Styles of teaching activity: individual style of activity of a teacher. Individual style of teaching activity as a specific expression of pedagogical skill. Characteristics of a teacher’s individual styles of pedagogical activity

Successful completion professional activity and developing optimal ways and techniques for its implementation, namely, the productivity of interaction between a teacher and students is primarily determined by the formation of a system of his professionally significant qualities.

The skill of a teacher, as the highest level of development of his professionalism, is the result of teaching experience and creative self-development. In order to achieve the heights of professional excellence, it is necessary to form in the process pedagogical activity your individual style of activity, ensuring its effectiveness.

N.N. Nikitina Nikitina N.N. Introduction to pedagogical activity: Theory and practice / N.N. Nikitina, N.V. Kislinskaya. - M.: Academy, 2004. - 288 p. considers pedagogical skill as a fusion of personal and business qualities and professional competence teacher as a complex of personality traits that ensure high level self-organization of professional and pedagogical activities. The scientist combined the composition of these properties into groups (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 - Structure of a teacher’s individual style of activity

The teacher helps to reveal many aspects of the students’ personality with his individuality, his example, which students often imitate in everything, contributes to the formation of a humane life position of the student, fostering respect for human rights and personal freedoms.

In pedagogy, there are many criteria by which scientists identify the individual style of a teacher. So, based on the research of Z.N. Vyatkina, we note an important aspect for us that the individual style of activity is not innate, it can be developed spontaneously throughout life and can be formed as a result of targeted training. In this case, the teacher should have a positive attitude towards his activities and a desire to improve his knowledge and skills.

Based on this, the individual style of a teacher’s activity consists of several components included in the structure of his activity: constructive, organizational, communicative and gnostic. These components are interconnected, dependent on each other and form a single whole. This is a dynamic structure in which some components play a leading role, others - a subordinate one. The low level of development of all components cannot ensure effective teaching activities.

The predominance of one or another component in a teacher’s activity depends on the typological properties nervous system. Therefore, depending on the leading role of one of the components of Z.N. Vyatkina identifies three styles, determined by the typological properties of the nervous system:

1. Organizational and communicative. This style of activity is characteristic of teachers with a strong, mobile type of nervous system. Its main features are: the creative and varied nature of teaching a lesson, a tendency to improvise; efficiency in solving various pedagogical problems directly during the lesson; greater intensity of communication, its relaxed nature.

2. Constructive and organizational. This style of activity is characteristic of teachers with a strong inert type of nervous system. Its main features are: stability of the system of requirements for the organization of students during the lesson (stereotypical course of the lesson), pronounced quality control of assignments; monotonous disciplinary actions; standardization of means of communication.

3. Constructive and communicative. This type of activity is characteristic of teachers with a weak type of nervous system. It is characterized by: increased responsibility in preparing and conducting classes; thoroughness in the selection of educational material; intensive communication; an even, calm, friendly tone of dealing with students (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 - Classification of ISD (according to Z.N. Vyatkina’s typology)

N.I. Petrova notes that the individual style of pedagogical activity is a question of what individually unique methods and techniques are most effective for teachers with different typological features. And it defines individual style as a specific system of methods of pedagogical activity, determined by persistent personal qualities and formed with an active positive attitude of the individual towards his activities. The researcher identifies two opposing individual styles of teacher activity: “inert” and “mobile” and a third style, intermediate between them.

The classification is based on the basic properties of the nervous system. Moreover, the process of forming an individual style of activity for each group has its own characteristics. Teachers with a strong mobile nervous system quickly develop an individual style of activity.

According to V.S. Merlin, - the style of a teacher’s activity depends not only on the temperament, psychophysiological properties of the teacher’s personality and is not fatally determined by them. The style of activity is significantly influenced by the conditions of pedagogical activity, or the pedagogical environment (historical period, characteristics of the object of pedagogical activity, that is, the child).

V.A. Slastenin considers the formation of a teacher’s individual work style in the process of his innovative training. The complex of individual characteristics of a teacher, in his opinion, can only partially satisfy the requirements of innovative pedagogical activity. Consequently, the teacher consciously or spontaneously mobilizes his target qualities for work and at the same time compensates for or overcomes those that hinder the achievement of success.

Based on the theory of integral individuality V.S. Merlin, the scientist defines the individual style of activity as whole system operations providing effective interaction teachers with students and determined by the goals, objectives of innovative pedagogical activity, and the properties of various levels of the teacher’s individuality. The author argues that the specifics of pedagogical activity require the teacher to be aware of the individual style and its correction in changing conditions.

The basis for determining the individual style of activity of E.G. Kostyashkin put the components of the personality structure and proposed the following styles of pedagogical activity:

Intellectual, which is characterized by a penchant for scientific and analytical activities;

Emotional, which is characterized by high emotionality and a sensitive response to changes in the internal state of students;

The organizational type includes individual properties of other types and is therefore the most universal.

The literature is dominated by a classification of styles of pedagogical activity based on the forms of relationships that arise between people involved in the sphere of this activity, which distinguishes three main styles of activity: authoritarian, democratic, permissive:

1) Directive style of professional activity (authoritarian). This style is based on an authoritarian approach to the educational process; he is characteristic feature information training. The subject of the educational process is only the teacher. The student is viewed as an object of pedagogical influence, and not an equal partner. The teacher alone decides, makes decisions, establishes strict control over the fulfillment of the requirements placed on him, uses his rights without taking into account the situation and opinions of students, and does not justify his actions to students.

2) Collegial style of professional activity (democratic). This style is based on a functional management structure, when the teacher delegates responsibilities and transfers some of his functions to students. This style is inherent in the use of explanatory and illustrative teaching methods and the use of innovative forms. With its implementation, the number of subjects of the educational process increases. The student is considered as an equal partner in communication, a colleague in the joint search for knowledge. The teacher involves students in decision-making, takes into account their opinions, encourages independent judgment, takes into account not only academic performance, but also personal qualities students.

3) The liberal style of professional activity is based on a democratic and humanitarian approach, on respect for the rights and freedoms of the educational process on the basis of tolerance and cooperation. The teacher avoids making decisions, transferring the initiative to students and colleagues. This style is inherent in the problem-based type of learning. Here, all participants in the educational process are its subjects.

The main characteristics of the manifestation of the listed styles in teaching activities are presented in Fig. 3.

Figure 3 - Features of individual style of activity

The most complete actual activity-based idea of ​​the styles of pedagogical activity was proposed by A.K. Markova and A.Ya. Nikonova. In their opinion, the teacher’s ISD should be considered as a stable combination of: the motive of activity, expressed in the teacher’s predominant orientation towards certain aspects of the educational process; goals manifested in the nature of activity planning; ways to carry it out; techniques for assessing performance results. They believe that ISD can be the subject of formation and self-formation, and the formation process depends on the individual personal characteristics of the teacher, his teaching experience, and the nature of the requirements placed on him.

The basis for their distinction of style is the following: the content characteristics of the style (the teacher’s predominant orientation towards the process or result of his work, the teacher’s deployment of indicative and control-evaluative stages in his work); dynamic characteristics of the style (flexibility, stability, switchability, etc.); effectiveness (the level of knowledge and learning skills of schoolchildren, as well as students’ interest in the subject) (Fig. 4).

