All about the railroad. For future railway workers: quiz questions for children, schoolchildren about the railway, railway professions. Choice of profession. Career guidance in kindergarten, school. Extracurricular work. Right on schedule


What was the name of the railroad in the old days?
a) a tin;

b) cast iron;

c) Silver;

d) Glass.

(Iron iron, iron.)

What was the name of a steam locomotive in ancient times?
a) steamboat;
b) Self-propelled;
c) chimney;
d) flight.
(That's how the steam locomotive is called in "A Passing Song" to the words of N.V. Kukolnik and the music of M.I. Glinka.)

Name the first tsar who started building railways in Russia.

a) Ivan VI;

b) Peter I;

c) Nicholas I;

d) Alexander II.

(In November 1851, the St. Petersburg-Moscow road was opened, built in 9 years by Russian engineers. Alexander II, who ascended the throne in 1855, gave the road the name Nikolaevskaya - after the name of his father Nicholas I, the first tsar who began building railways in Russia.)

In what year was the professional holiday Railwayman's Day established in Russia?

a) In 1896;

b) In 1917;

c) In 1936;

d) In 1985.

(Railroader's Day was timed to coincide with the birthday of Emperor Nicholas I, who began the construction of railways. During his reign, the first pleasure railway to Tsarskoye Selo, the first all-Russian highway from St. Petersburg to Moscow, was built. This holiday in those years, until 1917 year, was celebrated on June 25. The festive tradition was revived in the USSR only after 20 years of oblivion - in 1936.)

What trains were there before?
a) accounting;

b) Doctoral;

c) Courier;

d) banking.
(That's how express trains used to be called.)

What was the name of the railroad workers in the century before last?

a) coachmen;

b) drivers;
c) Travelers;

d) plantains.

Which of these professions exist?
a) highway flyer;

b) Path walker;
c) Overseer of the roads;

d) Apron controller.
(This is a railway worker who regularly bypasses the section of the railway track assigned to him for the purpose of observation and protection.)

Professional suitcase carrier at the railway station- who is this?
a) carrier;

b) Nesun ;
c) Porter;

G) Wanderer.

What position is in the staffing of the railway station?
a) Compiler of rails;

b) Compiler of protocols;
c) Compiler of trains;

G) Suitcase maker.

What is the name of the chief conductor of a passenger train?
a) foreman;

b) foreman ;
c) Brigadier;

G) Superconductor.

What serves to attach rails to wooden sleepers or beams?

a) cane;

b) Crutch;

c) Vulture;

d) Spear.

(Travel crutch.)

What is the section of the travel crutch?

a) round;

b) triangular;

c) Oval;

d) square.

(A travel crutch is a square-section steel rod with an oval head and an end beveled on both sides; they are commonly replaced by screws.)

How do railroad workers stop cars?
a) shoes;

b) boots ;
c) heels;

G) Heels.
(A shoe is a device placed on a rail to stop the wheels. Hence the name of the railway profession - a shoemaker.)

Rail cars have brakes... What?

a) Sleeves;

b) Pockets;

c) Belts;

d) lamps.

(Connecting brake hoses forming the brake line an air duct system located under the bottom of the car or train, into which air is supplied from the locomotive compressor and contributes to train braking.)

What is on the roof of an electric locomotive and trains?

a) Pantograph;

b) Cardiograph;

c) Polygraph;

d) Autograph.

(This is a pantograph with a lifting mechanism in the form of an articulated multi-link. It serves to ensure a reliable electrical connection with the contact wire of the contact network of the electric rolling stock of railways. The name of the pantograph comes from a similar device for copying drawings, hence the word root-graph.)

What device allows the rolling stock (trains) to move from the main track to adjacent ones?
a) Arrow;
b) Barrier;
c) Semaphore;
d) shoe.
(Runner switch.)

Which of these concepts does NOT exist?
a) railway junction;
b) Railway line;
c) railroad tracks;
d) Railway spokes.

What is the name of the end of the railroad track?

a) Node;

b) Departure;

c) driving;

d) dead end.

What is the name of the part of the railway line between adjacent stations?

a) run;

b) Driving;

c) rental;

d) mileage.

What is the name of a rolling stock unit specially designed for traction of trains and not adapted in itself for the transport of passengers or goods?
a) Dynamo;
b) Locomotive;
c) Diesel;
d) Motrice.

What type of locomotives does NOT exist on Russian railways?
a) Passenger;
b) Freight;
c) shunting;
d) Sports.

