arrange open readings. Excerpts from classical works and reports from researchers are heard. Special attention devoted to young authors. Writers present their works and leave signatures for everyone. Radio and television stations broadcast programs dedicated to literature and related topics.

On the eve of the date or on the next weekend, philologists go outdoors. Dishes are prepared over an open fire, and leisure time is spent outdoors. This is facilitated by the warm weather of the summer month. Relatives, friends and loved ones are usually invited to picnics.

The birthday of the Russian language is one of the events aimed at its preservation and development.


According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 1, 2015 No. 392 “On holding the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas in the Russian Federation,” 2017 was declared in Russia year of ecology.


The World Cup will be held in Russia!

2018 is the Year of the Volunteer in Russia. (Decree of the President of Russia No. 583 of December 6, 2017)

2019 - International Year periodic table chemical elements(resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 20, 2017).

2019 is the International Year of Indigenous Languages ​​(resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on 12/19/2016).

International decades

2015-2024 - International Decade for People of African Descent

2014-2024 - A decade of sustainable energy for all

2011-2020 - Third International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism

2011-2020 - United Nations Decade on Biodiversity

2011-2020 - Decade of Action for Road Safety

2010-2020 - United Nations Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification

2008-2017 - Second decade of the United Nations for the eradication of poverty.

2017 in Russian Federation will be declared the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on holding the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas in 2017. The Year of Protected Natural Areas will be timed to coincide with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Russian nature reserve system.

International holidays

In its resolution adopted at the 14th session, the General Conference of UNESCO recognized the need for concerted action in international efforts to promote literacy throughout the world and proclaimed 8 September as International Literacy Day.

In 1981, by its resolution 36/67, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the International Day of Peace and established its celebration on the third Tuesday in September. And 20 years later, in 2001, the General Assembly unanimously adopted resolution 55/282, which decided that from 2002 the International Day of Peace will be celebrated annually on September 21 as a day of general ceasefire and renunciation of violence.

Established in 1951, in honor of the creation of the World Federation of the Deaf and Mutes

On December 14, 1990, the UN General Assembly decided to consider October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons.

22 of October - international day school libraries(date for 2018).

Celebrated in many countries annually on the fourth Monday of October, since 1999 at the initiative of UNESCO. Moreover, every year it is dedicated to a specific topic. In 2008, this event reached a new level - in January, project coordinator Rick Mulholland announced that International School Library Day would be transformed into a month - also international.
15th of November - International No Smoking Day (date for 2018).

This day was established by the American Cancer Society in 1977. The goal of International No Smoking Day is to help reduce the prevalence of tobacco addiction, involve all segments of the population and doctors of all specialties in the fight against smoking, prevent smoking and inform society about the harmful effects of tobacco on health.

On November 16, 1995, UNESCO Member States adopted the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance. In 1996, the UN General Assembly invited member states to celebrate the International Day for Tolerance on November 16 each year with events aimed at both educational institutions and the general public.

In 1973, the holiday of greetings was invented by two American brothers, Michael and Brian McCormack, at the height of the Cold War, in response to the conflict between Egypt and Israel. The day was necessary as a sign of protest against increasing international tension.

“We need a simple but effective act,” the brothers decided and sent letters with warm greetings to all corners of the world. They asked the recipient to greet someone else, well, at least ten more people! This idea has been supported in more than 180 countries. Since then, World Greetings Day has been celebrated by citizens of all professions and ages, major political leaders, industrial magnates, and the world famous personalities cinema and television.

Held annually since 1994. On this day in 1992, the first International Informatization Forum took place.

In 1992, at the end of the United Nations Decade of Persons with Disabilities (1983-1992), the UN General Assembly proclaimed December 3 as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

On December 4, 1950, at the Plenary Assembly, the UN General Assembly officially established December 10 as Human Rights Day. This date was chosen to honor the adoption and proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948.

On December 28, 1895, the first session of the Lumière brothers' cinematography took place in Paris at the Grand Café on the Boulevard des Capucines.

International Mother Language Day, proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO on 17 November 1999, has been celebrated every year since February 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity.

In 1999, at the 30th session of the UNESCO General Conference, it was decided to celebrate World Poetry Day on March 21 every year.

Established in 1961 by the IX Congress International Institute theater

Since 1967, on the initiative and decision of the International Children's Book Council, on April 2, the birthday of the great Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, the whole world celebrates International Children's Book Day.

Celebrated annually on the day of the creation of the World Health Organization in 1948. The purpose of this organization is to fight epidemics, create a healthy lifestyle for the world's population, give publicity and draw people's attention to improving health and prolonging life. And in order for humanity to pay attention, at least once a year, to the problems associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, a special world (international) health day was created. World Health Day 2018 is dedicated to access to health care.

Established by the UN General Assembly in 1993

Every year on May 24, all Slavic countries solemnly glorify the creators Slavic writing Cyril and Methodius - Slovenian teachers.

The World Health Organization declared May 31 as World No Tobacco Day in 1988.

Writers of the Year 2020


01/02/1920 (100) Isaac Asimov. Science fiction writer, from a family of emigrants from Russia. He gained worldwide fame as the author of the collection of short stories “I, Robot”.

01/04/1795 (225) Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov. Russian poet and playwright. Author of the rhyming play "Woe from Wit".

01/04/1875 (145) Vasily Grigorievich Yanchevetsky (Yan). Russian writer Soviet era. Author of the trilogy "Invasion of the Mongols".

17.01. 1860 (160) Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Russian prose writer, playwright. His works are included in the classics of Russian literature. Wrote more than 300 works.


02/10/1890 (130) Boris Pasternak. Russian poet and writer. Author of the novel Doctor Zhivago, for which he received the Nobel Prize. In 2019-2020, conferences dedicated to studying the themes of this work are planned for the writer’s anniversary.

