Tests and tests in geography. Tests and tests in geography Travel and geographical discoveries

Final practical work in geography (grade 7)

Textbook: Dushina I.V. Geography. Continents, oceans, peoples and countries. 7th grade: textbook. for general education institutions / I. V. Dushina, V. A. Korinskaya, V. A. Shchenev; edited by V. P. Dronova. – 2nd ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2009. – 349, p.

Practical work № 1.

Identification of major landforms and mineral deposits on a contour map.

Goals of work: 1. Consolidate knowledge about the modern topography of Africa and the distribution of minerals. 2. Learn to work correctly with a contour map.

1. Indicate on the contour map the large landforms of the continent:

    mountains - Atlas, Cape, Drakensberg;

    highlands - Ahaggar, Tibesti, Ethiopian;

    plateau East African;

    volcano Kilimanjaro.

The color background of the contour map must match the color background of the atlas map.

2. Mark mineral deposits on the contour map. The symbols on the contour map must correspond to the symbols of the atlas map.

Reception of designation on the contour map of lithosphere objects

(mountains, plains, volcanoes, individual peaks)

1. Having determined the geographical location of the object on physical map, find this place on the contour map, focusing on the lines of the degree grid, coastline, river network.

2. Mark the object on the contour map with the same conventional sign as is done on the physical map, paying attention to the accuracy of the object in relation to the main landmarks.

3. Write the name of the object as it was done on the physical map.

4. In the symbols on the map, explain how the object is designated.

Practical work No. 2.

Description of the natural conditions, population and economic life of one of the African countries (optional).

Goals of work: 1. Compose a description of the natural conditions, population and economic life of one of the African countries. 2. Learn to use atlas maps and other sources geographic information to solve the assigned problems.

Option 1. – Libya. Option 2. – Angola.

Work sequence

Country description plan

I .. Name of the country and its capital.

3. The position of the country in relation to the seas and oceans (does it have access to seas or oceans? If so, which ones?).

III. Natural conditions:

2. Climatic conditions in different parts countries (climatic zones, average temperatures in July and January, annual precipitation).

3. Large rivers and lakes.

5. Natural areas and their main features.

1. Population size and distribution throughout the country, approximate population density.

4. Economic life of the population (mining, what industries, transport there are in the country, large cities, what crops are grown, what breeds of animals are bred).

Practical work No. 3.

Comparison of the geographical location of Australia and Africa; identification of similarities and differences between the main components nature these continents, as well as the degree of natural and anthropogenic changes in the landscapes of each continent.

Goals of work: 1. Compare the geographical location of Australia and Africa. 2. Determine the similarities and differences between the main components of the nature of these continents. 3. Identify the degree of natural and anthropogenic changes in the landscapes of each continent. 4. Learn to compare, draw conclusions about the similarities and differences in the nature of the continents.

Work sequence

I. Determine the geographical location of the Australian mainland using the plan and atlas maps. Oral work to determine the physical-geographical position of the continent is combined with filling out a contour map, carrying out the necessary calculations and writing brief conclusions in a notebook.

Students use a plan to characterize the continent's FGP.

Draw a conclusion about the size and extent of the continent, the features of the physical and geographical position of the continent that determine its nature. Write a brief conclusion in your notebook in the form of a table.

Which part of Africa does Australia have a similar geographical location to? How do you see these similarities?

Brief conclusion write it down in your notebook.

II. Identify similarities and differences in the topography of Australia and Africa. Present the results of your work in the form of a table.

III. Identify the similarities and differences between the climates of Australia and Africa. Present the results of your work in the form of a table.

Conclude which part of Africa has the most similar climate to the climate of Australia. Write a brief summary in your notebook.

IV. Identify the similarities and differences between the inland waters of Australia and Africa. Present the results of your work in the form of a table.


What lake in Africa is similar to

to his regime Lake Eyre in Australia? What similarities do you see?

4. Which ocean basins do they belong to? inland waters?

5. Presence of drainless areas

V. Compare the natural areas and organic world of Australia and Africa. Present the results of your work in the form of a table.

VI. Conclude which continent's landscapes have been more subject to natural and anthropogenic changes. Write a brief summary in your notebook.

Practical work No. 4.

Justification of the reasons for the modern spread of the indigenous population of Australia based on a comparison of natural conditions and economic activity population of large regions of the mainland.

Goals of work: 1. Establish and justify the reasons for the modern spread of the indigenous population of Australia. 2. Check and evaluate your ability to make comparisons, draw generalizations and conclusions based on the comparison.

Work sequence

1. Having examined the map of the atlas “Peoples and Population Density of the World”, establish the distribution areas of Aboriginal Australians and Anglo-Australians. Indicate the distribution areas of Aboriginal Australians and Anglo-Australians on a contour map.

2. Establish and justify the reasons for the modern spread of Aboriginal Australians. During the work the following must be taken into account:

Historical features of the settlement and development of the territory by Anglo-Australians;

Features of the natural conditions of large regions of the mainland;

Features of economic activity of the population of large regions of the mainland.

3. Write down brief conclusions in your notebook.

Practical work No. 5.

Determining the similarities and differences between the geographical locations of Africa and South America.

Goals of work: 1. Establish the features of the geographical location of South America. 2. Improve your ability to describe the geographical location of the continent using a map and standard plan. 3. Learn to compare the geographical position of two continents, draw a conclusion about the similarities and differences of their nature based on the comparison.

Work sequence

I. Determine the geographical location of the continent of South America using the plan for the atlas maps. Oral work on determining the FGP of the continent according to a standard plan is combined with filling out a contour map, carrying out the necessary calculations and writing brief conclusions in a notebook.

Compare the geographic location of South America with the geographic location of Africa. How will its greater mixing to the south, compared to Africa, affect the nature of South America?

Brief conclusion write it down in your notebook.

Practical work No. 6.

Description of the major river systems of South America and Africa (student choice). Assessing the possibilities and difficulties of economic development of these rivers.

Goals of work: 1. Describe the large river systems of South America and Africa, show their dependence on topography and climate. Assess the possibilities and difficulties of economic development of these rivers. 2. Check and evaluate your ability to use the map as the most important source of knowledge for solving assigned problems.

Work sequence

1. Write a description of the large river systems of South America and Africa according to the proposed plan.

South America

(specify river system)


(specify riversystem)

1. In what part of the continent is the river system located?

2. Source, direction of flow, mouth, length of the main river

3. Which ocean basin does the river system belong to?

4. Main tributaries

5. Dependence on the terrain (nature of the flow, rapids and waterfalls, river performance)

6. Dependence on climate (food sources, high water levels, fluctuations in river water levels)

7. Possibilities for economic development of river basins

8. Difficulties in economic development of river basins

The form of recording the results is optional: recording data in a table, text description of the river system, recording data on a contour map. On the contour map: 1) write the name of the main river at the source and mouth; 2) indicate which ocean basin the river system belongs to; 3) label the main tributaries; 4) draw rapids and waterfalls, if any; 5) indicate the sources of food, high water content, river regime (fluctuations in water level by season); 6) using conventional symbols (make up the symbols for the map legend yourself) show the possibilities and difficulties of economic development of these rivers.

2. In a notebook do short conclusion about the differences in river systems associated with their geographical location.

Practical work No. 7.

Comparison of the nature of the Arctic and Antarctic; protectionprojects for the practical use of Antarctica orArctic Ocean in various areas human activity.

Goals of work: 1. Compare the nature of the Arctic and Antarctic. 2. Draw up and defend projects for the use of the natural resources of Antarctica or the Arctic Ocean in various areas of human activity. 3. Learn to assess and predict natural conditions and natural resources as conditions for the life and economic activities of people.

Work sequence

1. Analyzing the atlas maps (choose the maps yourself), using previously acquired knowledge on the topic, compare the nature of the Arctic and Antarctic. Present the comparison results in the form of a table.

Arctic- the northern polar region of the Earth, including almost the entire Arctic Ocean with islands, adjacent parts of the Atlantic and

The Pacific Ocean, as well as the edges of the continents of North America and Eurasia

Antarctic- the southern polar region of the Earth, including Antarctica,

adjacent parts of the oceans and islands within 48-60° S latitude.

Attention! Attention! Option 1

Assignment of the Academy of Geographical Sciences: to draw up and defend a project for the practical use of Antarctica in various fields of human activity. Share the results of your work with other students in the class.

Attention! Attention! Option 2

Assignment of the Academy of Geographical Sciences: to draw up and defend a project for the practical use of the Arctic Ocean in various areas of human activity. Share the results of your work with other students in the class.

Practical work No. 8.

Comparison of Eurasian climate with climate North America; determination of climate types in Eurasia based on climatograms, assessment of climatic conditions for people’s lives and their economic activities.

Goals of work: 1. Compare the climate of Eurasia with the climate of North America. Determine the climate types of Eurasia using climatograms, assess the climatic conditions for people’s lives and their economic activities. 2. Test and evaluate the ability to analyze climatograms and draw conclusions about the type of climate.

Work sequence

1.. Having examined the climate maps of Eurasia and North America, the map “Climatic zones and regions of the world”, compare the climate of Eurasia and North America according to the plan (orally):

a) in what climate zones the continents are located;

b) compare absolute temperature indicators;

c) on which continent are the arid regions and the regions of greatest precipitation occupied? large area.

2. Draw a conclusion Which continent has the most diverse climate? Give specific examples, explain the reasons for the diversity of climate in Eurasia. Write a brief conclusion with examples and explanation of the diversity of climate in Eurasia in your notebook.

3. Determine the climate types of Eurasia using climatograms (see textbook figure).

4. As a result of comparing the climatogram data with the climate map of Eurasia, the map “Climatic zones and regions of the world,” determine the type of climate.

6. Present the results of your work in the form of a table.

t (month)

Amplitude t


Precipitation regime


conditions for

life and household


Practical work No. 9.

Comparison of natural zones along the 40th parallel in Eurasia and North America, identifying similarities and differences in the alternation of zones, in their degree anthropogenic change.

Goals of work: 1. Compare natural areas in Eurasia and North America along the 40th parallel. Identify similarities and differences in the alternation of zones and the degree of their anthropogenic changes. 2. Check and evaluate the ability to identify the reasons that determined the alternation of natural zones and the difference in their location on the continents of Eurasia and North America.

Work sequence

1.. Using maps of the natural zones of Eurasia and North America, write down in a notebook all the natural zones of these continents from west to east along the 40th parallel.

Eurasia: ________________________________________________________________________________

North America: ____________________________________________________________

2. Emphasize natural areas found on only one of the continents.

3. Draw a conclusion about the reasons for the absence of this or that natural area. Write a brief summary in your notebook.

4. Along the 40th parallel on the continents of Eurasia and North America there are similar natural zones, for example, hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs, forest-steppes and steppes, semi-deserts and deserts. What differences do you see in the nature of the location of these natural areas? What are the reasons for these differences? Write a brief summary in your notebook.

5. Make a general conclusion, on what reasons the nature of the location of natural zones depends.

Practical work No. 10.

Compiling, from maps and other sources, a description of one of the countries of foreign Europe and one of the countries foreign Asia.

