How do I know what I want now. How to understand what I want. Although the ninth, but a very important point (!)

Between 34 and 45 percent of all adults aged 18 to over 65 inadvertently and frequently take naps during the day. And although at first glance this may seem like a very insignificant problem, but when people start nodding, say, when moving vehicle, things like that get pretty dangerous.

Below are some of the most likely reasons why you always feel sluggish and exhausted throughout the day, and tips on what you can do to prevent it.

1. You are surrounded by chaos and disorder.

A cluttered workspace or living environment can drain your mental energy and contribute to your fatigue. Psychologists say that this is due to the inability to concentrate.

To avoid clutter, keep only the essentials. If you are working on a project, try to keep only writing and stationery on your desk that can help you with your work.

2. Your body is not getting enough sunlight.

When people are exposed sun rays or bright morning light, melatonin production occurs earlier and they fall asleep more easily.

In addition to replenishing your body with vitamin D, sunlight can also set your body and brain on a regular, rhythmic schedule.

3. You're eating breakfast the wrong way.

You've probably heard this many times already: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The consequences of skipping breakfast or an unbalanced breakfast can be dire.

If you skip meals, you won't have enough calories to kick-start your metabolism and keep your energy levels up throughout the day.

However, a large unbalanced breakfast can also make you feel tired.

To help your body function properly high level, eat whole grains, a small amount of protein, and fruits and vegetables for breakfast every day.

4. You are often dehydrated

You may not realize it, but being dehydrated can often make you feel tired because dehydrated organs don't flush out toxins.

Our body is 60% water, so there is no way to feel perfect without being hydrated.

The next time you feel tired, try drinking a glass of cold water.

5. You are surrounded by negativity.

Let's look at factors outside of diet and lifestyle.

If you surround yourself with people who complain and whimper all the time, you will soon be mentally exhausted.

Other people's problems can affect your emotions and your body. Psychologists recommend cutting ties with people who do nothing but waste their time complaining and ruining your feelings of peace and positivity.

Instead, try to hang out with people who make you feel good—or make time for healthy, positive interactions only.

6. You are too connected

Many people feel extremely lethargic even after eight hours of sleep. Of course, it is very important to get enough sleep, but it is equally important to have quality sleep.

Many people make the mistake of gazing too long at various screens before bed—whether they're watching TV, browsing their phone, or playing games on their tablets—and as a result, they don't get the amount of REM sleep they need.

When it's time to go to bed, it's best to remove electronic devices away. If you're having trouble falling asleep, read a good book.

7. You sleep too much.

Too much sleep causes lethargy during the day. Excess sleep misinforms your internal biological rhythms and confuses the part of the brain that regulates the daily cycle of the body.

Therefore, even on weekends, try not to sleep too much, because this can disrupt the schedule of the upcoming week.

8. Your body is not getting enough exercise.

A sedentary lifestyle is extremely dangerous for human body. Sitting in a fixed position for hours on end can take a toll on your body.

You may feel pain and stiffness in your neck, back, and head, and feel sluggish.

It is important to maintain an active lifestyle to the best of your ability so that you can balance your hormone levels and avoid fatigue, weight gain and mood swings.

Try doing light exercise for just 20 minutes every day for a few weeks. If you're at work all day, take small five-minute breaks every hour and plan regular outdoor activities after work.

9. You may have a food intolerance

Diet plays an important role in keeping our body in proper shape. Research shows that there are three main food groups that can cause lethargy in some people: dairy, gluten, and nightshade fruits and vegetables.

In many cases, food sensitivities and intolerances can cause debilitating fatigue and exhaustion. It's best to consult a doctor or nutritionist to figure out the right diet for your lifestyle!

10. You have medical problems

There is a whole list medical indications which can contribute to lethargy.

Some chronic illnesses, such as allergies and hay fever, can cause severe bouts of fatigue. Others, such as anemia and diabetes, can alter the body's iron levels and affect blood sugar levels, as well as cause fatigue as a side effect.

