The influence of war on the inner world of man. The impact of war on the psyche of returning soldiers. War in the fate of my family

As a young boy, the whole country knew him. More than one person sang along with the soloist of the Big Children's Choir of the All-Union Radio and Central Television, Seryozha Paramonov, when his ringing voice began to sing a familiar song. Then he was called the “Russian Robertino Loretti” and was admired by everyone, young and old. Years passed and it never occurred to anyone to look for the traits of that sunny boy in a man under 40, who was little by little drinking away his failed life. The cause of death of Sergei Paramonov was heart disease.

He was born in 1961 and was the only child in the family. From childhood, Seryozha showed an ability to sing: he performed in kindergarten, then in a pioneer camp, whose music worker advised his parents to take up the education of a gifted boy. Seryozha was enrolled in an accordion club. In the 4th grade, my grandmother took her grandson to a competitive selection for the Big Children's Choir and he was accepted. Despite his poor health, a year later he became a soloist because he had a beautiful treble in strength and sound. He often performed at major “state” events, along with venerable stage masters.

In 1975, Sergei left the choir: his voice began to mutate. During this difficult period for a vocalist, special caution is needed. Singing should be reduced to a minimum or, in special cases, temporarily stopped. But Paramonov did not have a permanent mentor who would insist on this condition. He then studied at an evening music school, where he could receive the necessary education and sang in a vocal and instrumental ensemble. The young man completely ruined his future by never receiving a good adult voice.

Paramonov took this loss seriously. I tried to study at a music school in the conducting and choral department, but gave up. He did not leave completely: besides singing, Sergei did not see any other field for himself and began to sing or play keyboards in various musical groups. He was invited to the Yunost radio station to host the column “Musicians Yesterday and Today.” At this time, Paramonov was already drinking alcohol. Then he switched to drugs, which, by the way, he had the strength to give up. But Sergei did not stop drinking, and because of this, two of his marriages broke up.

Too delicate and not a grabber by nature, he did what he could: he took part in creating songs for other singers and collaborated with many celebrities. His son’s godfather was fellow student Igor Matvienko, and his co-authors were musicians from the Lyube and Ivanushki International groups and other famous singers. He even managed to record a new song, but depression and ill health, fueled by alcohol, undermined him. Paramonov fell ill with pneumonia and tuberculosis when he was 32 years old. He still continued to work and was full of plans, but he was too weak and overtired. Sergei died alone, in his apartment in May 1998 and he was only 37 years old at that time. The pathologist who determined why Sergei Paramonov died insisted on the version of acute heart failure.

He is buried at the Krasnogorsk cemetery in Mitino.

Seryozha Paramonov is perhaps the most famous of all child artists Soviet Union. His ringing, goosebump-inducing voice is familiar and loved by many Russians to this day. The biography of Seryozha Paramonov is full of sad moments; the cause of death of the “Russian Robertino Loretti” is also shrouded in mystery.

Star childhood

Seryozha was born in Moscow, into a very ordinary family. His mother worked as a cleaner, and his father as a loader.

From early childhood the boy showed big interest to music. This was largely facilitated by his grandfather, who loved to organize joint concerts with his grandson for grandmothers sitting on benches near their house.

Seryozha often visited the teacher kindergarten, which he went to. She had a piano, and she often invited the boy to her place, and he sang his favorite songs.

On summer holidays After finishing second grade, Seryozha went to a pioneer camp, where a music worker noticed his talent. The woman gave him an accordion.

In order for Sergei to master the basics of playing the instrument, he was enrolled in a club at the Hammer and Sickle plant. A year later, the grandmother brought the boy to the Big Children’s Choir of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company under the direction of V. S. Popov, where he got into without much difficulty. Soon Seryozha Paramonov became a soloist of the choir.

His first performance as a soloist took place at the “Song-72” concert. “Song of the Crocodile Gena” made an indelible impression on the audience. Seryozha became one of three artists, who performed his work as an encore at the “Song of the Year”. In addition to Sergei, such an opportunity was given to Anna German and Muslim Magomayev.

As a member of the choir, Seryozha performed at the most prestigious venues in the country together with the most famous artists of the Soviet Union. The boy was extremely popular. Everyone loved him, sparing no applause, no flowers, no gifts for him. With his ringing and clear, angelic voice, he delighted the audience. Sincere smile his natural artistry and perky manner of performing songs made him a unique and unsurpassed young singer.

Crucial moment

On May 17, 1975, Seryozha performed at Robert Rozhdestvensky’s creative evening with the song “Request.” This evening became the first alarm bell in the biography of Seryozha Vladimirovich Paramonov and the cause of death in early age. It would seem that this reason is not at all serious, and many do not attach importance to it. special significance, - voice mutation.

During adolescence, the vocal cords of men are very easy to injure, so during puberty it is better for young men not to sing, but Sergei still continued to perform. This led to him hitting high notes and experiencing discomfort and upset because of this.

