What resources are the countries of foreign Asia rich in? Natural resource potential of southwest Asia. Economy of Southwest Asia

Farming, especially rural farming, will depend on the natural conditions of the territory. And the conditions of Asia are characterized by great diversity and contrasts. The highest mountain ranges with steep slopes adjacent to lowlands and the monotony of their flat topography. Great contrasts are also typical for the climate, especially for humidification. Low-lying areas are well supplied with moisture because they are located in the monsoon climate region - this is the eastern and southern part of the region.

The western part of Foreign Asia lies in the Mediterranean climate region. $90\%$ of all arable land is concentrated in these parts of Asia. The central and southwestern parts are arid. The Asian part of the world lies in several climatic zones. The south of the territory lies in tropical latitudes and receives a total solar radiation$2$ times more than the northern regions. Summer and winter temperatures on the Indonesian islands are almost the same, the average January temperature is +$25$ degrees, and the north of Manchuria, for example, has a January temperature of -$24$, -$28$ degrees. And the frosts there last longer. Significant climatic differences are also characteristic of mountainous regions and even within the mountainous territories themselves. This is due to the height of the mountains, their position, and the exposure of the slopes. Atmospheric circulation has a very clear effect on the climate of East and South Asia; the seasonal change of air masses is clearly expressed there.

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The winter in these areas is characterized by the winter monsoon, and in the summer there is a summer monsoon. All of East Asia, Hindustan and Indochina are located in the monsoon circulation zone, where annual precipitation can reach $2000 mm per year. Associated with the winter monsoon are cold continental air masses, which cause cooling in East Asia and partly in the tropics of Northern Indochina.

In the southern part of Asia, winter cold snaps do not occur, because the territory is under the influence of the Indian monsoon, which has smaller pressure gradients. On the other hand, India is closed in the north by the highest mountain ranges from the cold air masses of Central Asia. The interior regions of Asia, located at high altitudes and surrounded by mountains, have a sharply continental climate.

In winter, the Asian anticyclone dominates here and a harsh and long winter sets in. At low temperatures, the soil freezes deeply, which leads to the formation of areas of permafrost. In summer, the territory warms up well and an area of ​​low atmospheric pressure. Hot and dry weather persists. There is very little precipitation; high mountain ranges prevent their penetration. In closed basins only up to $50$ mm falls. But this inland region also has its own internal climatic differences. The reason for this is the different availability of thermal resources and thermal conditions.

An exceptionally hot region is Southwest Asia. She gets the most a large number of solar radiation, therefore it is the driest part of the continent. Deserts and semi-deserts are common here.

Note 1

A significant part of Foreign Asia has unfavorable climatic conditions for the development of agriculture. The equatorial regions are heavily humidified, and the vast plateaus and plains of Southwestern and Central Asia are too dry. Agriculture in these areas is possible only with land reclamation.

The location of agricultural production, the composition of cultivated plants, features of farming techniques, and crop productivity largely depend on climatic conditions. The level of agricultural development in the countries of Foreign Asia is relatively low, so crop yields are highly dependent on weather conditions. Based on climatic characteristics, several agroclimatic regions are distinguished in foreign Asia.

Mineral resources of Foreign Asia

The surface of Foreign Asia is represented by vast mountainous areas and lowlands, the areas of which are small. Low-lying areas are located along the outskirts of Asia - these are the eastern and southern coasts. The relief and the main tectonic areas are associated with mineral deposits, in which the subsoil of Foreign Asia is rich. Asia occupies a leading place in the world in terms of reserves of fuel and energy raw materials.

These are, first of all, huge deposits of coal, oil and gas. The subsoil of this part of the world contains the world's reserves of tin, antimony, mercury, graphite, sulfur, muscovite, zirconium, phosphate raw materials, potassium salts, chromites, and tungsten. However, from a geographical point of view, these resources are distributed unevenly. Coal, iron and manganese ores, and non-metallic minerals were formed within the Chinese and Hindustan platforms. There is a copper belt along the Pacific coast. In the Alpine-Himalayan folded region, ores are predominant.

The decisive role in the international geographical division of labor in Asia is played by oil and gas reserves, which are the main wealth of the region. The main hydrocarbon deposits are concentrated in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, and the UAE. Large oil fields have been discovered in the countries of the Malay Archipelago - Indonesia, Malaysia. There is oil and gas in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. The Dead Sea is known for large reserves of salts, and the Iranian Plateau is known for sulfur and non-ferrous metals.

Of all Asian countries, the greatest diversity and mineral reserves are concentrated in the following countries:

  1. India;
  2. Indonesia;
  3. Iran;
  4. Kazakhstan;
  5. Türkiye;
  6. Saudi Arabia.

Note 2

Those mineral deposits that are well known today do not reflect the true picture of the wealth of the subsoil of this region. Ongoing exploration work is discovering new deposits of mineral raw materials. Shelf zones are becoming promising for hydrocarbon production, providing the mining industry with new opportunities.

Different subregions of Asia have their own set of mineral resources.

Western Asia. Here, first of all, the largest oil and gas fields are concentrated, in terms of reserves of which Western Asia is a leader among other regions of the world. According to 1980 data, in this area there are $43 billion tons of oil and more than $20 trillion. cube m of gas. Coal reserves amount to more than $23 billion tons. Ferrous metal ore reserves amount to $14 billion tons and are located in Turkey and Iraq. Reserves of titanium ores in Saudi Arabia and chrome ores in Turkey and Iran, Afghanistan and Oman. Non-metallic building materials are represented by gypsum, the reserves of which amount to $3 billion tons. In some countries of the region there are deposits of precious and semi-precious stones, for example, Iranian turquoise, Afghan lapis lazuli, ruby, emerald, rock crystal, aquamarine, marble onyx.

