Kazan National Research Technological Institute. Kazan National Research Technological University. Science and innovation

1890 - Kazan United Industrial School
1919 - Kazan Polytechnic Institute
1930 - Kazan Chemical-Technological Institute (KHTI)
1992 - Kazan State University of Technology(KSTU)
since 2011 - Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU)


KNRTU includes 12 educational and research institutes (including the Design Institute “Soyuzkhimpromproekt”, Kazan Research Institute of Special Purpose Rubbers “Spetskauchuk”); 4 branches: Bugulma, Nizhnekamsk Institute of Chemical Technology, branch in Kant (Kyrgyzstan), Lyceum boarding school for gifted children with in-depth study of chemistry and 4 representative offices, Kazan Technological College. In 2014, a representative office of KNRTU was opened in Vietnam (Viet Tri).

Educational activities

Today KNRTU is the largest in Russian Federation Educational center for chemical technology is a leader in the field of training highly qualified engineering personnel in the field of Chemical Technology. More than 378 are sold here educational programs higher, middle and additional education. More than 25,000 undergraduate and graduate students from Russia and foreign countries study at the university.

The educational process is conducted by 284 doctors of science and 990 candidates of science. Postgraduate and doctoral studies operate successfully. The university has 14 councils for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations.

KNRTU is the leading university in the petrochemical educational cluster, integrating primary, secondary, higher and additional professional education and innovative activity Republic of Tatarstan in this direction.

Science and innovation

To produce pilot batches of products, test technologies and commercialize developments, a research and production park has been created, including business incubators, innovation testing grounds and a technology transfer center. Today, the innovation infrastructure of KNRTU includes 38 small enterprises and 26 RECs with leading scientific and educational institutions of the country.

Thus, the university has everything necessary to implement a full innovation cycle: an integrated system continuing education, developed fundamental and applied scientific and design activities, a network of its own production facilities.

Among the university’s partners are the largest regional and federal companies. Among them are such leaders of the Russian economy as Gazprom, Sibur, Aeroflot, Tatneft, Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Kazanorgsintez, etc. For these and other companies, KNRTU trains specialists, organizes internships for students, and implements joint scientific research and a wide range of design work.

International partnership

KNRTU develops diversified international activities. The university created modern system pre-university education of foreign citizens in Russian. Currently, more than 2,000 foreign citizens from 45 countries are studying at KNRTU.

Much attention is paid to developing cooperation with international organizations. The university is an associated member International Union theoretical and applied chemistry(IUPAC), member of the Euro-Asian Pacific University Network (UNINET). Currently, KNRTU has partnerships with 142 universities, international educational structures and companies from 37 countries.

According to one of the most influential global university rankings (QS University Rankings: BRICS 2015), KNRTU ranks 151-160 among universities in the BRICS countries. In 2017, the “Social Navigator” project of the international news agency “Russia Today” compiled a national ranking of the demand for universities in the Russian Federation. KNRTU is among the leaders: we have 12th place among engineering universities in the country and the highest position compared to other universities in the region.

Kazan State Technological University of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (KSTU) is one of the largest universities in Russia. Opened in accordance with the resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated June 23, 1930 on the basis of the chemical faculties of Kazan Polytechnic Institute and Kazan University. The chemical departments of the university were the link that firmly connected the institute with the remarkable past and traditions of the Kazan School of Chemistry and had a huge influence on its further development.

Initially, the university was called “Kazan Chemical-Technological Institute (KHTI) named after. A.M.Butlerov”, on April 1, 1935 he was named after S.M.Kirov. The current name - Kazan State Technological University was assigned by order of the Government of the Russian Federation on September 11, 1992. The university is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences (1970), Professor (1973), full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan Sergei DYAKONOV. The uniqueness of education at KSTU lies in the fact that a university complex has been created on the basis of the university according to the model of a single legal entity. This makes it possible to most effectively train modern personnel, optimally combine fundamental and applied research, carry out major scientific and technical developments and provide their personnel support, and actively participate in solving regional problems.

