Why don't we remember ourselves as babies? Do the dead see us after death: the connection between the soul and a living person

The ability to forgive is a virtue, but not many of us are good at forgetting. “We have forgiven you, but we cannot forget,” sounds paradoxical, but sometimes memories settle so deeply in the depths and that they turn life into torment. The heroine of the film about 50 first dates seems happy to a person with too good a memory.

The mind of a person with a forgetting disorder is like a computer hard drive that has been actively filled but never cleaned. In such a repository of information, everything is retained - dates, patronymics, license plates of cars accidentally seen, details of the daily diet of one's own and others. Today we have the stories of four US citizens who in the 21st century are officially recognized as people with phenomenal memory. This is not a gift, it is a disorder that aggravates the days of life, usually developing against the background of acquired obsessive-compulsive disorder or congenital autism.

The Neuroscience Center at the University of California is eager to introduce you to the four best data storage systems of the Homo sapiens system.

  1. Bob Petrella

The ability to memorize numbers and dates gave Bob Petrell the career he was mentally prepared for. Today he runs a TV channel that shows tennis, and at the same time, of course, remembers the results of all more or less important tennis competitions. Bob can be shown any “frozen” fragment of a match involving his favorite baseball or football team, and he will tell you what kind of match it was, when, and how it was played.

Petrella says she has memorized everything since she was 5 years old. All PIN codes and phone numbers remain in a separate memory bank. Bob, for example, remembers that he lost his mobile phone on September 24, 2006, but there was not a single number in the device’s memory, since Petrella stores them all in his head.

  1. Jill Price

More often than the other three “”, Mrs. Jill Price from California, who remembers her whole life in detail since her 14th birthday, appeared on the screens and pages of the media. It began after the physical trauma and mental exhaustion of moving from the East to the West of the United States. To Jill herself, her painful gift reminds her of some kind of disgusting video camera that she has to carry around with her on all day and night. In the process of remembering something necessary or not, rewinding to the required fragment is activated. During the harsh years of war, with the Internet cut off, Ms. Price could have become a legendary spy and savior of the world.

Jill Price lives far from Hollywood, leads a non-public lifestyle, working at a Jewish religious school. Parties are rare in her life, so Ms. Price is always pleased to surprise guests with her phenomenal knowledge. At the same time, according to Jill, living with the burden unpleasant memories(and who doesn’t have them?) - this is a painful fate.

  1. Kim Peek

The prototype of Rain Man, the late Kim Pik, lived with a damaged cerebellum and was therefore considered crazy. Several other congenital brain abnormalities robbed Peake of his ability to forget. From what he read (a book spread in 8 seconds), Kim Peak remembered up to 98% of the information, verbal and digital. By the age of 7, he knew the Bible by heart, and by the age of 20, he knew the complete collection of Shakespeare.

Damage to the cerebellum in the walking encyclopedia was apparently caused by a gene mutation. As happens in such cases, the keeper phenomenal memory He walked poorly (his gait was very strange), he could not tie his shoelaces or fasten his shoes. All the “drivers” of this walking computer were aimed at scanning and remembering what the eyes see and the ears hear. Over time, however, in his declining years, Piku managed to learn how to button up his clothes and play the piano.

The prototype of the Rain Man, Kim Peak, did not suffer from “fashionable” autism, just as another movie character without a prototype did not suffer from it - mathematician Max Cohen from the film “Pi”, who was hunted by Orthodox Jews with sidelocks and machine guns. At the end of the film, Cohen, tired of his gift, drills a hole in his head and becomes a free man, since he is no longer tormented not only by fanatics, but also by headaches.

And two more living people live with an officially registered diagnosis of “hyperthymesia” (i.e. “excess memory”). This is Brad Williams and Rick Baron, both from the USA.

Americans say that for every Jill Price there is a Brad Williams. The Americans are referring to a radio host from Wisconsin, who, unlike Jill, does not have a super memory as a burden. Mr. Williams brags about her every chance he gets. If you ask him what happened on August 31, 1986, Brad will remember that on this day the Admiral Nakhimov sank and the sculptor Henry Moore died.

Mr. Williams remembers very well what day it snowed and what day there was a thunderstorm, what and when he ate for breakfast or dinner. On the television show “Good Morning America!” Brad Williams has been called the “Google Man.”

