Teaching local history at school. School local history Which teacher deals with local history at school?

Various contents were introduced into the concept of “local history”. In the 20s of the XX century. it was considered as a method of synthetic study of a specific, relatively small territory, allocated according to administrative, political or economic characteristics (1). In the 1930s, local history was defined as “ social movement, uniting the local working population, actively participating in the social construction of the entire region on the basis of a comprehensive study of it” (2). There were also statements about it as a special science, a subject of teaching.

A.S. Barkov said that “local history is a complex scientific disciplines, different in content and particular research methods, but in their totality leading to a scientific and comprehensive knowledge of the region in the interests of socialist construction” (3).

Local history is studied by historians, naturalists, language and literature specialists, architects, and artists. Therefore, “local history can be different: historical, natural history, etc., up to archaeological” (4).

However, in no other science does it find such suitable research methods as in geography. A.S. Barkov believed that “the object and methods of studying geography and local history coincide. The latter can and should be considered as “small geography”, more precisely, as small regional studies.” L.S. Berg calls local history the geography of the native land (1).

Speaking about local history, it is most often understood as geographical local history, the task of which includes a comprehensive, synthesized study of the native land. In local history, as in geography, the subject of study is locality, territory. The term “local history” itself means that the territory defined by the concept “native land” is being studied.

“Geographical study of the local region is necessary for all subject specialists, and a geographer can and should, by linking various observations with geography, become a natural unifying center of general local history work” (2) (A. S. Barkov).

Based on the objectives of local history, it is necessary to distinguish according to the forms of its organization. In the process of development, state, school and public local history emerged.

IN state local history The study of the region is the responsibility of the executive committees of the Soviets of Working People's Deputies, local history museums and research institutions. In school local history, the main role in the study belongs to students under the guidance of a teacher. The local population, as well as tourists organized for this useful activity by trade union organizations, can study the region. Houses of culture, clubs; in the latter case, local history is called public.

The essence of school local history lies in the comprehensive study by students for educational purposes of a certain territory of their region from various sources and mainly on the basis of direct observations under the guidance of a teacher.

School local history differs from public local history in that it is carried out only by students and develops in accordance with the educational and educational objectives of the school. One of the conditions for school local history is the leading participation of the teacher in it. Based on the program, the composition of class students and local opportunities, he determines objects for research, types and methods of work, organizes students to study the region and supervises their work.

1. Diagram showing the structure of school local history.

Therefore, the successful results of school local history largely depend on the extent to which the teacher himself is a local historian and how he can interest his students. The teacher must know the region well, study it systematically and have knowledge of local history work with schoolchildren. Local history also brings great benefits to the teacher himself. By engaging in local history work with children, he is enriched with knowledge, and his pedagogical skills improve; he gets to know the population better, the parents of his students, studies the work of local organizations and enterprises, thereby increasing his role in the economic and cultural construction of his native city and village. Local history for a teacher is the right path to scientific research.

In the process of local history work, students independently learn educational material and acquire skills necessary in life, prepare for practical activities and expand general educational knowledge.

In teaching geography, local history is one of the means of implementing educational training. Work related to the study of the native land helps the formation of geographical concepts. Material about the nature of the region, economic activity the local population can be used as examples and illustrations in lessons; in their region there are more opportunities and conditions for the practical application of acquired knowledge.

Thus, school local history must be considered not only as an activity of students aimed at studying the region, but also as one of the conditions that ensures the teaching of geography using specific life material. Establishing a connection between the geography material studied at school and the knowledge and skills acquired as a result of research in one’s native land is the essence of the local history principle in teaching.

In school local history, one should always keep in mind its educational value. In this regard, educational local history is distinguished, its content and nature are determined by the curriculum, and non-curricular local history, the tasks and content of which are built in accordance with the educational work plan of the school. Work related to educational local history is carried out in the classroom and outside the classroom, for example, on a geographical site or during a field trip. But the participation of schoolchildren from the entire class is mandatory. Schoolchildren take part in non-program local history on a voluntary basis. These are hiking trips around your region, school expeditions, etc.

The organization and attitude to the curriculum of these two types of school local history are different, but nevertheless they are very connected with each other, since when studying the native land for a comprehensive description of it for educational purposes, during a program excursion and during a tourist trip, local history material is collected , all kinds of work are carried out to observe local phenomena and objects, etc. What is also common is the mandatory supervision of the teacher for all work.

Educational local history pursues two objectives: one of them is a comprehensive study of one’s locality and the accumulation of local history material, the other is the use of this material in teaching. They are very connected with each other: the solution of the first opens the way for the second. The mandatory use of acquired local history knowledge in teaching is the main purpose of school local history.

Local history creates conditions for a better perception of natural and social phenomena. Students use private facts available to them to learn about general phenomena and, in the figurative expression of N.N. Baransky, can “see the world in a drop of water.”

The local history principle makes it possible to structure the teaching of geography according to the didactic rule: “from the known to the unknown,” “from close to distant.” Having an idea of ​​nature and its patterns, as well as the population and economy of the native land, it is easier to assimilate the geography of more remote areas of the entire Soviet Union, as well as foreign countries. The specific manifestation of the processes of development of the geographical environment in the immediate vicinity of the school and their study help the formation of correct ideas about many subjects, about the phenomena occurring in geographical envelope Earth, including those that are inaccessible for direct observation. The native land, its geographical complex and the individual components that make it up, thus serve as that already known and understandable model, a constant standard of sorts, to which the teacher can successfully resort to for explanations, comparisons and illustrations in teaching geography; and the work of students in studying the region is a means for direct knowledge of geographical phenomena.

The main purpose of the local history principle is to enable students in familiar areas, in everyday settings, to observe geographic reality in the relationships and connections of its individual components and to use the results of observations in lessons to form concepts based on the received real ideas that form the basis of geographical science. Thanks to this, the abstractness of geographical concepts and their mechanical assimilation are eliminated.

There are many concepts in the school geography course that can only be learned on the basis of local history material. The experience of many teachers shows that concepts about river flow, valley structure, soil, and others are well absorbed if students study them independently in real life.

Teaching using local history material greatly facilitates the acquisition of geographical concepts. Based on specific knowledge about their native land, students expand their understanding to understand scientific patterns. So, for example, ideas about surface shapes will be correct if they are formed in the process of their direct study and observation. And vice versa, they will always remain conditional and therefore fragile if they were created only on the basis of descriptions from a teacher or textbook. At school, one often observes how a student, straining his memory, tries to retell the phrases of the textbook or the teacher’s explanations, and with severe limitation and impoverishment. This is natural, since the verbal-abstract type of memory is less developed in children. And vice versa, the student will freely reproduce what he saw in reality, necessarily connecting it with the teacher’s story, since by association it will be remembered due to the fact that visual-motor memorization is more developed in children. Therefore, the brighter and clearer the local history material, the more it helps students learn the school course in geography, the higher its pedagogical value.

Local history makes it possible to connect many issues from different disciplines with each other and use them for practical purposes. An example of such an interdisciplinary connection could be work on mapping one’s area, when mathematics or work on studying local soils provides great assistance in solving geographic issues, which can give good results if knowledge of chemistry and biology is applied. Local history work is very connected by the study of geography and history. Scientific value geographical characteristics, especially in economic geography, will only have if they are carried out in historically. It is also impossible to imagine that simultaneously with geographical studies there was no acquaintance with the historical objects of the native land. Equally, putting the issues of the history of the region in the first place, one cannot help but be interested in its geography.