The university has a number of institutes, faculties and specialties that exist only in a few universities in Russia. For example, the Engineering Chemical Technology Institute and the Institute food technologies, a whole range of defense specialties, food production technology, life safety, rational use natural resources and so on.
Over the many years of reforming society and the education system in Russia, there has been a radical change in priorities when obtaining higher education. The problem of training engineers capable of high professional level solve complex modern challenges, in conditions scientific and technological progress and the processes of differentiation and integration of production it causes.
Awareness of this problem requires the implementation of a well-thought-out policy in accordance with the interests of the employment sector, the participation of the employer in determining the need for a particular specialty, which contributes to the successful employment and entry into the working life of each young specialist.

Practice recent years shows a steady increase in the number of vacancies for KSTU graduates. Vacancies are mainly provided by enterprises of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan. The range of enterprises and organizations is very wide: public and private, research institutes and factories, trading companies, etc. University specialists in the field of:
- technologies for processing plastics;
- synthetic rubber technologies;
- technologies of varnishes, paints and paint coatings;
- biotechnology;
- automated systems information processing and management;
- information systems;
- food production equipment;
- design;
- engineering ecology of the defense complex.

In order to promote the employment of university graduates, the KSTU Student Employment Center has been created. The main task of the Center is to promote student employment and employment of university graduates. An Employment Assistance Program has been developed and is in operation, vocational guidance, development vocational education And social adaptation graduates of Kazan State Technological University. According to data at the beginning of 2005, 27,684 people were studying at the university. About 400 graduates annually receive a diploma with honors. Depending on the specialty, the competition for admission to the university reaches 20 people per place. Among the graduates of the university are outstanding scientists Pyotr Kirpichnikov, Fyodor Madyakin, Georgy Klimenko, Viktor Kafarov, Gabdulfart Valeev, Alexey Sidorov, Yuri Klyachkin and others.

them. S. M. Kirov, trains chemical and mechanical engineers for the chemical, oil refining, petrochemical industries and mechanical engineering. Founded in 1919. As part of the Kh.-T. And. (1972): faculties - polymers, technological, mechanical, petroleum, engineering, chemical technology, compressors and automation, evening and correspondence technological and mechanical, general technical - in Nizhnekamsk, advanced training for university teachers; graduate school; 45 departments; 9 problem and 2 industry laboratories; The library contains 700 thousand items. In 1971/72 academic year 11 thousand students studied at the institute, 765 teachers worked, including 32 professors and doctors of science, 350 associate professors and candidates of science. The Institute has the right to accept doctoral and master's theses for defense. Scientific and methodological collections are published. Over the years of the existence of K. kh.-t. And. trained over 17 thousand engineers.

P. A. Kirpichnikov.

  • - Russian University of Chemical Technology named after D.I. Mendeleev. Founded in 1920 on the basis of the Moscow Industrial School as a chemical-technological institute...

    Moscow (encyclopedia)

  • - RHTU. Founded in 1920 on the basis of the Moscow Industrial School as a chemical-technological institute...

    Moscow (encyclopedia)

  • - Institute of Chemical Technology, see Russian Chemical Technology Institute...

    Moscow (encyclopedia)

  • -, founded in 1919. At the institute: faculties - chemical technology, pharmaceuticals, advanced training for executives and medical industry specialists...

    St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

  • - - Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. K. Marx, 68. Social work. See also Universities Ch488...

    Pedagogical terminological dictionary

  • - named after A. N. Tupolev - higher educational institution; trains engineers for aviation, mechanical engineering and instrument-making industries. Founded in 1932...

    Encyclopedia of technology

  • - trains engineers for the aviation, instrument-making, radio-electronic and mechanical engineering industries. Founded in 1932 on the basis of the aerodynamic department of Kazan University. As part of K....
  • - them. D.I. Mendeleev, the largest educational and research center of the USSR in the field of chemical technology. Founded in 1920 on the basis of the Moscow Industrial School, created in 1898...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - founded in 1919. Trains engineering personnel in the main specialties of the chemical and petroleum industries, chemical engineering, etc. In 1991, approx. 10 thousand students...
  • - see Russian Chemical Technology University...

