Planning on the theme of the new year in the preparatory group. Thematic week "New Year in different countries". Winter patterns of Santa Claus

Chapter I
Theoretical basis development cognitive activity in children of preschool age.

1.3. Features of the didactic game in the cognitive development of children.
Conclusions on the first chapter.
Chapter II
Experimental work on the problem of the development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age.
2.1. Determination of the level of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age.
2.2. Introduction of pedagogical conditions for the development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age.
Conclusions on the second chapter.

The problem of the development of cognitive processes in preschoolers is one of the most relevant in child psychology, since human interaction with the outside world is possible due to his cognitive activity and activity, and also because cognitive activity is an indispensable prerequisite for the formation of mental qualities of a person, his independence and initiative. The problem of cognitive activity is one of the most difficult in pedagogy, since, being an individual psychological characteristic of a person, it reflects very complex interactions of psychophysiological, biological and social conditions development.
When studying the psychological and pedagogical literature, we revealed a contradiction between the urgent need for the development of cognitive processes in preschoolers and the insufficient use of the possibility of improving this process in gaming activities in a preschool institution.
Thus, the importance and relevance of the problem under consideration, its insufficient theoretical and practical development led to the choice of the topic of the course work: "The development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age.
The purpose of the course work: to identify pedagogical conditions contributing
development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age.
Object: the process of development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age.
Subject: didactic game as a means of developing cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age.
In accordance with the purpose, object and subject, the following hypothesis was formulated: the development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age will be more successful with the systematic use of didactic games.
In accordance with the goal and hypothesis, the following tasks are solved:
1. To analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age.
2. Determine the level of development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age.
3. To introduce pedagogical conditions for the development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age.
The tasks were solved using a set of methods:
- theoretical analysis of literature.

Research base: municipal autonomous preschool educational institution. Child Development Center. Kindergarten № 378

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations for the development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age.

1.1 Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age.
An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature showed that general theory cognitive activity developed widely. The problem of the development of cognitive activity has been sufficiently developed by such scientists as Sh.A. Amonashvili, N.F. Talyzina, G.I. Schukina and others. Cognitive activity is a product and a prerequisite for the assimilation of social experience. A person does not bring into the world ready-made forms of behavior, does not have innate logical thinking, ready-made knowledge about the world, mathematical or musical abilities. Its development proceeds not through the deployment of ready-made abilities inherent in heredity from within, but through the assimilation ("appropriation") of the experience accumulated by previous generations (A.N. Leontiev, N.F. Talyzina). Moreover, the main role in this process is played by the teacher, whose social function is to transfer the experience of the previous generation to the new generation.
Preschool age is the most important stage in the formation of cognitive culture and education of the individual. In this regard, the cognitive development of older preschoolers is becoming a priority pedagogical theory and practice at this stage of education, since at this age the child's interest in the environment, his curiosity and observation can be used to expand his cognitive horizons and erudition.
cognitive development has an important impact on general development: the intellectual, personal qualities of the child are formed, the features of the future personality are laid in it (attitude to the world around, to peers, adults). The world unfolding before the eyes of a child is vast and great. The child is interested in everything, but it is still difficult for him to understand the relationship and interaction that exist between the complex phenomena of the surrounding reality.
The foundations of cognitive development must be laid with early age: from emotional education to active action. The purpose of cognitive education in preschool childhood is to develop in preschoolers a scientific-cognitive, emotional-moral, practical-active attitude to the environment and to their health on the basis of sensory and emotional knowledge of the natural and social environment of a person. A caring attitude to the world around is laid in the child's soul only if the preschooler daily sees examples of an attentive attitude to everything around on the part of adults.
Developmental psychology has comprehensive information about the state and dynamics of cognitive processes in preschool children. The problem of the features of cognitive development, the creation of conditions that effectively influence the formation of the cognitive activity of preschool children, has for many years occupied one of the leading places in pedagogical and psychological research. Many teachers and psychologists of the past addressed her, both domestic (P.P. Blonsky, V.P. Vakhterov, P.F. Kapterev, E.I. Konradi, A.A. Smirnov, etc.), and foreign ones (D. Baldwin, D. Bruner, K. Buhler, E. Claparede, J. Piaget, V. Stern, etc.). Modern psychologists have studied various aspects of the problem of the cognitive development of preschoolers: the formation of cognitive interests in children different ages(L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, N.G. Morozova, V.N. Myasishchev, N.N. Poddyakov, A.I. Sorokina, G.I. Shchukina, etc.), features of the manifestation of cognitive needs in children (D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, V.S. Yurkevich), age specificity manifestations of children's curiosity (D.B. Godovikova, V.G. Ivanov, G. Lyamina), the process of emergence and development of children's questions (N. Babich, L.N. Galiguzova, L.F. Zakharevich, E.O. Smirnova, A.I. Sorokina, N.B. Shumakova). A number of works reveal the conditions and directions pedagogical activity on the development of cognitive interests in preschool age (V.V. Bartsalkina, L.N. Vakhrusheva, N.S. Denisenkova, T. Kulikova, M.I. Lisina, L. Manevtsova, M.V. Marusinets, L.F. Ostrovskaya, N.V. Prorok, E.O. Smirnova, R.D. Triger, etc.). Researchers identify a whole range of components of the formation of a child's cognitive attitude to the environment, where the most significant are cognitive activity and cognitive interest. In the works of L.S. Vygotsky M.I. Lisina, E.I. Shcherbakova, G. I. Shchukina identified the conditions for the formation of children's cognitive activity: timely and adequate correlation of cognitive interests with the subject, their stimulation and development in all areas of the child's activity, selection of forms and methods of working with children, accounting personality traits child.

1.2. The role of didactic play in the development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age.
Didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon. It is a game method of teaching children, a form of learning, independent play activity, a means of comprehensive education of the personality, as well as one of the means of developing the cognitive activity of children of early preschool age.
Cognitive (didactic) games are specially created situations that simulate reality, from which preschoolers are invited to find a way out.
Didactic game technology is a specific technology problem learning. At the same time, the play activity of preschool children has an important property: in it, cognitive activity is self-movement, since information does not come from outside, but is an internal product, the result of the activity itself.
The information thus obtained generates a new one, which, in turn, entails the next link, and so on until the final result of learning is achieved.
Didactic game as a means of developing the cognitive processes of preschool children contains great potential:
activates cognitive processes;

develops abilities;