Goals of work: 1. Write a description of one of the countries of foreign Europe and one of the countries of foreign Asia. 2. Check and evaluate the ability to use atlas maps and other sources of geographic information to solve assigned problems.

Option 1 - Sweden. Option 2 - Saudi Arabia.

Work sequence

Using the technique of overlaying maps (select atlas maps yourself), compose a brief written description of the country according to the proposed plan.

Country description plan

I. The name of the country and its capital.

II. Physico-geographical position of the country:

1. In what part of the mainland is the country located or is it an island?

2. What countries does it border with?

The country's position in relation to the seas and oceans.

III. Natural conditions:

1. Features of the relief ( general character surfaces, major landforms and elevation distribution). Minerals.

2. Climatic conditions in different parts of the country (climatic zones, average temperatures in July and January, annual precipitation). Differences in climate across territories and seasons.

3. Large rivers and lakes.

5. Natural areas and their main features. Vegetation and animal world.

IV. Population and economic life:

1. Population size and distribution throughout the country, approximate population density.

2. Composition of the population (main peoples).

3. Features of the life of the population (homes, traditions).

4. Economic life of the population (extracted minerals, what industries, transport there are in the country, large cities, what crops are grown, what breeds of animals are bred).

5. The impact of economic activities of the population on the natural environment. Measures for rational use and nature conservation.

Date of: ___________
Purpose: To identify the degree of assimilation educational material for __________ studies year.

2. Who is considered the “father of geography”. He also presented the idea that the Earth is spherical and quite accurately calculated the length of the equator and the radius of the Earth?

3.Write in your own words what UNESCO is.
4. What device can be used to determine time from the Sun?

5. Which of the following planets terrestrial group– extra?
a) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars b) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Neptunec) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter
6. Was he the first to suggest that the Earth does not have the shape of a perfect sphere?
a) Archimedes b) Aristotle c) Newton
7. Correlate the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes and the days of the summer and winter solstices. Write your answer in pairs.
A) vernal equinox 1) December 22
B) summer solstice 2) September 23
C) day of the autumnal equinox 3) March 21
D) winter solstice 4) June 22

a) match b) do not match
9. In what direction does the Earth rotate around its axis?

10. List the geographical consequences of the Earth’s axial rotation?

11. In which light zones of the Earth are all four seasons observed?

12. List internal structure Earth.
13. Where is the earth's crust thicker?
a) under the oceans b) under the continents
14. Cause of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions?
15. Examples of sedimentary rocks are?
a) sand, gypsum, coal, pumice b) sand, gypsum, coal
16. Examples of metamorphic rocks are?
a) slate, marble b) marble, basalt
17. On earth's surface directly above the source of the earthquake there is a ____?_____, which can cover an area of ​​up to several tens of square kilometers.
18. If the source of the earthquake is under the ocean floor, then above water surface long waves are formed. Such waves move very quickly, reach the shore and hit them with enormous force, bringing destruction with them. What are these waves called?
19. What is the name of the air shell of the earth?
a) hydrosphere b) atmosphere c) lithosphere
20. Which layer of the atmosphere contains ozone?
a) stratosphere b) troposphere c) thermosphere d) mesosphere
21. What is the state of the atmosphere called at a given time and in a given area?
a) climate b) weather
22. What is the name of the device that is used to determine the direction of the wind?
a) hygrometer b) weather vane c) precipitation gauge23. What is the name of the device for determining air temperature and humidity?
a) precipitation gauge b) hygrometer c) thermometer
24. What is the name of the part of the ocean that is separated by land areas or underwater rises of the bottom, differing from it in the properties of water, currents and living organisms?
a) bay b) strait c) sea d) ocean
25. Which of the following is not an ocean?
a) Barents b) Arctic c) Atlantic d) Indian e) Pacific
26. Is it true that the largest peninsula on Earth is Arabian, and the largest peninsula in Russia is Taimyr?
a) yes b) no
27. The place where the river originates is called?
a) mouth b) source
28. To which ocean basin do the following rivers belong: Yenisei, Lena, Ob?
a) Pacific b) Atlantic c) Indian d) Arctic
CS on geography in 5th grade

1. What science studies geographical objects, processes and phenomena in geographical envelope of our planet?
a) geology b) geography c) biology
2.Who is considered the “father of geography”. He also presented the idea that the Earth is spherical and quite accurately calculated the length of the equator and the radius of the Earth?
a) Eratosthenes b) Herodotus c) Aristotle
3. Natural objects include: a) football field b) swimming pool c) swamp d) children's playground

a) level b) gnomon c) barometer
5. What method of geographical research was used in compiling this text? Tropical forests occupy a significant part of the world's forest area and are the main source of valuable timber. This is a huge storehouse of food, technical, medicinal and other useful plants.
6.Which of the listed terrestrial planets are superfluous?
a) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars b) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Neptune
c) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter
7. Select the geographical consequences of the Earth’s axial rotation?
a) there is a change of seasons b) there is a change of day and night
8. Do the dates of the onset of astronomical seasons and phenological phenomena in our area coincide?
a) match b) do not match

a) polar b) temperate c) equatorial

A) solar system B) geographic pole
CS on geography in 5th grade
"Introduction. Earth is a planet of the solar system"
Option 2
1.The word “geography” translated from Greek language means: a) agriculture b) land description c) geoscience
2.First determined the dimensions globe a) Pythagoras b) Eratosthenesc) Aristotleg) Ptolemy
3Objects created by man include: a) hill b) pool c) swamp d) island
4.. With the help of what device can you determine the time from the Sun?
a) gnomon b) barometerc) level
5. What geographical research methods can be used to confirm this information: Tropical forests occupy large areas on both sides of the equator in America, Africa, in the southern and south-eastern parts of Asia and on the adjacent islands, in Australia. In the forest reservoirs of tropical America The famous Victoria Region is growing.
6.Indicate between the orbits of which planets the orbit of planet Earth is located?
1) between Saturn and Uranus 3) Between Mars and Venus
2) between Mercury and Venus 4) between Uranus and Pluto
7. Select the geographical consequences of the Earth’s motion in its circumsolar orbit?
a) there is a change of seasons b) there is a change of day and night
8. In what direction does the Earth rotate around its axis?
a) from west to east b) from east to west
9. In which light zones of the Earth are all four seasons observed?
a) equatorialb) polarc) temperate
10.Write a definition of the following concepts:
A) geography B) length of day
CS on geography in 5th grade
"Internal structure of the Earth"
1 option
A.1.What is the lithosphere?
1. earth’s crust and upper part of the mantle; 3. air shell.
2.water shell of the Earth; 4.water shell of the Earth.
A.2.What occupies most of the Earth’s volume?

A.3.Which layer is not distinguished in the continental crust?
1.granite; 2.sedimentary; 3.sandy; 4.basalt.
A.4.What method allows you to study the interior of the Earth?
1.well drilling; 2. underground; 3.seismic; 4.space.
A.5.Which rocks are not classified as sedimentary?
1.clastic; 2.chemical; 3.organic; 4.magmatic.
A.6. Indicate the unnecessary from the point of view of the origin of the volcano?
1. vent; 2.lava; 3.crater; 4.epicenter
A.7.The formation of a tsunami is associated with………………..
1.volcanoes; 2.earthquake; 3.slow oscillations; .4.relief
A.8.What is the name of the device with which you can record vibrations of the earth’s crust.
1.level; 2. echo sounder; 3. seismograph; 4.protractor
A.9.What is the name of the hole at the top of the volcano?

Q.1.What is the name of the area of ​​the earth's surface where the strongest tremors are observed? ______________________________

The set of irregularities on the land surface is called …………………………
C.1.What determines the height of a volcano’s cone?
C.2.Why are geysers formed?
CS on geography in 5th grade
"Internal structure of the Earth"
Option 2
A.1.Indicate the outer layer of the Earth.
1.Core; 2.mantle; 3. earth's crust; 4.outer core.
A.2. Please indicate the correct statement.
1.The thickness of the earth’s crust is the same everywhere.
2. The oceanic crust is thicker than the continental crust.
3.The continental crust is thicker than the oceanic crust.
A.3.What layer besides the sedimentary one does the oceanic crust contain?
1.granite; 2. peat; 3.sandy; 4.basalt.
A.4.Indicate the subgroup of rocks.
1.clastic; 2.sedimentary; 3.metamorphic; 4.magmatic.
A.53.Indicate the rock of igneous origin.
1.granite; 2.marble; 3.sand; 4.quartzite.
A.6.Which part refers to the earthquake?
1. vent; 2.magma; 3. hearth; 4.crater.
A.7.The formation of geysers is associated with…………..
1.earthquake; 2.volcano; 3.relief; 4.plains.
A.8.What is the name of the place in the earth’s crust where displacement and rupture of rocks occurs?
1.epicenter; 2.magma; 3. hearth; 4. crater.
A.9. Along the shores of which ocean does the Earth’s seismic belt run?
1.Northern Arctic; 2.Atlantic; 3.Quiet; 4.Indian.
B.1. Science that studies the origin of seismic waves in the bowels of the Earth
Q.2.Insert the missing word.
The excess of one point over another on the earth's surface is called ………………………………………….
S.1.What is the difference between lava and magma?
C.2.Why do the areas of distribution of geysers and volcanoes coincide?
CS on geography in 5th grade
1 option
A1.What is the lower boundary of the atmosphere?
A) the earth's surface B) the level of the World Ocean
C) the upper boundary of the mantle D) the upper boundary of the troposphere
A2.Which gas predominates in the atmosphere?
A) oxygen B) hydrogen C) nitrogen d) carbon dioxide.
A3.Which layer of the atmosphere protects the Earth’s surface from destructive effects?
A) troposphere B) stratosphere C) thermosphere D) ozone
A4.Which layer of the atmosphere is located above the troposphere?
A) stratosphere B) mesosphere C) thermosphere D) exosphere
A5.What is the significance of the Earth's atmosphere?