South Asia. It holds a leading position in reserves of muscovite, barite, titanium, pyrite, beryl, graphite, iron and manganese ores. This part also has significant reserves of oil and gas, as well as gold, copper, nickel, and tungsten ores. The most important energy raw material for South Asia is coal, the reserves of which are estimated at $115 billion tons. General reserves iron ores amount to more than $13.5 billion tons. They are concentrated in India and Pakistan. There are small reserves in Sri Lanka and Nepal. Manganese ores have been mined in India for a long time. There are aluminum and nickel ores in this region. About $30\%$ of the total reserves of mining and chemical raw materials are located here - India, Pakistan, Nepal. Non-metallic raw materials are represented by Indian asbestos - India, gypsum - Pakistan, graphite - Sri Lanka. There are quartz, construction sands, dolomites, limestone and marble. Precious stones are found only in India - diamonds.

Southeast Asia. The region ranks 1st in the world in terms of tin reserves and has significant reserves of nickel, cobalt, tungsten, copper, antimony, and barite. In addition, there are oil, gas, bauxite, chromite and other mineral resources. Exploration work for hydrocarbons is carried out on the continental shelf. Of the $36 potential pools, $25 belongs to Indonesia. There are coals in both Indonesia and Vietnam. Ore minerals, the reserves of which amount to more than $1271 million tons, are found in Burma, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Kampuchea. Among the ores of non-ferrous metals, aluminum and copper ores are known - Indonesia, Vietnam, Kampuchea.

Other types of resources in Overseas Asia

Foreign Asia is rich in its superficial water, but water resources are distributed unevenly across the territory, and the supply decreases from the southeast to the northwest. Water resources are used, usually for irrigation, which helps solve problems associated with drought, soil salinity and wind erosion. In India, for example, $95\%$ of fresh water consumed is used for irrigation. Mountain rivers contain colossal reserves of hydroelectric energy, which is best provided in the humid tropics. Due to the economic backwardness of mountainous areas, the hydropotential of rivers is poorly used. For example, the hydro potential of the rivers of India and Pakistan is used by approximately $10\%$. Large Asian rivers have basins covering hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. They are among the most important types natural resources.

Another type of resource is soil. The huge size, varied topography and climate were the conditions for the formation of a complex soil cover. In the temperate climate zone, podzolic, sulfur and brown forest soils were formed. In the steppe regions there are chernozem-like and chestnut soils. In the Mediterranean subtropics, brown soils are dominant, and in monsoon regions, yellow soils and red soils are dominant. Peculiar tropical soils - regur or black soils - formed on the Hindustan Peninsula.

If speak about forest resources, then Foreign Asia is not rich in them. Per capita forest resources accounts for only $0.3$ ha, and the world average is $1.2$ ha per person. Low availability of forest resources is typical for India, Pakistan, Lebanon, and Singapore. The southeast of the region is best provided with forest resources. Here, the areas of forest resources are not only large, but also accessible, which threatens their existence.

Recreational The region's resources began to be studied and used only in the second half of the 20th century. Attractive for tourists are the warm seas of South-West Asia - Turkey and Southeast Asia - Thailand, Malaysia.

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Southwest Asia

Natural landscapes are varied. Sun-scorched deserts, semi-deserts and mountain steppes predominate. Against their background, snow-capped mountain ranges and green river valleys and oases near water sources stand out. This is a land of lowlands, plateaus, highlands, mountains.

Given the vastness of the territory and the extremely complex nature of the surface, there is naturally a wide variety of climatic conditions.

This is an exceptionally hot area that receives the largest amount of solar radiation in Asia, and is therefore the driest part of the Eurasian continent. Here, two climatic zones are clearly expressed on the plains: tropical and subtropical; In the mountains, with a pronounced altitudinal zone, the climate is sharply continental.

South-West Asia is extremely poor in soils suitable for agriculture. Sandy and rocky deserts, highlands, and ultra-dry climate limit the use of land. The following types of soils predominate here: gray soils, chestnut soils and red soils.

South-West Asia has the richest oil reserves.

In its depths there are about 50 billion tons of explored “black gold”. Until the 70s, oil production in the countries of South-West Asia was almost completely controlled by the largest capitalist monopolies. Since 1973, all oil-producing countries have operated within the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), foreign companies have been nationalized, and Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the UAE and Bahrain have acquired (through share buybacks) most of the ownership of foreign oil monopolies.

In the depths of South-West Asia there are also huge reserves natural gas(about 10 trillion.

m3), chromite, iron, copper, manganese, lead, zinc, antimony, molybdenum ores, phosphorites, bauxites, natural sulfur, boracite, potassium and table salt, building materials, etc. were discovered.

Some mineral deposits are among the largest in the world in terms of their reserves.

For example, Turkey ranks fourth in chromite reserves (after Zimbabwe, South Africa and the Philippines). Jordan and Israel have a unique deposit of potassium salt (Dead Sea). Iraq and Syria have rich deposits of phosphorites.

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Southeast Asia


Over the past three decades, countries in the region have realistically moved from a backward to a high level of development. This simplified:

Firstly, ASEAN countries have an extremely advantageous geographical location.

They are located at the crossroads of the most important sea, air routes leading from Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean;

Secondly, Southeast Asian countries have rich potential in minerals and raw materials. This area contains the world's reserves of tin, tungsten, chromium and timber. There are large deposits of oil, gas, nickel, cobalt, copper ore, gold, precious stones, coal, and large reserves Hydroelectric power station and agro-climatic sources;

Thirdly, Southeast Asian countries currently lead the world in terms of investment inflows amounting to €39.5 billion.

As capital accumulated in several Southeast Asian countries, investment flows were created in the region. ASEAN countries are implementing a number of projects in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia;

Fourthly, human resources in these countries are huge and characterized by high degree reproduction, which allows companies to evaluate their inexpensive;

Fifth, for the model with Southeast Asian countries, Japanese capitalism, with increased attention to the latest development of STR and accelerating their implementation in practice.

