What is an electronic textbook? Methodology for creating electronic textbooks. Development of the textbook structure

For the modern information society in the conditions of modernization of education, targeted training of a modern competitive specialist is necessary. IN educational process In secondary vocational schools, it is most advisable to use various forms of information and communication technologies for deep and comprehensive learning of students.

One of the directions of this teacher’s work currently is the creation of electronic teaching aids by disciplines, courses and, in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, modules. This is due to low security technical specialties secondary vocational educational institutions with special literature that would take into account the latest changes and achievements in production.

Despite the fact that the term electronic textbook is becoming increasingly widespread, different authors attach significantly different meanings to it. Let's try to formulate the concept.

An electronic textbook is an educational electronic publication created at a high scientific, methodological and technical level, partially replacing or supplementing a regular textbook. The content of the electronic textbook must comply with the requirements and content of the program of the educational discipline approved in accordance with the rules established in educational institution ok.

It is necessary to clearly define features electronic textbook from its printed counterpart. They are as follows:

1. Each printed textbook (on paper) is designed for a certain level of student preparation and assumes the final level of training. Electronic manual on a specific academic subject may contain material of several levels of complexity. Moreover, it will all be placed on one laser CD, contain illustrations and animations for the text, and multivariate tasks for testing knowledge interactively for each level.

2. The clarity in an electronic textbook is much higher than in a printed one. This advantage is achieved through multimedia technologies: animation, sound, hyperlinks, videos, etc. In the electronic textbook it is possible to present physical processes in dynamics, visual representation of objects that are inaccessible for direct observation, as well as computer modeling of processes and objects that require unique or expensive equipment and materials for their study.

3. The electronic manual provides a variety of verification tasks and tests. It allows you to give all assignments and tests in an interactive and educational mode. For example, if an answer is incorrect, you can give the correct answer with explanations and comments.

4. In the electronic manual, it is possible to organize contextual clues, which allows, for example, to organize independent work for students (in a printed version, in a similar situation, one would have to look for the necessary clue from the Internet, books, go to the library for reference books, etc.).

5. Using hypertext links that allow you to instantly find necessary concept, in a matter of seconds “turn through” many pages of the text being studied.

6. Electronic textbooks are open systems in structure. They can be supplemented, adjusted, modified during operation, which is especially important for a creative teacher.

7. To ensure versatility when used and depending on the purposes of development, electronic teaching aids may have a different structure. For example, for use in lessons, you can create an electronic manual that supports the program for a specific subject and present educational material according to the available thematic planning. You can develop an electronic textbook without reference to thematic planning, but simply by following curriculum at a specific rate. You can create manuals based on the principle of vertical study of educational material.

Sections: Economy

A person’s competitiveness in the labor market largely depends on his ability to master new technologies and adapt to changing working conditions. In a situation of dynamic socio-economic development of the country, an analysis of community requests, student requests and the existing state order allows us to identify the need for new educational results.

Modern society, according to many researchers (D. Bell, A. Toffler, V.N. Zinchenko, etc.) is at the stage of transition from an industrial type to an information one.

The issue of human adaptation to life in a highly dynamic society is becoming very relevant in our time. The information society requires information literate people. That is why the informatization of society dictates the need for significant changes in education, since it is the foundation for all areas of human activity. Modern humanity has become involved in a general historical process called informatization.

Informatization of education is the most important condition for the development of a post-industrial society, in which the objects and results of the work of the overwhelming majority of the population are information resources and scientific knowledge. Informatization of education is a very complex and pressing logistical, scientific, methodological, pedagogical, social and organizational problem. Informatization of education is a rather complex process and requires a certain time and phased implementation:

  1. massive development of new information technologies - the creation of computer classes, telecommunications, operational printing, interactive video systems, databases and software through basic training of teachers and students;
  2. active implementation of new means information technologies in traditional academic disciplines, revision of educational content, software development, computer courses; video and audio materials on CDs and DVDs;
  3. radical restructuring of lifelong education, introduction distance learning, shift methodological basis training, replacing verbal learning with audiovisual.

Modern Russian society today is on the verge of a change in educational paradigms. Teachers are already faced with the need to master the latest teaching technologies, such as teleconferencing, e-mail, video books, teaching aids, educational games, etc. on laser discs, video lessons using satellite television, multimedia systems, and much more. It is necessary, and has already begun, to revise the organizational forms of the educational process in the direction of increasing the share of independent, individual and collective work of students, the volume of practical and laboratory work of a search and research nature, and wider provision of extracurricular activities.

The introduction of new information technologies into the educational process leads to a radical change in the functions of the teacher, who, together with the students, increasingly becomes a researcher, programmer, organizer, and consultant.

Use in the educational process electronic means training allows the teacher to achieve the following results:

  1. simplify the process of planning individual student work and reduce preparation time through the use of software;
  2. create a system of tasks for each student, taking into account his individual characteristics, increase the volume of tasks used, significantly reduce the time for their selection and replication;
  3. offer students additional visual and auditory information from multimedia media and the Internet;
  4. when using the online version of the electronic manual in a lesson, it becomes possible to control individual work each child, make adjustments and evaluate his activities. Students can work at a pace that suits their natural abilities and level of preparedness.