reinforces knowledge and skills.
The general structure of the didactic game contains the following components:
motivational: needs, motives, interests that determine the desires of children to take part in the game;
indicative: choice of means of gaming activity;
executive: actions, operations, allowing to realize the set game goal;
control and evaluation: correction and stimulation of the activity of gaming activity.
The structural element of the game is the game task carried out by children in the game activity. Two tasks - didactic and game - reflect the relationship between learning and play. In contrast to the direct setting of a didactic task in the classroom in a didactic game, it is carried out through a game task, determines the game actions, becomes the task of the child himself, arouses the desire and need to solve it, and activates the game actions. The presence of a didactic task emphasizes the educational nature of the game, the focus of the educational content on the processes of cognitive activity of preschool children.
The amusement of the conditional world of the game makes the monotonous activity of memorization, repetition, consolidation or assimilation of information positively emotionally colored, and the emotionality of the game action activates all the mental processes and functions of a preschool child.
Another positive side of the didactic game is that it promotes the use of knowledge in a new situation, thus, the material acquired by preschoolers goes through a kind of practice, brings variety and interest to pedagogical process. A properly constructed game enriches the process of thinking, develops self-regulation, strengthens the will of the child. The game leads to his independent discoveries, problem solving.
The game is divided into several stages:
1 stage. It is characterized by the appearance in the child of the desire to play, to act actively.
Various techniques are possible in order to arouse interest in the game: conversation, riddles, counting rhymes, a reminder of the game you like. Communication develops, on the basis of which such qualities as camaraderie, friendliness, mutual assistance, rivalry are formed. The teacher makes children interested in the game, creates a joyful expectation of a new interesting game makes you want to play.
2 stage. The child learns to perform a game task, rules, actions of the game. The teacher acts not only as an observer, but also as an equal partner who knows how to come to the rescue in time, to fairly assess the behavior of children in the game.
3 stage. During this period, the foundations are laid for such important qualities as honesty, determination, perseverance, the ability to experience the bitterness of failure, the ability to rejoice not only in one's own success, but also in the success of one's comrades. The role of the teacher is to evaluate children's creativity in solving game problems.
In early age groups, didactic games are considered in preschool pedagogy as teaching children role-playing games. In these types of games, children, having learned the rules and conditions, can play independently both in the classroom and outside the classroom. The content of didactic games forms in children the correct attitude to natural phenomena, objects of the surrounding world, social life, people of different professions and nationalities, ideas about work activity, systematizing and deepening knowledge, teaching children to think independently, use independent knowledge in various conditions in accordance with the task.
Didactic games for ingenuity set the task for children to rationally use the available knowledge in mental operations:
1. find characteristics in objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;
2. compare, group, classify by certain signs, to draw correct conclusions, generalizations, to reflect.
Word games help develop children's speech: replenishing and activating the vocabulary, forming the correct sound pronunciation, developing coherent speech, the ability to correctly express one's thoughts, compose independent stories about objects, phenomena in nature and social life, forming retelling skills. Games such as “Name in one word”, “Name three objects” require children to actively use generic, specific concepts. Finding antonyms, synonyms, words similar in sound, the main task of word games. If a child gets the role of a guide in the "Journey" games, then, willingly telling and explaining, he develops a monologue speech.
In the game, preschoolers form moral ideas about caring for the objects around them, toys as products of adult labor, about norms of behavior, about relationships with peers and adults, about positive and negative qualities personality.
Many didactic games form children's respect for the working person. For example, in the game “Who built this house?” Children learn that before building a house, architects-designers work on a drawing, then builders get down to business: masons, plasterers, plumbers, painters and other workers. Children learn knowledge about what machines help people in building a house. So children awaken a cognitive interest in people of these professions, there is a desire to play construction, houses, railway and other objects.
The game creates a positive emotional upsurge, causes good health and at the same time requires a certain amount of tension. nervous system. Particularly important are games with didactic toys, during which the small muscles of the hands develop and strengthen, which also has a positive effect on the mental development of children, on preparing the child’s hand for writing, for fine arts, i.e. future schooling.
In games, character traits of each participant are manifested, both positive - perseverance, determination, honesty and others, and negative - selfishness, stubbornness, boastfulness. During the game, some children know a lot, boldly answer, act confidently, others know less and keep somewhat aloof, closed. It also happens that a child knows a lot, but does not show ingenuity, resourcefulness, is distinguished by speed and flexibility of thinking.
In the game, the teacher must take into account individual characteristics every pupil.
So, with the help of games, the individual characteristics of children are revealed, through the same games, the teacher eliminates undesirable manifestations in the character of his pupils and develops the necessary components for successful learning:
intellectual (development of mental abilities of children);
motivational (desire to learn new things);
practical (apply acquired knowledge and skills in life).
Summarizing the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:
the game is a powerful stimulus and versatile, strong motivation in teaching preschool children; all mental processes are activated in the game, it allows you to harmoniously combine the emotional and rational learning of preschoolers; the game encourages the involvement of everyone in active work; the game allows you to expand the boundaries of the life of a child who can imagine himself, according to someone else's story, something that was not in his direct experience; in the game, internal emancipation occurs: when shyness disappears and the feeling “I can too” arises; the game allows you to harmonize and democratize the relationship between the teacher and the child; the didactic game is a means of developing the cognitive activity of preschool children, forming its components necessary for mastering learning activities(intellectual, motivational and practical).
Thus, the game as a means of developing the cognitive processes of preschool children contains great potential: it activates cognitive processes (thinking, attention, memory, imagination, etc.);
educates the interest and attentiveness of preschool children;
develops abilities;
introduces children to life situations;
teaches them to act according to the rules, develops curiosity;
reinforces knowledge and skills.

1. Abuzyarova, L. The subject-developing environment of a preschool educational institution. // Child in kindergarten.2009. – N6. - S. 30-32.
2. Aksarina, N.M. The upbringing of young children. - M: Education, 2010. - 232 p.
Topical issues of formation of interest in learning. – M.: Enlightenment, 2009. – 168 p.
3. Althaus, D., Dum E. Color, shape, quantity. – M.: Enlightenment, 2004. – 268 p.
4. Asmolov, A.G. Psychology of Personality. – M.: Enlightenment, 2009. – 244 p.
5. Bezhenova, M. Mathematical alphabet. Formation of elementary mathematical representations. – M.: EKSMO, 2011. – 212 p.
6. Bleher, F.N. Counting and number in kindergarten. methodical letter. - M.: Nauka, 2009. - 188s.
7. Blonsky, P.P. Preschool age. – M.: Nauka, 2006. – 176 p.
8. Bolotina, L.R., Komarova, T.S., Baranov, S.P. Preschool Pedagogy: Proc. allowance - M: Academy, 2008. - 218 p.
9. Bure, R.S., Ostrovskaya, L.F. Educator and children: Tutorial. – M.: Yuveta, 2007. – 212 p.
10. Wenger, L.A., Dyachenko O.M. Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in preschool children. – M.: Enlightenment, 2007. – 234 p.
11. Volosova, E. Development of a preschool child. – M.: Enlightenment, 2008. – 344 p.
12. Raising independent preschoolers: Collection of articles - St. Petersburg: Childhood-PRESS, 2009. - 192 p.
13. Voskresenskaya, V. We create a developing environment ourselves. // Child in kindergarten. 2011. - N1. - S. 77-79.
14. Vlasova, T.A. On the problem of educating independence in older preschoolers in the process of artistic manual labor. // Cognitive and affective aspects of personality development at different

“The more a child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and learned, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive it is with others. equal conditions will be his creative research activities", - wrote the classic of the national psychological science Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky.

