Work program continuity at Fedosova. “Continuity” A set of manuals for preparing for school “Continuity” edited by N.A. Fedosova. The course "Introduction to Mathematics" is presented by the program



Explanatory note

The problem of school readiness has been deeply studied in modern psychological and pedagogical literature. For a long time, it was believed that the main indicator of a child’s readiness for schooling was the level of his mental development. Currently, the concept of preparing children for school considers readiness for schooling as a complex holistic phenomenon, as a complex of qualities that form the ability to learn. Psychological readiness child to school is a necessary and sufficient level of psychophysiological development of the child for mastering school curriculum, this is a certain level of intellectual and personal development of the child.

In our educational institution, these problems are solved in classes in “ Future first grader». Classes atFuture first grader» takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdaysfor children aged 6 - 7 years old preparatory groups children's preschool educational institutions, as well as children for various reasons who do not attend them.

Preparing preschoolers for systemic education in the 1st grade is carried out according to the “Preparation for School” program from the “Continuity” series, authors N.A. Fedosova, T.S. Komarova. etc. This program is recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education.

Distinctive feature development educational system on modern stage is the active process of creating a system continuing education. One of the main conditions for ensuring the functioning and development of a unified continuous system education is the implementation of continuity of different levels, in particular the continuity of preschool and primary education.
In this regard, they are improving educational technologies, the development of which takes into account the following trends in the development of education:
- from the reproduction of knowledge to its productive use, depending on the tasks being solved;
- from rote learning to learning as a process of intellectual development;
- from a statistical model of knowledge to dynamically structured systems of mental actions;
- from focusing on the average student to differentiated and individual training programs;
- from external motivation for learning to internal moral-volitional regulation.
Thus, the most important component pedagogical process becomespersonality-oriented approach, development of personal competencies.
The proposed concept of the “Continuity” Program is developed based on the idea of ​​continuity between preschool, primary and basic education.
The concept of the “Continuity” program considers continuity as the creation of conditions for a humane (conflict-free and comfortable) transition from one educational level to another, the goal of which is successful adaptation to new educational conditions.
Preparation for education is a continuity that allows for a humane transition from one age group to another and the implementation of the main tasks currently set for education.
The concept is based on the following
principles :
- continuity of child development;
- general development the child based on his individual capabilities and abilities;
- development creativity in children;
- development of the child’s personal competencies as a subject of creative activity, as an active subject of cognition;
- development and strengthening of personal health;
- development of spiritual and moral beliefs of the individual;
- development of sustainable psychological adaptation to new conditions of education;
- continuity between teachers, students and parents.
Reasons for
implementation of the principle of continuity between preschool and school education are:
- focus not on the level of knowledge, but on the potential capabilities of the child, on his “zone of proximal development”;
- creating conditions for the child’s inclusion in new social forms of communication;
- organization and combination of productive activities in a single semantic sequence;
- preparing the transition from gaming to educational activities;
- ensuring a gradual transition from spontaneity to randomness.
The basis of preparation for studying at school of the “Continuity” program is
personality-oriented and developmental technologies.
person-oriented technologies are the development and formation of an active creative personality in the process of preparing for training.
Developmental technologies are aimed at developing problem thinking in the child and developing mental activity.
Developmental technologies contain:
educational didactic games, educational practical tasks, creative exercises, construction, analytical and synthetic activities.
The content proposed for preparation for training by the “Continuity” program corresponds to the age characteristics of older children preschool age and forms the basis for the use of personally oriented and developmental technologies.
In accordance with the logic of child development, preparation for school is not educational, but developmental in nature. When preparing for school, the “Continuity” program does not allow duplication of the first grade of a comprehensive school. Preparation for schooling according to the “Continuity” invariant program. Its goal is to prepare a preschooler for any school education system.

The concept of the “Continuity” program considers preschool and primary education in the system of continuous education and proposesperson-centered model school preparation systems.

Asmain goals of preparing for school extend:
- development of the emotional-volitional sphere;
- development of communication skills;
- formation and development of mental functions and cognitive sphere of children;
- maintaining the health of preschool children.
The implementation of these goals makes it possible to ensure the mental and physical development of children at the level necessary for their successful inclusion in educational activities and further education at school. Thus,
purpose preparing children for school is not mastery of any specific elements educational activities, Acreation of prerequisites to schooling.
principles of preparation for training are:
- unity of development, training and education;
- taking into account age and individual characteristics children;
- A complex approach;
- systematicity and consistency;
- variability and variability;
- consciousness and creative activity;
- visibility;
- accessibility and sufficiency.
The child’s leading activity is considered
play and productive activity.
tasks preparation for training are:
- health protection and promotion;
- development of mental functions and personality traits;
- ensuring continuity between preparation for education and schooling.

The preparation stage for training acts as an independent complete block. The transitional stage ensures continuity in the development and education of preschool and primary education. Preparation for education includes quite a variety of content, the purpose of which is the development of the child.
A feature of the content of preparation for school is that the material proposed for preschool children is developed on an integrated basis and the division of content into subjects is conditional.
The “Future First-Grader” classes include the following sections: “From Word to Letter,” “Mathematical Steps,” and “The Magical World of Creativity.”

Preparing children for school begins on October 1 and lasts until April 30.
Classes are conducted with a group of children. Classes last 25 minutes with 5-minute breaks.

Approximate number of classes per week

Section title

Number of classes

"From word to letter"

"Mathematical steps"

"The magical world of creativity."


Classes are held 2 times a week (on Tuesdays and Thursdays) using a set of manuals prepared for the “Continuity” program.
Main activities - play and productive activity.

The “From Word to Letter” section consists of the “From Word to Letter” program. The “From Word to Letter” program solves the issues of practical preparation of children for learning to read, to learn to write and works to improve oral speech. The content of the course is aimed at the overall development of the child, through which a solid foundation is created for successful learning of the Russian language. The content is focused on solving the following tasks: creating conditions for the formation of a multilaterally developed personality of a child (intellectual, spiritual, moral, aesthetic, emotional development), to create the prerequisites for positive motivation for learning at school; practical preparation of children for learning to read and write; formation of elementary speech culture, improvement of children’s coherent oral speech skills at an accessible level.
A distinctive feature of this section of the program is the integration of close interrelated and interpenetrating work on preparing children for learning to read with work on the development of their oral coherent speech and with preparation for learning to write.

The section "Mathematical steps" is presented by the program of the course "Mathematical steps".
The selection of the content of the “Mathematical Steps” program is based on the principle of focusing on the paramount importance of the overall development of the child, which includes sensory and intellectual development using the capabilities and features of mathematics.

Program for the section “From Word to Letter” “From Word to Letter”