The implementation of the local history principle in teaching helps to connect the theoretical knowledge acquired within the walls of the school with practical application eg: meteorological observations for Agriculture, monitoring the river regime for the safety of crossings, collecting useful wild plants for economic organizations, etc.

Thanks to local history, teaching geography is based on observations of true reality, and not on “verbal diagrams.” It follows from this that local history should serve the teaching of geography on a daily and continuous basis, and not just be associated with work in local history circles with a limited group of students or with a tourist trip, often involving an even smaller number of schoolchildren.

Regular lessons should be based on the principle of local history, while many teachers associate local history with organizing hikes and group work to study the region. This happens because in practice it is easier to interest students in a one-time local history trip than to organize a systematic study of the region. It takes less effort from the teacher to organize a trip than to organize the entire teaching of geography on a local history basis. This is one of the reasons that extracurricular local history became more widespread, and its connection with academic activities was insufficient. At proper organization Local history at school should ensure close contact between educational activities and all local history work.

Local history helps to combine training and education into a single process. Local history trips and excursions help the teacher to get to know his students better, as there is a relaxed communication between the teacher and students, thanks to which they get to know each other moral qualities and the spiritual world of schoolchildren. By engaging in local history, students develop individual inclinations and abilities. When observing the work of workers and employees of various professions, an interest in professions is formed. The psychological preparation of schoolchildren for socially useful work is also important.

At the same time, communication with local enterprises in the process of their local history study contributes to the implementation of polytechnic training, which requires students to become familiar with equipment and production technology.

School local history and nature conservation are of great importance. The law states that “nature protection is the most important state task and the cause of the entire people.” When studying local history, teachers introduce students to specific examples of transformation of the nature of the region, and students are usually actively involved in the work of protecting it. In the process of local history, all valuable natural objects, historical monuments and recreation areas. And this, in fact, is the first condition for carrying out direct work on nature conservation and rational use her wealth. Local history students can do a lot to educate careful attitude to the “green friend” and city residents. The work to study your city neighborhood should also include the protection of urban greenery.

Studying their locality opens up the opportunity for schoolchildren to actively engage in feasible socially useful work and thereby take part in communist construction and the further enrichment of their native land. At the same time, the different nature of the content of local history and the variety of forms of its implementation allows students to find application for themselves in accordance with their interests, inclinations and strengths. In some cases, this may be work for local organizations, related to assistance in fulfilling their production plan, in other cases - cultural and educational activities among the population. There are many examples when schoolchildren found new raw materials for local production, discovered mineral deposits, obtained valuable results for economic construction from studying the regime of local rivers, ponds and lakes, collected wild fruits and plants, carried out systematic conservation of nature, landscaped roads and villages and etc. There are often cases when schoolchildren successfully completed special tasks of planning, economic construction organizations or scientific institutions. An example of this is the assignments of the Institute of Permafrost Science of the USSR Academy of Sciences to local historians of the Velikoluksk School named after Academician V. A. Obruchev. Schoolchildren have been conducting phenological, hydrological and meteorological observations since 1950.

On the other hand, many examples can be given when local history studies attracted the attention of local organizations to environmental activities in the territory of their native land. Students of Mitrofanovskaya secondary school Voronezh region, while studying the Evdokimovsky ravines, they gave proposals to stop their growth to the local forestry: the ravines are lined with trees and shrubs.

Young local historians from a secondary school in the working-class village of Chishmy studied the reasons for the drying out of Lake Aslykul, located near the city of Ufa. The material obtained made it possible to formulate practical proposals, which were approved and implemented by the local Council of Workers' Deputies: a dam was built on a nearby river - part of the water was used to replenish the lake.

There are many examples of how school local history serves economic needs that require taking into account local natural and economic conditions. When local history observations become practical significance, they make schoolchildren aware of the need to participate in the communist construction of their native land.

Local history is the most accessible and very broad area of ​​application of the knowledge and skills acquired by students. It especially contributes to the development of social work skills. In local history, much is done collectively, common interests and responsibilities arise, which are strengthened by the awareness of the usefulness of the work and the real results of the work.

Local history creates conditions for research work, which greatly helps the development of creative initiative and the targeted use of schoolchildren’s energy. N.K. Krupskaya wrote:

“First of all, the school must awaken in the child an inquisitive, active interest in the environment, a researcher’s interest in phenomena and facts both in the field of natural science and in the field of social life.”

The systematic study of nature in the process of local history observations develops materialistic views and instills in schoolchildren an active environmental attitude towards it. Using local examples, scientific patterns are revealed more clearly, on the basis of which atheistic education of schoolchildren can be more effectively carried out. Atheistic education is also helped by exposing various kinds of superstitions and legends of a religious nature that could have developed in the region.

Local history has great potential for aesthetic education. Observations of many natural phenomena arouse in schoolchildren curiosity and a desire to delve more into the secrets of nature.

Local history helps you see the beauty of nature, find beauty in folk art, with which unforgettable images of your native land will forever be associated. And this is of great importance for the education of Soviet patriotism.

Patriotic feelings and love for the Motherland in a person are primarily associated with his native land, where his early conscious life took place. This is very well expressed by K. Simonov in the poem “Motherland”:

But at the hour when the last grenade

Already in your hand

And in a short moment you need to remember at once

All we have left is in the distance

You don't remember a big country,

Which one have you traveled and learned?

Do you remember your homeland like this?

How you saw her as a child.

Local history is a direct path to achieving this goal.


Baransky N.N. Methods of teaching economic geography, ch. “On school local history.” M., Uchpedgiz, 1960.

Barkov A.S. About scientific local history. More about scientific local history Articles in the collection “Questions of methodology and history of geography”. M Publishing House of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, 1961.

Ivanov P.V. Pedagogical foundations of school local history. Petrozavodsk, 1966.

Efremov Yu. K. Local history and geography. In the book: “Soviet Geography”. M, Geographgiz, 1960.

Kondakov V. A. Local history principle in teaching geography. “Izvestia of the APN RSFSR”, vol. 24, 1950.

“Local history and local history approach to teaching geography,” ed. I. S. Matrusova. M., Publishing house. APN RSFSR, 1963.

Kopytov S.K., Sechkina M.D. Local history in career guidance work schools. “Geography at school”, 1971, No. 2.

Lyarsky P. A. A manual on local history. Minsk, “Higher School”, 1966.

“Methods of teaching geography in secondary school,” ed. A.E. Bibik et al. M., “Enlightenment”, 1969.

Petrov F. N. Local history. KGE, vol. 2. M., 1962.

Polovinkin A. A. Geography and native nature. M., Publishing House of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, 1953.

Stroev K.F. On the local history principle in teaching geography. “Geography at school”, 1963, No. 3.

Shcherbakov A. M. Local history work at school. M., Uchpedgiz, 1959.

Yunyev I. S. Conversations about local history. “Knowledge”, 1966.


Municipal budget educational institution“Secondary school with. Pavlo-Fedorovka"

System of local history work at school

Work completed

Paley Larisa Alekseevna,

history and social studies teacher

Iqualification category



I. Introduction ___________________________________page 2

II.Goals and objectives of local history work at school____ page 3

III. System of local history work at school

1. Contents of local history work _____________ page. 4

2. Forms and methods of local history work__________ p. 4 - 6

3. Organization of local history work at school______p. 6 - 8

IV. Local history club_______________________ pp. 9 - 12

V.Conclusion _________________________________ page 13

VI. Appendix________________________________page 14

VII. Literature________________________________ page 15

I . Introduction.