Our school has been working for the fourth year on the theme “Education focused on innovation while preserving the best traditions of the school - the path to improving the teacher’s skills and increasing the knowledge of students.” We have accumulated certain experience in introducing new information technologies into the educational process:

  • The teachers of our school are the authors integrated exam computer science - other general education subjects (economics, technology, chemistry, physics, literature, geography, etc.) for 11th grade students in the form of an electronic textbook approved by the City Information and Methodological Center on May 20, 2002. This initiative has become widespread among teachers in the city in various areas.
  • To increase the effectiveness of educational activities, together with student teachers, the school has developed more than 30 electronic manuals on economics, basics of consumer knowledge, technology, chemistry, physics, computer science, literature, geography, etc. Including “The ABC of Consumer Knowledge”, electronic textbooks on economics : “Fundamentals of Marketing”, “Fundamentals of Management”, “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship”, using technology “Secrets of Cooking”, “Fashion from A to Z”, “Professor guidance (to help graduates)”, “Handbook for organic chemistry”, “Periodic table DI. Mendeleev”, “Red Book of the Irkutsk Region” and others, which are actively used in the educational process.
  • A system of integrated lessons has been developed: computer science - other general education subjects. Particularly interesting and memorable are “Virtual tour of Bratsk”, “Afghan experiment”, “Virtual make-up”, “Apartment design”, electronic version of the business game “Price and Demand”, etc.
  • An information technology center has been created and is successfully operating (including: two computer classes, an Internet center and a video lecture hall equipped with satellite television, video, DVD and computer equipment).
  • The school's teachers constantly improve their professional and methodological level through advanced training courses. 43 teachers completed short-term advanced training courses at the school under the guidance of the State Institute of Informatics and Research on the topic: “Mastering and implementation of pedagogical design, search and research activities and experimental work methodology,” 37 teachers and 3 administrators completed courses at the Bratsk State University Teachers College No. 1 on the topic “Information, communication and educational technologies in professional activities.”

Improving the methodological and information culture of teachers has a positive effect on the educational process and allows us to reach a new level of use of new information technologies.

This academic year, a group of teachers began work on the creation and implementation of electronic teaching aids in the educational process, in order to increase the share of independent work by students and test forms of distance learning to improve the quality of education.

To create the manuals, case technology was chosen, which is one of the forms independent work students using electronic learning tools and additional sources of information. When choosing this technology, an approximate set of courses and modules was determined.

As an example, let us consider in more detail electronic educational Toolkit“Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship.” This manual contains a systematic presentation of the main sections of the complex adapted program “Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship”, which consists of five elective courses: “Fundamentals of Economics”, “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship”, “Fundamentals of Management”, “Fundamentals of Marketing” and “Fundamentals of Accounting”.

It is precisely those sections that are outside the scope of the general education school curriculum for students in grades 8-9 and can influence the choice of study profile in grades 10-11.

This electronic manual is designed to help students study the basic issues of economics and entrepreneurship, broaden their general horizons and help form a holistic understanding of the essence of economic activity and its application in the professional field, as well as contribute to the formation of economic thinking and information culture of students.

The educational material of the manual is grouped into five main sections:

  • Comprehensive program of elective courses in economics “Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship”;
  • Guidelines on working with electronic manuals;
  • Elective courses: “Fundamentals of Economics”, “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship”, “Fundamentals of Management”, “Fundamentals of Marketing” and “Fundamentals of Accounting”;
  • Dictionary economic terms;
  • List of used and recommended literature;
  • Information about the authors of the manual.

Each elective course, in turn, is divided into seven main subsections:

  • Thematic course planning;
  • Theoretical basis;
  • Practical Basics;
  • Questions for independent consideration;
  • Tasks for independent completion;
  • Recommended reading and other sources of information for self-study and deepening knowledge on this course.

This electronic manual is intended for a wide range of people interested in issues of economic theory and practice, as well as teachers of technology, economics, social studies and geography. When conducting training sessions as an independent teaching aid, and as additional material.

The advantages of this electronic educational manual are that the information in it is presented non-linearly, and, therefore, you can open content sections in any order. The combination of text, the use of different fonts, highlighting in color, and the presence of graphic images contribute to better assimilation of the material.

Using this manual is quite simple: to do this, you need to select the section you like in the content (the names of the sections are hyperlinks) and click the left mouse button to go to the material of the selected section.

For the convenience of the user, the educational material of the manual is grouped into five main sections, and each elective course, in turn, is divided into seven subsections.

The theoretical sections reveal the content of the main theoretical issues of these courses in an accessible, understandable form using real-life examples, which makes it easier to understand the factual material.

Completing practical assignments helps students better understand theoretical material and contributes to the optimal choice of study profile in high school.

The developed educational and methodological manual is being tested at the school as part of elective courses among 9th grade students. 50% of students who chose elective courses in economics chose this form of independent work. These are those students who successfully master information technology and have a computer at home.

