“Why do they fly into space?” Summary of a lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world in a preparatory group for school. Why do people explore space? Prospects for space exploration Arms race and ideological race

Many scientists do not consider space exploration a top priority, since there are enough problems that need to be solved on Earth. However, in Lately NASA and other space agencies are appearing more and more such projects.

Hubert Curien, one of the founders of European space programs, thinks that space flights can only be carried out for sporting reasons, and nothing else is needed.

So it turns out that a person in space does not perform any particularly important mission? Man first stepped onto the lunar surface as part of the Apollo 17 mission forty-five years ago. The next flight is unlikely to take place earlier than in a decade. Most likely, the next lunar traveler will be a Chinese. The bulk of the investment goes to financing the ISS; funds will be invested in the station until 2024. Most of the crew members hardly expanded our horizons during their work on the ISS.

So should we continue to explore the Moon, or should we focus our attention on Mars? Programs for the exploration of the Red Planet are already in effect and the moment when man will end up there is not far off. However, let's go back to the recent past. The first cosmonaut, as we know, was our compatriot Yuri Gagarin. Kennedy, who founded the lunar race, had to take a counter step that would help his country get ahead. And he decided to do this with the help of German specialists recruited to create nuclear potential. We can say that the launch of an astronaut in outer space became a by-product of a large-scale military program.

Maybe science still played a primary role here? The American Apollo program was initially larger, but three of its missions lost funding. With its help, hundreds of kilograms of the lunar surface were delivered to Earth, but this was not its main goal. Many scientists openly declare that manned flights are meaningless, since much more information can be obtained using probes and space observatories. Astronauts supply the planet with only grains of information.

Creation of the International space station was the fruit of the collapse of the USSR. But even here they cannot do without Russia, since it is she who supplies the immortal Soyuz to the ISS.


However, the Americans are not going to humiliate themselves forever. Currently, NASA is preparing a new carrier and habitable Orion capsule. But other companies are trying to step on the heels of the American space agency. For example, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is working on rockets capable of transporting cargo for lunar colonists. SpaceX founder Elon Musk, whose rockets are reusable, talks about plans to conquer Mars in 2024, while NASA says a later date.

One of the researchers at the National Science Center, Franci Rocard, believes that Elon Musk is simply bluffing, because the Americans still do not know how to send people to the Red Flight. That is why there is no information about the creation of the infrastructure that needs to be equipped on a ship so that a person can stay there.

The French specialist believes that the root of plans for manned flights lies in a report called “Paths of Exploration” created by the National Council scientific research USA in 2014. The document contains materials on the creation of everything necessary for Martian expeditions. The reasons for flights of an economic and scientific status nature are also given there. It turns out that it is not profitable to continue manned space flights, because no reason justifies such flights. Even if all the reasons are taken into account, it requires enormous political will to make the case for habitable flight sufficient. This was stated in the above-mentioned report.

NASA's April audit report details the costs that will be incurred to send an expedition to Mars. It turned out that this would require $210 billion. By the way, over the 30 years of operation of the ISS, half as much money was invested in it. This program provides for the participation of European countries in secondary plans.

At the same time, China is entering the race with a program to send a man to the Moon. If after some time the country decides to compete for Mars, serious passions will flare up again at the space test site. And all because of the desire to achieve superiority.

Svetlana Antonova
“Why do they fly into space?” Summary of a lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world in a preparatory group for school

Lesson summary on forming a holistic picture of the world

V school preparatory group.

(dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the first human flight in space) .

using presentation

« Why do they fly into space?»

Preliminary work:

1. Conversation with children "Earth is our home in the universe", "Natural satellite of the earth"

2. Examination and discussion with children of illustrations, books about space.

3. Reading the story by V. Borozdin "First in space»


1. To form a concept in children« space» , « space » .

2. Introduce the concept "satellite"

3. Explain why artificial satellites are needed


1. Teach clearly, answer specifically posed questions.

2. Activating the dictionary: Satellite, space, spaceship , astronaut, space flight, Moon, earth, weightlessness.

3. To instill in children respect for the work of people whose work is related to the development of space

Progress of the lesson

I. "Earth is our home in the universe", "Natural satellite of the Earth"

1.1. Teacher's story.

Do you guys know what our planet is like?