What is the name of the voluntary sports society of railway workers, founded in the USSR in 1936?
a) "Locomotive";
b) "Beep";
c) "Semaphore";
d) Express.
(Now the Russian physical culture and sports society "Lokomotiv" RFSO "Lokomotiv".)

What is a locomotive driver called?
a) driver;

b) Motorist;

c) Dispatcher;

d) coach.

What is the name of the company that carries out the maintenance and repair of rolling stock of railways?
a) Hangar;
b) Garage;
c) Depot;
d) stall.

Which freight wagons are designed to transport liquid cargo?

a) hoppers;

b) Dumpcars;

c) Tanks;

d) gondola cars.

(Hoppers - for bulk bulk cargoes, dump cars - for transportation and automated unloading of mining and earthen rocks, gondola cars - for bulk, stacked and piece cargoes that do not require weather protection.)

Which wagons make up the majority of the wagon fleet in terms of the number of wheel pairs (axles)?

a) Biaxial;

b) Four-axle;

c) Six-axle;

c) Eight axles.

What is the name of the central railroad newspaper founded in 1917?
a) "Beep";

b) "Siren" ;
c) "Whistle";

G) "Gong".

What railroads exist?

a) monorail;

b) stereorail;

c) Multirail;

d) Trackless.

(Formerly called a single-rail railway.)

Which of these phraseological units was NOT born in the railway environment?
a) Move the arrows (to someone);
b) Jump into the last car;
c) Run ahead of the locomotive;
d) Strike while the iron is hot.

(“Transfer arrows” - shift your blame, responsibility to another. “Jump into the last car” - do not be late, be on time, decide on something. “Run ahead of the locomotive” - get ahead of events, disrupt the normal course of the situation. “Forge iron while it's hot" - do not waste time using favorable circumstances.)

What railway is part of Russian Railways?
a) December;
b) May;
c) October;
d) November.
(The office is located in St. Petersburg.)

How many railways in Russia (branches of Russian Railways)?
a) 5;

b) 13;

c) 16;

d) 21.

(East Siberian, Gorky, Far Eastern, Transbaikal, West Siberian, Kaliningrad, Krasnoyarsk, Kuibyshev, Moscow, October, Volga, Sverdlovsk, Northern, North Caucasian, South Eastern, South Ural.)

In what city is the Vitebsk railway station located - the very first railway station in Russia?
a) in Moscow;
b) in St. Petersburg;
c) in Yekaterinburg;
d) In Krasnodar.
(The first one-story wooden building of the Vitebsk railway station was erected in 1837 for the first Tsarskoye Selo railway in Russia, which connected St. Petersburg and Tsarskoye Selo. The original name was Tsarskoselsky, then Detskoselsky.)

How many main railway stations are there in Moscow?
a) 3;

b) 5;

at 7;

d) 9.

(Belarusian, Kazan, Kiev, Kursk, Leningrad, Paveletsky, Riga, Savelovsky, Yaroslavl.)

What is the unofficial name of Komsomolskaya Square in Moscow?

a) The area of ​​two stations;

b) The area of ​​three stations;

c) The area of ​​five stations;

d) The area of ​​seven stations.

Which station is not on Komsomolskaya Square (Square of Three Stations) in Moscow?

a) Leningradsky;

b) Kyiv;

c) Yaroslavsky;

d) Kazan.

The railway station of which Russian city is the tallest station building in Europe and the largest station in Russia?
a) Chelyabinsk;
b) Yekaterinburg;
c) Samara;
d) Rostov-on-Don.
(The height of the Samara railway station with a spire is 100 meters.)

Name the most railway city in Russia, in which every fourth inhabitant is a railway worker.

a) Tambov;

b) Lipetsk;

c) Liski;

d) Balashov.

(City in Voronezh region, which is a major railway junction. The emblem of the city depicts a winged wheel a symbol of the decisive role of railways in the development of the city.)

What is the route of the main train of the country with the name "Russia"?
a) Moscow - St. Petersburg;
b) Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod;
c) Moscow - Vladivostok;
d) Moscow - Chelyabinsk.
(The train "Russia" is the longest railway passenger route on the planet, passing through the territory of one country. Length of the route 9259 km. The train crosses almost all of Eurasia by land, passes through 14 regions, 90 cities, 8 time zones. It is on the way for 6 days.)

What is the name of train number 1, running between Moscow and St. Petersburg?
a) "Red Arrow";

b) "White Nights";

c) "Lotus";

d) "Amber".