D) all answers are correct
A6.What is not an element of weather?
A) temperature B) pressure C) cloudiness D) annual precipitation

1.atmospheric pressure A.hygrometer
2.precipitation B.vane
3.humidity V.barometer
4. wind force G. thermometer
5. temperature D. precipitation gauge B2. Fill in the missing words.
Getting into the atmosphere carbon dioxide contributes to the fact that the heat emitted by the Earth is retained by the atmosphere. This phenomenon is usually called _____________________________________________________

A) atmosphere B) mirages
CS on geography in 5th grade
Option 2
A1.Which layer of the atmosphere is furthest from the Earth?
A) stratosphere B) troposphere C) mesosphere D) thermosphere
A2.What gas in the atmosphere provides combustion processes?
A) carbon dioxide B) nitrogen C) oxygen D) helium
A3. In which layer do weather changes occur?
A1.in the ozone B) in the troposphere C) in the mesosphere D) in the thermosphere
A4.How do scientists study the atmosphere?
A) weather stations B) weather rockets
C) artificial satellites D) all answers are correct A5. What is the significance of the Earth's atmosphere?
A) air is necessary for breathing B) meteoroids burn up in it
C) it protects the Earth from extreme heating and cooling
D) all answers are correct
A6.What is the state of the lower layer of the atmosphere called at a given time and place?
A) climate B) air C) weather D) air mass
Q1.Match the weather element and the measuring device:
1.temperature A.hygrometer
2.precipitation B.vane
3.wind force V.barometer
4..humidity G.thermometer
5atmospheric pressure D. precipitation gauge
Q2. Fill in the missing words.
A person feels comfortable at a temperature of ___________________
And relative humidity is within ______________________________
C1.Write a definition of the following concepts:
A) troposphere B) hail
Geography test
Topic: "Hydrosphere". 5th grade
Option 1.
Part 1.
1. By area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean
A) second only to Quiet;
B) surpasses the Pacific, Indian and Arctic;
C) superior to the Arctic, but inferior to the Pacific and Indian.
D) second only to Indian.
2. Fill in the blanks.
Salt waters of the hydrosphere account for _____%, and _____% are fresh waters.
3. Inland seas are
A) Black and Red; B) Arabian and Northern;
C) Greenlandic and Japanese; D) Kara and Baltic.
4. Among the listed lakes, the deepest is
A) Air North; B) Baikal; C) Victoria; D) Upper.
5. The Bay of Bengal belongs to the ocean:
A) Indian; B) Quiet;
C) Atlantic; D) Arctic.
6. Among the listed islands, the largest in area is the island
A) Sakhalin; B) Greenland; B) Tierra del Fuego; D) Sri Lanka.
7. Indicate three states of water in nature: 1……. 2…… 3…….
8. The longest river in the world
A) Amazon; B) Mississippi; B) Nile; D) Mekong.
9. Arrange the oceans in order of decreasing area: A) Indian; B) Pacific; C) Arctic; D) Atlantic.
10. Glaciation is widespread
A) in Greenland; B) in the Himalayas;
C) in the Pamirs; D) in the Cordillera.
Part 2.
1. Match “sea to the ocean to which it belongs”
A) Red; 1) Quiet;
B) Baltic; 2) Arctic;
B) Barents; 3) Indian;
D) Beringovo; 4) Atlantic.
2. Set which natural object sailors and passengers of the ship collided.
Suddenly, the ice mountain sparkling in the sun began to quickly move away from the ship, and at that moment the ship’s hull experienced a sharp jolt. The amazed sailors and passengers saw that the ship was lying on a huge ice floe and was rising higher above the surface of the water with every second.
3. What numbers indicate the following concepts?
A) Source
B) River basin
B) Mouth
D) Watershed
D) Inflow
4. Which word should be excluded from the list? Explain how the following concepts are combined?
river, stream, lake, glacier, ocean, spring, swamp
5.What is a river?

Geography test
Topic: "Hydrosphere". 5th grade
Option 2.
Part 1.
1. Second after average depth Pacific Ocean is... the ocean
A) Atlantic; B) Arctic; C) Indian.
2. Fill in the blanks.

3. The marginal sea is
A) Red; B) Black;
C) Bering; D) Mediterranean.
4. The saltiest lake in the World Ocean is
A) Dead; B) Baikal;
C) Caspian; D) Air North.
5. The Strait of Gibraltar connects
A) North and Baltic seas;
B) Pacific and Arctic Oceans;
B) Red Sea and Indian Ocean;
D) Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean.
6. The largest island on Earth, Greenland, is located off the coast of the mainland
A) Eurasia; B) North America;
C) Africa; D) South America.
7. Indicate three properties of water that it does not have: 1……. 2…… 3…….
8. Tallest waterfall in the world:
A) Victoria; B) Niagara; B) Angel; D) Khon.

9. Among the rivers listed, the largest river system is formed by the river
A) Volga; B) Amazon; B) Ganges; D) Neil.

10. Arrange the oceans in order of increasing area: A) Indian; B) Quiet; B) Arctic; D) Atlantic.
Part 2.
1. Establish a correspondence between “the bay and the ocean to which it belongs”
A) Guinean; 1) Quiet;
B) Mexican; 2) Arctic;
B) Bengali; 3) Atlantic;
4) Indian.
2. Determine what natural process is discussed in this poem.
Although it's not very easy to believe,
But the Volga has water in the Limpopo River.
And, traveling in a cloud of steam,
Waters from the Volga flow to Niagara.
Volga water in both Baikal and the Nile,
Both in Tanganyika and in our apartment.
I. Yakimov ________________________________________
3.Which word should be excluded from the list? Explain how the following concepts are combined?
river, tributary, source, tide, mouth, basin, channel
4. What letters are marked on the water cycle diagram?
1) Evaporation
2) Moisture transfer
3) Precipitation
4) Rivers
5) Groundwater
5. What is a lake?

Final test on geography in 5th grade
Option 1.
Part A.
1. The word “geography” translated from Greek means: a) agriculture b) land description c) geoscience 2. Objects created by man include: a) hill b) pool c) swamp d) island
3. Select the geographical consequences of the Earth’s motion in its circumsolar orbit?
a) there is a change of seasons b) there is a change of day and night
4.Which part refers to the earthquake?
A) vent; b) magma; c) hearth; d)crater.
5.What is the name of the place in the earth’s crust where rock displacement and rupture occurs?
A) epicenter; b) magma; c) hearth; d)crater.
6.The formation of a tsunami is associated with………………..
A) volcanoes; b) earthquake; c) slow oscillations; d) relief
7.What gas in the atmosphere provides combustion processes?
A) carbon dioxide B) nitrogen C) oxygen D) helium
8.In which layer do weather changes occur?
A) in the ozone B) in the troposphere C) in the mesosphere D) in the thermosphere
9.Match the weather element and the measuring device:
1.temperature A.hygrometer
2.precipitation B.vane
3.wind force V.barometer
4.humidity G.thermometer
10. Fill in the blanks.
The hydrosphere accounts for _____% of the Earth's surface, and _____% for the land.
11. The saltiest lake in the World Ocean is
A) Dead; B) Baikal;
B) Caspian; D) Air North.
12. Indicate three properties of water that it does not have: 1……. 2…… 3…….
13. Arrange the oceans in order of increasing area: A) Indian; B) Quiet; B) Arctic; D) Atlantic.
14. It is not typical for taiga forests: a) birch b) pine c) spruce d) larch.
15. Savannahs are inhabited by: a) giraffe; b) elk; c) hippopotamus; d)gorilla.
Part B Write a definition of the following concepts: A) biosphere B) thunderstorm Part C For what purpose does a person create protected areas?
Final test on geography in 5th grade
Option 2.
Part A.
1. What science studies geographical objects, processes and phenomena in the geographical envelope of our planet?
a) geology b) geography c) biology
2. Natural objects include: a) football field b) swimming pool c) swamp d) playground
3. Select the geographical consequences of the Earth’s axial rotation?
a) there is a change of seasons b) there is a change of day and night
4.What is the lithosphere?
A) the earth’s crust and upper part of the mantle; B) air shell.
B) the water shell of the Earth; d) the water shell of the Earth.
5. Indicate the unnecessary from the point of view of the origin of the volcano?
A) vent; b) lava; B)crater; d) epicenter.
6.What is the name of the place in the earth’s crust where displacement and rupture of rocks occurs? A) epicenter; b) magma; c) hearth; d)crater.
7.Which gas predominates in the atmosphere?
A) oxygen B) hydrogen C) nitrogen d) carbon dioxide.
8.Which layer of the atmosphere protects the Earth’s surface from destructive effects? A) troposphere B) stratosphere C) thermosphere D) ozone
9.Match the weather element and the measuring device:
1.temperature A.hygrometer
2.precipitation B.vane
3.wind force V.barometer
4.Humidity G.thermometer
5.atmospheric pressure D. precipitation gauge
10. Fill in the blanks.
Salt waters of the hydrosphere account for _____%, and _____% are fresh waters
11. Among the listed lakes, the deepest is
A) Air North; B) Baikal; B) Victoria; D) Upper.
12. Indicate three states of water in nature: 1……. 2…… 3…….
13. Arrange the oceans in order of decreasing area: A) Indian; B) Pacific; B) Arctic; D) Atlantic
.14. Not typical for the steppes: a) tulip b) feather grass c) fern d) irises.
15. The taiga is inhabited by: a) giraffe; b) elk; c) hippopotamus; d) flying squirrel.
Part B Write a definition of the following concepts: A) troposphere B) city
Part C For what purpose does a person
building a biosphere reserve?

Test work on the topic “Scale” Option 1

1:10 ____________________ 1: 1000 ____________________

1:500 _____________________ 1: 150 ____________________

Which of these scales is the smallest? ______________________________

1: 40 000 000 ___________________________________________________________

1: 600 000 ___________________________________________________________

1: 2000 ____________________________________________________________

1:50 000 _____________________________________________________________

1 cm - 70 m _____________________________________________________

1 cm - 500 m _____________________________________________________

1 cm - 6 km _____________________________________________________

1 cm - 300 km _____________________________________________________

4. Determine which of the scales presented in each pair is larger (put a sign > or

5. Determine the scale of the maps if the distance of 300 km on map A is 3 cm, and on map B it is 10 cm.

Which map is on a larger scale? _____________________________________


Test work on the topic “Scale” option 2

1. Determine how many times the distance is reduced on plans drawn to scale:

1:40 ____________________ 1: 10 000 ____________________

1:3000 _____________________ 1: 1500 ____________________

Which of these scales is the smallest? ___________________________________

2. Write down the numerical scale as a named one.

1: 500 000 ___________________________________________________________

1: 25 000 000 ___________________________________________________________

1: 400 ____________________________________________________________

1: 1000 _____________________________________________________________

3. Calculate how many times the distances on the ground are greater than on the plan, if the terrain is shown to scale:

1 cm - 700 m _____________________________________________________

1 cm - 30 m _____________________________________________________

1 cm - 20 km _____________________________________________________

1 cm - 800 km _____________________________________________________

4. Determine which of the scales presented in each pair is larger (put a sign > or

5. Determine the scale of the maps if the distance of 400 km on map A is 5 cm, and on map B it is 8 cm.

A ______________________________________________


Which map is on a larger scale? _____________________________________________________


Practice test on the topic “Arctic Ocean”

1. The Arctic Ocean washes the shores...
A. South America and Eurasia b. Eurasia and North America

B. North America and Africa C. Africa and Australia
2. Arctic Ocean...
A. intersected by the northern tropic and the prime meridian
b. intersected by the northern tropic and not intersected by the prime meridian

V. is not crossed by the northern tropic and is crossed by the prime meridian

G. is not intersected by either the northern tropic or the prime meridian
3. The largest islands by area are located in the ocean off the coast...
A. Europe b. North America c. South America Asia
4. The age of the earth’s crust, which forms the bottom topography, ...relative to the lithosphere of the surrounding continents

A. younger b. same in. more ancient
5. More than half the area of ​​the Arctic Ocean's bottom is...

A. shelf b. mid-ocean ridges c. deep sea trenches
6. The main source of heat for the Arctic Ocean is...
A. solar energy b. internal energy of the earth

B. warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean d. heat of the atmosphere
7. Most of the atmospheric precipitation over the ocean territory falls in the form...
A. rain b. hail in. snow fog
8. The waters of the Arctic Ocean have the lowest salinity in...
A. Atlantic part b. Pacific part of the near the North Pole

9. B summer time Compared to winter, the salinity of the waters of the Arctic Ocean...
A. above b. same in. below

10. Of the seas of the Arctic Ocean, it practically does not freeze...
A. Barentsevo b. Norwegian v. Karaskoe, East Siberian
11. The largest areas of the ocean are covered with ice when the Sun is at its zenith above
A. northern tropic b. equator c. southern tropics

12. The greatest diversity of organic life in the ocean is...
A. in the Pacific and Atlantic regions

B. in the Atlantic region and near the mouths of large rivers

V. near the mouths of large rivers and in the central part
in the central part and the Pacific region
13. The largest animal in the Arctic Ocean is...

