Level of education prior to vocational training. What is the difference between advanced training and retraining programs that are implemented as part of vocational training and additional vocational education? Professional

There are different approaches to defining vocational education. Professional education is understood as: 1) purposeful pedagogical process vocational training and education; 2) a purposeful process of reproduction of qualified labor force, training, retraining and advanced training of specialists carried out by the state and society; 3) a system of vocational education, a network of vocational educational institutions - from elementary course forms to higher and postgraduate education; 4) professional training and current level of competent proficiency in a particular vocational education program.

In a narrow sense, vocational education includes vocational training in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, in in a broad sense– pre-professional education, vocational training, professional development, professional retraining.

The task of pre-vocational education is to introduce students to the concepts of “profession”, “labor”, “specialty” and “specialization”; provide them with assistance in career guidance.

The task of vocational training is to teach a specialty that meets the state standard.

The task of professional development is
expand the acquired qualifications, adapt them to the changing content of the profession; ensure professional growth of specialists.

The task of professional retraining is to help a specialist with acquired professional education master another professional activity, since the existing professional qualifications do not correspond to market labor conditions and cause physical or moral harm.

According to the modern interpretation, vocational education is a socially and pedagogically organized process of labor socialization of an individual, providing orientation and adaptation in the world of professions, mastery of a specific specialty and level of qualifications, continuous growth competence, mastery and development of abilities in various areas human activity. Vocational education creates conditions for professional formation, development and self-realization of the individual and contributes to the achievement of humanistic and democratic goals of society.

The right to vocational education is one of the fundamental rights of an individual (enshrined in the Declaration of Human Rights), providing her with a real right to work, a profession, and the opportunity to participate in public life, which helps improve the quality of life.

In Russia, vocational education is based on the principles of democracy, continuity and succession, universal accessibility, secularism, multiculturalism, a rational relationship between state and social principles in the training of specialists, etc.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Articles 22, 23, 24, 25, 26) specifies the main provisions for obtaining vocational education at all levels (primary, secondary and higher). Various sectoral and intersectoral types of vocational education are also defined: university, pedagogical, technical, military, veterinary, etc.

IN Russian Federation the content of vocational education is recorded in documents such as the state educational standard, professional qualification characteristics (or specialist training profile), curricula and programs.

The content of education for each level, according to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, is determined by the corresponding educational program. But essentially the force of the normative document in the educational practice of institutions of primary vocational education (NPO), secondary special education(SPO), higher professional education (HPE) has a state educational standard (GOS). The procedure for development of approval and introduction of state educational standards determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The content of vocational education is structured
not only by levels and steps, but also by professions, specialties and areas, which are established for each level by certain regulatory documents. For the NPO system, this is the List of professions and specialties of primary vocational education; for the secondary vocational education system – Classifier of specialties of secondary vocational education; for the higher professional education system – List of areas of training and specialties of higher professional education.

In the List of Professions and Specialties of Primary Vocational Education, professions are distributed according to qualification levels, which regulates the volume and ratio of general and vocational education. For each profession, a minimum training period is determined.

The classifier of specialties of secondary vocational education systematizes training specialties into groups of related specialties.

The list of areas of training and specialties of higher professional education includes two parts: list of areas
training of bachelors and masters and a list of specialties.

The structure of HPO today consists of two independent elements:

· professionally oriented higher education, the content of which is differentiated by specialty (it can be classified as a traditional single-stage option for training a specialist in a specific specialty);

· science-oriented higher education, including undergraduate and graduate levels.

Bachelor's and Master's degrees are multi-stage systems for training specialists generalist. These levels do not imply narrow professional training, therefore the content of education is differentiated according to areas of training, identified in accordance with the fields of science.

One of current problems The content of primary vocational education is the problem of unification of programs, nomenclature of professions, qualification categories.