Once, thanks to his impractical talent, Brad almost won the American version of the TV show Jeopardy. They say that he fought on sports issues. Unlike Bob Petrella, Williams does not like sports, and his deepest knowledge is filled with, for example, the history of pop culture. The Google man tells doctors that he sees nothing supernatural in his abilities.

Unlike his fellow hyperthymesians, Cleveland resident Rick Baron uses his genius abilities to make money. Being officially unemployed, Baron takes part in various television championships in erudition.

Constantly winning, Rick Baron receives discount cards, tickets to sporting events as rewards, and 14 times he went on vacation trips to distant lands with the winnings. Baron claims to have memorized everything since he was 11 years old. Moreover, he retrospectively remembers the daily chronicles of everything that happened to him from the age of seven.

The sister of a chronic pageant winner believes that Rick has a serious obsessive disorder. This lies in the fact that Mr. Baron tries to organize and catalog everything around him. In addition, the owner of super memory does not allow anything to be thrown away and carefully stores all paid bills and redeemed tickets to sports matches.

When someone close to us dies, the living want to know if the dead can hear or see us after physical death, is it possible to contact them and get answers to questions? There are many real stories, confirming this hypothesis. They talk about the intervention of the other world in our lives. Different religions also do not deny that souls of the dead are close to loved ones.

What does a person see when he dies?

About what a person sees and feels when he dies physical body, can only be judged by the stories of those who experienced clinical death. The stories of many patients whom doctors were able to save have much in common. They all talk about similar sensations:

  1. A man watches other people bending over his body from the side.
  2. At first one feels strong anxiety, as if the soul does not want to leave the body and say goodbye to the usual earthly life, but then calm comes.
  3. Pain and fear disappear, the state of consciousness changes.
  4. The person doesn't want to go back.
  5. After passing long tunnel a creature appears in the circle of light and calls for it.

Scientists believe that these impressions do not relate to what the person who has passed on to another world feels. They explain such visions as a hormonal surge, the effects of medications, and brain hypoxia. Although different religions, describing the process of separation of the soul from the body, talk about the same phenomena - observing what is happening, the appearance of an angel, saying goodbye to loved ones.

Is it true that dead people can see us?

To answer whether deceased relatives and other people see us, we need to study different theories, telling about the afterlife. Christianity talks about two opposite places where the soul can go after death - heaven and hell. Depending on how a person lived, how righteously, he is rewarded with eternal bliss or doomed to endless suffering for his sins.

When discussing whether the dead see us after death, we should turn to the Bible, which says that souls resting in paradise remember their lives, can observe earthly events, but do not experience passions. People who were recognized as saints after death appear to sinners, trying to guide them on the true path. According to esoteric theories, the spirit of the deceased has a close connection with loved ones only when he has unfulfilled tasks.

Does the soul of a deceased person see his loved ones?

After death, the life of the body ends, but the soul continues to live. Before going to heaven, she stays with her loved ones for another 40 days, trying to console them and ease the pain of loss. Therefore, in many religions it is customary to schedule a funeral for this time in order to escort the soul to the world of the dead. It is believed that ancestors see and hear us even many years after death. Priests advise not to speculate about whether the dead see us after death, but to try to grieve less about the loss, because the suffering of relatives is difficult for the deceased.

Can the soul of the deceased come to visit?

When the connection between loved ones was strong during life, this relationship is difficult to interrupt. Relatives can feel the presence of the deceased and even see his silhouette. This phenomenon is called a phantom or ghost. Another theory says that the spirit comes to visit for communication only in a dream, when our body is asleep and our soul is awake. During this period, you can ask for help from deceased relatives.

Can a deceased person become a guardian angel?

After the loss of a loved one, the pain of loss can be very great. I would like to know if our deceased relatives can hear us and tell us about their troubles and sorrows. Religious teaching does not deny that dead people become guardian angels for their kind. However, in order to receive such an appointment, a person must be a deeply religious believer during his lifetime, not sin and follow God’s commandments. Often the guardian angels of a family become children who left early, or people who devoted themselves to worship.

Is there a connection with the dead?

According to people with psychic abilities, there is a connection between the real world and the afterlife, and it is very strong, so it is possible to perform such an action as talking to the deceased. To contact the deceased from the other world, some psychics conduct spiritualistic séances, where you can communicate with a deceased relative and ask him questions.