(The train "White Nights" runs along the route St. Petersburg - Vologda, "Lotos" - along the route Astrakhan - Moscow, "Yantar" - along the route Kaliningrad - Moscow.)

Which of the following rivers is NOT crossed by the passenger train "Red Arrow"?
a) Volga;

b) Volkhov;
c) Msta;

d) Don.

What is the bird name of the high-speed electric train MoscowSaint Petersburg?

a) "Hawk";

b) "Swift";

c) "Sapsan";

d) Falcon.

Where is the Central Museum of Russian Railway Transport located?

a) in Moscow;

b) in St. Petersburg;

c) in Samara;

d) in Novosibirsk.

What railways are in the Russian Railways system?

a) toys;

b) Children;

c) Junior;

d) Student.

(Children's railways are institutions of additional education for children in which children aged 8-15 study railway specialties. The main part of the Children's Railway is a narrow-gauge railway line, where practical classes for young railway workers take place.)

How many children's railways are currently operating in the Russian Railways system?
a) 5;
b) 10;
in 20;
d) 25.

Which Children's Railway (Children's Railway) is the longest in Russia?
a) Svobodnenskaya ChRW;
b) Krasnoyarsk Children's Railway;
c) Kazanskaya;
d) Chelyabinsk.
(In the city of Svobodny, in the Amur Region of the Russian Federation. It is part of the Trans-Baikal Railway. Its length is 11.4 km. The Krasnoyarsk Children's Railway is the first "small" road in Russia. Its length is the smallest - 1300 m.)

Which of these Russian writers was a railway engineer who worked on the construction of the largest Russian railways?

a) Mamin-Sibiryak;

b) Garin-Mikhailovsky;

c) Chekhov;

d) Kuprin.

(The fourth story of the tetralogy by N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky, the first three parts of which are called "Tyoma's Childhood", "Gymnasium students", "Students", is called "Engineers". In honor of the writer, the area near the railway station of Novosibirsk and the station of Novosibirsk subway.)

In Voronezh, on the centenary of the birth of this writer, who devoted many years to the service in the South-Eastern railway, a memorial plaque with the following text was opened on the building of the railway station: Voronezh is the birthplace of the writer ... - the author of many works about railway workers? Say his name.
a) Andrey Platonov;

b) Ivan Nikitin;

c) Alexander Kuprin;

d) Alexey Koltsov.

How does the title of the story by A.S. Pushkin "Station ..."?
a) Observer;

b) Caretaker;
c) Browser;

d) Overseer.

What is the name of the historical station of the Oktyabrskaya railway?

a) the coast;

b) Omut;

c) Bottom;

d) Mel.

(The famous abdication took place at this station. It has been known to everyone since childhood, because it was here that a certain dog was found missing from a lady who checked in her luggage.)

Such a familiar thing for us is the railway! One of the most reliable and affordable and loved by many modes of transport. Bought a train ticket, came to the station. Now no one remembers that when the railway between St. Petersburg and Moscow was opened, travel was made free for the first three days precisely because everyone was afraid of this “terrible thing”.

On average, each of us 9 times a year becomes a passenger of the railway. The average number of Russian Railways passengers per year is 1 billion 300 million.

The most notable railway is the Trans-Siberian Railway. It is the longest in the world. From Moscow to Nakhodka - 9438 km and 97 major stations. The Rossiya branded train runs along this route, which is on the road for 8 days 4 hours and 25 minutes.

The very middle of the Trans-Siberian Railway is called the station Polovina. It is the same distance from Moscow and Vladivostok.

The coldest section of the Trans-Siberian Railway is located between the Mogocha and Skovorodino stations. The temperature here reaches -62 degrees. Although geographically it is not the northernmost point of the highway.

And the highest point where the rails of the Trans-Siberian Railway are laid lies at an altitude of 1040 m, between the Turgutui and Yablonovaya stations. This is 6110 km, Yablonovy pass.

The longest freight train was 6.5 km long, consisted of 440 wagons and regularly transported 42,000 tons of coal from Ekibastuz to the Urals back in Soviet times. On the other side of the world, in South Africa, another record was set in 1989: a 7.3 km long train consisting of 660 wagons. True, the experiment was not repeated again. The wheel didn't last.

The first railway in Russia was a freight one, 2 km long. They built it in the Urals, at the Kolyvanovsky plant, and it worked on horse-drawn traction. The first passenger road was Tsarskoselskaya, known to everyone.