One of the important means connecting education and upbringing with life is school local history.School local history pursues educational goals and is carried out by students under the guidance of a teacher. That's whyfirst A condition for successful local history work in school will be the teacher’s deep knowledge of the history of his region and mastery of the methodology for studying it.Second The condition for successful local history work is the systematic use of local material in lessons, constant extracurricular work, and its long-term planning on the scale of the class and school. At our school we have already worked on interesting complex topics of local history: we studied the military and labor traditions of our fellow countrymen, wrote chronicles of our school and village, and studied the history of the agricultural cooperative.Third condition - school local history at all its levels needs a deeper scientific basis.

The purpose of my work – show the system of local history work at school, the interconnection of its different directions.

At the same time, the following were decidedtasks :

show the importance of local history work in school;

characterize its directions;

show options for using local history material in extracurricular activities;

analyze research work on the history of the native land;

highlight the main ways of organizing local history work;

evaluate work performance.

II . Goals and objectives of local history work at school

Classroom and extracurricular activities in historical local history contribute to the development in students of love and respect for the Fatherland, their land, home, and family.

Thanks to local history, the student has the opportunity to better understand the following:

    history is the history of people;

    a person’s roots are in the history and traditions of his family, his people, in the past of his native land and country;

    in the course of the historical process, eternal, enduring values ​​are passed on from generation to generation: hard work, honesty, justice, conscientiousness, a sense of national dignity, respect for older generations, duty, mercy, a sense of master;

    labor is the main source of material and spiritual wealth and human well-being, a condition successful development society.

Objectives of historical local history:

    didactic: broadening one's horizons, cognitive activity, application of local history knowledge, skills and abilities in practical activities, development of general educational abilities and skills, labor skills;

    raising: nurturing independence, will, the formation of certain approaches, positions, moral, aesthetic and ideological attitudes, nurturing cooperation, collectivism, sociability;

    developing: development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, imagination, skills to compare, contrast, find analogues;

    socializing: familiarization with the norms and values ​​of society, adaptation to environmental conditions, self-regulation.

The teacher's tasks are to help students:

    develop observation and scientific curiosity;

    increase the intellectual and cultural level of the individual;

    expand your horizons and erudition;

    get involved in creative activities;

    psychologically prepare for work;

    cultivate in oneself a love for one’s native land, and through it, for the Motherland;

    develop the ability to analyze, read thoughtfully, collect material bit by bit, work in archives, compile a genealogy;

    acquire the skills of a tour guide and work in a school museum.

Knowledge of the history of one’s native land concretizes many events in national history and helps to understand many of the processes occurring in modern world. Getting to know the bright pages of local history, famous fellow countrymen, and architectural monuments makes you proud of your ancestors. Studying the history of your family helps restore the connection between generations and improves relationships with parents.Research work on local history helps children realize their interests and reveals new pages in the annals of their native places.

All this contributes to the education of a patriot of one’s country, which is difficult to do in our difficult times, but very important. A person will love his land, its history, if he knows its past and present. Loud calls alone are not enough here. We must act, and the school and family must become allies and work in the same direction. Much depends on the personality of the teacher. It is important to interest children in the history of their native land, develop this interest, and skillfully direct the desire to know more.

III .System of local history work at school.

1. Contents of local history work

Local history work in school should be built in a complex manner and carried out in several interrelated areas.

Areas of local history work:

4.History of the area.

5. History of the region.

Only by working in different areas can you achieve good results. So, for example, when studying their ancestry, students connect it with the history of their village, region, region, perhaps the country, and, conversely, getting acquainted with the history of the state, region, they return to the facts of the history of their native village, family.

It must be remembered that the subject of historical local history is social processes in the local region - the life of people in its development, in all its diverse manifestations and results, within the boundaries of a certain territory:

Spiritual life (views, thoughts, ideals);

Ethnonational processes (features of culture, life, history of the indigenous inhabitants of the region);

Religion, church history (history of different confessions in the region, beliefs of the local population);

Events of local history (activities of many generations of residents of a village, district, region, socio-economic and political relations);

The destinies of specific people, the history of families;

Everyday life.

The history of the region, local events and phenomena are studied in the unity of three time dimensions: past – present – ​​future. So, when studying the history of the village, it is important to acquaint students with its current state, as well as prospects for renewal and development. This approach teaches children to more deeply comprehend the sequence of events, identify cause-and-effect relationships, and promote the formation of historical thinking.

2. Forms and methods of local history work.

A component of the school local history system are organizational forms of education. These include:

    Studying local history materials in the lessons of the main course of national history. Here it should be understood that regional material is used as part of a lesson on the history of Russia or as independent lesson on the history of the region as part of the curriculum.

    Optional courses, i.e., special local history courses that are taught at the expense of school component hours. They are attended by students who show a deep interest in the history of the region. The main objective of the elective in local history is to develop interest in the native land, its history and historical science, in order to deepen knowledge and develop students’ abilities. The implementation of this goal is facilitated by:

a) expanding knowledge by increasing the source base: studying documents, monographs, materials of toponymy, ethnography, archeology, etc.;

b) teaching students the basics scientific research, familiarization with methods historical research;

c) involving children in active cognitive activities.

Local history electives combine many forms, techniques and methods of both extracurricular and classroom work with children: there are seminars and workshops in museums and archives, conferences, excursions. In electives, students can learn how to write abstracts correctly, conduct various studies, questionnaires, surveys, work with scientific and popular science literature and sources, and also gain experience in public speaking.

    Extracurricular activities.

They can be mass, group, individual. Therefore, events based on information on local history and taking place outside of school hours can be divided into three groups:

    1) events at which participants act as consumers of information ( cool watch, excursions, meetings with administration representatives and others interesting people);

    2) events that continue student activities started in class (games, holidays, exhibitions of creative works);

    3) activities that allow you to apply the knowledge and skills acquired by the children in training course(work of a local history group, defense of abstracts, research work, search expeditions).

Ways and methods studies of the native land are varied. Their choice depends, first of all, on the age of the students, on their level of preparation, on the goals of the lesson, on the tasks of the work being carried out. The most common:

    lecture (the teacher himself tells the children about the history of the region, but this method should be used extremely rarely, since local history gives the children the opportunity to explore and make discoveries on their own. In addition, what they see will be better remembered);

    lesson-excursion (museums, archives, exhibitions, archaeological sites, natural monuments, architecture, monuments - all this awakens interest in history, educates not with moralizing and teaching, but with an example of exciting teamwork, the result of which will be deep and lasting knowledge). But conducting an excursion requires special preparation, both for the children and for the teacher.

The teacher chooses the object of the excursion; it can be an enterprise, a place where historical events took place, a museum or something else. When choosing an object, the leader must imagine how this excursion will help the children understand the all-Russian historical process, and what opportunities exist for patriotic and aesthetic education. Next, you need to determine the purpose, route, exhibits, and place of the excursion in the educational topic.

Local history excursions can be divided into several types:

    Introductory excursions, they precede the study of educational material in class. At such an event, children accumulate factual material and draw conclusions, which is very helpful when studying a topic in class.

    Excursions that are a continuation of the study of the material. The information received specifies the educational material and makes it substantive.

    Excursions, the purpose of which is to deepen, consolidate and generalize general historical material on the basis of material and written historical monuments.

    Historical and industrial excursions help with proper career guidance for students

It is important to warn students that after the tour they will be asked questions that they must answer.

    Independent work (historical local history puts teachers and children in the position of researchers).