Based on the above, we can do the following: conclusion that the introduction of case technology as a form of independent work for students contributes to:

  • Individualization of the educational process, taking into account the level of preparedness, abilities, individual typological characteristics of mastering the material, interests, employment and needs of students;
  • Stimulating students' desire for constant self-improvement and readiness for independent learning;
  • Strengthening interdisciplinary connections in teaching, comprehensive study of phenomena and events;
  • Increasing flexibility, mobility of the educational process, its constant and dynamic updating.


  • Gozberg G.S. Information technology: a textbook for environments. prof. education/ G.S. Gokhberg, A.V. Zafievsky, A.A. Korotkin. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2004.
  • Zakharova I.G. Information technologies in education: textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook establishments. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2003.
  • Kodzhaspirova G.M., Petrov K.V. Technical teaching aids and methods of their use: textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook establishments. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2001.

    State educational institution of higher education vocational education






    COURSE WORK in the discipline: " Informational resources"


    student of group 45

    Yusupova R.

    Specialty: "Library and information activities"

    Checked by: Associate Professor

    Yakimchuk R.P.


    1.3 Preparation and electronic implementation of material for the manual


    2.1 Bibliographical research in science

    2.2 Information diagnostics





    The second half of the twentieth century was a period of transition to information societies. The avalanche-like growth of information volumes has taken the form of an information explosion in all areas human activity.

    The information explosion has given rise to many problems, the most important of which is the problem of learning. Of particular interest are issues related to the automation of training, since “manual methods” without the use of technical means have long exhausted their capabilities. The most accessible form of automation of learning is the use of computers, that is, the use of computer time for learning and processing the results of a test survey of students' knowledge.

    The emergence of electronic textbooks can be perceived as a qualitatively new stage in the informatization of education. Informatization of domestic education began in 1985 (with the state education reform of 1984), when an extremely important government decision was made to send several thousand of the first Soviet personal computers to the field of education. The initial adaptation stage, when the computer is considered as an object of study, has been replaced by the second, modern stage, characterized by the use of a computer as a teaching tool.

    The creation of computer technologies in education goes hand in hand with the publication of new generation teaching aids that meet the needs of the student’s personality. Educational publications of the new generation are designed to ensure the unity of the educational process and modern, innovative scientific research, i.e. the feasibility of using new information technologies in the educational process and, in particular, various kinds of so-called “electronic textbooks”.

    Development of an active, activity-based principle in learning, disclosure and use creativity of each student are carried out through the formation of cognitive needs by organizing the search for knowledge in the process of studying educational material and the satisfaction of these needs, which can be ensured by the creation of special electronic teaching aids.

    This actualizes the problem of the organization vocational training specialist in the process of studying various educational areas through electronic textbooks in various disciplines, in particular in the discipline "Information and Analytical Technologies"

    The object of this research work is the technology for preparing and implementing an electronic textbook. The subject is a fragment of the manual, built in accordance with the basic principles of developing electronic teaching aids.

    The purpose of the work is to prepare a fragment of an electronic textbook for subsequent inclusion in a common electronic shell.

    The goal we have set involves solving a number of problems:

    1. Define the concept of “electronic textbook”, study its features and principles of construction;

    2. In accordance with the identified principles, select, systematize and express text material in electronic form;

    3. Select visual and reference material and link it to the resulting text using hyperlinks.

    Research consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (21 sources) and appendices. The first chapter discusses the process of preparing and compiling an electronic textbook, the second contains the directly compiled chapters. The appendices include an additional layer of educational material, linked in the implemented manual by hyperlinks to the main text.


    1.1 The concept of an electronic textbook, its distinctive characteristics

    Electronic textbook - software and methodological training complex that corresponds to the standard curriculum and providing the opportunity for the student to master independently or with the help of a teacher training course or its section. This product is created with a built-in structure, dictionaries, search capabilities, etc.

    An electronic textbook can be intended for independent study of educational material in a particular discipline or to support a lecture course for the purpose of in-depth study.

    The simplest electronic textbook can be the lecture notes of the teacher, typed by him (or even by students for the purpose of reproducing a good note in large number copies at minimal cost) and hosted on a student server or other publicly accessible electronic site. However, such a textbook is essentially no different from a synopsis reproduced in print and does not use the specific capabilities of the electronic publication in any way. The main features include:

    1. the ability to build a simple and convenient navigation mechanism within the electronic textbook;

    2. a developed search mechanism within the electronic textbook, in particular, when using the hypertext format of the publication;

    3. the possibility of built-in automated control of the student’s knowledge level;

    4. the possibility of a special option for structuring the material;

    5. the ability to adapt the textbook material being studied to the student’s level of knowledge, which results in a sharp increase in the student’s level of motivation;

    6. the ability to adapt and optimize the user interface to the individual needs of the student.

