Waffen SS uniform: history of creation and insignia of the Wehrmacht military uniform. Military uniform of the Russian army: photos, types

Red Army uniform was simple and functional. Before the start of the war, a system of insignia was in force, introduced in 1935 by order No. 176. The ranks of generals were introduced only in May 1940. Until that time, job titles were used instead of ranks. The rank system was based on the traditional rank system Tsarist Russia, although with noticeable differences. The 1936 model uniform consisted of a tunic. The tunic was a loose-fitting shirt worn over the head with patch breast pockets and a turn-down collar with a stand-up collar. The clasp on the collar was hidden. Elongated buttonholes were attached to the collar, in which insignia were worn. Officers' buttonholes had edging in the color of the branch of service. Patch chest pockets had flaps fastened with one button. Buttons were khaki-colored; officers often wore tunics with brass buttons.

There were no signs of belonging to a particular unit on the uniform; there were only signs of belonging to a particular branch of the military or service, which were worn in buttonholes and on shoulder straps. There were no emblems of the military branch; they differed only in the crimson edging on the uniform.

The uniform is a traditional khaki color - light olive brown or dark olive. The photographs show that in reality the uniform could have a variety of shades of tan, brown, green and gray. Moreover, even soldiers of one unit could have a uniform different color. From 1944 the uniform became a darker olive green. After the introduction of new uniforms in 1943, both new and old uniforms were encountered for a period. In 1943, the well-known order No. 25 appeared, which introduced the wearing of traditional shoulder straps and new uniform items. The units being formed, or units located in the rear, received a new uniform.

Winter uniform of infantryman, naval pilot, long-range aviation

The headdress - cap - was worn casually pushed towards the right ear. The cap was decorated with a metal olive-green star with a relief image of a hammer and sickle. The protective green star was often replaced with a red enameled star with a yellow hammer and sickle. The cap was trimmed with colored piping, different for different branches of the military.
A steel helmet was used in battle. The helmet was olive green, with a red star depicted on the forehead - solid or just an outline. In winter, the helmet was camouflaged by covering it with lime or pulling on a white fabric cover; in the cold, it could lead to frostbitten ears of the soldier, so sometimes soldiers removed the shock absorber from the helmet to wear it over their earflaps. In the first days of the war, only some soldiers had helmets; even in 1945 there were soldiers without helmets.

red army camouflage for scouts

The tunic of the 1943 model had a more traditional cut with a stand-up collar. The insignia from the buttonholes was transferred to shoulder straps. A white collar was supposed to be sewn to the collar. The collar was fastened with three buttons on the chest and two directly on the stand. Welt chest pockets with flaps with one button. Bloomers were loose-fitting half-breeches on the hips and tapered on the shins. In summer they wore uniforms made of cotton fabric, and in winter - from cloth. The summer uniform faded and faded very quickly, acquiring a lighter shade.
In summer, the main footwear was boots, which were worn with windings, and in winter - boots. In practice, boots were worn all year round. Usually the soldier received boots a size or two larger than needed, so that the boots could be worn with foot wraps. In winter, if necessary, boots were insulated by stuffing them with newspaper, straw or fabric. Foot wraps - cotton or wool - were traditionally worn with boots. Foot wraps are more practical than socks. They are cheaper, dry faster, wear out less, and most importantly, better protect the foot from abrasions.

Red Army uniform

The uniform was complemented by a brown-gray overcoat. The color of the overcoat matched the color of the tree trunks in winter forest. The overcoat was worn not only in winter, but also in the cooler months. If necessary, the overcoat served as a blanket. The sapper captain received a food parcel. Old-style blue buttonholes with black edging with insignia and the emblem of the military branch. In 1943, instead of buttonholes, the wearing of shoulder straps was introduced.
The raincoat tent was a rectangular piece of canvas that could be used in a variety of ways. Thanks to the button and loop, the raincoat could be fastened around the neck like a raincoat. In this case, the lower corner of the tent was fastened to a button in the center. The raincoat-tent could be used as a bedding or blanket. From four raincoat tents it was possible to assemble a six-person tent. Cloak tents were usually olive green, gray-green or dark yellow. Officers' capes had slits on the sides for hands, and the hood of the cape was formed using a ribbon.
The harsh Russian winter required warm clothing. During the first winter of the war, there were difficulties in supplying troops with warm clothes.
The pointed budyonnovka with a lowered backplate and earmuffs proved to be ineffective during the winter campaign of 1940. In its place, the troops began to receive a hat with ear flaps with a cloth crown and a fur visor, a backplate and earmuffs. The headphones and the back cover were usually worn raised, but in case of severe frosts they could be lowered. The soldier's hat with earflaps was made of artificial fur - “on fish fur.”