In Christianity and many other religions, the possibility of inducing a resting spirit through some kind of manipulation is completely denied. It is believed that all souls that come to earth belong to people who committed many sins during their lifetime or who did not receive repentance. According to Orthodox tradition, if you dream of a relative who has gone to another world, then you need to go to church in the morning and light a candle and help him find peace with prayer.


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We associate illness with something unpleasant and often dangerous, and for good reason. But there are also diseases that at first glance one would like to compare with superpowers.

website learned about rare diseases that not only make scientists scratch their heads, but also make people look like comic book characters.

1. Super memory

Hyperthymesia is a memory disorder due to which a person remembers all the events of his life to the smallest detail. There are approximately 60 people in the world with this diagnosis. Patients can talk in detail about any day of their life, even from the most distant childhood, reproduce entire passages from books read many years ago, retell the news release of any day of any year.

People with hyperthymesia are unable to distort memories or “brighten up” unpleasant moments that they would prefer to forget. They literally don't forget anything.

The BBC told the story of Rebecca Sharrock, an Australian writer who remembers being wrapped in a pink blanket when she was just 7 days old. Her memory is truly unique: the way she reproduces passages from Harry Potter without confusing a single word. However, the girl does not consider hyperthymesia a “gift”: she complains of headaches and insomnia and gets tired quickly.

2. Insensitivity to pain

Congenital analgesia is a syndrome in which a person does not feel pain at all. Amazing fact: Despite the rarity of the phenomenon, as many as 40 cases of this disease have been recorded in one village in Sweden.

At first glance, it seems that this is a real superpower, because the syndrome does not affect mental abilities or appearance, a person doesn't feel pain at all, maximum - touch. But this is dangerous because the patient may not notice the diseases that cause pain. The syndrome is especially dangerous for young children: they can get hurt while playing, or damage the cornea of ​​the eye, bite off the tip of their tongue, or not notice a broken bone.

3. Ability to do almost anything

Savant syndrome is a rare condition that can occur in people with developmental disabilities, such as autism or Asperger's syndrome. People with savantism are unusually talented in music, drawing, calculations, cartography, and 3D model building.

Savants can instantly recite the result of multiplying three-digit numbers or tell what day of the week May 5, 3017 will be. Stephen Wiltshire drew detailed map London after just one flight over the city.

Many people call them savants geniuses, and they do have real talent in some areas. But despite the “islands of genius,” patients demonstrate inferiority, even mental retardation. Remember Forrest Gump from the novel by Winston Groom - a well-known example of a savant.

4. Immunity to cold

In addition to people who do not react to pain, there are people who are absolutely indifferent to the cold. For example, Wim Hof ​​is a Dutchman who has baffled doctors with his ability to calmly tolerate very low temperatures. He survived 120 minutes in a pipe with cold water and ice, climbed Mont Blanc in shorts and even swims under the ice of frozen ponds.

Experts say that he is a unique phenomenon, although Wim Hof ​​himself believes that his immunity to cold is a merit of his training.

5. Complete absence of fear

Urbach-Wiethe disease is a rare genetic disorder that causes complete absence of fear. Only 300 such cases are known, a quarter of them in South Africa.

The most famous patient is the “woman who knows no fear,” the American S. M. (these initials were given to her to maintain anonymity). As soon as the researchers tried to scare her: they gave her poisonous spiders and snakes, showed her horror films and locked her in a “haunted house” - all attempts were in vain.

Moreover, S.M. spoke about scary situations that did not frighten her: an attack with a knife in the park at night, a case of domestic violence, after which she miraculously survived. The leader of the research team found it surprising that the woman was still alive at all, because she had lost the ability to assess danger.

Our childhood. Looking at the children from the neighboring yard, you understand that this is the most carefree time in every person’s life. However, memories of our childhood or birth are not available to us. What is this mystery connected with? Why shouldn't we remember ourselves in our childhood years? What is hidden behind this gap in our memory? And then at some point a thought suddenly flashed, why don't we remember ourselves from birth, forces us to delve into the mysteries of the unknown.

Why don't we remember our birth

It would seem like this important point, like birth, should have been imprinted on our brains forever. But no, some bright events from past life sometimes they pop up in the subconscious, and most importantly, they are forever erased from memory. It is not surprising that the best minds in psychology, physiology and the religious sphere are trying to understand such an interesting fact.