In ancient times, people believed that the Earth was huge and flat, like a pancake or a plate, and that you could reach the edge of the Earth. There were brave souls who dreamed of getting to this edge and seeing what was there, on the edge of the Earth, and whether it was possible to fall from it. They set off on foot, or on horseback, or by ship.

Those people who traveled on foot or on horseback sooner or later reached big water - the sea or ocean - and believed that their journey finished: here it is, the edge of the Earth, and there is nothing further but water. But there were also those who, having reached the seashore, boarded a ship and continued their journey. These sailors became convinced that, setting off on a journey from some place and always moving in the same direction, for some reason they returned to where they started their journey.

“Why is this happening?”- people thought. Yes, because, suddenly someone realized that the Earth is not flat as a pancake. No, it's round like a ball.

1.2. Working together with children

Here we have small balls. Take them. We will also need markers. Now imagine that you are travelers and each of you is standing on top of a ball. Place the tip of a felt-tip pen there. Now your path will go downhill all the time. Move the marker down the ball and rotate the ball as the marker moves. If you carefully move the felt-tip pen in one direction, you will soon find yourself at the same point where you started.

This is how our travelers became convinced that the earth is a sphere.

1.3. Teacher's story

What then surrounds the Earth? And it is surrounded by a huge space called outer space, or space.

Space- this is a huge space without end and edge that surrounds our planet. This space is not empty, it is filled with various cosmic bodies - stars, planets and their satellites, comets and meteorites.

IN space space there is a natural and only satellite of the Earth - the Moon.

The Moon is the natural and only satellite of the Earth, located at a distance of 384 thousand kilometers from it. The Moon is a cold, rocky, spherical body with a solid surface, without atmosphere or water. The origin of the moon has not yet been definitively established. Its most probable age is about 5 billion years.

(Slide 3)

1.4. Conclusion: “What is the Earth?”

So, what is Earth?

Earth is the planet on which we live.

From space she looks like a beautiful blue ball.

Most of the Earth is covered by the blue water of vast oceans. White spots are clouds, snow and ice. Huge spaces of green-brown color are the Land - spaces covered with stone and soil.

Earth is the only habitable planet we know of. People, plants and animals can live on Earth because it is neither too hot nor too cold. On Earth there is water to drink and air to breathe. They are necessary for all living organisms to survive.

(Slide 4)

II. Satellite concept

There are artificial and natural satellites.

Natural Satellite - a celestial body orbiting along a certain trajectory (orbit) around another object. (for example, Moon)

Artificial satellite - space aircraft , moving in orbit around some celestial body. (the device started in space from earth)

On October 4, 1957, the first artificial satellite Earth, Soviet spacecraft Sputnik-1. Satellite code designation - PS-1 (The simplest Sputnik-1).

(Slide 5)

November 3, 1957 at half past six in the morning Moscow time on a Soviet ship "Sputnik-2" V space the first animal was launched - the dog Laika (the first dog was astronaut which orbited the Earth. At that time, Laika was about two years old.

(slide 6)

III. First person in space

3.1. Conversation with children

Guys! Maybe some of you know who was the first person to fly to space, first astronaut?

On April 12, 1961, the planet was shocked by an unexpected news: "The man in space! Russian, Soviet!. The centuries-old dream of people about flying to the stars has come true.

On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in world history to fly into space. On a sunny morning, a powerful launch vehicle "East" with the ship "Vostok-1", with Gagarin on board, was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome.

(slide 7)

Starting from April 12, 1962, the day of Gagarin's flight to space was declared a holiday - Day astronautics.

Now astronauts fly into space quite often, we are already accustomed to this. But when in the first cosmonaut flew into space, people of everything peace experienced amazement and delight.

3.2. A teacher's story about the memories of Yuri Gagarin during flight

Such a miracle has never happened -

In the cold Space

A man is rushing!

Name Gagarin,

Yuri Gagarin

It will remain in people's memories forever.

His feat is legendary!

The world is grateful to the brave man,

His homeland is proud of him!

