Psychological attack on a person - defense. You are under psychological pressure: how to protect yourself from an energy attack. Attack on Manipura

In our life we ​​have to communicate with different people, but people are not only good, but also rude and very evil. The question arises: how to learn to rebuff such people and not get upset by their unpleasant insults. To do this, you need to learn several techniques of psychological self-defense.

It is very important for every person to have psychological defense skills, that is, to be able to repel emotional blows such as rudeness, a hard look, rudeness received when communicating with people. Also, a negative impact can come from feelings, negative energy. It is necessary to understand the differences between such concepts as security and psychological protection. Security is a natural inner strength inherent in a person when he has complete self-confidence, calmness, goodwill, and it is almost impossible to bring him out of a state of balance. But psychological protection is necessary in case of self-doubt, resentment and mental pain. Therefore, it is very important to help protect yourself.

For psychological protection, there are many different ways to help against negative impacts.

1. At the moment when pressure on the psyche begins, the most important point is to preserve peace of mind. It is necessary to take an independent position. When a person realizes that he does not depend on anyone to solve any problems, at that moment he is most protected. The more clearly the interest is visible in any situation, the more unprotected the person is from this and the stronger the psychological attack. The manipulator, seeing a weak point, will constantly put pressure on it, taking advantage of the person’s weakness. To resist such people, you need to decide on a way to protect yourself from them and mentally erect a shield that will not allow a single attack from that person to pass through. This shield will be a strong and reliable wall against which all the negative emotions and words of the offender will be broken. The main thing is not to succumb to provocation and observe everything from the outside, as if it does not concern you. It is necessary to learn to react to everything calmly and balancedly, maintaining a cool appearance. Under no circumstances should you show that this situation has upset you greatly. With all this, you need to control your face, and you can even smile and, of course, you need to normalize your breathing. You need to imagine yourself as a sage who looks at everything philosophically. Or, on the contrary, a great warrior who will not only repel the enemy’s pressure, but also force him to flee. It’s not for nothing that the old wisdom says: “The best defense is an attack.”

2. At the moment of aggression towards you, it is extremely important to find the point on the body where the tension is concentrated and do everything possible to relax it. After this it will be much easier to deal with problems. For the most effective solution to existing psychological problems After an energy attack, you must use the following techniques:

You need to concentrate on your pain and breathe through it in your thoughts.

You need to turn on your imagination and try to inhale and exhale positive energy; with such a draft, the pain immediately goes away.

It is necessary to imagine a negative situation as a picture, and suddenly turn off the light, the picture will disappear and all the negativity will go with it.

3. There is no need to live in anticipation of an attack, and even if you are in a favorable environment, you need to take care of prevention. To do this, you need to develop a sense of self-respect and learn to act confidently. For yourself, you need to determine such a position that the place that you occupy is yours, you do not wish harm to anyone, but you will not allow anyone to take yours away from you.

It is very important to develop fortitude and positivity:

First of all, you need to treat everything with humor. Look for the funny moments in failures too.

You need to set yourself up for a positive outcome in any matter. It is useful to enjoy every little thing and accept the world with optimism.

It is also necessary to learn how to build relationships so as to be able to deflect the blow. As they say: a bad world is better than good war. Even if you are the winner in a quarrel, a lot of energy and time will still be spent on meaningless squabbles. It is much better to direct your strength and energy in the right direction.

People learned about the existence of sudden anxiety attacks not so long ago. This means that it is not at all surprising that many do not know the reasons why it may arise and how to combat it.

And this despite the fact that 10% of the population, that is, every tenth person, is susceptible to such attacks!

Therefore, it is worth considering in more detail the questions of what a psychic attack is, the symptoms and treatment of this disease. As they say, forewarned is forearmed.

What are mental (panic) attacks

So what is this until recently unknown disease?

A psychic attack is a sudden attack of intense fear. It occurs unexpectedly for a person, develops very quickly and reaches its peak within a few minutes. Moreover, such an attack can happen not only during the day, but also at night, even during sleep.

The strength of such a phenomenon does not depend on the circumstances surrounding a person.

The place of mental disorders in the modern world

Panic attacks can not only be a one-time occurrence, but can also be a sign of serious mental disorders.

Mental attacks have become a real problem in the United States. Today, about 60 million people there (which is 20% of the population) suffer from various panic disorders, and about 3 million more people (1.7% of the population) have experienced a mental disorder in a pronounced form at least once in their lives.

Most often, people aged 15-19 years suffer from attacks of mental attacks, but still no one is immune from them.

Causes of psychic attacks

Loss of psychological balance can also provoke mental attacks. The reasons why this happens may be the following:

  • stress;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • presence of mental and somatic diseases;
  • use of substances that stimulate the psyche;
  • problems and difficult life circumstances.

The first attack may occur during adolescence, during pregnancy, after the birth of a child, or during menopause. This is due to significant changes in hormonal levels in the body.

In addition, there may be internal prerequisites for the manifestation of the disease. These include: neuropsychiatric or drug addiction, alcoholism.

It is necessary to remember that such a disease (mental attacks) does not occur without certain prerequisites in the form of health problems. Previously, the appearance of mental attacks was considered a sign of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Symptoms of a Psychic Attack

An attack is not the only confirmation of a disorder such as a mental attack. Symptoms can vary. But there are certain criteria by which this pathology is diagnosed.

So, if a person is truly having a psychic attack, the symptoms could be:

  • increased sweating;
  • increased heart rate and pulse;
  • trembling, chills;
  • shortness of breath and feeling of lack of air;
  • suffocation;
  • abdominal pain, which may be accompanied by nausea;
  • discomfort or pain in the left side of the chest;
  • faintness, dizziness, unsteadiness;
  • numbness of the limbs and a feeling of “goosebumps” on the skin;
  • alternating alternation of heat and cold;
  • having a feeling that everything that is happening is unreal;
  • fear of dying;
  • fear of going crazy or doing something unexpected.

As you can see, there are many manifestations. A psychic attack combines at least four of the symptoms listed above. When fear and anxiety do not leave the patient within 10 minutes.

After these symptoms, a mental attack can progress to the next stage, which manifests itself in the form of agoraphobic syndrome - fear of going out or riding public transport. The longer the duration of this condition, the greater the possibility of depression, during which a person’s social activity decreases, fatigue increases, appetite worsens, sleep disorders and problems with sexual life appear.

How to relieve a psychic attack without outside help

It is necessary to remember one important detail: attacks of fear and anxiety can be learned to be controlled independently. Therefore, it is important not to get confused during the next attack, but to know exactly what to do during mental attacks.

There are many methods and methods of control, but one of the most effective in practice remains the method of breathing control. Its principle is very simple - you need to slow down your breathing to 4-5 breaths per minute. Take a deep breath (as far as possible), then take a couple of seconds and exhale deeply. It is best to do this with your eyes closed to feel the movement of the muscles and lungs.

After several such inhalations and exhalations, the panic attack begins to recede and soon goes away completely.

Diagnosis of psychic attacks

If there are at least four signs of a mental attack (we discussed them above), you must immediately contact a therapist for a more detailed diagnosis.

The doctor will prescribe the patient the necessary tests and send him for an electrocardiogram.

If necessary, additional examinations by a neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, or pulmonologist may be necessary.

After all examinations have been carried out and test results have been received, the necessary treatment for mental attacks is selected individually. It can be carried out in the form of taking a course of medications, psychotherapy or hypnosis.

Drug treatment for panic attacks

In most cases, treatment of mental attacks is carried out with the help of medications, since this is the most effective method getting rid of this type of disorder.

The most effective treatment is carried out using such groups of drugs as:

  • Tranquilizers.
  • Antidepressants.
  • Neuroleptics.

The required group of drugs or any one drug (for example, one of the antidepressants) is selected separately in each case, depending on the nature of the course and accompanying symptoms of a mental attack.

In this case, the drug treatment itself includes two stages:

  1. Elimination of psychic attack.
  2. Prevention of a recurrent attack and its secondary symptoms (depression, etc.) in the future.

A mental attack is eliminated with the help of tranquilizers (Lorazepam, Diazepam, Clonazepam, Relanium, Alprazolam, Lorafen, etc.), which are administered intravenously or taken orally. The attack completely goes away 15-20 minutes after administration of the drug.