A. walrus b. seal in. polar bear Mr. Penguin
14. The most important geographical discoveries in the ocean region were made in...
A. XVI - XVII b. XVII - XVIII centuries ХVIII - XIX years XIX - XX

15. The main goal of the expeditions of Frobisher, Hudson, Baffin in the Arctic Ocean a. studies of the nature of the ocean coastline
b. search for the northeast passage to the Pacific Ocean

B. search for the northwest passage to the Pacific Ocean

D. reaching the North Pole
16. For shipping purposes, the Arctic Ocean is used mainly...

A. Russia b. USA in. Canada Iceland
17. The main fishery object in the Arctic Ocean... fish
A. salmon b. sturgeon c. cod g. perch
18. The largest oil deposits on the ocean shelf were discovered...
A. in the Kara and Norwegian seas
b. in the Norwegian Sea and off the coast of Alaska

V. off the coast of Alaska and in the Barents Sea

G. in the Barents and East Siberian seas
19. The energy resources of the Arctic Ocean began to be used...
A. Iceland and Norway b. Norway and Russia c. Russia and USA USA and Canada
20. In summer, the water temperature of the Arctic Ocean...
A. does not change b. varies from freezing temperature to 5°C

B. decreases d. increases to 25°C
21. Old Russian name for the Arctic Ocean... sea
A. Dead b. Ice in. Kholodnoye Studenoye


Test work on the topic “Atmosphere and climates of the Earth” 1st option

1) What data does a climate map contain?

A. Temperature and precipitation data

B. Wind data

B. Pressure data

D. All answers are correct

2) The line connecting points on the map with the same temperatures is called:

A. Isobar B. Isotherm C. Isochrone D. Isogypsum

3) Which of the two statements is correct?

A. Air moves from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure

B. Air moves from an area of ​​low pressure to an area of ​​high pressure

4) The air temperature increases when moving from the poles to the equator because it changes:

A. Direction of winds B. Structure of the atmosphere

B. Air composition D. Angle of incidence of sunlight

5) Which air mass corresponds to the properties - hot and dry:

6) Determine which climate zone the statement corresponds to - hot and humid all year round: A. Arctic B. Temperate

B. Tropical D. Equatorial

7) Which of the following winds are constant?

A. Breeze B. Monsoon C. Passat G. Hairdryer

8) At what latitudes is the high pressure area?

A. Equatorial latitudes B. Tropical latitudes C. Temperate latitudes

9) Using a climate map, determine the area that receives little rainfall?

A. Amazonian lowland B. Japanese islands C. North Africa

10) Determine using a climate map average temperature July on the coast of Antarctica.

Test work on the topic “Atmosphere and climates of the Earth” option 2

1) When moving from the poles to the equator, the amount of solar heat received by the territory:

A. Increases B. Does not change C. Decreases

2) Maximum amount precipitation falls:

A. At the equator B. At the poles C. In tropical latitudes

3) Determine which climate zone the statement corresponds to – it’s hot all year round, there’s little rainfall:

A. Arctic B. Temperate C. Tropical D. Equatorial

4) At what latitudes is the low pressure area?

A. Equatorial latitudes B. Tropical latitudes C. Polar latitudes

5) What air mass corresponds to the properties - cold and dry:

A. Arctic B. Temperate C. Tropical D. Equatorial

6) Which of the following winds are constant?

A. Western winds B. Monsoon C. Northeastern winds D. Fen

7) The cause of the “greenhouse” effect is:

A. Thinning of the ozone layer

B. Reduction of oxygen in the air

B. Increase in the amount of water vapor and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

8) How many climate zones are there on Earth?

A. 7 B. 13 C. 6

9) Using a climate map, determine the area that receives a lot of precipitation?

A. Amazonian lowland B. Antarctica C. Central Australia

10) Using a climate map, determine the average July temperature in northern Africa.


Test work on the topic “Southern continents” 1st option

1.Africa is located in all four hemispheres of the world.

2. The Great Rifts stretch across eastern Africa.

3. Africa is the wettest continent.

4. The capital of Australia is Canberra.

5. The Creek is an animal native to Australia.

6. The newcomer population mainly arrived in Australia from England.

7. Penguins are endemic inhabitants of Antarctica.

8. The lowest temperature in Antarctica was recorded in the area of ​​the Mirny station.

10. The Amazon is the longest river on Earth.

Test work on the topic “Southern continents” option 2

Determine how true the following statements are and, if necessary, give the correct answer.

1. Cape Cabo Branco is the westernmost point of South America.

3. Most of Africa is located in the subequatorial climate zone.

4. Australia lies entirely in the southern hemisphere.

5. Australia has many large rivers and lakes.

6. South Pole The expedition of R. Amundsen was the first to reach it.

7. Antarctic oases are areas with rich vegetation.

8. Pampa is the South American steppe.

9. B South America is the tallest waterfall in the world.

10. Welwitschia is a plant endemic to the deserts of Australia.

Test work on the topic “Southern continents” option 3

Determine how true the following statements are and, if necessary, give the correct answer.

1. The chinchilla and condor live in the rainforests of the Amazon.

2. The Andes are rich in copper and silver ores.

3. Lake Victoria is located in South America.

4. Most of Africa lies in the southern hemisphere.

5. Antarctica was discovered by J. Cook.

6. The average ice thickness in Antarctica is 2000 m.

7. Kangaroos and emus are depicted on the coat of arms of Australia.

8. Eucalyptus is a tall tree that sheds its bark.

9. The highest point in Africa is Kilimanjaro.

10. The deepest lake in Africa is Nyasa.

Test work on the topic “Southern continents” option 4

Determine how true the following statements are and, if necessary, give the correct answer.

1. Samum - a strong hot wind in the Sahara Desert.

2.The Congo River flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

3. The most highly developed country in Africa is South Africa.

4. The platypus and echidna live only in Africa.

5. The best sheep in the world are bred in Australia.

6. Most of Australia is located in the tropical zone.

7. The struggle to reach the South Pole first was led by Amundsen and Scott.

8. Antarctica can be called the highest continent.

9. South America is washed by the waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans.

10. H. Columbus called the local residents Indians.


Test work on the topic “The World Ocean” Option 1

  1. The bulk of water on Earth is contained in:
  1. glaciers 2) swamps 3) rivers 4) the oceans
  1. Land waters include: 1) seas and glaciers 2) lakes and bays 3) straits and canals 4) swamps and groundwater
  2. The sea, which is usually located on the shelf and continental slope and is only partially separated from the ocean by peninsulas, islands and underwater rises, is called:
  1. interisland 2) internal 3) marginal 4) mainland
  1. precipitation
  2. evaporation

3) sun rays

5) cloud formation

5. Determine which ocean can be said to wash the shores of two continents.

6. The highest tides on Earth (18 meters) were recorded in…

1) Bay of Fundy 2) Bering Strait 3) Gulf of Guinea 4) Gulf of Mexico

7. unfaithful.

1) The highest and destructive waves- tsunami.

2) The most famous canals are Suez and Panama.

3) Water accumulates heat faster than land and then releases it faster.

4) Water appeared on Earth a long time ago - more than 4 billion years ago.

Answer the questions.

Test work on the topic “The World Ocean” Option 2

  1. At what temperature does ocean water freeze?
  1. 0 о С 2) -4 о С 3)+2 о С 4) -10 о С
  1. Land waters include: 1) swamps and glaciers 2) seas and bays 3) lakes and straits 4) swamps and seas
  2. The part of the sea or ocean that extends deep into the land is...
  1. strait 2) sea 3) bay 4) channel
  1. Restore the correct sequence of events from the listed words: (write the answer in numbers separated by commas)
  1. precipitation
  2. evaporation

3) sun rays

4) warming of the earth's surface

5) cloud formation

5. Determine which ocean can be said to wash the shores of five continents.

1) Pacific Ocean 2) Atlantic Ocean 3) Arctic Ocean 4) Indian Ocean

6. The highest tides in our country were recorded in…

1) Bay of Fundy 2) Sea of ​​Okhotsk 3) Caribbean Sea 4) Gulf of Mexico

7. Which of the following statements is unfaithful.

1) Powerful water flows - currents - are formed in the ocean.

2) The highest waves are observed between 40 o and 50 o S, where the strongest winds blow.

3) One of the most powerful ocean currents is the Gulf Stream.

4) The distance between the crest and the bottom of the wave is called the wavelength.

Answer the questions.1) What properties do the waters of the World Ocean have?

2) What is the importance of the hydrosphere for humans?




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Test work on the topic

1 option

1 .Which of the listed cities in Russia has a large full-cycle metallurgical plant?

1) Kostroma 2) Krasnodar 3) Smolensk 4) Novokuznetsk

1) Moscow 2) Stavropol 3) Yaroslavl 4) Tula

1) Krasnodar 2) Lipetsk 3) Cherepovets 4) Sayanogorsk

1) Vladivostok 2) Stavropol 3) Chelyabinsk 4) Norilsk

5. Which of the following cities is the center of bus production?

1) Kurgan 2) Murmansk 3) Arkhangelsk 4) Magadan

6. Which of the following cities is a major copper and nickel smelting center?

1) Lipetsk 2) Norilsk 3) Chelyabinsk 4) Cherepovets

7. Which of the listed Russian cities are major centers of shipbuilding and ship repair?

1) St. Petersburg and Chita 2) Stavropol and Chelyabinsk

3) Nizhny Novgorod and Vladivostok 4) Perm and Tolyatti

1) Magadan 2) St. Petersburg 3) Bratsk 4) Murmansk

9. Which of the following cities produces nitrogen fertilizers?

1) Syktyvkar 2) Moscow 3) Cherepovets 4) Rostov-on-Don

10. Which of the listed regions of Russia has the largest area under sugar beets?

1) Arkhangelsk 2) Amur 3) Pskov 4) Voronezh

11. Which of the following republics has a developed oil industry? 1) Kabardino-Balkarian 2) Karelia

3) Bashkortostan 4) Udmurtia

12. In which of the listed regions of Russia is the coal mining industry one of the main sectors of the economy?

1) Transbaikal region 3) Astrakhan region

2) Leningrad region 4) Komi Republic

13. In October 2011, the first stage of a modern rice processing complex was put into operation in the Krasnodar Territory, including a rice plant, packaging production, a warehouse terminal, an administrative building and the entire complex of engineering structures. Plant capacity – 40–45 thousand tons of raw rice per year. Whatcontributed to the choice of a site for the construction of a rice processing complex in the region?