The speed of the first passenger trains in the 19th century was 33 km/h. And the railway workers at that time were a kind of elite: they were treated, for example, in the early 20th century to aviators, or in the 60s to astronauts. Modern trains can develop up to 580 km/h.

The requirements for hiring linemen have not changed during this time: they must have a good ear for music, because they determine the malfunction of the wheel by changing the tone when it is tapped.

According to statistics, the railway is 45 times safer than a car. For those who are still worried, experts advise choosing cars in the middle of the train, and in seated cars - buy a train ticket for seats against the movement.

Thrill-seekers are invited to Argentina. The legendary Patagonia Express train, specially restored for tourists, runs there. In addition to vivid impressions of local landscapes, you can suddenly find yourself a participant in an action called “Train Robbery” :)

IN South America many surprises. For example, German engineers who surveyed the Isthmus of Panama for the construction of the Trans-American Railway said that it was unprofitable to make rails from local iron. Gold is the more affordable metal here...

Land transport.

Railway transport- a type of transport that transports goods on rail tracks in wagons (trains) using locomotive traction. railway track - a complex of structures and devices that form a road with a guide rail track for the movement of rolling stock of railway transport. The main elements of the railway track: superstructure, subgrade, engineering structures (bridges, tunnels ...).

Rail transport refers to the inland mode of transport. Serving transportation in the states of any region, it acquires the significance of an international mode of transport. Railways do not always form single system due to different track widths. In the Russian Federation, the gauge corresponds to the Western European one, but is wider than the Eastern European one.

Advantages railway transport: high throughput and carrying capacity; reliability due to independence from climatic conditions(exception - breakage of electrical wires when natural disasters); the possibility of building communication lines on any land and water territory in the presence of ferries; direct connection with industrial and agricultural enterprises of any sectors of the economy (individual sectors have their own access roads for access to the main network); mass transportation combined with low cost and a fairly high speed of delivery; a shorter route compared to natural water transport routes.

Flaws railway transport: "binding" to the track; high initial cost of fixed assets (a wagon is more expensive than a car, but cheaper than an air or sea vessel); high metal consumption, labor intensity, low labor productivity.

The technology of rail transport is complex. This is due to the binding to the railway track. The basis of the technology of work is the theory of schedules (traffic schedule); plan for the formation of trains in the directions of movement; an agreed plan for the formation of trains on the main line with a schedule for the operation of access roads of enterprises that have a connection with the main railway network.

Principles of operation of railways:

1. another train cannot enter the busy haul (to increase the throughput, the hauls are divided into sections);

2. movement is carried out only by trains (passenger, freight, postal, mixed), which are reorganized along the route of movement;

3. goods move between marshalling yards where trains are re-formed;

4. management of the transport process is carried out through the dispatch center;

5. the locomotive crew is changed after 100 - 120 km (water intake is required after 600 - 800 km); modern traction allows you to change the crew after 200 - 300 km, and the locomotive - after 1000 km;

6. transportation takes place at different gauges;

7. shipments of goods - carloads, small batches, train or block trains (typical for the transportation of bulk cargoes).

The rolling stock of railway transport includes: locomotives (freight, shunting, commuter and subway electric trains) and wagons (freight, passenger, special, specialized by type of cargo).

The emergence and development of railway transport dates back to the first half of the 19th century. and is associated with the rapid growth of the capitalist mode of production. The birthplace of this type of transport is Great Britain.

The first public railway in Russia with a length of only 26 km St. Petersburg - Tsarskoye Selo - Pavlovsk was put into operation in 1837 and had a purely demonstration value. Three years earlier, the factory railway in Nizhny Tagil began to operate. Russia was 10-12 years late in the organization of railway communication in comparison with the developed countries of that time.

The full-scale beginning of the formation of the domestic railway network dates back to 1851. Then the two-track railway line St. Petersburg - Moscow was put into operation. Subsequently, the construction of highways in radial directions from Moscow (to Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov) began. And also from grain regions to sea export ports of the Baltic and Black Seas. Railway construction in Russia has acquired a particularly large scale in late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century. In the pre-revolutionary period, the main "backbone" of the country's modern railway network was formed. By this time, the Trans-Siberian Railway (Moscow - Vladivostok) and railways connecting Moscow with the Caucasus and Central Asia. The St. Petersburg-Warsaw-Berlin highway connected the capital of Russia with the railway network Western Europe. Highways to Odessa and Murmansk gave St. Petersburg access to the Black and Barents Seas.