Sleep problems and unnatural sluggishness can also be caused by menopause, depression and anxiety.


By definition, empaths are emotionally sensitive people who absorb other people's emotions and feelings. Seems like a tedious job, right? Imagine being able to absorb all these feelings while being around a fake person. It is perplexing, frustrating and tormenting.

Have you ever spent time with someone who seemed quite nice and kind to look at, but when you were close to them or sitting next to them, you felt… terrible? You could hardly form a sentence. In a colloquial manner, this is because your sensitive antenna is picking up something wrong. You know that what you see and what is actually happening do not match, and this usually means that someone is hiding something.

Highly sensitive people need honest, deep, and meaningful relationships with other people.
Why empaths act weird around insincere people:

Empaths are gifted at reading body language and energy. They do not tolerate lies or deceit.

7 signs of a fake person that only empaths will understand:

He acts like a weak-willed person, so others automatically accept him.

He smiles and acts friendly, but is actually seething with anger and hatred.

He feels vulnerable and insecure and tries to act tough.

He forces himself to act in a certain way, which goes against his personality.

He constantly says nice things to get recognition.

He lies or exaggerates stories to please others.

After recognizing a fake person, empaths behave like this:

Avoid them. It's not that they're doing something wrong, empaths just aren't getting positive vibes from them.

Form logical sentences and speak extremely difficult.

They feel the approach of fear and discomfort next to them. It only dissipates when the fakes go away.

Feel physically ill by spending long periods of time around them.

A balanced diet is necessary to provide the body with all kinds of nutrients needed to perform all of its functions. Therefore, well-coordinated work gastrointestinal tract is important condition health of the whole organism. Accordingly, disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract lead to a deterioration in well-being and the appearance of various symptoms that we do not always associate with problems of the digestive tract. Today we will tell you what the signs of violations in the digestive tract can be.

How to recognize the problem: signs of disorders in the digestive tract

Gastrointestinal disorders are not always manifested by abdominal pain - their symptoms may be less obvious, because many patients simply do not suspect what the source of the problem is. However, the following signs may indicate improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

1. Constant fatigue

The causes of constant fatigue are quite diverse, but in any case, this symptom indicates either an incorrect lifestyle (for example, lack of sleep), or disturbances in the body, including the gastrointestinal tract. If the digestive system does not work properly, it affects the immune system. Negative changes in the intestinal microflora can cause chronic fatigue.

Since the proper functioning of the digestive tract is important for immune system, brain and good mood, against the background of problems with the digestive system, various symptoms may appear.

2. Skin problems

The skin is a large organ that reflects the internal state of the body. For the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, not only proper nutrition is necessary, but also the proper functioning of the digestive tract - otherwise the body will not be able to absorb the nutrients it needs. The state of the digestive system, according to traditional Chinese medicine, can be judged by the condition of the forehead - the frequent appearance of acne in this area should alert you.

3. Irritability and anxiety

The state of the brain also largely depends on the health of the digestive system. Therefore, anxiety, depression, irritability are possible signs of disorders in the digestive tract. The millions of cells in the intestinal wall make up the enteric nervous system, which is connected to the brain through the vagus nerve, so our mood can be influenced by microorganisms that predominate in the intestines.

4.Frequent infectious diseases

Like feeling tired all the time, frequent infections can indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which lead to a weakened immune system. If the body's defenses are thrown into the fight against harmful bacteria, it is easier for infectious agents to enter the body and make a mess there. Therefore, in order to successfully resist viral and bacterial infections, the body needs a healthy digestive system.

5. Inability to concentrate

If you notice that in Lately It has become much more difficult for you to concentrate on various tasks, despite healthy sleep and adequate nutrition, perhaps the problem lies in the gastrointestinal tract. Any disease can distract us from important matters, and disorders in the digestive system are no exception.

6.Unpleasant smell iso mouth

Common causes of this problem are:

  • inadequate oral hygiene;
  • the presence of caries;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, bad breath is a reason to go to the dentist, and then check the condition of the digestive tract. The growth of harmful bacteria or fungus often causes an unpleasant odor.