The course “From Word to Letter” (author - N.A. Fedosova) helps to practically prepare children for learning to read, write and improve their oral speech.
The content of the course is aimed at the overall development of the child, through which a solid foundation is created for successful learning of the Russian language.
The content is focused on solving the following problems:
- creating conditions for the formation of a multilaterally developed child’s personality (intellectual, spiritual, moral, aesthetic, emotional development), creating the prerequisites for positive motivation to study at school;
- practical preparation of children for learning to read and write;
- formation of elementary speech culture, improvement of children’s coherent oral speech skills at an accessible level.
A distinctive feature of this section of the program, in comparison with existing ones, is the integration of work on preparing children for learning to read with work on the development of their oral coherent speech and with preparation for learning to write.
Main tasksspeech development on preparatory stage are:
- expansion, enrichment and activation of children’s vocabulary;
- formation grammatical structure child's speech;
- improving the skills of oral coherent speech, monologue and dialogic (answering questions, retelling a story, fairy tales, composing a story based on a picture, drawings and illustrations for a work, telling a story based on personal observations and impressions, composing riddles, fairy tales, short stories, verbal drawing, etc.); d.);
- creation of speech utterances of various types: descriptions (of people, animals, objects, premises); reasoning (read your favorite poem. Why do you like it? Tell your favorite fairy tale. Why do you like her more than others? Etc.); narration (various types of retelling, story).
The development of speech is carried out to a large extent on works of fiction, which contributes to the enrichment of children’s speech, expansion of their vocabulary, their spiritual, moral and aesthetic development, and prepares them for adequate perception literary works I know " Literary reading" V primary school and the “Literature” course in primary school, stimulates the development of reading interest, educates the reader, which is one of the urgent tasks modern school. In addition, material for activities that promote speech development children are the world around the child, phenomena of living and inanimate nature, works various types arts (music, painting), etc.
The age characteristics of children 6-7 years old determine the need to use a variety of tasks during classes to expand and activate their vocabulary and speech development.
In preparation for mastering native language With the help of adults, children get acquainted with stories, fairy tales, plot and subject illustrations, learn to answer questions and ask questions about the content of the texts read, retell what they read, expressively read poems learned by heart, and compose riddles, fairy tales, and short stories based on illustrations.
In the process of getting to know works of art and working with them, the intellectual, moral and aesthetic education of children is carried out, and the development of their emotional responsiveness to the phenomena of life around them is carried out. They master dialogic and monologue speech, learn to speak expressively, without tension, without haste, pronouncing each word clearly.
preparation for learning to read is to create conditions for meaningful and conscious reading, education of an aesthetically developed and emotional reader.
In the process of reading (listening) to works of oral folk art and literary works, intensive multilateral development of the child occurs: intellectual, moral, emotional, aesthetic, speech; Children develop stable attention to the word in a literary text (which is the basis of the study of literature in primary and secondary schools), the ability to perceive the word as the main element of a work of art.
Already at preschool age, it is important to cultivate emotional responsiveness in children, which will subsequently be the key to successful mastery of works of fiction; carry out targeted and systematic work to develop the child’s ability to emotionally comprehend a work of art, express his own perception of what he read, his attitude towards the work and its characters.
It is important to emphasize that already at the stage of preparation for learning to read, children should become familiar with individual means of artistic expression (epithet, comparison) without introducing terms, should be able to determine their role in a work and be able to use them in their own speech - without this, the process of mastering courses “Reading” in primary school and “Literature” in secondary school will be significantly difficult.
An indispensable condition for successful work in preparing for reading is the creation of conditions for the formation of a strong and stable interest in works of fiction in preschoolers. This is achieved in several ways. First of all, a carefully thought-out selection of works for reading: these should be works that are examples of children's fiction that meet age and psychological characteristics children representing different literary genres (fairy tales, short stories, poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings). In addition, the use of predominantly game forms of work (dramatization of episodes, game improvisations based on the plots of literary works, various competitions, etc.).
In the content of the work
on preparing children to learn to read includes:
- development of the sound culture of speech in order to prepare for learning to read and write (the ability to listen attentively to speech, to individual sounds, work on the correct pronunciation of sounds, training in correct intonation, controlling the tempo of speech). Work on the development of the articulatory apparatus (development of correct diction, voice strength, highlighting meaningful words etc.);
- reading poems by Russian and foreign poets, fairy tales, stories, proverbs, sayings, riddles;
- conversation about what was read according to the teacher’s questions (answers to questions related to the emotional perception of the work, understanding of the plot, characters of the main characters, the ability to hear, perceive by ear expressive language means - epithets, comparisons, of course, without the use of terminology);
- learning by heart and expressive reading.
In preparation for learning to read, a readiness is formed to speak coherently on certain topics, to understand at an elementary level what speech is, what its purpose and features are.
Work is underway to correct and develop phonemic hearing, to develop a distinct and clear pronunciation of sounds, syllables, and words.
In preparation for training, considerable time is devoted to working on the sound analysis of words; the concepts of “vowel sounds” and “consonant sounds” are introduced, which are recorded using various chips.
If the basis of preparation for learning to read and work on improving oral speech is auditory sensations, then in preparation for learning to write technical actions predominate.
Preparing to teach writing - the process is quite complex, since, in addition to developed auditory sensations, the child must have a well-prepared motor system, especially the small muscles of the arm; coordination of movements, fine motor skills and processes such as spatial perception, attention, imagination, memory, and thinking are developed.
When writing, the problem of interaction between visual and motor analyzers arises, since movements of the eye and hand occur simultaneously within the contour of the perceived object.
A significant part of children, when visually perceiving an object, tend to limit themselves to a very cursory examination of the exhibited object, so that the image that develops in their minds is very incomplete. This is reflected in the reproduction of images and their elements. Children can successfully visually identify an object, but experience noticeable difficulty in reproducing it. The depiction of letters of various configurations requires quite high level organization of the motor apparatus of the hand, a very complete and detailed image. Therefore, the program offers a carefully thought-out system of exercises to prepare for writing.
Thus, the “From Word to Letter” program solves the problem of preparing children to learn reading, writing and improving their speech.
Training is based on
play activity and wearspractical character.
Special meaning when preparing children to learn their native language, they acquire
speech games, construction, work on the formation of fine motor skills and the development of motor coordination. Speech games develop thinking, speech, attention, imagination. These are, for example, the games “Give me a word”, “Make a word”, “Guess the word”, “Make a riddle”, “Continue the fairy tale”, “Continue the story”, “Repeat quickly and correctly”, “Tell about the toy (color, shape , size)”, “Name the sound”, “Choose words for a given sound”, “Guess the word”, etc.
Construction helps children consciously prepare for learning to write and develops their analytical skills. Design work takes place with the help of various objects: figures, elements block letters, from which children construct objects of various configurations, printed letters, make patterns, and decorations.
Preliminary indicative action helps to form fine motor skills, develops coordination of movements, prepares children to perceive letter shapes. It includes tracing the outline of an object, tracing common elements in objects, shading objects, completing missing elements of objects, fitting objects into a limited space, finger gymnastics and etc.