The cognitive development of children is one of the important areas in working with preschool children. Any child is born with an innate cognitive orientation that helps him adapt to the new conditions of his life. Gradually, the cognitive orientation develops into cognitive activity - a state of internal readiness for cognitive research activity, which manifests itself in children in search actions aimed at obtaining new impressions of the world around them.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of the combined type No. 25 "Ryabinushka"

Michurinsk, Tambov region

Related message:

"Development of cognitive activity of younger preschoolers"

(Material of the city pedagogical association)

Prepared by:

teacher Sidorova Svetlana Valerievna

Michurinsk - science city


“The more a child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and learned, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, other things being equal, his creative, research activity will be,” wrote the classic of Russian psychological science Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky.

The cognitive development of children is one of the important areas in working with preschool children. Any child is born with an innate cognitive orientation that helps him adapt to the new conditions of his life. Gradually, the cognitive orientation develops into cognitive activity - a state of internal readiness for cognitive research activity, which manifests itself in children in search actions aimed at obtaining new impressions of the world around them.

It is experimentation that is the leading activity in young children: “The fundamental fact is that the activity of experimentation permeates all spheres of children's life, all children's activities, including play.”

The kid is a natural explorer of the world around him. The world opens up to the child through the experience of his personal sensations, actions, experiences.

The development of cognitive activity in preschool children is especially important, as it develops children's curiosity, inquisitiveness of the mind and forms stable cognitive interests through research activities on their basis. Is it possible to organize research activities with children of primary preschool age?

In the process of practical and cognitive activity (surveys, experiments, experiments, observations, etc.), the pupil explores environment. An important result of this activity is the knowledge obtained in it.

At a younger preschool age, research activities are aimed at objects of animate and inanimate nature through the use of experiments and experiments.

Experimentation is carried out in all areas of children's activities: eating, OOD, playing, walking, sleeping, CGD.

During the experiment, children express their assumptions about the causes of the observed phenomenon, choose a way to solve a cognitive problem.

Thanks to experiments, children compare, contrast, draw conclusions, express their judgments and conclusions. They experience great joy, surprise and even delight from their small and big discoveries, which cause children to feel satisfaction from the work done.

When organizing research work With children, certain rules must be observed:
1. To develop in children the ability to act independently and independently, to avoid direct instructions;
2. Do not hold back the initiative of children;
3. Do not do for them what they can do;
4. Do not rush to make value judgments;
5. Help children manage the process of learning;
6.Trace the links between objects, events and phenomena;
7. To form the skills of independent research problem solving;
8. Analyze and synthesize, classify, summarize information.

For a younger preschooler, an increased interest in everything that happens around is characteristic. Every day, children learn more and more new objects, strive to find out not only their names, but also similarities, think about the simplest causes of the observed phenomena. Supporting children's interest, you need to lead them from acquaintance with nature to understanding it.

To do this, it is very important to enrich children's ideas about plants, animals, objects of inanimate nature, found primarily in the immediate environment. In the period of preschool childhood, due to the cognitive activity of the child, the primary image of the world is born. The image of the world is formed in the process of development of the cognitive sphere, which consists of 3 components:
1. Cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking);
2. Information (experience and achievements accumulated by mankind on the way
knowledge of the world);
3. Attitude to the world ( emotional reaction on individual objects, objects, phenomena and events of our world).

However, it should be remembered that the process of cognition of a small person differs from the process of cognition of an adult. Adults learn the world with the mind, and small children with emotions. The basis of the worldview of a three-year-old child is the substantive content of reality, his world - separate, concrete, real objects, objects, phenomena. The child learns the world according to the principle: what I see, with what I act, I learn. He looks at objects as if from different angles; he is interested in their external (What? Who? What?) and internal characteristics (For what? How?). But a three-year-old child cannot independently comprehend the hidden characteristics of objects (because he has one way of knowing in his arsenal: I see - I act), he needs the help of adults.

Children of the fourth year of life begin to establish the first connections and dependencies (the ratio of external and internal characteristics of an object), to realize the role and significance of objects in a person's life.

In the second junior group at least once a month we conduct excursions (in kindergarten), introduce children to the structure of their own body, objects (toys, furniture), birds, houseplants.

Children love gifts - these are gifts of autumn, winter, spring (autumn - beautiful leaves, rowan berries, plant seeds, sketches of autumn rain, etc., winter - snowflakes, bare trees and green Christmas trees, sketches of children's winter fun, etc., spring - gentle sun, first leaves and flowers, etc.).

In the younger group, in order to bring children to an understanding of such natural phenomena like rain, snow, you need to conduct simple experiments with snow, water, ice. Watching heavy rain from the window, children will see how water flows down the windows, what puddles are on the roads after rain. After several observations, they will draw conclusions: rain can be different (cold, warm, drizzling, large, torrential). Most often it rains when clouds appear in the sky, but sometimes it happens in good weather when the sun is shining, such rain is called "mushroom rain". It is warm and passes quickly. To form children's interest in this phenomenon, you can use poems, riddles, nursery rhymes. It is very important that in the process of conducting experiments we involve each child.

Thus, to activate cognitive activity in children, we distinguish several stages:

Statement of the problem (task).

Finding ways to solve the problem.

Conducting experiments.

Recording observations.

Discussion of the results and formulation of conclusions.

Analyzing all of the above, we can conclude that specially organized research activities allow students to obtain information about the objects or phenomena being studied, and the teacher to make the whole process as efficient as possible and more fully satisfy the natural curiosity of preschoolers, developing their cognitive activity.

Features of cognitive activity of children of primary preschool age

To begin with, let's figure out what the term "activity" means, and then we will turn to clarifying the essence of the concept of "cognitive activity", as well as the features of its development in younger preschoolers. The above terms are widely described in the scientific literature.

Despite the widespread use of the term “activity” in psychological and pedagogical theory and practice, this concept, at present, is becoming very difficult and ambiguous in understanding and vision by many authors. Some correlate activity directly with activity, others - with the result of activity, others judge that activity is a concept much broader in meaning than activity.

So, according to Leontiev A.N. activity is a term denoting the ability of living beings to carry out involuntary and voluntary, as well as spontaneous movements, to change under the influence of external and internal stimuli, i.e. irritants irritants.

N.N. Poddyakov believes that there are two types of children's activity: their own activity and the activity of the child, stimulated by an adult, educator-teacher, parent. own activityThe author sees the child in specific and universal forms. In his opinion, it is characterized by the diversity of its manifestations in all areas of the child's psyche: cognitive, emotional, volitional, personal. The author also notes that own activity has a phase character, i.e. in everyday life and in kindergarten classes, it will be replaced by his joint activity with an adult, and then the child is again ready to act as a subject of his own activity, etc. .