Yuri Gagarin took a seat in the cockpit, the command sounded "Start!" "Go!"- the voice of the first was heard in the radio horns astronaut. The engines roared, the rocket took off from the Earth and went into the sky.

What did Gagarin experience in the ship? What did he see through the portholes?

Listen to an excerpt from his memoirs.

“When the ship entered orbit, weightlessness appeared. I left the chair and hung between the ceiling and the floor of the cabin. Everything around me became easier.

"Earth" asked what I was seeing, and I said that mountain ranges, large rivers, large forests, spots of islands, and the coastal edge of the seas were clearly visible.” The first manned flight lasted more than an hour, namely 108 minutes. space. During this time the ship "East" flew around the whole Earth and landed in a precisely specified area.

Gagarin successfully landed in Saratov region, not far from the city of Engels.

(slide 8)

The ship landed on a plowed field. And then an interesting episode occurred, which Yuri Gagarin later talked about.

“When I stepped onto solid ground, I saw a woman and a girl standing next to a spotted calf and watching me with curiosity. I went to them. They headed towards. But the closer they came, the slower their steps became. I was still in a bright orange spacesuit, and its unusual appearance probably frightened them. They have never seen anything like it before..."

(slide 9)

IV. Why are artificial satellites needed?

Ship "East" only once flew around the Earth. And modern space the station is located in space for many years. This is real space house, in which astronauts live for many months.

People began to create such stations for long flights in space.

At orbital research stations astronauts different countries conduct Earth research and outer space.

Sometimes they leave the station and go out into the open space.

"Wings" space stations are solar panels. They "caught" Sun rays and turn them into electricity. And the current illuminates, heats the station and powers all scientific instruments.

(slide 10)

Astronauts They observe the Sun and stars through the porthole and photograph the Earth. They have to melt and weld metal and test the strength of various materials. Astronauts grow various plants at the station to find out how they feel in space.

You already know that our planet has natural satellite. What is it called?

Faithful companion, night decoration,

Additional lighting.

Of course we confess must:

The Earth would be boring without... (Moon)

But man was able to create and launch space artificial earth satellites.

What kind of relative of the Moon is there?

Nephew or granddaughter

Flashing between the clouds?

Yes, it's a satellite!

These are the times!

He is the companion of each of us

And in whole - the whole Earth.

The satellite was created by hands,

And then on a rocket

Delivered to these distances.

When this happened, the radio stations were all peace interrupted their broadcasts to report the most important news.

Russian word "satellite" included in all languages peace. Now in space There are many artificial satellites constantly present. Why are they needed?

Communication satellites carry out television transmissions to remote corners of the Earth. Their help is necessary for radio and telephone communications.

Here is the starry sky! What can you see on it?

The stars there shine with distant fire!

Are only the stars shining in the sky?

No! There are planets wandering among the stars!

How do they wander like that? Don't know the roads?

No! It looks like they're wandering!

All of them are a big family of the Sun.

And under the influence of its attraction

Always making circular movements!

And with them my planet -

The one called planet Earth

The one where you and I live!

People have already taken their first step into space: they built spaceships, which can rise from the surface of the earth to space.

People have reached the moon and even traveled on its surface.

Now people:

Explore the entire solar system;

Launch spacecraft to the planets, preparing rockets and astronauts to travel to them. And here many amazing discoveries await them.

Who knows, guys, maybe one of you will be able to fly to space. To do this, you need not to be afraid to dream and fantasize, and also be able to go towards your goal, overcoming all obstacles.

When the first satellite rose from Earth in 1957, many still had no idea why space exploration was necessary and why flying into outer space.

They did not know how revolutionary changes in the study of our planet meant the era of satellites of all types and automatic stations.

Now we can say a lot that space exploration has accelerated the development of technology, but advances in this area await people ahead. At the same time, it is already known that it is impossible.

It is still premature to assess space exploration and why people study space, since we are somewhere at the beginning of this journey.

Therefore, let us recall only two areas in which a truly gigantic leap was made thanks to flights and space exploration.

Exploring the Earth itself

The first area is the study of the Earth itself: photographing its surface, achieving a sufficiently large distance from the observed object, accurately determining physical properties of our planet.

Why study the planet from space?