Program content

Development and improvement of oral speech. Expand and activate children’s vocabulary: enrich the child’s vocabulary with words denoting actions, attributes of objects (exact names of qualities inanimate objects- material, shape, color, size - and animate - people: character traits, signs of appearance, behavior), words with direct and figurative meaning, diminutive suffixes; draw children’s attention to generalizing words, stimulate their correct use in their own speech; find in a literary work read by the teacher (poem, fairy tale, story) words with the help of which the author accurately, aptly, figuratively and expressively describes man, nature, and use them in his own speech.
To develop in children stable attention and interest in words, awareness of the role of words in the text of folklore and literary works. Learn works by heart. Learn to ask questions, make questions to a text, picture, build short messages. Develop skills and abilities of coherent monologue and dialogic speech. To teach to coherently, logically and consistently present the content of what you heard (fairy tales, short stories) based on illustrations, on the questions of the teacher (a story about an interesting event from your life, about the most vivid impressions, a story based on a picture, the creation of stories, fairy tales, poems, riddles, etc. .). At the same time, the main thing is to develop children’s interest in independent verbal creativity. To develop in children, already at the preparatory stage, the ability to notice and correct their speech and the speech of their comrades speech errors.
Expand your vocabulary of words denoting the names of objects, actions, and signs. Improve the ability to form words with the same root and use them in speech complex sentences different types. Develop the ability to correctly use words appropriate to a given situation. Form a correct understanding of the figurative meaning of words. Learn to notice and correct speech errors in your speech.
Learn to compare objects, highlight and correctly name essential features; enrich the dictionary with precise names of qualities (material, shape, color, size). Pay attention to the correct understanding and use of generalizing words by children, and intensify their use in speech. Develop dialogical and monologue speech. Teach the transmission of text based on illustrations in a meaningful, logical and consistent manner. To develop children's attention and interest in words and their emotional coloring based on fairy tales and poems. Learn riddles, tongue twisters; retell fairy tales based on illustrations. Develop the ability to coherently talk about episodes from your own life on a given topic; describe verbally the world(flowers, animals, birds, trees, vegetables, fruits, sky, sun, moon, etc.) according to the plan proposed by the teacher, or by analogy. Develop emotional perception of speech in adults and children. Learn to answer questions, ask questions, construct short messages. Learn to compose stories based on a picture: describe the content, come up with a plot that precedes the image and follows it. To develop children's interest in independent verbal creativity, to encourage the creation of stories, fairy tales, and poems. To awaken children’s desire to communicate, to arouse interest in the speech of others and their own, and on this basis begin the formation of basic skills of speech culture, correct speech behavior, the ability to listen, and also to speak out on related topics.
Along with the development of monologue and dialogic speech, special attention is paid to speech technique, and therefore elements of breathing exercises are included in the lesson, articulation exercises, speech warm-ups that help the development of oral speech and the assimilation of norms literary language.
Sound pronunciation: speech gymnastics (exercises for breathing, lips, tongue); pronunciation of sounds of the Russian alphabet, pronunciation and comparison of sounds, training exercises for pronunciation of sounds, consolidation and automation of sounds.
Areas of communication: household (everyday); art of words; business
Preparing to learn to read. Teach correct literary pronunciation, orthoepic norms of literary language. Improve the sound culture of speech: the ability to distinguish by ear and pronunciation all the sounds of the native language. Improve phonemic awareness: teach children to name words with a certain sound, find words with this sound in a sentence, determine the place of the sound in a word. Reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds. Practice differentiating sounds by ear. Strengthen and develop articulation: teach children to clearly pronounce words and phrases; to develop the ability to change the strength and pitch of the voice (voice, strength, melody, intonation, tempo of speech, pauses), to teach the correct use of intonation means. Introduce the correct pronunciation of sounds, isolate sounds from words in order; distinguish between vowels and consonants and designate them using colored chips and printed letters; recognize vowel and consonant sounds in words. Identify sounds at the beginning, end and middle of a word; match words by sound structure.
Preparing to learn writing: prepare the writing hand for writing by tracing along the contours of patterns and letters of various configurations, drawing up patterns by analogy and independently, adding and shading objects, gymnastics for the fingers; introduce the rules of writing - the correct posture when writing, the position of the sheet, pencil (pen) when working in a notebook; learn to work in a limited space (in the working line), move the writing hand from below along the line, from left to right; introduce the outline of an object and its features; introduce the configuration of printed letters and their sound envelope; model and construct objects from elements of letters of various configurations.
Planned results:
- navigate situations appropriate various areas communication;
- know and use polite words (beginning and ending communication);
- know the stable formulas of speech etiquette - greeting, farewell, gratitude, request;
- realize that in different situations you can speak in different ways: loudly - quietly, quickly - slowly, cheerfully - sadly, etc.;
- articulate the sounds of Russian speech, understand that correct articulation, good diction contribute effective communication;
- evaluate the sound of your voice in terms of pronunciation, tempo, volume;
- contact the interlocutor when appropriate, respond to the request;
- use appropriate situations, tempo, volume;
- follow socially accepted rules of conduct when speaking:
look at your interlocutor,
do not interrupt the speaker
use facial expressions and gestures that do not interfere, but help the interlocutor understand what was said, etc.;
- communicate certain information, agree on joint activities;
- maintain a culture of listening: polite listening, attentive listening;
- pronounce all sounds correctly;
- pronounce words clearly and clearly;
- identify sounds from words;
- find words with a certain sound;
- determine the place of sound in a word;
- observe orthoepic pronunciation standards;
- make sentences based on supporting words on a given topic;
- compose stories, fairy tales based on a picture, a series of paintings;
- retell a fairy tale, story (short in content) based on supporting illustrations;
- observe basic hygiene rules;
- navigate the notebook page.

Program of the section “Mathematical steps”
course "Mathematical steps"

The author of this chicken is S.I. Volkova. The basis for the selection of mathematical content, its structuring and the development of forms of presentation of material for the mathematical preparation of children for school is the principle of focusing on the paramount importance of the child’s overall development, including his sensory and intellectual development, using the capabilities and features of mathematics.
Teaching children in preparation for school to count and measure in order to bring them to the concept of number remains one of the most important tasks.
But just as important and significant is the task of targeted and systematic development of cognitive abilities, which is carried out through the development of cognitive processes in children: perception, imagination, memory, thinking and, of course, attention.
The mathematical content of the preparatory period combines three main lines: arithmetic (numbers from 0 to 10, number and number, basic properties of numbers in the natural series, etc.), geometric (prototypes of geometric figures in the surrounding reality, shape, size, location on the plane and in space of the simplest geometric figures, making their models from paper, etc.) and content-logical, built mainly on the mathematical material of the first two lines and providing conditions for the development of attention, perception, imagination, memory, and thinking in children.
The course implements the main methodological idea - the development of cognitive processes in children will be more active and effective if it is carried out in the process of the child’s activity, rich in mathematical content, guided by a special selection and structuring of tasks, a form of their presentation that is accessible, interesting and exciting for children of this age .
Among the methods used when preparing children for school in mathematics, practical methods are proposed as the main ones, the method didactic games,modeling method. These methods are used in various combinations with each other, while the leading one remains practical method, allowing children to assimilate and comprehend mathematical material by conducting experiments, observations, performing actions with objects, models of geometric shapes, sketching, coloring, etc.
Much attention is paid to developing the skills to communicate with the teacher (teacher), with other children, to work in the same rhythm with everyone when necessary, to work with counting and geometric handouts, to use a notebook with a printed base, etc.
The use of specially selected mathematical content and methods of working with it will bring the overall development of children to the level necessary for the successful study of mathematics at school.

Program content

Comparison of objects (shapes), groups of objects by shape (round, not round, triangular, rectangular, square, etc.); by size (long, short; narrow, wide; high, low; longer, shorter, the same, etc.); by location on the plane and in space (right, left, center, bottom, top, right, left, above, below, inside the figure, outside the figure, etc.); by color, by the material from which the items are made, by purpose, etc.
Numbers from 0 to 10. Counting objects. Oral numbering of numbers: names, sequence and designation of numbers from 0 to 10. Number and number. Reading numbers. Comparison of numbers of the first ten. The main characteristics of a sequence of numbers in the natural series: the presence of the first element, the connection of the previous and subsequent elements, the ability to continue the sequence further, no matter where we stop.
Simple geometric shapes: triangle, rectangle (square), circle.
Content-logical development tasks:
- attention: the simplest labyrinths, games “Fun Counting”, “Compare Pictures”, “Find common elements" and etc.;
- imagination: dividing figures into parts, composing figures from parts, composing figures from models of segments according to given properties, transforming one figure into another, etc.;
- memory: visual and auditory dictations using arithmetic and geometric material;
- thinking: identifying essential features, identifying patterns and using them to complete a task, conducting analysis, synthesis, comparison, constructing simple reasoning, etc.
Planned results:
- know the difference between a number and a single digit; titles single digit numbers, be able to count to 10 and in reverse order, determine where there are more (less) objects, determine the number of objects of a given set and verbally indicate the result by number;
- know the name of the basic geometric shapes (triangle, rectangle, circle), distinguish them, find their prototypes in the surrounding reality;
- carry out simple logical reasoning and simple mental operations(compare objects, indicating similarities and differences, classify objects according to given characteristics, identify simple patterns and use them to complete tasks, etc.).

Working programm on the course “From Word to Letter”

(module of the program “Continuity.

Preparing children for school" for preschoolers)

Russian language work program fordeveloped on the basis of N. A. Fedosova’s program “Continuity. Preparing children for school”, the author’s program by N.A. Fedosova “Speech development. From word to letter”, approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow 2015) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education.

Fedosova N.A. Preschool education: Preparation for school. - M.: Education, 2016.

Fedosova N.A. From word to letter: Tutorial to prepare children for school: at 2 o’clock - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2015.