Erasing memory from a mystical point of view

Researchers studying the unknown mystical side of the existence of our universe and Supreme Intelligence, give their answers to the questions of why parts of a person’s memory erase the ability to reproduce the birth process.

The main emphasis is on the Soul. It contains information about:

  • lived periods of life,
  • emotional experiences,
  • achievements and failures.

Why don't we remember how we were born?

From a physical point of view, it is not possible for a person to understand the soul and decipher the facts stored in it.

It is assumed that this substance visits the formed embryo on the tenth day of its existence. But she does not settle there forever, but leaves him for a while, only to return a month and a half before the birth.

Scientific evidence

But we do not have the opportunity to remember a very important moment in our lives. This happens due to the fact that the soul does not want to “share” with the body the information that it itself possesses. A bundle of energy protects our brain from unnecessary data. Most likely, the process of creating a human embryo is too mysterious to be solved. The external universe uses the body only as an external shell, while the soul is immortal.

Man is born in pain

Why do we not remember how we were born into this world? Accurate evidence of this phenomenon has not been obtained. There are only assumptions that the extreme stress experienced at birth is to blame. A child from the warm mother’s womb climbs out through the birth canal into a world unknown to him. In the process, he experiences pain due to the changing structure of his body parts.

Height human body directly related to the formation of memory. An adult remembers the most outstanding moments in his life and places them in the “storage” compartment of his brain.

For children, everything happens a little differently.

  • Positive and negative moments and events are deposited in the “subcortex” of their consciousness, but at the same time they destroy the memories existing there.
  • A child's brain is not yet developed enough to store large amounts of information.
  • That is why we do not remember ourselves from birth and do not store childhood memories.

What do we remember from childhood

Children's memory develops from 6 months to 1.5 years. But even then it is divided into long-term and short-term. The child recognizes the people around him, can switch to this or that object, and knows how to navigate the apartment.

Another scientific assumption about why we have completely forgotten the process of appearing in this world is associated with ignorance of words.

The baby does not speak, cannot compare current events and facts, or correctly describe what he saw. Infantile amnesia is the name given to the absence of childhood memories by psychologists.

Scientists express their guesses about this problem. They believe that children choose short term memory. And this has nothing to do with a lack of ability to create memories. Any person not only cannot tell how his birth happened, but the passage of time makes him forget other important bright moments of his life in a certain period.

There are two main scientific theories who are trying to understand this difficult issue.

Name Description
Freud's theory The world famous Freud, who promoted important changes in the fields of medicine and psychology, had his own views on the lack of childhood memories.
  • His theory is based on the sexual attachment of a child under five years of age.
  • Freud believed that information is blocked on a subconscious level, since one of the parents of the opposite sex to the child is perceived by the latter more positively than the other.

In other words, the girl in early age She is strongly attached to her father and has jealous feelings for her mother, perhaps even hating her.

  • Having reached a more conscious age, we understand that our feelings are negative and unnatural.
  • Therefore, we try to erase them from memory.

But this theory was not widely used. It has remained exclusively one person's position regarding the lack of memories of an early period of life.

Hark Hawn theory What the scientist proved: why we don’t remember childhood

This doctor believed that the child did not feel like a separate person.

He does not know how to separate the knowledge gained as a result of his own life experience and the emotions and feelings that other people experience.

For the baby everything is the same. Therefore, memory does not preserve the moment of birth and childhood.

How do children know how to distinguish between mom and dad if they have not yet learned to speak and remember? Semantic memory helps them with this. The child easily navigates the rooms and shows who is dad and who is mom without getting confused.

It is long-term memory that stores important information so necessary to survive in this world. “Storage” will tell you the room where he is fed, bathed, dressed, the place where the treat is hidden, and so on.

So why don’t we remember ourselves from birth:

  • Hone believed that the subconscious considers the moment of birth to be an unnecessary and negative event for our psyche.
  • Therefore, the memory of it is stored not in long-term, but in short-term memory.

Why do some people remember themselves as children?

At what age do we begin to remember events that happen to us? Among your acquaintances, most likely, there are people who claim that they remember their infant years. If you are one of them, then stop deceiving yourself. And do not believe others who prove that this is so.