7. Frequent constipation

Frequent constipation is harmful to the body, which in this case is unable to remove harmful substances in a timely manner. The cause of constipation can be the peculiarities of the diet (for example, a lack of fiber in it) or various diseases of the digestive organs, including ulcers, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis, etc. To effectively eliminate the problem of constipation, it is necessary to establish the cause of their occurrence.

Frequent constipation is one of the surest signs of disorders in the digestive tract or malnutrition, therefore it is better to consult a doctor with this problem.

8. Bad sleep

Sleep patterns are often an indicator of the state of the digestive system. Sound sleep indicates that everything is in order with the gastrointestinal tract. However, if you often wake up at night and cannot fall asleep, it is worth checking the condition of the digestive organs. Remember that another common cause of sleep disturbances is chronic stress. Other diseases are not excluded. In any case, it is better to seek the help of a specialist.

The health of the organs of the digestive system largely depends on us: nutrition and lifestyle affect almost every system in our body. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract can appear for various reasons and manifest themselves with various symptoms, therefore it is important to contact a specialist in time with problems that worry you in order to eliminate them in time and avoid possible complications.

People with elevated emotional sensitivity were formally described in 1991 by psychologist Elaine Aron. She found that approximately 15-20% of the world's population could qualify as empaths. She also suggested that their brains process sensory input differently than other people, and their emotion regulation functions are also different.

Empaths are much more sensitive to emotions and behavior than other people. They are natural listeners and often give a lot to others. But, since they are very finely tuned to environment, they are good at distinguishing fake people and their behavior. Honest and deep relationships with other people allow them to flourish, but next to insincere characters, they begin to feel bad.

Why do empaths feel exhausted around fake people?

When an empath interacts with a hypocrite, he cannot help him, but he sees who the person really is. An empath simply cannot ignore or ignore this fact, as many people do. It actually causes a feeling of discomfort. A person with heightened emotional sensitivity experiences symptoms of mental and physical property such as fatigue, frustration, sweaty hands, and increased heart rate.

But this reaction cannot be called outright dislike for hypocrites. Rather, it is a protective screen that allows the empath to hide their own pain.

What behaviors and situations do empaths worry about?

So what are typical examples behaviors that might trigger anxiety in an empath? What should a person do so that even empaths who feel compassion and desire to help everyone turn their backs on him?

Reactions and responses of empaths

When an empath is dealing with the behaviors mentioned above, their instinctive reactions may include:

How an empath can fight a hypocrite

From time to time, empaths, like all people, have to deal with hypocrites. You can't just avoid these situations. Instead, the following basic principles should be used to maintain self-control and avoid negative reactions when working with fake people.

You should always speak for yourself

Empaths often find themselves in this conflict situation when they can't say anything because they know it will hurt others. For starters, if you refuse some kind of request, this will not make you bad. If you agree against your will, then in the future the consequences may be worse for the two of you. If something is good for you, then it is good for others, and vice versa. Never be afraid to speak sincerely and say "no" when necessary. Others need to control their emotions based on your response, so it's not your fault if they get upset.

Don't forget to follow your own path

Another common mistake is to try to help everyone you can. While helping others is really great, you have to draw the line where that help gets in the way of your own dreams and hopes. Otherwise, you will remain dissatisfied with your life and will not be able to continue helping others.

Instead, you should be brave and continue to follow your heart. Don't let others stand in your way and remember that you cannot save the whole world. Don't neglect self-improvement and the importance of following your own path.

You can't please everyone

If you want to please everyone, this may seem like an innocent enough intention, but it can actually be very harmful to you. If you always go against yourself to please others, your own needs will take a backseat. In the end, you will feel exhausted, and you will no longer be able to please anyone.

You will only win if you start to increase your self-esteem. It is important to remember that your needs must be prioritized and fulfilled first before you start helping other people.