The “From Word to Letter” program is aimed at the diversified development of the child through various types of activities that perform the functions of developing connected speech, phonemic hearing, creative thinking, coordination and fine motor skills of movements, muscles of the motor apparatus of the writing hand, visual and motor factors as a single whole action. The course prepares for learning to read, write and develops basic speech culture skills.

The content of the program is aimed at the overall development of the child, through which a solid foundation is created for successful learning of the Russian language.

The content is focused on solving the following problems:

- creating conditions for the formation of a multilaterally developed personality of a child (intellectual, spiritual, moral, aesthetic, emotional development), creating the prerequisites for positive motivation to study at school;

- practical preparation of children for learning to read and write;

- formation of elementary speech culture, improvement of children’s coherent oral speech skills at an accessible level.

A distinctive feature of this section of the program, in comparison with existing ones, is the integration of work on preparing children for learning to read with work on the development of their oral coherent speech and with preparation for learning to write.

The main tasks of speech development at the preparatory stage are:

- expansion, enrichment and activation of children's vocabulary;

- formation of the grammatical structure of the child’s speech;

- improving the skills of oral coherent speech, monologue and dialogic (answering questions, retelling a story, fairy tales, composing a story based on a picture, drawings and illustrations for a work, telling a story based on personal observations and impressions, composing riddles, fairy tales, short stories, verbal drawing, etc. .);

- creating speech utterances of various types: descriptions (of people, animals, objects, premises); reasoning (read your favorite poem. Why do you like it? Tell your favorite fairy tale. Why do you like it more than others? etc.); narration (various types of retelling, story).

The development of speech is carried out to a large extent on works of fiction, which helps to enrich children’s speech, expand their vocabulary, their spiritual, moral and aesthetic development, prepares them for an adequate perception of literary works in the course “Literary Reading” in elementary school and the course “Literature” in primary school, stimulates the development of reading interest, educates the reader, which is one of the urgent tasks of a modern school. In addition, the material for activities that promote the speech development of children is the world around the child, phenomena of living and inanimate nature, works of various types of art (music, painting), etc.

The purpose of preparing for learning to read is to create conditions for meaningful and conscious reading, to educate an aesthetically developed and emotional reader.

In the process of reading (listening) to works of oral folk art and literary works, intensive multilateral development of the child occurs: intellectual, moral, emotional, aesthetic, speech; Children develop stable attention to the word in a literary text (which is the basis of the study of literature in primary and secondary schools), the ability to perceive the word as the main element of a work of art.

An indispensable condition for successful work in preparing for reading is the creation of conditions for the formation of a strong and stable interest in works of fiction in preschoolers. This is achieved in several ways. First of all, a carefully thought-out selection of works for reading: these should be works that are examples of children's fiction, corresponding to the age and psychological characteristics of children, representing different literary genres (fairy tales, short stories, poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings). In addition, the use of predominantly game forms of work (dramatization of episodes, game improvisations based on the plots of literary works, various competitions, etc.).

The content of work on preparing children for learning to read includes:

- development of the sound culture of speech in order to prepare for learning to read and write (the ability to listen attentively to speech, to individual sounds, work on the correct pronunciation of sounds, training in correct intonation, controlling the tempo of speech). Work on the development of the articulatory apparatus (development of correct diction, voice strength, highlighting particularly significant words, etc.);

- reading poems by Russian and foreign poets, fairy tales, stories, proverbs, sayings, riddles;

- a conversation about what has been read based on the teacher’s questions (answers to questions related to the emotional perception of the work, understanding of the plot, the characters of the main characters, the ability to hear and perceive expressive language means - epithets, comparisons, of course, without using terminology);

- learning by heart and expressive reading.

In preparation for learning to read, a readiness is formed to speak coherently on certain topics, to understand at an elementary level what speech is, what its purpose and features are.

Work is underway to correct and develop phonemic hearing, to develop a distinct and clear pronunciation of sounds, syllables, and words.

In preparation for training, considerable time is devoted to working on the sound analysis of words; the concepts of “vowel sounds” and “consonant sounds” are introduced, which are recorded using various chips.

If the basis of preparation for learning to read and work on improving oral speech is auditory sensations, then in preparation for learning to write technical actions predominate.

Preparing to learn to write is a rather complex process, since, in addition to developed auditory sensations, the child must have a well-prepared motor system, especially the small muscles of the hand; coordination of movements, fine motor skills and processes such as spatial perception, attention, imagination, memory, and thinking are developed.

When writing, the problem of interaction between visual and motor analyzers arises, since movements of the eye and hand occur simultaneously within the contour of the perceived object.

Thus, the “From Word to Letter” program solves the problem of preparing children to learn reading, writing and improving their speech.

Training is based on gaming activities and is practical in nature. Of particular importance in preparing children for learning their native language are speech games, construction, work on the formation of fine motor skills and the development of motor coordination. Speech games develop thinking, speech, attention, and imagination. These are, for example, the games “Give me a word”, “Make a word”, “Guess the word”, “Make a riddle”, “Continue the fairy tale”, “Continue the story”, “Repeat quickly and correctly”, “Tell about the toy (color, shape , size)”, “Name the sound”, “Choose words for a given sound”, “Guess the word”, etc.

Planned results:

- navigate situations corresponding to various areas of communication;

- know and use polite words (starting and ending communication);

- know the stable formulas of speech etiquette - greeting, farewell, gratitude, request;

- realize that in different situations you can speak in different ways: loudly - quietly, quickly - slowly, cheerfully - sadly, etc.;

- articulate the sounds of Russian speech, understand that correct articulation and good diction contribute to effective communication;

- contact the interlocutor when appropriate, respond to the request;

- use appropriate situations, tempo, volume;

- follow socially accepted rules of conduct when speaking:

look at your interlocutor,

do not interrupt the speaker

use facial expressions and gestures that do not interfere, but help the interlocutor understand what was said, etc.;

- communicate certain information, agree on joint activities;

- maintain a culture of listening: polite listening, attentive listening;

- pronounce all sounds correctly;

- pronounce words clearly and clearly;

- extract sounds from words;

- find words with a certain sound;

- determine the place of a sound in a word;

- observe orthoepic pronunciation standards;

- make sentences based on key words on a given topic;

- compose stories, fairy tales based on a picture, a series of paintings;

- retell a fairy tale or story (short in content) based on supporting illustrations;

- observe basic hygiene rules;

- navigate the notebook page.







Pre-letter period

(5 hours)

Development of coherent speech. Story by picture


The concept of a proposal. Offer outline


Drawing up proposals according to the scheme


Syllable. Dividing words into syllables


Emphasis. Stressed and unstressed syllables



Letter period

(45 h)

The concept of letters and sounds.


Vowels and consonants.


The letter and sound a. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


The letter and sound o. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


The letter and sound y. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter and sound and. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


The letter and sound e. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


The letter and sound y. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter n, sounds n, n." Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Composing syllables with learned letters


Hard and soft consonants. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter r, sounds r, r." Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter l, sounds l, l." Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter m, sounds m, m." Reading syllables and words with studied letters



Voiced and voiceless consonants. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter p, sounds p, p." Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter b, sounds b, b". Reading syllables and words with studied letters


Letter t, sounds t, t." Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter d, sounds d, d". Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter k, sounds k, k." Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter g, sounds g, g". Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter v, sounds v, v." Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter f, sounds f, f." Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter z, sounds z, z". Reading syllables and words with studied letters


Letter s, sounds s, s". Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter z, sound z. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter sh, sound sh. Reading syllables and words with learned letters



Paired consonants. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter c, sound c. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter y, sound y’. Reading syllables and words with learned letters.


Letter x, sounds x, x". Reading syllables and words with studied letters


Letter h, sound h’. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter u, sound u’. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letters ъ and ь signs. Reading syllables and words with learned letters

38 – 39


The vowel letter "I". Reading syllables and words with learned letters



The vowel letter "ё". Reading syllables and words with learned letters



The vowel letter "e". Reading syllables and words with learned letters



The vowel letter "yu". Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Reading and writing

(6 hours)

Reading and writing letters and syllables. Game “Say the Word.”