The specificity of vocational education lies in the wide variety of professions and specialties. The problem of continuity of all stages of education at the state level is resolved by grouping professions on the basis of combining specialties. The List of Professions that exists today does not contain 200 sections of the Unified Tariff Qualification Grid, as it was previously, but 42 large industry complexes, which greatly simplifies the issues of integrating vocational training, managing vocational training and distributing workers. The List is based on a two-level hierarchy of professional division of labor: along with the generally accepted concept of “profession”, a new concept of “specialty” has been introduced. A specialty in this case is a specific area of ​​work within a profession.

The main unit of the List are professions that combine specialties that are related by common technical and technological parameters, production or labor functions. Such an association makes it possible to expand the profile of training, unify educational program documentation, and ensure social protection of workers in modern socio-economic conditions.

To develop educational program documentation today, professional qualification characteristics are used, which are developed on the basis of tariff and qualification reference books. However, this category of documents does not take into account the development prospects of enterprises, but only reflects the knowledge, skills and abilities needed by the worker at the present time. In this regard, the prognostic model of a generalist worker becomes relevant as a standard for the system of training and advanced training of a worker. The basis of this model is the study of the labor of workers, the structure of their professional and cognitive activity, determining the degree of expression of professionally significant personality traits. Using Data pedagogical research By comparing the ideal model with the actual one, it is possible to determine the content of vocational training and education.

Professional characteristics skilled worker is one of the main elements state standard vocational education. This is a multifunctional document aimed at employers, educational establishments, scientific and methodological organizations of the education system, employment services, etc.

13.3. Primary vocational education
as a socio-pedagogical system

The system of primary vocational education in Russia is built on a sectoral principle. Until 2000, training was carried out in 1,500 specialties; today their number is about 900 (for comparison: in Germany, training is carried out in 300 specialties).

The principles for constructing the NGO system are:

· the relationship between general education and professional training;

· unity of theoretical and practical training;

principle of leading role industrial training as a system-forming factor in training and education.

Primary vocational education (PVE) aims to prepare skilled workers in all main areas social activities based on the main general education(for certain professions, NPO may be based on secondary (complete) education).

Currently, graduates of the NPO system are extremely in demand on the labor market. According to research by I. P. Smirnov and E. V. Tkachenko, 90% of vacancies in the modern labor market are for skilled workers and only 10% are for specialists with higher and secondary vocational education. A modern employer is interested in a well-trained worker. Today the concept of “general worker” is being introduced. The existing NGO system must meet market demands and fill the shortage of qualified workers. One of the ways to solve this problem is to implement a new quality of polytechnic training for students - the formation of a system of knowledge about the general scientific foundations of production, relevant skills and abilities based on the relationship of general education subjects with vocational subjects. Basic education is the first stage continuous improvement key professional competencies of the worker.

On the one hand, general education subjects, being the basis for studying special subjects, help improve the quality of students’ professional training, and on the other hand, mastering special subjects helps students not only consolidate their knowledge in general education subjects, but also supplement this knowledge when studying technology, organization and economics of production. There is a need for a synthesis of knowledge, skills and abilities in general education and vocational fields. When developing the main directions of the relationship between general education and basic training, it is necessary to significantly restructure the methods and means of teaching, and organize the educational process in the NPE system in a new way.

Questions and answers

Question: Please explain the differences between secondary vocational education, which is aimed at training workers and employees on the basis of existing education not lower than basic general or secondary general education, from vocational training under vocational training programs for blue-collar professions and office positions for persons who previously did not have a profession worker or employee position. (Svetlana Ivanova)