Everyone has fur hats with earflaps, warm short fur coats, one hundred grams for liquidating the siege of Leningrad in 1944

In winter, they received a quilted padded jacket and cotton trousers, which were worn over a woolen winter uniform. The padded jacket had no pockets. The stand-up collar turned into a button closure. Other types of winter clothing: short fur coat and fur coat. In winter they wore woolen foot wraps, knitted sweaters, mittens and fur-lined gloves. In the rear, women knitted large quantities scarves and socks that were distributed among the troops.
In the most extreme cold they wore felt boots made of gray felt about 1 cm thick. The boots had one drawback - during a thaw they began to get wet.
In the first days of the war, militia units did not receive military uniforms and entered battle in civilian clothes. Former Gulag prisoners could continue to wear their black camp uniform.

Camouflage suits and overalls were produced for scouts and sappers of assault units. The camouflage pattern could be different. A large hood could be worn over a helmet or other headgear. Both the overalls and the suit were adopted in 1937/38. They were made of loose material, so they could withstand only one or two operations.

sniper Merkulov in a camouflage raincoat with a camouflage pattern

Two-color camouflage, known today as "amoebic" camouflage, featured large dark spots irregular shape on a lighter background. Initially, the spots were black and the background was protective, but later other combinations appeared.

Types of summer camouflage used in the Red Army

Two-color camouflage with a leaf pattern also appeared, although it was not used as widely. Known camouflage patterns and colors are shown. The so-called “wet camouflage” is also known, which was a fabric fringe imitating vegetation.

Generally Red Army uniform corresponded to those climatic conditions and made it possible to carry out combat missions that faced the active army to achieve victory.

Light and comfortable cocked hats in musketeer and huntsman units have been replaced by new ones. hats, tall, heavy and very uncomfortable; they bore the general name of shakos, while the straps on the shakos and the collar rubbed the neck. Grenadier regiments and battalions until 1807 retained special grenadier hats with copper forehead guards - subsequently (for Austerlitz (1805)) the grenadiers were left to the Pavlovsky (Pavlovsky Life Guards) regiment “forever”. Higher command staff was assigned to wear black felt bicornes with yellow-orange-white feathers and edging and a round cloth cockade in the colors of St. George. General's hats had white edging (until 1807) along the edge. In winter it was warm in a bicorne hat, but in summer it was very hot, so the peakless cap also became popular in the warm season. Since 1811, officers in the ranks were ordered to wear a shako; the bicorne was left to be worn with a frock coat (on the march, off duty, on horseback), and all adjutants (including ranks of the EIV Retinue) put it on “from the field.”

Initially, Gergiev fabric rounds were placed on the front of the shakos. cockades, then - in the infantry and ranger units, copper burning grenades, and in the grenadier units - burning grenades with a triple flame. In the guard, a copper double-headed eagle of a special shape was attached to the shakos. Later, etiquettes and gilded chin plates appeared on shakos, and in 1812-1814. The shape of the shakos was clearly changed. Since 1813, special signs were attached to the shako (above the emblem, under the burdock) - for distinction in battles and campaigns, which were collective awards.

Pavlovsk overcoats with a turn-down collar were replaced by narrow overcoats with stand-up collars that did not cover the ears (the color was the same as the collars of a uniform). In general, despite the significant simplification of the uniform, it was still far from comfortable and practical. It was difficult for the soldier to maintain the mass of accessories that were part of the equipment; in addition, the uniform was still very complicated and difficult to wear.