14. JSC " Tula Combine Harvester Plant» - one of the largest agricultural engineering enterprises in Russia. The basis of modern production specialization is: a complex of grain harvesting equipment, complexes of forage harvesting equipment for the preparation of silage, haylage and hay. All designs of agricultural machine models are designed taking into account modern technologies. How can one explain the location of the production of agricultural combines in the city? Thule?

15. A quarter of the world's forest resources are concentrated in Russia. Our country is a major supplier of roundwood to the world market: currently exports from Russia account for almost half of world exports. It is known that it is much more profitable to export timber products and pulp and paper industry than round timber. The Ministry of Industry and Energy approved five investment projects of timber processing enterprises. One of the projects -construction of a pulp and paper mill in Kirov region. Explain what features of the Kirov region determined the choice of thisregion for the construction of a pulp and paper mill.

16. Anzher Machine-Building Plant – OJSC "Anzheromash", - is located in the city of Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region. The company produces equipment for the needs of the mining industry. Main products –mine conveyors, machine tools, machines widely used in modern mining production differ high quality. How can you explain the location of mining equipment production in the city of Anzhero-Sudzhensk (Kemerovo region)?

17. Nadvoitsky Aluminum Plant (Nadvoitsy, about 200 km north of Petrozavodsk) was founded in 1954 Main productsprimary aluminum in ingots, aluminum powders, aluminum powder, cast aluminum alloys, silumin (aluminum alloy with silicon).How can you explain the location of aluminum production in the city of Nadvoitsy?

Test work on the topic

“The main industries and inter-industry complexes of Russia” Option 2

1. Which of the following cities in Russia is a major center of the aluminum industry?

1) Krasnodar 2) Lipetsk 3) Krasnoyarsk 4) Ryazan

2. In which of the listed Russian cities is tractor manufacturing developed? 1) Moscow 2) Stavropol 3) Norilsk 4) Volgograd

3. In which of the listed Russian cities does a large full-cycle metallurgical plant operate?

1) Arkhangelsk 2) Tula 3) Krasnodar 4) Magnitogorsk

4. Which of the following Russian cities is a major automotive manufacturing center?

1) Nizhny Novgorod 2) Cherepovets 3) Vladivostok 4) Petrozavodsk

5. Which of the following Russian cities is the center of the pulp and paper industry?

1) Rostov-on-Don 2) Orenburg 3) Syktyvkar 4) Murmansk

6. In which of the listed regions of Russia is production volume natural gas the largest?

1) Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 2) Krasnodar Territory

3) Astrakhan region 4) Komi Republic

7. In which of the listed regions of Russia is the timber industry one of the leading industries?

1) Kursk region 2) Republic of Tatarstan

3) Republic of Karelia 4) Stavropol Territory

8. In which of the listed regions of Russia are the natural conditions most favorable for the development of sheep farming?

1) Komi Republic 2) Republic of Kalmykia

3) Murmansk region 4) Magadan Region

9. Which of the following citiesis a major center of non-ferrous metallurgy?

1) Lipetsk 2) Magnitogorsk 3) Volkhov 4) Cherepovets

10. In which of the listed regions of Russia is the area under sunflower the largest?

1) Ivanovskaya 2) Orenburgskaya 3) Nizhny Novgorodskaya 4) Kirovskaya

11. Which of the following minerals is mined in the Volga region? 1) oil 2) iron ores 3) coal 4) copper ores

12. In which of the listed regions of Central Russia is mining carried out? iron ores(Kursk magnetic anomaly)?

1) Belgorodskaya 2) Tverskaya 3) Kaluga 4) Ryazanskaya

13. In 2012 in Belorechensky district Krasnodar region commissioning took placeoperation of an enterprise for the production of juices and juice-containing drinks. Design capacity of the new enterprise – 250 million liters of juice per year. Explain what contributed to the construction of a new enterprise for the production of juices and juice-containing drinks in the Belorechensky district?

14. " Novomoskovsky Azot» is one of the largest chemical enterprises in Russia: every ninth ton of domestic ammonia and nitrogen fertilizers is produced here. Currently, the plant has been completely modernized, which allows it to be a highly efficient enterprise. The production of nitrogen fertilizers is raw material intensive. How can one explain the location of nitrogen fertilizer production in the city of Novomoskovsk (Tula region)?

15. JSC " Lipetsk tractor» is one of the largest tractor manufacturers in Russia.One of the latest models is the integrated universal row-crop tractor LTZ-155, which has unique technological capabilities and ensures the introduction of promising agricultural technologies in agriculture. What features of the economy of the Lipetsk region contributed to the location of the tractor plant in the city? Lipetsk?

16. The Volgograd Aluminum Smelter (VgAZ) is part of the United Company Russian Aluminum (UC Rusal). Among the consumers of the plant's products are enterprises in the aircraft manufacturing, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering industries, as well as industrial and civil construction companies and manufacturers of consumer goods. Explain the choice of the city of Volgograd for the construction of an aluminum smelter?

17. OJSC Sokolsky Pulp and Paper Millone of the oldest enterprisespulp and paper industryRussia. The plant is located on the banks of the Sukhona River in the Vologda region.At the end of the last century at OJSC Sokolsky Pulp and Paper Millreconstruction was carried out. A project to introduce environmentally friendly chlorine-free pulp bleaching was also implemented. Currently, the plant produces 25 types of high-quality paper, unbleached sulfite pulp, etc. What contributed to the creation of the Sokolsky Pulp and Paper Mill in the Vologda Region?


1 option

1. Which winds have the greatest influence on the climate of eastern and southern Eurasia?

1) western 2) trade winds 3) monsoons 4) northern

2. What climate zone is typical for most of Eurasia?

1) equatorial 2) tropical

3) arctic 4) temperate

3. What climate zone are we talking about? The temperature of the warmest month is close to zero or negative. There is very little precipitation.

3) arctic 4) temperate

4. Determine the type of climate in the temperate zone, which is characterized by cool summers and mild winters with little snow (0 O C), large amounts of precipitation throughout the year, cloudy weather.

1) maritime 2) continental 3) arctic 4) monsoon

5. Determine the climate zone based on the weather description. In summer the weather is hot and cloudless. In winter there is frequent rain, but it is warm, the temperature stays above 0 about S.

1) subequatorial 2) tropical

3) subtropical 4) temperate

1) Sumatra a) temperate sea

2) Yangtze River b) subtropical monsoon

3) Arabian Peninsula c) subequatorial

4) Great Britain d) equatorial

5) Hindustan Peninsula e) tropical desert

7. The Italian region of Tuscany was declared a zone natural disaster, and the authorities introduced a regime on its territory emergency. This area was hit by heavy rainfall, leading to the flooding of neighborhoods and even entire areas in populated areas this part of Italy, as well as causing the formation of powerful mudflows and landslides. Bad weather caused the collapse of not only houses, but also bridges. Italian rescue services promptly began to eliminate the consequences of the flood. At what time of year is the amount of precipitation on the Apennine Peninsula the greatest?? Explain why.

8. At least 200 villages in the eastern Indian state of Assam have been flooded due to rising water levels in the Brahmaputra River caused by prolonged heavy rains. As ITAR-TASS reports, citing a statement by local authorities, at least 180 thousand people were injured. In Assam, houses are flooded, roads are destroyed and electricity is cut off. Rescuers are working in the disaster area.What time of year and whyIs it the rainy season in India?

9. In the city of Seville (Spain), a solar power system of more than 600 mirrors provides electricity to more than 6,000 homes. Quantity solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface varies by season and depends on geographical latitude point.What time of year and whyamount of solar radiation received in Spain per 1 m 2 earth's surface, greatest?

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

Test work on the topic “Climate of Eurasia”

Option 2

1. Indicate the wettest place in Eurasia.

1) Hindustan Peninsula 2) o. Greenland

3) Cherrapunji (in the foothills of the Himalayas) 4) Caucasus

2. Which winds have the greatest influence on the climate of the European part of Eurasia?

1) western 2) southern winds of the Sahara 3) monsoons 4) northern

3. Determine the climate zone based on its description. Dry and cold air prevails here all year round. The temperature stays below 0 all year round O C, severe frosts in winter.

1) subarctic 2) subtropical

3) arctic 4) temperate

4. Determine the type of climate in the temperate zone, which is characterized by warm summers and cold winters with little snow and severe frosts (up to -50 O C), low precipitation throughout the year, permafrost.

3) temperate continental 4) monsoon

5 . This temperate climate is characterized by hot summers with bright sunshine and blue sky; mild wet winter.

1) maritime 2) continental

3) Mediterranean 4) monsoon

6. Pick a pair: geographical feature– climate type.

1) m. Chelyuskin a) moderate monsoon

2) r. Amur b) subtropical continental

3) Yamal Peninsula c) subequatorial

4) Philippine Islands d) Arctic

5) Tien Shan e) subarctic

7. Heavy rain continues in northeastern China. The total amount of precipitation was 2 times higher than normal for this time of year. In Liaoning province, rivers overflowed their banks. Some villages were on the verge of flooding. At what time of year and why is the rainy season observed in the northeastern regions of China (on the Pacific coast)?

8. In July 2003, Italy's Minister for Population Protection said that unprecedented heat and lack of rain could lead to a state of emergency being declared in southern Italy. If it doesn't rain in the next two weeks, authorities may begin cutting off the water. Electricity consumption has also increased significantly as many residents began using air conditioning.In what climate zone?is the southern part of Italy located and why is it usually hot and dry in this area in summer?

9. Bad weather hit the Mediterranean resort of Antalya (Turkey), causing temporary disruptions to the airport. Stormy winds and heavy rains disrupted traffic in the city and suburbs of Antalya. Roads and streets were under water.At what time of year is the amount of precipitation on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey the greatest?Explain why.

10. Analyze the climatogram and determine which letter on the map indicates the point whose climate characteristics are reflected in the climatogram.

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D


1 option

1. By state structure China is:

2. Find an error in the list of characteristics of the Japanese population:

1) multinational country 3) high average life expectancy

2) low average mortality 4) low natural population growth

3. Select the religion that is the most widespread in India:

1) Christianity 2) Islam 3) Buddhism 4) Hinduism

4. Find an error in the list of types of products in which China ranks first in the world: 1) steel 2) cotton fabrics 3) televisions 4) cars

5. In which part of India is the main wheat growing region located:

1) in the north 2) in the south 3) in the west 4) in the east

6. Highlight the main center of the Japanese automobile industry:

7. Choose the correct answer. Seikan is:

1) Tokyo-Osaka high-speed railway 3) the world's largest nuclear power plant

2) the world's longest railway tunnel 4) the national Japanese theater

8. Select the indicators for which Japan ranks first in the world:

1) natural population growth 4) average life expectancy

2) average population density 5) level of urbanization

3) ethnic diversity of the population

1) Japan is one of the ten most populous countries in the world.

2) Japan has the first type of reproduction.

3) Nikko is a sacred mountain of the Japanese.

4) Japan produces the most steel and cellulose in the world.

5) In terms of territory size, China is second only to Russia.

6) China launches independently spacecraft and satellites.

7) In 1999, Macau, the last remnant of the Portuguese colonial empire, came under the sovereignty of China.

8) Jammu and Kashmir is the only Indian state where Sikh Indians predominate.