Therefore, it can be argued that activity, in general, is initiated and chosen by the object itself - the child, it also corresponds to its internal state.

In vigorous activity, the preschooler acts as a self-sufficient person, free from external influence: he himself sets goals, determines ways, methods, ways to achieve them, thereby satisfying his interests and needs.

It is on their own activity, according to N.N. Poddyakova, founded children's creativity. At the same time, the child learns the content of the activity given by the teacher-educator, and, based on the experience of previous actions, it is transformed into his own achievement.

The second type of activity is activity stimulated by an adult. – characterized by the fact that an adult organizes and accompanies the activities of a preschooler, shows, helps, tells. In the course of such activities, the preschooler receives results that were predetermined by adults. .

Based on the foregoing, we can say that the described two types of activity usually do not appear in their pure form, because they are extremely closely intertwined in the mind of the child. The own activity of preschoolers is in any case connected with the activity directed and emanating from the adult, and the knowledge, abilities, skills (KAS) received from adults are accepted by the child, growing and transforming over time into his experience.

Now, having dealt with the definition of the concept of "activity", it is possible to consider the term "cognitive activity".

This category is associated with the process of cognition, with the cognitive activity of the individual. “Cognition is the acquisition of knowledge, comprehension of the laws of the objective world and reality”; “Cognition is conditioned by the development of socio-historical practice, it is a process that reflects and reproduces reality in thinking; it is the interaction of the subject and the object, as a result of which new knowledge about the world appears.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature there is no unity in the concept of human cognitive activity. There are many terms to refer to this phenomenon: G.I. Shchukin - “valuable personal T.I. Shamova - "active state", T.I. Zubkov - "human desire for knowledge".

With the help of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, a generalized concept of "cognitive activity of younger preschoolers" is formed - this personal education, a state that expresses in the child’s intellectual and emotional response to the process of cognition: this is both the desire to gain knowledge, and mental stress, and the manifestation of efforts associated with volitional influence in the process of obtaining knowledge, this is the readiness and desire of the child for the learning process, the fulfillment of individual and general tasks, the manifestation of interest in the activities of adults, etc.

It is known that there are sensitive periods in the development of a child's cognitive activity. Mostly preschool.

According to many researchers, the age of preschoolers 3-5 years old is a sensitive period for the formation of cognitive activity. Among them L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, E.A. Kossakovskaya, A.N. Leontiev.

The cognitive activity of preschoolers is manifested in the process of mastering speech and is expressed in word creation. It is known that at a younger preschool age, a child can not only learn and assimilate the visual properties of phenomena, objects, but is also able to notice and understand the connections, patterns that underlie many phenomena.

T.I. Shamova, guided by the characteristics of the development of children at a younger preschool age, believes that cognitive activity is an active state that manifests itself in the child's attitude to the objects and processes of the activity being carried out.

The physiological basis of cognitive activity is the inconsistency between the existing, real situation and past experience.

Important at the stage of including a preschooler in active cognitive activity is the orienting-exploratory reflex, which implies the reaction of the body to any changes in external environment, which bring the cerebral cortex into an active state. Excitation and the beginning of the activity of the exploratory reflex is an important and necessary condition for the cognitive activity of a child at a younger preschool age.

Thus, the basis of the cognitive activity of preschoolers younger age the desire of the child to understand, remember, reproduce knowledge, experience gained, to study the relationship between phenomena and processes of the surrounding reality. The cognitive activity of younger preschoolers is an activity that occurs directly in the process of the child's knowledge of the world. A feature of the development of cognitive activity of children of primary preschool age can be considered: the manifestation of interest in the elements of creativity; interested listening and further acceptance of information; the desire to clarify, ask again, deepen their knowledge; independent search for answers to questions of interest to the child; the ability to learn and accept a way of knowing, then applying it in other situations (skill).


1. Actual problems of the development of the child's psyche // Issues of child psychology ( preschool age). Izvestiya APN RSFSR, vol. 14).M.; L., 2014, p. 24-37

2. Poddyakov N.N. Essays mental development preschoolers. - Prosveznie-Alfa, M., 2012. - 341s.

3. Shchukina G.I. Activation of cognitive activity of students in educational process. - Fortuna, M., 2013. - 207p.

Shimina Olga Yurievna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 183", Cheboksary
Locality: Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic
Material name: Calendar-thematic planning educational activities
Subject:"Calendar-thematic plan of educational activities for December in the preparatory group"
Publication date: 25.06.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Theme of the week: New Year»


Canteen duty.


on duty



purpose of the form, evaluation principles appearance on duty. Form a conscious

attitude towards their appearance.

Conversation on the topic "Life activity of animals in winter"






animals are preparing for winter. Systematize, clarify and supplement the answers of the children,

teach correctly, correct a comrade.

Work in the corner of the book: acquaintance with small folklore forms (dramatization










playing rhymes and songs. Cultivate a love for oral folk art.

Building material games: building a bus depot.





building from a constructor, develop the perception of form and eye. form

the ability, based on visual analysis, to correlate objects in thickness, width, length.

The next and previous numbers of the natural series

F o r m i r o v a t




each natural number within 10.






and a number within 10. operate with numbers and numbers within 10; solve problems for

ordering of objects on any basis; offer a variety of options

solving cognitive problems, transform the ways of solving them.

Forms and methods of organization

“Listen, count, write down”, “Compose and solve the problem”, logical task “Circle


physical minute





"Draw a rectangle."

"Winter patterns on windows" Pg. 92. I.A. Lykova Visual activity in children, garden.

Prep. gr.

Goals: Generalize and clarify knowledge about the various properties of paints (gouache, watercolor).

Bring up




achieving goals in work. To develop aesthetic perception, love for nature.

Improve Ownership various methods drawing.

Forms and methods of organization

Reading a poem, looking at the image of a frosty pattern on the window, explaining,

doing work by children.







Walk 1


p o o d o y.



summer will be dry and hot.

Didactic game"Vice versa".

situational conversation

Labor on site

Location on.

mobile game

2nd half of the day

Presentation on theme: "Prevention of Infectious Diseases."

Tasks: To reveal the cause of some diseases caused by non-compliance with sanitary






procedures for health, about measures for the prevention of infectious diseases.

Reading a fairy tale by V.I. Dahl "Old man-year-old".







highlight the features of the tale, answer questions about its content.

Work in the corner of physical education: ball games.

Tasks: Remind children of the rules of behavior with the ball indoors. Form skill

act with the ball, exercise in throwing the ball to each other, with the right (left) hand,

catching the ball with both hands.


Observation behind the moon - to continue to expand knowledge about inanimate nature.

Ind. Job with Katya P., Artyom T., Ksyusha G, - fix the parts of the day.

Building a snow fort. Building play.

Interaction with parents

cutting round objects with scissors.


Reception and examination of children, morning exercises











pick up








invent such tasks on their own.

Exercise "Napkins are our helpers."

Tasks: Teach children how to use napkins, showing "the convenience of using them in

various situations.