The brain erases events from childhood

An adult can remember moments that happened to him after five years, but not earlier.

What scientists have proven:

  • Infantile amnesia completely erases the first years of life from memories.
  • New brain cells, as they form, destroy all early memorable events.
  • This action in science is called neurogenesis. It is constant at any age, but in infancy it is especially violent.
  • Existing “cells” storing certain information are overwritten by new neurons.
  • As a result, new events completely erase the old ones.

Amazing Facts of Human Consciousness

Our memory is diverse and has not yet been fully studied. Many scientists have tried to get to the bottom of the truth and determine how to influence it, forcing us to create the “storage chambers” we need. But even the rapid development of information progress does not make it possible to make such a castling.

However, some points have already been proven and may surprise you. Check out some of them.

Fact Description
Memory works even if one part of the brain hemisphere is damaged
  • The hypothalamus is present in both hemispheres. This is the name of the part of the brain that is responsible for the proper functioning of memory and cognition.
  • If it is damaged in one part and remains unchanged in the second, the memorization function will work without interruption.
Complete amnesia almost never happens. In reality, complete memory loss is practically non-existent. You often watch movies where the hero hits his head, causing the previous events to completely evaporate.

In reality, it is almost impossible that during the first trauma everything is forgotten, and after the second one everything is restored.

  • Complete amnesia is very rare.
  • If a person has experienced a negative mental or physical impact, then he can forget the unpleasant moment itself, nothing more.
The onset of brain activity in an infant begins in the embryonic state. Three months after the egg is fertilized, the baby begins to place certain events in the cells of its storage.
A person can remember a lot of information
  • If you suffer from forgetfulness, this does not mean that you have problems remembering.

It's just that you can't get the necessary facts out of your storage, the volume of which is unlimited.

It has been proven how many words can the human brain remember? This figure is 100,000.

There are so many words, but why don’t we remember ourselves from birth, it’s still interesting to know about this.

False memory exists If unpleasant events happen to us that traumatize our psyche, consciousness can turn off the memory of such moments, recreating, exaggerating or distorting them.
Works while sleeping short term memory That is why dreams mainly convey recent life facts that happen to us, which we do not remember in the morning.
TV kills your ability to remember
  • It is recommended to watch the blue screen for no more than two hours.
  • This is especially true for people between the ages of forty and sixty.
  • Spending too much time in front of the TV increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Brain growth occurs before age twenty-five
  • Depending on how we load and train our brain in early youth, our head will work in the future.
  • Emptiness and failures in remembering are possible if in the early period we were most often engaged in empty pastimes.
Always needed new and unique experiences Memory loves nothingness

Have you ever wondered why time flies so quickly?

Why are the same impressions and emotions subsequently devoid of novelty?

Remember your first meeting with your loved one. The appearance of the first child. Your vacation you've been waiting for all year.

  • Our emotional state upon initial impressions is elevated, and bursts of happiness remain in our brain for a long time.

But when it repeats, it no longer seems so joyful, but fleeting.

After you have just tripled back to work after studying, you look forward to your first vacation, spend it usefully and slowly.

The third and the rest are already flying by in an instant.

The same applies to your relationship with a loved one. At first you count the seconds until your next meeting; they seem like an eternity to you. But, after the years you have lived together, before you know it, you are already celebrating your thirtieth anniversary.

  • Therefore, feed your brain with new, exciting events, do not let it “float with fat”, then every day in your life will be easy and memorable.

What can you remember from childhood?

What are your most vivid childhood memories? The child's brain is designed in such a way that it is not susceptible to sound associations. Most often, he is able to remember events he saw or those that the children tried by touch.

The fear and pain experienced in infancy are forced out of the “storage chambers” and replaced by positive and good impressions. But some people are able to remember only negative moments from life, and they completely erase happy and joyful moments from their memory.

Why do our hands remember more than our brains?

A person is able to reproduce bodily sensations in more detail than conscious ones. An experiment with ten-year-old children proved this fact. They were shown photos of their friends from the nursery group. Consciousness did not recognize what they saw, only the galvanic skin reaction revealed that the children still remembered their grown-up comrades. This can be determined by electrical resistance experienced by the skin. It changes when excited.

Why does memory remember experiences?

Emotional memories become scarred by our most negative experiences. Thus, consciousness warns us for the future.