For the Japanese, the “crane-crane” flies;

Sixth, the development of export-oriented products that provide these countries with rapid growth in the global economy (computer equipment, consumer and industrial, textiles, footwear, clothing, watches, super tankers, bulk carriers, container ships, automobiles, etc. )); information Technology, biotechnology, optical fibers; Southeast Asian countries are gradually moving from labor-intensive to capital-intensive industries;

Seventh, R&D spending, which accounts for 1-2% of GDP and GDP per capita, is growing.

in Hong Kong, Singapore - 14-15 thousand.

General characteristics of farms in southwest Asia

The eighth, non-productive area is growing: transit international financial transactions, tourism (5 million people per year), tropical resort, etc.

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Natural resources of Central Asia

The natural resources of the plains of Central Asia are diverse. Of the combustible minerals, Jurassic stones were discovered in Janak and brown coals in Mangyshlak and in the Alakul region; oil and gas in Mangyshlak, Bukhara and the Ili depression, oil on the Cheleken Peninsula, Nebit-Dag and Kum-Dag, ozokerite in Cheleken. Among the deposits of ore minerals, manganese in Mangyshlak (Aitkoksha) and oolitic iron ore in the Northern Aral Sea region are becoming known.

Asbestos, graphite and copper were found on the territory of the Paleozoic uplands of the Kyzylkum.

Mineral Resources of Southwest Asia

In the Lowland Karakum, sulfur was mined for many years in the Sulfur Hills, located 250 km north of Ashgabat, in last years gas reserves have been explored. The richest reserves of self-sedimented salts are found in the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay on the Caspian Sea (mirabilite), in the Karagiye tectonic depression (magnesian salts), in the area of ​​Aralsk (astrakhanite) and the Aral Sea region (sodium sulfate).

There are unlimited supplies of gypsum and table salt everywhere.

The plains of Central Asia are rich in light and warmth. In the Lowland Karakum desert, heat resources for periods with temperatures above 10°C exceed 5000°C, in the Kyzylkum desert - about 4000°C; in the deserts of the Aral Sea region, Southern Balkhash region and in Muyunkum - 3000-3500°C. With such heat resources and the presence of water, subtropical plants such as fine-fiber cotton, sesame, peanuts, world-famous Charju melons, and high-sugar table grape varieties are successfully grown in the southern deserts.

Over the past decades, new crops for those places have been developed on the plains of Central Asia: southern hemp, kenaf, jute, sugar beet. Southern fruit growing is developing successfully.

The plains of Central Asia are poor in surface watercourses, with the exception of transit rivers whose sources are in mountainous areas. Measures for the collection and storage of temporary runoff water, including the installation of underground rainwater collectors, are of great economic importance.

The groundwater of the plains is concentrated in vast Artevian basins, explored by Soviet hydrogeologists in recent decades.

Among the basins, the Aral Sea group (Turgai, Syr-Darya and Karakum) artesian basins is distinguished. Within the Tien Shan folded region there are the Chui and Ili basins, and in the Dzhungar region there is a group of artesian basins of the Balkhash region.

All pools have pressure (self-flowing) or semi-pressure waters of varying flow rates and varied mineralization - from fresh to salty inclusive.

Part of the groundwater is used for drinking needs of the population and livestock. For this purpose, many mine and artesian wells have been built in deserts in the last ten years.

The deepest groundwater is found on the Badkhyz and Karabil plateaus.

Here, dug wells for watering livestock reach a depth of 200-260 m. Upon exiting the Karakum Desert, groundwater rises closer to the surface (15-40 m and closer) and becomes noticeably saltier. The eastern regions of the Zaunguz Karakum are relatively well supplied with water and are poorly watered western regions Lowland Karakum.

In the Kyzylkum desert, as well as in the Aral region, Muyunkum and Southern Balkhash region, there is fresh groundwater everywhere in the sands, the flow of which is mostly small, but the total reserves of fresh and slightly brackish groundwater in Muyunkum and in the sandy massifs of the Southern Balkhash region are large. On the foothill plains, groundwater often wedges out, forming numerous “karas” - small streams and rivers used by the population for irrigation and water supply. The abundance of “karasu” can be observed on the foothill plains of the northern slopes of the Kyrgyz, Trans-Ili and Dzungarian ranges, in the Fergana Valley.

The development of solar technology makes it possible to obtain fresh water from brackish and saline groundwater. The plant resources of the plains are of great economic importance due to the intensive development of livestock farming, in particular astrakhan sheep breeding and fine-fleece sheep breeding.

Pastures are the dominant type of agricultural land in the deserts and semi-deserts of Central Asia. The feeding value of desert-wood and wormwood associations is greatest.

Deserts with a predominance of desert-tree associations, which, along with saxaul, kandym and other trees, contain many ephemeroids and ephemera, are used mostly as year-round pastures. The average productivity of forage mass is 0.8-1.9 c/ha.

Deserts with wormwood dominating the vegetation cover are considered the best autumn-winter pastures. Their average feed productivity is 1.3-2.7 c/ha. Horses and cattle are most often grazed in tugai forests. Hay is harvested in reed and sedge swamps.

The most valuable in terms of food are the psammophyte-shrub and solyanka communities.

In the fuel balance of the Central Asian republics, a prominent place belongs to the wood of saxaul open forests.

Of the total area of ​​20.5 million hectares of desert forests and thickets in Central Asia, saxaul forests account for 19.8 million hectares. The wood reserve in this area is about 35 million l*1.

The quality of saxaul forests is closely related to the groundwater level and soil type: the best saxaul forests develop on sandy loam and light loamy soils with groundwater occurring at a depth of 3-8 m.

For the decade 1947-1967.

saxaul and desert shrubs were sown on an area of ​​about 97 million hectares.

Large areas of land have been developed for agriculture in the largest irrigated oases: Fergana, Khorezm, Tashkent Zeravshan, Murgab, Tedzhen, Gol odnostep with kom, Chui, Talas, Semirechensk. The total irrigated land in the republics of Central Asia, excluding Tajikistan, is 6.8 million.

ha. In the future, it is possible to irrigate about 15 million hectares in the republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan (B-D. Korzhavin, 1962).