IN Soviet period the main emphasis was placed not on the construction of new railways, but on the reconstruction and increase in the capacity of the busiest existing highways. This approach was entirely justified. The concentration of the main cargo and passenger traffic on relatively few highways made it possible to carry out an appropriate concentration of capital investments in their reconstruction and technical re-equipment. The result is a significant reduction in unit costs for the transportation of goods and passengers.

By the end of the 80s. railroads Soviet Union were the busiest in the world. They accounted for about half of the world's rail freight traffic. Moreover, the roads of Russia were distinguished by the most intensive movement of trains. On the territory of our country is the busiest highway in the world - the Trans-Siberian. The maximum freight traffic on it is confined to the section Novosibirsk - Omsk, where in both directions in the pre-crisis 1990 more than 130 million tons of cargo were transported.

The high intensity of traffic on Russian railways has made it possible to carry out such expensive and capital-intensive types of reconstruction as the conversion of railway transport to electric traction.

New railways were built mainly in the newly developed regions of Siberia, the Far East and the European North. To unload the Trans-Siberian, its “understudies” were built - the South Siberian Railway (Abakan - Novokuznetsk - Barnaul - Pavlodar - Tselinograd - Magnitogorsk) and the Central Siberian (Kamen-on-Obi - Kokchetav - Kustanai - Chelyabinsk). A significant part of these roads falls on Kazakhstan. Therefore, today they have interstate significance. Along with internal Russian ties, they play an important role in the international territorial division of labor between Russia and Kazakhstan. Railways were also built to develop the fuel and energy resources of the European (Vorkuta - Konosha) and West Siberian North (Tyumen - Surgut - Urengoy). The most significant road in the territory Eastern Siberia and the Far East is also the northern "understudy" of the Trans-Siberian Railway - the Baikal-Amur Mainline (Taishet - Ust-Kut - Severobaikalsk - Tynda - Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Sovetskaya Gavan). The Small BAM was built - the BAM - Tynda - Berkakit highway. This route gave the South Yakut TPK access to the Trans-Siberian. In the future, it was planned to extend the Small BAM to Yakutsk and further through Susuman to Magadan in order to provide Russia's third railway access to Pacific Ocean. There are projects to connect the "island" Dudinka-Norilsk-Talnakh railway with the main Russian railway network by extending the Tyumen-Surgut-Urengoi line to Dudinka with a bridge across the Yenisei. However, the implementation of all these projects requires large capital investments.

To characterize the operation of railway transport at the present stage of development, not quantitative, but qualitative indicators, in particular, electrification, are becoming increasingly important. In terms of the length of electrified railways, Russia occupies the first place in the world (75.3 thousand km), followed by Germany, France, Italy, India and China. In terms of the length of railways, Russia occupies the 2nd place - 124 thousand km. However, in terms of network density, our country is one of the last places. The railway network is especially rare in Siberia, the Far East and the European North. Although today Russia holds the lead in terms of the total freight turnover of railway transport, however, both the railway network and vehicles are largely worn out and require immediate renewal.

This state of railway transport and railways is the result of a systematic reduction in capital investments in the industry, as well as the practical cessation of the supply of rolling stock and various equipment from the former Soviet republics and countries of people's democracy. Russia, with its vast expanses and large volumes of bulk cargo transportation over long distances, urgently needs well-developed rail transport (high-speed lines with large capacity and modern rolling stock).

The Government of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution on the creation of Russian Railways, the largest transport company, which began economic activity on October 1, 2003. Today, the reform of railway transport is recognized as one of the most successfully developing reforms in the economic sphere. As a result of the implementation of the program of structural reform of railway transport, a breakthrough in the field of passenger transportation was achieved - passenger turnover increased. Already in the first year of the company's operation, the quality of freight transportation was improved: the speed of delivery of goods increased by 6%, the share of shipments of goods delivered just in time exceeded 90%.

The transportation of goods by Russian railways has always been dominated by such bulk cargo as timber and timber, agricultural cargo and, to a large extent, grain and coal. Later - oil and oil products, raw materials, ferrous metal ores and metals, mineral building materials. A much smaller share was made up of manufacturing products. And today this picture has changed little. Nevertheless, over the past 2-3 decades, a very positive trend has emerged - a gradual (very slow) increase in the share of manufacturing products in the total volume of cargo turnover and a decrease in the share of other types of cargo.