10. Answer the questions:

1) The main agricultural regions of China are called “yellow China”, “green China”, “dry China”, “cold China”. In what parts of China are these areas located, and what specialization do they have?

2) Why, of all economic developed countries Is the “shift to the sea” of the economy most clearly expressed in Japan? Why did Japan become a pioneer in the construction of supertankers, coal carriers, ore carriers, and car carriers?

Test work on the topic “Asian countries: China, Japan, India”

Option 2

1. Identify the largest urban agglomeration in China:

1) Beijing 2) Shanghai 3) Hong Kong (Hong Kong) 4) Harbin

2. Determine the industry in which Japan ranks one of the first in the world:

1) production of mineral fertilizers 3) production of electronics

2) aluminum production 4) pulp and paper industry

3. India ranks first in the world in terms of livestock:

1) sheep and goats 2) cattle and buffaloes 3) pigs 4) camels

4. The basis of the fuel and energy complex in China is:

1) oil 2) gas 3) coal 4) nuclear energy

5) Identify the two religions that are most common in Japan:

1) Christianity and Confucianism 3) Confucianism and Buddhism

2) Buddhism and Shintoism 4) Shintoism and Christianity

6. Select the largest city in India:

7. What self-name do the Chinese have? 1) Kuomintang 2) Taoists 3) Han 4) Huaqiao

8. Select indicators for which China does not rank first in the world:

1) population 3) number of villages 5) number of cities with millionaires

2) absolute number of citizens 4) natural population growth 6) total number urban settlements

9. Choose the correct statements.

1) By type of government, Japan is an absolute monarchy.

2) Livestock farming predominates in the structure of Japanese agriculture.

3) The most populous city in China is Beijing.

4) China produces the most computers and robots in the world.

5) In terms of the total length of land borders (22 thousand km), China is second only to Russia.

6) One of the most important tenets of Chinese religion is the division of society into castes.

7) The official language of India is English.

8) India ranks tenth in the world in terms of total industrial production, but only 102nd in terms of national income per capita.

10. Answer the questions.

1) How can we explain the rapid growth of China's economy?

2) What agricultural zones were formed on the territory of India. In what parts of the country are these zones located, and what specialization do they have?

Test work on the topic “Asian countries: China, Japan, India”

Option 3

1.The constituent entities of the federation in India are:

1) states and union territories 3) union territories and provinces

2) provinces and regions 4) provinces and states

2. Identify the type of transport that is not available in Japan:

1) railway 2) aviation 3) inland waterway 4) sea

3. Rice and tea cultivation are common in China:

1) in the northeast 2) in the southeast 3) in the southwest 4) in the northwest

4. Until 1947, India was a colony:

1) Great Britain 2) France 3) Spain 4) USA

5. Identify the main sub-sector of Japanese agriculture:

1) growing wheat 3) growing rice

2) growing vegetables 4) raising cattle

6. Indicate which zone in China is the most developed in socio-economic terms:

1) Eastern (coastal) 2) Central 3) Western 4) all zones are developed approximately equally

7. Highlight the main center of the Japanese automobile industry:

1) Tokyo 2) Nagoya 3) Osaka 4) Sapporo

8. Select economic indicators for which China ranks first in the world:

1) oil production 3) pork production 5) steel smelting 7) television production

2) coal mining 4) production of cotton fabrics 6) livestock 8) car production

9. Choose the correct statements.

1) Japan has the first type of reproduction.

2) Nikko is a sacred mountain of the Japanese.

3) Livestock farming predominates in the structure of Japanese agriculture.

4) The most populous city in China is Beijing.

5) In terms of total industrial production, India ranks tenth in the world, but in terms of national income per capita it is only 102nd.

6) China produces the most computers and robots in the world.

7) In terms of the total length of land borders (22 thousand km), China is second only to Russia.

8) By type of government, Japan is an absolute monarchy.

10. Answer the questions.

1) Why is India called a country of very great contrasts?

2) In the 50s of the twentieth century, Japanese industry developed along an evolutionary path, but in the 70s it began to dominate in industry revolutionary path development. Explain the essence of such development of the Japanese economy.

Test work on the topic “Asian countries: China, Japan, India”

Option 4

1. Find an error in the list of features of the geographical location of Japan:

1) an archipelago state 3) located at the junction of Eurasia and the Pacific Ocean

2) predominantly flat territory 4) characterized by high seismicity of the territory:

2. The most densely populated areas in China are:

1) northern part 2) western part 3) eastern part 4) all parts to approximately the same extent

3. The largest seaport of India and the “economic capital” of the west of the country is the city:

1) Delhi 2) Mumbai (Bombay) 3) Kolkata (Calcutta) 4) Chennai (Madras)

4. The least developed of the major Japanese islands in socio-economic terms are:

1) Hokkaido 2) Honshu 3) Shikoku 4) Kyushu

5. According to the government system, India is:

1) unitary monarchy 3) unitary republic

2) federal monarchy 4) federal republic

6. Pasture raising is the main branch of agriculture:

1) in northeast China 3) in southeast China

2) in southwest China 4) in northwest China

7. China and India are in first and second place among the countries of the world in terms of area:

1) arable lands 2) irrigated lands 3) meadows and pastures 4) rain-fed lands

8. Select economic indicators for which Japan ranks first in the world:

1) production of automobiles 3) production of robots 5) production of consumer electronics

2) fabric production 4) production of machine tools 6) electricity generation

9. Choose the correct statements.

1) One of the most important tenets of Chinese religion is the division of society into castes.

2) The official language of India is English.

3) In 1999, Macao, the last remnant of the Portuguese colonial empire, came under the sovereignty of China.

4) Jammu and Kashmir is the only Indian state where Sikh Indians predominate.

5) Japan is one of the ten most populous countries in the world.

6) Japan produces the most steel and cellulose in the world.

7) In terms of territory size, China is second only to Russia.

8) China independently launches spacecraft and satellites.

10. Answer the questions.

2) In which states of India are interethnic relations strained and why?


Test "Latin America" ​​1st option

Part A.

A1. The state of Bolivia is located in

1) Central Africa 2) Central America 3) South America 4) West Indies

1) Brazil 2) Japan 3) USA 4) France

A3. Which of the following countries has the longest average life expectancy?

1) Bulgaria 2) Brazil 3) Italy 4) Ethiopia

A4. Which statement about the population of Mexico is true?

  1. Spanish is the official language of the country.
  2. The share of rural residents predominates in the total population.
  3. In terms of population, it is among the top ten countries in the world.
  4. The religion of the majority of the believing population is Protestantism.


1) Venezuela 2) Pakistan 3) Colombia 4) India

A6. Which of the following countries has the highest GDP per capita?

1) Brazil 2) China 3) Poland 4) Sweden

A7. Which of the following countries has the largest share of hydroelectric power plants in electricity production?

1) Brazil 2) Algeria 3) France 4) Iran

A8. Which of the following regions is characterized by negative natural population growth?

1)East Africa 3)Southeast Asia

2) Eastern Europe 4) Latin America

A9. Countries with the largest reserves of forest resources -


1) Norway 2) Japan 3) Morocco 4) Suriname

Part B.

IN 1. Match the country with its capital.

A country


1) Türkiye

A) Cairo

2) Peru

B) Ankara

3) Egypt

B) La Paz

D) Lima

AT 2. Select from the list provided the three countries that lead the world in copper production.

A) Chile B) Saudi Arabia C) USA D) Belarus D) Peru E) Sweden

AT 3. Identify the country by its brief description.

It is the second largest country on the mainland. For three centuries it remained a Spanish colony. Its nature is rich and varied. The country is located in three climatic zones. The main wealth is fertile soils, which, combined with a mild climate in most of the country, contributed to the development of grain farming and beef cattle breeding here. The capital is a major seaport and the main industrial center of the country.

Part C.


C2. What are the consequences of urbanizationin Latin America?

Test "Latin America" ​​2nd option

Part A.

A1 .The state of Paraguay is located in

1) South Africa 2) Central America 3) South America 4) West Indies

A2 .Which of the following countries has the largest population?

1) Argentina 2) Nigeria 3) Canada 4) Germany

A3 . Which of the following countries has the longest average life expectancy?

1) Portugal 2) Brazil 3) Egypt 4) Japan

A4. Which statement about the population of Brazil is true?

  1. The largest part of the population is located in the interior regions of the country.
  2. Spanish - official language in the country.
  3. In terms of population, it is one of the “top five” countries in the world.
  4. The majority of the population are rural residents.

A5. Which of the following countries is part of OPEC?

1) Turkmenistan 2) Kuwait 3) Brazil 4) India

A6 .Which of the following countries has the highest GDP per capita?

1) Sudan 2) China 3) Finland 4) Peru

A7. In which of the following countries is it smelted? greatest number become?

1) Brazil 2) Venezuela 3) Chile 4) Bolivia

A8. Which of the following regions is characterized by the least natural population growth?

1) Australia and Oceania 3) South-West Asia

2) Latin America 4) Western Europe

A9 . Countries with the largest reserves of forest resources -

1) Mongolia and Sweden 3) India and Argentina

2) Canada and Brazil 4) Australia and New Zealand

A10. Which of the following states is a republic in terms of form of government?

1) Peru 2) Spain 3) Lesotho 4) Egypt

Part B.

IN 1. Match the country with its capital.

AT 2.Select three countries that are the main trading partners of the United States:

A) Canada B) Brazil C) Mexico D) Japan D) Chile E) Venezuela

AT 3.Identify the country by its brief description.

This country has an advantageous economic and geographical position: it borders on a highly developed country and has access to two oceans. The capital is one of the most ancient cities in America. There are still outbreaks throughout the country ancient civilization. Available large reserves non-ferrous metal ores, oil production is high. Enough high level economic development allows it to be characterized as “key” in the group of developing countries.

Part C.

C1.Why China, Brazil, Chile, India, Venezuela locate and develop non-ferrous metallurgy. Please provide at least two reasons.

C2.What are the features of urbanizationin Latin America?


Tests to check the topic “US Neighborhoods”

1.Find options that correctly indicate the characteristics of cities and territories of the United States, and the macroregions in which they are located.

A) North-Eastern megalopolis – “the main street of the country” - the Midwest.

B) New York – “trend setter and culinary capital” - Northeast

B) Florida - the “sunshine state” - West

D) Priozerie - “agricultural granary” - South

E) Hawaii - “island of pineapples and tourism” - West

2.Which of the following characteristics refers to the northern industrial belt of the United States?

C) The belt specializes in the production of labor-intensive and energy-intensive products; it was formed in recent decades

D) The belt formed on the Gulf Coast

3.What agricultural belts formed in the northern part of the central plains near the Great Lakes?

A) Corn B) Tobacco C) Cotton D) Livestock (meat) E) Dairy

4.Choose the options that correctly indicate the cities and megalopolises to which they belong.

A) Boston - Northeastern

B) Washington - California

B) Chicago - Priozerny

D) Detroit - California

D) New York - Priozerny

E) San Francisco - Northeast

5.Find the option that incorrectly states the “rank” assigned to an American city.