02/14/1855 (165) Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin. Russian writer, art critic. Author of the children's fairy tale "The Frog Traveler".

02/23/1840 (180) Vsevolod Vladimirovich Krestovsky. Russian poet and prose writer. The most famous work is the novel “Petersburg Slums”.

02/29/1920 (100) Fedor Alexandrovich Abramov. Soviet writer and literary critic. He wrote the trilogy “Pryaslina”, for which he was awarded the USSR State Prize.


03/06/1815 (205) Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov. Russian poet, playwright, author of the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse.”

03/08/1920 (100) Ivan Fotievich Stadnyuk. Soviet prose writer, playwright. He wrote biographical stories about the war.

03/20/1905 (115) Vera Fedorovna Panova. Author of the story “Companions”, based on which the film “Mercy Train” was filmed.


04/02/1840 (180) Emile Zola. French writer, author of the collection of stories “Tales of Ninon”, the autobiographical novel “Confession of Claude”.

04/02/1805 (215) Hans Christian Andersen. Danish prose writer. Wrote children's fairy tales.

04/26/1660 (360) Daniel Defoe. English writer, author of the novel Robinson Crusoe, known to everyone since childhood. He was the first to introduce the concept of the novel as a separate genre of literature. About 500 books were published from the master’s pen.


05/16/1910 (110) Olga Fedorovna Berggolts. Soviet writer, playwright. Author of the book “Leningrad Speaks,” written based on radio broadcasts from the city besieged during the war.

05/24/1905 (115) Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov. Soviet writer and screenwriter. Author of the novels “Quiet Don”, “Virgin Soil Upturned”, “They Fought for the Motherland”.

05/24/1940 (80) Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky. Russian-American emigrant poet. His plays “Marble” and “Democracy” became especially popular.


06.06.1875 (145) Thomas Mann. German writer, from whose pen the novel “Buddenbrooks” was published, which received the Nobel Prize.

06/21/1910 (110) Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky. Soviet poet. Author of the poems “Vasily Terkin” and “House by the Road”.

06/29/1900 (120) Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. French writer, winner of two literary awards for the novel “Wind, Sand and Stars”, as well as the author of the fairy tale “ A little prince».


07/06/1885 (135) Andre Maurois. French writer, worked in the genre of novelized biography.

07/10/1905 (115) Lev Abramovich Kassil. The most famous work is the autobiographical story “Conduit and Shvambrania”.

07/13/1920 (100) Arkady Grigorievich Adamov. Soviet writer, worked in the detective genre. With his story “The Motley Case” he revived the detective genre in the USSR.


08/05/1850 (170) Guy de Maupassant. He became famous as a short story writer. He wrote in the era of the decline of the novel genre and the increased popularity of short stories.

08/22/1920 (100) Ray Bradbury. American writer who worked in the dystopian genre. Author of 11 novels, including Dandelion Wine, Fahrenheit 451, and The Martian Chronicles.

08/23/1880 (140) Alexander Stepanovich Green. Author of the extravaganza story “Scarlet Sails”, the novel “Running on the Waves”.


09/07/1870 (150) Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. He became famous as a master of literary landscape. In 1909 he was awarded the Pushkin Prize.

09/13/1935 (85) Albert Anatolyevich Likhanov. Russian children's writer. His books are published both in Russia and abroad.

09/15/1890 (130) Agatha Christie (Miller). English writer. Author of more than 60 detective stories that have become world classics, and 6 psychological novels.


03.10.1895 (125) Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin. The Russian poet, a master of literary landscape, wrote in the lyrical genre.

10/13/1880 (140) Sasha Cherny. Poet Silver Age. He began his creative activity in St. Petersburg, then emigrated to Paris.

10.22.1870 (150) Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Prose writer and poet. Recognition came after the release of the story “The Village”.

10/23/1920 (100) Gianni Rodari. Italian children's writer, author of "The Adventures of Cipollino."


11/28/1880 (140) Alexander Alexandrovich Blok. Russian poet and literary critic. His works successfully intertwined the mystical and everyday.

11/28/1915 (105) Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov. Soviet writer, film screenwriter. Gained popularity as the author of military lyrics. The most famous poem is “Wait for Me.”

11/30/1835 (185) Mark Twain. The American writer, according to Hemingway, is the founder of modern American literature.


12/05/1820 (200) Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. Russian writer and translator. He received the Pushkin Prize for his translation of Horace.

12/30/1865 (155) Rudyard Kipling. English writer. The most famous work is “The Jungle Book”.

12/16/1775 (245) Jane Austen. English writer. Author of the novel "Pride and Prejudice"


530 years reproduction in chronicle code travel records “Walking across Three Seas” by Afanasy Nikitin(1489)

525 years since the completion of work on the satirical poem “Ship of Fools” by S. Brandt(1494)

485 years first publication "The Ballad of Robin Hood"(1534)

455 years since the publication of the first printed book "Apostle"(1564)

415 years drama W. Shakespeare's "Othello""(1604)

350 years comedy J. B. Moliere “Tartuffe”(1669)

300 years since the story was published Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe""(1719)

260 years since the publication of the story Voltaire "Candide, or Optimism"(1759)

250 years comedy D. I. Fonvizin “Brigadier”(1769)

245 years sentimental novel " The Sorrows of Young Werther" by J. Goethe(1774)

235 years "The Marriage of Figaro" French playwright Pierre Augustin de Beaumarchais(1784)

230 years "Confession" French philosopher and educator J. J. Rousseau(1789)

215 years novel Friedrich Schiller "William Tell"(1804)

210 years first publication “Fables” by Ivan Andreevich Krylov(1809)

205 years essay Alexander Pushkin “Memories in Tsarskoe Selo”, which caused delight during the exam in January 1815 G. R. Derzhavina(1814)

200 years since the novel was published Walter Scott "Ivanhoe"(1819)

200 years THIS. Hoffmann "Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober"(1819)