This method of treatment has a significant disadvantage: tranquilizers are to some extent narcotic drugs, and can also cause the body to become addicted to their active substances. As a result, after some time, taking drugs in standard dosages ceases to bring any effect or even causes severe dependence. Unregulated use of tranquilizers can cause new mental attacks.

In addition, it is important to know that tranquilizers cannot cure the disease, but only temporarily eliminate symptoms, therefore they are used only as an auxiliary, but not the main drug for the treatment of mental disorders.

The main treatment for panic attacks is carried out through the use of antidepressants, which not only help get rid of depression, but also eliminate excessive anxiety and unreasonable fears, and treat mental attacks. The main drugs that are most often prescribed for treatment: Anafranil, Zoloft, Cipralex and others.

Neuroleptics, as well as tranquilizers, act as auxiliary drugs during the treatment of mental attacks. They have a mild effect on the body, but at the same time they perfectly relieve the vegetative symptoms of mental attacks. These may be drugs such as Propazine, Etaperazine, Sonapax.

The second stage of treatment is to consolidate the results obtained. At this stage, stabilizing therapy is used, which includes taking (TAD), monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), and selective serotonergic drugs (SSRIs).

The TAD group has an anti-panic effect, but it begins to act only 2-3 weeks after the first dose, which is a significant disadvantage. In addition, antidepressants of the TAD group can cause side effects such as dry mouth, constipation, weight gain, etc.

Selective serotonergic drugs (SSRIs) have fewer side effects compared to the previous option. The main side effects of such drugs are: irritability, nervousness and poor sleep in the first 2 weeks after starting use. The advantage is that SSRI antidepressants can only be taken once a day.

In parallel with the treatment of a mental attack, its secondary syndromes, such as hypochondria, depression, agoraphobia, are eliminated.

How to treat a psychic attack and in what doses is determined by the doctor individually. As a rule, the minimum dose is prescribed, after which it is monitored whether the disease subsides or continues to develop. All this is carried out under the supervision of a therapist or another doctor responsible for the treatment. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate with tranquilizers and antidepressants!

With the right approach to treatment and following all recommendations, stable remission to panic attacks is observed in 90% of cases.

To get rid of the disease more successfully, a set of measures is used.

Treating panic attacks with psychotherapy

Along with drug treatment, a course of psychotherapy is also carried out at the same time, which continues for some time even after the drugs are discontinued, which makes it easier to survive this process.

Psychotherapist sessions can be divided into two types: symptomatic and deep therapy.

In the first case, the psychic attack is seen as a symptom. A specialist helps you understand how a panic attack develops and how you can deal with it yourself. As a rule, symptomatic therapy lasts no more than three months.

The deep one involves identifying the reasons that result in an attack. This occurs as a result of long-term work that can last for years. The psychotherapist learns inner world a person, his attitude towards himself, unmet needs and unexpressed feelings. But in the end, the specialist manages to eliminate not only the symptoms of the problem, but also its original cause.

Psychologists teach patients not to look for shortcomings in themselves, but to concentrate on their positive qualities. Only an optimistic outlook on life and positive thinking can drive away the disease and ensure that it will not return.

Separate work is carried out to raise the patient’s self-esteem, as it plays an important role in the development of the individual and the perception of the surrounding world as a whole.

Combining medication and psychotherapeutic methods helps speed up the recovery process, as well as teach the correct course of action during a possible future panic attack.

Treating panic attacks with hypnosis

Treatment of mental attacks using hypnosis is practiced by psychiatrists. This way of dealing with the disorder Lately is gaining more and more popularity due to its effectiveness. The essence of the treatment is simple: during hypnotic sleep, the patient is given appropriate instructions, the main goal of which is to get rid of mental attacks. After a hypnosis session, patients feel peace, a sense of lightness, a surge of vigor and energy.

The disadvantage of hypnotic treatment is its short-term effect, and also the fact that this method is not suitable for all patients.

Preventing panic attacks

People who often suffer from mental disorders live in a state of constant tension and stress, as a result of which the body's stability is reduced to critical levels. In such situations, any unforeseen circumstance (for example, a conflict at work) can become the “last straw” and cause a panic attack. However, there are some simple ways that help improve psychological well-being, reduce the level of emotional stress and reduce the likelihood of a mental attack.

  1. Cold and hot shower. A very simple and at the same time effective way. Jets of cold water that briefly touch the skin can stimulate the production of hormones that improve mood. The method can be used both for prevention, general strengthening of the psychological state, and during an attack of increased anxiety and panic. How to take a contrast shower correctly? Everything is very simple, but there are some nuances. It is important to douse yourself with water, only then will you get the desired effect. The procedure should begin with warm water. After a few seconds it needs to be switched to cold, and after a few seconds again to warm. In this case, the cold water should not be cool, but really cold, even icy. Do not be afraid of catching a cold - during such a procedure this is impossible, since the body’s defense reactions are activated.
  2. Muscle relaxation. By learning to relax your muscles, you can simultaneously relieve the level of psychological stress. There are many ways of psychological relaxation. Having familiarized yourself with them in more detail, you can easily choose the one that is ideal for you.
  3. Full sleep. Lack of sleep in the best possible way affects the human nervous system. In the case when it develops into a chronic form, the situation worsens significantly, and in parallel with this, the possibility of a psychic attack increases.
  4. Active physical life. It is important to choose the right intensity of exercise for yourself. While regular exercise is enough for some, others go to fitness, to the pool or gym. The main thing is that the activities bring you pleasure, because only in this case will they benefit your psychological health.
  5. Regular meals. Everything is simple here: a hungry person’s blood sugar level decreases, and this increases the likelihood of a panic attack.
  6. No stimulants. These include: coffee, energy drinks, cigarettes and alcohol. Moreover, the case with alcohol is unique in this regard: one or two glasses help reduce a panic attack. But a morning hangover only makes the situation worse. In addition, if you take alcohol during each attack, there is a high risk of developing another disease - alcoholism.

Summarizing all that has been said, we can conclude that mental disorders, no matter whether it is a panic attack or something else, can be completely avoided. To do this, you just need to learn to control your emotions and monitor your psychological health.

IN modern world Few people are left alone. We are constantly surrounded by people, and not all of them are positive. Often after communication we feel unwell, headaches and apathy. Energy and psychological attacks have this effect on our body.

So, no matter what happens, remember that everyone can protect themselves from harmful effects. To do this you need:

  • rest in a timely manner;
  • do not start an incipient cold or other illness;
  • use positive attitudes - an optimistic person rarely becomes a victim of an energy vampire;
  • strengthen the immune system and general condition of the body;
  • use meditation and other spiritual practices to restore the energy field.

Thanks to these simple tips you can strengthen your biofield, reducing the risk of harmful effects. However, what to do if it does happen?

Method number 1: protection from energy attack

The simplest thing you can do when meeting a person who is encroaching on your energetic health and psychological comfort is to avoid communicating with him. Very often, vampires can be identified by certain characteristics. These are aggressive people. They are constantly on edge and literally run into scandals and quarrels. This behavior is one of the simplest ways to piss off a victim, disrupting his internal balance. To avoid becoming a victim, use these recommendations:

  • do not enter into conflict with a person;
  • avoid looking him in the eye;
  • try to get away from unpleasant person;
  • smile and laugh more often;
  • agree with everything said;
  • Don't lose your temper.

It is known that it is not so easy to obtain a person’s energy, so the interlocutor will definitely provoke you to emotions. If you fail to stop the conversation and leave, control yourself. Agree with everything said and show imaginary humility. Use the most important weapon - a good mood. Even if you feel like you are starting to boil, force yourself to laugh in your opponent’s face, imagine something positive. These techniques will help you fight back. However, when you return home, start restoring your protection. The mantra for cleansing from negativity will help you with this.

Method number 2: amulets against energy attack

Use various amulets and charms to protect yourself and your loved ones from negative influences. One of the most effective means of protection are amulets, known since ancient times. Our ancestors used them to prevent energy attacks.

Aspen. This tree is known for its unique properties, which are designed to protect humans. You can purchase a cross made of this material at a temple or church. You can also use a small part of a branch. Using a knife, make a small stick, pointed at one end. This amulet should be worn close to the body without taking it off. If you are attacked, the tree will change color. It will darken, taking the blow upon itself.