Among the most important content characteristics are the following:

The primary orientation of the teacher: on the learning process, the process and results of learning, only on learning results;

Adequacy-inadequacy of planning the educational process;

Efficiency-conservatism in the use of means and methods of pedagogical activity;


Figure 4 - Characteristics of a teacher’s individual style of activity

Dynamic characteristics are similarly distinguished (Fig. 5).

Figure 5 - Dynamic characteristics of individual style of teaching activity

On this basis, scientists identify four ISD teachers, two of which are polar: emotional-improvisational (EIS), and reasoning-methodical (RMS), and two are intermediate: emotional-methodical (EMS) and reasoning-improvisation (Fig. 6) .

Figure 6 - Classification of individual activity style

(according to typology (A.K. Markova)

They are characterized by the following features:

1. Emotional-improvisational style. Teachers with EIS are focused on the learning process. His activities are highly efficient, he presents the material logically and interestingly, but in the process of explanation such a teacher may lack Feedback with students. During the survey, the teacher with EIS addresses mainly the class, strong students, interviews at a fast pace, does not allow them to speak much, and does not wait for the children to formulate answers. The rich arsenal of methods used is combined with low methodicality; the material is sufficiently fixed and controlled. EIS is more characterized by intuitiveness, inability to analyze the features and effectiveness of one’s activities in the classroom.

2. Emotional and methodical style. A teacher with EMS is characterized by a focus on the learning process and results, adequate planning of the educational process, high efficiency, and a predominance of intuitiveness over reflexivity. His activities include consolidation, repetition and control of students' knowledge. Such a teacher is distinguished by high efficiency, he often changes the types of work in the lesson, and practices collective discussion. Using a rich arsenal methodological techniques When processing educational material, a teacher with EMS strives to activate students with the features of the subject being taught.

3. Reasoning-improvisational style. A teacher with RIS is characterized by an orientation toward processional learning outcomes, adequate planning of the educational process, efficiency, and a combination of intuitiveness and reflexivity. This style is characterized by less ingenuity in varying teaching methods and is accompanied by a slow pace of work and collective discussions. RIS teachers themselves speak little during the lesson, especially during questioning, preferring to influence students indirectly (through hints, clarifications, leading questions), giving respondents the opportunity to formulate a statement.

4. Reasoning-methodical style. A teacher with RMS, focusing on learning outcomes and planning adequately educational process, shows conservatism in the use of means and methods of pedagogical activity. High methodology (systematic reinforcement, repetition of educational material, control of students’ knowledge) is combined with a small, standard set of teaching methods used, preference for students’ reproductive activities, and rare collective discussions. During the survey process, the teacher with RMS addresses a small number of students, giving everyone enough time to answer, Special attention focusing on weak students. A teacher of this style is characterized by reflexivity.

As an integral indicator, styles of teaching activity are classified into flexible, positive and conservative.

A flexible style of teaching activity is characterized by variability and rationality of methods of activity, a stable combination of emotional and methodical components, ensuring high results of teaching activity. A teacher of this style is process- and result-oriented; uses various forms of organizing students’ educational activities in the process of activating their mental activity in class, organizing communicative activities and receiving feedback; has a high level of professional knowledge, skills and abilities that allow him to work out all educational material and involve the whole group in the work.

The personal characteristics of a flexible style teacher are balance, artistry, tolerance, adequate self-esteem, formation of self-regulation mechanisms, flexibility of behavior, formation of communication skills, high level pedagogical communication and much more. Considering the presence of tense situations in pedagogical activity, a flexible style is characterized by a motivated and subordinated choice of methods and techniques of activity subordinate to the organizing goal. This is manifested in maintaining control, using self-regulation skills, and in the teacher’s ability to independently and successfully cope with the situation.

A style of pedagogical activity is called positive, characterized by relative variability in the methods and techniques of pedagogical activity and an insufficiently stable combination of emotional and methodical components. Positive style teachers have a sufficient level of professional knowledge and skills to master the teaching profession, a motivational focus on professional growth, and use general and traditional methods and techniques of teaching.

The personal characteristics of a teacher with a positive style of pedagogical activity include the manifestation of imbalance, unmotivated change of mood under the influence various factors, exaggeration or closedness in the expression of natural feelings, insufficiently expressed ability for self-regulation, instability of self-esteem, etc.

In tense situations, a teacher with a positive style of pedagogical activity retains a controlled choice of methods and techniques of activity at the beginning of the situation, possibly uncontrolled, sometimes hysterical behavior of the teacher during a tense situation and loss of control over it. This is expressed in the teacher asking for help from parents, head teacher, director, psychologist, etc.

A conservative style is characterized by the lack of variability in methods and techniques of activity, the predominance of either emotional or methodical components. A teacher of a conservative style of pedagogical activity is not able to fully ensure the achievement of the necessary results of activity or provides them at a “high price” (violation of relationships, decrease in the level of psychological comfort, disruption of mental and physical health and etc.). This is expressed in the lack of compensation for possible negative manifestations of the teacher’s individual style of pedagogical activity.

The personal characteristics of a teacher of this style are: high degree sensitivity to criticism and insults, low level self-regulation, imbalance, emotional instability, anxiety, etc. In tense situations, the teacher may lose the connection through which he was aware of the meaning of the choice of methods and techniques of activity, his behavior and the original motive. Such behavior forces the head teacher, principal, parents or other persons to intervene in the situation on their own initiative.

The individual style of pedagogical activity is manifested in: Nemov R.S. Psychology Part III. Psychology of pedagogical activity / R.S. Nemov. - M.: Vlados, 2003. - P. 445-457.

Temperament (time and speed of reaction, individual pace of work, emotional responsiveness);

The nature of reactions to certain pedagogical situations;

Choosing teaching methods;

Selection of educational means;

Style of pedagogical communication;

Reacting to the actions and actions of children;


Preference for certain types of rewards and punishments;

In the use of psychological and pedagogical influence on children.

Three main factors form the individual style of pedagogical activity: Nizhegorodova L.A. Features of the individual style of pedagogical activity in the conditions of innovative educational environment/ L.A. Nizhegorodova // Integration. - Chelyabinsk: CHIPiPKRO, 2012. - P. 32.

Individually psychological characteristics teachers who shape the style of pedagogical activity include individual typological characteristics, personal and behavioral characteristics.

The features of pedagogical activity are understood as both the conditions for the teacher to carry out professional activities, and the content of the discipline, course, and educational material.

The characteristics of students that are important for the style of teaching activity are determined by factors such as age, gender, status, level of knowledge, etc.

In pedagogical activity, these features also correlate with the nature of interaction, the nature of the organization of activities, the subject-related professional competence of the teacher and the nature of communication.

Thus, the individual style of teaching activity is characteristic of this teacher a system of skills, methods, techniques, ways of solving problems in the process of work. The complex of individual characteristics of a teacher can only partially satisfy professional requirements. Therefore, the teacher, consciously or spontaneously mobilizing his professional qualities, at the same time compensates for or somehow overcomes those qualities that hinder the achievement of success. As a result, an individual style of activity is created - a unique version of the typical methods of work for a given teacher in typical conditions.