195 years since the creation of the comedy “Woe from Wit” by A. S. Griboyedov(1824)

195 years poem A. S. Pushkin “Gypsies”(1824)

195 years novel in verse Byron "Don Juan"(1824)

190 years publication was completed ago “History of the Russian State” by N. M. Karamzin(Volume 12 – in 1829)

190 years since the publication of the story A. Pogorelsky “Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants”(1829)

185 years since the fairy tale came out Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”"(1834)

185 years fairy tale A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”(1834)

185 years since creation V. F. Odoevsky fairy tales “Town in a Snuffbox”(1834)

180 years back Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov finished the poem "Mtsyri"(1839)

180 years novel Charles Dickens "The Adventures of Oliver Twist"(1839)

175 years since the novel was published A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers”(1844)

175 years since writing H. C. Andersen fairy tales "The Snow Queen"(1844)

175 years novel J. Sand "Countess Rudolstadt"(1844)

170 years translation V. Zhukovsky "Odyssey" Homer(1849)

165 years I. S. Turgenev “Mumu”(1854)

160 years since the novel was published I. A. Goncharova “Oblomov”(1859)

160 years since the drama was staged A. N. Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm”(1859)

160 years since the novel was published Ivan Turgenev “The Noble Nest”(1859)

155 years since writing J. Verne's novel “Journey to the Center of the Earth”(1864)

155 years poem N. A. Nekrasova “Railway”(1864)

150 years since the completion of the novel's publication “War and Peace” by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy(1869)

150 years Ivan Goncharov “Break”(1869)

150 years novel published ago V. Hugo “The Man Who Laughs”(1869)

145 years since writing J. Verne's novel “The Mysterious Island”(1874)

135 years since the publication of the novel M. Twain "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"(1884)

125 years since the completion of work on fairy tales R. J. Kipling's "The Jungle Book"(1894)

115 years “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” by Alexander Blok(1904)

115 years since the writing of the lyrical comedy “The Cherry Orchard” by A. P. Chekhov(1904)

115 years since the novel was written D. London "Sea Wolf"(1904)

115 years since the publication of the story L. N. Tolstoy “Hadji Murat”(1904)

105 years collection Anna Akhmatova's Rosary(1914)

100 years since the fairy tale was published K.I. Chukovsky “Crocodile”(1919)

95 years old V. V. Bianchi “Forest Houses”, “Whose nose is better?”, “Whose legs are these?”, “Who sings with what?”(1924)

95 years old since the creation of the fairy tale K. I. Chukovsky “The Fly Tsokotukha”(in 1924 - "Mukhin's Wedding")

95 years old since the creation of the fairy tale Y. K. Olesha “Three fat men”"(1924)

95 years old the novel was released in English translation back E. Zamyatina “We”(1924)

95 years old since the novel was published K. Fedina “Cities and Years”(1924)

90 years old since the fairy tale was published K.I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”(1929)

90 years old since creation E. M. Remarque’s novel “All Quiet on the Western Front”(1929)

90 years old since the creation of the novel "A Farewell to Arms!" E. Hemingway(1929)

90 years old stories Boris Pilnyak "Mahogany"(1929)

85 years old stories by a Russian writer K. Paustovsky “Colchis”(1934)

85 years old since the publication of the fairy tale "Mary Poppins" by Pamela Travers(1934)

80 years old novel by a French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Planet of Men"(1939)

80 years old since the publication of the story R. I. Fraerman “The Wild Dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love”(1939)

80 years old since the writing of the fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City” by A. M. Volkov(1939)

80 years old since the publication of the story A. P. Gaidar “The Fate of the Drummer”(1939)

80 years old since the publication of fairy tales P. P. Bazhov “Malachite Box”(1939)

80 years old since the story was published K. G. Paustovsky “Meshcherskaya side”(1939)

75 years old since creation L. A. Kassilem stories "My dear boys"(1944)

75 years old since the novel was published V. A. Kaverina “Two Captains”(1944)

75 years old since the publication of the collection of stories and fairy tales “The Magic Word” by V. A. Oseeva(1944)

70 years old since creation Lev Kassil together with Max Polyanovsky stories "Street of the Youngest Son"(1949)

70 years old since the publication of the collection “Poems for Children” by Agnia Barto(1949)

70 years old since publication Dictionary of the Russian language by S. I. Ozhegov(1949)

65 years old Daniil Granin "Seekers"(1954)

65 years old since the story was written N. N. Nosova “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”(1954)

65 years old Astrid Lindgren "Mio, my Mio!"(1954)

60 years since the publication of the novel Arkady and Boris Strugatsky “Land of Crimson Clouds”(1959)

60 years since the novel was published W. Faulkner "Mansion"(1959)

60 years since the start of publication of the novel K. M. Simonova “The Living and the Dead”(1959)

60 years since writing "Deniska's stories" by V. Yu. Dragunsky(1959)

60 years since the publication of the story V. A. Oseeva “Dinka”(1959)

60 years since the book was published S. S. Smirnova " Brest Fortress» (1959)

55 years since the publication of the novel K. M. Simonova “Soldiers are not born”(1964)

55 years since the publication of the story L. A. Kassil “Be prepared, your highness!”(1964)

50 years since the publication of the story B. L. Vasilyeva “And the dawns here are quiet...”(1969)

50 years since the publication of the novel Yu. V. Bondareva “Hot Snow”(1969)

45 years since the creation of the story B. L. Vasilyeva “Not on the lists”(1974)

45 years since the publication of the trilogy V. P. Krapivina “Boy with a Sword”(1972–1974)

45 years stories Russian writer V. Rasputin “Live and Remember”(1974)

40 years since the publication of a collection of poems, fairy tales and plays “Calculations” by Boris Zakhoder(1979)

25 years since the novel was written D. Granin “Flight to Russia”(1994)

20 years since the creation of the novel “Bermuda Triangle” by Yu. V. Bondarev(1999)

