Methodological recommendations for teaching the Tatar language. Features of teaching the native (Tatar) language in primary school using new educational and methodological kits. competencies in Tatar language lessons

This article reveals the features of teaching the native (Tatar) language using new educational and methodological kits included in the Federal List. It examines the functions of a modern textbook in the learning process. It is said that all these three functions (educational, cognitive, correctional) act as a single whole and are decisive in the subject of the Tatar language. The article emphasizes practical significance educational and methodological kits (UMK) in the native (Tatar) language. Performed analysis educational material- textbooks of the Tatar language - confirms that the educational complex is a set of exercises, educational activities of students aimed at the formation and development of knowledge about the language and the development of coherent speech. The article concludes by talking about the importance of the training kit for Tatar language(author Z.I. Zamaletdinova) in improving language education and developing students’ speech activity and preparing teachers to work with the new teaching and learning complex.


Native language , educational and methodological kits, universal learning activities , system-activity approach

Short address:

IDR: 14111512 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.399215

Bibliography Features of teaching the native (Tatar) language in primary school using new educational and methodological kits

  • Yalalov F. G. Formation and development of national gymnasium education. Kazan: Magarif, 2002. 144 p.
  • Zamaletdinova Z. I. Formation of interethnic tolerance junior schoolchildren in multicultural educational environment: dis. ...cand. ped. Sci. Kazan, 2015.164 p.
  • Kharisova Ch. M. Training exercises for teaching Tatar pronunciation. Kazan: Magarif, 1999. 63 p.
  • Khrapal L. R. Ecological-regional aspect of the national and local dimension of culture based on the principles of ecological axiology // “Languages ​​of culture: historical-cultural, philosophical-anthropological and linguistic aspects”: materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical. conf. with international participation (February 9, 2010): in 2 volumes. Volume 2. Omsk: Omsk publishing house. econ. Institute, 2010. 220 p.

Teaching Tatar language and literature

in grades 5-11 at MAOU "Tarman Secondary School"

Teaching the Tatar language in a school with an ethnocultural component has its own characteristics. The goals and objectives set in the work of teacher Vasily Timerbaevna Ilchibakieva are the formation of skills and abilities oral speech, reading and writing based on a communicative approach to learning the native language; include students in the dialogue of cultures, familiarize them with their uniqueness: make it clear that it is through their native word, native language that a person learns about the world. The native language is the link to preserve the identity of the people, culture, and customs. According to the school curriculum, 2 hours a week are allocated for studying the Tatar language and literature (1 hour for studying the Tatar language and 1 hour for Tatar literature).

How is an interest in their native language instilled in students? To solve this problem, the teacher uses non-traditional forms of teaching, uses new effective methods and techniques that activate children to independently acquire knowledge.

The process of teaching the Tatar language and literature at school is not only educational in nature, but is also aimed at raising a successful personality; the teacher works on the formation and development of a creatively thinking personality of the child, capable of making non-standard decisions. The main result is that children receive solid knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject, and the ability to apply them in practice. During the lesson he uses active activities: children listening to exemplary speech with repeated repetition, voicing small texts (fairy tales, short stories) accompanied by musical works. Their reproduction, entertaining exercises. Memorization, singing, elements folk games, exercises for studying diagnostic speech, consolidating the content of the text heard.

Particular attention in teaching the Tatar language and literature is paid to communicative methods. Using this technique gives the desired results. Analysis of the lessons attended shows the development of students’ skills and abilities to express their thoughts in their native Tatar language.

In lessons, the teacher uses search, research, problem-based methods, and uses the following techniques such as observation, comparison, comparison. The use of ICT technologies forms and develops educational and cognitive competencies, strengthens motivation to study the subject. Students' level of learning increases and their communication skills develop.