Holy water. This is perhaps the most famous remedy for protection. Holy water should be washed in the morning and evening, and also used as a talisman. Pour it into a small flask and carry it with you. It also helps with headaches - a few drops on your temples and prayer will relieve you of unpleasant symptoms.

In order to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage, use powerful amulets. This type of attack, unfortunately, often occurs to this day. These may be unintentional actions, but with a strong impulse - harsh words on a wave of negativity, wishes for illness and many other bad words. If the damage is done intentionally, you need not only to protect yourself, but also to neutralize the consequences of the negative impact. The most in a simple way is prayer. To do this, you need to say out loud what happened to you in front of the icon and ask for protection from Higher powers. Remember that you need to let go of the situation and not hold a grudge against the person who used their powers to harm you. The highest court is always fair, and punishment will find the guilty.

Method number 3: protecting your home from negative influences

It has long been known that a home is not only a place in which we live, but also a powerful source of positive energy that can protect its owners. In order for your home to help you, give you additional strength and protect you from negativity, keep an eye on it:

  • use amulets to protect your home;
  • Clean more often - trash and broken things create stagnation of energy;
  • call the brownie for help - this entity, with the right attitude, is able to resist negativity from the outside;
  • get rid of questionable items - these could be pins, needles, bags with various fillings. The so-called pads are most often located at the threshold, gate or in doorways.

If your home is visited by a person with heavy energy, use rituals that are designed to cleanse the space of its negative influence. Light a candle and walk throughout the house, looking into every corner. Sprinkle the corners with holy water and sprinkle salt in front of the threshold. In order for unwanted people to forget the way to you, use a spell that will block their path to you.

Method number 4: protection from psychological attack

Psychological attacks are a way to provoke the victim into emotions. Psychologists and astrologers advise using simple but effective methods to protect against such influences. By constantly practicing, you not only strengthen your resistance, but also strengthen your biofield:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • do what you love;
  • eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables;
  • meet with friends more often and spend time not only in cafes and restaurants, but also in nature;
  • tune in to spiritual growth - meditate, pray, use all kinds of techniques to develop intuition;
  • exclude unwanted people from your social circle;
  • use defense techniques with the power of thought - imagine yourself surrounded by a strong cocoon that extinguishes negative influences.

Psychological attacks should not be scary. This is a challenge that will help you become stronger. Constant practice strengthens willpower and health. A good method of protecting against psychological attack is mental barriers. When faced with a person who is inclined to conflict, mentally create a wall, a curtain, a dome - whatever is closer to you. Develop your imagination and you will be able to create an impenetrable defense.

Method number 5: amulets against psychological attacks

It is necessary to protect yourself from people who have designated you as their victim and donor of vital energy. To do this, use the knowledge of the ancient Slavs. They have been collecting information for centuries and have invented many effective methods of protection.

Firstly, Find out your strengths that were given to you by nature at birth. This will help. Our ancestors, not familiar with modern astrology, identified 16 Zodiac Signs and called them palaces. Each person had his own patron deity and talisman tree. By your date of birth you can find out which of the Slavic Gods you should seek protection from. Also use a tree that protects you. Make yourself an amulet from a small part of it or purchase it at a specialized store. Also, for greater confidence, periodically get out into nature so that you have the opportunity to come into contact with a living plant. It takes away negative energy and gives vitality.

Secondly, Don't forget about things like good luck charms. If fortune is on your side, then you are protected from all kinds of attacks. Almost any thing can be turned into a lucky talisman. There are things that are often with you in moments of joy, pleasant surprises, victories and achievements. It could be a keychain, pen, decoration. Take the object in your hands, hold it for a while and mentally turn to it with a call for help.

Third, These are stones according to the Zodiac Sign. The powerful energy of natural materials can provide strong protection and also bring prosperity into life. Often such amulets become an additional source of energy, a kind of battery that is activated when your vitality is running low.

Method number 6: protection from energy attacks of settlers and entities

Such impacts can cause a lot of inconvenience and suffering. It all starts with simple malaise and fatigue, and can even end with sudden death. Demons, larvae, and spirits can become unwanted guests in your biofield. You need to get rid of them at the very beginning, before such a symbiosis leads to devastating consequences. In order to protect yourself, use all the recommendations above, and also carefully monitor your health. Entities usually act secretly until they are completely attached to your energy source. If you begin to realize that something unusual is happening to you, use methods of protection and getting rid of negative influences. The most obvious signs of a settler are:

  • long-term illnesses;
  • constant fatigue;
  • apathy and reluctance to move forward, enjoy life and communicate with loved ones;
  • frequent mood swings, aggression;
  • constant failures;
  • detachment and desire to hide from the world;
  • fear, anxiety, nervous state.

Method number 7: protection from the self-evil eye

A special type of attack is the self-evil eye. A negative person may harm himself unknowingly. Most often this happens at a time when bad mood and failures cause you discomfort. To reduce the risk of such exposure, negative statements and thoughts addressed to you should be eliminated.

Watching the battles flare up when discussing various topics on the Internet and in life, I noticed one pattern: the kinder and more spiritual a person is, and the more different his worldview is from the crowd, the more defenseless he is against rudeness and rudeness. I will try to correct this injustice.

“The basis of all martial arts should be love for everything on earth”
creator of aikido, Morihei Ueshiba.

“If evil is strong, there is no need to help it become stronger,
and if it’s weak, then these are its difficulties... it has chosen its own difficult path.”

I. Introduction

There are seven main chakras in humans. Each chakra is associated with very specific behavioral qualities of a person.
When we say that a person is anahate, this means that the person knows how to work with the energy of feelings. He knows how to radiate feelings, absorb feelings, he knows how to be bright in the emotional sensory sphere.
If a person has a strong Vishuddha, then this person knows how to express his thoughts, knows how to express his feelings, maybe verbally in the form of words or in the form of drawings. A person with a strong manipura is a person with a strong social intelligence(psychological term), i.e. he is militant, he knows how to achieve his goals in socially acceptable ways, perhaps to the detriment of the interests of other people. A person with strong svadhisthana knows how to live with pleasure, he knows how to enjoy life himself and give it to other people.
Each center is a very specific set of mental functions, which manifests itself in real life in the form of some skills or abilities. Based on this, it is clear that a person with open (opening) chakras is more perfect than a person whose chakras are not open.
For example, a person’s ajna is closed. Ajna is intellect, worldview. If a person has a weak intellect and does not have his own worldview, of course, he feels bad. Anyone tells him something, but he can’t even check it, because he doesn’t have critical thinking.
If a person has a weak anahata, weakened or knocked out for some reason. He does not know how to live with emotions, live with feelings, his life is colorless, tasteless, like some kind of template.
If a person has weak manipura, then in none conflict situation he cannot get his way, insist on his own, achieve his goals.
The development of the chakra system, the opening of the chakras, is an important element of human development. How to diagnose the state of your chakras and learn something about them? Eat different ways. You can analyze your life. What kind of problems do I have in my life? This is a method for people with a very high degree of awareness, because admitting to yourself that you have some problems because of you is something not every person can admit to themselves. Sometimes even a person does not understand that a problem is a problem. Some people are proud of their problems. For example, we are poor but proud. We can continue to be proud of this. But in reality this is the problem: you can’t do what you want. Or - I’m smart, but no one recognizes me. The bastards and bastards don't recognize me. Whose problem is it really? The problem of this person: he cannot convey to people what he wants to convey or, perhaps, he conveys the wrong thing.
There are other ways to diagnose chakras, based not only on an analysis of life, but also on an analysis of one’s own physical body. The chakras are located on the spine in a certain way. There is such a pattern: at the level of problematic chakras, a person has somatic problems, i.e. bodily problems. Somatic problems include, for example, osteochondrosis. There is another interesting pattern: if your corresponding chakra is depressed, that is, you have this function weakened, the curvature moves forward. The man is slouching. Or, for example, the heart center, osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. What does this mean? The fact that a person’s emotional sphere is underdeveloped, a person does not know how to express his feelings. When a person slouches at the navel, this indicates a low level of aggressiveness, a low level of aspirations. If a person does not hold the pelvis, tries to constantly fall apart, the muscles in this area are weakened, radiculitis phenomena - this indicates that he has problems in the emotional sphere and sexual sphere, i.e. a person does not fully realize his desires. This is the simplest method.