15 years since the novels were published Dmitry Yemets "Tanya Grotter and the Centaur's Boots" And "Tanya Grotter and the Well of Poseidon"(2004)

Writers' anniversaries 2018-2019

190 years since the birth of L.N. Tolstoy (1828-1910), Russian explorer

100 years since the birth of B.V. Zakhoder (1918-2000), children's poet, writer, translator

100 years since the birth of V.A. Sukhomlinsky (1918-1970), teacher

80 years since the birth of Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin (1938), Russian writer

100 years since the birth of A.A. Galich (Ginzburg), poet, playwright (1918-1977)

200 years since the birth of I.S. Turgenev (1818-1883), Russian writer

160 years since the birth of Selma Lagerlöf (1858-1940), Swedish writer, author of the fairy tale “Nils’s Journey with the Wild Geese”

110 years since the birth of N.N. Nosov (1908-1976), children's writer

100 years since the birth of A.I. Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Russian writer and publicist

90 years since the birth of Chingiz Aitmatov, writer (1928 – 2008)

95 years since the birth of Ya.L. Akim (1923-2013), Russian poet

160 years since the birth of V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, director, theater figure (1858-1943)

100 years since the birth of the writer D. Granin (German) (1919 – 2017)

260th anniversary of the birth of R. Burns, Scottish poet (1759-1796)

140 years since the birth of P.P. Bazhov, writer (1879-1950)

125 years since the birth of V. Bianchi, writer (1894-1959)

250 years since the birth of I.A. Krylov, writer (1789-1844)

120 years since the birth of Yu.K. Olesha, writer (1899-1960)

90 years since the birth of F. Iskander, writer (1929-2016)

140 years since the birth of A. Einstein, German physicist (1879-1955)

130 years since the birth of A. Vertinsky, poet, prose writer, pop artist (1889-1957)

80 years since the birth of V.M. Voskoboynikov, writer, (1939)

160 years since the birth of A-K. Doyle, English writer (1859-1930)

Anniversary books of 2018

665 years (1353) – “The Decameron” was written by G. Boccaccio (published in 1470)

485 years (1533) – “Gargantua and Pantagruel” by F. Rabelais

425 years (1593) – “The Taming of the Shrew” by W. Shakespeare

275 years (1743) – odes “Morning reflection on God’s majesty” and “Evening reflection on God’s majesty on a great occasion” northern lights» M.V. Lomonosov

210 years (1808) – “Faust” (part 1) I.V. Goethe

200 years (1818) – “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” by J. Byron

195 years (1823) – “Pioneers” by D.F. Cooper

190 years (1828) – “Poltava” A.S. Pushkin

180 years (1838) – “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “Wild Swans”, “ The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling" by H. C. Andersen

180 years (1838) - “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov” by M.Yu. Lermontov

175 years (1843) – “The Gold Bug” by E. Poe

170 years (1848) – “White Nights” by F.M. Dostoevsky

170 years (1848) – “Dombey and Son” by Charles Dickens

160 years (1858) – “The Scarlet Flower” by S.T. Aksakov

160 years (1858) – “Asya” by I.S. Turgenev

155 years (1863) – The first volume of “ Explanatory dictionary alive Great Russian language» V.I.Dalya

155 years (1863) – “What to do? From stories about new people" by N.G. Chernyshevsky

155 years (1863) – “Prince Silver” A.K. Tolstoy

150 Years (1868) – “The Children of Captain Grant” by Jules Verne

150 years (1868) – “The Idiot” by F.M. Dostoevsky

145 years (1873) - “The Enchanted Wanderer” N.S. Leskova

145 years (1873) - “Russian Women” by N.A. Nekrasova

140 years (1878) – “Without a family” G. Malo

140 years (1878) – “Treasure Island” by R. Stevenson

135 Years (1883) – “Treasure Island” by R.L. Stevenson

135 years (1883) – “Gutta-percha boy” by D.V. Grigorovich

120 years (1898) – “War of the Worlds” by H. Wells

115 years (1903) – “After the Ball” by Leo Tolstoy

110 years (1908) – “The Blue Bird” by M. Maeterlinck

105 years (1913) – “Childhood” by M. Gorky

100 years (1918) – “The Twelve” by A. Blok

95 years (1923) – “Moidodyr” by K.I. Chukovsky

95 years (1923) – “Scarlet Sails” by A. Green

90 years (1928) – “Amphibian Man” by A. Belyaev

90 years (1928) – “Forest Newspaper” by V.V. Bianchi

90 years (1928) – “Three Fat Men” by Y.K.Olesha

90 years (1928) - “Little Children” (in subsequent editions “From 2 to 5”) by K. Chukovsky

90 years (1928) – “Who to be?” V.V. Mayakovsky

90 years (1928) – “Twelve Chairs” by I. Ilf and E. Petrov

85 years (1933) - “The Tale of the Military Secret” by A. Gaidar was published in “Pionerskaya Pravda” on April 5-11

80 years (1938) – “Flags on the towers” ​​by A. Makarenko

80 years (1938) – “Military Secret” by A. Gaidar

80 years (1938) – “Cherymysh – the hero’s brother” by L. A. Kassil

80 years (1938) – “Three Comrades” by E.M. Remarque

75 years (1943) – “The Little Prince” by A. de Saint-Exupéry

75 years (1943) – “Dark Alleys” by I.A. Bunin

70 years (1948) – “The Tale of Lost Time” by E. Schwartz

70 years (1948) – “Dirk” by A.N. Rybakova

135 years ago the first Pushkin celebration took place in Moscow

On June 5, 1880, the first Pushkin holiday in Russian history began in Moscow. It lasted four days. The organization of the celebrations was undertaken by the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, Moscow University and the Moscow City Duma. A program for the Pushkin Days was drawn up, which included, in addition to the opening of the monument, public meetings of the Society, literary and musical evenings, speeches by famous cultural figures, especially famous writers, gala dinners with speeches and toasts.