Dynamics of the quality of knowledge in the Tatar language and literature in the 2010-2011 academic year

1 quarter CPU

2nd quarter CPU

3rd quarter CPU

4th quarter of the CPU

Tatar language

Tatar literature

Tatar language

Tatar literature

Tatar language

Tatar literature

Tatar language

Tatar literature

Tatar language

Tatar literature

Tatar language

Tatar literature

Tatar language

Tatar literature

By comparing the qualitative performance of students, we see the stability of the teacher’s work in the subject. The formation of language norms corresponds to the minimum required content general education in Tatar language and literature.
In order to improve quality educational process and monitoring the quality of teaching in accordance with the internal school control plan were carried out test papers, sections of knowledge on the Tatar language in the 5th, 6th, 9th. classes. The notebooks of students in grades 5 and 11 were checked.

The test results are generally satisfactory, but the teacher should pay attention to:

1. On typical mistakes mistakes made by students, such as insufficient mastery of forms irregular verbs, types of tense forms of verbs, word formation, word order in interrogative sentences, etc.

2. It is necessary to work to improve the quality of education in these classes, to strengthen individual work with low-performing students and students with low motivation to learn.

The level of training allows many students to successfully participate in olympiads and competitions in the Tatar language and literature. The development of students' creative potential is facilitated by the ability to correctly express their thoughts in essays of various genres. For example: the results of a teacher’s work in in this direction confirm participation in various essay competitions, where over the past three years, out of 14 contestants, 9 students became laureates and prize-winners.

The material and technical base of the Tatar language classroom corresponds to the type of educational institution implemented educational program. The office is equipped with the necessary educational and didactic complex. I have a passport long-term plan cabinet development. The Tatar language classroom has a personal computer connected to the school’s unified local network. Information technologies are effectively used in both educational and educational process. Solving the problem of using new computer and information technologies in UVP, teacher of Tatar language and literature during the current school year More than fifty lessons were conducted using PCs.

Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan
dated November 8, 2013 N 15588/13
"Methodological recommendations for organizing training
children in Tatar and Russian languages ​​in preschool
educational organizations"

Heads of departments (departments)
formation of municipal
districts and urban districts

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 16 of 03.03.2012 “On the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan” and the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 463 of 06.29.2001 “On measures to improve the study of the native , Tatar, Russian languages ​​in preschool educational institutions", we explain the following.
Teaching the native (Tatar) language begins with the first junior group(from 2 years old) and is carried out by a teacher teaching children the Tatar language 3 times a week in the form of a game as part of the daily routine.
Since middle group, teaching Tatar and Russian languages ​​to children is being introduced 3 times a week in the first half of the day. Of these, 2 times a week, direct educational activities (hereinafter - ECD) are carried out in subgroups of 10-15 children. The third educational activity for teaching children the Tatar and Russian languages ​​is carried out to consolidate the material covered with the entire group.
At the same time, in large preschool educational organizations where two teachers work to teach the Tatar and Russian languages, it is possible to conduct a third educational activity in the afternoon. At the same time, additional educational services should be carried out without prejudice to educational activities for teaching children the Tatar and Russian languages.
To organize teaching children Tatar and Russian languages ​​3 times a week in regime moments The following GCDs are transferred:
in the middle group:
- GCD "Modeling/Applique" ("Artistic creativity")
- GCD "Formation" complete picture peace, broadening your horizons"

in senior and preparatory groups:
- GCD "Cognitive-research and productive (constructive) activity" ("Cognition");
- GCD "Drawing" ("Artistic creativity");
- GCD "Formation of a holistic picture of the world" ("Cognition").
To organize subgroup teaching of children, it is recommended to alternate GCD for teaching children the Tatar and Russian languages ​​with the following GCD:
in the middle group:

- Communication.
in the senior group:
- GCD "Formation of elementary mathematical representations" (educational field"Cognition");
- GCD "Modeling/Applique" ("Artistic creativity").
in the preparatory group:
- GCD "Formation of elementary mathematical concepts" (educational field "Cognition");
- GCD "Drawing" ("Artistic creativity").
The GCD schedule must be drawn up in accordance with SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the work regime in preschool educational organizations” dated May 15, 2013 N 26.
In addition to the educational activities for teaching children the Tatar and Russian languages, the language teacher conducts individual work with children in their free time from direct educational activities, as well as work with teachers and parents.
Group teachers create a language environment in communication with children during the day in order to consolidate the studied ECD material on teaching children the Tatar and Russian languages.
When conducting educational activities for teaching children the Tatar and Russian languages, the teacher is recommended to use the following literature:
- Regional program preschool education. Tobeknen mektepkeche belem biru programsy/R.K. Shaehova - Kazan, RIC, 2012;
- “Balalar bakchasynda rus he bashka millet balalaryna Tatar tele oiretu programs” / Z.M. Zaripova, R.G. Kidrecheva, R.S. Isaeva h.b. - Kazan, RIC School, 2013;
- Program “Learning Russian” / S.M. Gafarova, G.Z. Garafieva - Kazan, RIC School, 2013;
- “Tugan telde soileshebez.” Kullanma method. 2-3 yash/Khezretova F.V., Sherefetdinova Z.G., Khebibullina I.Zh. - Kazan, TKN, 2012;
- “Tugan telde soileshebez.” Kullanma method 5-7 yash/Z.M. Zaripova, L.N. Vezhieva h.b. - Kazan, Folio, 2012;
- "Tatarcha soileshebez." Kullanmalar method: 4-5, 5-6 yash/Z.M. Zaripova, R.G. Kidrecheva, R.S. Isaeva h.b. - Kazan, Heather, 2011, 2012; 6-7 yash, Kazan, TKN, 2012;
- "Learning Russian." Methodical manual/S.M. Gaffarova, G.Z. Garafieva - Kazan, HETER, 2011;
- "In the clearing of childhood." Reader for preschool teachers educational institutions and parents. / Comp. K.V. Zakirova - Kazan, RIC School, 2011;
- "Balachak Alana." Balalar bakchasy terbiyachelere hem eti-eniler very reader./Toz. K.V. Zakirova - Kazan, RIC School, 2011.


Volume 150, book. 8

Humanitarian sciences

UDC 811.512.145


K. S. Fathullova Abstract

The article discusses the issues of improving programs, textbooks, teaching aids on the Tatar language, since teaching the Tatar language in a Russian school requires a communicative approach to the development of educational and methodological complexes aimed at mastering the target language as a means of communication.

Key words: methodology, teaching aids, program, textbook, tutorial, communication, exercise system, oral speech.

Tatar language as official language of the Republic of Tatarstan is a general education subject, compulsory for Russian-speaking students throughout the entire course of schooling, the goals and objectives of which are determined by the program high school. The program, being one of the main means of teaching, formulates learning goals, regulates the selection of language and speech material, predetermines its organization. The role and place of the Tatar language in the school education system led to the development of a program, the starting point of which was a linguistic and methodological system of teaching Tatar as a non-native language, built on a communicative basis.

The program consists of the following sections: an explanatory note, which clarifies the goals and objectives, the main content of teaching the Tatar language in a Russian school; topics for the development of coherent speech and a list of words for active learning; spelling, spelling, grammatical minimums; requirements for practical knowledge of the Tatar language; The appendix contains samples of Tatar speech etiquette and dialogues. According to the program, teaching the Tatar language includes mastering the main types of speech activities - listening, speaking, reading, writing. Due to this educational process should be built taking into account the principles of practical orientation of learning, active speech activity, taking into account the specifics of the students’ native language, the oral basis of teaching reading and writing, as well as didactic principles - consciousness, taking into account visibility, age characteristics of students, adapted to the conditions of teaching Tatar as a non-native language. Topics for the development of coherent speech and reading presented in the program are selected taking into account the cognitive and communicative interests of students in

at different stages of education and are aimed at informing schoolchildren about the culture, art, literature, history, and outstanding personalities of the Tatar people.