A) Detroit is the “automotive capital”

B) Los Angeles - the “aircraft and space” capital

C) Seattle is the main patrimony of the Boeing company

D) Chicago is the “Culinary Capital”

D) Houston is the “petrochemical capital”

6.Which of the following characteristics relates to the Central and Southern California industrial belt?

A) The main branch of specialization is oil refining and petrochemicals

B) Share in US industrial production – 50%

B) Automotive manufacturing, machine tool manufacturing, agricultural engineering and shipbuilding are concentrated within this belt

D) The belt is dominated by the latest knowledge-intensive industries

7.What agricultural belt formed on the Great Plains?

A) Corn B) Dairy C) Cotton D) Tobacco E) Wheat

8. In which of the options do all the listed cities belong to one megalopolis?

A) San Jose, San Diego, Washington

A1. In terms of area, North America is inferior to:

1) Antarctica 2) Africa 3) South America 4) Australia

A2. North America does not have a climate zone

1) arctic 2) temperate 3) tropical 4) equatorial

A3. The single water system – the Great Lakes – does not include the following lake:

1) Huron 2) Ontario 3) Winnipeg 4) Erie

A4. The easternmost point of North America is the Cape

1) Mitchell 2) Robson 3) Whitney 4) McKinley

Part B.

IN 1. Establish a correspondence between the country and the nationality of the Europeans who founded their colonies here. Country Nationality of Europeans

1) Canada A) British

2) Mexico B) Spaniards

3) USA B) French

2. From the listed, select three rivers that belong to the Atlantic Ocean basin: 1) Columbia 2) Mississippi 3) Yukon

4) Mackenzie 5)St. Lawrence 6) Rio Grande

AT 3. From the listed bays, select three that are located off the coast of North America: A) Hudson b) Alaska c) Labrador

D) Davisov d) California e) Beringov

A) In the temperate and subtropical zones of the continent, climate features are determined by the proximity of the territory to the ocean.

B) The basins of most lakes are of glacial-tectonic origin.

C) North America is not rich in mineral resources.

D) The northern part of the continent is distinguished by a richer and more diverse organic world than the southern part.

D) The large cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco are located on the Atlantic coast.

E) Florida is the largest resort area in the United States.

It is one of the largest countries in the world by area. Located in the northern hemisphere. Its shores are washed by the waters of three oceans. The westernmost part of the country is occupied by mountains. She's exceptionally rich forest resources, fur-bearing animals, supplies fresh water, various minerals. It has a land border with only one state. The capital is not the most Big City countries.


Test "North America" ​​2nd option

Part A

A1.North America is located in hemispheres

1)north, south and west 3)north, south and east

2) northern and eastern 4) northern and western

1) in the Appalachians 2) in the Cordillera 3) on the Great Plains 4) in the Rocky Mountains

A3.North America is separated from the mainland by the Bering Strait:

1) Australia 2) Africa 3) Eurasia 4) South America

A4. The northernmost point of North America is the Cape

A5. Indigenous people North America (Indians and Eskimos) belong to the race: 1) Caucasian 2) Mongoloid 3) equatorial 4) intermediate


IN 1. Establish a correspondence between the shape of the relief and its location on the mainland. Landform Location on mainland

1) Appalachia A) east

2) Great Plains B) west

3) Cordillera B) center

AT 2. From the listed rivers, select three that belong to the Pacific Ocean basin: 1) Columbia 2) Colorado 3) Niagara 4) Missouri 5) St. Lawrence 6) Yukon

AT 3. From the listed peninsulas, select three that are located on the North American mainland:

A) Hudson b) Alaska c) Labrador d) Newfoundland d) Florida e) Victoria

AT 4. Select three correct statements about North America:

A) All major landforms of the continent are elongated from west to east.

B) Most of the rivers flow into the Pacific Ocean.

C) The continent is very rich in lakes, most of which are concentrated on the Canadian Shield and its outskirts.

D) Permafrost is common in the north of the continent.

D) The central plains are one of the most densely populated and developed parts of the continent.

E) Much oil is produced on the coast and shelf of Hudson Bay.

AT 5. Identify the country by its brief description.

It is one of the largest countries in the world by area. Located in the northern hemisphere. Its shores are washed by the waters of three oceans. It has land borders with only two states. The westernmost part of the country is occupied by mountains. Natural conditions are very diverse. The third country in the world in terms of population, second only to China and India. About 80% of the population lives in cities. In the south of the country is the main region for the extraction of minerals, primarily oil and natural gas.


C1. How dangerous natural phenomena Are they typical for North America?

C2. What are the consequences of European colonization?

3. Which regions of Russia are the leaders in sheep breeding?

1) Central Russia, European South and Western Siberia

2) Volga region, European South and Eastern Siberia

3) Ural, Eastern Siberia and Volga region

4) Central Russia, European South and Volga region

4. The most important grain crop in Russia is:

A) corn B) rice C) wheat D) rye

5. Match:

  1. Grain crops A) fiber flax
  2. Industrial crops B) rye

B) buckwheat

D) sunflower

E) sugar beets


  1. wheat A. Amur region
  2. tea B. Tver region

3) soybean V. Krasnodar region

Orenburg region

7. Is not part of the agro-industrial complex

A) food industry B) production of mineral fertilizers

IN) Agriculture. D) forestry

8. Select three areas that are leaders in the production of light industrial products.


1. sugar A) raw material

2. confectionery B) consumer

3. dairy B) raw materials and consumer

4. bakery


1. textile A) raw material

2. shoe B) consumer

3. sewing B) raw materials and consumer

4. primary processing of wool

11. Chum is a conical tent covered with blankets made from deer skins. Chum is adapted to a nomadic lifestyle in harsh climatic conditions. Which of the following peoples has a chum as a traditional home?

1) Mari 2) Bashkirs 3) Evens 4) Kalmyks

12. The main traditional occupation of the Khanty of the Ob region and the peoples of the Amur region (Negidals, Nanais, Nivkhs, Udeges) is

1) fishing 2) horse breeding 3) sea animal fishing 4) sheep breeding


1) Koryaks 2) Maris 3) Mansi 4) Sami

14. In 2013 in Volgodonsk ( Rostov region) construction of a plant for advanced grain processing has begun. The plant will produce animal feed, gluten, and a highly effective source of the essential amino acid L-Lysine. It is planned that the annual capacity of the enterprise will be 250 thousand tons of grain. 200 new jobs will be created. Explain the location of this enterprise in the Rostov region.

15. JSC Lipetsk Tractor is one of the largest tractor manufacturers in Russia. One of the latest models is the integrated universal row-crop tractor LTZ-155, which has unique technological capabilities and ensures the introduction of promising agricultural technologies in agriculture. What features of the economy of the Lipetsk region contributed to the location of the tractor plant in Lipetsk?

Verification work

on the topic “Agriculture and agro-industrial complex”

Option 2

1. Agricultural production is different from industrial production

1) high science intensity

2) uniformity of distribution throughout the country

3) high share of modern equipment

4) seasonality of production

2. Which regions of Russia have the leading pig population?

1) Central Russia and European South

2) Volga region and European South

3) Ural and Volga region

4) Central Russia and Volga region

3. The bulk of the country's fish catch comes from:

1) the Pacific Ocean

2) Black and Baltic seas

3) Barents and Baltic seas

4) seas of the Arctic Ocean

4. In the production of which of the following crops does Russia rank first in the world?

1) buckwheat 2) rice 3) corn 4) wheat

5. Match:

  1. Cereals A) sugar beets
  1. Industrial crops B) soybeans

B) oats

D) corn

E) rice

6. Establish correspondences: agricultural crop - subject of the Russian Federation.

Agricultural crop subject Russian Federation

  1. fiber flax A. Murmansk region
  2. rice B. Smolensk region

3) corn V. Primorsky Krai

Voronezh region

7. The main link of the agro-industrial complex is

1) light industry 2) trade 3) agriculture 4) science

8. Select three areas that produce the bulk of your food.

1) Central Russia 2) European South 3) Volga region

4) European North 5) European North-West 6) Urals

9. Establish a correspondence between sectors of the food industry and factors for the location of its enterprises

1. tea A) raw material

2. canned B) consumer

3. meat B) raw materials and consumer

4. pasta

10. Establish a correspondence between light industry sectors and factors for the location of its enterprises

1. sewing A) raw materials

2. silk B) consumer

3. flax B) raw material and consumer

4. primary leather processing

11. The traditional occupation of which of the following peoples of Russia is agriculture?

1) Nenets 2) Chuvash 3) Chukchi 4) Khanty

12. Pasture sheep breeding is one of the traditional occupations of the peoples of which of the listed regions of Russia?

1) Republic of Karelia 2) Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 3) Republic of Dagestan 4) Nenets Autonomous Okrug

13. The traditional occupations of which of the listed peoples of Russia include hunting, sea hunting and fishing?

1) Chuvash and Mari 2) Eskimos and Aleuts

3) Buryats and Tuvans 4) Karachais and Kabardins

14. Lebedyansky Sugar Factory (Lipetsk Region) is one of the large sugar factories in the region. The modernization of the sugar plant made it possible to increase its capacity and create an almost completely waste-free production. Currently, several types of sugar are produced using modern equipment. Explain the location of this enterprise in the Lipetsk region.

15. In 2013, cooperation with European companies allowed the team of Vyazemsky Machine-Building Plant OJSC (Smolensk region) to begin producing high-performance flax harvesting equipment. As part of the established joint ventures, all necessary technical documentation was transferred to VSW. Vyazma machine builders not only produce, but also service new flax harvesting machines. What factors make it advisable to locate the production of agricultural machinery indicated in the text on the territory of the Smolensk region?

This input Geography test is intended for 9th grade students general education profile. The test is designed for 1 lesson (40-45 minutes).

Evaluation criteria

Each correct answer in Part I is worth one point.

Each correct answer in Part II is worth two points. If half or most of the correct answers to the question are given, they are scored 1 point.

The maximum number of points for completing the work is 33.

1-11 points - “2”;

12-19 points - “3”;

20-25- “4”;

26-33- "5"



1. How many countries border Russia by land?

A)12; B)14; B)16; D)17

2.What seas is Russia washed in the north:

A) Red and Mediterranean;

B) Kara and Laptev Seas;

B) Baltic and Black;

D) Okhotsk and Japanese

3. In 1937-1938, the North Pole station drifted on an ice floe. Led the drift...

A) S.V. Obruchev;

B) O.Yu.Schmidt;

B) I.D. Papanin;

G) L.S. Berg

4.Name the mountains that are located between the Black and Caspian seas:

A) Tien Shan;

B) Caucasus;

B) Sayans;

D) Ural

5. On what tectonic structures are the most extensive plains of Russia located?

A) on platforms

B) in the middle massifs

D) on shields

6.The pole of cold of the northern hemisphere is located:

A) in Yakutia;

B) at the North Pole;

B) on the island of Severnaya Zemlya;

D) on the islands of Novaya Zemlya

7. Name the type of climate characteristic of Western Siberia:

A) Continental

B) Monsoon

B) Sharply continental

D) Moderate continental

8. The ratio of the fall of a river to its length is called:

A) Slope;

B) Fall;

B) Mode;

D) Flood

9.What kind of food do most rivers in the Russian Federation have:

A) Rain;

B) Snow;

B) Mixed;

D) Glacial

10. Which of the vegetation representatives does not belong to the tundra community:

A) Moss;

B) Lichen;

B) Feather grass;

D) Cranberry

11. What are the most common trees in Russia?

A) Pine

B) Oak

B) Aspen

D) Larch

12.Which region of Russia has the most fertile soils?