The holiday began with the opening of the Pushkin exhibition in the premises of the Noble Assembly. A festive reception was held in the hall of the Moscow City Duma, which was attended by more than 250 people who arrived from different parts of Russia. Among the distinguished guests were a member royal family Prince of Oldenburg, Governor General Dolgorukov, children of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin with their families. Writers Ivan Turgenev, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Alexander Ostrovsky, the famous Slavophile publicist Ivan Aksakov, literary critic of liberal views Pavel Annenkov, writer and critic Nikolai Strakhov, historian Vasily Klyuchevsky, composer Nikolai Rubinstein and many others came to honor the memory of the great Russian poet.

The date for celebrating Russian Language Day was June 6. It's a birthday Alexandra Pushkina, a great writer, poet, playwright. In addition, Pushkin is considered the creator of the modern literary Russian language.

Russian language - one of the largest languages ​​in the world, is the most widespread of the Slavic languages, the most widespread European language in geographical sense and in total number speakers ranks among the top ten world languages. According to the latest data, there are more than 150 million Russian speakers in the world, more than 100 million more speak Russian as a second language. In addition to the Russian Federation, Russian is the official language of some CIS countries, as well as Abkhazia and South Ossetia. It also remains the language of informal communication in the countries of the former USSR. Interestingly, all cosmonauts who will work on the International Space Station must study spoken Russian. On Russian Language Day, various events are held in the UN General Assembly building. In particular, these are concerts of Slavic folk music, competitions on knowledge of the Russian language and literature, exhibitions of works of art, lectures, film demonstrations and express lessons.

The most ancient libraries in the world were the first clay catalogs of Sumerian literature, the library of Ashurbanipal, and the library of the Temple of Edfu in Egypt. In Athens, Euripides, Plato, Aristotle, Demosthenes, Euclid, and Euthydemus owned large private libraries. The first public Greek library was founded in Athens by Pasistratus. The eighth wonder of the world - the Library of Alexandria - included more than 700 thousand scrolls of handwritten books. Government officials in Alexandria confiscated all books imported into the country and sent them to the library marked “from ships.” The rulers of the city introduced a ban on the export of papyrus to stop the rapid growth of the library of Rhodes. According to legend, books from Alexandria were kept in the disappeared library of Ivan the Terrible.

A characteristic feature of Roman libraries is their location in country villas. Private libraries in the II-I centuries. BC. Emilius Paulus (based on the library of the Macedonian king Perseus), Sulla (based on the library of Aristotle), Lucullus (based on the library of the Pontic king Mithridates VI Eupator), Varro, Cicero, Atticus, Virgil had them. The first public library in Rome was created by Gaius Asinius Pollio in the 1st century. BC.

By the middle of the 17th century, central government institutions were created in Russia - orders, under which, by state decree or order in the field of library science, special departmental libraries were organized. One of the most significant libraries was the library of the Prikaz Printing Dvor (Typographic Library), created at the beginning of the 17th century.

State reforms in the spheres of politics, economics, culture and education carried out in Russia in the first quarter of the 18th century by Emperor Peter I were of great importance for the development of libraries. The most important event in the field of librarianship during the reign of Peter I was the establishment in 1714 in St. Petersburg of the first state scientific library in Russia, which was founded simultaneously with the Kunstkamera. Both of these institutions were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Academy of Sciences, founded in 1724. The creation of a fundamental library met the urgent needs of the socio-political and cultural life of Russia and had a great influence on the subsequent development of library science.

The library was replenished mainly through private collections, transfers of funds from some Orders, purchases and exchanges with foreign scientific institutions. And also due to the legal deposit of literature printed in the printing house. Not only academicians, but also other scientists, statesmen and representatives of the nobility could use the library’s collections.

Libraries are repositories of human memory, the main source of information - from ancient manuscripts to electronic resources. As academician D. Likhachev said, “libraries are the most important thing in culture... while the library is alive, the people are alive; if it dies, the past and the future will die.”

On May 24, Russia celebrates the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. The holiday is known as the Day of Remembrance of the First Teachers Slavic peoples- Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Brothers Cyril and Methodius. In Russia, the holiday was revived in 1986, and in 1991, by Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation No. 568-1, it received state status. Officially, this is not a day off, but various festivals, concerts and other events are held to mark this holiday.

Every year on May 25, Philologist Day is celebrated in Russia. This date is professional holiday for everyone o is somehow connected with philology - for graduates and teachers of philological faculties, teachers of Russian language and literature, library workers, translators and simply connoisseurs of their native language and literature.

Philology(from the Greek φιλολογία, “love of the word”) is a field of knowledge that studies written texts and, based on their content, linguistic and stylistic analysis, the history and essence of the spiritual culture of a given society. Philology is believed to have originated in Ancient India and Greece. In this regard, the philology of Greek, Latin and Sanskrit languages ​​is called classical philology.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, philology developed as a science that studies ancient culture (language, literature, history, philosophy, art in their interconnectedness).

Over time, the concept of philology has changed: philology began to be understood as a set of sciences that study the culture of a people, expressed in language and literary creativity. Therefore, modern philologists work in many areas of history, linguistics and literature, making a great contribution to the field of education and research into historical values. The significance of their profession for society cannot be overestimated.

2012 – Year of Russian History

State Budgetary Institution of Moscow Central Banking Center "Kuntsevo"

Central Library named after. A. Akhmatova

Information and bibliographic department

Memorable dates in Russian history


Memorable dates in Russian history: calendar / comp. Valentina Sheludko. – Moscow: GBUK TsBS “Kuntsevo”. – 2012. – 44 p.

Calendar “Memorable and significant dates Russian History" is prepared for the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of the birth of Russian statehood (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 3, 2011 N 267 "On the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of the birth of Russian statehood") and the Year of Russian History, the celebration of which was announced by Presidential Decree No. 49 of January 9 2012.