Thus, in situations with increased demands on the pace and rhythm of activity, a teacher with a mobile type of nervous system successfully solves problems by using his quickness, ability to easily speed up actions and move from one state to another.

Under the same objective conditions, a teacher of an inert type uses completely different means. He can save himself from the need to quickly respond to signals due to forethought, increased attention to preventive measures. In the process of teaching, he develops a tendency to be systematic and thorough in his work, he develops professional preparations in advance that strengthen his weak points, so even in a situation of time pressure, he maintains balance and confidence.

The style of pedagogical activity is an integrative characteristic of activity, reflecting the management style, communication style, behavioral style and cognitive style of the teacher. The style of pedagogical activity arises where the teacher has freedom of self-expression. A teacher, seeing the variety of ways to carry out professional activities, can limit himself to just one, which will constitute his style of activity.

That is, an effective individual style of pedagogical activity is a style with the help of which the teacher constantly finds optimal combinations in the way of stimulating, reorienting and mobilizing students, flexibly resolving the pedagogical situation in achieving the ultimate educational and educational goals. A certain algorithm of these combinations in the organization and regulation of teachers’ business behavior characterizes one or another individual style of pedagogical activity.

individual style pedagogical integral

Today, in the context of socio-economic and spiritual transformations in the life of our society, attention is increasingly being paid to the development of human individuality, his originality and uniqueness. An active, creative personality, capable of making competent decisions and implementing them in their activities, is becoming more in demand. Such a personality can only be raised by a professional teacher who is competitive, able to work creatively, and has the skills of planning and forecasting teaching activities and self-improvement in it.

In this regard, the issues of developing the most optimal and effective ways and methods of carrying out teaching activities that ensure its high effectiveness, which implies the formation of his individual style. The correctly found style, which determines the expression of the teacher’s individuality, promotes democracy, the effectiveness of pedagogical influence on students, productive communication between participants in this process, and the maximum disclosure of the individual potential of each student.

The purpose of this work is a brief description of basic styles of pedagogical activity based on the analysis of educational and scientific literature in psychology and pedagogy in higher education. We will pay special attention to such aspects of the style of pedagogical activity as the style of communication and the teacher’s attitude.

Style of teaching activity. The concept of teaching style

Pedagogical activity, like any other, is characterized by a certain style. A style of activity is a stable system of methods and techniques that manifests itself in different conditions of its existence. It is determined by the specifics of the activity itself, the individual psychological characteristics of its subjects.

Style of teaching activity, reflecting its specificity, includes both the management style, the self-regulation style, the communication style, and the cognitive style of its subject - the teacher.

The style of teaching activity reveals the influence of at least three factors:

  1. individual psychological characteristics of the subject of this activity - the teacher, including individual typological, personal, behavioral characteristics;
  2. features of the activity itself;
  3. characteristics of students (age, gender, status, level of knowledge).

In pedagogical activity, characterized by the fact that it is carried out in subjective-subjective interaction in specific educational situations of organization and management educational activities student, these features also correlate:

  1. with the nature of interaction;
  2. with the nature of the organization of activities;
  3. subject-related professional competence of the teacher;
  4. the nature of communication.

According to V.A. Kai-Kalik, the style of communication refers to the individual typological features of the socio-psychological interaction between the teacher and students.

The individual style of teaching activity is manifested:

  1. in temperament (time and speed of reaction, individual pace of work, emotional responsiveness);
  2. the nature of reactions to certain pedagogical situations;
  3. choosing teaching methods;
  4. selection of educational means,
  5. style of pedagogical communication;
  6. responding to actions and actions of students;
  7. manner of behavior;
  8. preference for certain types of rewards and punishments;
  9. the use of psychological and pedagogical influence on students.

S.I. Arkhangelsky considers three groups of characteristics of an individual style of pedagogical activity:

  1. meaningful,
  2. dynamic

Among the most important content characteristics, scientists indicate the following:

  1. teacher's primary orientation: on the learning process, the process and results of learning, only on learning results;
  2. adequacy - inadequacy of planning the educational process;
  3. efficiency - conservatism in the use of means and methods of pedagogical activity;
  4. reflexivity - intuitiveness.

Dynamic characteristics are similarly highlighted.

When talking about the individual style of pedagogical activity, they usually mean that when choosing certain means of pedagogical influence and forms of behavior, the teacher takes into account his individual inclinations. Teachers with different personalities can choose the same ones from a variety of educational and educational tasks, but implement them in different ways.

Style of teaching activity. Types of teaching styles

The most complete activity-based idea of ​​the styles of pedagogical activity is given by A.K. Markova and L.M. Mitina. They argue that the basis for distinguishing style in a teacher’s work is the following:

  1. content characteristics of the style (teacher’s orientation towards the process or result of his work, assessment of the stages of his work);
  2. dynamic characteristics of the style (flexibility, stability, switchability, etc.);
  3. effectiveness (level of knowledge, skills, interest in learning among schoolchildren).

Based on this, individual styles were identified.

For example, emotional-improvisational style

Teachers of this style are distinguished by a primary focus on the learning process. The material presented in the lessons is logical and interesting, but during the process of explanation, teachers with an emotional-improvisational teaching style often lack feedback from students. The survey covers mainly strong students. Seminars take place at a fast pace. Teachers with an emotional-improvisational teaching style do not allow students to formulate an answer on their own. They (teachers) are characterized by insufficiently adequate planning of the educational process: as a rule, the most interesting educational material is studied at their seminars, and less interesting material is assigned for homework. Control over the activities of students by such teachers is insufficient. Teachers with an emotional-improvisational teaching style use a large arsenal of varied teaching methods. They often practice collective discussions and stimulate spontaneous statements from students. Teachers with an emotional-improvisational teaching style are characterized by intuitiveness, which is expressed in the frequent inability to analyze the features and effectiveness of their activities in the lesson.

Another teaching style is emotionally methodical

Teachers with an emotionally methodical teaching style focus on the process and results of learning. They are characterized by adequate planning of the educational process, high efficiency, and a certain predominance of intuitiveness over reflexivity. Such teachers work through all the educational material step by step, monitor the level of students’ knowledge, use reinforcement and repetition of educational material, and monitor students’ knowledge. Teachers with an emotional-methodical teaching style are distinguished by high efficiency, the use of various types of work in the lesson, and group discussions. Using the same rich arsenal of methodological techniques when practicing educational material as teachers with an emotional-improvisational style, teachers with an emotional-methodological style strive, first of all, to interest students in the subject itself.

Next style - reasoning - improvisational

Teachers with a reasoning-improvisational teaching style are characterized by an orientation towards the learning process and results, and adequate planning of the educational process. Such teachers show less ingenuity in selecting and varying teaching methods, they are not always able to ensure a high pace of work, and they practice collective discussions less often. Teachers with a reasoning-improvisational style (especially during questioning) prefer to influence students indirectly (through hints, clarifications, etc.), giving respondents the opportunity to formulate their answer in detail.