The program focuses teachers’ attention on such important methodological points as functional approach to the selection of lexical and grammatical material and its assimilation on a syntactic basis, situational and thematic presentation of linguistic and speech material, concentric arrangement of educational material highlighting the stages of assimilation. At the same time, the need to take into account the specific features of the native (Russian) language of students is emphasized in order to use positive experience in native language and eliminating its interfering influence. The program states that teaching dialogical speech must be carried out in a certain sequence: familiarization with a dialogic model; reproducing it after the teacher and performing exercises aimed at selecting a suitable replica from the given options; selection of a response cue to a stimulus cue; drawing up a dialogical unity according to a model or a given scheme; replica deployment; replacement of certain replicas; continuation of dialogue on this beginning etc. Training monologue speech should include such forms as composing a coherent statement on a given topic or situation, description, comparison, retelling of what was heard or read, composing a story according to a model, according to a plan, according to a given beginning, etc. At the same time, it is important to teach schoolchildren to express their attitude to the topic messages and defend your opinion, logically and consistently express your thoughts. The stages of teaching monologue speech should include composing a statement at the level of a phrase, a complex syntactic whole and text.

The program states that teachers must pay attention to Special attention on: a) improving the skills of using lexical and grammatical units in oral speech; b) instilling the skills to fully and consistently convey one’s thoughts in the target language; c) systematization of students’ linguistic knowledge in phonetics, word formation, grammar, taking into account the specific phenomena of the Tatar language (law of synharmonism, fixed verbal stress, tense forms of the verb, declension of nouns with accessory affixes, isafetic constructions, analytical forms of the verb, postpositions and postpositional words, complex subordinates sentences of synthetic type, etc.); d) enriching students’ vocabulary by studying synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, phraseological units. In general, the process of teaching the Tatar language should contribute to deepening knowledge and skills, as well as comprehension of the cultural values ​​of the Tatar people. Therefore, topics for the development of coherent speech of students reflect the variety of significant information that they should receive in Tatar language lessons, for example: “International relations of the Republic of Tatarstan”, “Tatars abroad”, “Tatar language self-teachers”, “Life and work of remarkable people” , "Tatar national culture. Music. Painting. Theater”, etc. As we see, the range of lexical topics is unusually wide, it allows students to be introduced to the most significant events in the life of the Tatar people, their national traditions and customs. In addition, in each class

It is planned to introduce students to the works of famous representatives of Tatar literature.

The program also contains requirements for practical knowledge of the Tatar language. Graduate students should be able to: 1) proactively conduct a conversation on a proposed situation or a given topic, appropriately using the studied vocabulary, various syntactic models and formulas of Tatar speech etiquette; 2) participate in discussions on the content of the text read (listened to), using expressive means of language; 3) consistently speak out in connection with the topic studied or on the content of what was read (listened to), using different types of monologue (description, narration, reasoning); 4) independently prepare dialogical or monological statements, using additional sources of information and observing the norms of the Tatar literary language.

It is known that not a single program is a frozen element of the educational system; it is tested in schools, discussed by teachers and methodologists and improved, because “the quality of other teaching aids, and therefore the organization of the pedagogical process itself, largely depends on the quality of the program ".

The methodological system has teaching tools, among which, along with the program, a significant role is given to the textbook. It appears as a subsystem determined by goals, program, content academic subject, methods and means of teaching and pedagogical process. Based on the above program, we have developed educational and methodological complexes on the Tatar language for grades 1-11 of Russian schools, which includes a textbook, methodological guide for teachers, workbook for students. Before the publication of these textbooks, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan recommended the textbook “Tatar language. Intensive course". This textbook is compiled on the basis of the communicative method and is characterized by a situational and thematic selection of language material, the use of a unique lexical and grammatical progression. Dialogues of different topics and volumes, monologue texts compiled on the basis of the most frequently used lexical units and their grammatical forms, linguistic and speech exercises, various forms of testing the assimilation of material, communicative tasks, rich linguistic and cultural material ensure the practical assimilation of the Tatar language as a non-native language.