The calendar, in direct chronology, reflects dates, events and significant dates associated with the history of Rus', Russia, the USSR, and the Russian Federation. When compiling the calendar, we were guided by the memorable dates established Federal law No. 32-FZ dated March 13, 1995 “On the days of military glory and memorable dates in Russia.”

The days of military glory of Russia are the days of victories of Russian weapons, which played a decisive role in the history of Russia.

The calendar also reflects the memory of outstanding figures of Russia from the 9th to the 21st centuries, who left a big mark on our history: the rulers of the Russian state: grand dukes, tsars, emperors, military leaders, outstanding statesmen who left a mark on themselves in the history of the Fatherland.

The calendar of historical dates in Russia for 2012 is multifaceted; it can give Russians pride in their country as a power.

Compiled by: Valentina Sheludko – Chief bibliographer of the Central Bank named after. A. Akhmatova State Budgetary Institution of the City of Moscow Central Banking Center "Kuntsevo"

“History, in a sense, is the sacred book of peoples: the main, necessary; a mirror of their existence and activity; the tablet of revelations and rules; the covenant of ancestors to posterity; addition, explanation of the present and example of the future."

Federal Law of 01.01.01 N 32-FZ "On days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia"

Article 1. Days of military glory of Russia

In the Russian Federation, the following days of military glory of Russia are established:

Celebrating the Year of Russian History in 2012

In 2012 it will be

975 years ago (1037) was founded by Yaroslav the Wise at the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv the first library of Ancient Rus'.

865 years ago (1147)- first chronicle mention about Moscow.

770 years ago (1242) prince Alexander Nevskiy V Battle on the Ice On Lake Peipus near Pskov he defeated the crusaders, knights of the Livonian Order.

555 years ago (1457) in the German city of Mainz a precisely dated printed book was published – Psalter.

400 years ago (1612), the soldiers of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from Polish interventionists (1612)

300 years ago (in 1712) Peter I transferred capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg

290 years ago(1722) Peter I issued a decree on creation of a prosecutor's office. “This rank is like our eye.”

290 years from the date of introduction (1722) by Peter I protection of historical and cultural monuments in Russia.

200 years ago (in 1812) the Battle of Borodino took place

150 years from the day of birth Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin(gg.), the greatest statesman of his time, reformer, Prime Minister of Russia.

He went down in history as the first popularly elected head of state, one of the organizers of resistance to the actions of the State Emergency Committee, a radical reformer of the socio-political and economic structure of Russia.

February 2 – 70 years old from the day defeat fascist troops in the Battle of Stalingrad(1942). Battle of Stalingrad- a major battle between the troops of the USSR on the one hand, and the troops of the Third Reich, Romania, Italy, Hungary, on the other, during the Great Patriotic War from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943.

The battle is one of major events The Second World War and, along with the Battle of Kursk, became a turning point in the course of hostilities, after which German troops completely lost the strategic initiative. The battle included the Wehrmacht's attempt to capture the left bank of the Volga in the area of ​​Stalingrad (modern Volgograd) and the city itself, the standoff in the city, and the Red Army counteroffensive (Operation Uranus), which brought the Wehrmacht's 6th Army and other German allied forces inside and near the city they were surrounded and partly destroyed, and partly captured.

The Battle of Stalingrad is the bloodiest battle in the history of mankind; according to rough estimates, the total losses of both sides in this battle exceed two million people. The Axis powers lost a large number of men and weapons and were subsequently unable to fully recover from the defeat.

For Soviet Union, which also suffered heavy losses during the battle, the victory at Stalingrad marked the beginning of the liberation of the country, as well as the occupied territories of Europe, leading to the final defeat of the Third Reich in 1945.

February 2 – 310 years since its foundation (1702) Baltic Fleet PeterI.

February 3rd295 years since the publication (1717) of a monument to pedagogical thought Russia XVIII century “An honest mirror of youth”(full title “An Honest Mirror of Youth, or Indications for Everyday Life, Collected from Various Authors”), prepared on the instructions of Peter I.

The authors of the publication are unknown. The supposed compiler is Bishop Gabriel (Buzhinsky) of Ryazan and Murom. In the creation of the book he took part Active participation and its publication was supervised by Peter’s associate, Jacob Bruce. "Mirror" was published in accordance with the spirit of Peter's reforms, when the basis of all printed products was made up of various kinds of manuals and instructions.

The publication consists of two separate parts. The first part contained the alphabet, tables of syllables, numbers and numbers, as well as moral teachings from the Holy Scriptures. It can be considered one of the first teaching aids for teaching civil script and Arabic writing of numbers, introduced by decree of Peter I in 1708 instead of the previous Church Slavonic designation.

The second part is the “mirror” itself, that is rules of conduct for “young boys” and girls of the nobility. In fact, this is the first etiquette textbook in Russia. The young nobleman was recommended to study primarily foreign languages, horse riding, dancing and fencing. The girl's virtues were humility, respect for parents, hard work and silence. The essay regulated almost all aspects of social life: from rules of behavior at the table to civil service. The book formed a new stereotype of the behavior of a socialite, avoiding bad company, extravagance, drunkenness, rudeness, and adhering to European social manners.

“The Honest Mirror of Youth” for many years became a guide to the rules of good manners and behavior in society. The popularity of the publication among contemporaries was so great that in the same 1717 the book was published twice more. And in 1719, the book was published in its fourth edition, and was reprinted several times until the end of the 19th century.

February 8 – Day of Remembrance of the Young Anti-Fascist Hero. Celebrated since 1964 in honor of the fallen participants in anti-fascist demonstrations - French schoolboy Daniel Fery (1962) and Iraqi boy Fadil Jamal (1963).

February 10(new style) – 175 years ago(in 1837) the great poet of Russia died Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin(1799–1937).