Description of the main centers (chakras) at the level of which communication occurs

VI center AJNA - intellectual, intuitive
V center VISHUDHA - interest, self-expression, logic
IV cent ANAHATA - feelings such as love, tenderness,
III center MANIPURA - respect, personal feelings
II center of SVADHISTAN - sexual desire, emotions
I center MULADHARA - instincts

II. Energy exchange during communication.

Each center absorbs the energy of its spectrum. Relationships between people are a complex process of energy exchange, which is not always beneficial to all its participants. Very often a person leaves communication in a worse state than before it began. The purpose of this work is to describe a set of psychological and energetic self-defense techniques that could help avoid such situations.

We can distinguish two types of energy processes inherent in every person when communicating

1. Emission of energy

With this method of energy work, a person puts the energy of one of the chakras into speech or action and brings it out to the interlocutor. And the greater the energy invested, the higher the power of actions and statements. Of course, not everyone knows how to do this consciously. Moreover, you can only remove the energy of those chakras that are at least slightly open. By the way, by this criterion you can determine which centers are developed in your interlocutor. So, if his speech is very convincing and understandable, he probably has a well-developed third eye. If you simply enjoy listening to your interlocutor, regardless of the content of the conversation, it means that he puts the energies of anahata or svadhisthana into his speech, and if what is said makes you shrink, then manipura.

2. Energy absorption (struggle to capture energy)

Attracting someone else's energy into a person's field occurs when he attracts the attention, thoughts, and desires of other people. However, not everyone can absorb the attracted energy, but only a person with a certain arrangement of energy centers, provided that these centers are open. The ability to attract energy to the center determines the degree of development of a person

Both the absorbing and emitting chakras can be used for energy attack, however, both its pattern and mechanism are different. The difference is that the field of the absorbing chakra does not penetrate the field of the attacked person with a directed energy flow, but, as it were, catches him, provoking him to release energy.

What is an attack or hit?

An attack is any action or statement that aims to deprive a person of psychological or energetic integrity. In order for this to happen, the action or statement must be accompanied by the release of a flow of energy from the chakra so powerful that the corresponding chakra of the person being attacked cannot process the energy received. Or, on the contrary, the action will allow you to absorb an amount of energy that exceeds the chakra reserve of the victim person.

Hitting can be done using any chakra. Of course, a person uses the chakra that is most developed for him to attack. As a result of a successful attack, the normal functioning of one of the victim's chakras may be disrupted. In this case, they say that the chakra is broken. Depending on the strength of the impact, this can result in depression of the chakra or disruption of the integrity of the field, which causes the attacked person to experience a feeling of discomfort.

Awareness of attack

The victim's awareness of the fact of a psychological attack is key point possibilities of using psychological protection. A psychological attack, unlike a physical one, is not always immediately visible. Often it is hidden under the guise of a friendly conversation, benevolent instruction, philosophical discussion of a problem, etc. The most reliable method for becoming aware of the fact of a psychological attack is the ability to sense the boundaries of your etheric and astral fields, however, there are more accessible methods:

1. The appearance of a feeling of psychological discomfort during communication: nervousness, excitement, panic, unpleasant psychosomatic sensations.

2. Manifestation of certain behavioral stereotypes and imposed roles.

3. The emergence of an imbalance in the distribution of responsibility occurs when, during communication, a person develops the feeling that he owes something, without knowing where this obligation came from.
One of the visual parameters by which one can determine the penetration of a particular chakra is posture. If stooping appeared during communication, then the chakra was pierced by the interlocutor. In a similar way, you can track an attack by changing the nature of your gestures.

Why are we being attacked?

At first glance, the reasons for any impact lie in psychological characteristics aggressor. However, such behavior is also provoked by the existence of such a phenomenon as script programming. The aggressor, like the victim, is under the power of a certain script, which pushes him to a similar form of behavior. Subconsciously, the attacker has a desire to impose a certain role on the interlocutor. With this type of development of events, both parties can, over time, form a fairly stable symbiotic pair of people playing complementary roles in a single scenario. Thus, the main goal of the aggressor is to destroy the integrity of the attacked person and, above all, to impose a certain role on him in his scenario.

On the other hand, the person being attacked may have a question: Why was I the victim of the attack in each specific case?

Indeed, the victim of a certain type of psychological attack is a person who is perceived by the potential aggressor as a victim, i.e. has a less developed or already pierced chakra. Very often a person himself weakens his chakras due to unfavorable upbringing, various programs and scenarios. Let us also note that a person living in accordance with any scenario cannot be holistic.

As noted above, the basis of any impact is the flow of energy emitted by the attacker’s chakras. In principle, a person with sufficiently strongly developed chakras can attack only on an energetic level, without resorting to words and gestures. However, most often the energy is removed from the chakra with the help of appropriate gestures and words, therefore, by the nature of a person’s behavior, one can determine his active chakras.

III. Examples of attacks using different chakras.

Attack on ajna.

An attack on ajna is an attempt to impose on a person a certain worldview or way of seeing the world. Such an attack is based on the victim’s inability to check all the components of this concept (which is the weakness of his ajna).

Two basic forms of influence on ajna can be distinguished. The first of these includes any statement expressed in a categorical form and addressed to the interlocutor.
For example: “Man was created to work (to love, to suffer). »

Another form of attacking ajna is an attempt to force a person to reflect on his problems, occupying his mental energy and distracting him from continuing communication. Typically, this technique is used as an auxiliary technique to weaken the psychological and energetic defense of the attacked, sometimes before using the main attack.
For example: “A person always worries when he lacks love (money, communication...)”, “What is bothering you now?” Non-verbal forms of attacking ajna can be a gaze, an analyzing gaze, a knowing or arrogant shake of the head, etc.

Attack on Vishuddha

An attack on Vishuddha includes various methods of information pressure, designed, first of all, to deprive a person of the possibility of consistent logical thinking. The following methods of attack on Vishuddha can be distinguished:

- the use of special terms that are obviously unknown or not completely understandable to the interlocutor.

- an abundant speech flow, complex logical constructions that are pronounced faster than the listener is able to critically rethink them.

Implicit assumptions, using linguistic means: “You, of course, know that...”, i.e. any knowledge is imposed on the partner as a matter of course. Statements constructed in this way make it almost impossible for the interlocutor to admit that he does not have this or that information;

— Sentences asked in interrogative form, with the content of the answer: “Is it worth thinking, you need to survive.”

— generalizations: “All women are bitches,” “A man must be patient.” High degree generalizations do not make it possible to critically comprehend them.

An interesting, although more sophisticated, method of attacking Vishuddha is to present two contradictory messages at the same time. For example, a contradiction between the content of a message and its emotional content, between the meaning of the message and the situation: “I don’t want to distract you, but...” It is also possible for a message to contain two contradictory meanings, but this requires special skill from the attacker. This method can be illustrated by the following example: in the presence of colleagues, A begins to say something not very flattering to B about his qualifications, but then, as if having come to his senses, he stops: “Sorry, this is not in front of everyone...” Another example: the instructor begins to tell something... something interesting and suddenly stops with the words “Actually, it’s too early for you...” In both cases, the interest of others in the information presented will cause a significant return of Vishuddhi energy to the provocateur.

Attack on anahata

There must have been a time in your life when you were embarrassed by a compliment. If so, you have been hit by an anahate attack. Despite the seeming absurdity of this fact, only a very small percentage of people are able to accept sincere compliments (as well as give them) without a shadow of embarrassment.

Another option for influencing through anahata is pity. For example: “Look what you have done,” “What life has brought you to.” As a result of such an attack, a feeling of pity or guilt arises, appearing in the region of the heart and representing a release of anahate energy.

A non-verbal form of attack on anahata is the expression of one’s love with a look, a gesture, as well as sobbing and crying addressed to the attacked person.

A reasonable question may arise: how, exactly, does an offensive attack differ from a sincere expression of love? Nothing in principle. Sincere love naturally destroys a person who is not ready to accept it

Attack on Manipura

An attack in Manipura is actually an attack in the generally accepted sense, the purpose of which is to intimidate a person, break his will, and achieve a soft belly. An attack in Manipur can be a simple insult: “You’re an asshole,” a threat: “I’ll do this to you now,” an order: “Come on, come here.”

Another form of attack on the manipur is the actualization of his debts.