    Additional features of the electronic textbook compared to the printed one include:

    1. the ability to include special fragments that simulate the flow of many physical and technological processes;

    2. the possibility of including audio files in the textbook, in particular, to bring together the process of working with the textbook and listening to lectures by the same teacher;

    3. the possibility of including video fragments in the textbook to illustrate certain provisions of the textbook;

    4. inclusion of interactive fragments in the manual to ensure prompt dialogue with the student;

    5. full-scale multimedia design of the textbook, including dialogue on natural language, organization, upon request of the student, of a video conference with the author (authors) and consultants, etc.

    Thus, in addition to the different media, the electronic textbook has a number of fundamental differences from a textbook produced by printing:

    multimedia capability;

    provision of virtual reality;

    high degree of interactivity;

    the possibility of an individual approach to the student.

    The introduction of multimedia elements into the structure of the electronic manual allows for the simultaneous transmission of various types of information. This usually means a combination of text, sound, graphics, animation and video. Visual demonstration tools can improve the perception of new material and include not only auditory but also visual centers in the memorization process.

    Many processes and objects in the electronic textbook can be presented in the dynamics of their development, as well as in the form of 2 or 3 dimensional models, which gives the user the illusion of the reality of the depicted objects.

    Interactivity allows you to set feedback from the user of information (student) to its source (teacher). Interactive interaction is characterized by an immediate response and visually confirmed reaction to an action or message.

    Thus, electronic manuals have great practical value. With their help, you can not only convey factual information, accompanied by illustrative material, but also clearly demonstrate certain processes that cannot be demonstrated using standard teaching methods. In addition, the student can use the electronic manual independently, without the help of a teacher or supervisor, finding answers to questions that interest him. Another important value of electronic manuals is that the teacher can quickly supplement and change textual or illustrative material when the need arises, which is very important for such a dynamically changing discipline as “Information and Analytical Activities”.

    1.2 Principles of constructing an electronic textbook

    To achieve maximum effect, an electronic manual (as, indeed, any electronic publication) should be compiled slightly differently compared to a traditional printed manual: the chapters should be shorter, which corresponds to the smaller size of computer screen pages compared to book pages, then each section, corresponding to the lower level headings, must be divided into discrete fragments, each of which contains necessary and sufficient material on a specific narrow issue. As a rule, such a fragment should contain one to three text paragraphs (paragraphs should also be shorter than book ones) or a drawing and a caption to it, including a brief explanation of the meaning of the drawing.

    To develop creative symbolic activity, we took as a basis the following types of tasks, which are based on D. Tollingerova’s classification: solving problem situations; asking questions and formulating tasks; solving problems based on one's own thoughts. IN this group tasks include those that require independence in decision making. Work using special tasks was organized in the following way. Stage 1. In the first lessons of studying the topic “Non-metals”, students were offered homework assignments.

    Stage 3. In subsequent lessons, tasks were proposed to be completed in class, in groups.

    Stage 4. Completing individual assignments using cards in class.

    The technique was tested in a 9th grade chemistry course (O.S. Gabrielyan’s program) at school No. 48 in Omsk. The results of the conducted pedagogical experiment indicate a significant increase in the proportion of students who coped with creative tasks requiring the use of chemical symbols.

    List of used literature:

    1. Pak M.S. Didactics of chemistry. - M.: Vlados, 2004. - 315 p.

    2. Tollingerova D., Goloushkova D., Kantorkova G. Design psychology mental development children.

    M.: Prague, 1994. - 48 p.

    3. Filatova O.V. Chemical symbolism as a means of development creative activity schoolchildren//Abstract: Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen.

    Saint Petersburg, 2000. - 19 p.

    © Makarova N.A., 2016

    NOT. Otekina,

    senior lecturer of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "GAU Northern Trans-Urals" Tyumen, Russian Federation



    The article discusses the use of electronic textbooks in distance education.

    Keywords Electronic educational publication, Remote education.

    Modern system Education is increasingly using information technology and computer telecommunications. The distance education system is developing especially dynamically, which is facilitated by equipment educational institutions powerful computer technology and the development of the Internet community.

    The lecture-seminar form of teaching has long lost its effectiveness - practice has proven that almost 50% of educational time is wasted. Studying Foreign experience, we can highlight the following important aspect: the teacher does not act as a disseminator of information (as is traditionally accepted), but in the role of a consultant, advisor, and sometimes even a colleague of the student. This gives some


    positive aspects: students actively participate in the learning process, learn to think independently, put forward their points of view, and simulate real situations.

    The development of information technology has provided a new, unique opportunity for conducting classes - the introduction of distance learning. Firstly, it allows the learner to choose both the time and place for training; secondly, it provides an opportunity to receive education for persons who are deprived of traditional education for one reason or another; thirdly, use new information technologies in teaching; fourthly, it reduces training costs to a certain extent. On the other hand, distance education enhances the possibilities of individualization of learning.

    As a rule, electronic textbooks are used in distance learning. The advantages of these textbooks are: their mobility; accessibility of communication with the development of computer networks; adequacy to the level of development of modern scientific knowledge. On the other hand, the creation of electronic textbooks also helps to solve such a problem as the constant updating of information material. They may also contain a large number of exercises and examples, illustrated in detail in dynamics different kinds information. In addition, with the help of electronic textbooks, knowledge control is carried out - computer testing.