But sometimes the psyche simply does not have the ability to cope with the mental trauma suffered.

  • Horrible moments simply do not want to fit into a puzzle, but are presented in our imagination in the form of scattered fragments.
  • Such a sad experience is stored in the implicit memory in torn pieces. A small detail - a sound, a look, a word, the date of an event - can resurrect the past that we are trying to erase from the depths of our brain.
  • To prevent obsessive terrible facts from being resurrected, each victim uses the principle of so-called dissociation.
  • Experiences after trauma are fragmented into separate, incoherent fragments. Then they are not so associated with real life nightmares.

If you were offended:

Are there really options for answering the question of why we don’t remember ourselves from birth? Maybe this information can still be pulled out from the depths of our capacious storage?

When certain problems arise, we most often turn to psychologists. To help cope with its solution, specialists in some cases resort to hypnosis sessions.

It is often believed that all our painful real experiences come from deep childhood.

During a moment of trance, the patient can list all his hidden memories without even knowing it.
Sometimes, individual non-susceptibility to hypnosis does not allow one to immerse himself in early periods life path.

Some people, on a subconscious level, put up a blank wall and protect their emotional experiences from others. And this method has not received scientific confirmation. Therefore, if some people tell you that they perfectly remember the moment of their birth, do not take this information seriously. Most often these are simple inventions or a clever professional advertising trick.

Why do we remember moments that happen to us after we reach 5 years of age?

Can you answer:

  • What do you remember from your childhood?
  • What were your first impressions after visiting the nursery group?

Most often, people cannot give at least any answer to these questions. But, nevertheless, there are still at least seven explanations for this phenomenon.

Cause Description
Unripe brain The roots of this hypothesis have come to us a long time ago.
  • Previously, it was assumed that not yet sufficiently formed thinking prevents memory from working “to its fullest.”

But at present, many scientists argue with this statement.

  • They believe that by the age of one year a child receives a fully mature part of the brain, which is responsible for remembering facts that happen.
  • The required level can be achieved by timely connecting short-term and long-term types of memory.
Missing vocabulary Due to the fact that until the age of three the child knows minimal amount words, he is unable to clearly describe the events and moments surrounding him.
  • Incoherent pieces of early childhood experiences may flash through your head.
  • But there is no way to clearly separate them from later perceptions.

For example, a girl remembered the smell of her grandmother’s pies in the village where she spent up to a year.

Muscular form
  • Children are able to perceive everything through their bodily sensations.

You saw that they constantly copy the movements of adults, gradually bringing their actions to automatism.

But psychologists argue with this statement.

  • They believe that even in the womb, the developing embryo hears and sees, but cannot connect its memories together.
Lack of sense of time To put together a picture from flickering details from childhood, you need to understand in what specific period the corresponding event occurred. But the child cannot do this yet.
Memory with holes
  • The volume that the brain can remember is different for an adult and a child.
  • In order to retain information for new sensations, the baby needs to make room.
  • While adult uncles and aunts store many facts in their cells.
  • Science has proven that five-year-old children remember themselves at an earlier age, but when they start going to school, their memories give way to new knowledge.
No desire to remember An interesting position is taken by pessimists who argue why we don’t remember ourselves from birth.

It turns out that unconscious fears are to blame for this:

  • won't mom leave?
  • Will they feed me?

Everyone is trying to force their helpless state out of uncomfortable memories. And, when we are able to serve ourselves independently, from that moment we begin to “record” all the information we receive and reproduce it, if necessary.

A very important period of life The brain is like a computer
  • Optimistic researchers tend to believe that the age of up to five years is the most decisive.

Think about how a computer works. If we make changes to system programs at our own discretion, this may lead to a failure of the entire system as a whole.

  • Therefore, we are not given the opportunity to invade infant memories, since it is then that our behavioral characteristics and subconscious are formed.

Do we remember or not?

It cannot be assumed that all of the above hypotheses are one hundred percent correct. Since the moment of memorization is a very serious and not fully studied process, it is hard to believe that it is influenced by only one of the listed facts. Of course, it’s curious that we keep a lot of different things, but we don’t imagine our birth. This is the greatest mystery that humanity cannot solve. And, most likely, the question of why we don’t remember ourselves from birth will worry great minds for decades to come.

Your comments are very interesting - do you remember yourself as a child?