Methods independent work:

- surveys, questioning ( does not require special training for children, all that is needed is careful work on thinking through the issues);

- interviewing ( takes much longer to prepare because the interviewer has to change questions taking into account current events, the circumstances of the interview, the atmosphere of the conversation and the age of the interviewee);

- seminar (the main goal of the seminar is to involve large quantity students into active search and research work. The teacher organizing the seminar needs to be very careful in developing the topic of the lesson. It is necessary to take into account age characteristics and level of development, the degree of preparedness of the class. Differentiation of tasks is possible. When preparing for seminar classes, some search, collect, accumulate material, analyze it, systematize it, generalize it, and draw primary conclusions. More prepared students write reports and abstracts, while the rest develop individual questions and act as co-speakers and opponents);

- practical (laboratory) classes ( students learn how to work with local literature, monographs, periodicals, documents, material monuments, methods of drawing up a complex plan, notes, abstracts);

- compiling a chronicle on the history of a school, enterprise, village, city (sources for compiling the chronicle are books by local historians, periodicals, documentary materials, memories of local residents and personal observations of students).

    A game - This is also one of the types of studying local history. In a fun way, children learn something new, consolidate previously learned material and skills in working with documents.

    Local history club (students collect, summarize, design collected materials, create or expand a school museum).

Variety of forms and methods, availability of sources for self-study, proximity of events, opportunity to ask questions to eyewitnesses historical events- all this makes local history work more lively and interesting, helps to captivate children into the wonderful world of research and discovery, reveals them Creative skills, liberates and has an educational effect on students.

3. Organization of local history work at school

Local history work at the OU is carried out in the following areas:

1.My home. Family pedigree.

2.Native school. Its history and traditions.

3. Village: past, present, development prospects.

4.History of the area.

5. History of the region.

Local history work at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School of Pavlo-Fedorovka” has different forms.

    Studying local history materials in the lessons of the main course of National History. Local history material is included in the teacher’s explanation. Involving vivid episodes from the history of the native land makes it possible to make many events of national history more relatable and understandable to students. For a number of issues, you can be given the task of independently working through the material in local history literature or completing a creative task.

    Extracurricular activities.

    work with archival documents and periodicals;

    collection of newspaper materials about people and events of the native land, region, village;

    work of the school museum;

    work of the lecture group;

    joint work with the Veterans Council;

    intellectual marathons;

    chronicle of school life;

    meetings with participants and eyewitnesses of historical events;

    photographing event participants, other notable people, as well as buildings and other historical objects;

    consultations with researchers from archives, museums, library workers and extracurricular institutions;

    conversations with local people;

    search for objects of material and spiritual culture.

When conducting extracurricular activities All methods described above are used.

Cognitive local history work hasthree levels.

Level 1. Obtaining ready-made knowledge

According to the teacher, from teaching aids and media;

Meetings with veterans;


Level 2. Independent acquisition of knowledge

Design of stands “Native Region”, “Kirovsky District”, “History of the School in Persons”;

Issue of combat leaflets, newspapers;

Working with archival documents.

Level 3. Participation in research activities.

Students take part in the preparation and conduct of many events at different levels.

Participation of students and teachers of the educational institution in local history events

district and regional levels for 2008-2012.

Fialov Anton, 10th grade student. (director: Paley L.A.)

Karasev Alexey, 8th grade student. (director: Paley L.A.)

3rd place

Second Autumn School “Primorsky Territory in the History of the Fatherland” (2009)

Fialov Anton, 10th grade student (supervisor Paley L.A.)

Certificate of participation

Creative report " Extracurricular activities in civic-patriotic education" (from work experience) (2009)

Paley L.A., history teacher

Appendix to the certificate of advanced training

Regional conference of student research works “The Path to Success”. Abstract “Name on the map. History of the village of Pavlo-Fedorovka" (2010)

Fialov Anton, 11th grade student. (director: Paley L.A.)

Certificate of participation

Regional conference “The Path to Success”. Abstract “A few pages from the history of the Second World War”

Abstract “Six generations of Pavlofedorovites”

Abstract “Our Dam” (2011)

Gavrilov Mikhail,

studying 10th grade. (director: Paley L.A.)

Strelkov Pavel, 6th grade student. (director: Paley L.A.)

Group of 4th grade students. (director L.A. Danilchenko)

2nd place

3rd place

2nd place

District brain-ring dedicated to Victory Day (2010)

Student team

3rd place

Participation in an expedition dedicated to the Year of the Teacher with a visit to the memorial of V.M. Chegodaev. Installation of a memorial plaque at the highest point Kirovsky district(2011)

Climbing Flagovaya Hill (2011)

A group of OU students as part of the district team


Participation in an expedition to explore a cave on the Zolotaya hill

A group of OU students as part of the district team

Extracurricular activities at school are varied.

    class hours on the topics “My fellow countrymen”, “Our protected corner”, “What do I know about the village?” and etc.;

    quizzes “Love and know your land”, “Researchers of Primorye”;

    the “We Remember...” action dedicated to the end of the Second World War;

    "Obelisk" event dedicated to the end of the Great Patriotic War;

    correspondence trip “Villages of the Kirov region”;

    design of stands “Primorsky Krai”, “Kirovsky District”;

    environmental cleanup days “Make the village cleaner”;

    excursions to memorable places in the village;

    drawing up pedigrees;

    Cossack gatherings “No transfer to the Cossack family”;

    competition “The Most Active Class”, the winners of which are awarded a trip to the region (in 2011, 6th grade students visited the tiger reserve near Spassk-Dalniy, in 2012, 10th grade students made a trip to Vladivostok with a visit to the regional drama theater named after Gorky).

In the current academic year A conference of student research work was held at the school. It presented 3 works of local history:

- “From the history of the school”, Svetlana Strelkova, 4th grade student (supervisor A.V. Strelkova)

- “Poets of my village” Veronika Gagenko, 6th grade student (supervisor O.A. Salimova)

- “My parents are defenders of the Fatherland”, Margarita Batog, 2nd grade student (supervisor L.A. Danilchenko).

All works will be presented at the regional competition “The Path to Success”.

Local history work at school develops the creative abilities of schoolchildren, broadens their horizons and enriches them with knowledge of local history, develops the skills of conducting search, research work, awakens interest in studying the lives of people and the nature of one’s region, and develops the personality of a patriotic citizen.

IV . Local history club

I carry out local history work constantly, both in class and outside of class time. But I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to organize a local history club at school. It is the circle that will allow you to more effectively implement all the accumulated material and work experience, combine and use a variety of forms extracurricular activities. I have developed a program for a local history club.

Program of work of the local history circle “Istok”

Explanatory note.

Currently, there is an acute need to revive spirituality, study the culture of one’s people, study the past and present of one’s “small homeland,” and restore spirituality to form the moral personality of a citizen and patriot of one’s country. The idea that a small homeland, fatherland, native land plays a significant role in the life of every person is undeniable. But it’s not enough to talk about love for one’s native land; one must know its past and present, its rich spiritual culture, folk traditions, and nature. This program is the author’s program of Larisa Alekseevna Paley, a summary of many years of systematic work on local history carried out at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School of the village. Pavlo-Fedorovka" Kirovsky district.

The program is designed for 2 years of study with 17 lessons per year. Total 34 hours.

Target programs: introduce students to the historical and cultural heritage of the villagePavlo-Fedorovka and Kirovsky district.

Program objectives:

    Study the past and present of the Kirov region and the village of Pavlo-Fedorovka.

    To cultivate a sense of patriotism in students through local history knowledge.

    Contribute to the preservation and formation of family values ​​and traditions.

    Intensify the search activity of students.

    Develop skills in conducting research work in the field of local history.

    To develop information culture skills in schoolchildren.