I had to leave the choir, and the songs that were written specifically for Seryozha were now performed by other soloists.

Leaving the choir was a big shock for the boy. He went to rehearsals, already as a spectator, sat, with difficulty holding back tears, annoyed at natural features male voice. The young man had a difficult time going through this period; he equated the lack of former glory with oblivion.

To live on

The difficult biography of Seryozha Paramonov and the personal cause of death will probably remain incomprehensible if we do not take into account his life after leaving the choir.

In 1975, the young man entered a music school. After finishing three classes, he entered the conducting and choral department of the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music School, but did not graduate from that either.

Sergei continued to study music, now he sang in a vocal and instrumental group. He toured a lot, so his studies didn’t work out.

Adult Seryozha

Sergei did not abandon his creativity in adult life:

  • For some time he hosted concerts, then his own program, performing songs by V.Ya. Shainsky.
  • He played in various vocal and instrumental ensembles: “Inspiration”, “Young Voices”, “Cinematograph”.
  • He sang in restaurants, worked with gypsy ensembles and the STS ballet.
  • He performed songs from his “star childhood” at various venues and released a cassette with these songs (though under the pseudonym “Sergei Bidonov”).
  • He worked for radio “Yunost” and made programs about famous musicians.
  • He created his own organization for holding holidays, “Castal Key”.
  • He was an editor at Sokolniki Park, organizing discos for pioneers.
  • Wrote music and arrangements for old songs.
  • Collaborated with popular composers and groups.

Sergei constantly worked and earned money, but peace of mind and peace of mind I couldn't find it at all. In a word, this was no longer the same beloved and radiant Seryozha Paramonov. The biography and cause of death of the singer, meanwhile, still remain not fully understood.

Personal life

Sergei was married twice. The first wife was Olga Boborykina, singer and poet. She performed her own songs as part of the duet "BiS". Olga and Sergei got married on June 8, 1991, but did not live together for even a year - already in May 1992 the family broke up.

A couple of years later, in 1994, Sergei Paramonov again tied the knot with a woman in the creative profession. This time his chosen one was the lead singer of the Scheherazade group, Maria. A year after the wedding, the wife gave Paramonov a son, Alexander, in which he doted on me.

The family did not last long. In 1997, Maria left Sergei. The artist was having a hard time with the divorce, or rather, the separation from his beloved son.

This was another sore wound in the biography of Seryozha Paramonov, whose cause of death and tragic fate still remain a mystery to us.

Health problems

Sergei had poor health since childhood. Already in adulthood, he fell ill with a closed form of tuberculosis, and he even had a second group of disability. The problem was aggravated by alcohol and, as some say, drugs, addiction to which appeared immediately after leaving the choir.

Seryozha Paramonov’s difficult biography and personal life (the cause of death lies precisely in failures in the love field, according to a number of the artist’s acquaintances) may provide an excuse for his hobby bad habits, however, it was worth finding another way out of the current situation. Alas, it is too late to give advice.

Amazing love of life

Sergei loved life very much, and everyone who surrounded the artist became infected with this love of life. The doors to his house were always open; it was not for nothing that he was considered the life of the party, because Sergei found general theme with any person, he knew how to paint dull evenings with bright emotions and unite people who, it would seem, had nothing in common.

For Paramonov there were no other people's problems, he always helped others without demanding anything in return. There was not a drop of anger or envy in him.

Sergei preferred not to talk about his problems. Relatives could only guess about the presence of severe difficulties and experiences.

Faith helped the man overcome all failures and falls. IN Lately he loved to go into the old Church in Sokolniki. Maybe there he again felt like a little boy, lead singer Seryozha Paramonov. The biography and cause of death of the singer worries many, therefore, it’s time to move on to the final passage of the life of the Soviet pop legend.

Last years

The last years of the artist’s life seemed like a white streak: he stopped drinking, looked happy and self-sufficient.

Sergei was preparing for new concerts, planning musical projects and was full of strength and self-confidence, again like the young singer Seryozha Paramonov, whose biography and cause of death still brings tears to many fans today.

Sudden departure

A few months before his death, Sergei caught a cold and contracted pneumonia. He dealt with treatment in passing, relying on the traditional Russian chance and resorting to what he thought were gentle methods of traditional medicine. As a result, the disease developed complications. In many Internet biographies of Seryozha Paramonov, the cause of death is called right-sided pneumonia. However, not everyone shares this version. Some media, describing the final stage of the biography of Seryozha Paramonov, indicate the cause of death as a long-term binge, however, this version also failed. It all happened something like this.

On May 15, 1998, Sergei took a bath and shaved, put on a white shirt, as if he was getting ready to go somewhere. The heart attack happened suddenly. The artist died almost instantly. The star, shining brightly and fieryly, went out in an instant. Sergei Paramonov was not yet 37 years old.

The star of the Big Children's Choir was tormented by a premonition of death, he told his friends that he would soon be gone and asked to be buried in the Krasnogorsk cemetery in Mitino, where Sergei's friend was buried. Friends fulfilled the last request.