The main property of matter is attraction, which causes bodies to fall onto the surface of the Earth and the fact that bodies that have received a certain speed circle around it in orbit. A certain one allows you to be in orbit of the planet.

Since the motion of satellites in a circular or elliptical orbit around the Earth is influenced by gravity, we can prove from the trajectory of their motion that the Earth has different gravity in different places.

Thus, our planet is a heterogeneous, diverse body. In some places it is heavier, in others it is lighter, which means that it has its own gravitational humps and gravitational basins. This means that the same object will fall faster in one place and slower in another. It is these differences that can be easily and very accurately measured when studying the trajectory of a satellite around the Earth (or around another planetary body). This is the meaning of the research that space exploration helped to carry out.

Similar gravitational elevations and depressions, that is, differences in the magnitude of gravitational acceleration, have been discovered not only on Earth, but also on the Moon and on other planets.

Measuring the force of attraction of our planet and the acceleration of gravity represents one of the most effective methods search for mineral deposits.

  • An example is the search for oil. Oil-bearing rocks have a relatively low density and less attraction, so they can be discovered as places with less gravity.
  • On the other hand, rocks containing sulfides of heavy metals, such as iron, nickel and copper, have a higher density and, therefore, a greater gravitational force and will be indicated on the map as a significant gravitational anomaly.

Exploring other planets

The second area that explains why to fly into outer space is the study of space with other planets.

Due to the fact that the Earth is a very living and dynamic body, the initial stages of its development are erased by younger processes.

The knowledge gained from studying the surface of planets or lunar samples, the analogies found, as well as the features show that the other planets were not so dynamic and that the knowledge gained from studying their surface can be used in studying the development and history of the earliest stages of the Earth's existence .

An important area in which the satellite era has made a huge contribution is the field of studying the outer space around us. Moreover, outer space is dependent, for example, brought by the Moon and the Sun.

And in this case, one might think that the knowledge of the Moon or Mars has nothing to do with the Earth. But imagine that there are no friends around you, no people, that you live in isolation, which means that there is no measure to compare your qualities.

But if we want to study our Earth perfectly, then we need to find comparative values ​​and for this we need to fly and study space. Maybe there will be .

Thus, studies of the Moon have shown that, from a geological point of view, it has been passive for a very long time, that there are no longer volcanoes, no atmosphere and hydrosphere, that the Moon has long ago only unrequitedly received the impacts of meteorites.

The lunar rocks also show that the number of particles falling on its surface was many times greater in the past than it is now.

The deeper we dive into its history, the more meteorites we see falling onto the surface of the Moon per unit time.

It follows from this that the Earth did not escape this cosmic bombardment and that the current surface of our planet is different than at the beginning of its history.

It is precisely because the earliest stage of its development has been preserved on the Moon that we can reflect on what the Earth looked like at the dawn of history and understand why space exploration is necessary and why people fly into space.

Since ancient times, humanity has sought to expand the sphere of its habitat. At first, primitive tribes developed nearby areas, moving after animals or escaping harsh conditions. climatic conditions. Civilization developed, so people needed new spaces for raising livestock and extracting minerals. Gradually, people settled all habitable land areas.

People did not limit themselves to the development of the earth's surface. After many centuries there appeared technical feasibility start exploring the ocean depths and conquer the highest layers of the atmosphere. Only space, with which people pinned their brightest hopes, remained inaccessible.

Man has long looked at the sky full of twinkling stars, puzzling over the structure of the Universe and dreaming of going in search of new ones. But only the advent of rocket technology made it possible to overcome the force of gravity and send first artificial satellites and then human crews into low-Earth orbit. In history it came completely new period, favorable for further development civilization.

Space and science

At the first stage of space exploration, man only sought to expand his ideas about the structure of the world. The main achievement of new space technology was direct observation physical phenomena, which was previously hampered by the atmosphere. For example, spacecraft have made it possible to see a wider spectrum of radiation - from gamma rays to long radio waves. This was the beginning of extra-atmospheric astronomy.

The launch of optical telescopes into near-Earth orbit has made it possible to qualitatively increase their resolution. As a result, the boundaries of the directly observable Universe expanded, and in photographs from space, scientists were able to see objects that were previously inaccessible to study.