    Replenish the funds of the school museum with the work of students in local history.

Forms of conducting classes:



    Work in archives.



    Work with documents.

    Research activities.

Program implementation mechanism:

    organizing excursions to the regional local history museum;

    walking tours around the village and its surroundings;

    attending concerts of folklore groups;

    collection of materials;

    design of materials;

    organization of work indistrictarchive;

    participation in Russian,regionaland regionallocal history competitions.

Predicted results:

    formation of local history knowledge in children;

    instilling respect and interest in the history of one’s “small Motherland”;

    application of acquired knowledge in history, literature, geography lessons;

    developing and strengthening in children a sense of love for their native land;

    formation of the personality of a patriot and citizen of his homeland;

    realization of creative potential in various types of local history activities.

Thematic lesson planning


Our Kirov land is famous for its beauty.

Getting to know the nature of the area. Legends and traditions. Physiographic characteristics of the area. Geographical position. Climate. Vegetable world. Animal world.

Our small Motherland

Geographical location of the village of Pavlo-Fedorovka in the Kirov region and Primorsky Territory. Natural conditions the village and its surroundings. Climatic features. Green outfit of the village.Fostering a caring attitude towards nature.


The name on the map

The history of the village.

Toponymy of our region

The science of toponymy. Explanation of names settlements, geographical objects on the territory of the Kirov region.

Toponymy of our village

The history of the names of streets, rivers, hills. Modern and former names.

Current state of the river. Ecology.

Russian explorers

History of settlement. The role of the Cossacks in the history of the village


Where did my family come from?

Getting to know your ancestry. Create your family's pedigree.


Sights and monuments of the village.

Acquaintance with memorable places (monument to fallen fellow villagers, mass grave of soldiers of the Second World War, monument to fallen pilots)

Activities of our fellow countrymen

Getting to know the main activities of villagers in different years

our school

History of education in the village

Cultural life of the village

History of the club

The village is proud of them

Meeting interesting people

Final conference

Creative report

Second year


Kirovsky district - the pearl of Primorye

Reserve. Resort area.

Pavlo-Fedorovka: past, present, future

History of the emergence and development of the village. Development prospects.

The fate of generations

Population at different times. Demographic indicators. National composition. The role of the Cossacks in the history of the village. Population migration.

Lost Shrine

Church on the territory of the village.

Everyone has their own destiny.

Civil war in our region.

The formation of Soviet power

Collectivization. Education of our region. Repressions of the 30s.


“A medal for battle and a medal for labor are cast from the same metal.”

Our village and region during the war. Rear to the front. Working with archival sources.


“I am not participating in the war, the war is participating in me.”

Introduction to the book “In Memory”. Our fellow countrymen Heroes of the Soviet Union. War is in the fate of my family. The military valor of our fellow countrymen.

Labor Valor

Meeting fellow villagers who received the order


What did the photographs from the family album tell us?

Write a story about people in old photographs in family album. Man and history. History in faces

Poets of our village

Getting to know the creativity of fellow villagers.

Our "Springs"

Getting acquainted with the creativity and history of the creation of the Rodniki team

Final conference

Creative report

V .Conclusion

Thus, the school has developed a system of local history work, accumulated great experience In organizing local history work, good results have been achieved. All areas of local history work are interconnected and allow this work to be carried out in a complex manner. During this time, several graduating students were, in one way or another, connected with the study of their native land. This work did not pass without a trace for them - it allowed them to get to know their small homeland better, contribute to the study of its history, raise the prestige of the school in local history work, and decide on the choice of a future profession.


1.V.N.Suslov. My family. My people. My Fatherland. Legion, Rostov-on-Don, 2011

2. I don’t see fate without the Motherland... History of the Kirov region. P. Kirovsky, 2011

3. N.V. Butkovskaya. Don stanitsa district of Ussuriysk Cossack army. Vladivostok, 2011

4. T.K. Shcheglova. Oral history and local history work. Teaching history at school, No. 5, 1998: School-Press, 1998

5. Local history in school history education. Teaching history and social studies at school, No. 10, 2004: school press, 2004

6. Materials from the school museum

VI Application

Sample programs for studying local history material


The history of the village, the origin of its name. Natural conditions. Start of construction

Village before 1917:


Population, its size,

The labor and occupations of the first settlers,

State of education and health care,

Communication routes.

Participation of fellow villagers in the events of pre-revolutionary Russian history.

Village during the period October revolution and the Civil War. Establishment of Soviet power. Participation of fellow villagers in Civil War. The emergence of party and Komsomol organizations (cells) in the countryside, their organizers.

Pre-war years. Organization of the collective farm, its first chairman, the first collective farmers. Dispossession and its consequences.

The village during the Great Patriotic War. Help the front. Fellow villagers-front-line soldiers. The village during the Soviet-Japanese War. Perpetuating the memory of fallen fellow villagers.

Post-war years in the history of the village. Participation of villagers in the implementation of Soviet five-year plans. Fellow villagers-order bearers.

Resettlement policy.

Modern village and prospects for its development.

On the history of the village, it is necessary to collect archival documents, information about its origin, its inhabitants, changes in the appearance of the village, memories of residents about the history of the village, photographs and biographies of old-timers, descriptions of monuments, long-term plans rural development.

History of an agricultural enterprise.

The history of the collective farm. Time of occurrence, its name. The first chairman, the first members of the collective farm, the board, their biographies. Dispossession. Development of the collective farm until 1941. Main branches of agricultural production. Economic condition of the collective farm. Remuneration of collective farmers.

Collective farm during the Great Patriotic War. Help the front. The heroic work of collective farmers during the war. Participation of schoolchildren in agricultural work.

State farm formation. Time of occurrence, its name. Features of the organization. First director. Main branches of agricultural production. Economic condition of the state farm.

Notable people of the collective farm, their achievements in the struggle for high yields and the development of livestock farming.

Economy during the years of perestroika. Changes in the organization and management system.

Modern farming. Main branches of agricultural production. Achievements. Development prospects.

On the history of the agricultural enterprise, minutes of meetings, sessions, work books of employees, statements of accrual of workdays and salaries, certificates, pennants, badges, photographs, memories, materials from periodicals, and long-term development plans are collected.

To maintain continuity in folk culture, environmental, sociocultural, socioeconomic knowledge is transmitted from generation to generation in a certain territory, that is, everything that is studied by historical local history. With its help, the special features of a place, objects, and personalities are identified and revealed, and the trends and traditions of the development of the region enter the practical mainstream.


Historical local history is a part of science that is entrusted essential functions. Along with the general laws of development of society, it studies and takes into account all aspects of the diversity of local conditions of history, the slightest features that are introduced by the specific creativity of the people. This can be the development of historical experience in a given area, the identification, preservation and study of natural heritage, as well as the most important activities that target the cultures of the region.

Historical local history fully participates in both the development and implementation of state programs aimed at restoring the historical living environment of peoples. This ensures the relevance and relevance of this complex discipline. Historical local history is based on the principles of interdisciplinarity, complexity and regionalism as a discipline taught in secondary schools. The phenomenon of spiritual and personal existence is embedded in the semantic boundaries of the concepts “place”, “region”, local history. This course is also basic in the preparation of bachelors and is a variable part vocational education in the direction of "History" and the profile "Historical Local History".

At school

The object of the course is local history, that is, everything that happened in a given region from the times that left monuments and materials for research. As the subject of the course, working programm in historical local history helps to study the historical and cultural heritage of a given area. Almost every topic studied is saturated with the sociocultural aspect of various local problems.