The militia under Alexander I first dressed in whatever they wanted dress: later they were given a uniform consisting of a gray caftan, trousers, tucked into high boots, and a cap with a copper cross on the crown, which became their distinctive sign.

From the date of Alexander I’s accession to the throne until 1815, officers were allowed to wear particulars when off duty. dress: but at the end of the foreign campaign, due to unrest in the army, this right was canceled.

Military personnel of the General Staff, 1816

Staff officer and chief officer of the grenadier regiment, 1815

Chasseur and non-commissioned officer of the 6th Chasseur Regiment, 1816

Chief officer of the Astrakhan Cuirassier Regiment, circa 1815.

Non-commissioned officer of the Polish Lancer Regiment, 1815

Staff officer of the Irkutsk Hussar Regiment, 1815


The cavalry during this period consisted of dragoons, cuirassiers, hussars, lancers, as well as Cossack units, which were considered irregular.

At first, innovations in the cavalry did not differ from those in the infantry - with cavalry specifics. New tailcoat-type uniforms with high stand-up collars, new high hats were introduced, and the braids of the lower ranks were significantly shortened (braids were left for officers at will, but officers were given the right to wear a mustache). The cuirassiers were abolished. Before the start of the 1805 campaign, dragoons and cuirassiers acquired leather helmets with copper forehead protectors with images of St. Andrew's stars (Guard) or double-headed eagles (Army). The Order of the Cuirassier Regiment had an image of the star of the Order of St. George on its helmet. Plume helmets the color resembled the plume of infantry shakos - white front with a red vertical stripe for non-commissioned officers, black front with a white rear and a red transverse stripe for officers, entirely white- from the generals, red- for trumpeters, etc. The dragoon uniform was at first lighter than the infantry uniform (like that of the huntsmen), but later the color was unified with the general infantry uniform. The cuirassiers retained their white uniforms and supervests. The regimental differences were collars(in the Guard - with gold/silver embroidery and buttonholes), fold lapels and shoulder straps(for officers - with gold/silver braid), as well as saddle cloths and ingots. In army units, the Emperor's monogram was depicted on saddle cloths, in the Guard (except for the hussars) - St. Andrew's Star.

The Cavalry Guards and Horse Guards stood apart, whose officers had additional uniforms and a special so-called. ball uniform. The uniforms were black (with the same in boots) with black collars with red piping (cavalry guards) and red collars with red piping (horse guards), lapels and cuffs without buttonholes or sewing. The instrument metal is silver for the cavalry guards, gold for the horse guards. The uniform was allowed to be worn outside the formation, with a felt officer’s hat or even a cap. The ball uniform consisted of a red uniform with white leggings and special white boots. On the coattails of the cavalry guards there was special sewing. The saddle cloths and ingots in the Cavalry Guard Regiment were red, with a black border and double (silver for officers, yellow for lower ranks) soutache trim of the latter; The Horse Guards' saddle cloths and ingots were dark blue, with a red border and a yellow double (for officers - gold) lining.

The officers of the hussar regiments also received uniforms - quite modest, of a general cavalry cut, dark green in color with the same boots, with a colored (on the shelf) collar with special sewing of instrument metal. After the introduction of epaulettes on the uniform, it was prescribed to be worn only epaulets .

The hussars changed the colors of dolmans, mentiks, chachkiras, collars and cuffs, as well as saddle cloths. Sewing patterns were also changed, as well as instrument metals and the color of the fur of menticks in a number of regiments. A new type of shako with a guards cockade on the front was installed as a headdress.

In 1808-1811 The design and elements of the garnish of hussar shakos (similar to infantry shakos) were partially changed; the guards hussars had a special guards emblem installed on their shakos. The design of the helmets of dragoons and cuirassiers has also changed somewhat - the plumes on them have become less magnificent, retaining color differences only for trumpeters or timpani players.