Over the past decades, astronomical research conducted with Earth orbit, made it possible to detect planetary systems around other stars.

Entering outer space gave impetus to the development of many applied sciences, including geography, geodesy, cartography, and meteorology. Data received from spacecraft make it possible to more accurately predict changes in climate and weather conditions in specific regions and predict the onset of natural disasters. Space technologies have become an indispensable tool for organizing the entire economic life of modern civilization.

Space and the future of humanity

The Earth's resources are enormous, but still limited. In the future, there will inevitably come a time when humanity will have to find new sources of fuel and raw materials for industrial production. Therefore, the study of the planets included in the solar system takes into account the potential possibility of their economic development and settlement.

By gaining access to the resources of other space objects, a person will be able to expand his technological capabilities.

Scientists and futurologists pin their greatest hopes on the exploration of the Moon, Venus and Mars. Of course, several centuries may pass before people will be able not only to visit the planets closest to Earth, but also to qualitatively develop them, subordinating them to their interests. At this stage, we can only talk about Venus and Mars with manned vehicles, the crews of which will be able to assess on the spot the suitability of these planets for habitation and development.

Science fiction writers have stepped even further into the future. In works related to space topics, projects for large-scale astro-engineering activities of earthly civilization have been discussed for several decades. As a rule, it is the boldest predictions of science fiction writers that come true. It is possible that in the distant future humanity will indeed find ways to arrange the Universe in its own way, spreading its influence to the farthest corners of outer space.

Class: 1

Presentations for the lesson

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Lesson objectives:

  • Expand children's understanding of astronautics. Find out why people fly into space.
  • To introduce the artificial satellites of the Earth and their significance for humans, the first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.
  • Develop cognitive student interest, learn to work with additional literature, apply previously acquired knowledge in work. Foster patriotic feelings.


  • models of Soyuz and Proton launch vehicles, photographs and illustrations of space launches, fiction and magazines, children's drawings on space themes;
  • ICT - multimedia presentation: demonstration of modern achievements of rocket and space technology, launch complexes and space launches, photographs of astronauts.
  • song in MP3 format: "Ode to Baikonur", author and performer Taras Vorona.

During the classes

Presentation 1. Slide 1. Photo screensaver. Lesson topic.

1. Organizing time. Introductory speech and message about the topic of the lesson.

Question: Guys, look at the design of the class, remember what date is approaching. Who guessed what we will talk about today in class?

During our lessons on getting to know the world around us, we talked about how a person learned to fly. Let's remember what, and with what devices, people tried to climb into the sky?

Humanity has long strived for the stars. Since time immemorial, people have dreamed of flying to the moon and planets solar system, to distant mysterious worlds. The heroes of fairy tales and legends flew to the Moon, the Sun and the stars on everything: on bats and the hunchbacked horse, on carpets - airplanes and magic arrows.

The first who saw in a rocket a projectile capable of carrying earthlings into interplanetary spaces was the great Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. He said: “The earth is our cradle, but you can’t live in a cradle forever.”

Creating a space rocket turned out to be an incredibly difficult task. Today our class hour is about how man paved his way into space, about the people who took the first steps into outer space, about modern achievements of astronautics.

On April 12, our country, and along with it the whole world, celebrates Cosmonautics Day - a great national holiday in honor of pilots, cosmonauts, designers, employees, and workers who create rockets, spaceships, and artificial Earth satellites.

2. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Start space age.

Question: Do you know how the space age was discovered, who was the first to go into space?

The space age began more than 50 years ago, on October 4, 1957. On this day, the first artificial Earth satellite was launched in our country. It was a ball with a diameter of 58 cm, weighed 86 kg and was equipped with four battery-powered antennas. (Demonstration of the first artificial satellite at the cosmodrome museum (book, photograph).

Animals in space.

Before the first man flew into space, scientists first sent various animals into the cosmic unknown. The first "cosmonauts" - scouts - were mice, dogs, rabbits, insects and even microbes. The first little mouse-cosmonaut stayed above the ground for almost a whole day. White hairs appeared in her black fur. They turned gray from cosmic rays, but the mouse returned alive.