    The practice of using electronic textbooks has shown that students qualitatively assimilate the presented material, as evidenced by the test results. Thus, the development of information technology provides ample opportunity to invent new methods in education and thereby improve its quality.

    An electronic publication is a collection of graphic, text, digital, speech, music, video, photo and other information, as well as printed user documentation. The electronic publication can be executed on any electronic medium - magnetic, optical (CD-ROM, DVD, etc.), and also published on the Internet.

    The educational electronic publication must contain systematized material on the relevant scientific and practical field of knowledge, ensure creative and active acquisition by students of knowledge, skills and abilities in this area. The textbook should be different high level execution and artistic design, completeness of information, quality of methodological tools, quality of technical execution, clarity, logic and consistency of presentation.

    The electronic textbook is the main educational electronic publication, created at a high scientific and methodological level, fully consistent with the federal component of the discipline of the State educational standard for specialties and areas, determined by the didactic units of the standard and the program.

    Typically, an electronic textbook is a set of training, monitoring, modeling and other programs placed on magnetic PC media, which reflect the main scientific content academic discipline. An electronic textbook often complements a regular one and is effective when it: provides almost instant feedback; helps you find quickly necessary information(including contextual search), which is difficult to find in a regular textbook; significantly saves time when repeatedly accessing hypertext explanations; along with a short text - shows, tells, models, etc.

    Electronic educational publication is an addition to traditional forms of education. This “electronic lecturer” is designed not only to preserve all the advantages of an ordinary book (textbook), but also to make full use of modern information technologies and multimedia capabilities provided by a computer.

    Any electronic textbook must include the following mandatory components:

    Study Tools theoretical foundations disciplines;

    Practical training support tools;

    Knowledge control tools;

    Means of interaction between teacher and students;

    Tools for managing the process of studying the discipline.

    Now, when there is a widespread introduction of new information technologies in high school and the educational process in general, there is an acute shortage of software tools. To enhance the effectiveness of this process, it is necessary to have developed and multi-purpose software, on the basis of which new approaches to training using SNIT will be built. List of used literature:

    1. Abdullaev S. G. Assessing the effectiveness of the distance learning system // Telecommunications and informatization of education. - 2007. - N 3. - P. 85-92.

    2. Aleshkina O. V. Application of electronic textbooks in educational process[Text] / O. V. Aleshkina // Young scientist. - 2012. - No. 11. - P. 389-391.

    3. Bobrova I. I. Methodology for using electronic educational and methodological complexes as a way to transition to distance learning // Informatics and Education. - 2009. - N 11. - P. 124-125.

    4. Vymyatnin V.M., Demkin V.P., Mozhaeva G.V., Rudenko T.V. Multimedia courses: methodology and technology of development ^yr:/MoLzy.gi^/?ipy=223)

    5. Grigoriev S.G. and [others] The concept of educational electronic publications and resources is a step towards quality education/ Grigoriev S.G., Grinshkun V.V., Demkin V.P., Krasnova G.A., Makarov S.I., Robert I.V. // Portal “Information and communication technologies in education” - (http://www.ict.edu.ru/vconf/index.php)

    6. Zimina O.V. Printed and electronic educational publications in modern higher education: Theory, methodology, practice / O.V. Zimina. - M.: Iz-vo MPEI, 2013.

    © Otekina N.E., 2016

    Yu.M. Pakhomova, A.A. Polukarova, N.V.Gileva Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kurgan" State University»

    Mound, Russian Federation



    IN scientific article The state of the components of the prosodic side of speech was studied in preschool children with dysarthria. The features of the components of prosodic speech are determined. Directions for correctional work are indicated.

    In speech therapy, the development of the prosodic side of speech has so far received much less attention than the formation speech sounds. Meanwhile, the features of the development of prosody in speech pathology need to be studied, since it is not only closely connected with all components of language, but is also an essential, relatively independent element of speech behavior.

    The problem of studying the prosodic organization of speech is the subject of research in linguistics and psycholinguistics (V.A. Artemov, V.I. Beltyukov, L.P. Blokhina, L.V. Bondarko, E.A.


    The widespread availability of affordable computers has led to the emergence of many new ways of presenting information. One of these methods is the gradually gaining popularity of electronic textbooks. Electronic textbooks are only one of the publication options and have fewer capabilities in terms of presenting information - however, it is worth noting that there is no clear distinction between these concepts.

    User manuals, reference books, newsletters, instructions, advertising brochures, booklets and similar literature of an informational, educational and advertising nature are drawn up in the form of electronic textbooks. The reason is simple - it is much more convenient to work with such literature in electronic (rather than paper) form, and for authors and publishers the electronic version of publication is often much more attractive.

    Compared to traditional paper publications, electronic publications are not limited to the presentation of text and pictures - they can include animation, video, music, a variety of visual effects and even be interactive. For example, they can collect information and send data over the Internet, interact with other software, be used to organize testing, carry out calculations, etc.