Much work on studying methods for developing deserts and fixing sand was carried out in Soviet period Aral, Repetek and Dzhezkazgan experimental stations. They developed a series effective methods oasis transformation of deserts: new methods of rain-fed and irrigated farming and foraging, a trench method of growing vegetables, potatoes and fruits in the sands has been developed, scientifically substantiated and introduced into production effective ways consolidation of sands and their afforestation.

All these methods make it possible to more rationally use the natural resources of the deserts of Central Asia.

The work of zoologists and doctors to eliminate Asian locust nests, sharply reduce the incidence of malaria, and develop methods to combat ticks and other carriers of serious diseases in humans and animals is invaluable.

On the plains of Central Asia, fur and other animal trades are of some importance.

Game species that occupy a prominent place in the national economy of the plains include gophers, jerboas, muskrats, acclimatized on Balkhash (the Ili River delta) since 1935, goitered gazelles and saigas, the shooting of which is limited by the law on nature conservation. In the tugai forests, wild boars are shot and a lot of waterfowl are caught - ducks, coots, geese, cormorants, and less - pheasants.

Protection and expanded reproduction of natural resources are the most important government and public activities.

The regulation of livestock grazing on the sands and animal hunting require close attention. rational use water resources.

Tourism resources and centers of South-West Asia

Southwest Asia includes states of the Near and Middle East with ancient history and predominantly Muslim culture.

The exception is Israel, a country of immigration and widespread Judaism with its shrines. Historically, on the territory of Israel there is currently the city of Jerusalem, in which the shrines of three religions are located: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, which, on the one hand, attracts a very large number of tourists, partly pilgrims, and on the other, creates the ground for constant acute conflicts, which also affects the scale of tourism.

In the countries of this zone, the attention of tourists is attracted by the warm sea (especially widely - the Mediterranean, washing the shores of Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, Israel), and the subtropical climate favorable for recreation.

Lovers of educational tourism are attracted by ancient cities or their ruins, numerous cities with their historical and cultural population. Among them are Istanbul (Turkey), Amman (Jordan), the ancient cities of Lebanon - Baalbek, Saida, as well as the organizing tourist center of the country - its capital Beirut, Nicosia (Cyprus), the Iranian cities of Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Hamadan. There are many interesting historical, cultural and archaeological sites outside these centers.

Certain countries of the Arab East, as well as Turkey, attract many “shuttles” - participants in shopping tours.

Afghanistan has interesting tourism opportunities, but the events of recent decades make it impossible to use them.

South-West Asia includes tourist macro-regions: Turkey and Cyprus, Palestine, Arab states (Middle East), Middle East.

Türkiye and Cyprus connected both by their history and modern relations. The fact is that the northern part of Cyprus is occupied by Turkish troops: the Turkish Republic of Cyprus was proclaimed there, but not recognized by any state other than Turkey. This northern part of Cyprus is home to Turkish-speaking Muslim Cypriots, while the rest of the island is predominantly Greek-speaking Orthodox.

Naturally, the division of Cyprus creates unnecessary tension, but this does not prevent a large number of resort tourists from enjoying the benefits of the Mediterranean Sea and the beneficial Mediterranean climate. In addition to relaxing on coastal beaches, tourists have the opportunity to visit low mountainous areas and take baths near mineral springs.

In the capital of the state, Nicosia, tourists visit the Selima Mosque, St. Sophia Cathedral, a six-meter Venetian column, the ruins of a fortress wall, a museum rich in Bronze Age objects and masterpieces of historical art; in Famagusta and its environs there are ancient ruins; in Paphos - the ruins of the temples of Aphrodite and Apollo; near Limassol - the tower of the Colossus.

Cyprus has also been visited by shuttle tourists from the CIS countries.

They are also private visitors to neighboring Turkey. At the same time, the latter also attracts recreational tourists: coastal areas(along the Mediterranean, Aegean, Marmara, Black Seas) are known for their numerous swimming seasons (warm sea, subtropical climate), which contributed to the emergence of famous Mediterranean resorts (Antalya, Alanya, etc.).

There are resorts in the interior of Turkey based on the use of mineral springs. For example, the springs near the city of Bursa were used by the Byzantines.

But, of course, Turkey also attracts tourists with its historical and cultural values. Many of them are concentrated on the shores of the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul (in the past - Constantinople, in ancient Russian documents - Constantinople).

The transformation of the Orthodox Byzantine capital into a Muslim city also led to a change in the appearance of the city: Orthodox churches turned into mosques. There are many of them, therefore there are many minarets. The most famous temple is the Hagia Sophia, an outstanding work of Byzantine architecture. After the capture of Constantinople by the Turks in the 15th century. A large number of new mosques were built, including some outstanding for their architectural merits. There are also museums in Istanbul, including an archaeological museum (with the sarcophagus of Alexander the Great), and monuments of civil architecture.

In the 20th century Istanbul is largely Europeanized.

Other centers of educational tourism in Turkey: the capital Ankara (where ancient buildings and the mausoleum of the founder of modern Turkey Ataturk (Kemal Pasha) are located); Izmir (which is famous for antiquities and annual fairs); Bursa, Adana, Erzurum (with their ancient monuments and numerous mosques).

Most of Turkey is made up of plateaus and low mountains, which in the east of the country turn into highland areas, where the altitudinal zone is well defined (up to the nival zone), and the Ararat massif, sacred to the Armenians (but located after World War I in Turkey), is located, where According to biblical legend, Noah's Ark completed its journey in the large and very picturesque Lake Van.

So in the east of Turkey there are many elements of natural attraction. However, so far this undoubtedly potential resort area has been little developed.


This macro-region includes the state of Israel, populated predominantly by Jews (natives and immigrants), and Arab territories, which have been fighting for many decades to create an Arab Palestinian state.