Reading and writing letters and syllables. Game "Guess the word"


Reading and writing letters and syllables. Game "Continue the tale"


Reading and writing letters and syllables. Game "Make a riddle"


Reading and writing letters and syllables.


Games “Choose words for a given sound”, “Guess the word”

Work program for the course “Mathematical steps”

Mathematics work program forpreschoolers (within additional paid fees) educational services in preparation for school)developed on the basis of N. A. Fedosova’s program “Continuity. Preparing children for school,” author’s program by S.I. Volkova “Mathematical steps”, approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow 2009) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education.

The work program is designed for 56 hours per year.

To implement program content the following are used:

Volkova S.I. Mathematical steps: A textbook for preparing children for school. - M.: Education, 2016.

N. A. Fedosova. Program “Continuity. Preparing children for school." - M.: Education, 2015

The logic of presentation and content of the author’s program fully meets the requirements Federal component state standard primary education, therefore no changes have been made to the program, taking into account that educational topics, which are not included in the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs, are classified as elements of additional (optional) content.

The program "Mathematical Steps" is aimed at developing the skills to make observations, compare, highlight the specified and new properties of an object, its essential and non-essential characteristics; understand the relativity of properties; draw conclusions, check their truth, be able to use these conclusions for further work.

The basis for the selection of mathematical content, its structuring and the development of forms of presentation of material for the mathematical preparation of children for school is the principle of focusing on the paramount importance of the child’s overall development, including his sensory and intellectual development, using the capabilities and features of mathematics.

Teaching children in preparation for school to count and measure in order to bring them to the concept of number remains one of the most important tasks.

But just as important and significant is the task of targeted and systematic development of cognitive abilities, which is carried out through the development of cognitive processes in children: perception, imagination, memory, thinking and, of course, attention.

The mathematical content of the preparatory period combines three main lines: arithmetic (numbers from 0 to 10, number and number, basic properties of numbers in the natural series, etc.), geometric (prototypes of geometric figures in the surrounding reality, shape, size, location on the plane and in space of the simplest geometric figures, making their models from paper, etc.) and content-logical, built mainly on the mathematical material of the first two lines and providing conditions for the development of attention, perception, imagination, memory, and thinking in children.

The course “Mathematical Steps” implements the main methodological idea - the development of cognitive processes in children will be more active and effective if it is carried out in the process of the child’s activity, rich in mathematical content, guided by a special selection and structuring of tasks, a form of their presentation that is accessible, interesting and exciting for children of this age.

Among the methods used when preparing children for school in mathematics, practical methods, the method of didactic games, and the modeling method are proposed as the main ones. These methods are used in various combinations with each other, while the leading one remains the practical method, which allows children to assimilate and comprehend mathematical material by conducting experiments, observations, performing actions with objects, models of geometric figures, sketching, coloring, etc.

Much attention is paid to developing the skills to communicate with the teacher (teacher), with other children, to work in the same rhythm with everyone when necessary, to work with counting and geometric handouts, to use a notebook with a printed base, etc.

As a result of training in the “Mathematical Steps” program of the preparatory course, the child should know:

Composition of the first ten numbers;

How to get each number of the first ten (add or subtract 1);

Numbers 0-9, signs +,-,=;

Name of the current month, sequence of days of the week;

Coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 50 kopecks, 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles.

This section of the program is aimed at developing skills:

Name numbers in forward and reverse order within 10;

Correlate the number with the number of objects;

Use arithmetic action signs;

Compose and solve one-step problems involving addition and subtraction;

Measure the length of objects using a conventional measure;

Compose larger figures from several triangles (quadrangles);

Divide a circle or square into 2 and 4 equal parts;

Use a piece of checkered paper to guide you.

Conduct observations;

Compare, highlight the specified and new properties of the object, its essential and non-essential characteristics;

Understand the relativity of object properties;

Draw conclusions based on the results of observations, check their truth;

Be able to use the findings for further work.






Pre-digital period

(10 hours)

Concepts "More, less, same"


The concepts of “Longer-shorter”, “higher-lower”



Visual-spatial orientation on a sheet, in a cage


Introduction to geometric shapes (triangle)


Introduction to geometric shapes (circle)


Introduction to geometric shapes (quadrangle)


Introduction to geometric shapes (rectangle)


Introduction to geometric shapes (square)



Digital period

(30 h)

Number and figure 1



Number and figure 2



Number and figure 3



Number and figure 4



Number and figure 5



Consolidating the composition of numbers 1-5



Number and figure 6



Number and figure 7



Number and figure 8



Number and figure 9



Consolidating the composition of numbers 6-9



Number and figure 0. Counting down.



Consolidating the composition of numbers 1-9



Year, month.



Days of the week, day


Adding and subtracting numbers within 10

(13 hours)

The meaning of addition.


Addition of the form +1


Addition of the form +2


Addition of the form +3


Addition of the form +4


Addition within 10


The meaning of subtraction.


Subtraction of the form -1


Subtraction of the form -2


Subtraction of the form -3


Subtraction of the form -4


Subtraction within 10


Addition and subtraction within 10


Simple tasks

(3 hours)

Solution simple tasks based on visibility


Game “Visiting the Queen of Mathematics”


Coins of 1, 5, 10, 50 kopecks and 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles. Recruitment and exchange.

Work program for the course “The Magical World of Creativity”

(module of the program “Continuity. Preparing children for school” for preschoolers)

A special place in the development of a child’s personality is occupied by art, which can develop a sense of beauty, form high aesthetic tastes, the ability to understand and appreciate works of art, the beauty and richness of nature. Decorative and applied arts play an important role in educating the younger generation of internal culture, the ability to perceive beauty in the surrounding reality and folk art. By engaging in arts and crafts, children become familiar with the rich heritage of folk crafts and the world national culture, they develop a sense of beauty, develop imagination and artistic and imaginative thinking.

The “Magical World of Creativity” program is focused on creating conditions for creative self-realization of the individual, the formation of an individual who integrates his own knowledge and skills into the improvement of this world. One of the ways of self-expression, creation individual style, turning ideas into reality is arts and crafts.

It is important to develop high artistic taste in children from early school age. This program is aimed at students making applied products and models of simple technical objects, expanding art education.

Purpose of the program- creating conditions for the development of creative abilities and self-realization of children by including them in various types of applied creativity.

Program objectives:

    expansion and consolidation of knowledge in the field of composition, shaping, decorative and applied arts;

    the formation of figurative, spatial thinking and the ability to express one’s thoughts on a plane or in volume.

    formation of the need to use modern technologies for artistic processing of materials in the process of manufacturing a product;

    introduce children to folk arts and crafts (Gorodets, Zhostovo, Gzhel, etc.), expand their understanding of folk toys.

    development of educational cognitive activity child: mental, emotional, musculoskeletal, cultural and aesthetic;

    development of the child’s personality: imagination, thinking, intelligence, fantasy, artistic taste, technical thinking and design abilities;

    developing communication skills in a team;

    development and improvement of manual skills, fine motor skills, expansion of sensory experience, formation of skills in the field of technological paper processing.

This program is built on the basis of an analysis of general education programs in the field of technology and art, along with general ideas: the development of a general ability for creativity, the ability to find one’s place in life. Provides for the development of students' artistic and design abilities, non-standard thinking, and creative individuality. It encourages preschoolers to be independent in searching for compositional solutions and choosing methods for making crafts.

Expected results

developing children's interest in non-traditional artistic activities.

improving visual skills and abilities, developing the artistic and creative abilities of children.

Thematic planning


Lesson topic

Number of hours



"Summer Meadow"

1 hour.



“Let’s decorate a flower vase”

1 hour.



"Butterflies I saw in summer"

1 hour.



"Forest thorns"

1 hour.



“Autumn Leaves”, Lesson I

1 hour.



“Autumn Landscape”, Lesson II

1 hour.