According to Art. 68 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, secondary vocational education is First level vocational education aimed at training 1) qualified workers and employees 2) mid-level specialists. For this purpose, two types are provided (Article 12) educational programs secondary vocational education – 1) training programs for qualified workers and employees; 2) training programs for mid-level specialists.
According to Art. 73 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, vocational training presupposes the acquisition of the necessary competence, but is not accompanied by a change in the level of education.
Vocational training programs are developed on the basis of qualification requirements (professional standards). Currently, more than 180 professional standards have been approved by orders of the Russian Ministry of Labor.
According to Art. 33 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, persons mastering secondary vocational education programs are students, and persons mastering vocational training programs are listeners.
The difference in the legal status of secondary vocational education and vocational training is also manifested in the fact that, according to Art. 60
receipt of secondary vocational education is confirmed by a document on education - a diploma of secondary vocational education, while based on the results of mastering vocational training programs, a qualification document is issued, which confirms the assignment of a rank or class, category based on the results of vocational training (confirmed by a certificate of the profession of a worker, position of an employee ).
The qualification indicated in the qualification document gives its holder the right to engage in certain professional activities or perform specific labor functions, for which established by law The Russian Federation procedure defines mandatory requirements for qualifications based on the results of additional vocational education or vocational training, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Thus, vocational training in its legal characteristics is closer to additional vocational education, since it is not accompanied by a change in the level of education. Moreover, vocational training is carried out according to the following programs: 1) vocational training programs for blue-collar professions, white-collar positions, 2) retraining programs for blue-collar workers, white-collar workers , 3) advanced training programs for workers and employees.
Professional education can be carried out only for those professions of workers and positions of employees that are specified in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 07/02/2013 N 513 “On approval of the List of professions of workers, positions of employees for which vocational training is carried out.”
Thus, secondary vocational education is a level of vocational education, and vocational training is an independent type of education that is not related to either vocational education or additional education.

Vocational education in an enterprise, like any training, involves the process of transfer and active assimilation of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as methods of cognitive activity. Its specificity lies in the fact that it is organized, as a rule, in training centers, in departments of enterprises of various forms of ownership.

Typically, planning, organization, and control of vocational training are carried out by employees educational structures. Theoretical training in specially equipped classrooms and offices is carried out by managers and specialists, and industrial training in training workshops or at the workplace is carried out by instructors-mentors. The content of theory and practice, as a rule, is closely related and is based on the needs and demands of the enterprise.

Since theory most often plays an explanatory function in the professional training of a new employee (worker or specialist), it, as a rule, takes into account the professional difficulties of those who master specific techniques and operations in the workplace. Hence, it is very important to observe the following principles (rules) of training:

  • - theory based on practice;
  • - taking into account the existing professional education, personal and work experience of the student in training;
  • - use of software, personal computer, overhead projector, etc.;
  • - the presence of a mentor, instructor, teacher of the fundamentals of pedagogical culture.

If a mentor, instructor or teacher forgets the above rules, the following difficulties may arise.

  • 1. Coaching. The teacher (mentor, instructor, teacher) takes on the role of a follower and believes that his functions are limited to urging, control, praise or negative evaluation. He doesn’t really pay attention to the student’s condition and doesn’t take his difficulties into account (sometimes he allows himself to raise his voice and humiliate the student).
  • 2. Vicarious teaching (transformation of teaching into simple copying of the teacher’s actions). It is believed that if the student performs the actions in the same way as the teacher, then the learning goal has been achieved.
  • 3. Learning by trial and error. The learner is given the role of a follower. He learns only by doing, without the use of training and technical devices.
  • 4. Formal training. It occurs when the teacher does not care about the learning outcomes. The main thing is that the student does not interfere with him, and learns completely on his own.

However, any learning, especially professional learning, is a two-way, mutual process. It is very difficult to learn a craft alone, and even more so to join independent work in a well-functioning production environment, perform the necessary actions with high efficiency.

Professional education is a process of targeted transfer of production experience, organization of the formation of professional knowledge, skills and abilities. And therefore it necessarily includes:

  • 1) the employee subject to training, the subject;
  • 2) subject of teaching and learning - content educational material;
  • 3) the conditions in which the student is located (time, place);
  • 4) teacher (mentor, instructor, teacher).

Due to the fact that vocational training, which is organized today in vocational schools, lyceums, colleges, universities, do not always suit employers, then most of the graduates of these educational institutions study again, complete their studies, receive a second education, or get a job not in their acquired specialty. Secondary vocational training in Russia is becoming widespread.