Looking at reproductions of paintings K.P. Kovalya "Lullaby tune" and V.A. Igoshev

"Song to the north of the night."

Tasks: Through artistic images to acquaint children with the life of the peoples of the north, to teach

highlight the means of expression used by the artist to convey the main

thoughts of the work. Awaken interest in the life and way of life of the peoples of the north.

Ind. Job with Ksyusha A., Anton. B., Yanom G. - conversation “Why it gets dark early in winter” -

consolidate knowledge about the time of day.

KGN. While washing, continue to form the ability of children to use

soap, wipe dry after washing, hang the towel in place.

Speech development. Literacy education

1. Acquaintance with the letter k.

2. Inventing words with k sound.

3. Teach children to repeat homework in detail.

Forms and methods of organization

The game "Who is the most attentive?", ZAS "yula", the game "Name the words."

Artistic and aesthetic development. modeling

Winter patterns of Santa Claus






on a flat plate; - creating a convex image from plasticine.

Improve the technique of smearing, for bonding parts of the image.

Develop creativity and imagination.

Forms and methods of organization

Examining illustrations. Explanation and partial demonstration of the stages of modeling. Performance

work by children.

Walk 1


Tasks: introduce children to the beauty of nature; show that falling snowflakes

can be seen against a dark background.

Signs: snow flakes have become large - so wait for the thaw; first dry snow

promises a good summer; a lot of snow - a lot of bread; deep winter snow - bread in summer

Didactic game "Add a syllable".

Ind. Job with Katya P., Maxim M., Dasha T.. - to consolidate the ability of children to jump over

snow ditch on two legs (width 50 cm)

Labor activity

Decoration of the site with snow buildings

Independent play activities of children.

2nd half of the day

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep

Ind. Job with Vlad B., Alyosha N., Ruslan Kh – to consolidate the skill to consolidate the skill

fasten buttons..


a game"Let's treat




plot, to form the ability to perform the role to the end.

Walk 2

Round dance game "New Year"

Job With



about the expressive means of music

Acquaintance with signs: snow flakes have become large - then wait for the thaw; first

dry snow promises a warm summer.

P / s“Fox in the chicken coop” - fasten to jump off gently, bending the legs at the knees; run not

hitting each other, to dodge the catcher.

Interaction with parents



to fix

sequence of dressing in winter.

living and non-living nature in winter

Mind games"Puzzles". "The fourth extra" - to fix with children

ability to play together.

Job With




"Zimushka-winter" -

reinforce the ability to work with scissors.

KGN. While washing, improve the ability to lather your hands.

Walk 1



- continue



verbal description of the sky

Acquaintance with signs: if it is warm in winter, it is cold in summer; frosty winter - hot summer.

Ind. Job with Ruslan Kh., Kirill Kh., Nastya T. - "Who will run to the flaghouse sooner" -

reinforce the run from subject to subject.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow to tree roots. - educate the desire to help the living


P / s"Snow is spinning" - correlate the action with the text.


Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep

Ind. Job with Artyom N, Vlad B., Anya G.. - to consolidate the ability to turn clothes inside out.






For what



- develop

cognitive interest in snow.

Research activity "What snow consists of" - talk about what

dependent on changes in nature.

Walk 2

Observation behind the moon - to continue to expand knowledge about inanimate nature.

Ind. Job with Katya K., Artyom N., Dima. D,. - fix parts of the day.

Building a snow fort.

Building play.

Sliding on ice paths.

Theme of the week: "New Year"


Reception and examination of children, morning exercises

Conversation "Who is the spruce friends with?" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about conifers, their meaning,

benefit to humans and animals.

P / I "If it's fun at the Christmas tree"

D / I "Christmas Bazaar" Purpose: to teach children to highlight the highest, lower, lowest


Situational conversation “If all the Christmas trees are cut down for the New Year holiday, then ...”

Purpose: to encourage children to reason in the course of reasoning.

D / I “Christmas trees are so different” Purpose: to exercise in the construction of Christmas trees from geometric shapes

Duty in a corner of nature - wipe the dust on large leaves. Purpose: to educate

responsibility for the execution of orders.

Independent play activity. Objectives: To provide children with the opportunity

comprehend the impressions received, convey them in the game, repeat the ones you like

game actions.

cognitive development. FEMP

Introduce coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles and 1, 5, 10 kopecks. Continue

to form orientation skills on a sheet of paper in a cage. Refine ideas about

polygons and how to classify them by type and size.

Forms and methods of organization

Guess the riddle”, I/U “Help Dunno to write signs”, physical. minute, I / U “Draw

right”, “Draw a triangle”, self-control.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing

"Winter evening". Scenery

Continue to acquaint with the paintings of I. Grabar.

To form ideas about landscape painting.

Learn to highlight the means of expression: color, composition, line

Forms and methods of organization






work by children.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Musical.

Goals: Enrich children's experience and shape musical taste. Familiarize with

works of composers and musicians.






move rhythmically in accordance with the diverse nature of the music, passing in

dance emotional-figurative content.

Walk 1

Observation of trees and shrubs. Fix the main signs of similarity and

difference between shrubs and trees. Invite the children to bring several

examples of trees and shrubs.

P / I "White blizzard".

P / exercise "Drive the ice into the gate" Purpose: to exercise children in performing elements

sports game "Hockey"

Experimenting with water, snow, ice. Purpose: to expand children's understanding of

objects and phenomena of inanimate nature.










activity of children in the area.

2nd half of the day

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep

Conversation on the topic "Items that require careful handling."

Tasks: To form knowledge about subjects dangerous to life and health, to help children

independently draw conclusions about the possible consequences of careless handling

such items.

C / R game "Rental of sports equipment" Purpose: to consolidate the purpose of the sports


Exercise children in expressive reading poems to New Year's holiday

"Workshop of Santa Claus" Purpose: to exercise children in making Christmas crackers -




activities of children in employment centers.



P / I "Winter fun"

Interaction with parents

Ind. conversations with parents “Dress children according to the weather, cultivate the ability to care for

with your clothes


Reception and examination of children, morning exercises

Conversation with children “Olympic sports” Purpose: to consolidate sports. D / I "To whom

what do you need? Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about sports equipment. P / I "Look"




brain teaser

visual basis (Dasha T, Anton B, Rodion P)





Involve children in the design of the layout "At the North Pole" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about

plants and animals in the Far North.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills "Is it important to wash hands before eating?"

Canteen duty. Purpose: to cultivate the ability to set tables for breakfast.

D / I, a set of small toys (northern residents)

Speech development. Chuvash Language Teaching



make a detailed description of the picture, indicating the most significant features and

characteristic features of the season. To consolidate the vocabulary of previous lessons from the senior

groups on the topic "Winter", the ability to designate a plurality of objects.