The geography of cargo transportation is dominated by cargo flows of fuel and raw materials from Siberia in the western direction (to the European part of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States, as well as the countries of Eastern and Western Europe). There is also a large cargo flow of raw materials from the European North to the middle and south lane Russia.

There is a project underwater tunnel, connecting the Russian Federation with the United States, but so far it has no basis.

In passenger traffic, the Trans-Siberian Railway in its European part, the Moscow-St. Petersburg road, as well as other radial highways diverging from Moscow are especially busy.

Suburban passenger traffic is most developed in the vicinity of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major cities Russia.

At seven largest cities Russia - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Kazan and Novosibirsk - has a subway. Subways are also being built in Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Krasnoyarsk and Ufa. In Volgograd, there is a metrotram - an underground high-speed tram system. Metrotram, despite the tram rolling stock, is actually considered a subway. The total length of Russian metro lines is about 453.0 km, with 280 stations. Subways carry over 4.2 billion passengers annually. This is almost twice the passenger traffic of the entire Russian railway network. Russia ranks third among the countries of the world in terms of the number of cities with operating subways and fourth in terms of the total length of the network. The leading place among Russian subways is occupied by Moscow.

In 1992, the construction of Russia's first high-speed railroad Moscow - St. Petersburg began. Thus, the first high-speed passenger railway line in Russia - VSZhM-1 - a passenger line Moscow - St. Petersburg for the circulation of specialized high-speed trains.

On December 18, 2009, the regular movement of the Sapsan train between Moscow and St. Petersburg began according to the schedule. The initial travel time between the two capitals was 3 hours and 45 minutes. In the future, it was planned to reduce travel time. However, on the contrary, it was increased, and now varies from 3 hours 55 minutes to 4 hours 45 minutes.

The Sapsan high-speed train (Velaro RUS) is a joint project of Russian Railways and Siemens. The first train in Russia was formed from 10 cars. On the way, it develops a speed of up to 250 km / h. At the same time, in tests, it accelerated to 281 km / h. The Sapsan carriages have a two-class layout - tourist and business class. A number of problems in the operation of the train arise due to the fact that high-speed traffic is organized along the same railway lines as conventional trains. In this regard, a decision was made to build Russia's first specialized high-speed railway Moscow - St. Petersburg. By new track trains will be able to run at speeds up to 400 km/h. Completion of construction is scheduled for 2017. Russian Railways also plans to issue a through ticket for passengers of Sapsan (Moscow - St. Petersburg) and Allegro (St. Petersburg - Helsinki) - travel on both trains will be carried out on one ticket.

The second VSZhM of Russia - Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod. The travel time on the route is 3 hours 55 minutes, with a maximum speed of 160 km/h. Along the way, the train makes two-minute stops in Vladimir, as well as in Dzerzhinsk. The first flight was made on July 30, 2010. The traffic intensity is two pairs per day - one pair goes from St. Petersburg to Nizhny Novgorod and back through the Kursky railway station in Moscow. Since September 6, 2010, the second pair has been running from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod from the Kursk railway station and back. Total time the journey takes 7 hours 55 minutes from St. Petersburg to Nizhny Novgorod and 3 hours 55 minutes from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod.

At present, there are projects for the construction of new railway lines, where Sapsan trains will be operated: 1) Moscow-Kazan line; 2) line Moscow - Yaroslavl.

Railways in Russia transport 1 billion 300 million passengers every year. On average, each of us is a train passenger 9 times a year, but this is a very small figure. IN Soviet times this figure reached 15 times a year.

The Trans-Siberian Railway is considered the longest in the world. Its length is almost 9,300 kilometers.

Station "Half" is the very middle of the Trans-Siberian. From this station the same distance, both to Moscow and to Vladivostok.

After the opening of the first railway in Russia (between Moscow and St. Petersburg), the first three days the journey was free. Because no one wanted to ride this "terrible thing."

France still has a law that bans kissing at train stations. The reason for the ban was delays in the departure of trains. The law was issued 100 years ago and still no one has repealed it.

It turns out that linemen who tap the wheels of trains have an ideal ear for music. By changing the tone, they should determine the malfunction of the wheel.

On a train that runs in western Peru, conductors offer passengers an oxygen bag. Because the train goes along the highest mountain railway in the world (at an altitude of more than 3 kilometers).

Once on a railway in Ohio (USA) a train collided with a steamboat. The fact is that Lake Ohio overflowed its banks, and the railway track was under a meter layer of water. However, the driver decided to take the train along the flooded track, but collided with the steamer.