In 1912, the cuirassiers, apparently taking into account the successes of Napoleonic “men-at-arms” (in the French army, in addition to cuirassiers, carabinieri also wore cuirassers from 1807-1808), cuirasses made of dark pressed leather with metal pads on the red lining, painted black, were returned, Moreover, the new cuirass protected both the chest and the back. A special story occurred in the Pskov Dragoon Regiment - its ranks were granted cuirasses taken in battle from the French carabineers in the Battle of Krasnoye. The regiment was renamed the cuirassier regiment, and the metalized cuirass with copper trim remained in the regiment as a kind of regimental relic (it is characteristic that the ranks for whom the French cuirass was not enough were issued cuirasses of the domestic type).

Artillery and engineering units

In general, the changes in the artillery and engineering units were similar to those in the general army - the introduction of new uniforms, headdresses, award elements, etc. The instrument color was retained - black, with red shoulder straps and edgings of collars, cuffs and tails. Red etiquettes (without plumes) were installed on the shakos of the artillerymen and sappers. Guards emblems were awarded to the shakos of the Guards foot and horse artillery, collars and the cuffs of the officers were decorated with gold buttonholes special sewing. The ranks of the army horse artillery wore helmets(modeled on dragoons).

Soon after the end of the campaign of 1812-1815. The Life Guards Sapper Battalion was formed, the chief of which was Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich (future Emperor Nicholas I). The battalion received a uniform similar to that of the Guards Artillery, but with white (silver) instrumentation.

Nicholas I

Nicholas I in the imperial uniform.

Under Nicholas I, at first, uniforms and overcoats were still made very narrow, especially in the cavalry, where officers even had to wear corsets; it was impossible to put anything under the overcoat; collars the uniform, remaining the same high, was buttoned tightly and strongly supported the head; the shakos reached 5.5 inches in height and looked like buckets turned upside down; during parades they were decorated with plumes 11 inches long, so that the entire headdress was 16.5 vershok high (approx. 73.3 cm). Bloomers, cloth in winter and linen in summer, were worn over boot: boots with five or six buttons were worn underneath them, since boots were quite short. The soldier's ammunition of white and black lacquered belts, which required constant cleaning, continued to cause a lot of trouble for the soldier. A huge relief was the permission to wear, first out of formation, and then on the march. caps, similar to the current ones. The variety of forms was very great; even the infantry had a variety of uniforms; Some of its units wore double-breasted uniforms, others single-breasted. The cavalry was dressed very colorfully; its shape had a lot of little details, the fitting of which required both time and skill. Since 1832, simplifications in the form of uniforms began, expressed primarily in the simplification of ammunition; in 1844, heavy and uncomfortable shakos were replaced by high helmets with a sharp top (however, shakos were retained in the horse-grenadier and hussar regiments), officers and generals began to wear bicornes instead of the outdated ones caps with visors; the troops were equipped with mittens and earmuffs. Since 1832, officers of all branches of arms were allowed to wear mustaches, and officers’ horses were not allowed to have their tails trimmed or their ribs trimmed. In general, during the years of Nicholas’s reign, instead of the French uniform, the uniform increasingly acquired a Prussian cut: ceremonial dress was introduced for officers and generals helmets with ponytails, uniforms for the guards were made of dark blue or black cloth, tails on army uniforms began to be made extremely short, and on white ones trousers On ceremonial and special occasions, red stripes began to be sewn on, as in the Prussian army. In 1843, transverse stripes were introduced on soldiers' shoulder straps. stripes - stripes, according to which the ranks were distinguished. In 1854 shoulder straps were also introduced for officers: at first only for wearing on an overcoat, and from 1855 - on everyday uniform. From that time on, epaulettes began to be gradually replaced by shoulder straps.