For those who have chosen training in an enterprise environment, they encounter a new type of vocational training, which is significantly different from training in the system of primary, secondary and higher vocational education.

Vocational training in an enterprise environment is a fundamentally different way of acquiring a profession or specialty.

As a rule, there are two types of vocational training in an enterprise environment:

  • - with a break from production;
  • - without interruption from production, only at the workplace.

Vocational training is carried out in accordance with the standards developed at the head training center of an industry or other enterprise, which answers the questions: what and how much should workers or specialists in a particular industry be taught?

Enterprise training center or department technical training, any educational structure, as a rule, has specialists intended to organize secondary vocational training for workers and specialists of the enterprise outside of production. They perform pedagogical work by nature, often without being professional teachers. In this regard, they learn all the subtleties of pedagogical science from experience.

Vocational training in production conditions is an important management and production task. The solution to the latter requires that the area, the workshop, which is pedagogical in nature, be headed by teachers from God, who have personal motivation for professional training, deeply understand the principles of industrial pedagogy, master the basics of pedagogical culture, and methods of personally oriented professional training.

The following issues should be in the field of view of heads of educational structures:

  • - use and accounting, diagnosis of the personal (labor) potential of each employee;
  • - development of professionally important qualities of employees;
  • - regulation of the process of becoming an experienced, qualified worker;
  • - taking into account the socio-psychological aspects of personnel selection and placement;
  • - activation of the employee’s personal potential;
  • - motivation of personnel educational activities;
  • - participation in the selection of personnel and the preparation of recommendations for the professional career of those working at the enterprise;
  • - staffing the personnel reserve for promotion.

That is, the existing gap between training and real modern management production tasks must be eliminated by introducing, for example, special training and development departments at enterprises, and legitimizing the personnel management service.

The personnel of the enterprise and its management service are considered to be the same significant subjects and objects of development as the equipment and technologies used. At the same time, the increase in training costs is completely justified economically. Market rules require restructuring not only the vocational training system, but also all work with personnel. Professional training should be organically woven into the assessment and certification of personnel, selection, training and advanced training, and work with the personnel reserve for leadership positions.

It is important to promptly and seriously improve the professional level of the employees themselves who work with personnel. The personal potential of subordinates, its identification, development and effective use is the most important object of diagnosis and monitoring.

Management and organization of vocational training at an enterprise are closely interconnected. The corporate culture of personnel is an object of personal development in the process of professional training.

There are many complexities in industrial training. Industrial pedagogy is both a science and an art. The art of teaching theory and practice is honed not only during training. As in theatrical art, the teacher is required individual expression their professional knowledge and skills, pedagogical skill, which is especially manifested in pedagogical tact, the ability to say the right word in a timely manner, emphasize the main thing, praise the student, and also help him cope with the educational task.

The important thing is that professional theoretical training out of production often occurs in study group, where employees of the enterprise of various professional specializations are gathered. Without an individual, special approach to everyone it is impossible. Otherwise, the student will never reveal his personal potential, abilities, and educational capabilities. Without being an expert in human nature, a teacher (mentor, instructor, teacher) cannot count on success.

The basis of vocational training, both theoretical and industrial, is didactic theory. How to teach correctly? It is important that the training center develops a concept for vocational training. It is usually built on basic psychological positions. Thus, in personnel development training departments, the well-known position of L. S. Vygotsky should be used: “Training and development are not identified, but the leading role of training, which creates for the learner, zone of proximal development, contributing to the development of means and methods of orientation in reality.”

From the point of view of psychology in education, it is important to highlight: absorption mechanisms new material; stages of assimilation new material; organizing the optimal course of assimilation in accordance with the set goals and objectives.

The set goals and objectives in vocational training, resulting from its writing, seriously influence the organization of the optimal course of assimilation and require selection and selection pedagogical technologies, the necessary relationships between teachers and students. Psychological characteristics mastery of educational material is determined largely by its content ( academic subject), development of forms, means and methods of teaching.