Then it was the turn of dogs, smarter animals than mice and rabbits. Dogs were taught not to be afraid of shaking and noise, to endure heat and cold, to start eating at the signal of a light bulb, and much more. The dog Laika was the first to go into space. A special rocket was built for her, with a supply of food, water and air. Laika did not return from space.

Following Laika, other dogs flew into space: Belka and Strelka, Chernushka and Zvezdochka, Bee and Mushka. They all returned to Earth.

This is how scientists became convinced that living beings can live in weightlessness. The path to space was open.

Man in space.

In 1960, at the Cosmonaut Training Center, a detachment of 12 people began preparing for a flight into space. They worked hard and selflessly. With full effort. Everyone wanted to be the first to fly into space.

On April 12, 1961, at 9:07 a.m. Moscow time, the Vostok spacecraft, with a man on board, launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Having circled the Earth, the ship landed on the Volga land near Saratov.

Yuri Gagarin became the world's first cosmonaut.

Slide 2 - demonstration of a photograph of Yu. Gagarin,

The night before the flight, Yuri Gagarin slept for 8 hours and woke up cheerful and calm. He was sure that everything would be fine. At the appointed time, Gagarin boarded the ship. The rocket's 20 million horsepower engines roared. At the moment the rocket took off from the launch pad, earthlings heard Gagarin’s famous: “Let’s go!” The Vostok spaceship rushed upward. At an altitude of three hundred kilometers, Vostok entered orbit. He raced around the Earth at a speed of 28 thousand kilometers per hour. The flight lasted 108 minutes. The ship made a complete revolution around the earth and smoothly descended in a given area.

Thus began the era of manned space flights.

There was no end to the rejoicing of the people. They perceived this event as a joyful holiday. The Motherland noted the cosmonaut's feat by awarding him the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Having paved the way for others into space, the first cosmonaut rejoiced at the successes of his comrades, dreamed of new flights, prepared for them, and graduated from the Air Force Academy.

Unfortunately, a tragic death while flying a training jet cut short his short life. bright life. But its trace remains forever - both on earth and in space. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the first human flight into space.

The readers come out.

There are different dates. Some dates are remembered only by a few people, while other dates are celebrated by all people. This is the date that April 12, 1961 refers to. From that festive morning, space exploration began. Today, increasingly powerful rockets are rising to the stars. But the further the year of man's first flight into space passes from us, the louder and more solemn the name of the pioneer of the Universe sounds.

Dawn doesn't mean anything yet
Regular "Latest News"
And he is already flying through the constellations,
The earth will wake up with his name.

We live on our planet
In such a wonderful age.
And the first of the first in the rocket
Soviet man is flying!
Not with a purpose military intelligence,
On a super-fast ship
He flew alone in the Universe,
To return to the Earth again!

The Earth remembers
Appreciating the feat,
A resounding April cry:
"How are you, Zarya?
Do you hear me?
I see open space!

He was a very down to earth man
The most ordinary one.
On a bold run
Sent by country
"Hello!" - said to the Universe.

After Gagarin's first flight, other space explorers entered orbit. They did everything for the first time. At great risk to life. Unfortunately, not everyone survived, but others continued their work. With each new flight, the programs and tasks for the astronauts became more complicated. But the heroes did their job honestly and conscientiously.

Slide 3 - photograph by G. Titov

On August 6, 1961, German Titov flew into space on the Vostok 2 spacecraft. Unlike Yuri Gagarin, he made 17 orbits around the Earth. This flight was the world's first multi-orbit flight. Its goal is to test how weightlessness affects the human body. German Titov is rightfully considered cosmonaut No. 2, he was the first to go into outer space.

Slide 4 - photo by V. Tereshkova

And 2 years later, on June 16, 1963, the world’s first female cosmonaut, Valentina Tereshkova, went into space.

During the space age, many astronauts went into space, but these were the first, which is why they are called space pioneers.

Question: What other astronauts, besides those mentioned, do you know? (demonstration of photographs of the cosmonaut squad in the book).

Preparing astronauts for launch.

Question: What qualities and character traits should a future astronaut have?

Do you know where and how astronauts train to be ready for space flights?