It will be interesting to find out.

The man who remembered everything

All psychology textbooks include the story of Solomon Shereshevsky, a man with phenomenal abilities. Soviet psychologist A. R. Luria was lucky enough to study his memory for more than three decades, from the 1920s to the 1960s.

S. Shereshevsky, or Sh., as A. R. Luria called him in his books, could remember as much as he wanted. The volume of his memory could not be measured. He recalled any information: pictures, images, words or meaningless combinations of letters as if he was reading from a book. In addition, it turned out that what he remembered was never erased from his memory. He easily recalled words dictated to him during experiments 10 or 15 years ago.

Since Shereshevsky’s memory could not be measured, Luria tried to describe its work, the mechanisms of remembering and reproducing information. He found out the following.

1. To remember information, Shereshevsky encoded it into images. For example, the number 1 turned into a proud, dignified person; 6 – in a person whose leg is swollen; 8 - into a fat woman, etc. His ability to encode information into images was innate. Shereshevsky remembered well what he saw and heard from the first months of his life, whereas usually people do not remember themselves in infancy.

2. Shereshevsky had pronounced synesthesia - a “plexus” of feelings. Synesthetes can clearly distinguish the colors of letters, feel the roughness of sounds, or taste shapes. In Shereshevsky's synesthetic perception, all senses were connected, except for smell. The images created by four of the five senses turned out to be very bright and durable.

3. To remember the order of numbers or objects in a long list, Shereshevsky mentally walked along the street of his hometown and placed the images he created along it. Sometimes he would "lose" items from the list. This happened, for example, when the mental image was in a poorly lit place or merged with the background. In other cases, Shereshevsky imagined the adventures of his characters, which developed into unusual and therefore memorable stories.

Features of Shereshevsky's memory described by Luria are used in modern mnemonics.


CASE No. 283

operational search

upon loss of documents,

March 2, 1955 The 32nd police department in Moscow received a statement about the disappearance of gr. Bernshtein Semyon Yakovlevich born in 1897, employee of the Archive of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Bernstein had not appeared in the archives since February 21, but due to the fact that there were cases of his absence from work due to illness in the past, and also given that there was no telephone in his apartment, his disappearance was discovered only a week later. On February 28 and March 1, colleagues tried to visit him at home, but both times no one opened the door for them.

On March 2, immediately after the missing person report, in the presence of the local police officer. Lieutenant A.P. Vasilyev's room was opened. Bernstein in an apartment at st. Gorkogo, 22, apt. 15. There was no one in the room. Based on the results of the preliminary inspection, the valuables of Mr. Bernstein is in place. No signs of a struggle were found in the apartment.

On the same day, inquiries were made about everyone admitted to Moscow hospitals, emergency rooms and morgues since February 21. There was no one like Bernstein among them.

Due to the fact that gr. Bernstein is an archivist responsible for storing documents containing state secret, an inventory was carried out on his site. The loss of a number of documents classified as “Top Secret” was discovered. A list of lost documents is attached. The issuance of these documents in the register of documents containing state secrets is not registered.

Art. detective of the 9th department

second main directorate

Major I. O. Miloslavsky



to the list of documents,

lost from the Archives of the USSR Academy of Sciences

The lost documents were seized in May 1945 from the archives of the Main Directorate of Imperial Security fascist Germany(RSHA). They belonged to the management of III C 1 RSHA (science), which was led by SS-Hauptsturmführer Ernst Turowski.

The documents contain theoretical and experimental developments by German psychologists and doctors in the field of using suggestive psychotechniques (hypnosis) to control large groups of people. These are mainly developments of the German Institute psychological research and psychotherapy, the so-called “Goering Institute”. This institute was led during the war by Matthias Heinrich Goering, cousin of Reich Marshal Hermann Goering.

From the works of the institute greatest interest present the research of the group of the deputy head of the institute, Johann Heinrich Schulz. In particular, he is the author of the widespread psychotechnique of autogenic training, based on self-hypnosis. The effectiveness and safety of autogenic training has been proven by long-term practice in both healthy people and people with personality disorders.

Schulz's books were published in Germany and are available to any reader. However, many of his works, like the works of other employees of the Goering Institute, which were of military significance, were classified. It is extremely undesirable for these developments to reach people and organizations that could cause damage to the USSR.


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