And finally, reasoning-methodical style

Teachers with a reasoning-methodical teaching style are primarily focused on learning outcomes and adequate planning of the educational process, and are conservative in the use of means and methods of teaching. High methodicality (systematic reinforcement, repetition of educational material, control of students’ knowledge) is combined with a standard set of teaching methods used, a preference for students’ reproductive activity, and rare collective discussions. During the survey, such teachers address a small number of students, giving everyone enough time to respond, and they pay special attention to “weak” students. Teachers with a reasoning-methodical teaching style are generally characterized by reflexivity.

Style of teaching activity. Teachers' communication style

Each person communicates using typical means and methods. A set of relatively stable and characteristic techniques and methods for organizing communication for a given individual is called an individual communication style, which, in turn, is determined by personality and character traits. The style of pedagogical communication embodies the social and ethical attitudes of society and the university teacher as its representative in specific pedagogical activities. Communication style is closely related to activity style. This reflects the level of pedagogical orientation of the teacher’s personality, his orientation towards pedagogical (and not just scientific) activity and, finally, individual-typical characteristics.

It should be noted that a variety of studies on pedagogical problems higher education they convince that a young man, having entered a university, does not immediately follow his own psychological characteristics becomes a student: various adaptation processes are underway, implemented through socio-psychological mechanisms. This is where it is extremely important to begin to form the correct system of relationships between first-year students and teaching staff.

Traditionally, there are three main styles of pedagogical communication; authoritarian, free-liberal and democratic.

For authoritarian The style is characterized by a functional-business approach to the student, when the teacher proceeds from an average idea of ​​the student and abstract requirements for him. In his assessments he is stereotypical and subjective. He often underestimates the positive importance of such qualities as independence, initiative, and prefers to characterize his students as undisciplined, lazy, and irresponsible. Although in general this style of pedagogical communication deserves a negative assessment, some tasks (especially in the initial stages of forming a student group) can be solved using an authoritarian style.

Free liberal style communication is characterized by connivance, familiarity and anarchy. Special studies and teaching practice convincingly indicate that this is the most “harmful” and destructive style for business. It creates uncertainty in students' expectations, causing them tension and anxiety.

Allows you to solve pedagogical problems most effectively democratic style, in which the teacher takes into account the individual characteristics of students, their personal experience, the specifics of their needs and capabilities. A teacher who masters this style consciously sets tasks for students, does not show negative attitudes, is objective in his assessments, is versatile and proactive in his contacts. Essentially, this style of communication can be described as personal. It can only be developed by a person with a high level of professional identity capable of constant analysis of his behavior and adequate self-esteem.

A particular teacher can hardly be unambiguously assigned to any one of the listed types. Even if there is a clear dominance of one style, the same teacher in different teaching situations, in relation to different students or when interacting with other teachers can demonstrate elements of different styles. And this fact is the key to great opportunities to work on your style, especially if we are talking about a young teacher.

But even if we take the main line of behavior of a teacher in communicating with students, that is, his basic and stable style, then it necessarily has a pronounced individual character, not completely coinciding with any of those described above. The task of developing one’s own individual style not only in pedagogical communication, but also in all other types of teaching activity is one of the most important for any professional teacher. The optimal individual style is a style that allows you to make full use of the teacher’s strengths and, if possible, compensate for the weaknesses of his temperament, character, abilities and personality as a whole.

Style of teaching activity. Conclusion

An activity style is an interconnected set of individual characteristics, methods and nature of carrying out a certain activity, usually involving interaction with people and acting as a dynamic stereotype

A.K. Markova notes the four most characteristic styles of teacher activity:

  1. emotional-improvisational;
  2. emotional and methodological;
  3. reasoning-improvisational;
  4. reasoning-methodical.

A.K. Markova and A.Ya. Nikonov distinguishes three groups of characteristics of the individual style of pedagogical activity:

  1. meaningful,
  2. dynamic
  3. effective characteristics.

The success of developing an individual style largely determines the success of a teacher’s professional development, his job satisfaction, the growth of his skills, and the objective effectiveness of his activities.

The style of teaching is closely related to the style of communication. Communication style is a set of relatively stable and characteristic techniques and methods for organizing communication.

The most important factor determining the effectiveness of pedagogical communication is the type of teacher’s attitude.

Style of teaching activity. References

  1. Alexandrov G.I. Development of a system for improving the pedagogical skills of university teachers. – M., 1977.
  2. Arkhangelsky S.I. The educational process in higher education, its natural foundations and methods. – M., 1980.
  3. Benediktov B.A. Psychology of training and education in higher education. – Minsk, 1986.
  4. Grigoryan L.A., Martsikovskaya T.D. Pedagogy and psychology: Proc. allowance. – M.: Gardariki, 2004.
  5. Kan-Kalik V.A. To the teacher about pedagogical communication. M., 1987.
  6. Markova A.K. Psychology of teacher work. M., 1993; Mitina L.M. The teacher as a person and professional. M., 1994.
  7. Petrovsky A.V. Fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology high school: Textbook. a manual for students of courses and faculties for advanced training of university teachers. – M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1986.
  8. Smirnov S.D. Pedagogy and psychology of higher education: from activity to personality: Textbook. a manual for students of fact-tov institutes for advanced training of university teachers and graduate students. – M.: Aspect Press, 1995.

Take the test to test your knowledge:

1. How many factors are there in the style of teaching:

a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 6

2. S.I. Arkhangelsky considers three groups of characteristics of an individual style of pedagogical activity. Choose three correct answers:
a) performance characteristics

b) preferential
c) dynamic
d) meaningful

3. The most complete activity-based idea of ​​the styles of pedagogical activity is given by:

a) Kapp Ernst and Korczak Janusz
b) A.K. Markova and L.M. Mitina
c) Itelson Lev Borisovich

4. Dynamic characteristics of the style. Choose three correct answers:

a) flexibility
b) stability
c) interest
d) switchability

5. What style is characterized by a functional-business approach to the student, when the teacher proceeds from an average idea of ​​the student and abstract requirements for him:

6. Teachers with an emotional-improvisational teaching style are characterized by:

a) concentration
b) emotionality
c) intuitiveness

7. Teachers with a reasoning-methodical teaching style are characterized by:

a) independence
b) training
c) reflexivity

8. Traditionally, how many main styles are distinguished in pedagogical communication:

a) 2
b) 5
c) 4
d) 3

9. A teacher who masters what style consciously sets tasks for students, does not show negative attitudes, is objective in assessments, versatile and proactive in contacts:

a) democratic
b) free-liberal
c) authoritarian

10. This is a stable system of methods, techniques, manifested in different conditions of its existence:

a) communication style
b) style of activity
c) individual style

The pedagogical activity of a teacher (teacher), like any other activity, is characterized by a certain style. IN in a broad sense words style of activity (for example, managerial, production, pedagogical) - a stable system of methods, techniques, manifested in different conditions of its implementation. The style of activity is associated with the style of self-regulation. Both are considered as two interconnected aspects of a holistic individual style of activity and human activity.

There are two sides to the style: content and technical, i.e. formal (techniques, methods). Below is full characteristics formal and substantive aspects of three styles according to G.M. Andreeva. Researchers define various functions of style: instrumental, compensatory, system-forming and integrative. Individual style of activity, according to E.A. Klimov, has a certain structure, the core of which includes individual psychological characteristics that either promote or counteract the success of activity.