Forms and methods of organization

The arrival of Anyuk and Vanyuk. Examination of the painting "Winter Fun". Physical education minute

"Yarănatpăr" (imitation of sledding, skating, etc.). Sample teacher's story

by the picture. Storytelling by children. Artistic word "Yur" P. Eizin. A game


Structural model)

New Year's toys»

Practice working with paper, teach how to create, from cylinders and cones, images

on representation and from nature; develop creativity and ingenuity.

Forms and methods of organization




Physical culture and health-improving activity” (swimming)

1. Learn to coordinate the movements of the legs with a crawl on the chest with breathing in emphasis on the spot

2. Improve the ability to slide on your back

Walk 1

Observation of coniferous trees. Compare spruce and pine. Pine needles are bluish-green, each

the needle is pointed, sits in bunches of 2-3 needles, surrounded by scales. spruce needles

dark green, short needles.

P / I "I'm Frost red nose"

Practice sliding on an ice track. Purpose: to develop balance

Situational conversation "Useful-unhelpful" Purpose: to cultivate the desire to move on


Labor is to invite children to decorate the pine trees on the site with multi-colored garlands. Target:

create a Christmas mood. Independent physical activity of children on

2nd half of the day

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep


cutting out




"Workshop of Santa Claus" Purpose: to teach children to make toys - flashlights.







holiday anticipation.

Walk 2

Interaction with parents

Information for parents in the "Health Corner": "Beware of viruses."


Conversation with children “Zimushka - winter” Purpose: to repeat the signs of winter, features of winter

weather, activities of people in winter in the city.

P / I "Three claps over the head"



to fix



within 10, exercise in orientation on a sheet of paper. (Rodion P, Artem T, Ksyusha G)

Examination of illustrations "Winter landscapes".

D / I “We are preparing for the Olympics” Purpose: to consolidate winter sports.

Board game "Who will reach the start faster"

Duty in a corner of nature - watering flowers. Purpose: to cultivate a desire to care for

indoor plants. D / I, board games, independent gaming activities in

employment centers.

cognitive development. FEMP

Familiarize yourself with coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles and 10 kopecks.

The following concepts are included: “money”, “coins”, “ruble”, “penny”.

Learn to match coins and numbers.

To consolidate knowledge about the composition of a number from units and from two smaller numbers.

Learn to make different sets of available coins (up to 6 rubles)

Continue to acquaint with coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10 rubles. Learn to count

a given measure, when not one, but several items are taken as the unit of account.

To form ideas about time, to introduce the hourglass

Forms and methods of organization

coins in denominations of 10 kopecks, 1, 2, 5 rubles, physical. minute

Artistic and aesthetic development.


New Year's holiday in kindergarten. page 66

Learn to convey the mood of the holiday in the picture.

Cultivate positive emotions for the environment and people,

who are nearby, encourage children to convey their impressions in the drawing

about winter, reflected in the art of poetry, painting, music; develop aesthetic

perception, imagination, figurative representations

Forms and methods of organization




sequences of work and performance of work by children.

Physical development

1. Repeat walking with a change in the pace of movement, with acceleration and deceleration;

2. Exercise in tossing a small ball, develop dexterity and eye;

3. Exercise in crawling on the stomach, in balance;

Forms and methods of organization






Walk 1

On a walk, dig a deep snowdrift where grass grew. Show children small

plants with leaves pressed to the ground, weak, small. Snow protects against


P / I "Wind, ice and frost"

Exercise children in sliding on one ski Purpose: to develop a stable balance

(Ksyusha A, Jan G, Vanya F)

Situational conversation "Is it useful to play sports in the fresh air?"

Work on the site is to clear the paths of snow. Purpose: to develop the ability to work


2nd half of the day

Game - dramatization "Journey to the Kingdom snow queen» Purpose: to develop the plot

by agreement, pay attention to the relationship of children during the game

Games with counting sticks "Snow Kingdom" Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of hands,


Games with a magnetic board "In winter at the skating rink" Purpose: to consolidate winter sports.



to fix

cold colors.

Independent activity of children: work with coloring books.

Tasks: To consolidate the ability to perform shading, to regulate the force of pressure on the pencil,

measure the direction of movement of the hand, depending on the shape of the depicted object.


Observations of patterns on glass, explain their appearance, d / and “What does it look like?” Target:

develop observation, imagination. P / I "Pair run"

Interaction with parents

Individual conversations at the end of the day.


Reception and examination of children. morning exercises

Conversation with children "New Year in different countries. History of New Year's Eve.

Traditions and customs” Purpose: to expand the idea of ​​folk holidays.

P / I "Empty place"

With Natasha D, Daniela K, Anton B. to consolidate temporary concepts: morning, afternoon, evening,

morning through d / and “When does this happen?”

D / I "Collect a pattern of ice floes" ( geometric figures) Purpose: to develop imagination.

D / I "I'm going for a walk" Purpose: to form the ability to dress in accordance with

time of year.

Labor - to involve children in the design of the group for the New Year holidays Purpose: to create

joyful mood.

Self-play activities in employment centers

cognitive development

wintering birds

Get to know wintering birds.

And study their features.

Cultivate love for nature.

Develop an interest in bird watching.

Vocabulary: wintering, migratory birds, feeder

Forms and methods of organization

Introductory word of the educator. Acquaintance with wintering birds. The game "Recognize the bird by

verbal description. Making "gingerbread" for birds

Speech development Teaching the Chuvash language

Introduce children to new lexical units: uyav, Çĕnĕ çul. Learn to use

"walli" when compiling declarative and interrogative sentences. Exercise

in compiling descriptive stories about toys, indicating the characteristic features:

color, size, size, etc., and their actions. To consolidate the vocabulary of the previous lesson:

tunkata, uçlankă, kĕçeh.

Forms and methods of organization

A brief conversation on the painting "In winter forest". Consolidation of words: ilemletet, tunkaya,

uçlanka. parish of Anyuk and Vanyuk. They ask to decorate the Christmas tree .. Dialogue, the introduction of new words ..

Finding words with the sound "ĕ" in a sentence. Children decorating a Christmas tree. Description

toys. Singing the song "Atăr elkăna", music. P. Liskova, sl. Kalkan.

Objectives: To continue to develop the ability to take the breath correctly.

Contribute further development ability to sing with clear articulation.

Contribute to the further development of dance movement skills (circling on

socks, rebuilding in a circle).


Grass watching. Shovel the snow and see what happened to the grass. She withered

has become dry, but its roots are alive, and in the spring it will again delight us with its greenery.

P / I "I will freeze"

Exercise children in walking in deep snow.






destroying health, to give an idea that the snow is cold, dirty, contains

many microbes.

Labor on the site is to collect snow for the construction of a slide. Purpose: to develop the ability to work

2nd half of the day

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep.

C / R game “Kindergarten. Preparing for the New Year's holiday "Goal: to activate

preparation for the holiday.

Fix the movements of individual dances for the New Year holiday

"Workshop of Santa Claus" Purpose: to learn how to cut lacy snowflakes from a round shape.

