The new code was adopted in what year?

The new code was adopted in what year?

Alexei Mikhailovich (1629-1676) - Russian Tsar from 1645. He strengthened the power of the center, and serfdom took shape under him. In 1654 Ukraine reunited with Russia...
Meaning of the word anika warrior

Meaning of the word anika warrior

Anika the Warrior or Onika is one of the heroes of Russian epic poetry, namely the character of the epic about the struggle between death and life, entitled “The Debate of the Belly with...
What does sponsor mean?  The meaning of the word

What does sponsor mean? The meaning of the word "sponsor" Who is a sponsor

A general sponsor is a patron of an event who provides money, goods or services in exchange for the exclusive right to include their name in...

"burden" - what is it, declension, synonyms

Under the burden of what. Book Under moral weight, the oppression of something. I look sadly at our generation! His future is either empty or dark; Meanwhile, under...
An extraordinary personality is a person with outstanding abilities

An extraordinary personality is a person with outstanding abilities

Extraordinary ... Spelling dictionary-reference book Exceptional, extraordinary, outstanding, rare, rarest, rare, remarkable, phenomenal,...
Dictionary of Old Church Slavonic words and their meaning

Dictionary of Old Church Slavonic words and their meaning

During the formation of the lexical composition of the Russian language, it included many words that were in use by neighboring peoples who spoke Slavic...
The meaning of the word

The meaning of the word "earth"

Earth is the third planet from the Sun. The fifth largest among all the planets in the solar system. It is also the largest in diameter, weight and density among...
Origin of Sanskrit Most Sanskrit

Origin of Sanskrit Most Sanskrit

Sanskrit is officially considered to be an ancient Indian literary language and belongs to the Indian group of Indo-European languages. But you and I know that...
The meaning of the word tartar in a brief dictionary of mythology and antiquities See what it is

The meaning of the word tartar in a brief dictionary of mythology and antiquities See what “Tartar” is in other dictionaries

Ideas about Hell in different beliefs Pre-historical hell Some ancient peoples burned the dead: this is a sure sign that the soul must ascend to...
What is honesty and integrity?

What is honesty and integrity?

Honesty is where you need to start. The ability to be honest, to speak honestly with your partner, children and all the people around you reveals a lot. If...