Styles of pedagogical activity are primarily divided into three general types discussed above: authoritarian, democratic and liberal-permissive.

Here is their description given A.K. Markova.

Formal side: Businesslike, brief instructions. Prohibitions without leniency, with threat.
Clear language, unfriendly tone. Praise and blame are subjective. Emotions are not taken into account. Showing techniques is not a system. The leader's position is outside the group. Content side: Things in the group are planned in advance (in their entirety). Only immediate goals are determined, distant ones are unknown. The leader's voice is decisive. The student is viewed as an object of pedagogical influence, and not an equal partner. The teacher alone decides, makes decisions, establishes strict control over the fulfillment of the requirements placed on him, uses his rights without taking into account the situation and opinions of students, and does not justify his actions to students. As a result, students lose activity or carry it out only when the teacher plays a leading role, and exhibit low self-esteem and aggressiveness. With an authoritarian style, students’ strengths are aimed at psychological self-defense, rather than at mastering knowledge and their own development. The main methods of influence of such a teacher are orders and teaching. Teachers are characterized by low satisfaction with their profession and professional instability. Teachers with this leadership style pay the main attention to methodological culture and are often leaders in the teaching staff.

Democratic style.

Formal side: Instructions in the form of sentences.

Not a dry speech, but a comradely tone. Praise and blame - with advice. Orders and prohibitions with discussions. The leader's position is within the group. Content side: The student is considered an equal partner in communication, a colleague in a joint search for knowledge. The teacher involves students in decision-making, takes into account their opinions, encourages independent judgment, and takes into account not only academic performance, but also the personal qualities of students. Methods of influence are encouragement to action, advice, request. For teachers with a democratic leadership style, students more often experience states of calm satisfaction, high self-esteem. Teachers with this style pay more attention to their psychological skills. Such teachers are characterized by greater professional stability and satisfaction with their profession.

Liberal style.

Formal side: The tone is conventional.

Lack of praise and blame. No cooperation. The leader's position is inconspicuously on the side of the group. Content side: Things in the group go by themselves. The leader does not give instructions. Sections of work are composed of individual interests or come from a new leader. Activities are not planned in advance, but in a group. Everyone is responsible for the implementation of proposals. All sections of the work are not only proposed, but also discussed. The teacher avoids making decisions, transferring the initiative to students and colleagues. Organizes and controls the activities of students without a system, shows indecision and hesitation. The classroom has an unstable microclimate and hidden conflicts.”

Each of these styles, revealing the attitude towards the interaction partner, determines its character: from subordination - to partnership - to the absence of directed influence. It is important that each of these styles presupposes the dominance of either a monologue or a dialogic form of communication.

A more detailed differentiation of styles in terms of the nature of involvement in the activities of a communication teacher is proposed. V.A. Cannes-Calicome: teacher's style of engagement with students creative activity, which is an expression of the teacher’s attitude to his work, to his profession;

Based on the analysis of the dominance of each of the above styles in the behavior (activity) of teacher V.A. Kan-Kalik considers eight models. The most complete actual activity-based idea of ​​the styles of pedagogical activity was proposed by A.K. Markova, A.Ya. Nikonova. As these authors note, the basis for distinguishing style in a teacher’s work was the following: substantive characteristics of style (the teacher’s predominant focus on the process or result of his work, the teacher’s deployment of indicative and control-evaluative stages in his work); dynamic characteristics of the style (flexibility, stability, switchability); effectiveness (the level of knowledge and learning skills of schoolchildren, as well as students’ interest in the subject).

Emotional-improvisational style (EIS).

Teachers with EIS are distinguished by a predominant focus on the learning process. Such a teacher constructs an explanation of new material in a logical and interesting way, but during the process of explanation he often lacks feedback from the students. During the survey, the teacher with the EIS turns to a large number students, mostly strong ones, who are of interest to him, interviews them at a fast pace, asks informal questions, but does not allow them to speak much, does not wait for them to formulate an answer on their own. A teacher with EIS is characterized by insufficiently adequate planning of the educational process: he selects the most interesting educational material for practice in the lesson; less interesting, although important, is left for students to independently analyze. In the activities of teachers with EIS, consolidation and repetition of educational material, monitoring of students’ knowledge are not sufficiently represented. Teachers with EIS are distinguished by high efficiency and the use of a large arsenal of diverse teaching methods. He often practices collective discussions and stimulates spontaneous statements from students. A teacher with EIS is characterized by intuition, which is expressed in the frequent inability to analyze the characteristics and effectiveness of his activities in the lesson.

Emotional-methodical style (EMS).

A teacher with EMS is characterized by an orientation towards the process and results of learning, adequate planning of the teaching and educational process, high efficiency, and a certain predominance of intuitiveness over reflexivity. Focusing on both the process and the results of learning, such a teacher adequately plans the educational process, gradually works through all educational material, carefully monitors the level of knowledge of all students (both strong and weak), in his Activities constantly include consolidation and repetition of educational material, monitoring students' knowledge. Such a teacher is distinguished by high efficiency, he often changes the types of work in the lesson, and practices collective discussions. Using the same rich arsenal of methodological techniques when practicing educational material as a teacher with EMS, a teacher with EMS, unlike the latter, strives to activate children not with external entertainment, but to firmly interest them in the features of the subject itself.

Reasoning-improvisational style (RIS).

A teacher with RIS is characterized by an orientation towards the process and results of learning, and adequate planning of the educational process. Compared to teachers with emotional styles, a teacher with RIS shows less inventiveness in selecting and varying teaching methods, is not always able to ensure a high pace of work, practices collective discussions less often, and the relative time of spontaneous speech of his students during lessons is less than in teachers with an emotional style. A teacher with RIS speaks less himself, especially during a survey, preferring to influence students indirectly (through hints, clarifications, etc.), giving respondents the opportunity to formulate their answer in detail.

Reasoning-methodical style (RMS).

Focusing primarily on learning outcomes and adequately planning the educational process, a teacher with RMS is conservative in the use of means and methods of teaching. High methodicality (systematic reinforcement, repetition of educational material, control of students’ knowledge) is combined with a small, standard set of teaching methods used, preference for students’ reproductive activity, and rare collective discussions. During the questioning process, the teacher with RMS addresses a small number of students, giving each a lot of time to answer, paying special attention to weak students. A teacher with RMS is generally characterized by reflexivity.” The above description of the styles of teaching and learning activity can be considered as a certain model of it, reflecting the specifics of the subject of this activity. The style of pedagogical activity is its integrative characteristic, reflecting the management style, communication style, behavioral style and cognitive style of the teacher (teacher), which is most fully expressed in four types of teacher’s work style, according to A.Ya. Nikonova, A.K. Markova.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Northern (Arctic) federal university

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology


In the discipline Pedagogy

On the topic Individual style of teaching activity

Murasheva Anastasia Vladimirovna

Arkhangelsk 2013




1 Universal principles




Everyone has a unique teaching style, a style of putting things in order in the lesson, and a style of writing these orders. Few people think that teaching is a unique process of developing each teacher’s individual leadership style and working with students. The word “style” in a generalized concept is a way, way of life and action based on certain patterns, especially if we are talking about a way that plays a significant role in this regard, a way that creates, has creative value. Thus, the conclusion is that style is inherent in every person, it can be identified by his actions, actions, manners, behavior and clothing, despite what kind of activity he is engaged in. A. N. Sokolov defines style as a system in which all elements are in unity with each other.