Nonverbal forms of influence can be expressed in aggressive clenching of a fist, playing with a weapon, chewing during a conversation, etc.

An interesting variant of attack on manipura is holding in the field. If at any time during a conversation you felt that you no longer wanted to communicate, and something was preventing you from leaving, it was inconvenient, then you were a victim of such an attack. Of course, over time, a person who finds himself in such a situation will be able to stop communicating, but he will take with him some feeling of guilt, which at the energetic level represents a breakdown in manipura

Attack on svadhisthana and muladhara.

The essence of the approach to svadhisthana and muladhara is to discuss the sexual life of the interlocutor, and to use in communication terms that imply the natural needs of the body, as well as references to individual organs and parts of the interlocutor’s body. In our society, where, due to traditions inherited from Christian morality, the taboo has not been lifted from sexuality, this type of attack can be very effective. Such attacks also include vulgar jokes or anecdotes, indecent gestures, etc.

Impact supported by egregoric force

An attack on any chakra is significantly enhanced if the attacker uses not only his own energy, but also the energy of any egregor. This occurs when the attacker has the appropriate connections.

There are several types of such “connections” and, accordingly, energy sources that are used in the attack:

— status: age, position, rank in some system, for example, “As your boss, I must tell you...”;
- generic;
- representative, associated with reliance on concrete or abstract third parties, for example: “I am from Pyotr Petrovich”, “On behalf of the team, allow me...”, “People see what you did to me”;
- traditional nationalist reliance on generally accepted norms: morality, traditions, generally accepted opinions. For example, compare the phrases: “Man should not strive for wealth” and “The Bible says that man should not strive for wealth”;
- ritual: based on accepted symbols of dominance, for example, the attacker occupies a psychologically more advantageous position (on a hill, to the right of the attacked, at the table, etc.).

Analyzing the above examples, it is easy to notice that egregor connections can be used to enhance the attack at the level of any of the chakras.


One of the types of psychological aggression is manipulation, which is the conscious or unconscious use of special psychological techniques for the purpose of controlling a person to obtain some benefit. Thanks to the dissemination of psychological knowledge, its widespread implementation in various areas human activity, primarily in advertising and management, this form of psychological aggression is becoming increasingly common.

IV Methods of protection.

Just as every person unconsciously knows methods of psychological attack, most people also know methods of psychological defense. Nevertheless, conscious mastery of these methods is very useful, since it allows you to expand the range of psychological attacks that can be repelled.

Methods of psychological defense can be reduced to three basic techniques, which differ in the type of energy work.

1. Stay at a certain distance from the aggressor, i.e. keep your distance. At the moment of the attack, the victim tries to withdraw into himself, into his own affairs, and distract himself from the situation. It is this method that the husband unconsciously uses, who, in response to his wife’s reproaches, sticks his nose into the newspaper or TV.

As an energetic protection, the method of keeping distance is recommended by most manuals on extrasensory perception and magic. At the energy level, this looks like an attempt to surround oneself with a protective layer, wall, energy vortex, etc., thereby not allowing the energy of the aggressor into oneself.

Main disadvantage this method is that any defense built in this way lasts as long as the energy of the attacked is enough for it; in addition, being passive, this defense allows the aggressor to regroup forces and find a more advanced method of attack.

The myth that the aggressor's energy will be reflected from the wall and returned to the attacker is rarely realized in reality.

2. Counterattack. Energetically, a counterattack is a counterattack to the attacker’s energy flow, a burst of energy flow, usually from the chakra of the same name. A counterattack usually develops into an ordinary scandal and butting. For example, “butting” like ajna-ajna: “I believe that...”, “You are wrong because...”, “No, there is a mistake in your arguments...”, etc. A scandal built according to the manipura-manipura scheme: “You’re an asshole!” - “No, you’re an asshole!”

As a result of this kind of interaction, the energy reserve of both warring parties decreases and the one whose energy reserve of the active chakra runs out breaks through. Manipur conflicts with some degree of probability escalate into an ordinary fight.

3. Method of psychological depreciation. At the moment of psychological aggression, the attacker is deprived of energetic integrity, since he is forced to switch the energy reserve from other chakras to the one from which the flow is released.

The essence of the method of psychological depreciation is to respond to the aggressor at the chakra that is most weakened due to the attack, thereby destroying the energetic integrity of his attack.

Signs of successful psychological depreciation are:

— interruption of the energy flow on the part of the attacker, a violation of his psychological integrity, which can be expressed in a slight “stupor”;

- eliminating the psychological discomfort of the attacked person.

Let us note that with successful psychological amortization, the attacked person does not experience feelings of resentment or irritation. Otherwise, this is not depreciation, but an ordinary scandal.

Like an attack, depreciation, relying on various egregors, can be enhanced.

The method of psychological depreciation was formulated in the works of the school’s followers transactional analysis as a way out of the psychological game (E. Bern), based on answers, based on answers built according to the type: “Adult” - “Adult” (T. Harris). In Russian literature, the method of psychological depreciation as a form of protection against manipur attacks was first described in the works of Litvak.


Damping the attack on ajna

As a rule, in people with strong ajna, anahata and svadhisthana or manipura are weakened. Therefore, the response at these chakras leads to the destruction of the attack.

There are also some special techniques for absorbing an attack on ajna. One of these techniques is mediation. The technique of mediation is to separate a person and his concept, i.e. at the energetic level, separate the thought form from the chakra that feeds it.

For example:

Attack: Man is a social being!
Depreciation: So, you adhere to the concept that man is a social being.

At first glance, the two phrases do not differ much from each other in meaning, but the first of them is a rigid formulation that claims to be true and encourages you to a certain form of behavior, and the other is just an abstract concept that a certain person adheres to.

Mediation can be carried out several times in a row, and each subsequent one significantly reduces the significance of what was said.

For example: “Man is a social being. There are a certain number of people who adhere to this concept, and, as far as I can see, you are one of them.” The answer contains three mediations.

Mediation can be strengthened by interrogative formulation: “How long have you been following this concept?” This method causes the attacking ajna energies to be forced back to answer the reflexive question.

With the help of mediation, you can absorb attacks from other chakras, for example, anahata: You feel resentment towards me (love, hatred). Such a formulation separates a person and the thought form of his feelings. An option with two mediations is possible: It seems to me that you have feelings for me.

Damping an attack on Vishuddha

The most likely thing when hitting Vishuddha is a weakening of svadhisthana and anahata. This is why lecturers go wild when they see students chirping happily or hugging in the back desks.

Using this feature, it is easy to interrupt the flow of speech that is boring you, focusing on something that gives you pleasure. This could be sipping coffee, savoring a cigarette, etc. An excellent means of cushioning such attacks are flat jokes, especially vulgar jokes and other ways of fooling around.

It is also possible to absorb such attacks on ajna, for example: “What exactly did you mean when you said transpersonal?” As a rule, the inclusion of ajna reduces the flow of energy from Vishuddhi.

The last technique can be especially effective in repelling attacks associated with a generalization: “All men are bastards” - “Who exactly do you mean?”

Attack absorption on manipura

At the moment of impact on the manipura, the attacker’s ajna, anahata or svadhisthana weakens. The well-known method of depreciation proposed by the Rostov psychotherapist Litvak is based on the anahat damping of manipura attacks. The principle of this method is illustrated by the following example: “You’re a goat” - “Yes, I’m a goat” (with a joyful smile and a sincerely good attitude towards the aggressor). Such behavior usually shocks the attacker and deprives him of the opportunity to develop an attack. At the same time, during the practical development of this the most effective technology Usually there are two misunderstandings that negate the effect of shock absorption. Firstly, with your answer you do not admit yourself to be guilty, but express your joyful attitude towards life and all its manifestations. To recognize oneself as a goat means to let the negative energies of the attacker into one’s field. Secondly, the answer must be precisely in anahata. By uttering the desired phrase, gritting your teeth, with difficulty extinguishing your hatred for the person who attacked you: “Enough, you know who I am...”, you will not achieve a positive effect. If you are an inhumane person and want to finally get at the aggressor, you can say: “Yes, I’m an asshole, but besides that, I’m a scoundrel, a scoundrel, a bastard, etc. and I can prove it...”, “I’m glad you paid attention to this...”, and so on, combining with this a sincerely good attitude towards the interlocutor.

Depreciation on ajna is built approximately as follows:

- You're an asshole.
-Please explain why.