The territory of Palestine has seen many historical events, which left their mark on its ancient monuments. Suffice it to say that in the Jordan Valley “the very first city in the world was discovered - Jericho (“city of dates”), which is seven thousand years old.

Archaeological excavations are being carried out on a large hill, which attracts the attention of many tourists.” South of the largest city in Palestine, Jerusalem, is the city of Bethlehem, over which, according to legend, a star lit up at the moment when Jesus Christ was born in a modest manger. A grandiose temple was built here.

But, of course, the largest number of tourists is attracted by Jerusalem itself, associated with the relics of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religions. This is truly a city of three historical faiths and therefore attracts countless of their representatives, as well as simply curious tourists.

Among the historical and cultural monuments, it is enough to name the Jewish Western Wall, Christian shrines - the Chapel of the Holy Sepulcher, Golgotha, where Christ was crucified, the rock where he prayed (and many more places associated with evangelical subjects). According to Islam, the Muslim prophet Muhammad later ascended to heaven from the rock where Christ prayed (the magnificent Omar Mosque was built here).

It is no coincidence that during the division of Palestine after World War II, the UN decided on the special status of Jerusalem, which is historically divided into the Old and New City.

Among other cities in the region, the actual capital of Israel is Tel Aviv (although the state leadership considers Jerusalem to be the capital, which is not recognized by most states in the world) with its Haaretz Museum of Mediterranean Art and art gallery.

Among the streets of Tel Aviv there are Korolenko, Zola and others. Jaffa has practically merged with Tel Aviv, unlike the very young Tel Aviv, which dates back several centuries of its existence. In this city you can walk along Pushkin Street, Pestalozzi, Michelangelo, M. Gorky, Ozheshko, Dante.

Even more ancient is another city of Israel on the Mediterranean Sea - Haifa. Therefore, in these cities there are also historical and cultural objects of previous centuries.

There are seaside resorts on the Mediterranean coast, especially in the area of ​​Netanya and in the Eilat area in the Arabian Gulf of the Red Sea.

There are also resorts on the coast of the Dead Sea, located below ocean level, the very high salinity of its waters allows swimmers to float freely. An appropriate infrastructure has been created for tourists in Israel.

Arab countries of South-West Asia include almost the entire zone, with the exception of the two regions described above, and the states of the Middle East.

In practice, we are talking about the Middle East or most of Western Asia (from Lebanon in the northwest to Yemen in the southeast). These are all Muslim Arab states.

With the exception of its outskirts - Mediterranean Lebanon and partly Syria in the north-west and “happy Arabia” (southern part of Yemen) on the edge of the Arabian Peninsula - all countries in the region are arid desert and semi-desert territories. Therefore, civilization developed there only in areas where it was possible to create irrigation systems using rivers (as in Mesopotamia) or groundwater - in oases.

From the middle of the twentieth century. in many countries of the region oil began to be produced in large quantities, and this led to the formation of oases on an “industrial basis” due to the supply of water from deep horizons or desalination sea ​​water. During these processes, modern civilization is formed with all its pros and cons. In particular, the centers of this new civilization attract a large number of “shuttle” tourists from the CIS countries to the countries of the region. In some states of the region, modern seaside resorts have appeared on the shores of the seas.

There are also mountain resorts in Lebanese cities. All this serves the development of recreational tourism. However, we must not forget that in almost all countries of the macroregion there are many historical and cultural attractions - monuments of distant millennia and centuries.

Thus, on the territory of Lebanon there is one of the earliest human settlements - Baalbek, “where the ruins of religious buildings dedicated to Jupiter, statues, sculptures of Venus, Bacchus, rows of columns and sculptures, and stairs have been preserved.”

One of the ancient settlements in Lebanon is the city of Saida. The capital of the country itself, Beirut, along with the ancient quarters, is also distinguished by completely modern buildings, corresponding to the role of Beirut as a center of finance and culture.

In Syria big interest For tourists are the ancient cities of Palmyra and Aleppo with their monuments and Hellenistic art.

The capital of the country Damascus attracts with its facilities Muslim culture, among which one of the most famous shrines of Islam is the Omayyad Mosque.

Muslim architecture is typical for most areas of the capital of Iraq, Baghdad.

Characteristics of natural resources of Asia

The Nazimiya Mosque, or Golden Mosque, is very famous, decorated with four minarets with gilded domes (which is rare in this kind of structure). The city has many modern buildings and monuments, stylized in the spirit of Muslim traditions. To the side of the capital, located on the banks of the famous Tigris River, there are the ruins of ancient cities, including the famous Babylon. There are also summer high-altitude resorts in Iraq (in the north and north-east of the country).

Despite the undoubted tourist attractiveness of Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, the flow of tourists to these countries is limited due to political instability.

Other Arab countries of the Middle East are much less interesting for educational tourism: Jordan, Yemen, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates.

The latter, as a rule, attract a large number of shuttle tourists. In these countries, whose economies are based on oil production (Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates), modern cities attract attention.

Saudi Arabia occupies a special place among the countries of the Middle East. It is on its territory that the main places of pilgrimage for Muslims are located - the holy cities of Mecca (with the black stone of the Kaaba) and Medina, cities associated with the activities of the Prophet Muhammad and the birth of Islam.

Hundreds of thousands, and in some years millions of Muslims from all over the world come here as pilgrims. The pilgrimage (Hajj) brings huge income to the country, and pilgrims “incorporate” themselves into eternal life in paradise.

On the Red Sea coast of the country is the city of Jeddah, through which thousands of pilgrims travel. There are also several historical monuments here, among which, according to legend, is the grave of the first woman, Eve.

Middle Eastern countries– these are Iran and Afghanistan. From the point of view of tourism, Iran is especially interesting - a country of very diverse nature and ancient history. Nature lovers will find in Iran seas and rivers, plains (low-lying and elevated) and high mountains Elbrus with the main peak Damavand (in the north of the country), various forests, dry steppes, semi-deserts and deserts, healing mineral springs and healing mud.