Style occupies a connecting position between individuality and environment. Modern pedagogy teaches future teachers to be versatile, sociable, well-educated, and so on. This is all true, but in such a variety of requirements for teaching skills, value-based individual approaches are lost. Educational plans, extracurricular activities, constant changes in the education system push into the background the main thing - love for children, attentiveness, upbringing, teaching, individual work with kids.

Subject test work sounds like this: “Individual style of teaching activity.” This topic is relevant in modern times, because working according to templates has long been no longer effective. Teachers are as individual as their students, so they should not be afraid to develop their own teaching style. To do this, you always need to look for new approaches, develop new techniques, but style, like business card, must always remain with the teacher. The purpose of the test: to form your own concept - an individual style of teaching activity.

In order to achieve the goal, it will be necessary to complete a number of tasks:

to figure out general concept the word “style”, what meaning it has in teaching and what functions it contains;

define General characteristics style, basic principles of style;

determine the meaning and essence of the “individual style” of pedagogical activity;

consider the functions of the individual style of teaching;

draw conclusions and give a conclusion in which one’s own concept of individual style of teaching activity will be formulated.


Before starting to teach, every teacher must understand why, for whom and how he does it. A real teacher must be able to evaluate his own successes, the successes of his students, and he should not stop there, but, on the contrary, must continue to fight for future successes.

For some reason they believe that real teachers can be trained. However, they are not hatched in an incubator or produced on production lines, even at universities. A brilliant teacher is one who constantly improves himself. Sukhomlinsky V.A. wrote: “ can be a good teacher only by being a good educator...Without participation in educational work the entire pedagogical culture, all the teacher’s knowledge is dead baggage.”

The way each of us speaks (no matter - at a lecture, in a regular school lesson or laboratory work at the university) is called style. The relationship between a teacher and a student can be through the subject (the teacher is a “professor”), through friendship (the teacher is a “friend”) or through style (the teacher is an “artist”). From which way the teacher will go to the student, academic performance and the degree of mastery of educational material will depend. All paths undoubtedly have the right to exist, but no one forbids combining them.

Each teacher is a living link between students and the content of lessons. The teaching style puts filter glasses on students, through which they look at what will be useful to them. Their teaching style can cause them to view course material as interesting, useful, and life-changing, or as the exact opposite.

As for the relationship between teacher and student, it should be noted that they should be friendly, mutual, and benevolent. A teacher must love all his students constantly and unconditionally. He must help those who are lagging behind, encourage them not only with words, but also with actions. “You cannot learn to love children, not in any institution, not from any textbooks, books; this ability develops in the process of a person’s participation in public life, his relationships with other people. But by nature pedagogical work- everyday communication with children deepens love for a person and faith in him. The calling to pedagogical activity develops at school, in the process of this activity,” wrote V. A. Sukhomlinsky about the calling of a teacher, about the fact that teachers are not born, but become thanks to work and constant work on oneself.

The teacher needs to adapt his style to the situation with tempo, voice timbre, and content. In every situation, you can play a certain role, because the role of the teacher in the educational process is diverse. The main thing to remember is that a teacher should teach only what he is competent in and what constitutes his moral essence.

“If a teacher has only love for what he does, he will be a good teacher. If the teacher has only love for the student, like a father, mother, he will better than that a teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher” (L. Tolstoy)


1 Universal principles

The style of pedagogical activity is a stable system of methods, methods of activity, and behavior of the teacher, manifested in different conditions of its existence, professionally developed, but associated with his individuality. The style is determined by the specifics of the activity, the individual psychological characteristics of its subjects - the teacher (teacher) and students (pupils, students).

Universal principles contain basic advice with which the teacher will organize effective academic work.

Targeted teaching. A teacher must remember those he teaches. A teacher must listen to his students, be attentive, and restrained. The teacher should always reciprocate the requests of students, and not ignore them.

Lessons don't have to be boring. Boring or interesting - the choice is up to the teacher. The percentage of material mastery will depend on how the teacher approaches the explanation of this or that material. Over the many years of his work, Sukhomlinsky V.A. has well and deeply studied the activities of teachers and the impact that unusual teaching principles have on the educational process: “Learning can become an interesting, exciting activity for children if it is illuminated by the bright light of thoughts, feelings, creativity , beauty, play that a teacher can give.”

Teaching style is the responsibility of the teacher. Interesting teaching does not happen in itself - it must be carefully planned in advance.

We must not forget that in Everyday life we play many different roles: wife, husband, friend, parent and so on. So it is in the life of a teacher. The teacher must play the role of a teacher that inspires students to play the role of students. 5. The style and manner of teaching determine the boundaries within which learning takes place. It is necessary to take into account not only the topic of the lesson, the age characteristics of the students, but also the mood of the audience, its size, and gender (sexual) characteristics.

The ability to change your style. Without changes in pedagogical creativity there can be no change in the assimilation of educational material. Great or at least good teachers are not born, they become them in the process of constant work on oneself. If you try to adhere to these principles, you can develop a good training system that will be combined and not formulaic. To achieve something, you always need to start from the basics.

“You can teach as long as you learn yourself” - K. D. Ushinsky.

2 Main characteristics of learning style

Features of teaching style are easy to recognize. The difficulty lies elsewhere. The question is always what exactly should you imitate and what should you borrow for yourself.

The teacher must take into account the peculiarities of the child’s development and perception and, correlating all these subtleties, the teacher needs to adjust his teaching style. Children by nature are inquisitive, versatile, absorbing like sponges who love everything bright and unusual.

That is why, taking into account the characteristics of the teaching style, the teacher should use some techniques:

Sometimes the technique of surprise is effective in learning. Children are not interested in mediocrity and predictability. Anything new easily attracts attention and arouses interest.

Visualization is one of the “golden rules” of learning theory.

Each lesson should be unique, inimitable, incomparable.

The teaching style must appeal to all of a person's senses.

The teaching style should be exciting and fun.

The teacher is obliged to create all conditions for the embodiment and reincarnation of students.

If you try to follow all these tips and follow the principles, then half of your success will be in your pocket.

3 Types of teaching styles

Emotionally improvisational. Focusing primarily on the learning process, the teacher is not sufficiently adequate in relation to the final results; for the lesson he selects the most interesting material, less interesting (although important) he often leaves for independent work students, focusing mainly on strong students. The teacher’s activities are highly operational: the types of work often change during the lesson, and collective discussions are practiced. However, the rich arsenal of teaching methods used is combined with low methodicality, consolidation and repetition of educational material, and control of student knowledge are not sufficiently represented. The teacher's activity is characterized by intuitiveness, hypersensitivity depending on the situation in the lesson, personal anxiety, flexibility and impulsiveness. Such a teacher is sensitive and insightful towards students.