During the long and intense pre-flight work on Earth, astronauts carefully prepare to perform all these difficult duties. And most of them take place in the world-famous Star City in the Moscow region, at the Cosmonaut Training Center, which today bears the name of Yu.A. Gagarin (demonstration of photographs of Star City).

The physical training of astronauts includes intense morning exercises, playing football, volleyball, basketball, acrobatics, running, swimming, diving, cycling, and strength exercises on sports equipment.

In the training of astronauts, a number of special simulators are used that simulate work on spacecraft in a state of weightlessness.

ICT - slide show of cosmonaut training in Zvezdny.

5 slide- For training astronauts, they use a simulator - a centrifuge. This huge, 18-meter pin creates the overloads that the astronaut experiences during the flight. She herself rotates in a circle, her head also rotates, inside her head the cabin rotates, and inside the cabin the chair with the astronaut rotates.

6 slide- Experienced coaches, instructors and doctors carefully monitor the training and control the load. They look at how the human body reacts under various loads on special simulators: these are sound chambers, rotating chairs, swings, stands, thermal chambers, pressure chambers, centrifuges, and they check the reliability of spacesuits.

Question: How do astronauts eat in space?

Slide 7- demonstration of slides with images of astronaut food products.

In the spacecraft, food is stored in tubes. They are similar to toothpaste tubes, only larger in size. Food is squeezed out of them. In conditions of weightlessness, crumbs of bread and droplets of liquid can cause trouble for astronauts. The space house has a refrigerator and an electric stove.

Preparing the spacecraft for launch.

While astronauts are training and preparing for flights, thousands of other specialists are preparing for launches in space distances launch vehicles and other spacecraft.

Everyone knows that an airplane needs an airfield to take off, a launch vehicle with the next Earth satellite or spacecraft launches from the cosmodrome.

The cosmodrome is a very complex multifaceted structure, with a large number of complex technical devices. There were several cosmodromes in our country: Kapustin Yar in the Astrakhan region, Mirny in the Arkhangelsk region, Svobodny in the Amur region, Baikonur in Kazakhstan. Today, only two cosmodromes operate: Mirny in the Arkhangelsk region and Baikonur in Kazakhstan.

Slide 8 - slides of spacecraft assembly at MIC.

From the factory, spacecraft and launch vehicles are delivered to the cosmodrome in the form of separate blocks. Their assembly takes place in the installation and testing building. This building is more than 150 meters long and more than 70 meters wide, and the height of a 12-story building. Today, modern MICs can assemble several missiles simultaneously.

It is in the installation and testing building that the rocket takes on the appearance familiar to us from television screens.

ICT - slide show of the rocket being transported to the launch complex.

Slide 9 - From the installation and testing building, the spacecraft is delivered to the launch position along railway rails.

Slide 10 - The territory where the rocket is being prepared for launch is larger than the Moscow Luzhniki Stadium.

ICT - slide show of rocket installation on the launch pad.

Slide 11 - Here the rocket is installed vertically on a strong reinforced concrete structure.

Slide 12 - After installing the rocket on the launch pad, pre-launch comprehensive tests of the launch vehicle and spacecraft are carried out, and fuel is refueled. Upon command, fuel enters the engine chambers. On-board control systems are turned on.

The spacecraft is sent into space.

ICT - rocket launch slide show.

Slide 13 - Ignition! Minute readiness is announced. Everything at the cosmodrome is quiet. It seems that you can hear human hearts beating at the top of the rocket.

The spectacle of the start leaves no one indifferent!

Over the loudspeaker above the cosmodrome, clear commands from the flight director are heard one after another:

  • Key to start!
  • Broach one!
  • Purge!
  • Preliminary!
  • Intermediate!
  • Home!

Slide 14-Start! A waterfall of fire rushes into the gas flue, and a mighty roar echoes across the steppe. It’s as if a shot was fired nearby, but the sound of the shot does not stop. The rocket is enveloped in reddish smoke.