Options: “How did you know?”, “What exactly in my behavior makes you think so?”

Note that in these examples it is easy to see another important feature of successful depreciation: if a person really has specific complaints against you, you give him the opportunity to express them (and for yourself to listen).

Cushioning of manipura impact on svadhisthana

Of course, shock absorption on svadhisthana is primarily aimed at suppressing an attack from a member of the opposite sex, for example:

- You're an asshole.
-You are so erotically angry.

However, more complex options are also possible. One of them is the Rzhevsky method, which consists of using elements of vulgarity in speech, exactly in such quantity as to keep the interlocutor in a slightly embarrassed state:

— What languages ​​do you speak?
— Russian, Ukrainian and French.

An important element in absorbing manipur attacks is the ability to stop an action of your interlocutor that you do not like. A reliable method for achieving this result is the following: in a humorous or other acceptable manner, order the person to perform this action. Even if he doesn't stop, his ardor will noticeably fade. For example: “I’m going to make some comments to you...” - “Say it!” (in a cheerful voice, full of readiness, and with a joyful smile).

Nonverbal cushioning

As has been repeatedly noted, the most important element of shock absorption is not words, but the accompanying energy message that destroys the attacker’s energy circuit. It follows from this that with a sufficiently developed ability to remove energy, depreciation can be carried out without words at all, due to the non-verbal component or directly at the energy level.

Nonverbal cushioning can be used to repel verbal attacks, but besides this, it is absolutely indispensable when repelling attacks carried out at the nonverbal level. In addition to those already described, we list some common types of nonverbal attacks:

1. A friendly but painful pat on the shoulder;
2. Adjusting the collar, other parts of clothing, removing dust particles;
3. Active gestures in your field at the level of one of the chakras;
4. Comic boxing;
5. The constant desire of the interlocutor to get closer, to enter your intimate zone deeper than you allow.

Please note that non-verbal attacks can be divided into two categories: attacks associated with penetration into the interlocutor’s field, and without it. Since the first type is more dangerous, let us first focus on their depreciation.

General principle depreciation of non-verbal aggression is similar to what we have already discussed: it is carried out through a reciprocal gesture at the level of the aggressor’s chakra, weakened by the attack. For example, in response to a friendly pat on the shoulder, you can begin to hug your interlocutor, thus pinning his hands. The person adjusting his collar can start adjusting the button at the level of his stomach in response. If a person tries to pat you on the head, sit down casually (for example, to tie a shoelace), and if he misses, he will experience significant discomfort.

In order for shock absorption to be more effective, it is necessary that the depth of penetration of your gestures into the attacker’s field corresponds to the depth of penetration of his gestures into yours. It is also important that the beginnings of the shock-absorbing and attacking gestures are as close as possible. Of course, your gestures must comply with the norms accepted in the corresponding subculture.

Actions should be as unexpected as possible for the attacker, and if possible even diametrically contradict his expectations. If your partner tries to enter your field, do not run away, but start moving towards him. A ragged rhythm and a sharp transition when communicating from chakra to chakra help to unbalance the attacker. For example, if you find yourself in a situation of being held by a field, on anahata or svadhisthana, begin to slowly approach the person holding, entering, if possible, his intimate zone, and then unexpectedly leave his field.

A glance and a smile are also elements of non-verbal amortization, and very significant ones. Views are modulated by energy saturation and differ in direction. The ability to remove energy through the eyes indicates enough high level chakra development As for a smile, it has never hurt anyone.

To conclude our discussion of depreciation techniques, let us note one more point. Successfully carried out depreciation does not yet provide you with complete psychological safety during the entire communication process. Having come to his senses, the aggressor can try his hand again, perhaps in a more sophisticated way. Be prepared for both this and new depreciation. Gradually, you will begin to notice that such a state of internal readiness in itself stops attempts to attack, and, on the contrary, its loss, the desire to hide, uncertainty, and resentment attract them.

Some special cases

Protection from sellers, traveling salesmen, representatives of multi-level structures and non-religious organizations

As mentioned earlier, there is a whole class of psychological attacks, the purpose of which is to obtain benefits, for example, selling something, getting involved in a certain organization, or inducing one to a certain type of activity. Recently, these goals are increasingly being achieved using methods of psychological manipulation, and sometimes even techniques of partial zombification, so the question of the most effective protection of one’s integrity from this kind of attack becomes relevant. Given the complexity of the issue, we will not touch here on the philosophical, economic and deep psychological aspects of the existence of the described organizations, but will consider only some applied techniques. For simplicity, a representative of any of these organizations will be referred to hereinafter as an “agent.”

So, when confronted with an agent, you need to be prepared for the following troubles:

1. Agents, as a rule, undergo special training, which includes the skills to properly start a conversation, interest the interlocutor, as well as ways to continue the conversation if you try to end it.

2. The agent may be your relative or close friend. Many of the multi-level and religious structures direct their agents to work with close people.

3. As a rule, the conversation style of agents is oppressive and aggressive. There is even a special term “drive” that expresses the corresponding manner. The driving style of communication is not inherent in Slavic culture, and often a person is simply not ready for it.

Depreciation of agents can be based on one of the following schemes:

- separation of speech and meaning: “You can continue to talk, I will listen to you with pleasure, but what you offer me does not interest me at all”

- separation of the agent and the company: “All this is very interesting, but I would like to know how you live, how your personal life goes outside the company”

— setting your own accents: if an agent offers you a way to earn a lot, ask him: “How much exactly did you earn and spend on yourself this month?”

— imposing your own rules of the game: “I’m ready to try to work with you, but on the following conditions”

Ethical Considerations of Depreciation

The reader may be interested in the question of how ethical is the use of psychological shock absorption methods? Indeed, most of them lie beyond etiquette. However, any psychological attack also lies beyond its limits! Moreover, classical etiquette is precisely a system of norms designed to protect people from the possibility of psychological attacks from each other. However, in modern society There are almost no subcultures left whose norms would correspond to classical etiquette. Therefore, the use of depreciation is the only way to maintain integrity in such subcultures. If the norms of communication leave a loophole for attack, they leave one for cushioning.


Biblical and literary.

1 Jesus went up to the Mount of Olives.
2 And in the morning he came again to the temple, and all the people came to him. He sat down and taught them.
3 Then the scribes and the Pharisee brought to him a woman taken in adultery, and placing her in the midst,
4 they said to him: Teacher! This woman was taken in adultery;
5 But Moses commanded us in the law to stone such people: What do you say?
6 But they said this to tempt Him, that they might find something to accuse Him of. But Jesus, bending low, wrote with his finger on the ground, not paying attention to them.