The professional skill of an enterprise employee is the main result of theoretical and industrial training. That is, theoretical training is carried out within the framework practical problems, which are often solved directly at the workplace or in special training workshops where there are technical devices - simulators, simulators, etc.

The formation of professional skills in trainees, the development of their professional competence - this is what vocational training is organized for. Theoretical professional knowledge without mandatory use in practice is quickly forgotten, loses its significance, and requires rapid replenishment.

Achieving by students the level of a master, an expert in their field of professional skills is the main goal of practical training. Skilled, skillful skill at the required level in accordance with the acquired qualification is what industrial training should be organized for.

High performance technique, virtuosity, dexterity are indicators of professional skill. The latter, from the point of view of scientists, represents a high and constantly improving degree of mastery of a certain type of professional activity.

It is very important for the employer that an employee who has completed advanced training or retraining courses in the training workshop of the enterprise can quickly switch from one type and working conditions to another, adapt to new requirements and can rearrange his activities in accordance with changing production situations, and be mobile.

Significant indicators of the professional skills of a student in the training center of the enterprise are:

  • - the quality of the tasks performed that are assigned to him at the workplace; compliance with their established indicators and standards (fulfillment of technical requirements), parameters of positive results;
  • - labor productivity - fulfillment of established time standards;
  • - professional independence - the ability to independently choose ways of working, ensure important quality and productivity of work; implementation of self-control and self-regulation in professional activities;
  • - work culture - the ability and habits to plan your work; ability to work using rational methods and methods of work, modern equipment and technology (as well as rational organization of work and the workplace);
  • - creative attitude to work - developed ability and desire to introduce innovations into the labor process; ability to invent and innovate;
  • - ability to economically analyze performed labor actions and operations.

If we analyze the advertisements of employers, then almost all of them want to see in their workforce an employee who is sociable, constantly strives for personal and professional growth, is polite, demanding of himself, organized and moderately courageous, and hardworking. Form such personal qualities During the period of course professional retraining or advanced training it is very difficult. The main thing is to be able to form professional identity- an adequate idea of ​​oneself as an employee of a certain company, firm, enterprise, the ability to notice in oneself in time negative qualities and be able to carry out introspection - self-observation.

It is important that vocational training in an enterprise does not narrow down to technicalism. Technicism is a worldview doctrine that likens learning to a complex of technical devices. Technocratism, like technicalism, is something that should be gotten rid of, especially in training centers where enterprise employees who have technical education and therefore striving more for the analysis of specific figures of production volumes than for humanitarian knowledge.

It is important to pay Special attention organizing professional training for workers in the enterprise, without interruption from production. Usually, if an employee is not sent to study, he is assigned a so-called mentor.

Mentoring- it's not so much a movement as a means of professional retraining and advanced training of employees of an enterprise or company, mainly in the workplace, without interruption from production.

A mentor is a close, trusted and experienced consultant or leader. That is, in a company or workshop, department of an enterprise, there will definitely be experienced workers who, “at the call of their hearts,” want to pass on to others what they themselves own. It has been established that the actions of mentors mean a lot. They should be very active, but not interfere with the student’s learning.

A mentor, as a rule, promptly supports, encourages, gives a helping hand, instructs, praises, and sometimes becomes indignant and angry. Naturally, in an atmosphere of such positive action, employees usually grow and improve.

As long as the mentor is in good health, the student becomes increasingly skilled and his benefits increase.

The more complex the profession that a student masters, the more theoretical information is required to be conveyed. Transferring them to a student is the art of a mentor, which needs and can be taught.

A mentor is an employee who has the ability to see all the disadvantages and gaps in the education received by his novice student. Communication with him can sometimes replace the acquisition of a second higher professional education, remove the incorrect concepts of the first higher education, i.e. how to correct, guide, mentor a young employee. The mentor, of course, is a great practical didactician.