In Iran there are numerous monuments of Muslim culture (civil and religious buildings) in the capital Tehran, the cities of Isfahan, Tabriz, Mashhad, Qazvin and others. Currently, due to the difficult international situation of Iran (largely due to its isolation), the flow of tourists into the country is very limited, which is facilitated by both external forces and the activity of Islamic fundamentalists.

Tourism to Afghanistan, a multiethnic mountainous country where military operations have been going on for many years, is practically impossible these days.

Therefore, and also due to the very low level of development of tourism infrastructure, the harsh but impressive nature of Afghanistan and its historical and cultural sites located in the capital Kabul, the cities of Herat, Kandahar and others remain unclaimed. One of the most famous tourism sites throughout Asia, Biamin, is also practically inaccessible.

In this depression, located at an altitude of more than 2 thousand meters, in the central part of the country there is a rock pitted with hundreds of caves. There are two 50-meter high Buddha statues carved into the rocks, and the Shahar-i-Gulgula fortress is located on the hill. The possibilities of the winter resort of Jalalabad, hunting opportunities, and observation of local ritual holidays are also unclaimed.

South-West Asia includes Transcaucasia, the Near and Middle East, has an area of ​​7 million km2 and a population (as of 2013) of 361 million people.

South-West Asia is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean, Red Seas and the Persian Gulf. Access to the World Ocean may in the future change the economic and geographical position of countries such as Armenia, Afghanistan and Azerbaijan. The largest countries in the region in terms of area and population are Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, and the smallest are Bahrain, Cyprus and Qatar.

Relatively developed states in the region include Israel, Cyprus, Turkey, etc., and backward ones include Yemen and Afghanistan.

The economies of many Gulf countries are focused on oil production and export.

Natural conditions and resources. Southwest Asia is a region with diverse natural conditions and resources.

Some states - Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey and Armenia - are predominantly mountainous countries. Most of Southwest Asia is dominated by a sharply continental and arid climate. The wide distribution of mountains and deserts hinders the development of industry and agriculture. The exception is the Mesopotamian lowland, where irrigated agriculture is widely developed.

The subsoil of South-West Asia is rich in chromium (Turkey), polymetals (Iran and Turkey), phosphorites and potassium salts (Israel and Jordan). However, the main wealth of the region is oil. Oil fields are concentrated in areas adjacent to the Persian Gulf and account for 2/3 of the world's oil reserves.

In terms of oil reserves, the top five countries in the world include: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran and the United Arab Emirates.

Oil production and export determine the place and role of South-West Asia in the world economy. At the same time, the region is experiencing an acute shortage of water and land resources.

Population. High rates of natural growth (25-30 ppm), with the exception of Georgia, Armenia, Israel and Cyprus, are characteristic of South-West Asia. Iran, Turkey and Iraq account for more than half of the population of Southwest Asia. The average population density is 52 people/sq. km. However, due to uneven settlement, some areas are characterized by higher population density, while others have lower population density. The population is mainly concentrated in the coastal zone, in intermountain valleys and oases, where the population density reaches 50-100 people/km2. In mountains and deserts, the population density is 1-10 people/sq. km.

The population is mostly sedentary, except in the deserts of Arabia, Iran and Afghanistan, where millions of people are nomads.

The urbanization level of Southwest Asia is 70%. In some countries, the urban population does not exceed 50-55%. In Israel, as well as in countries with hot and dry climates - Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar, the urban population is 91-98%.

In South-West Asia there are both mono-national (most Arab countries) and multi-national states (Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Turkey).

The population of South-West Asia is represented by Arabs, Iranians, Turks, Jews, etc.

In South-West Asia you can find states with different structures, from a theocratic absolute monarchy (Saudi Arabia) to a democratic republic (Turkey). Countries with a constitutional monarchy are Bahrain, Jordan and Kuwait.

In the United Arab Emirates, a federal-monarchical leadership is elected every five years.

Economy, transport and internal differences

Most countries in South-West Asia belong to the category of agrarian-industrial states. Meanwhile, in terms of the level of economic development, individual states of South-West Asia differ sharply from each other. Countries such as Israel, Türkiye and Cyprus are characterized by high level development and diversified industry. Other countries, and primarily the countries of the Persian Gulf, are characterized by one-sided development, focused on the production and export of oil and petroleum products. To be fair, it should be noted that a number of countries, namely Iran, have been making efforts in recent years to create a diversified and modern industry. The third group of countries (Afghanistan and Yemen) lag significantly behind their regional neighbors in economic development.
Industry. Most countries in South-West Asia are distinguished by their oil production and oil refining industries. The role of oil and the oil refining industry in the economies of the Gulf countries can be judged by the following indicators. Annual oil production averages 0.6 tons per capita, and in the Persian Gulf countries (where annual oil production as of 2012 is 1,150 million tons) - 3,300 tons of oil per capita. Naturally, most of the oil produced in the Persian Gulf countries is exported, primarily to Western European countries, Japan and the USA.
Large oil refineries, which process 500 million tons of oil, or 45%, were built in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran and Iraq.
Oil fields and refineries in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates employ people from East Africa and South Asia. About 90-95% of oil produced in the Persian Gulf area is exported.
The manufacturing industry is developed in Turkey, Israel, Iran and the Transcaucasian republics. Along with the light and food industries, heavy industries are also developing in the above-mentioned countries. For example, the metallurgical industry developed in Turkey, Georgia and Iran; mechanical engineering - in Turkey and Israel; chemical industry- in Turkey, Azerbaijan and Iran. The petrochemical and fuel and energy industries are developing rapidly in the Gulf countries. Light and food industries are developed almost everywhere.
The light industry of South-West Asia is represented mainly by textile, leather and footwear, as well as knitwear industries. Iran, Turkey and the Transcaucasian republics supply handicraft products to the world market: carpets, artistic metal products, etc.
Agriculture is developed everywhere and occupies an important place in the economy of the countries of South-West Asia. However, a number of these countries do not provide themselves with food due to water shortages, as a result of which they are forced to import food from abroad.