A) Caspian lowland

D) Valdai Upland

13. Western Siberia has reserves:

A) Non-ferrous metals;

B) Oil, gas, coal;

B) Coal, copper, gas;

D) Potassium salts and phosphorites

14. The following are not located on the territory of the Russian Plain:

A) Aldan River;

B) Caspian lowland;

B) Northern Dvina River;

D) Oz. Ilmen

15. The Volga River originates at:

A) Volga Upland

B) Timan Ridge

B) Valdai Hills

D) Central Russian Upland

16. In what area of ​​folding were the Ural Mountains formed?

A) Baikal

B) Cenozoic

B) Caledonian

D) Hercynian

17.Which of the listed natural areas are where active volcanoes are located?

A) Wrangel Island

B) Kuril Islands

B) Primorye

D) Chukotka Peninsula


1. If in Moscow (2 hours) it is 16 hours, then in Krasnoyarsk (6 hours) ...

A)8; B)16; IN 20; D)12

2. Arrange the soils of Russia as the thickness of the humus horizon decreases, starting with the largest;

A) Soddy-podzolic

B) Chernozems

B) Podzolic

D) Tundra-gley

3. The south of the Far East is characterized by ……… climate with precipitation, the bulk of which falls……..

1.Moderate A) In spring

2. Moderate continental B) In summer

3.Subtropical B) Autumn

4. Monsoon D) In ​​winter

4. Establish compliance:

Natural area Nomenclature

1.Russian Plain A) Narodnaya

2. Western Siberia B) Northern Uvaly

3.Mountains Southern Siberia B) Kuznetsk Alatau

4. Ural D) Siberian Uvaly

5. Select the correct characteristic of the humidification coefficient if evaporation in a given area is 650 mm and annual precipitation is 560 mm:

A) K >1 sufficient moisture; B) K<1 увлажнение недостаточное;

C) K > 1 insufficient moisture; D) K >1 excess moisture

6. Identify the states that have a land border with Russia:

A) Norway

B) Kazakhstan


D) China

D) Moldova

E) Turkmenistan

7. Establish compliance:

Republic Capitals

1. Karelia A) Petrozavodsk

2.Komi B)Magas

3. Ingushetia B) Nalchik

D) Syktyvkar

A) Nizhnyaya River…….


B) Central Siberian….

D) Valdai...



1) What is the area of ​​Russia?

A) 14.7 million sq. km;

B) 16.7 million sq. km;

B) 17.1 million sq. km;

D) 18.6 million sq. km.

2.Which sea does not belong to the Atlantic Ocean?

A) Azovskoe; B) Barentsevo; B) Black; D) Baltic

3.Primorye and Amur region explored:

A) A.I. Kruzenshtern;

B) E. Khabarov;

B) F.F. Bellingshausen;

G) S. Dezhnev

4. Which mountains is the top of Belukha:

A) Ural;

B) Sayan;

B) Altai;

D) Caucasus

5. On which tectonic structures are the most high mountains Russia?

A) on platforms

B) in movable folded belts

B) in the middle massifs

D) on shields

6. The amount of solar radiation on the territory of Russia in the direction from north to south:

A) Decreases;


B) Does not change

7. What type of climate is typical for Eastern Siberia:

A) Continental

B) Monsoon

B) Sharply continental

D) Moderate continental

8. The excess of the source of the river over the mouth is:

A) High water

B) Fall of the river

B) Slope of the river

D) River regime

9.Which of the named rivers is characterized by summer floods:

A) Volga B) Amur

C) Terek D) Pechora

10.Which representative of the animal world does not belong to the steppe community:

A) Gopher B) Hamster

C) Jerboa D) Deer

11.Which tree is a symbol of Russia?

A) Pine B) Birch

C) Aspen D) Larch

12. In which regions of Russia do tundra-gley soils predominate?

A) Taimyr Peninsula B) Timan Ridge

C) Sakhalin Island D) Northern Uvaly

13. In which natural area of ​​our country are the main diamond reserves concentrated?

A) On the Russian Plain;

B) In the mountains of Southern Siberia;

B) In Eastern Siberia;

D) In ​​the Far East

14. The following are not located in the mountains of Southern Siberia:

A) Yablonovy ridge;

B) Aldan Highlands;

B) Stanovoy ridge;

D) Chersky Ridge

15.Which region of Russia has the poorest soils?

A) Caspian lowland

B) Central Russian Upland

B) Stavropol Upland

D) Valdai Upland

16. In what area of ​​folding were the Caucasus mountains formed?

A) Baikal B) Cenozoic

C) Caledonian D) Hercynian

17. In which of the listed natural areas are hot springs located?

A) Primorye B) Amur region

C) Kamchatka D) Chukotka


1. If in Moscow (2 hours) there are 8 hours, then in Magadan (10 hours) ...

A)7; B)11; B)16; D)21

2. Arrange the soils of Russia as the thickness of the humus horizon increases, starting with the smallest;

A) Soddy-podzolic soils B) Chernozems

C) Podzolic D) Tundra-gley

3. The natural region of Eastern Siberia is characterized by an absolute minimum of temperatures, especially manifested by ………, and the type of climate that has developed is ………

1.Moderate A) In spring

2. Moderate continental B) In summer

3.Subtropical B)Autumn

4. Sharply continental D) In ​​winter

4. Establish compliance:

Natural area Nomenclature

1.Caucasus A)Amur;

2. Eastern Siberia B) Lena;

3. Far East B) North. Dvina;

4.Russian Plain G)Kuban

5. Select the correct characteristic of the humidification coefficient if the evaporation rate in a given area is 375 mm and the annual precipitation is 460 mm:

A) K >1 sufficient moisture;

B) K<1 увлажнение недостаточное;

C) K > 1 insufficient moisture;

D) K >1 excess moisture

6.Name the capitals of the states bordering Russia:

A) Yerevan D) Ashgabat

B) Kyiv E) Chisinau

To Minsk

D) Tbilisi

7. Establish compliance:

Republic Capital

1.Buryatia A) Ulan-Ude

2.Mari-El B) Cheboksary

3. Chuvashia V) Saransk

D) Yoshkar-Ola

8.Continue geographical names:

A) Podkamennaya River……. B)……Uvaly

B) Central Russian…. D) Caspian...

Answer Key

Job No.

1 option

Option 2




Northern (Siberian)




Northern (Siberian)



All-Russian testing works (VPR) are carried out taking into account the national, cultural and linguistic specifics of a multinational Russian society in order to monitor the results of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard and are aimed at identifying the quality of student training.
Purpose of VPR according to academic subject“Geography” - assess the quality of general education training for 8th grade students in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. VPR CMMs make it possible to diagnose the achievement of subject and meta-subject learning outcomes, including
mastery of interdisciplinary concepts and the ability to use universal learning activities (UAL) in educational, cognitive and social practice.
You are given 90 minutes to complete the geography work. The work includes 8 tasks.

Published in the archive:

Target audience: for 7th grade

Published in the archive:
- description of the VPR in geography, including a Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates educational organizations for carrying out VPR. The codifier is based on the Federal component state standards basic general and secondary (complete) general education to study the subject at basic level. The description of the VPR contains information about the distribution of tasks in the work according to content blocks and tested methods of action, about the evaluation system for individual tasks and work as a whole.
- a sample of the All-Russian test work, which gives an idea of ​​the structure of the All-Russian test work, the number and form of tasks, and their level of complexity.
- answers and assessment criteria to the test sample.

Target audience: for 6th grade

The work for 11th grade students consists of four tasks. In the first task, using the knowledge of geography acquired in previous years, as well as atlas maps, it is necessary to determine the error in the logical series of geographical objects of the world. In the second task, you need to identify the country based on the description and fill out the table. In the third task, you need to look at the map and determine the type of pollution of the World Ocean. In the fourth and last task, you need to determine from the text whether the reports belong to scientists and identify the feature that unites all scientists. Maximum score for work - 200. The resource contains answers and presents a methodology for assessing the completion of Olympiad tasks.

Target audience: for 11th grade

The work for 10th grade students consists of four tasks. In the first task, using the knowledge of geography acquired in previous years, as well as atlas maps, it is necessary to determine the error in the logical series of geographical objects of the world. In the second task, you need to use graphs to determine changes in the population of six Russian cities For each case, it is necessary to explain what political, administrative, economic, demographic or other reasons led to an increase or decrease in the population in these cities. composition of their names, draw the boundaries of these economic regions to the contour map. In the fourth and last task, you need to determine the subject of the Russian Federation from the text, and, using atlas maps, fill out the table. The maximum score for the work is 200. The resource contains answers and presents a methodology for assessing the completion of Olympiad tasks.
When performing work, you are allowed to use a simple calculator and a geography atlas. No special equipment required.

Target audience: for 10th grade

The work for 9th grade students consists of four tasks. In the first task, using the knowledge of geography acquired in previous years, as well as atlas maps, it is necessary to determine the error in the logical series of geographical objects of the world. In the second task, you need to carefully read the text and, using grade 7 atlases, determine which island of the Earth is being discussed and fill out the table.. In the third task, after reading the text, you need to list “geographical fables”, as well as explain and correct all geographical errors . In the fourth and last task, you need to fill in the gaps in the text indicated by numbers. 180 minutes are allotted to complete the work. The maximum score for the work is 200. The resource contains answers and presents a methodology for assessing the completion of Olympiad tasks.
When performing work, you are allowed to use a simple calculator and a geography atlas. No special equipment required.

Target audience: for 9th grade

The work for 8th grade students consists of four tasks. In the first task, using the knowledge of geography acquired in previous years, as well as atlas maps, it is necessary to determine the error in the logical series of geographical objects of the world. In the second task, you need to carefully read the text and, using grade 7 atlases, determine which island of the Earth is being discussed and fill out the table.. In the third task, after reading the text, you need to list “geographical fables”, as well as explain and correct all geographical errors . In the fourth and last task, you need to fill in the gaps in the text indicated by numbers. 120 minutes are allotted to complete the work. The maximum score for the work is 200. The resource contains answers and presents a methodology for assessing the completion of Olympiad tasks.
When performing work, you are allowed to use a simple calculator and a geography atlas. No special equipment required.

Target audience: for 8th grade

The work for 7th grade students consists of four tasks. In the first task, using the knowledge of geography acquired in previous years, as well as atlas maps, it is necessary to determine the error in the logical series of geographical objects of the world. In the second task, you need to carefully read the text and, using grade 7 atlases, determine which island of the Earth is being discussed and fill out the table.. In the third task, after reading the text, you need to list “geographical fables”, as well as explain and correct all geographical errors . In the fourth and last task, you need to fill in the gaps in the text indicated by numbers. 120 minutes are allotted to complete the work. The maximum score for the work is 200. The resource contains answers and presents a methodology for assessing the completion of Olympiad tasks.
When performing work, you are allowed to use a simple calculator and a geography atlas. No special equipment required.