From the point of view of the theory of Russian mentoring, the latter represents, according to A. S. Batyshev, a system of social and pedagogical influences of advanced workers of enterprises, companies, firms on the consciousness, feelings, and will of young workers in order to form their interests and aspirations to master the profession. It seems that in modern conditions this is not enough. For the employer, it is important not only that the student wants to acquire a profession, but also the end result - the student’s achievement of the required qualifications in the form of rank, degree, category, etc. The main thing is production experience, the student’s professional independence, skills without anyone else. or assistance in successfully solving production problems of varying complexity.

The mentor must accumulate professionally important personal pedagogical qualities and possess the basics of pedagogical culture (for more details, see Chapter 4).

For those involved in on-the-job training, the following checklist can be prepared.

Each employer has the right to decide for himself whether to train or not train his staff. It depends on the needs of a particular production, financial and technical capabilities companies. However, we must not forget that there are categories of workers whose advanced training is a legal necessity. Tell me, do you have such employees? Well, life does not stand still, and even if you have selected highly qualified personnel, their knowledge and skills simply need to be constantly developed, which means that issues of professional training for employees will always be relevant.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 21) classifies the right to professional training, retraining and advanced training as one of the basic labor rights of an employee. The procedure for exercising this right is defined in Art. 196 and 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, recognizing it as an employee does not mean that the employer is obliged to satisfy any wishes of its employees regarding retraining and advanced training. By general rule The employer determines the need for professional training and retraining independently.


Article 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for four various shapes vocational training. These include:

Form 1. Professional training.

Form 2. Retraining.

Form 3. Training.

Form 4. Training for second professions.

Note! As a general rule, the employer determines the need for professional training and retraining independently.

In addition, an employee may be sent for training at the expense of the employer to an appropriate educational institution under one of the professional educational programs:

Program 1. Primary vocational education.

Program 2. Secondary vocational education.

Program 3. Higher professional education (bachelor's programs, specialist training, master's programs).

Program 4. Postgraduate professional education.

Professional training

Professional training is not accompanied by promotion educational level student

Vocational training is aimed at accelerating the student’s acquisition of the skills necessary to perform a specific job or group of jobs. However, it is not accompanied by an increase in the educational level of the student.

Vocational training can be obtained at educational institutions x, in educational departments of organizations that have the appropriate licenses, as well as in the order of individual training - from specialists with the appropriate qualifications (Article 21 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education”).

Professional retraining and advanced training

Professional retraining is one of the types of additional professional education. It is carried out taking into account the specialist’s educational profile and involves expanding his qualifications in order to adapt to new economic and social conditions, conducting new professional activities, including taking into account international requirements and standards. The purpose of professional retraining is for specialists to receive additional knowledge, skills and abilities in educational programs that provide for the study of individual disciplines, sections of science, engineering and technology necessary for a new type of professional activity (clause 7 of the Model Regulations on an educational institution of additional professional education (advanced training) for specialists, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.26.1995 No. 610; hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on the educational institution).

The procedure and conditions for professional retraining of specialists are regulated by the Regulations of the same name, approved. by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 09/06/2000 No. 2571.

In accordance with the specified Regulations, professional retraining of specialists is carried out in additional professional educational programs of two types.

Type 1. Provides improvement of specialists' knowledge to perform a new type of professional activity. Such professional retraining is carried out on the basis of established qualification requirements for specific professions or positions.

The standard duration of such professional retraining should be over 500 hours of classroom training.

Note! Professional retraining is carried out on the basis of higher and secondary vocational education

Type 2. Provides improvement of specialists' knowledge to obtain additional qualifications.

Professional retraining to obtain additional qualifications is carried out according to additional professional educational programs formed in accordance with state requirements to the minimum content and level of requirements for specialists for the assignment of additional qualifications, established by the Ministry of Education of Russia jointly with other federal executive bodies within their competence. Such training is carried out for specialists who have mastered one of the main educational programs of higher or secondary vocational education, for which this additional qualification is intended.

Training is also one of the types of additional professional education, which is carried out with the aim of updating the theoretical and practical knowledge of specialists in connection with increasing requirements for the level of qualifications and the need to master modern methods solving professional problems.