15 slide- Climb! The roar increases, the engines reach their limit, the support trusses move apart, the rocket slowly, very slowly, leaning on a pillar of fire, lifts off from the Earth:

16 slide - Go! : rises above the launch pad and rushes into the sky. The roaring engines of the first stage spew out so much fire that for a moment you go blind, the flame is much brighter than the sun! And the roar is incredible, as if a volcano is erupting nearby:

Slide 17- In flight! And now she was already in full view, appearing above the start. The rocket quickly picks up speed, another moment - and it will turn into an asterisk, the asterisk, decreasing, will disappear in height:

There is silence again at the cosmodrome. Only the smell of burning and the outstretched trusses of the launch pad seem to be breathing heavily and calmly, having completed the hard work of sending the new crew into space. A few minutes later they will announce on the radio: “The spacecraft has entered the specified low-Earth orbit.”

In the first seconds after launch, the flight is controlled by the command and measurement complex of the cosmodrome. After the spacecraft enters a given orbit, the flight is controlled by the Mission Control Center.

Achievements of modern cosmonautics.

Question: Why do people fly into space today?

During the first space flight, Yu. Gagarin maintained radio contact with the Mission Control Center, reported on the operation of on-board systems, transmitted the first results of observing the Earth from space orbit, monitored the operation of the ship's equipment and instruments, observed the reaction of his body, and took food and food. All this was the first time, and all this was very important for future flights.

Today, astronaut crews, setting off on their next expedition to low-Earth orbit, perform specific tasks for scientists, biologists, and doctors, take thousands of photographs of the earth’s surface and the World Ocean, and determine the condition of agricultural crops.

Slide 18:

Astronauts report natural disasters: about fires in forests, about snow avalanches in the mountains, about storms on the seas; They update the weather forecast, help geologists in search of natural resources, test new equipment and new technical systems, and conduct numerous experiments on space technology.

Summarizing and summing up the lesson.

Now let's check what new you learned today, how attentive you were and what you remembered in the lesson.


Task 1. Name as many words as possible on space topics.

Slide 19- space-themed words appear on the screen.

These words are clues for answering quiz questions

Task 2.

Space issues.

  1. A celestial body that itself glows. (star)
  2. The star around which the Earth revolves. (Sun)
  3. The space surrounding the Earth, stars and planets. (space)
  4. Name the animals - astronauts. (dogs, monkeys, mice)
  5. What is the name of an astronaut's clothing? (space suit)
  6. Who was the first astronaut on the planet?
  7. When did the first flight into space take place?
  8. What was the name of the spaceship on board which the planet's first cosmonaut flew? ("East")
  9. How long did Yu.A.’s flight last? Gagarin? (108 minutes)
  10. Which woman was the first to go into space?
  11. What kind of “chocolate” planet can you buy in a store? (Mars)
  12. What is the name of the city where astronauts live and work? (Star)
  13. The place where space rockets and satellites are prepared and launched from. (cosmodrome)
  14. The name of the cosmodrome from where the first flight into space took place. (Baikonur)

The readers come out.

Many years have passed since Yuri Gagarin's launch. During this time, a lot has changed in astronautics: technology, crew training, and the program of work in orbit.

Work in space now takes a long time. New ships are launched, orbital stations are circling the planet. One expedition is leaving for the sky, another is preparing for flight. Courageous people, heroes, work in space.

Maybe just a little time will pass, and one of you sitting at your desks today will pave your way into the cosmic unknown.

When an astronaut flies over the Earth,
Millions of children are looking after him.
In the evening they look to the heavens,
Children's eyes shine, shine.
And they are reflected in them, they burn brightly
Those stars to which they will fly!

We hurry to school quickly,
To our favorite bright classroom.
Lots of things to do, big and new,
Waiting for us.
There will be a day, dear light
We will fly too -
To the secrets, fabulous planets,
To distant worlds.

Let's pave roads to distant worlds,
We'll fly in rockets to the moon,
And if we meet our peers there,
Then we’ll invite you to visit us.

Summing up the lesson, I would like to thank all the children for their activity and curiosity, and as a gift, give them the opportunity to admire that place, that city, which is rightfully considered the Cradle of Cosmonautics.

T. Crow

The Kazakh steppe is embraced by eagle wings.
Where man left on the very first space tour.
There is a place on earth where fantasy has become reality,
And the name of that glorious place - BAIKONUR.

ICT - "Ode to Baikonur". Presentation 2.