Constructive activity - creating a layout "Santa Claus rushes to the holiday" Purpose:

develop aesthetic feelings, the ability to compose a composition.

Conversation on the topic "Our smaller brothers."

Tasks: Tell the children that animals have such wonderful qualities as:

fidelity, care for offspring, love and affection for the owner, etc. Develop empathy,

the desire to find a friend in the animal.


Supervision of the work of the janitors. They clean the road from snow, break off the ice. Ask

children, why is this being done. What kind of work do janitors do at other times of the year. P/I

"Homeless Bunny

Interaction with parents

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children


Reception and examination of children, morning exercises

were considered



develop curiosity.

D / I “Who has whom?” Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about animals and their cubs, select

words for actions.

fairy tale characters

Education of cultural behavior: game situation"I am at a friend's place"

Tasks: Consider various situations with the children, discuss whether their heroes led the right way

yourself at a party, what rules have been violated. Formulate general rules of conduct in








hand over



game actions

cognitive development

Where did the tree come from?

Get to know the ancient Russian holidays: Christmas and Christmas time, explain

their origin and purpose.


- about the custom of decorating the Christmas tree, where he came from;

- about the traditions of celebrating the New Year among different peoples.

Forms and methods of organization

Storytelling from a picture depicting the celebration of the New Year and Christmas,

listening to the teacher and the stories of other children

2. Physical development

1. Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time;

2. Exercise children in walking with a stop at the instructor's signal;

2. Repeat tasks with the ball, jumping exercises, on balance.

Forms and methods of organization






Walk 1

Watching trees under the weight of snow. The branches are tilted down, some are broken.

Offer to think about how we can help the trees.

To develop the ability of children to navigate in space, act on a signal

P / I "Frost-Red Nose", "Race"

Work on the site - collect snow for the construction of a snow slide, learn to finish what has been started

business to the end.

Independent physical activity of children on the site.

2nd half of the day

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep

C/R Game "Family Holidays" Purpose: to continue discussing the plot of the game with

children, distribute roles, form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game: d / s-


Solving the crossword puzzle "Winter Fun" Purpose: to expand horizons, the logic of thinking,

reinforce the reading of the words.






Walk 2

Observation of the patterns on the windows, d / and “What looks like what?”. Purpose: to develop creativity

imagination. P / I “I will freeze”, “Santa Claus and the animals”

Interaction with parents

Consultation "What toys can be made with children"

Theme of the week: "New Year"


Reception and examination of children, morning exercises

Conversation with children “What interesting things did you notice on the way to the kindergarten?” Purpose: to teach to encourage





Examination of illustrations and photos of wintering birds.

P / I "Birds are small"

Individual work on the development of speech.

Tasks: To teach children to express their impressions (about their favorite toy, viewed




occurred on


Use appropriate speech constructions, concepts reflecting the attitude

children to events, people, objects.

Communication of children on the topic "How I spent the weekend."

Self-play activities in employment centers

cognitive development. FEMP

– measure bulk solids;

- follow the full measure;

Forms and methods of organization

Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing

Drawing by Intention

Continue to teach on your own, think about the contents of the greeting card,

implement the plan, using the acquired skills and abilities.

Develop a sense of color and creativity

Forms and methods of organization

Participation in a conversation about the upcoming holiday, an independent decision of the creative

Artistic and aesthetic development. Musical.


Continue to acquaint with elementary musical concepts - register.

Continue to develop the ability to take the breath correctly.

To continue to promote the further development of the ability to sing with clear articulation.

Continue to develop the ability to perform a straight canter.






socks, smooth hand swings).

Continue to form the ability to perform the characteristic movements of Russian 4ap folk

Contribute to the further development of the ability to play the metallophone.

Walk 1


p o o d o y.

Tasks: clarify and concretize the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwinter (the shortest days,

the longest nights, a lot of snow, various precipitations, the trees are bare, etc.); learn

establish the dependence of the life of plants and animals on changes in inanimate nature.

Signs: at the beginning of winter there was heavy snow - at the beginning of summer it will rain heavily; winter

cold - warm summer; smoke from the chimney goes up - to frost; if the winter is dry and cold,

summer will be dry and hot.

Didactic game"Vice versa".

Exercise children in throwing a large ball at a vertical target (Lera P, Rodion P,

situational conversation“If there were no birds, then ...” Purpose: to teach children to draw conclusions in

the course of reasoning, educate careful attitude to the birds.

Labor on site- hang bird feeders, pour food. Purpose: to educate

desire to help birds in the cold season. independent gaming activity

Location on.

mobile game"Jack Frost". Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed of movement.

2nd half of the day

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep

Table theater "Snow Maiden and the Fox" Purpose: to teach children to convey the dialogue of characters,

develop expressiveness of speech


cutting out




hold scissors correctly, use them

D / I "Tell me a word" Purpose: to teach children to select words to rhyme.

"Workshop of Santa Claus" Purpose: to teach children to make toys - flashlights.

Learning poems about New Year's holidays.

Tasks: Invite children to choose a poem, teach them to recite what they like






poems and the mood they convey. Contribute to the atmosphere

holiday anticipation.

Walk 2

Observations of the evening sky, introduce folk signs - a reddish sky

promises good weather in the evening. P / F "Who will make fewer jumps"

Interaction with parents

Involve parents in holding a New Year's party, in purchasing gifts for

New Year's celebration.


Reception and examination of children, morning exercises

D/I “What mood are you in?” Purpose: to exercise the ability to evaluate your emotions.

Conversation with children

"I have a best friend" Purpose: to educate children in a friendly

attitude towards other children.

P / I "Look"



word formation,


diminutive forms of nouns




folk proverbs and sayings.

unlearn finger gymnastics"Feeder"

Labor in the corner of nature. Purpose: to find out which plants need watering and which do not,

find out why flowers need to be watered differently.

Individual work on FEMP: didactic game "Cooking breakfast for

Tasks: Exercise children in measuring the volume of bulk solids, develop ideas

about the dependence of the measurement result on the selected measure. Learn to apply what you have learned

skills in different situations.

Speech development.

"Winter Evening" (descriptive story)

Continue work on compiling a descriptive story based on the painting "Winter Evening"

expressive means in describing winter;

- to divide objects into animate and inanimate, asking questions "who?",

Introduce the ambiguity of words (it's snowing, it's coming - a person).

Expand knowledge of the words denoting the subject.

Exercise in inventing sentences with a given word

Forms and methods of organization

Examination and conversation on the picture, 2-3 stories of children on the picture, physical. minute








Artistic and aesthetic development.

Decorative and applied)

Decorative drawing based on Gorodets painting

Goals: highlight characteristics Gorodets painting, create paintings according to

Gorodets motifs, conveying its characteristic features, mix the colors of paints;

continue to acquaint children with decorative folk art

Forms and methods of organization

Examination of Gorodets patterns and discussion of expressive means, didactic

game, drawing with pencils and colored pencils, exhibitions of drawings, introspection

Physical culture and health-improving activity” (swimming)

1. Learn to coordinate the movements of the hands and breath, as when swimming in the crawl way

2. Practice water start

Walk 1

Determine with the children the weather of today. Remember what the weather was like yesterday.