    In addition to the creative benefits, electronic publishing also has certain economic advantages: shorter creation time, faster updating (republishing) and much lower cost.

    In addition, thanks to the special compression methods used, electronic publications are compact in size, which expands the possibilities of their distribution - electronic materials can be transmitted on CDs, DVDs and even floppy disks, distributed through websites or sent by e-mail. Thus, the topic of the diploma project is relevant.

    The object of the study is an electronic textbook.

    The subject of the research is an electronic educational and methodological manual, hereinafter referred to as EUMP, on one of the branches of computer science - computer graphics.

    To achieve this goal, we will highlight the following tasks:

    1. Design of EUMP;

    2. Selection of the necessary material for the implementation of the project;

    3. Debugging of theoretical and practical material;

    4. Processing of appearance;

    5. Testing of EC.

    1. Formulation of the problem

    1.1 Organizational and economic essence of the task

    The following definitions of an electronic textbook follow from various sources:

    This is a collection of graphic, text, digital, speech, music, video, photo and other information, as well as printed user documentation. The electronic publication can be executed on any electronic media - magnetic (magnetic tape, magnetic disk, etc.), optical (CD-ROM, DVD, CD-R, CD-1, CD+, etc.), and also published in an electronic computer networks;

    Contains systematized material on the relevant scientific and practical field of knowledge, to ensure creative and active acquisition by students of knowledge, skills and abilities in this area. EUMP (electronic educational methodological manual) must be distinguished by a high level of execution and artistic design, completeness of information, quality of methodological tools, quality of technical execution, clarity, logic and consistency of presentation;

    An educational publication containing a systematic presentation of an academic discipline or its section, part, corresponding state standard and curriculum and officially approved as this type of publication;

    This is an electronic publication that partially or completely replaces or supplements the textbook and is officially approved as this type of publication;

    This is a text presented in electronic form and equipped with an extensive system of connections that allows you to instantly move from one fragment to another in accordance with a certain hierarchy of fragments.

    As in the creation of any complex systems, when preparing an electronic textbook, the talent and skill of the authors is decisive for success. However, there are established forms of electronic textbooks, or more precisely, structural elements from which a textbook can be built.

    Test. Externally, this is the simplest form of an electronic textbook. The main difficulty is the selection and formulation of questions, as well as the interpretation of answers to questions. A good test provides an objective picture of the knowledge, skills and abilities that a student has in a particular subject area.

    Encyclopedia. This is the basic form of an electronic textbook. At the content level, the term encyclopedia means that the information concentrated in an electronic textbook must be complete and even redundant in relation to educational standards.

    Problem book. The problem book in the electronic textbook most naturally carries out the teaching function. The student receives educational information, which is necessary to solve a specific problem. The main problem is the selection of tasks that cover all theoretical material.

    Creative environment. Modern electronic textbooks should ensure the student’s creative work with objects of study and with models of systems of interacting objects. Exactly creative work, better within the framework of a project formulated by a teacher, contributes to the formation and consolidation of a set of skills and abilities in a student. A creative environment allows students to organize collective work on a project.

    Author's environment. The electronic textbook must be adaptable to the educational process. That is, it allows taking into account the characteristics of a specific specialty, a specific student. This requires an appropriate authoring environment.

    Such an environment, for example, ensures inclusion additional materials into the electronic encyclopedia, allows you to replenish the problem book, prepare handouts and teaching aids on the subject. In fact, this is something like a tool with which the electronic textbook itself is created.

    Nonverbal environment. Traditionally, electronic textbooks are verbal in nature. They present the theory in text or graphic form. This is the legacy of printing publications. But in an electronic textbook it is possible to implement methodical technique"do as I do". Such an environment gives the electronic textbook the features of a real teacher.

    The listed forms of electronic textbook can be implemented in the form of separate electronic textbooks or grouped within a single ensemble. It all depends on the author's intention. The author must have knowledge of the history and capabilities of electronic textbooks. The success of an electronic textbook will depend on how it fits into the educational process.

    Let's consider the main stages of developing an electronic textbook:

    Selection of sources. When developing ES, it is advisable to select as sources such printed and electronic publications that most fully comply with the standard program, are concise and convenient for creating texts, contain a large number of examples and tasks, and are available in convenient formats (collectibility principle).

    Development of a table of contents and a list of concepts. The material is divided into sections consisting of modules that are minimal in volume but closed in content, and a list of concepts is compiled that are necessary and sufficient for mastering the subject.

    Processing texts into modules by sections. Source texts are processed in accordance with the table of contents and module structure; texts that are not included in the lists are excluded, and those that are not in the sources are added; connections between modules and other hypertext connections are determined. Thus, a hypertext project is being prepared for computer implementation.

    Implementation in electronic form. When creating a textbook, the text is implemented in electronic form. As a result, a primitive electronic publication is created that can be used for educational purposes.

    Development of computer support. Computer support is being developed. Instructions for users on the use of the intelligent core of the power plant are being developed. Now the electronic textbook is ready for further improvement (voicing and visualization) using multimedia tools.