    Big encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - transformed in 1992 from the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology. D. I. Mendeleev. Trains engineers and researchers. In 1992 St. 10 thousand students. The university includes the Higher Chemical College...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - ...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - ...
  • - ...

    Spelling dictionary-reference book

  • - x"imico-technologist"...

    Russian orthographic dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 technochemical...

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"Kazan Chemical-Technological Institute" in books

From the book Secret Tours. Leningrad biography of Vladimir Vysotsky the author's Yearbook Leo

Vysotsky was impressed by the death of cosmonaut Komarov April 1967, Leningrad Technological Institute named after Lensoveta In the late 60s, Vysotsky performed several times in assembly hall Leningrad Technological Institute named after Lensoveta. These

From the book Zvorykin author Borisov Vasily Petrovich

INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The future fate of the real school graduate was determined by his father. It was decided that Vladimir would enter the St. Petersburg Technological Institute, an educational institution that had solid traditions in training engineering personnel for

From the author's book

5. Dnepropetrovsk Chemical-Technological Institute I was offered a job at the Dnepropetrovsk Chemical-Technological Institute (DHTI), which is why I was so desperate to get out of school. I ended up at the institute by accident - it was only when what I had done before came back to me like a boomerang.

From the book Moskovsky Prospekt. Essays on history author Veksler Arkady Faivishevich

House No. 26 / Zagorodny Prospekt, 49. St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University) Merchant Sedov's plot on Tsarskoselsky Prospekt with a length of 20 fathoms and a depth of 46.2 fathoms, with an area of ​​924 square meters. fathoms was purchased by the treasury for

3. Himiko period

From the book Golden Laws. The History of the Incarnation Through the Eyes of the Eternal Buddha by Okawa Ryuho

3. Himiko Period The fact that the first ruler of Japan was destined to become such a spiritually developed woman as Amaterasu-O-Mikami had a significant influence on the people of the country for a long time. I was especially impressed by her feminine

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(MO) of the author TSB

author of TSB


From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (LE) by the author TSB

Chemical laboratory glass

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (HI) by the author TSB

From the book Dark Mission. Secret history of NASA author Hoagland Richard Caulfield

Caltech (California Institute of Technology) In early 2003, our people experienced a national tragedy - the death of the space shuttle Columbia. Simultaneously with the suspicious excitement around the causes of this disaster, an opinion arose that it was simply

: 55°47′09.37″ n. w. /  49°08′42.38″ E. d. 55.785937° s. w. 55.785937 , 49.145107

49.145107° E. d.(G) (O) (I) Kazan National Research Technological University(tat. Kazan milli tiksherenü technology universities, Qazan ilkülәm tikşerenü texnologiə universitetı) originates from Kazan United Industrial School, opened in 1897. In 1919, the Kazan Industrial School was transformed into Kazan Polytechnic Institute. May 13, 1930 on the basis of the Faculty of Chemistry Kazan Polytechnic Institute and Faculty of Chemistry Kazan State University was created Kazan Chemical Institute, which since June 23, 1930 has been called Kazan Chemical-Technological Institute named after. A. M. Butlerova.

, and from April 23, 1935 to December 1992 -

Kazan Chemical-Technological Institute named after. S. M. Kirova (Kazakh Chemical Technology Institute)

Engineering Chemical Technology Institute (ICHTI) (Engineering Faculty, former 1st faculty)

  • Faculty of Energy-Intensive Materials and Products (FEMI)
  • Faculty of Environmental Technological Information Security (FETIS)

Institute of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (ICHME) ( 2nd and 3rd faculties)

  • Faculty of Mechanics (MF)
  • Faculty of Power Engineering and Process Equipment (FEMTO)

Institute of Petroleum, Chemistry and Nanotechnology (INKhN) ( 4th and 6th faculties)

  • Faculty of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies (FNNT)
  • Faculty of Petroleum and Petrochemistry (FNNKh)
  • Faculty of Chemical Technologies (FCT)

Institute of Polymers (IP) (formerly 5th faculty)

  • Faculty of Technology and Processing of Rubbers and Elastomers (FTPKE)
  • Faculty of Technology, Processing and Certification of Plastics and Composites (FTPSPK)

Institute of Light Industry Technologies, Fashion and Design (ITLPMD) (formerly 7th faculty)

  • Faculty of Light Industry and Fashion Technologies (FTLPM)
  • Faculty of Design and Software Engineering (FDPI)

During its existence, the university has graduated more than 74 thousand specialists. Its graduates work in all corners of Russia and abroad. Many of them are senior officials of ministries and departments, higher educational and scientific institutions, hold responsible positions in state and public bodies, and are general directors and chief specialists of the largest enterprises in Russia and the Republic of Tatarstan.