Israel has achieved good results in agricultural production, being one of the first to cultivate the drip irrigation method. Israel not only provides itself with food, but also exports it, in particular, to Western Europe. Desalination of sea water is practiced (Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia).
Agriculture is mainly developed in Turkey, Israel, Lebanon, Cyprus and the Transcaucasian republics, and livestock farming is developed in Arab countries, most of whose territory is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts.
In South-West Asia, mainly cereal crops (wheat, oats, rice, corn, millet) are cultivated in Turkey, Iran, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Industrial crops (cotton, sunflower, etc.) are cultivated mainly in Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Azerbaijan and Iran, sugar beets - in Turkey and the Transcaucasian republics.
Transport. The low level of industrial development explains the low level of the transport system in South-West Asia. Rail transport is developed mainly in Turkey, Iran and the Transcaucasian republics and is practically absent in Afghanistan and a number of Arab states. Road transport is developed in Turkey, the Mediterranean and the Transcaucasian republics. Maritime transport is developed only in Turkey.
Internal differences. Based on the level of economic development, the countries of South-West Asia are divided into diversified and highly specialized countries.
A diversified economy is characteristic of Turkey, Israel, Iran, Lebanon, Cyprus, the Transcaucasian republics and partly Syria. The manufacturing industry is relatively well developed in the countries mentioned. Accordingly, these countries have achieved good results in agricultural production and in the development of transport.
In each of the countries of South-West Asia, along with relatively developed areas, there are areas with a low level of economic development.

A. Kayumov, I. Safarov, M. Tillabaeva "Economic and social geography of the world" Tashkent - "Uzbekistan" - 2014

From previous geographer courses, remember in which climatic zones South-West Asia is located. What development problems in these countries are associated with climatic conditions?

The region's mineral resources have not been sufficiently explored. In addition to the huge reserves of oil (66% of world reserves) and gas (26%), there are significant volumes of chromites (Turkey), mineral salts of the Dead Sea. 206 million people live in the territory of South-West Asia. The population is growing rapidly due to high natural population growth. The countries of the region differ greatly in population size; 2/3 of the region's inhabitants are concentrated in Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan.

The population distribution is also uneven. Its average density in one country does not exceed 100 people/km2, and in desert areas it is less than 1 person/km2. The region is characterized by significant population migrations. Peoples leading a nomadic lifestyle still live here. Israel's population is formed by immigrants. Many Palestinian Arabs are forced to leave their homeland, and a significant number of foreign Muslim workers work in the oil fields. Many Turks work in Western Europe, especially in Germany.

The level of urbanization is generally low, and Afghanistan and Yemen are among the lowest in the world. The urban population is growing rapidly, but individual cities predominate, agglomerations are just being formed (Istanbul, Tehran). The proportion of urban residents is especially high in small oil-producing countries; in Bahrain, Kuwait and Qatar it exceeds 90% of the population. Some cities arose in ancient times (Damascus, Baghdad, Beirut, Riyadh, etc.). It was in this region that the three main religions of the world originated: Judaism, Christianity, Islam. The cities of Jerusalem, Mecca, Medina are considered sacred, and many pilgrims visit them every year.

Ethnic composition The population is quite complex. The most homogeneous population of the Arabian Peninsula, the majority of which are Arabs. Türkiye, Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq are multinational countries. Along with Turks, Persians, Afghans (Pashtuns) and Arabs, there live national minorities: Kurds, Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, Tajiks and others. Ethnic and religious differences create serious political and economic difficulties in each country. I and phosphorites, potassium salts (Jordan, Israel). characteristics of the economy of South-West Asia

According to the level of economic development, the countries of South-West Asia belong to two types: Israel, Turkey and Cyprus are moderately developed countries, the rest of the states are developing countries. But these groups are also heterogeneous.

Israel is an industrial-agrarian country, the share of industry in GDP is 30%. The industrial structure is dominated by knowledge-intensive industries: medical electronics, communications, computers. The metalworking, aviation, shipbuilding, electrical, chemical, and diamond-cutting industries are also developing. The military industry has a high share in the economy.

The policy of the Cypriot leadership is aimed at transforming the country into a trade, financial and tourist center. The economy of this country is characterized by a high share of the service sector (47% of GDP). The leading industries are the food, clothing, mining, and construction materials industries.

The basis of the economy of developing countries is agriculture, which is still backward and unproductive due to archaic agrarian relations. Constant drought is a real disaster for the population of these countries. There is a lot of irrigated land, but the irrigation systems are mostly primitive. The countries of South-West Asia bring grain, oil, sugar, tea, and livestock products.

IN agriculture crop production predominates. Its basis is consumer crops (wheat, corn, vegetables), cotton. Significant areas are occupied by vineyards and fruit plantings. The region occupies a leading place in the world in the production and export of raisins, dried fruits, almonds and dates.

1. General characteristics, brief history of foreign Asia

Foreign Asia is the largest region in the world in terms of population (more than 4 billion people) and the second (after Africa) in area, and it has maintained this primacy, essentially, throughout the entire existence of human civilization. The area of ​​foreign Asia is 27 million square meters. km, it includes more than 40 sovereign states. Many of them are among the oldest in the world. Foreign Asia is one of the centers of the origin of humanity, the birthplace of agriculture, artificial irrigation, cities, many cultural values ​​and scientific achievements. The region mainly consists of developing countries.

2. Diversity of foreign Asian countries by area

The region includes countries of different sizes: two of them are considered giant countries (China, India), some are very large (Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia), the rest are mainly classified as fairly large countries. The boundaries between them follow well-defined natural boundaries.

Features of the EGP of Asian countries:

  1. Neighborhood position.
  2. Coastal location.
  3. The deep situation of some countries.

The first two features have a beneficial effect on their economy, while the third complicates external economic relations.