- Break the will of the victim, disorientate;.
- Disables the ability to think logically;
- Bringing the victim into an emotionally unbalanced state, in which it is easy to achieve the actions necessary for the manipulator.
Impact characteristics:
- Suddenness and unexpectedness;
- Speed ​​and pressure;
- Flexibility and variability.
As an example, we can cite a frequently encountered method in which.
Telephone scammers use: “a call on a mobile phone, - mom, dad, dear! - Depending on who answered the phone, - I knocked down the person. To get out, I urgently need money, I’ll now hand the phone to the captain, (major, lieutenant colonel or police inspector), he will tell you what needs to be done. Even if the person who is called does not recognize the voice of a relative, scammers can refer to a bad connection or a stressful situation, which is why the voice is so trembling and not similar. A person under stress may not track that this voice is not his relative.And, if everything coincides, and you really have a son, and he could get into a similar situation, it may work.
This method is designed for coincidence and surprise. And then a stern, official voice appears on the phone: “Good afternoon, I am captain so-and-so. There is an opportunity to settle this unpleasant matter, the price of the issue is two (three, five) thousand dollars. I’m waiting for you with the money in two hours in such- The phone is quickly put down without giving the victim time to come to his senses.
And many people fall for this and go to the meeting in order to save their own.
Relatives. And in the evening your son or daughter comes home calmly and is very, very surprised. + The next method is provocation. In this case, the attacker tries to anger the interlocutor, to piss him off. To do this, he uses insults, ridicule, and indecent hints in order to arouse anger, bewilderment, resentment, and rage in the victim and thereby achieve his selfish goals.
Let's give an example: a schoolchild does not develop a relationship with a teacher in any subject, and this subject is important for him to enter college.
But the teacher in no way wants to give him positive marks, and the student begins to annoy the teacher in every possible way with ridicule, offensive statements, insults, and at one fine moment the teacher cannot stand it. And the next day, in the director’s office, the student’s mother, the teacher, the director meet, and the director’s efforts to somehow extinguish this conflict lead to nothing. And as a result, the principled teacher no longer works at this school. This is how it can be used this technique.
+ There is another option - the effect of psychological shock.
The attacker presents the victim with shocking information or demonstrates shocking behavior.
While the victim is in a state of stupor, the attacker performs the necessary actions and achieves the reactions that he needs from the victim. An example in this situation is the process played out in many films or advertisements.
An attractive young woman unexpectedly exposes her breasts to a man. This could be a security guard, a hotel administrator, a drinks seller, etc. As a result of the sensation created, she gets what she wants for free - either she goes to the club, or receives the keys to the room, or purchases a second can of a refreshing drink.
+ Another option is blackmail. If the victim does not want to perform the actions that the attacker wants from her, he tries to intimidate her. For example, this could be at work: “If you don’t complete the work on time, I will deprive you of your bonus,” and other similar options, I think there is no point in dwelling on them, everyone knows this very well.
Peremptory. The essence of the technique is to achieve your goal with impudence and pressure, without giving those around you the opportunity to come to their senses and doubt the justice of the words or actions of the attacker.
We often see this in line at the clinic, social services, or others.
Unpleasant establishments. When a person comes up and says, “I’ll just be a second, I just have to ask!” - And he breaks into the office without a queue.
Now let's talk about protection from these methods of manipulation. The first one is distancing.
The task is to increase the physical and psychological distance, stop contact with the aggressor, and try to get out of the field of his influence.
Leaving can be expressed in changing the topic of conversation to a safer one.
Convenient for you. Interruption of contact under a plausible pretext, the desire to avoid meeting the attacker, leading to formal communication - hello - goodbye.
Grotesque enhancement.
The point is to, in response to the attacker’s accusation and insult, intensify the offensive words he utters to the point of unrealism.
States, that is, to bring them to a state of absurdity and devalue them, transform them into the role of a joke. For example:
- You are an evil, heartless person!
- You can’t even imagine how much, I’m just a beast! They scare children with me. I’ll tell you a secret, a good half of the unsolved murders are on my conscience.
The described method is applicable, attention, only in communication with those people whose...
You don't value relationships.
Echo reception. This technique consists of repeating the words of the attacker:
- You are irresponsible in your responsibilities.
- Am I irresponsible in my duties?
- You never submit documents on time.
- I don’t turn it in on time?
- Your colleagues are complaining about you.
- Are they complaining?
- You repeat my words all the time.
- I repeat? And the attacker becomes irritated, nervous and loses his advantage in position. And, in the end, he decides that your head is not quite right and lags behind.

How to repel psychological attacks. Psychological attacks in our lives

How to resist a psychological attack. Negative influence

However, it is worth noting that you will feel such an unfavorable effect only if the negative energy has a clear direction, that is, the person concentrates specifically on you.

If aggression is released (not physically), you feel an energetic attack, you begin to feel bad, weakness appears, and the number of unpleasant events in life increases.

It would not be out of place to say that a psychological attack is not always intentional - a person can unconsciously organize it.

This happens when a person has experienced very strong negative emotions and, to some extent, was interfered with. For example, a person was striving for his goal, he really wanted to do or get something, and you accidentally distracted him or interfered with him. It could also be that you reminded the person of someone they can't stand.

But there are also deliberate energy attacks. This happens when a person deliberately wishes you harm and even wants to throw out negative energy on you himself or with the help of third parties.

Psychological attack of the Second World War.

The impact on the human subconscious consists of interconnected, sequential methods, excluding one of which, you may not achieve the result.

Methods of influence:

  1. Pressure;
  2. Attack;
  3. Programming;
  4. Manipulation.

During communicative interaction, these methods follow one after another, rarely violating the established order. After all, you cannot begin manipulation without preparing the ground with psychological pressure or attack.

Psychological attack is one of the methods of psychological influence, the main goal of which is to weaken a person’s vigilance so much as to make him pliable to someone else’s will. This is the so-called springboard for successful manipulation. Many people mistakenly believe that the main purpose of a psychological attack is to use force and suppression to break a person’s will and force him to obey. But everything is much more complicated, this is just one type of psychological attack, which is called force, and is not the most popular and effective.

  • There are other types of attacks, they are aimed at different levels subconscious and influence various psycho-complexes (“weak points” of a person). If a forceful attack is mainly aimed at such a psychocomplex as fear, then a logical and value-based attack is aimed at self-doubt and low self-esteem. Emotional for sensuality, pity, guilt, and sexual for masculinity or femininity, depending on the gender of the interlocutor.
  • The logical type of attack is often used during discussions or negotiations, in cases where it is necessary to confuse the interlocutor, break his logical chain, make him doubt himself and his arguments, and cause a feeling of insecurity. If the attack is successful, then the interlocutor is completely demoralized and ready to agree with all the arguments of his opponent. Speech during an attack should be assertive, fast, loaded with terms and complex structures; NLP is often used. For example, an attacker says to his interlocutor: “You clever man, and you can’t disagree with me!” Firstly, the “not” particle is skipped by our subconscious, and our brain understands the phrase as follows: “You are an intelligent person, and you can agree with me.” Secondly, this phrase can confuse your opponent; he must either understand and agree, or admit that he is a fool.
  • The next type of psychological attack is value-based. It is aimed at instilling an idea in one person or group of people. Television advertising is a very clear example. Politicians also use value-based psychological attacks during their speeches. They affect such psychocomplexes as vanity and greed. Often, in order to achieve some goal, the attacker offers to make a bet, a deal, because of the desire to receive an imaginary benefit in the future, the person becomes controlled.
  • The next type of psychological attack is emotional. It works well when communicating with a person who has strong psychocomplexes: pity, guilt, modesty, self-doubt. If you make a person feel both pity and guilt, you can do whatever you want with him; these are such strong feelings that reinforce each other when paired. Naturally, no one will use this type of attack during business negotiations, but it is good in communicating with ordinary people.
  • A sexual psychological attack is considered a subtype of emotional, although it affects other psychocomplexes: masculinity or femininity. It works like this: they give you a slightly ambiguous compliment or hint. The result is a distraction of attention, a release of tension. And now you are no longer so focused, perhaps confused, and have forgotten half of what you wanted.

The main goal of any type of psychological attack is for the interlocutor to lose vigilance, relax and open his subconscious to the following methods of psychological influence (programming or manipulation).

Psychological attacks on humans. Psychological attacks in our lives

Have you ever had a time in your life when, after being with someone, your condition worsened: your mood deteriorated, internal dissatisfaction appeared, and your strength weakened? If the answer to this question is yes, you can be sure that you have become a victim of a psychological attack.

Have you ever suppressed other people, subjugated them to your will, forced them to do something unpleasant? If so, you yourself used psychological attack techniques.

What is a psychological attack, what are its methods and causes, and how to protect yourself from it?

A psychological attack is any action or statement as a result of which a person is deprived of his inner psychological.

In order to successfully defend against such an attack, you need to recognize that it is happening. A psychological attack, unlike a physical one, is not always immediately visible. Often it is hidden under the guise of a business or friendly conversation, benevolent instruction, philosophical discussion of a problem, family advice, etc.

One of the available methods that allows you to realize the fact of a psychological attack is to track discomfort states that arise during communication.

The appearance of such states in the process of communication is perfectly described by I. Ilf and E. Petrov in an episode telling how a great strategist took control of the former leader of the nobility. Let us list these states and illustrate them with examples from the indicated episode.

  • The appearance of a feeling of psychological discomfort during communication: nervousness, excitement, panic, unpleasant sensations in the body.

Ippolit Matveyevich had never dealt with such a temperamental young man as Bender, and he felt bad.

“Well, you know, I’ll go,” he said.

Where will you go? There is no hurry for you. The GPU will come to you on its own.

  • Manifestation of certain behavioral stereotypes and imposed roles.

Ippolit Matveyevich...didn’t dare to leave. He felt very timid at the thought that the unknown young man would spread all over the city that the former leader had arrived. Then it’s all over, and maybe they’ll go to jail.