To teach to compare, to notice changes, to teach to plan what they will do on

area depending on the weather.

P / I "The third extra

Exercise children in the step "side gallop"

Conversation "Rules for safe behavior in the winter on the site"

Independent physical activity of children on the site.

2nd half of the day

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep

Theatricalization "Where did the sparrow dine?" Purpose: to exercise the ability to imitate habits

animals, coordinating movements with the text.

Individual work on the development of speech.

Tasks: Exercise children in compiling a story according to the plan proposed by the teacher.

make up

description stories,





coherent speech, verbal imagination.

Examination of paintings by Russian artists, listening to the works of poets about winter

(V.I. Surikov “The Capture of the Snow Town”, S. Yesenin “Powder”, A. Pushkin “Winter,

peasant, triumphant ... ".

Tasks: Form the foundations artistic culture, expand children's ideas

about art, to teach children to see poetry and beauty in ordinary natural phenomena

Walk 2

Observations of the onset of evening, how birds behave at nightfall.

Purpose: to teach to draw conclusions in the course of observations. P / I "Birds on a tree"

Interaction with parents

Information for parents in the "Health Corner": "Prevention of SARS in the New Year



Reception and examination of children, morning exercises

Conversation on the topic "Folk signs of December."

Tasks: Continue to acquaint children with oral folk art, with signs

December. Offer to check some signs using the observation diary.

Build curiosity.

Exercise "Whose, whose, whose?"





various speech constructions, highlight in tasks and correct the mistakes of comrades.




mimic table.

Board game "Paths - mazes" Purpose: to fix the names of birds.

Canteen work Purpose: to teach children to independently set tables for breakfast.

Schemes, board and printed games,

Independent gaming activity in employment centers.

cognitive development. FEMP

– measure bulk solids;

- follow the full measure;

– understand that the measurement result depends on it

Forms and methods of organization

Physical minute, the task "Be careful", self-control.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing

"Our Winter Fun"

Objectives: to consolidate the ability to reflect holiday impressions in the drawing; exercise in

drawing figures of children in motion; continue to learn how to arrange images on a sheet;

to improve the ability to mix paints with white to obtain different shades.

Forms and methods of organization



V. Surikov




depicting winter games, reading a poem by A.S. Pushkin " Winter morning", conversation,

physical minute "Winter fun", drawing children's favorite winter fun.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Musical.

Goals: Enrich children's experience and shape musical taste. Familiarize with

works of composers and musicians.






move rhythmically in accordance with the diverse nature of the music, passing in

dance emotional-figurative content.

Walk 1

Birdwatching. They came from the forest in search of food. Consider their coloration.

Tell that they got their name because of their singing: "Xin - blue."

D / I "Birds, animals, fish"

Situational conversation “Do birds benefit or harm?”

Conversation with children “Frost and metal” Purpose: to educate the rules of safe behavior on


Labor: clean the feeders, fill the feed. Purpose: to cultivate a desire to help the birds.

Independent physical activity on the site.

2nd half of the day

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep







viewing illustrations by Yu.A. Vasnetsova and E.I. Charushin.


Arouse children's interest in book graphics, teach them to use the mastered

earlier skills (cutting identical parts out of paper folded in half) to create

sample applications.

Exercise "Repeat after me"

Tasks: Develop a sound culture of speech, teach children to distinguish syllables, reproduce

3-4 syllabic combinations with a common consonant and different vowels.

Self-play activities in employment centers

Walk 2

Watching people's clothes. Invite children to name winter clothes. What is she from

must be sewn and tied, why? Encourage children to correctly name the

or other item of clothing. D / I “What clothes do birds have” P / I “Birds”

Interaction with parents

Indus conversations with parents “Weekend route. Walk and watch"


Reception and examination of children. morning exercises

Games with building materials: "Town for your favorite toys."

Tasks: To teach children to build houses from a constructor: to analyze a model of construction,

distinguish and name construction details (cube, bar, plate); build






Work in the book corner: book repair.




guess what happened to these books, what rules for handling them were on -




bring up


attitude towards books, accuracy.








hand over



game actions.






cultural and hygienic skills - the rules for using a towel when washing.

cognitive development

"Where did the new year come from"

Purpose: to deepen the idea of ​​​​the New Year holiday, to please loved ones with gifts

Forms and methods of organization

The story of the educator, looking at photographs of the residence of D.M., the outdoor game "Grandfather

Frost and children”, drawing up an invitation by D.M.

Speech development

Sound culture of speech (testing).

Check whether children can distinguish sounds and pronounce them clearly and correctly.

Forms and methods of organization

D / and "Say the opposite"

Artistic and aesthetic development (music)

Continue to promote the further development of the ability to clearly express their feelings,

Continue to develop the ability to sing with clear articulation.

Continue to develop the skill of movement to music of an energetic nature.







(rhythmic swings and smooth lowering of the hands).








Sun observation. Continue to mark with the children the path of the sun, its height at noon.

Tell the children that in December the sun is a rare guest, the breed is cloudy, because December is the most

darkest month of the year. Continue to acquaint children with some patterns in

P / I "Day-night"

Situational conversation "How can we save our health in winter?"

Work on the site - to collect large garbage Purpose: to cultivate a desire to support

order in the area. Independent physical activity of children on the site.

2nd half of the day

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep.

Reviewing the album "Dangerous Plants".

Tasks: To introduce children to plants that, under certain conditions, can

pose a danger, Learn to distinguish them and name them correctly, follow the rules

personal security

Learning subgroup dances for the New Year's party

household work in a group: involve children in washing toys, washing doll linen. Target:

develop work skills.




observation, imagination, to consolidate knowledge about the world around. P/N “Whom not

Interaction with parents

Consultation for parents “New Year for children. How to arrange a holiday


Reception and examination of children, morning exercises

Conversation "Why do we decorate the Christmas tree?" Purpose: to give an idea of ​​which trees

were considered



develop curiosity.

D/I “Who rides what?” Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the methods of movement

fairy tale characters

Albums "Winter", "We Have a New Year", paintings and illustrations "Winter Fun", p / and

"Lotto", "tell me about the season"

New Year


"New Year




desire to show prepared musical numbers, to arouse desire

participate in musical and outdoor games.

Walk 1

Observation of buds on trees. Show how tightly closed they are in winter. They cork

and keep cold air out. All gaps in the kidney scales are filled with sticky


To develop the ability of children to navigate in space, act on a signal.

Independent physical activity of children on the site.

2nd half of the day

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep

Walk 2

Sun watching, get to know folk omen: "The sun sets in the clouds - to


P / I "Winter fun"

Interaction with parents

Conversation "Remember the rules of the road"