3. Diversity of foreign Asian countries by population

Largest countries in Asia by population (2012)
(according to CIA)

4. Diversity of foreign Asian countries by geographic location

Asian countries by geographic location:

  1. Coastal (India, Pakistan, Iran, Israel, etc.).
  2. Island (Bahrain, Cyprus, Sri Lanka, etc.).
  3. Archipelagos (Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, Maldives).
  4. Inland (Laos, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, etc.).
  5. Peninsular (Republic of Korea, Qatar, Oman, etc.).

5. Diversity of foreign Asian countries by level of development

The political structure of the countries is very diverse.
Monarchies of foreign Asia (according to wikipedia.org):

Saudi Arabia
  • All other countries are republics.
  • Developed countries of Asia: Japan, Israel, Republic of Korea, Singapore.
  • All other countries in the region are developing.
  • Least developed countries in Asia: Afghanistan, Yemen, Bangladesh, Nepal, Laos, etc.
  • The largest GDP volumes are in China, Japan, and India; on a per capita basis, Qatar, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait have the largest GDP volumes.

6. Forms of government and structure of foreign Asian countries

By the nature of the administrative-territorial structure, most Asian countries have a unitary structure. The following countries have a federal administrative-territorial structure: India, Malaysia, Pakistan, UAE, Nepal, Iraq.

7. Regions of foreign Asia

Regions of Asia:

  1. Southwestern.
  2. South.
  3. South-Eastern.
  4. Eastern.
  5. Central.

Natural resources of foreign Asia

1. Introduction

The provision of foreign Asia with resources is determined, first of all, by the diversity of the relief, location, nature and climate.

The region is extremely homogeneous in terms of tectonic structure and relief: within its boundaries there is the greatest amplitude of heights on earth (more than 9000 m), both ancient Precambrian platforms and areas of young Cenozoic folding, grandiose mountainous countries and vast plains are located here. As a result, the mineral resources of foreign Asia are very diverse.

2. Mineral resources of foreign Asia

The main basins of coal, iron and manganese ores, and non-metallic minerals are concentrated within the Chinese and Hindustan platforms. The Alpine-Himalayan and Pacific fold belts are dominated by ores, including the copper belt along the Pacific coast. But the main wealth of the region, which also determines its role in the international geographical division of labor, is oil and gas. Oil and gas reserves have been explored in most countries of South-West Asia (Mesopotamian trough of the earth's crust). The main deposits are located in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, and the UAE. In addition, large oil and gas fields have been explored in the countries of the Malay Archipelago. Indonesia and Malaysia especially stand out in terms of reserves. The countries of Central Asia are also rich in oil and gas (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan).

The largest reserves of salts are in the Dead Sea. The Iranian Plateau has large reserves of sulfur and non-ferrous metals. In general, Asia is one of the main regions of the world in terms of mineral reserves.

Countries with the largest reserves and diversity of minerals:

  1. China.
  2. India.
  3. Indonesia.
  4. Iran.
  5. Kazakhstan.
  6. Türkiye.
  7. Saudi Arabia.

3. Land and agroclimatic resources of foreign Asia

The agroclimatic resources of Asia are heterogeneous. Vast tracts of mountainous countries, deserts and semi-deserts are little suitable for economic activity, with the exception of animal husbandry; The supply of arable land is small and continues to decline (as the population grows and soil erosion increases). But on the plains of the east and south, quite favorable conditions for agriculture are created. Asia contains 70% of the world's irrigated land.

4. Water resources (moisture resources), agroclimatic resources

The countries of East and Southeast Asia, as well as some regions of South Asia, have the largest reserves of water resources. At the same time, water resources are sorely lacking in the Gulf countries.

According to general indicators, China, India, and Indonesia are best provided with soil resources.
The largest reserves of forest resources: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, China, India.

Population of Overseas Asia

The population of Asia exceeds 4 billion people. Many countries in the region are at the stage of a “demographic explosion”.

2. Fertility and mortality (population reproduction)

All countries in the region, with the exception of Japan and some countries in transition, belong to the traditional type of population reproduction. Moreover, many of them are in a state of population explosion. Some countries are fighting this phenomenon by pursuing demographic policies (India, China), but most countries do not pursue such policies; rapid population growth and rejuvenation continue. At the current rate of population growth, countries in foreign Asia are experiencing food, social and other difficulties. Among Asian subregions, East Asia is the furthest away from the peak of its population explosion. Currently, the highest rates of population growth are characteristic of the countries of South-West Asia. For example, in Yemen there is an average of almost 5 children per woman.

3. National composition

The ethnic composition of the Asian population is also extremely complex: more than 1 thousand peoples live here - from small ethnic groups numbering several hundred people to the largest peoples in the world.

The largest nations of foreign Asia in terms of population (more than 100 million people):

  1. Chinese.
  2. Hindustani.
  3. Bengalis.
  4. Japanese.

The peoples of foreign Asia belong to approximately 15 language families. There is no such linguistic diversity in any other large region planets.
The largest language families foreign Asia by population:

  1. Sino-Tibetan.
  2. Indo-European.
  3. Austronesian.
  4. Dravidian.
  5. Austroasiatic.

The most ethnolinguistically complex countries are: India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia. India and Indonesia are considered the most multinational countries in the world. East and South-West Asia, with the exception of Iran and Afghanistan, is characterized by a more homogeneous National composition. The complex composition of the population in many parts of the region leads to acute ethnic conflicts.

4. Religious composition

  • Foreign Asia is the birthplace of all major religions; all three world religions originated here: Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam.
  • Christianity: Philippines, Georgia, Armenia, a significant proportion of Christians in Kazakhstan, Japan, Lebanon.
  • Buddhism: Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bhutan, Mongolia.
  • Islam: Southwest Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh.
  • Among other national religions, it is necessary to note Confucianism (China), Taoism, Shintoism. In many countries, interethnic contradictions are based precisely on religious grounds.

Presentation for the lesson:

!? Exercise.

  1. Russian border.
  2. Subregions of Foreign Asia.
  3. Republics and monarchies.