“You still don’t tell anyone that you saw me,” said Ippolit Matveevich pleadingly, “they might actually think that I’m an emigrant.”

  • Imbalance in the distribution of responsibility. It occurs when a person, during communication, suddenly notices that he “should” do something, without knowing where this obligation came from.

Ippolit Matveyevich, driven to despair... resigned.

Okay,” he said, “I’ll explain everything to you.”

“After all, it’s difficult without an assistant,” thought Ippolit Matveyevich, “and he seems to be a big swindler. This one might be useful."

Psychological attack on a person. Psychological attacks in our lives

Have you ever had a time in your life when, after being with someone, your condition worsened: your mood deteriorated, internal dissatisfaction appeared, and your strength weakened? If the answer to this question is yes, you can be sure that you have become a victim of a psychological attack.

Have you ever suppressed other people, subjugated them to your will, forced them to do something unpleasant? If so, you yourself used psychological attack techniques.

What is a psychological attack, what are its methods and causes, and how to protect yourself from it?

A psychological attack is any action or statement as a result of which a person is deprived of his inner psychological.

In order to successfully defend against such an attack, you need to recognize that it is happening. A psychological attack, unlike a physical one, is not always immediately visible. Often it is hidden under the guise of a business or friendly conversation, benevolent instruction, philosophical discussion of a problem, family advice, etc.

One of the available methods that allows you to realize the fact of a psychological attack is to track discomfort states that arise during communication.

The appearance of such states in the process of communication is perfectly described by I. Ilf and E. Petrov in an episode telling how a great strategist took control of the former leader of the nobility. Let us list these states and illustrate them with examples from the indicated episode.

  • The appearance of a feeling of psychological discomfort during communication: nervousness, excitement, panic, unpleasant sensations in the body.

Ippolit Matveyevich had never dealt with such a temperamental young man as Bender, and he felt bad.

“Well, you know, I’ll go,” he said.

Where will you go? There is no hurry for you. The GPU will come to you on its own.

  • Manifestation of certain behavioral stereotypes and imposed roles.

Ippolit Matveyevich...didn’t dare to leave. He felt very timid at the thought that the unknown young man would spread all over the city that the former leader had arrived. Then it’s all over, and maybe they’ll go to jail.

“You still don’t tell anyone that you saw me,” said Ippolit Matveevich pleadingly, “they might actually think that I’m an emigrant.”

  • Imbalance in the distribution of responsibility. It occurs when a person, during communication, suddenly notices that he “should” do something, without knowing where this obligation came from.

Ippolit Matveyevich, driven to despair... resigned.

Okay,” he said, “I’ll explain everything to you.”

“After all, it’s difficult without an assistant,” thought Ippolit Matveyevich, “and he seems to be a big swindler. This one might be useful."

Psychological attack symptoms. How does a panic attack manifest?

Probably every person has experienced an acute, sudden feeling of unreasonable anxiety at least once. Such panic disorders are usually accompanied by a sudden onset of palpitations, a feeling of lightheadedness and trembling in the knees. Such a reaction is normal if a person really reacts to a threat or danger. But if such a condition is observed regularly, then we are talking about a psychoneurological disorder called a panic attack. This pathological condition manifests itself without cause and covers a person in completely different life situations. This can happen in transport or in other places with a large number of people, as well as in confined spaces. Initially, it seems that there are no reasons for such a reaction. According to modern psychologists, panic attacks are observed in approximately 5% of people who live in big cities.

Video Psychological attack. How to defend yourself in a team?

Panic attack symptoms, causes and treatment at home. Where it all begins

All anxiety attacks and disorders begin with one thought.

How one thought makes your whole body react and panic:

  1. The thought you hold in your head, whatever it may be during PA, causes your body to react in such a way as if you are now deciding a matter of life and death.
  2. Then your body is flooded with these chemicals that cause us to have one of 2 reactions: either fight or flight.
  3. And in such circumstances, when fear comes in response to thoughts that cannot in any way be connected and relevant to reality, your body is flooded with a chemical called adrenaline.
  4. It would be normal for this chemical to be released if you were running away from a bear chasing you in the forest.
    And this would be normal in cases that really threaten your life.
  5. However, when you have this fear of attack, often too much adrenaline is released in the body.
    Your body irrationally perceives a threat to your physical well-being.
  6. These emotions that are supposedly “relevant” to the circumstances cause you to go crazy and lose control.
  7. Thus, your body goes into such a strong level of fear that it makes you even weaker.
  8. In most cases, you will be afraid of having other panic attacks because your first experience was so intense and terrifying.
  9. These attacks become something that overwhelms your life and the person begins to limit himself socially.
  10. Resistance and fear of having another panic attack causes new fear.
    In this way, we develop our panic disorders and only intensify our fears.

Panic attack symptoms. Symptoms of a panic attack

Panic attack is an acute attack of anxiety that occurs in combination with uncontrollable fear and various somatic abnormalities resulting from disturbances in normal functioning. nervous system. The peculiarity of this disease is the inexplicability of its causes. Every person has probably experienced an acute attack of anxiety that appears completely suddenly. Such somatic disorders are accompanied by increased heart rate, gagging and trembling in the legs.

Such a reaction to a stressful situation is more the norm than the exception for a person who is in danger or feels his life is threatened. If signs of a panic attack occur with enviable regularity, then the appearance of serious mental disorders is likely. This condition appears for no reason and overtakes a person in the most unexpected places. An attack can begin on public transport or in places with large crowds of people; panic may occur in a confined space. A person gets the feeling that there is simply no reason for such a reaction, but according to doctors, about 5% of people living in megacities suffer from attacks.

It should be noted the characteristic symptoms that accompany a person when anxiety states appear:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • severe headaches;
  • increasing the functioning of the sweat glands;
  • dry mouth;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • chills;
  • increased heart rate;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • weakness;
  • feeling of loss of control;
  • a feeling of unreality of what is happening around;
  • feeling of doom;
  • fear of death.

The disease can occur due to some characteristic factors:

  • Heredity. If your relatives are susceptible to uncontrollable attacks of fear, then there is a high probability of similar phenomena occurring in you.
  • Thyroid diseases. Disturbances in hormonal regulation can cause symptoms that are very characteristic of anxiety attacks.
  • Stress. Scandals in the family, problems at work or the loss of a close relative lead to the emergence of irrational fears.
  • Low self-esteem. Panic attacks are recorded more often in suspicious people who attach great importance to the opinions of others. Such people are afraid of appearing ridiculous, fainting, or peeing in public.
  • Sleep disturbances. As a result of constant lack of sleep, the human nervous system becomes so exhausted that it begins to work with some malfunctions and gives incorrect commands to the body. It is necessary to sleep at least 8 hours a day, preferably at night.
  • Alcohol. After a fun evening drinking alcoholic beverages, the next morning you may feel a sense of dread. It occurs along with severe asthenic syndrome. Therefore, it is not enough to know how to get rid of panic attacks without outside help. It is necessary to seek qualified medical help. To stop the attacks, you should stop drinking alcohol.
  • Taking medications without a doctor's prescription. The use of medications leads to exhaustion of the nervous system and regular disruptions in its functioning. Mental disorders often occur as a result of excessive consumption of energy drinks or drinks containing a large dose of caffeine.
  • Phobias. The emergence of phobias occurs with the appearance of a strong feeling of discomfort. To eliminate them, the help of a qualified psychologist is required.

These conditions are pronounced phobias, fears and anxieties in combination with somatic (bodily) symptoms (excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat, digestive disorders, etc.).

In psychiatry, panic attacks are classified as neurotic disorders that have a wave-like course.

The disorders occur in the form of unexpected attacks (attacks), between them the patients feel well, nothing bothers them and they lead their usual way of life. The prevalence of this phenomenon today reaches 10% among the population. Symptoms and treatment of panic neurosis have their own characteristics, which are within the competence of psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists. After a comprehensive examination, specialists develop treatment tactics and effective methods for relieving an attack. Great importance has explanatory work of doctors with patients, with the obligatory identification of the root cause of their poor health, which is hidden in the depths of the psyche, and not in physical ailment (it is a consequence of psycho-emotional problems). It is the work with the experiences of patients, their inner mood, worldview and stereotypes that shapes therapeutic measures and helps determine ways to get rid of panic attacks on your own, forget about neurosis forever and maintain harmony in the soul.