    Selection of material for multimedia implementation. The ways in which individual concepts and statements are explained are changed and texts are selected.

    In economic terms, EUMP is distributed completely free of charge.

    1.2 Input information

    The following is used as input information for the electronic textbook:

    1. Lecture material;

    2. Control materials;

    3. User manual;

    4. Help.

    1.3 Imprint

    Output information software product are the pages of the electronic textbook, which includes practical material (Fig. 1) and lecture material. (Fig.2).

    1.4 Technical support

    This thesis project was completed on a computer that has the following configuration:

    1. Processor - Intel (R) Pentium (R) 4 CPU 2.40 GHz;

    2. Motherboard - ASUS P4P800 Deluxe (Socket 370, Dimm, AGP 4X, software audio);

    RAM - 1GB;

    Video card Geforse 7600 GT 256 Mb;

    Monitor GREEN WOOD 17 TFT;

    CD-ROM drives 52sp IDE ASUS CD-S520/A OEM;

    7. Keyboard Genius KB-06x PS/2 Black;

    8. Optical mouse Mouse Wind Rover Scroll 4-but Optical (USB).

    1.5 Software

    Operating system Windows XP Professional. The main purpose of operating systems is to ensure interaction between humans, equipment and programs. Many new, more powerful tools and technologies are available when working with the Windows XP Professional operating system. Use the Search Assistant to quickly find the information you need.

    The basis for creating a data structure for an electronic textbook is the Windows help system, which has several obvious advantages, the main one of which is an already implemented navigation system, including a keyword search system, automatic creation of a glossary, and the ability to print documents. Help files can contain formatted text, graphics, and animation. However, the creation of such files requires special software with which the compilation process is carried out; the help files themselves cannot be changed dynamically - this requires a compiler. Help files cannot contain program elements, and the help system does not contain any internal language for creating them. But, instead of this, there is a tool with which we can run executable files located on the hard drive of the local computer. There is also some disconnect between text material and training (or testing) programs. XP is the most reliable and secure OS in the Windows family. Firstly, this is the Internet Connection Firewall - a simple network firewall (screen) that ensures the security of working with the Internet, controlling, however, only incoming traffic. Secondly, these are new group policies that allow you to assign or restrict the rights of certain software, prohibit the installation of software that is not protected by a digital certificate, and much more. The SunRav BookOffice program was used to create the textbook. This program is a package of two independent applications: Book Editor is used to create electronic books and textbooks (files in *.srb format), and Book Reader allows you to read them. Book Editor. An e-book can be created from any text document or from a set of files in HTML, RTF, DOC, TXT and CHM formats. If you specify a set of files when importing into Book Editor, each of them will be inserted into the book as a separate chapter. In the future, the user can build a hierarchy of chapters, sections and subsections at his own discretion; the depth of nesting is not limited.

    Fragments of the text of an e-book can be subjected to all sorts of formatting methods: bold or italic, underlined, subscripted or superscripted, and so on. Individual paragraphs can be formatted in the same way as in MS Word: background color settings, borders, different alignments, indents, line spacing, etc. are available. The user can define an arbitrary set of text properties, save it as a style, and apply it later to any selected piece of text.

    Bulleted and numbered lists, images, hyperlinks, tables, as well as various elements of the Windows interface can be inserted into the text: buttons, drop-down lists, checkboxes, text fields, and so on. In addition, you can insert links to tests created using tTester into the book. In this case, the book becomes a real textbook, after reading each chapter of which the student is asked to take a corresponding test.

    Several books can be combined into one, and internal hyperlinks to various chapters and sections of the book can be added to the text. All available chapters and sections are presented in a tree structure on the left side of the editor window. This helps you quickly navigate through the contents of the book.

    During the book creation process, the user can check the text for grammatical errors and create a set of keywords for each chapter. Keywords will help you quickly find the desired section of a book when reading it in the SunRav Book Reader program.

    Any book can be password protected, both from changing the contents and from being read by strangers. The book can be saved not only in its own *.srb format, but also as a set of HTML files, an RTF file (a universal format for storing formatted text) or a CHM (help file). Book Reader. This program allows you to read text documents in TXT, RTF, HTML, DOC and some other formats. Including, of course, books created in the SunRav Book Editor program.

    The application has a built-in autoscroll function. The user adjusts the speed at which the text moves across the screen (similar to the end credits in a movie), and can view the book without touching the mouse or keyboard. Voiceover of text is also available using reading systems installed on the computer, Text-to-speech engine.

    It is possible to view the book both in full screen mode, without menus and control panels, or with a tree structure of the content displayed. The user, at his discretion, increases or decreases the font size, which helps save vision when reading a lot of information from the screen.

    To make it easier to navigate through the book, the program has a built-in bookmark system. If a book was created in the SunRav Book Editor program and it contains a set of keywords, then the user can search for the necessary information using keywords. In addition, full-text search and printing of the entire book on a printer is possible.

    2. Working part

    2.1 Model (method) for solving problems

    electronic textbook methodological guide

    Here a diagram is constructed - the project of this work. In the parent diagram, the main block is “Electronic textbook for the discipline “Informatics” (see Appendix A).