The philosophical basis that textbooks offer, including the book “Historical methodology from the whole to the part, that is, from the culture of Russia as a whole through regions to loci. Naturally, each part contains its own patterns of development and specific characteristics, however, this does not go into opposition to “from the whole to the part” and does not become “from the general to the particular.” Each part has its own influence on general history, despite the fact that the whole has its own evolutionary parameters.

Program in historical local history at the university

Regionalism, which is the basis of local history, is determined by a certain range of problems, focused on the study of local historical processes, which are independent problems of science. This is the history of villages and cities, temples, monasteries, estates, centers of folk crafts, production structures, historical and cultural objects and ethnic formations, and so on.

This program now includes topics that previously did not receive the attention they deserve. For example, church institutions, the history of a noble estate, urban and rural necropolises, the culture of certain class groups - merchants, nobility, peasantry. The priorities are determined by the dictates of the times: the implementation of the paradigm for the revival of Russia is coming, and it is necessary that its implementation be carried out professionally and competently, using sound methods and involving the widest research base.

Goals and objectives

The goal of the developed course is to form a holistic idea of ​​the history of local history as a tool for awakening historical consciousness. The potential for identifying, preserving and making the widest use of historical, cultural and natural heritage is extremely high, since it is in demand by time.

The objectives of this course are the following:

  • acquire knowledge of the origins, conditions of formation and current trends in the study of the history of the region;
  • master general scientific methods and principles that are necessary for the study of local history, and especially its sociocultural sphere, for search, collecting, research and attributional practice in schools, museums, excursion and tourism institutions, local history research centers;
  • to introduce students to local history research that is directly related to government programs related to the identification and preservation of natural and cultural heritage.

After completing the course, students can navigate the most current areas of historical local history issues and professionally use research methodology and conceptual apparatus, work with sources in related fields of knowledge - anthropology, toponymy, ethnography, archeology and so on, as well as with any scientific literature in the field of history.

Structure and competencies

The course is structurally divided into two main parts: the first concerns historical local history in the system of sciences, historical and modern trends development and methods, and the second part outlines the main directions of local history issues. Each part has sections and topics, the content of which may depend on the perspectives of the issue itself and the personal choices made by the authors of the program.

After completing the course, students develop the following competencies: a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize and analyze, perceive information, set goals and choose paths to achieve them. First of all, you will need the ability to logically, reasonably and clearly build written and oral speech. Willingness to work in a team in cooperation with colleagues is required. You need the ability to think and evaluate your own shortcomings and strengths critically, to be able to outline paths and choose means to eliminate shortcomings and develop advantages.

Qualities of a teacher

The teacher must understand that he is studying historical local history, realize social significance own profession, have high motivation to perform work. Good teacher will use the methods and basic principles of economic, humanities and social sciences to solve professional problems, which will certainly require an analysis of socially significant problems and processes.

The teacher himself treats the cultural and historical heritage with careful respect, and teaches students to honor traditions and tolerate cultural differences, as well as religious, national and social ones. The teacher must be widely educated and be able to use professional and cognitive activity basic knowledge in related sciences - computer science, natural sciences, knowledge mathematical analysis and modeling, have skills in working with a computer: receiving, storing, processing information, managing it.

Skills, abilities, knowledge

A teacher of historical local history must use basic knowledge in his historical research, having studied the general and national history, ethnology and archaeology, source studies, historiography, methods of historical research, theory and methodology of historical science and much, much more. All this in order to understand the historical process, see its driving forces and patterns, evaluate the role of violence and non-violence, the place of man in this process, in order to be able to outline the political organization of society.

Only knowledge of basic historical information contributes to accuracy, hence the critical perception of various concepts of historiographic schools, the ability to use special knowledge acquired at a university when working with archives and in museums and libraries. A good teacher of historical local history will easily compose any review, write an annotation, an abstract on any topic of research.

At the forefront

Since now one of the most important trends in education is regionalization, organically combined with federalization, these two directions, characteristic of modern educational system Russia, help to comprehensively solve the problems of consolidating the integrity of the educational space and formation in this area. All this contributes to the adaptation of a particular person to life in these specific conditions. This is the avant-garde role of the discipline of historical local history in modern educational process: maximum implementation of leading trends in the development of education in the country.

This subject educates a citizen of Russia and a patriot of his small homeland, who knows and loves his native land, city or village with its traditions, natural monuments, history and culture, and who accepts active participation in the development of the region. Thus, the general historical knowledge of schoolchildren expands and deepens - only through the study of local history materials, a desire to work in fiction, historical, and popular science literature is developed, a love for their small homeland, and an interest in history in general are cultivated. There are many examples of excellent teaching of local history in schools: this is Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, and Altai.


Historical local history gives students the opportunity to touch authentic historical monuments and work with local history objects directly in natural conditions. Schoolchildren go on compulsory excursions, where objects that foster a thirst for knowledge are always the most interesting visual aids. These forms of work help not only to study the native area, but also to cultivate a desire for cognitive activity, since such lessons use a complex of information and aesthetic material.

A textbook has been prepared for training in the Voronezh region, on which the best historians and scientists worked, using latest research Voronezh region from ancient times to the present day. This textbook is intended for eighth and ninth grades of secondary schools. Doctors worked on certain sections historical sciences M. D. Karpachev, A. Z. Vinnikov, M. V. Tsybin and many others. The team of authors can be satisfied: school students love this manual, almost all of its pages are read with interest, like fiction.


In the new Ukrainian republics, they also take care of the younger generation, despite the very turbulent situation. For example, a number of manuals have been prepared for students in the fifth, sixth and seventh grades, this is historical local history - “Introduction to the Region”. This is an exceptionally high-quality educational and methodological complex that forms in children a nationalistic self-awareness, fostering a sense of pride for their native land and the multinational people living here. This is how citizenship and respect for cultural values ​​and the historical past develop.

Teaching aids were developed by special creative groups under the leadership of the Donetsk IOPS. The textbooks contain six areas of local history: economic, biological, historical, geographical, literary and art history. The content of this educational and methodological complex includes, as far as possible full information about their native land, which helps to form in schoolchildren a holistic understanding of the richness of the culture of their native land, about development prospects, and an understanding of all the features of the historical, economic and social state of the Donetsk region appears.


Different kinds sources give different definitions of the concept of local history. But big Soviet encyclopedia gives the most detailed definition: Local history is a comprehensive study of a certain part of the country, city or village, and other settlements by the local population, for whom this territory is considered their native land. Local history is a complex of natural and social studies. Local history studies the nature, population, economy, history and culture of the native land.”

Historical local history is one of the elements of historical education at school and one of the important branches of school local history.

Historical local history at school is one of the sources of enriching students with knowledge about their native land, instilling love for it and developing civic concepts and skills. It reveals to students the knowledge of their native land, city, village with the great Motherland, helps to improve the inextricable connection, the unity of the history of each city, village, village with the history of our country, to feel the involvement of each family in it and to recognize it as their home, the honor of becoming a worthy heir to the best traditions of the national the edges.

Therefore, the main principle of historical local history is the relationship between the history of the local region and the history of the country.

The basis of local history work is the process of cognition and study of the surrounding area, which will allow a person to have knowledge about them.

At the most ancient sites, raw materials for tools are found, brought tens of kilometers from the habitat. For example, most of the tools at Olduvai culture sites in Africa are made from brought stones.

The sustainable use of the same sources of raw materials for hundreds of thousands of years shows that people were already passing on “local history” knowledge from generation to generation.

With the advent of writing, this knowledge began to be recorded more firmly. Thus, we can conclude that local history lies at the heart of history.