"I walk on the carpet of autumn leaves»

1 hour.



“I love fluffy, I love prickly”

1 hour.



Orientation in space. Spatial image

1 hour.



"First snow"

1 hour.



“Pattern on a cutting board” (Gorodets painting)

1 hour.



“Pattern on a plate” (Gorodets painting)

1 hour.



Drawing on a wet sheet.”

1 hour.



“Cockerel - Golden Comb” Working with pano.

1 hour.



Elements of Khokhloma painting.

1 hour.



Tray painting using technique - Khokhloma

1 hour.



1 hour.



Modeling from plasticine and cereals “Heroes of fairy tales”.

1 hour.



Origami “Bunny”, “Boat”.

1 hour.



"Magic Snowflakes"

1 hour.



“Winter Night”, Lesson I

1 hour.



“Winter Night”, Lesson II

1 hour.



"Winter forest"

1 hour.



“Ornate Christmas tree”

1 hour.



Application “New Year's chains”, “Christmas tree toys”.

1 hour.



Drawing with paints “Blotography”, “Magic threads”.

1 hour.



Work in pairs to create pictures.

1 hour.



Origami “Bird”, “Boy and Girl”.

1 hour.



Dymkovo toy - what is it?

1 hour.



DIY Dymkovo toy

1 hour.



Farm. Animals made of plasticine.

1 hour.



Curl (decorative drawing)

1 hour.



Animals of hot countries

1 hour.



Zhostovo tray. Let's look at the elements.

1 hour.



Painting of the Zhostovo tray.

1 hour.



Decorative modeling “Let's decorate the world with plasticine” (modeling on cardboard).

1 hour.



Application “Postcard for February 23rd”

1 hour.



1 hour.



Drawing with pencils. Object drawing “The funniest and the saddest.”

1 hour.



Drawing with pencils and paints “City landscape”.

1 hour.



“Postcard for mom (mom’s favorite flowers)”

1 hour.



"My mom"

1 hour.



"Photo Frame"

1 hour.



By design

1 hour.



"Fantastic Planet"

1 hour.



"Starry Sky"

1 hour.



"Old painting"

1 hour.



"The flowers have bloomed"

1 hour.



“Colors of the Sea”, Lesson I

1 hour.



“Colors of the Sea”, Lesson II

1 hour.



“How I love dandelions”

1 hour.



Making postcards and posters.

1 hour.



1 hour.



Application, floristry “Blooming Garden”.

1 hour.



Combined final lesson.

1 hour.





Short Course Program

Pre-school preparation


1. Explanatory note.

2.Syllabus preschool preparation.

Explanatory note.

This short-term course program to prepare children for school
- designed to organize the preparation of children 6.6 - 7 years old for school and compiled on the basis of the “Continuity” program (scientific supervisor N.A. Fedosova) Moscow “Enlightenment” 2012. (the program is approved by the Ministry of Education Russian Federation) And

adapted to the conditions of short-term stay of children in educational institutions.

The “Continuity” program prepares children for school; continuity is provided between preschool and primary general education, purpose which becomessuccessful adaptation of preschool children to new educational conditions and the creation of a humane (comfortable) transition from one educational level to another, the creation of prerequisites for schooling.
Main goals:
- maintaining and strengthening health;
- development of personal qualities;
- formation of value systems and orientations;
-development of creative activity;
- formation and development of mental functions of the cognitive sphere;
- development of the emotional-volitional sphere;

Development of communication skills;
- development of skills to act according to the rules.
A future first-grader must have basic skills in universal learning activities (UAL), communicative and speech competencies. The “Continuity” program not only aims to prepare a child for school, but also solves the problemsthe general development of the future first-grader, his physical, social and mental functions necessary for systematic learning at school.
The development of a child’s potential through mastering the educational skills proposed by the federal state standards for primary general education forms the basis of primary education. The “Continuity” program begins to form the prerequisites for UUD:
-cognitive : sign-symbolic modeling and transformation of objects; analysis of objects to identify features; synthesis as the composition of a whole from parts, including independent completion, completion of missing elements; object analysis; compare and contrast; highlighting the common and the different; implementation of classification; establishing an analogy.
-regulatory : carrying out an action according to a model and a given rule; maintaining a given goal; the ability to see the indicated error and correct it as directed by an adult; monitoring your activities based on results; the ability to adequately understand the assessment of an adult and a peer.
communicative:mastery of certain verbal and non-verbal means of communication; an emotionally positive attitude towards the process of cooperation with adults and peers; communication partner orientation; the ability to listen to your interlocutor; to ask questions.
-personal: motivational and communicative, formation of self-concept and self-esteem in preparation for studying at school, positive attitude towards learning at school.
The program does not provide diagnostics of the formation of prerequisites for UUD. Preparation for school is developmental in nature, does not allow duplication of first-grade programs, and focuses not on the level of knowledge, but on the development of the child’s potential capabilities,
to its zone of proximal development.
A special feature of the content of preparation for school is its integrated basis.

Preschool curriculum

The curriculum sets the total number of hours - 60, based on 3 hours of study load per day. Classes are held daily for one month. Duration of classes is 30 minutes with breaks of at least 10 minutes.

Educational and methodological support of the program:
1.Literacy and speech development. (N.A. Fedosova).
2. Mathematical steps (S.I. Volkova).
3. Letter. (N.A. Fedosova).
4. Am I ready for school (V.A. Solntseva, T.V. Belova).

Type of occupation

Number training sessions in Week.



Individual lessons with a psychologist.

Mathematical steps.

S.I. Volkova

Explanatory note.

The main goals of the preparatory course in mathematics are the formation of initial mathematical concepts and the development on their basis of the cognitive abilities of preschoolers.
The mathematical content of the preparatory period combines three main lines: arithmetic, geometric, content-logical.

The main methods used in preparing children for learning mathematics at school are the practical method, the method of didactic games, and the modeling method.

Signs (properties) of objects:color, size, shape. Comparison of three or more objects by color, shape, size.

Spatial relationships:relative position of objects on the plane and in space (right, left, center, bottom, top, etc.)

Temporary representations:earlier - later, yesterday, today, tomorrow.

Numbers and numbers from 1 to 10.

Counting items. Comparison by quantity (more, less, the same). Oral numbering: name, designation and sequence of numbers from 0 to 10.

Counting forward and backward. Ordinal counting, difference from quantitative counting.

Equality, its designation in mathematics. "=" sign. Adding and subtracting numbers: the meaning of arithmetic operations. Numbers and numbers: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Number 0. Number 10.

The simplest geometric figures:segment, circle, polygon.
Content-logical tasks for the development of attention, imagination, memory, thinking:games “Fun Score”, “Correct the Mistake”; dividing geometric figures into parts, composing figures from parts; visual and auditory dictations using arithmetic and geometric material; highlighting essential features of an object; carrying out simple logical reasoning.

Planned results:

- know the difference between a number and a single digit; names of single-digit numbers, be able to count to 10 and backwards, determine where there are more (less) objects, determine the number of objects of a given set and verbally indicate the result by number;

Know the name of the basic geometric shapes (triangle, rectangle, circle), distinguish them, find their prototypes in the surrounding reality;

Carry out the simplest logical reasoning and simple mental operations (compare objects, indicating similarities and differences, classify objects according to given characteristics, identify simple patterns and use them to complete tasks.

According to the course "Mathematical steps".


Theme of the program material.

Number of hours.

the date of the

Features of objects: color, size, shape. Comparison of three or more objects by color, shape, size.


The relative position of objects on the plane and in space (right, left, center, bottom, top, etc.)


Temporal representations: earlier - later, yesterday, today, tomorrow.


Comparison by quantity (more, less, the same).


Oral numbering: numbersfrom 0 to 10. Counting forward and backward.


Ordinal counting, different from quantitative counting.


Digit and number: 1.


Digit and number: 2.


Number and number: 3.


Digit and number: 4.


Digit and number: 5.


Number and number: 6.


Digit and number: 7.