The head of the Bavarian railways in 1910 was forced to issue an order forbidding machinists and stokers to buy beer during stops at stations.

In Argentina, you can now take a tour on the legendary Patagonia Express train, which was restored specifically for tourists. In addition to the impressions of the surrounding landscapes, passengers can become participants in the carefully planned "Train Robbery" action without their consent.

A few years ago, a special "train of love" began to run between Paris and Venice. In the compartment of such a train: VIP-service, there is a TV, a shower cabin and a special double shelf.

Once, a train set off on a tour of Switzerland, on which the cream of Swiss society rode: ministers, deputies, honorary citizens, etc. On the occasion of the celebration, the train was made up of only dining cars. But the organizers did not take into account a small nuance: there are no toilets in Swiss dining cars. Therefore, when the train approached the station, the locals who had gathered to meet him were very surprised: the guests of honor poured out of the doors of the cars like peas.

As you know, some trains have their own name. For example, "Red Arrow", "Russia", "Baikal", etc. Often the names of the trains are given by the passengers themselves: for example, the Rostov-Odessa train is affectionately called by the passengers "Papa - Mama"

The Japanese firm Toshiba built a maglev train. The train is capable of speeds of 517 km/h.

Once a group of German engineers surveyed the Isthmus of Panama in order to build a trans-American railroad. And in the end, she decided that the rails here should be made not from iron, which is rare in these places, but ... from gold.

Third-class carriages on the first Russian railways followed in front of the train and were equipped with hard benches. But passengers were more likely to ride under the benches. Because these cars did not have a roof, and passengers were hiding from bad weather and sparks.

In Australia, a railway was laid on the desert plain, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. It is famous for the fact that over 500 km there is not a single turn on it.

Among the collection of Faberge there is an egg "Trans-Siberian Railway", which contains a clockwork model of the imperial Trans-Siberian train made of gold and platinum.

In the near future, double-deck passenger cars may appear in Russia. Such cars will be much more economical for the railway and much more comfortable for passengers. Each compartment of such a carriage has a shower, toilet and air conditioning.

In Monte Carlo, you can see people meeting trains in anticipation of those who have arrived in the Principality for the first time. After that, passengers are offered money to play, promising a share of the winnings in return. It's all the fault of the sign that newcomers are lucky.

But at the Shibuya station in Japan there is a monument to a dog with a "station master's cap" on his head. The dog was awarded this honor for its feat, for 10 years it met the owner who left by train.

When the first section of the railway between Liverpool and Manchester was built in England, they decided to arrange a kind of competition between five steam locomotives. However, just before the start of the competition, the fifth car was suspended from participation in them "due to an outdated engine." Under the steel sheathing there were hidden ordinary horses.

The longest freight train in the world ran in the Soviet Union on the route Ekibastuz - Ural. The train, 6.5 kilometers long, transported 42,000 tons of coal in 440 wagons.

In the early 90s. such a scam was known: an African was promised emigration to Europe, they took the agreed amount, brought it to Moscow (then it was simple and cheap). And then this African was put on a train, assuring that it was a train to Germany. But in fact, it was a subway train that moved along a circular route. The poor fellow could go for a very long time.

The machinist of the Ahvaz-Tehran train once deserved a severe punishment. His fault was that he did not stop the train during namaz (prayer). Because of this, the passengers were forced to pray in the compartment, moreover, at every turn of the train they had to spin in place.

Experts advise, for security reasons, to give preference to the central carriages when buying tickets. In the event of an accident, they suffer less than the head or tail ones. And also it is better to choose seats against the movement of the train. By the way, according to statistics, trains are 45 times safer than cars.

The maximum speed on the rail track is fixed at around 9851 km/h! It was this speed that was developed during the experiment by a platform with a rocket engine in the state of New Mexico (USA)

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
The ice is fragile on the icy river
As if melting sugar lies;
Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not faded yet,
Yellow and fresh lie like a carpet.
Glorious autumn! frosty nights,
Clear, quiet days...
There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi
And moss swamps, and stumps -
All is well under the moonlight
Everywhere I recognize my dear Rus' ...
I quickly fly along cast-iron rails,
I think my mind...