The word “history” was not used in ancient sources. Trying to find out real reasons certain events were not undertaken then, because people were sure that everything was determined by the gods. The main task of the “local historian” of that time was to guess the will of the gods.

In Rus', local history information was recorded primarily in chronicles. The most ancient of chronicle vaults, which have come down to us, The Tale of Bygone Years.” The presentation of dated events begins in it from 860. It tells about the settlement of the Slavic tribes, gives a description of the life and customs of the Slavs: “each living with his own clan and in his own places, each owning his clan in his own places,” etc. .

Of course, not everything in the chronicles can be taken on faith, especially the assessments of certain tribes and peoples. The chroniclers had their own likes and dislikes. Knowing everything well Largest cities, the author skillfully uses his knowledge of the psychology of ruling princes. The Mongol-Tatar yoke led to a temporary decline in chronicle writing, but in the XIV-XVII centuries. begins new stage its development.

School historical local history received significant support with the creation of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (1943), within which a special commission on school local history was organized.

Also, historical local history received widespread development in our country after the Great Patriotic War. The growing interest in history has caused a significant revival of local history work in the field. “A reasonable attitude towards collective memory has become our most stable cultural tradition.”

In the 50s and 60s, a collection of local history, Local History at School, was regularly published, the creation of which was initiated and permanently edited by Professor O.T. Dubrava.

A series of books on the geography of each region was issued. Prof. O. T. Dubrava publishes a textbook on the geography of the Ukrainian SSR. Increasing the role of local history in educational and educational work The Law on the Connection between School and Life, adopted in 1958, contributed significantly.” Based on this law, in 1960 schools switched to new geography programs, which were built on a local history basis. All schools are gradually being involved in local history work. In addition, if previously the study of one’s region was carried out mainly in circles that included a small number of students, then after the adoption of the law this work diversifies, takes on new forms, and becomes widespread. Tourist trips around the native land, expeditions and excursions have become especially widespread and popular.

An important task of historical local history is the recording and protection of ethnographic and art monuments, which is almost impossible without the involvement of the broad masses of local historians.

The importance of local history material in teaching history at school can hardly be overestimated. It allows you to specify the material presented by the teacher. The study of history in its specific embodiment in a particular region gives a more correct idea of general patterns development of a particular historical era.

In addition, the study of specific historical and cultural monuments allows students to more clearly imagine the patterns of development and world artistic culture. Historical local history makes it possible to introduce students to conscientious, socially useful work in the form of excursions, hikes, expeditions, preparing exhibits for exhibitions, creating a school museum.

The school is also designed to instill in students a sense of love for the Motherland and collectivism. The concepts “Motherland,” “Fatherland” in childhood are associated with the place where one’s home or school is located, that is, with a specific city or village. The depth of the patriotic feeling of schoolchildren depends on how well they know and love the history of their region.

Thus, we see that the concept of “historical local history” appeared before our era. It developed and improved, thereby helping humanity in its development.

Also, historical local history is one of the components of historical education, because it is simply impossible to study the history of the Fatherland without knowledge of the native land.

Students in different regions of Russia will have different specific knowledge about their region, but it should be included (to a certain extent) in the mandatory basic knowledge on the history of the Fatherland, and in some cases on the history of near and far abroad. This meets the requirements state standard school history education. The history of the region (“small homeland”) is considered as part of the history of Russia

An important condition The development of local history, primarily historical, is modern socio-political changes, when Ukrainian statehood is strengthened, the role of the province is growing, when the interest of Ukrainians and young people in their historical past, folk customs and traditions, problems of regional development and the revival of their identity increases.

Great importance To improve historical local history and history education in general, schools have new works on history. Research by historians has provided significant assistance in overcoming old approaches to the content of curricula, history textbooks, including the history of the native land, and contributed to the practical application of a multifactorial approach to history and its teaching.

The contribution of methodological historians is also significant. Regional educational plans for schools, providing for the implementation of the national-regional component and the use of local history materials. Compiled learning programs with local history content, including in-depth and elective courses on the history of the region, local ethnic groups, their culture, integrated local history courses, etc.

In almost all regions Russian Federation local history textbooks and methodological manuals have been published. Readers, workbooks, maps, and manuals on electronic media are being created. In a number of regions, new books on the history, economics and culture of individual areas have appeared. These local history publications are successfully used in working with schoolchildren. Local history materials are systematically published in the media. In creatively working school groups, issues of the content and organization of local history are explored. More attention began to be paid to local history training and retraining of teachers.

When preparing for local history work at school, you should keep in mind that local history is not only effective method solutions to educational problems, but also the opportunity for each teacher to join students in research work. It is hardly possible to find another branch of historical knowledge that would allow a student and a young teacher to become so quickly involved in scientific work.

Local history, like other scientific activities, requires significant preparation and fulfillment of certain requirements. Some schools limit themselves to studying exactly what is already well known from newspapers, radio and television. Such work can hardly be considered local history research or, even more so, scientific, although it is, of course, the least burdensome.

The first basic requirement for student research in historical local history is exploratory, scientific in nature. It is necessary to organize work with students so that they decide not to learning task, but a real scientific problem. Local history presents such possibilities quite widely.

Haste is also unacceptable in the methods of organizing local history work. For example, teachers at one school required all students to present some ancient find, promising a good or excellent grade in history (depending on the antiquity of the find). The goal was noble - to create a local history classroom at the school. However, the requirement of “ancient valuables” for a grade in the subject was methodologically incorrect; it could push for the acquisition of such things in a not entirely legal manner. The teachers’ initiative was canceled in time by the director. It is possible and necessary to collect ancient objects and manuscripts, but this should not be done forcefully, but gradually and purely on a legal basis, without turning it into a mandatory “event” for obtaining this or that mark.

The next requirement is that the scientific research of schoolchildren must be based on a voluntary basis; any use of volitional methods can only bring harm. Schools should work to protect and study historical and cultural monuments, not as an end in themselves, but as a means of education.

When organizing local history work, the teacher must proceed from the specifics of his region. When preparing to work in local history at school, certain practical skills are also necessary. Not every history teacher is prepared theoretically and practically to organize real search and research work, and not everyone has knowledge of organizing museums. In this case, it is worth limiting ourselves to the work of protecting historical and cultural monuments that exist in every corner of our vast Motherland. The work to identify and protect them is enough for all students.

We should not forget about the need to develop skills practical work with war and labor veterans. Nowadays, many schools are creating museums of military and labor glory, mostly specialized, dedicated to a particular branch of the military or a specific topic. When creating such museums, students should not forget about specific war and labor veterans in their neighborhood who need help. Students, providing it, are brought up in a non-traditional field, which can be especially effective.

When it comes to local history at school, it is necessary to distinguish between the levels of cognitive local history work of students. Conventionally, we can talk about three levels.

At the first level, students receive ready-made knowledge about the region from the words of the teacher, from textbooks and media reports.

At the second level, this is the independent acquisition of knowledge, which provides conditions for more active cognitive work of students (when, in the process of research, they make discoveries for themselves, that is, in fact, they “rediscover” already known facts and events of the past, phenomena and patterns of surrounding life). Sources of such knowledge can be, in addition to textbooks, popular science literature, publications in local and central periodicals, materials from school and state museums, and Internet resources.

The third level is the study by schoolchildren of the history of their native land in the course of an in-depth research search, representing scientific interest. In this case, students actually act as young research scientists. Usually these are members of local history circles and student scientific societies, students of electives.