Emotional and methodological. Focusing on both the result and the process, he works through all the educational material step by step, without missing out on consolidating, repeating and monitoring students’ knowledge. The teacher's activity is highly efficient. The teacher strives to activate students not with external entertainment, but with the features of the subject itself. The teacher is hypersensitive to changes in the situation in the lesson, personally anxious, but sensitive and insightful towards students.

Reasoning - improvisational. A teacher is characterized by an orientation towards the learning process and results, adequate planning, efficiency, and a combination of intuitiveness and reflection. The teacher is less inventive in varying teaching methods, he does not always adhere to a high pace of the lesson, and does not always use collective discussions. But the teacher himself speaks less, especially during the survey, preferring to influence students indirectly, giving respondents the opportunity to formulate their answer in detail. Teachers of this style are less sensitive to changes in the situation in the lesson, they lack a demonstration of narcissism, and are characterized by caution and traditionalism.

Reasoning-methodical. Focusing primarily on learning outcomes and adequately planning the educational process, the teacher is conservative in the use of means and methods of teaching. High methodologicalness is combined with a small, standard set of teaching methods, preference for students' reproductive activity, and rare collective discussions. A teacher of this style is distinguished by reflexivity, low sensitivity to changes in situations in the lesson, and caution in his actions.


1 The concept and essence of individual style of teaching activity

individual style pedagogical teaching

We can also talk about individual style in relation to communication, which is a special, relatively independent type of activity. In a teacher’s activities, the style of his communication with students at different stages of their age development plays an important role. In the psychological and pedagogical literature, based on available research, five most common student leadership styles are identified, namely:

· autocratic (autocratic);

· democratic (reliance on the team and stimulation of student independence);

· ignoring (practical removal from management of students’ activities, formal fulfillment of one’s duties);

· inconsistent (situational nature of the system of relationships with students).

The individual style of teaching activity is a system of skills, methods, techniques, and ways of solving problems in the process of work that is characteristic of a given teacher. The complex of individual characteristics of a teacher can only partially satisfy professional requirements. Therefore, the teacher, consciously or spontaneously mobilizing his professional quality, at that time it compensates or somehow overcomes those qualities that hinder the achievement of success. As a result, an individual style of activity is created - a unique version of the typical methods of work for a given teacher in typical conditions. An effective individual style of pedagogical activity is a style with the help of which the teacher constantly finds optimal combinations in the way of stimulating, reorienting and mobilizing students, flexibly resolving the pedagogical situation in achieving the ultimate educational and educational goals. A certain algorithm of these combinations in the organization and regulation of teachers’ business behavior characterizes one or another individual style.

Gifted, creative person- it's always individuality. The formation of a teacher’s individuality contributes to education creative personality child. Every adult who consciously chooses a teaching profession, by the time such a choice is made, has already formed as a person and, undoubtedly, is an individual. The more diverse personalities there are among teachers and educators, the more likely it is that they will teach and raise children with many different and at the same time useful individual qualities.

Individual style is usually understood as a stable system of methods or techniques of activity. Depending on the individual characteristics of the nervous system, polar, individually stable methods of activity can develop, allowing people to achieve the same high results. At the same time, any individual style of activity can be formed only if the subject has a positive attitude towards it. Individual style acts simultaneously both as a certain way of expressing a person’s attitude towards the activity he actually carries out, and as a condition for the subsequent formation of an active and creative attitude towards it in the subject.

We can also talk about individual style in relation to communication, which is a special, relatively independent type of activity. In a teacher’s activities, the style of his communication with students at different stages of their age development plays an important role. The style of pedagogical activity arises where the teacher has freedom of self-expression. A teacher, seeing the variety of ways to carry out professional activities, can limit himself to just one, which will constitute his style of activity. The zone of uncertainty is subjective and is located where one teacher sees many pedagogical solutions, while another sees only one. The tendency to have a high frequency of influences and fussiness in work is often associated with disorientation in the object of influence or with the inability to apply knowledge of the psychology of individual people to the development of an individual system of influences.

An effective individual style of pedagogical activity is a style with the help of which the teacher constantly finds optimal combinations in the way of stimulating, reorienting and mobilizing students, flexibly resolving the pedagogical situation in achieving the ultimate educational and educational goals.

3.2Functions of individual style of teaching activity

The style methodology highlights the following functions:

) style is a manifestation of integrity, individuality;

) style is associated with a certain orientation and value system of the individual;

) style performs a compensatory function, helping the individual to most effectively adapt to the requirements of the environment.

The main thing in pedagogical communication is to create a situation of success for the student. The teacher’s main attention should be directed to constructive (so that the student can rely on the teacher’s attitude towards himself), positive (with his positive attitude the teacher teaches the student to think in terms of success) pedagogical assessment, which turns into the student’s internal assessment of his efforts and the results obtained. If a student develops a positive self-esteem of his learning abilities, then he will develop an interest in learning. To implement this direction in working with students, it is extremely necessary to have an individual approach to the child, the basis of which is the individual style of his own pedagogical activity formed by the teacher.

In order to educate a person, it is necessary to know and understand it. It is important that this study does not, as usual, constitute a wave, a stream of events, education “in general,” when the individual personality is actually lost and emerges only when troubles happen. Students prefer teachers who use discipline less frequently, whose behavior is flexible, appropriate for the age and individuality of the student, and consistent with the structure of the lesson.

The relationship between a teacher and students is one of the most important ways of educational influence on the developing personality of a student. However, teachers do not always have good relationships with students. This largely depends on the style of leadership or on the style of communication with them, on the individual style of teaching. In order to implement the conditions of pedagogical activity in its means, the teacher must have a flexible individual style. An important component of flexibility is cognitive style as stable individual psychological ways of receiving and processing information. He is characterized by the “sharp” eye and intelligence of a teacher. Cognitive style includes:

a) vision of what is veiled in the activity performed, including latent signs specific situation;

b) vision for the future (notice what is not in demand today, but may be useful tomorrow, the day after tomorrow);

c) vision of the future (identifying the sprouts of the new, positive, i.e. what you can rely on in your pedagogical decisions). The positive or negative consequences of teacher professionalization are determined by his personal characteristics as a subject of pedagogical activity, the specificity of the object, the universality and content of pedagogical activity.

In general, this means the ability to build a perspective strategy, during the pursuit of which one thing clings to another, as a result, time begins to work towards achieving the intended result. Then the teacher “manages to catch the system by the tail”: a scenario is created that predetermines the student’s behavior: reflexive management consists of creating external pedagogical conditions, which become internal conditions that regulate the activity (behavioral, active) of the student.

The conditions of pedagogical activity turn into means of its optimal implementation when they:

) create favorable incentives (external and internal) to actualize the creative potential of the student’s personality;

) become a support for achieving pedagogical goals (this requires the inclusion of constructive thinking, it is this that helps to find what you can rely on in your activities at this stage of its implementation);

) latent, hidden conditions of a specific situation become objective, “working” and really influence the successful implementation of teaching activities, if the teacher knows how to see around, if he has developed “lateral” creative thinking. Consequently, a psychologist can help a teacher learn to recognize such conditions, especially latent ones, and take them into account in specific pedagogical activities.