In accordance with clause 7 of the Regulations on an educational institution, advanced training includes three types of training ( table 1).

Table 1

Types of training during advanced training

Professional retraining and advanced training of specialists is carried out in educational institutions for advanced training:

  • academies (with the exception of academies that are educational institutions of higher professional education);
  • institutes for advanced training (improvement) - sectoral, intersectoral, regional;
  • at courses (schools, centers) for advanced training, at training centers of the employment service.

Educational programs for advanced training and professional retraining of specialists can also be implemented by structural units of advanced training of educational institutions of higher professional education (faculties for advanced training of teachers and specialists, intersectoral regional centers, departments for retraining specialists with higher education etc.) and educational institutions of secondary vocational education (departments for retraining specialists, advanced training courses for specialists of enterprises (associations), organizations and institutions).

Advanced training and professional retraining of specialists in educational institutions for advanced training are carried out in various forms.

Form 1. With a break from work.

Form 2. Without interruption from work.

Form 3. With a partial break from work.

Form 4. According to individual forms of training.

The terms and forms of advanced training are established by the educational institution of advanced training - in accordance with the needs of the customer - on the basis of an agreement concluded with him.

Note! Mastering educational programs for professional retraining and advanced training ends with mandatory final certification

Mastering educational programs for professional retraining and advanced training ends with a mandatory final certification. Final certification Students are trained by specially created commissions, the composition of which is approved by the head of the educational institution.

Students who have successfully completed a course of study in state educational institutions for advanced training, as well as those who have been accredited in non-state educational institutions for advanced training, are issued the following state-issued documents:

  • certificate of advanced training - for persons who have completed short-term training or participated in thematic and problem-based seminars on the program in the amount of 72 to 100 hours;
  • certificate of advanced training - for persons who have completed training in the program for more than 100 hours;
  • a diploma of professional retraining - for persons who have completed training under the program in excess of 500 hours;
  • diploma of qualification - for persons who have completed training in a program of more than 1000 hours.

Information on the results of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists is sent to personnel services at the place of their main work.

Personnel Dictionary

Academy- leading scientific and educational-methodological centers of additional professional education mainly in one field of knowledge, training highly qualified personnel, conducting fundamental and applied scientific research and providing the necessary consulting, scientific-methodological and information-analytical assistance to other educational institutions of advanced training.

Advanced training institutes- educational institutions for advanced training and professional retraining of specialists in an industry (a number of industries) or a region, whose activities are aimed at: meeting the needs

enterprises (associations), organizations and institutions in advanced training and professional retraining of specialists; carrying out scientific research; provision of consulting and methodological assistance.

Advanced training courses (schools, centers), training centers employment services- educational institutions for advanced training, where specialists, unemployed citizens, the unemployed population and released employees of enterprises (associations), organizations and institutions are trained in order to obtain new knowledge and practical skills necessary for professional activities.

Training for second professions

Training workers in second professions is the vocational training of persons who already have a profession, with the aim of giving them a new one with an initial or more high level qualifications. Training of workers in second professions is organized to expand their professional profile, as well as for combined professions. The list of second professions for which workers are trained is determined by the employer, based on specific production conditions (clause 14 of the Model Regulations on Continuous Professional and Economic Training of Personnel National economy, approved Resolution of the State Labor Committee of the USSR, the State Committee for Education of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated June 15, 1988 No. 369/92-14147/20/18-22, valid to the extent that does not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


The need to adequately respond to changes in product market conditions and the development of new directions economic activity often entails re-profiling of production. This, in turn, requires updating the staff. In such a situation, the employer can use the existing human resources potential by providing retraining and training in second professions for workers who cannot be used in the future, taking into account their existing knowledge and skills. In addition, the employer can meet its needs for personnel in a particular specialty through professional training of persons who do not have a profession, followed by concluding an employment contract with these persons.