The first of these levels is the main, sometimes the only one in primary school. Basic school is characterized by the first and second levels. In the senior classes of 9-year schools and in secondary schools (especially during extracurricular hours), the proportion of local history work, characteristic of the third level, increases. As a rule, schoolchildren who are particularly passionate about history and deeply interested in their native land participate in it. The latter constitute one of the largest detachments of the all-Russian local history movement. Academician D.S. Likhachev, speaking about local history, rightly noted that this is the most widespread type of science, since both great scientists and schoolchildren can take part in collecting materials.

Unfortunately, in a number of schools, teachers are limited to only the first level of local history work - as a result, a unique “verbal and book” local history develops. In such schools, information on the history of the region collected by young pathfinders and the documents they found are used little or not at all in the classroom in the process of studying curriculum material on history.

The field of local history has expanded significantly over the past decade. Various aspects of life in the region are studied in their unity. One of the key areas of research and training is the study of specific human destinies, first of all, close people - family members, fellow countrymen, the study of everyday life - everyday life with its living details. Archival documents have begun to be used more widely, including former closed funds, materials from special storage facilities of museums and libraries. Local historians now have the opportunity to listen to and record the memories and stories of those who have been forced to remain silent for many years.

Today, it is thanks to local history that the student has the opportunity to better understand the following: history is the history of people; a person’s roots are in the history and traditions of his family, his people, in the past of his native land and country.

Local history helps solve problems social adaptation school pupils, developing their readiness to live and work in their native village, region, region, to participate in their development, socio-economic and cultural renewal. This is one of the pressing social and pedagogical tasks of our time.

List of sources used

    Ashurkov V.N. Historical local history / Ashurkov V.N – M.: Education, 1980. – 258 p.

    Barkov A.S. On scientific local history / Barkov A.S. – M.: Education, 1961. – 188 p.

    Borisov N.S. Methodology of historical and local history work at school: A manual for teachers / Borisov N.S. – M.: Education, 1982. – 223 p.

    Vagin A.A. Methods of teaching history in secondary school / Vagin A.A. – M.: Atlant, 1972. – 287 p.

    Gorbunov B.I. Structure and content of the course. Teaching history at school / Gorbunov B.N., Polygon, 1999. – P. 53 – 54.

    Stepanishchev A.T. Methods of teaching and studying history / Stepanishchev A.T. – M.: Education, 2002. – 200 p.

    Seinensky A.E. The museum educates the young / Seinensky A.E. – M.: Education, 1988. – 208 p.

    Talyzina N.F. Formation of cognitive activity of students / Talyzina N.F. – M.: Scientific thought, 1983. – 320 p.

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An important component of the system of historical local history in school is the content of local history knowledge. We can conditionally talk about the centers (circles) of this knowledge: My home. Family pedigree; Home school. Its history and traditions; Village (city): past, present, development prospects; History of the area; Story Autonomous Okrug; History of the region (edge).

Other concentrating topics are also possible: the history of our street, neighborhood, etc. Local history teachers and methodologists will have to develop the question of the relationship between these circles (layers) of knowledge in classroom activities and in extracurricular activities. Unfortunately, in school practice, certain layers of local history knowledge often “fall out” or are not sufficiently studied, for example, on the history of one’s family, school, village, city, district, which negatively affects the possibilities of educational and educational work.

It is important that the teacher and students not only see the boundaries of the concentrations, but also, most importantly, understand the need for their unity, integration, the “transparency” of their boundaries, the possibility and necessity of a constant, systematic transition from one circle of knowledge to another, the importance and expediency of constant communication with loved ones with the distant, returning from the distant to the near Belousov D.A. Literary and local history club in a rural school: a book for teachers. From the experience of extracurricular work / ed. M.D. Yanko. - M: Education, 1987. - P. 78..

So, for example, when studying their ancestry, students connect it with the history of their village, city, region, perhaps the country, and, conversely, getting acquainted with the history of the state, region, region, they return to the facts of the history of their native village, city, family. This principle of organizing students’ cognitive activity can be called the principle of a pendulum (or shuttle).

At the same time, it is necessary to implement the principle of a spiral, when students, returning to certain historical issues, events, facts, would go from class to class, from year to year in the process of educational and extracurricular work in an ascending manner: deepening their historical, local history and general historical knowledge, expanding the range of sources involved, learning to apply more complex techniques and research methods.

The subject of historical local history is social processes in the local region - the life of people in its development, in all its diverse manifestations and results, within the boundaries of a certain territory (village, city, district, etc.). Are being studied various areas social life, students get acquainted with the events of local history, which reflected the activities of many generations of residents of the region, their socio-economic, socio-political, cultural ties and relationships. The study of the spiritual life of people in a given period of time is of great importance. It is a fair statement: to know the people of an era, their views, thoughts, thoughts, ideals means to understand the era itself, history itself.

Studying the native land includes knowledge of ethnonational processes. Using specific examples, students get acquainted with the history and traditions of their people, the past of other ethnic groups, the history of their settlement in a given area, the peculiarities of their life, culture, customs, national spiritual traits, economic life, and work. Students find out how, in the crucible of historical events, sometimes tragic, the consciousness of spiritual unity and belonging to the Russian people was formed in people.

Students have the opportunity to see how the cultural and spiritual traditions of their peoples were mutually enriched, which is especially important in our multi-ethnic, multicultural country. At the same time, they strive to find out the causes of interethnic conflicts, manifestations of hostility and confrontation, if they existed before or exist today, and to think through measures to overcome these causes.

The subject of historical and local history research and searches can also be materials about their fellow countrymen and fellow tribesmen, their descendants who found themselves in other regions of Russia, near and far abroad.

An integral part of the history of every nation, its national culture, spiritual life are religion, church history. Students get acquainted in class and outside of class with the religious beliefs of the local population, the history of different faiths in the region, study the past of churches and monasteries, the life and deeds of local ascetics, canonized saints, and representatives of the clergy; They turn to various sources and monuments of church history and culture. At the same time, we must always remember that our country is multi-religious. Therefore, inattention to certain confessions is unacceptable.

It is with regret that we have to admit that for many decades these issues actually fell out of sight of school local history or were presented distortedly. As a result, students did not have the opportunity to join one of the valuable, particularly ethically, layers of the historical and cultural heritage of peoples.

It is also necessary to study other subjects of the historical process: various social groups and communities (for example, classes of urban residents), public organizations and associations in the region (socio-political groups, local organizations of various political parties, religious, trade union, youth, veterans, sports and other associations and unions).

The history of the region, local events and phenomena are studied in the unity of three time dimensions: past - present - future. Thus, when studying the history of the village with schoolchildren, it is important to acquaint them with its current state, as well as the prospects for renewal and development. This approach teaches children to more deeply comprehend the sequence of events, identify cause-and-effect relationships, and promotes the formation of historical thinking.

One of the problems associated with studying the past of our native land in school, as well as the history of the Fatherland and the world as a whole, is a comprehensive assessment of events and phenomena of the past, affairs, actions and activities of people, public groups and organizations, government agencies and structures. It should be given from a scientific position, from the position of truth and morality, taking into account the characteristics of the era in question, traditions, ideals and values ​​shared by the people of that time.

When organizing work on historical local history, it is important to remember some general provisions: there is no conflict-free history; The past of our Motherland is ambiguous, complex, it combines victories and failures, heroic and tragic, great hopes and disappointments. Therefore, one should not idealize the past or portray it in rosy terms. But it would be a mistake to take the path of a nihilistic attitude towards him. What is needed is the truth about facts, events and persons, a documented presentation of events, objective coverage of real contradictions and difficulties that had and are being overcome in the process of renewal and development of society.