February 23 – Defender of the Fatherland Day (Adopted by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation in 1993).

February 25 – 56 years ago(in 1956) Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev read a report at the 20th Congress of the CPSU "On the cult of personality and its consequences."

724 years from the day of birth Ivan Daniilovich Kalita(1288-1341) - Prince of Moscow from 1325 (actually from 1322) to 1341, Grand Duke of Vladimir (label from the khan in 1331) to 1341, Prince of Novgorod from 1328 to 1337.


March 1250 years ago (in 1762) published " Manifesto on the granting of liberty and freedom to the Russian nobility"(February 18, old style). The manifesto completed the process of strengthening noble privileges. Beginning with the reign of Anna Ioannovna, the Russian nobility enjoyed the favor of the imperial power, manifested in the adoption of decrees and measures aimed at improving the position of the nobles and expanding their rights in relation to the land and peasants. Nobles already exempted from compulsory civil service by Elizabeth Petrovna are exempted Peter III and from mandatory military service, receive the right to freely travel to other countries and enter service there. They are allowed to receive education not only in educational institutions, but also at home. Nobles who did not want to serve could easily find reasons to obtain resignation. The main provisions of the Manifesto were confirmed by the government in the Charter of the Nobility of 1785.

March 1 is Orthodox Book Day. It has been celebrated by order of the Holy Synod since 2010 in honor of the publication of “The Apostle” - the first Orthodox book in Rus'.

March 2 – 60 years ago(in 1952) on the 100th anniversary of his death Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol(1809-1852) a new one was opened monument on Gogolevsky Boulevard(sculptor N. Tomsky, architect L. Golubovsky). A new monument was erected on the site of the old one, erected for the 100th anniversary of the writer’s birth in 1909 (sculptor N. Andreev, architect F. Shekhtel). In 1951, the old monument was moved to the Donskoy Monastery (currently located on Nikitsky Boulevard).

March 5 – 105 years ago(in 1907) opened IIThe State Duma, the so-called “Red”, or “Duma of the Extremes”. A right-wing cadet became the Chairman of the Duma. The main one was the agrarian question, on which each faction presented its own project. In addition, the Second Duma actively considered the food issue, discussed the state budget, the issue of conscripting recruits, the abolition of courts-martial, etc. When it became obvious that the new Duma did not live up to the government’s hopes, the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs prepared secretly from the Duma draft of a new electoral law. On June 1, 1907, he demanded the removal of 55 Social Democrats from participation in Duma meetings and the deprivation of 16 of them parliamentary immunity, accusing them of preparing for the “overthrow of the state system.” On June 3, 1907, the tsar's manifesto was published on the dissolution of the Second State Duma and changes in the election regulations.

March 6 – 20 years ago(in 1992) The Presidium of the Moscow Soviet makes a decision on returning historical names and renaming some streets in Moscow. In particular, Kuibyshevsky Proezd became Bogoyavlensky Lane, Sapunov Proezd - Vetoshny Lane, Kropotkinsky Gate Square - Prechistensky Gate Square. Dobryninskaya Square was named Serpukhovskaya, Oktyabrskaya Square - Kaluzhskaya, Leninskaya Square - Paveletskaya, Bauman Square - Yelokhovskaya, st. Dimitrova street became Bolshaya Yakimanka, Maurice Thorez embankment was renamed Sofia embankment.

March 8 – 100 years back in Moscow The Animal Theater opened. , or “Grandfather Durov’s Corner”- a theater in Moscow in which a variety of animals perform as actors. Its creator was the famous circus artist, satirical clown, trainer, writer, animal psychologist Vladimir Leonidovich Durov (1863-1934), who developed his own training method - he abandoned the whip and stick when working with animals. “Cruelty humiliates, only kindness can be beautiful,” said Durov, who in 1927 became the first honored circus artist of Russia.

To popularize scientific methods training based on the theory of conditioned reflexes and created his own “animal corner”, located in the house where he lived in 1908-1934. The “Kroshka” theater was opened here, on the stage of which animals and birds performed, an extensive natural science museum and an animal psychological laboratory, where the most famous scientists worked: academicians, professors, etc.

Until 1982 the theater was called Ugolok. Durov, in 1982 it was renamed the Animal Theater named after. , in 1992 transformed into the Moscow Theater Complex Center “Grandfather Durov’s Wonderland”. Today's name is the Theater "Grandfather Durov's Corner".

In 1934-1978, the theater was led by Sadovskaya (1900-1978), and from 1978 she headed it (1934-2007). Currently the artistic director and chief director is National artist RF Yuri Yurievich Durov.

In 1980, a new theater building was built (architects L. I. Gorbunova), which connected the old buildings of the late 19th - early 20th centuries into a single complex. with a modern theater space, a winter menagerie and open-air pavilions. The building is decorated with sculptures of animals made from copper sheets.

Today “Grandfather Durov’s Corner” includes the Big and Small stages, the Mouse Railway", as well as a theater museum. The motto of the Corner has always been: “While entertaining, teach!” The theater's repertoire includes the following performances: “Visiting Grandfather Durov”, “The Book of Wanderings”, “Moscow Four-Legged Rescuers”, “The Scarlet Flower”, “Missing Colors”, etc.

10th of March -167 years from the day of birth AlexandraIII(1845–1894), Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland from March 1 (13), 1881.

The foundations of the museum were laid by the Moscow Conservatory, where manuscripts, sheet music, scores, personal belongings of musicians, their musical instruments, and photographs were accumulated for many years. Gradually, an extensive fund accumulated that required special storage. These exhibits became the basis for the creation of a museum at the Moscow Conservatory, which was named in memory of the founder of the conservatory, pianist, conductor, public figure and its first director.

In 1943 the museum received the status of the Central Museum of Musical Culture. In 1954 he was given a name. In 1964 the Museum named after. moved to another building, taking with him all the funds accumulated by that time, and left the Moscow Conservatory. In 1980, construction of a new museum building with a concert hall was completed, in which an organ was installed. Since 1985, permanent exhibitions began to open in the museum.