"Good dad! Why in charm
Keep Vanya smart?
You let me in the moonlight
Show him the truth.
This work, Vanya, was terribly enormous, -
Not on the shoulder alone!
There is a king in the world: this king is merciless,
Hunger is his name.
He leads armies; at sea by ships
Rules; drives people to the artel,
Walks behind the plow, stands behind the shoulders
Stonecutters, weavers.
He drove the masses of the people here.
Many are in a terrible struggle,
Calling to life these barren wilds,
The coffin was found here.
Straight path: the mounds are narrow,
Poles, rails, bridges.
And on the sides, all the bones are Russian ...
How many of them! Vanya, do you know?
Chu! terrible exclamations were heard!
Stomp and gnashing of teeth;
A shadow ran over the frosty glass...
What's there? Crowd of the Dead!
They overtake the cast-iron road,
Then the sides run.
Do you hear the singing? .. "On this moonlit night
We love to see our work!
We tore ourselves under the heat, under the cold,
With an eternally bent back,
Lived in dugouts, fought hunger,
Were cold and wet, sick with scurvy.
We were robbed by literate foremen,
The bosses were crushed, the need was crushing ...
We have endured everything, God's warriors,
Peaceful children of labor!
Brothers! You are reaping our fruits!
We are destined to rot in the earth ...
Do you all remember us, the poor, with kindness
Or have you forgotten for a long time? ..“
Do not be horrified by their wild singing!
From Volkhov, from mother Volga, from Oka,
From different parts of the great state -
These are all your brothers - men!
It's a shame to be shy, to cover yourself with a glove.
You are no longer small! .. Russian hair,
You see, he is standing, exhausted by a fever,
Tall, sick Belarusian:
Lips bloodless, eyelids fallen,
Ulcers on skinny arms
Forever knee-deep in water
The legs are swollen; tangle in hair;
I am pitting my chest, which is diligently on the spade
From day to day leaned all century ...
You look at him, Vanya, carefully:
It was difficult for a man to get his bread!
Didn't straighten his hunchbacked back
He is still: stupidly silent
And mechanically rusty shovel
Frozen ground hammering!
This noble habit of work
We would not be bad to adopt with you ...
Bless the work of the people
And learn to respect the man.
Do not be shy for the dear homeland ...
The Russian people carried enough
Carried out this railroad -
Will endure whatever the Lord sends!
Will endure everything - and wide, clear
He will pave the way for himself with his chest.
The only pity is to live in this beautiful time
You won't have to, neither me nor you.


At this moment the whistle is deafening
He squealed - the crowd of the dead disappeared!
"I saw, dad, I'm an amazing dream, -
Vanya said - five thousand men,
Russian tribes and breeds representatives
Suddenly appeared - and He he told me:
“Here they are, the builders of our road!..””
The general laughed!
- I was recently in the groans of the Vatican,
I wandered around the Colosseum for two nights,
I saw Saint Stephen in Vienna,
Well... did the people create all this?
Excuse me this impudent laugh,
Your logic is a bit wild.
Or for you Apollo Belvedere
Worse than an oven pot?
Here are your people - these terms and baths,
A miracle of art - he pulled everything away! —
"I'm not talking for you, but for Vanya..."
But the general did not object:
- Your Slav, Anglo-Saxon and German
Do not create - destroy the master,
Barbarians! a wild crowd of drunkards! ..
However, it's time to take care of Vanyusha;
You know, the spectacle of death, sadness
It is a sin to revolt a child's heart.
Would you show the child now
Light side...


“Glad to show!
Listen, my dear: fatal works
It's over - the German is already laying the rails.
The dead are buried in the ground; sick
Hidden in dugouts; working people
Gathered in a close crowd at the office ...
They scratched their heads hard:
Each contractor must remain,
Truant days have become a penny!
Everything was entered by ten's men in a book -
Did he take a bath, was the patient lying:
"Maybe there's just too much here now,
Yes, you go! .. “They waved their hands ...
In a blue caftan - a venerable meadowsweet,
Fat, squat, red as copper,
A contractor is walking along the line on a holiday,
He goes to see his work.
The idle people make way decorously...
Sweat wipes the merchant from the face
And he says, akimbo pictorially:
"Okay ... something ... well done! .. well done! ..
With God, now go home - congratulations!
(Hats off - if I say!)
I expose a barrel of wine to workers
AND - I donate arrears!
Someone cheered. Picked up
Louder, friendlier, longer... Look:
With a song, the foremen rolled a barrel ...
Here even the lazy could not resist!
Unharnessed the people of the horses - and the merchant
With a cry of "Hurrah!" I rushed along the road ...
Seems hard to please the picture
Draw, general? .. "