The University is rightfully proud of its students, including Academician V.V. Kafarov, corresponding members of the USSR Academy of Sciences P.A. Kirpichnikov, S.R. Rafikov, I.V. Torgov, B.M. Mikhailov, Yu.S. Klyachkin , laureates of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR, RF and RT, prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR L. M. Beikin, S. G. Bogatyrev, R. S. Gainutdinov, S. N. Kosolapov, V. G. Shatsillo, G. K. Klimenko , A. I. Sidorov, V. A. Shishkin, A. G. Liakumovich, A. D. Nikolaeva, Kh. E. Kharlampidi, V.F. Sopin, A.F. Makhotkin and many others. Major scientists, honored scientists of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan work within the walls of the university, full members and corresponding members of the academies of sciences of Tatarstan and Russia, who contribute to the growth of the prestige of existing ones and the emergence of new ones scientific schools: N. S. Akhmetov, R. A. Nugaev, R. S. Saifullin, F. P. Madyakin, V. P. Barabanov, S. G. Dyakonov, F. A. Garifullin, V. A. Ivanov, V A. Maksimov, A. A. Kirsanov, A. L. Salagaev.

The University sacredly preserves the memory of its outstanding scientists. A museum of the history of KSTU was opened in the city, memorials were created to academician A. E. Arbuzov, corresponding member of the Artillery Academy of Sciences B. L. Kondratsky, professor G. Kh. Kamaya, corresponding member. USSR Academy of Sciences P. A. Kirpichnikov, memorial plaques were installed and monographs were published about the life and work of prominent scientists and teachers of the university.

Public life

SSA KNRTU is a self-governing, non-profit formation created on the initiative of students united on the basis of common interests to realize common goals, aimed at solving issues of life of student youth, developing their social activity and supporting social initiatives.



schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 17:00

Latest reviews of KNRTU

Angelina Shangareeva 20:35 06/25/2019

5 years ago, a villainous fate threw me a test in the form of a higher education with a duration of 5 years. It all started out easy and simple, and then we went to our home department of PIMP. 2 people in a group, part-time students, work, children, family, etc. - we, of course, did not imagine ourselves as smart students. But! As time passes, I want to express my sincere gratitude to this entire department: Elena Vyacheslavovna Kryakunova, Yuri Dmitrievich Sidorov, Albert Vladimirovich Kanarsky, In...

Anonymous review 16:35 04/24/2019

This educational institution is a complete sharashka office! Starting from the department of MPD, dean's office correspondence department FPPBA, accounting, people are not correct, do not know their responsibilities, recruited from the street in general. To be irresponsible to such an extent, well, I don’t know, I’ve never seen anything like this before. Not only do they sit and don’t know much, but they are also rude and rude. Good teachers can be counted on the fingers of one hand, the rest don’t come to classes, I mean correspondence form training, appointment...

general information

Federal state budget educational institution higher education "Kazan National Research Technological University"

Branches of KNRTU


No. 02165 valid indefinitely from 05/27/2016


No data

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for KNRTU

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)6 6 7 6 6
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study62.31 59.95 59.89 59.32 64.05
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget65.6 61.16 61.76 62.17 65.78
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis54.12 55.40 54.35 54.06 58.5
Average in all specialties minimum score Unified State Exam for full-time students44.85 42.20 42.66 44.74 43.12
Number of students21649 20897 20219 19729 20479
Full-time department12661 13291 12356 12296 11935
Part-time department774 560 501 352 449
Extramural8214 7046 7362 7081 8095
All data