On February 1, 1992, the museum was restored within the structure of the Moscow State Conservatory. . In 1995, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the museum was included in the State Code of Especially Valuable Objects of the Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation. By decision of the MGK Council dated January 1, 2001, his name was returned. Nowadays the museum is a complex of the main premises and several branches that serve as a repository for valuable exhibits and a research and educational institution. In 1995, a Musical Lounge was opened at the museum, where musical meetings are held dedicated to memorable dates in the history of the Moscow Conservatory and the work of its outstanding figures.


1. Zorina, Angelina Petrovna. The Mighty Handful: A Brief Essay. - Moscow: Music,

2. Musicians of Russia: reference book / [comp. ]. - Moscow: New textbook: Moscow textbooks, 20 p.

3. Khoprova, A.G.: a brief sketch of life and creativity. - Leningrad: Muzgiz, 1963. – 116 p.

March 15 – 22 years ago(in 1990) elected President of the USSR Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev(March 2, 1931, Privolnoye, North Caucasus Territory, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet and world political and public figure. Head of the CPSU and the Soviet Union. The first and last president of the USSR. Founder of the Gorbachev Foundation.

Gorbachev’s activities as head of the CPSU and the state are inextricably linked in the minds of his contemporaries:

A large-scale attempt to reform the USSR (“perestroika”), which ended with its collapse, the collapse of the world socialist system and the end of the Cold War.

Introduction of the policy of glasnost, freedom of speech and press into the USSR.

Conclusion Soviet troops from Afghanistan (1989).

Russian public opinion in assessing the activities of Mikhail Gorbachev is extremely polarized.

March 17 – 90 years ago(in 1922) the State Museum-Reserve was founded in the village. Mikhailovskoye, Pskov region. Nowadays it is the State Memorial Historical-Literary and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve "Mikhailovskoye" (Pushkin Reserve).

March 19 – 90 years ago(1922) - put into operation Shukhov Tower- support for placing radio station antennas on the street. Shabolovka in Moscow. The radio station transmitted its call signs, which were received both on the outskirts of the republic and by many European radio stations. Built in 1919-1922 according to the design and under the leadership of Vladimir Georgievich Shukhov (1853-1939).

The Shukhov Tower is considered one of the most beautiful buildings of this type, outstanding achievement engineering thought. The height of the tower is 148 m (with a flagpole - 160 m). According to the original project (1919), it was supposed to reach 350 m, but due to limited funds, the project was not fully implemented. The shape of the tower is a single-sheet hyperboloid of revolution. The steel mesh shell of the Shukhov Tower on Shabolovka, due to its “airiness,” experiences minimal wind load. The openwork steel structure combines strength and lightness: three times less metal was used per unit height of the Shukhov Tower than per unit height of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. It was erected without scaffolding, by telescopic lifting of sections. All metal parts of the tower are connected to each other by riveting, ensuring long-term operation of the structure.


1. . One hundred great Russian inventions. - Moscow: Veche, 20s. : ill. - (One hundred great ones).

January 25 is Russian Student Day; February 15 is the Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed their official duties outside the Fatherland; (paragraph introduced by Federal Law dated November 29, 2010 N 320 FZ) April 12 is Cosmonautics Day; April 26th Participants Day... ... Official terminology

Officially established holidays in Russia, professional holidays, memorable days, memorable dates and days of military glory (victory days) of Russia Non-working holidays in Russia additional days off related to holidays.... ... Wikipedia

Tsagan Sar national holiday of Kalmykia, 03/5/2011, Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni, Elista, Kalmykia ... Wikipedia

Commemorative coins with a face value of 50 tenge have been minted by the National Bank of Kazakhstan from nickel silver since 1999, when a coin was issued to commemorate the solemn welcoming of the third millennium by Kazakhstan. In 2009, a series of gold coins was issued... ... Wikipedia

Commemorative coins of the Bank of Russia dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Main article: Commemorative coins of Russia Series: “Great Patriotic War» Contents 1 Milestones of the Second World War 1.1 Northern Convoy ... Wikipedia

Commemorative coins with a face value of 100 tenge have been issued by the National Bank of Kazakhstan since 1995, when five varieties of coins were issued dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev. These coins were the first in Kazakhstan minted as... ... Wikipedia

Commemorative coins with a face value of 20 tenge were issued in Kazakhstan from 1995 to 1999 from nickel silver. On November 27, 2009, a gold investment coin “Golden Leopard” of this denomination was released into circulation. Contents 1 List of coins 1 ... Wikipedia

2 euros, commemorative coins (European Union) Denomination: 2 euros ... Wikipedia

2 Euro, commemorative coins (European Union) Denomination: 2 Euro Diameter ... Wikipedia

Commemorative stamp of the Faroe Islands (1998), dedicated to the Year of Human Rights Commemorative stamp, or commemorative stamp, or commemorative (from the French comme as in memoria memory), a commemorative postage stamp issued to commemorate the event, ... ... Wikipedia


  • Set of posters "Days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia". 16 posters with method. accompaniment , . The posters and methodological support presented in the set are an opportunity for the teacher, by aesthetically designing a patriotic corner, to create conditions for studying the heroic chronicle...
  • Texts for presentations and lesson notes in the Russian language. Holidays and memorable dates of Russia, Zurobyan Sarkis Antonovich. The manual presents educational and practical material for working on coherent speech with students of special (correctional) classes 5-7 educational institutions, taking into account the common ones with the mass...
  • Texts for presentations and lesson notes in the Russian language Holidays and memorable dates in Russia Practical manual for special correctional educational institutions, Zurobyan S.. The manual presents educational and practical material for working on coherent speech with students in grades 5-7 of special (correctional) educational institutions, taking into account the common ones with the mass...