Note! For some categories of workers, advanced training is a prerequisite for performing a job function

It is also the responsibility of the employer to resolve the issue of the need to improve the qualifications of employees. Availability of qualified personnel is the key successful activities any organization. In this regard, the main tasks of the employer are not only the selection of personnel with the necessary qualifications, but also maintaining the compliance of their professional level with the dynamically increasing qualification requirements. Continuous improvement of educational standards, modernization technological processes, the increasing complexity of the professional tasks facing employees and other factors determine the need for continuous training.

It should be taken into account that, in accordance with clause 7 of the Regulations on an educational institution, advanced training is carried out at least once every five years throughout the employee’s entire career. The frequency of specialists undergoing advanced training is determined by the employer.

For certain categories of workers, due to special regulations, advanced training is a mandatory condition for performing a job function ( table 2). In such cases, the employer is obliged to provide employees with advanced training in the manner and under the conditions provided for by the relevant federal law or other regulatory legal act of the Russian Federation.

table 2

Specialists for whom mandatory advanced training is provided

Still, let’s assume that your employer decides to provide vocational training and retraining for employees. What's next? Decor necessary documents, providing students with guarantees and creating the necessary conditions. That's what it's about we'll talk in the next issue.

Professional education is a systematic process of developing among employees of an enterprise the theoretical knowledge, skills and practical skills necessary to perform work.

Professional Development- this is the process of preparing an employee to perform new production functions and occupy new positions.

Legislation (Labor Code) defines the rights and obligations of the employer regarding training and retraining of personnel. The need for professional training and retraining of personnel for their own needs is determined by the employer. He (the employer) conducts professional training, retraining, advanced training of employees, teaching them second professions in the organization, and, if necessary, in educational institutions of primary, higher professional and additional education on the terms and in the manner determined by the collective agreement, agreements, and employment contracts.

The most important means of professional development of personnel is professional education- the process of directly transferring new professional skills or knowledge to employees of the organization.

Professional staff training provides:

1. Primary vocational training workers (receipt of vocational education by persons who do not have working profession or a specialty that provides the appropriate level of professional qualifications necessary for productive activity).

2. Retraining(vocational-technical or higher education aimed at mastering another profession (specialty) by workers and specialists with higher education who have already completed primary training at a vocational school or higher education institution.

3. Training(training aimed at developing and improving knowledge, skills and abilities in a specific type of special activity, due to constant changes in the content of work, improvement of equipment, technology, organization of production and job transfers.) As a rule, advanced training is carried out with a break from work of up to 3 weeks or partial separation up to 6 months.

Drawing up a plan for advanced training, training and retraining of enterprise personnel involves a number of sequential actions of both a training specialist and line managers (enterprise managers and heads of structural divisions).

The personnel are divided into three main groups:

Not in need of advanced training;

Requiring systematic retraining and retraining after certain (fixed) periods of time (usually 1-5 years);

Those in need of one-time training (new employees, employees with an adequate professional level, etc.).

Scheme of the vocational training process:

1. Description of the production function based on workplace certification.

2. Evaluation of the employee performing this function based on his certification.

3. Discussion by the employee of the requirements that he makes for training.

4. Analysis of the features of production functions from the point of view of training requirements.

5. Determining the goals and objectives of training.

6. Establishment of terms and forms of training ( with a break, without interruption from production).

7. Consistent development of general sections, topics and questions curriculum personnel managers responsible for training, or invited specialists.

8. Choice of method and type of training, depending on the selected topic.

9. Determination of the number of training hours on each topic within the total duration of training.

10. Selection of teaching staff based on the subject of the curriculum, determining the number of teaching hours for each teacher.

11. Drawing up an estimate of training costs (teacher salaries and other training costs).

12. Establishing the place, time and daily duration of training.

13. Coordination and approval of the curriculum.

14. Preparation of supporting educational materials.

The key step is identifying the organization's professional development needs(See Topic 6: Personnel Planning and Development).

Traditional methods of identifying and recording professional development needs are assessment and training. individual plan development.

Forms professional training, retraining and advanced training of workers, the list of required professions and specialties are determined by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers (trade unions).