    Block B is a functional model, which branches into 5 blocks: development, design; implementation; debugging, testing, (see Appendix B).

    The model always begins by representing the system as a single unit of one functional block with interface arrows extending beyond the domain under consideration.

    2.2 Description of the problem solving algorithm

    Start. Selection of material.

    Choosing a program for writing EUMP.

    Creation of EUMP.

    Debugging and testing of EUMP.

    List of used literature


    2.3 Description of the program

    The EUMP was created using the SunRav Book Office program. The EUMP contains 3 parts:

    1. Theoretical part - consists of lectures on this chapter.

    2. Practical part - consists of practical tasks.

    Testing program - is a program in which a teacher or specialist can conduct testing among students or employees.

    2.4 User guide

    1. In order to start using the EUMP, you need to open the file “Informatics.exe”. The main page of the electronic textbook, called “Introduction,” will appear on the monitor screen. (Figure 3).

    To familiarize yourself with the working material of this manual, you need to click on the “Contents” button (Fig. 4). After this, a list will open in which all the chapters and sections contained in the EUMP will be presented.

    To select the chapter you are interested in, click on it with the left mouse button. The material will open on the right side of the textbook (Fig. 5).

    To exit any chapter in the “Contents” menu, click the “Back” button (Fig. 6).

    5. In order to close the EUMP, click the red cross in the upper right corner. Or on the textbook panel “Exit the program” (Fig. 7).


    3. Debugging and program maintenance

    3.1 Test case

    Real data was used to complete this thesis project. All chapters and items open instantly. All drawings are clear and bright. EUMP is made in color.

    3.2 Methods for debugging and testing a program

    Debugging, as we have already said, comes in two types:

    Syntax debugging. Syntax errors are detected by the compiler, so correcting them is quite easy.

    Semantic (notional) debugging. Its time comes when there are no syntax errors left, but the program produces incorrect results. Here the compiler itself will not be able to detect anything, although in the programming environment there are usually aids debugging, which we will talk about later.

    Debugging is the process of localizing and correcting errors in a program.

    No matter how carefully we write, debugging almost always takes longer than programming.

    Error detection methods:

    Analytical - having a sufficient understanding of the structure of the program, we look through its text manually, without running it through.

    Experimental - we run the program using debug printing and tracing tools, and analyze the results of its operation. Both methods are convenient in their own way and are usually used together.

    In addition to techniques, it would be good to have an idea of ​​the tools that help us identify errors. This:

    Emergency printing - displays messages about the abnormal completion of individual blocks and the entire program as a whole.

    Printing in program nodes - outputting intermediate parameter values ​​in places chosen by the programmer. Typically, these are critical sections of the algorithm (for example, the value on which the further progress of execution depends) or components of complex formulas (separately calculate and display the numerator and denominator of a large fraction).

    Direct tracking:

    Arithmetic (what they are equal to, when and how the selected variables change);

    Logical (when and how the selected sequence of statements is executed);

    Monitoring whether indexes exceed acceptable limits;

    Tracking access to variables;

    Tracking calls to subroutines;

    Checking index values ​​of array elements, etc.

    Today's development environments often ask us to respond to a problem in a conversational way. In this case you can:

    View the current values ​​of variables, memory state, section of the algorithm where the failure occurred;

    Abort program execution;

    Make changes to the program and re-run it (in compiler environments, this will require recompiling the code; in interpreter environments, execution can be continued directly from the changed statement).

    3.3 Software product protection

    Software products and computer databases are the subject of intellectual work of highly qualified specialists. The process of designing and implementing software products is characterized by significant material and labor costs, is based on the use of high-tech technologies and tools, and requires the use of an appropriate level of expensive computer equipment. This necessitates the need to take measures to protect the interests of program developers and creators of computer databases from unauthorized use.

    Protection is not provided for this software product, since it is a general use and open access program.


    In the process of developing this software, a software tool for distance learning of students was implemented, which is part of the university’s educational and methodological complex. Lecture display functions were implemented in the electronic textbook software. An intuitive and user-friendly interface has been created, a testing method has been created to give flexibility to control knowledge and monitor the student’s learning process.

    At the moment, most existing electronic textbook software are closed systems with rigid models that do not allow adapting a specific type of knowledge to a specific way of presenting information. In this regard, electronic textbooks included in educational and methodological complexes are rarely used as the main type of training. As a rule, manuals are supplements to a course of lectures, and most of them do not meet the requirements for electronic educational aids.

    Based on this, we can conclude that the use of progressive teaching methods in most cases gives a positive result, but it is not yet possible to organize the learning process only through distance learning courses that are part of educational and methodological complexes. In the course of the work, an electronic teaching aid was designed, which will be used in the future to teach schoolchildren and university students full-time and by correspondence training. The goal that was set at the beginning of the creation of the EUMP was successfully achieved.


    1. Illustrated tutorial on Photoshop // #"588149.files/image008.gif">

    Appendix B

    Appendix B