Number and number: 8.


Number and number: 9.


Number 10.



Literacy training and speech development.


Explanatory note.

The course “Speech Development” includes the section “Speech Communication”, “Preparation for Reading”, “Preparation for Writing”.

The purpose of the course is to improve and develop coherent speech, develop the lexical side of speech, improve the sound side of speech, reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds, exercise in differentiating sounds by ear; development of attention and interest in words; familiarization with hygienic rules of writing; development of small muscles of the hand, visual and motor analyzers.

Speech communication.The concept of oral and written speech. Speech etiquette.
Gestures, facial expressions. Volume, tone, tempo of oral speech.

Preparing for reading.Text, sentence, word are means of language and speech, conductors of thoughts and feelings. Division of oral texts into sentences, sentences into words.
Word, syllable, stress. Observation of the meaning of words and their sound structure. Dividing words into syllables, syllables into sounds. Using graphic support diagrams for syllabic analysis of words. An exercise in composing words from syllables, in adding syllables to words with different numbers of words, with emphasis on different syllables.
Sounds and letters. Vowels and consonants.
Sound structure. The syllabic role of vowels. Drums and unstressed syllables, stressed and unstressed vowels. Syllable - sound analysis of words. Letters as sound icons.

Preparing to write.Drawing decorative patterns of different shapes. Familiarization with the hygienic requirements for the student’s seat, hand position, notebook, and pen. Coloring the inside and outside of objects, finishing drawings, etc. Exercises in the development of the eye, spatial orientation on the notebook page, on the working line, in the development of fine muscles of the fingers and fine movements of the hand.

Planned results:

Navigate in situations corresponding to various areas of communication;

Know and use polite words (beginning and ending communication);

Articulate the sounds of Russian speech, understand that correct articulation and good diction contribute to effective communication;

Address the interlocutor when appropriate, respond to the appeal;

Follow socially accepted rules of conduct when speaking:

Provide certain information, agree on joint activities;

Maintain a culture of listening: polite listening, attentive listening;

Pronounce all sounds correctly;

Pronounce words clearly and clearly;

Isolate sounds from words;

Find words with a certain sound;

Determine the place of sound in a word;

Observe orthoepic pronunciation standards;

Make sentences based on supporting words on a given topic;

Compose stories, fairy tales based on a picture, a series of paintings;

Retell a fairy tale or story (short in content) based on supporting illustrations;

Observe basic hygiene rules;

Focus on the notebook page.

Approximate calendar thematic planning

In the course “Teaching literacy and speech development.”


Theme of the program material.

Number of hours.

the date of the

The concept of oral and written speech.


Gestures, facial expressions.


Volume, tone, tempo of oral speech.


Text, sentence, word.


Text, sentence, word.


Word, syllable. Emphasis.


Dividing words into syllables.


Dividing words into syllables.


Sounds and letters.


Vowels and consonants.


Hard and soft sounds.


Stressed and unstressed syllables.


Correct use of words - names of objects, explanation of their meanings.


The correct use of words is a sign of the subject, an explanation of their meanings.


Correct use of words - actions of the subject, explanation of their meanings.


A retelling of a familiar fairy tale.


Making up a story based on a picture.


A narrative story based on a series of pictures.


Free story on a given topic.



Approximate calendar and thematic planning

In the course "Writing".


Theme of the program material.

Number of hours.

the date of the

Familiarization with the hygienic requirements of writing. Coloring objects.


Drawing decorative patterns of different shapes.




Line and line space.


Drawing borders in a limited space (work line).


Continue the pattern.


Writing straight slanted lines (top to bottom and left to right).


Straight slanted line (short and long).


Straight lines with a curve at the bottom.


Straight lines with a curve at the top.


Vowels and consonants.

Long line letter with a loop at the top.


Sound structure.

Long line letter with a loop at the bottom.


Writing ovals and semi-ovals.


Writing ovals and semi-ovals.


Repetition of learned elements.


Elements of letters.



Psychological and pedagogical support of the program.

This section is a mandatory part of the Continuity program. In accordance with the annex to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 655 dated November 23, 2009, it is necessary to ensure the ability to diagnose the degree of physical, social and mental development child and his readiness for school. To carry out diagnostics, the observation method and tasks presented in V.A.’s manual are used. Solntseva, T.V. Belova "Am I ready for school?" (Moscow. Education, 2012)


Topics of program material

Number of hours.

Orientation in the surrounding world.

Development of graphic skills.

Spatial orientation.

Level determination

formation of perception


Memory development.

Development of attention.

Development of thinking. Speech development.

Development of emotions and communication. Motivation to learn.


Interaction with the family during pre-school preparation.

The social environment is a multifaceted phenomenon and includes a number of institutions, among which the social institution such as the family is most closely connected with society. Each family member, while maintaining autonomy, is included in various associations and different social groups. The intrafamily organization takes shape not only by the will of its members, but also under the influence of external conditions of the social life of society. The family influences relationships in society, influences the nature of all processes of social life, and is a mold of the social structure of society.

The family constitutes the first environment of a person after birth; it is the first social environment, which transmits the cultural and historical values ​​accumulated by society. In addition, the family has its own internal specific characteristics, which determine the irreplaceable potential of the family. Communication with parents performs an important task during the period of growing up and formation of a child: parents provide safe conditions for the child’s independent active exploration of the world of objects and social relationships.

At the same time, the family is characterized by the emotional nature of the relationship; constant and long-term impact on the child, manifested in various life situations; objective possibilities for the systematic inclusion of children in sociocultural everyday activities. Communication in such an atmosphere has a strong influence on the development of the child and becomes a school of social feelings. This is precisely one of the most important advantages of the developmental potential of the family over other institutions aimed at developing the child’s personality.

It is also important that different age, gender, and professional “subsystems” are represented in the family. The presence in the family of a complex, enriching model, such as parents, contributes to the normal development of the child, allowing him to more fully express and realize his emotional and intellectual capabilities.

At a certain stage life path the child enters a preschool institution. Now he is surrounded by new people - adults and children whom he did not know before. They form a different community than his family. If parents and educators join forces and provide the child with emotional comfort, an interesting and meaningful life both in kindergarten and at home, and the preschool institution will contribute to his development, ability to communicate with peers, and help prepare for school, then we can say with confidence that the change that has occurred in the child’s life is for his benefit. But if from now on the parents do not accept Active participation in resolving the difficulties the child faces, the consequences are unpredictable.

In general, interaction is a dialogue between a teacher and parents, its effectiveness is determined by which individuals participate in it, the extent to which they feel themselves as individuals and see a personality in everyone with whom they communicate.

Collaboration between a teacher and parents is possible if it is accompanied by his constant professional growth. A teacher who knows the psychology of communication, the basics of sociology and conflict management can confidently build a confidential dialogue with parents and transfer his professional knowledge. The teacher needs to show more initiative in communicating with them. Of course, the preschool institution itself needs to change, to recognize the families of its students as equal partners in interaction with a common goal - to provide children with a happy childhood.

An active course towards creating a unified space for the child’s development should be supported by both the kindergarten and the family. However, the employees themselves preschool institutions sometimes they take upon themselves all the worries of raising and educating children, forgetting that parents should also show interest and initiative in communicating with the teaching staff of the institution. The child’s emotional well-being is an indicator of the nature of interaction between the preschool institution and the family.

Many parents need specific help. The source of this help can be the teacher himself, provided that trusting cooperation and interaction are established. There is an urgent need for appropriate education of parents, for the implementation of an individually differentiated approach to each family.

The study of the family’s lifestyle, which is manifested in smooth, “allied” relations between educators and parents, based on mutual benefit, characterized by the desire to achieve more;

Identification of the substantive aspect of the practice of interaction between family and kindergarten, the specific forms into which it is poured;

Expanding ideas about the content and methods of interaction with the family and developing an individual approach to it;

The need for a special explanation of the role of the family in raising children, in implementing an individual approach to each child and the importance of combining the efforts of the kindergarten and the family on this issue;

Knowledge of technology and culture of communication with parents;

Overcoming the practice of episodic interaction between educators and parents as insufficiently effective;

Transition to planned and ongoing individually differentiated interaction with each specific family.

