Huygens–Fresnel principle

Huygens–Fresnel principle

Formulate the Huygens-Fresnel principle. 1. all secondary sources of the wave front emanating from one source are coherent with each other; 2. for secondary...
How much is the speed of sound in km per hour

How much is the speed of sound in km per hour

The first attempts to understand the nature of the origin of sound were made more than two thousand years ago. The works of the ancient Greek scientists Ptolemy and Aristotle make...
The speed of light and methods for determining it

The speed of light and methods for determining it

There are various methods for measuring the speed of light, including astronomical ones and using various experimental techniques. Measurement accuracy...
Let's figure it out: why can't anything be faster than light?

Let's figure it out: why can't anything be faster than light?

As you know, photons, the particles of light that make up light, move at the speed of light. The special theory of relativity will help us in this matter. IN...

"A good person is not a profession

Many clients come up with the topic “Difficulties in professional relationships.” This is a manager - subordinate, colleagues, partners. People don’t succeed...
An extraordinary personality is a person with outstanding abilities

An extraordinary personality is a person with outstanding abilities

Extraordinary ... Spelling dictionary-reference book Exceptional, extraordinary, outstanding, rare, rare, rare, remarkable, phenomenal,...
The most terrible planets in the universe The most terrible things in the universe

The most terrible planets in the universe The most terrible things in the universe

The most terrible planets in the Universe are presented. Space exploration is a great adventure. Its secrets have always fascinated us, and new discoveries will come...
King Thrushbeard's Revenge

King Thrushbeard's Revenge

Brothers Grimm King Thrushbeard was once a Princess. She was very beautiful, but very, very capricious. The king was tired of his daughter’s whims and decided to give her away...
Physical dictations type II

Physical dictations type II

Search results:Physics. 7th grade Maron ... Maron A.E., Maron Physics. 7th grade . Independent and test work... 7th grade....
What the planets look like: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

What the planets look like: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

The most important (and most massive!) member of the Solar System is the Sun itself. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the great luminary occupies the central place in the solar system...