Russian Robertino

Sergei was often compared to the Italian star Robertino Loretti. However, this comparison is not entirely appropriate, because their fates are not at all similar.

Robertino began his career immediately as a solo artist and was distinguished by his refined vocal technique. Seryozha was impressive with his enthusiasm and liveliness.

The similarity lies only in the fact that in adulthood neither one nor the other turned out to be an outstanding singer. Robertino lives to this day, spending the huge fees he earned at a young age. Seryozha worked for free, because the choir was amateur.

The eternally talented Seryozha Paramonov will live in our hearts. The biography, photo and cause of death of the little genius are still among the most popular requests on the Internet. This means that interest in the singer is only growing. His memory is a tribute to his humanity and extraordinary talent.

How does war change a person’s worldview and character? This is precisely the question that arises when reading the text by V.P. Astafiev.

Revealing the problem of the influence of war on a person’s worldview and character, the author narrates in the first person. The narrator stood guard near the cannons in a small, broken Polish city. German artillery raids fell on the burning ruins. Suddenly, the sounds of an organ were heard in the house opposite.

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The young soldier remembered that as a child, listening to the violin, he wanted to die from incomprehensible sadness and delight. Now this music was refracted in the hero, and he already perceived the melody familiar from childhood in a different way. The music turned the soul upside down, sounded like a battle cry, called me somewhere, forced me to do something so that these horrors of war would no longer happen.

In this passage, which concludes V. P. Astafiev’s story “A Far and Near Fairy Tale,” the author leads us to the idea that under the influence of war, a person changes internally, his views and character change, and a revaluation of values ​​occurs. War sharpens a person’s feelings, makes them realize their involvement in what is happening around them, and experience the horrors of war not in a detached way, but deeply personally.

I will give a literary argument. In the story “Doll” by E. I. Nosov, we meet the carrier Akimych, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, who cannot calmly walk past a doll abandoned by people. The author describes one such doll in detail, emphasizing with the help of details that someone cruelly and cynically mocked her. Adults pass by indifferently, and children “get used to such sacrilege.” Only the veteran cannot “tolerate the worst”; his heart swells when he sees the “likeness of a man” lying torn to pieces by the road. Akimych takes a shovel and buries the abandoned doll.

Let us give one more literary argument. In the story “The Shepherd and the Shepherdess” by V.P. Astafiev, Lieutenant Boris Kostyaev, a morally pure and fair man, meets his love in the war - a simple woman Lyusya. The wound he received after meeting Lyusya is not life-threatening, but he is fading away because he cannot combine into one whole love as a symbol of life and war, which kills this life every hour. In war they begin to feel more strongly the value of life.

We came to the conclusion that war changes a person, his worldview and worldview, the heart becomes more sensitive to cruelty and evil.

Updated: 2018-01-17

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What does war take away from civilians? Is it compatible with human life? The problem of the influence of war on people’s lives is raised in the text by V. P. Erashov.

Reflecting on this topic, the author describes the first real battle of Katya - the “girl” who, by the will of fate, ended up in the war. At the beginning of the text fragment, Erashov notes with regret the consequences of this destructive phenomenon on humans: all of Katya’s relatives died, “she essentially had nothing to lose in battle - except her own life.”

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Teachers of leading schools and current experts of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The suffering brought by the war robbed her of even her expressed desire to live. Moreover, at the end of the text, the author contrasts Katya’s previously feasible role in the family with her current fate: Katya has become “not a wife, not a mother, not a keeper of the hearth - a tank commander.”

The author's position regarding the problem raised is clear and expressed in the last paragraph: Erashov regrets how the war affected the young girl, causing her a lot of suffering and depriving her of a peaceful family future.

The theme of the influence of war on a person is developed in L. N. Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace.” A change in attitude towards the murder of a man by a man, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, can be traced throughout the work. If the hero initially perceived the war as an opportunity to earn glory and respect, then over time he completely renounces his beliefs, seeing the imaginary greatness of Napoleon and the ostentatious nature of his actions. Particularly successful is the negative attitude towards the war, which brings severe suffering to thousands during the period, of Prince Bolkonsky, which is confirmed by his thoughts about the wounded soldiers in the hospital: their bodies resembled human meat.

The path of Grigory Melekhov, the hero of M. A. Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Don", also demonstrates the destructive role of war in life common man. Accustomed to rural life, the hero presents war as something to be taken for granted, and the killing of an enemy as something justifiable. But the first military actions begin to destroy the beliefs of Gregory, who realizes the meaninglessness of this action. He understands that enemy fighters are just ordinary people like him, obeying orders from above. The hero cannot find an excuse for the suffering that he is forced to inflict on others.

Thus, the problem of the influence of war on a person is developed not only in works entirely devoted to this topic: undoubtedly, it gives creators food for thought to this day.

Updated: 2017-05-24

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