The most common forms of interaction between teacher and family:

Parent meetings, individual and group consultations, conversations, round tables, thematic workshops, conferences, mailboxes.

Parent meetings

1.Age characteristics junior school student. Daily regime.

2. Psychological readiness for schooling.

Continuity. Program for preparing children 5-7 years old for school. Fedosova N.A., Kovalenko E.V. and etc.

4th ed. - M.: 2016 - 160 p.

The “Continuity” program allows you to organize systematic preparation of children 5-7 years old for school. The content of the program is designed for the child’s gradual entry into the learning process, which ensures continuity between preschool and primary education. The program has been modified in accordance with federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program preschool education and the federal state educational standard for primary general education. The program is addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions, primary school teachers, as well as parents.

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Explanatory note 3
Age characteristics of children 5-7 years old(E.V. Kovalenko) 25
Interaction with family during preparation for school(I. A. Dyadyunova, E. V. Kovalenko) 36
Psychological and pedagogical support of the program(T. V. Belova, V. A. Solntseva) 41
Contents of psychological and pedagogical work on mastering educational areas 50
Physical development -
Module "Physical Education"
(M.V. Malykhina) -
Social and communicative development 61
Module “Native Home”
(M. Yu. Novitskaya) -
Module "Labor activity"
(S. G. Chigrina) 65
Cognitive development 75
Module “Green Path”
(A. A. Pleshakov) -
Module "Mathematical steps"
(S. I. Volkova) 79
Module "Design"
(O. V. Shmygova) 87
Speech development 96
Module “From Word to Letter”
(N.A. Fedosova) -
Module “Speech Development”
(N. A. Fedosova) 102
Module “Speech Communication”
(R. I. Nikolskaya, O. S. Sorokko) 105
Artistic and aesthetic development 109
Module “The magical beauty of the world around us”
(T. Ya. Shpikalova, T. S. Komarova, L. V. Koso-
Gorov, L.V. Ershova, M.B. Zatsepina) -
Module "Music"
(G. P. Sergeeva) 112
Corrective work 130
A comprehensive program for the development of speech in 6-year-old children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere (E. V. Vavinova, L. V. Kopeel, T. V. Krivoruchko, V. D. Mikhailova, N. I. Sautenko)
Additional modules (optional) 148
Module “Playing the pipe”
(Yu. I. Khlad) -
Module "Theater Arts"
(E.V. Ermolenko) 152
Module “Tonic gymnastics”
(E.V. Emelyanova) 154

The “Continuity” program represents a personality-oriented model of preparing preschool children for learning.
The relevance of the program is determined by the provisions of the new Federal Law“On Education in the Russian Federation”, according to which preschool education is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children. Educational programs of preschool education are aimed, among other things, at achieving a level of development for preschool children that is necessary and sufficient for them to successfully master educational programs of primary general education1. The “Continuity” program is aimed at achieving these goals.

Fedosova N.A., candidate of pedagogical sciences, head. laboratory for integration of general and additional education Federal Institute for Educational Development (FIRO) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Nina Alekseevna is the author of copybooks on the Russian language for elementary schools, compiled in collaboration with Vseslav Gavrilovich Goretsky. The copybooks of Fedosova and Goretsky were included in the series “Teaching literacy in primary school”, published by the publishing house “Prosveshcheniye”. Nina Fedosova is also the author of the “Continuity” program. Fedosova's program is based on the spiritual and moral traditions of education at school.

Pleshakov A.A., candidate of pedagogical sciences, laureate of the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of education, one of the regular authors of the “Primary School” magazine, member of the editorial board and editorial council of the magazine.

Novitskaya M.Yu., head of the laboratory of content and standards of primary general education of the Federal Institute for Educational Development of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, specialist in issues of folk culture in the teaching, upbringing and development of children.

Shpikalova T.Ya., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Fine Arts and Teaching Methods of NovSU.

“Continuity” - a program designed to prepare preschoolers 5-7 years old for school, can be used by teachers primary classes, preschool teachers, additional education teachers working in short-term groups of children aged 5-7 years.

In the “Continuity” program, preschool and primary education are considered in the system of lifelong education. The benefits of the kit help ensure the mental and physical development of children at the level necessary for their successful inclusion in educational activities and further education at school.

The material presented in the manuals does not allow duplication of 1st grade material.

The concept of the “Continuity” Program was developed based on the idea of ​​continuity between preschool, primary and basic education. The concept of the “Continuity” program considers continuity as the creation of conditions for a humane (conflict-free and comfortable) transition from one educational level to another, the goal of which is successful adaptation to new educational conditions. Preparation for education is a continuity that allows for a humane transition from one age group to another and the implementation of the main tasks currently set for education.

The concept is based on the following principles: continuity of child development; general development of the child based on his individual capabilities and abilities; development of creative abilities in children; development of the child’s personal competencies as a subject of creative activity, as an active subject of cognition; development and strengthening of personal health; development of spiritual moral convictions of the individual; development of sustainable psychological adaptation to new conditions of education; continuity between teachers, students and parents.

The grounds for implementing the principle of continuity between preschool and school education are: focus not on the level of knowledge, but on the potential capabilities of the child, on his “zone of proximal development”; creation of conditions for the inclusion of the child in new social forms of communication; organization and combination in a single semantic sequence productive types of activities; preparing the transition from gaming to educational activities; ensuring a gradual transition from spontaneity to randomness.

The basis of preparation for studying at school of the “Continuity” program is personality-oriented and developmental technologies. The goal of student-oriented technologies is the development and formation of an active creative personality in the process of preparing for training.

Developmental technologies are aimed at developing problem thinking in a child and developing mental activity. Developmental technologies contain: educational didactic games, educational practical tasks, creative exercises, construction, analytical and synthetic activities.

In accordance with the logic of child development, preparation for school is not educational, but developmental in nature. When preparing for school, the “Continuity” program does not allow duplication of the first grade of a comprehensive school. Preparation for schooling according to the “Continuity” invariant program. Its goal is to prepare a preschooler for any school education system.

Grigorieva G.G., scientific supervisor and one of the leading authors, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, dean of the faculty of preschool education of the State Educational Institution of Further Professional Education NIRO.

Kochetova N.P., the oldest specialist at the Faculty of Preschool Education, author of many manuals and books on the problem of physical education of a preschool child.

Gruba G.V., Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor.

In psychology and pedagogy, the uniqueness, uniqueness and enormous importance of early age for the entire subsequent life of a person. This is why it is so important for adults to communicate correctly with children, raise and develop them competently.

The “Krokha” program and set of manuals were created for parents and teachers raising young children, and aim to popularize the ideas of domestic early childhood pedagogy. The set of manuals has been prepared on the basis of analysis, selection, systematization and generalization of materials, primarily from domestic and foreign science on problems of psychology and pedagogy of early childhood.

The manual with a program for parents is the first attempt to create a system of personality-oriented education of children in a family environment. It aims to help parents realize the intrinsic value and special significance of the early period in a person’s life, the need to raise a child taking into account general patterns and the individuality of the child, provide assistance in choosing adequate ways, means and methods of raising the child.

With all the priority of family education of young children in last years the influx of these children into preschool educational institutions increased, and the manual with the “Krokha” program for parents turned out to be in demand by teachers. This led to the preparation of a series methodological manuals. In 2007, the “Program for the Education and Development of Young Children in Preschool Institutions” and “ Guidelines to the program of education and development of young children in preschool institutions.” For teachers, the program is unique in that it can be used in preschool educational institutions, regardless of what program children are taught in older groups.

The program and manuals were developed in the laboratory of problems of preschool education of the Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Educational Development. Head and scientific editor Galina Grigorievna Grigorieva.