When developing the system of exercises presented in this textbook, we took into account three subtypes of tasks that are used depending on the complexity of the speech acts performed: 1) single-purpose tasks with elements consisting of one sentence (Tell...; Ask...; Specify ...); 2) single-purpose tasks using two or more sentences connected by a single communicative task (Describe Tell...; Inquire...); 3) multi-purpose tasks with a functional dominant of the acquired grammatical phenomenon (Tell...; Imagine that...; Share...). The first group of tasks contributes to the formation of a connection between the syntactic structure and various situations and speech intentions;

the second group is aimed at increasing the level of developed automatisms, due to which consciousness is freed up to build a chain of sentences that in their totality reflect a given situation; the third group of tasks improves skills, due to which the correct choice of the desired structure in relation to the situation is achieved and the students’ consciousness switches to completing a communicative task. As an example, the following types of communicative tasks can be cited: 1) Say goodbye to a friend in Tatar; 2) Ask how your friend’s dad and mom are doing; 3) Ask a friend what the weather was like yesterday; 4) Ask where your friend’s mother works; 5) Find out if this store has Tatar books, etc. At the end of the textbook there are control communicative tasks with which you can check the level of mastery of the Tatar language.

In general, each lesson contributes to the achievement of practical goals of teaching the Tatar language, which was confirmed by testing the textbook in schools, universities, and also in teaching foreign students at Kazan University and while teaching the Tatar language at the University of Arizona (USA), at the Paris Institute of Oriental Civilizations and Oriental Languages ​​(France), at universities in Germany and Finland. Subsequently, we used this experience in the development of school textbooks for high school. They propose a system of exercises aimed at activating and deepening students’ oral speech skills, teaching them to retell the content of texts or passages read, and to speak out about what they saw or heard; translate excerpts from literary texts, as well as samples of oral Tatar folk art. This is also facilitated by situational tasks contained in textbooks.

When teaching the Tatar language, the teacher must creatively approach the system of exercises, that is, make individual adjustments, adapting tasks to certain working conditions, simplifying or complicating them. The experience of teaching the Tatar language to Russian-speaking students confirms the correctness of this idea, because at first the process of developing school textbooks was aggravated by the diversity of views of the authors teaching aids to resolve issues of teaching Tatar as a non-native language. All this prompted us to generalize the accumulated experience in re-editing textbooks of the Tatar language, especially since in last years in the methodological literature it has been repeatedly emphasized that it is necessary not only to teach children to memorize rules and definitions, but grammatical analysis and writing dictations, how much to orient them towards practical mastery of the language.

An analysis of the means of teaching the Tatar language in a Russian school allows us to conclude that they provide a comprehensive thematic presentation of educational material. However, in the future it is necessary to expand the scope of those tasks that contribute to the mastery of communicative units of the Tatar language. In this regard, it is important to emphasize that the correct choice of teaching aids that are suitable in terms of the volume and nature of linguistic, situational-thematic and linguistic-cultural materials and have a communicative orientation, compiled taking into account the characteristics of the Tatar language, should be in the field of view of both methodological scientists and methodologists-practitioners.

K.S. Fatkhullova. Communicative Trend of Means of Teaching Tatar as a Second Language.

The article focuses on the issues of improving academic programs, textbooks and teaching manuals on Tatar language. The reason is that teaching Tatar language in Russian schools requires a communicative approach to development of educational-methodical complexes aimed at learning the target language as means of communication.

Key words: methods of teaching, means of teaching, academic program, textbooks, teaching manual, system of exercises, communicativity, spoken language.


1. Program for teaching the Tatar language to Russian-speaking students. Grades 1-11 / Comp. F.S. Safiullina, K.S. Fatkhullova. - Kazan: Magarif, 2003. - 63 p.

2. Bim I. L. Methods of teaching foreign languages ​​as science and problems school textbook. - M.: Rus. language, 1977. - 288 p.

3. Safiullina F.S., Fathullova K.S. Tatar language. Intensive course. - Kazan: TaRIH, 1999. - 448 p.

4. Essays on methods of teaching oral speech in foreign languages/ Ed. V. A. Bukh-bindera. - Kyiv: Vishcha school, 1980. - 247 p.

Received by the editor 05/27/08

Fathullova Kadriya Sungatovna - candidate pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies, Kazan State University.