Good teachers should not be anonymous, faceless, but should have their own manners and personal attitude to teaching and education. If a teacher was unable to develop an individual style in his professional activities, then he will not be able to take an author’s position in educational process and space.


A teacher is a role model, everyone should remember this. Therefore, it is very important how others see him. Style is one of the important components. We managed to find out that style is mastery of one’s voice, body, facial expressions, and the degree of passion for a subject. Thus, it became clear that style is a manifestation of individuality, which is associated with the conditions in which the teacher finds himself.

Teaching style can be developed throughout your career. Undoubtedly, each person has his own style, and it turns out that the teacher also has his own teaching system, in which one can note points that are unique only to this teacher. The test paper examined the principles, characteristics of styles, and their types. This is a kind of reminder that every teacher should carry with him or at least periodically take out and look at some subparagraphs.

You can often meet a good teacher, with wonderful knowledge, a desire to work, but at the same time, when you get into his lesson, you can feel some kind of incompleteness, monotony, monotony. This is because the template is taken as a basis, but it is not polished or even supplemented. But you need to understand that the teacher is everything for the student. If a child is bored, if he refuses to delve into the essence of the lesson, then the teacher is to blame.

An individual teaching style is developed from the basics. Thanks to the individual style of teaching, the teacher constantly finds optimal combinations in the way of stimulating, reorienting and mobilizing students, flexibly resolving the pedagogical situation in achieving the final educational and educational goals.

The purpose of the test was to form your own concept - an individual style of teaching activity. In my opinion, the individual style of teaching is a complex of individual characteristics of the teacher, such as: appearance, behavior, communication style, and types of teaching styles that have developed most favorably during teaching activities. It is also an individual way of conducting training sessions, which is accompanied by extraordinary, unusual, interesting approaches. It is rare that you can consider the individual teaching style of young, beginning teachers, but there are exceptions. Basically, of course, these are experienced teachers who have graduated more than one student behind them.

Schools should conduct trainings and additional classes for teachers, where problematic issues in this area will be discussed, as well as examples of how to combat them will be given. The help of specialists is needed so that the teacher knows his strengths and weaknesses, and knows what leadership style his own style is close to. The work of specialists and psychologists is needed to help fully reveal hidden possibilities teacher


1. Kukushin V. S. Introduction to pedagogical activity. Publishing center "Mart" Moscow - Rostov-on-Don, 2005

Sukhomlinsky V. A. About education. Publishing house political literature, Moscow 1975

Zimnyaya I. A. Pedagogical psychology. Publishing house "Phoenix", Rostov - on - Don, 1997.

Klyueva N.V. Pedagogical psychology. Moscow “Vlados - Press” 2003

5. Nemov R. S. General psychology. In volume 3. Publisher: Yurayt - Izdat, 2012 -<#"justify">LINKS

Starikov V.V. Teaching style of different personality types of teachers. P.246

Kukushin V.S. Introduction to pedagogical activity. C.7

Kukushin V.S. Introduction to pedagogical activity. C.8

Kukushin V.S. Introduction to pedagogical activity. C.9

Kukushin V.S. Introduction to pedagogical activity. P. 136

Kukushin V.S. Introduction to pedagogical activity. C. 137

Sukhomlinsky V. A. About education. P. 16

Klyueva N.V. Pedagogical psychology. C. 81

Sukhomlinsky V. A. About education. P. 78

Kukushin V.S. Introduction to pedagogical activity. pp. 136 - 139

Kukushin V.S. Introduction to pedagogical activity. pp. 139 -141.

Klyueva N.V. Pedagogical psychology. pp. 86 - 87

Klyueva N.V. Pedagogical psychology. P.83

Nemov R. S. General psychology. Volume 3, section 6, ch. 29

Klyueva N.V. Pedagogical psychology. C. 82

Klyueva N.V. Pedagogical psychology. P. 83

Klyueva N.V. Pedagogical psychology. C. 84


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General concept of the style of pedagogical activity. Pedagogical activity, like any other, is characterized by a certain style of execution. In a general sense, the concept of “style” implies the presence of a certain stable system of ways and techniques for carrying out activities. This system is a stable feature that manifests itself in various conditions under which a given activity has to be performed. The exact style of performance that a subject of activity develops is determined primarily by his individual psychological characteristics - type of temperament, character traits, level of development of professional abilities, etc. According to the definition of E. A. Klimov, a style of activity in the strictly psychological sense is “ determined by typological characteristics, a stable system of methods that develops in a person striving for the best implementation of a given activity... an individually unique system of psychological means to which a person consciously or spontaneously resorts in order to best balance his typologically determined individuality with the objective external conditions of activity.” This definition especially emphasizes that the best performance of an activity is achieved through an individual, unique combination of its techniques and methods.

Every adult who consciously chooses a teaching profession, at the time of making this choice is already, in many ways, a fully formed personality with his own individual characteristics. In any case, the individual qualities of a teacher must meet the general psychological requirements for this profession. In addition, in pedagogical activities related to the “person-to-person” type of profession, it is imperative to take into account the psychological characteristics of the other side - the students. For example, the teacher’s style of working and communicating with students primary classes both directly in the lesson and outside it will be noticeably different from the communication style of, say, a chemistry teacher who works exclusively with older teenagers and young men. In turn, a university teacher’s style of activity will differ significantly from school teacher, including teaching the same discipline. Thus, the emerging individual style of pedagogical activity is influenced by at least three main factors: 1) individual psychological characteristics of the subject of this activity, including individual typological, personal and behavioral; 2) psychological characteristics of the activity itself; 3) characteristics of students (age, gender, status, level of knowledge, etc.).

The main areas of manifestation of the individual style of teaching activity are:

› temperament (time and speed of reaction, individual pace of work, emotional responsiveness);

› the nature of the reaction to certain pedagogical situations, as well as to various actions and behaviors of students;

› choice of teaching methods;

› choice of educational means;

› style of pedagogical communication;

› the use of psychological and pedagogical influence on students, including the preference for certain types of rewards and punishments.

It should be noted that the formation of each teacher’s individual style of activity imposes natural restrictions on the use of other people’s pedagogical experience, even the most advanced. It is important for a teacher to remember that advanced experience is almost always inseparable from the personality of its author and represents a unique combination of generally significant pedagogical findings and the teacher’s individuality, therefore attempts to directly copy someone else’s pedagogical experience, as a rule, do not bring the same results as those of its authors. For a teacher with a different set of individual traits, the same methods and techniques for carrying out activities will have a largely different embodiment, and not always as successful. They may simply not suit him as a person and individuality and, therefore, will require much more effort from him for their implementation, which will greatly reduce their effectiveness. Advanced teaching experience it is necessary not only to copy, but to consciously and creatively rework: perceiving the main thing in it, the teacher must strive to always remain himself, i.e., a bright pedagogical individuality, and only under this condition is it possible to increase the effectiveness of teaching and education based on borrowing advanced pedagogical experience.

Classification of styles of pedagogical activity depending on its nature. The most complete actual activity-based idea of ​​the styles of pedagogical activity was proposed by A.K. Markova.