Chief officer of the Life Guards Volyn Regiment, 1830

Dragoons of the Moscow and Kargopol Dragoon Regiments, 1827

Non-commissioned officer of laboratory companies, 1826-1828

Trumpeter of the Black Sea horse artillery batteries Cossack army, 1840s

Alexander II

Alexander II in the uniform of the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment

The troops received a completely convenient form of uniform only during the reign of Emperor Alexander II; Gradually changing the uniform of the troops, they finally brought it to such a cut that, while having a beautiful and impressive appearance with shiny arms, it was at the same time spacious and allowed for the lifting of the heaters in cold weather. In February 1856, tailcoat-like uniforms were replaced by full-skirted uniforms (half-caftans). The uniform of the guard troops was particularly brilliant; on ceremonial occasions, since the time of Alexander I, they wore special colored cloth or velvet (black) lapels (bibs); the cavalry retained their shiny uniforms and their colors, but the cut was made more comfortable; everyone was given spacious overcoats with a turn-down collar that covered the ears with fabric buttonholes; collars uniforms were significantly lowered and widened, although they are still hard and unpractical. The army uniform was first double-breasted, then single-breasted; Bloomers were first worn in boots only during a campaign, then always among the lower ranks; in summer the trousers were made of linen. Beautiful, but uncomfortable helmets remained only with the cuirassiers and the guard, who, in addition, had caps without visors, which were abolished in 1863 and reserved exclusively for the navy; in the army, ceremonial and ordinary attire was cap(in 1853-1860 a ceremonial shako), in the first case with the Sultan and coat of arms. The officers also had caps. Lancers continued to wear diamond-topped shakos. At the same time, a very convenient and practical hood was given, which served the soldier a lot during harsh times. winter time. The backpacks were lightened, the number and width of the belts for them socks reduced, and in general the soldier’s burden is lightened.

Chief officer and non-commissioned officer of the 13th Grenadier Erivan Regiment, 1863

Officer in uniform

Russian infantryman in an overcoat with a hood, 1877-1878.

Emperor Alexander II in the uniform of His Majesty's Life Guards Hussar Regiment, 1873

Alexander III

Kramskoy, I. N. Portrait Alexandra III.

By the beginning of the 70s of the XIX century. There were no longer any restrictions regarding wearing a mustache, beard, etc., but hair was required to be cut short. The uniform of this era, while quite comfortable, was expensive; Moreover, it was difficult to fit uniforms with buttons and waists. These considerations, and most importantly, the desire for nationalization, prompted Emperor Alexander III to radically change the uniform of his troops; only the guards cavalry retained, in general terms, their former rich clothing. The new uniform was based on uniformity, cheapness and convenience. socks and fit. All this was achieved, however, at the expense of beauty. The headdress both in the guard and in the army consisted of a low, round lambskin hats with cloth bottom; a cap decorated in the guard with the St. Andrew's star, in the army - with a coat of arms. A uniform with a standing collar in the army with a straight back and side without any piping is fastened with hooks, which can be freely altered, widening or narrowing the uniform; the guards uniform had a slanted edge with piping, a colored high collar and the same cuffs; the cavalry uniform, with its transformation exclusively into dragoon regiments (except for the guard), became completely similar to the infantry uniform, only somewhat shorter; lamb front door a cap resembled an ancient boyar; wide, tucked into high boots trousers, in the infantry the same color as the uniform, in the cavalry gray-blue, and gray overcoats, fastened in the army with hooks, and in the guard with buttons, complete the simple uniform of a soldier of the 70-80s of the 19th century. The absence of buttons also had the advantage that an extra shiny object was eliminated, which in sunny weather could attract the attention of the enemy and cause his fire; the abolition of sultans, helmets with shiny coats of arms and lapels had the same significance. When changing uniforms, the cavalry retained their previous colors on their caps, collars and piping. In infantry and other types of weapons, starting with the introduction cap with bands, the difference between one regiment and another is based on the combination of colors of shoulder straps and bands. Divisions differed from divisions by numbers on their shoulder straps; in each infantry division the first regiment had red, second - blue, third - white, the fourth - black (dark green) bands, the first two regiments (first brigade) - red, and the second two regiments (second brigade) - blue shoulder straps. All the guards, artillery and sapper troops were red, and the arrows were crimson shoulder straps. The difference between one guards regiment and another, except for the bands, consisted. also in the color of the edging and the device. The described Form was in many ways close to the requirements for troop uniforms, but hats And caps without a visor they did not protect the eyes from sun rays. Significant relief for the troops was allowed by Alexander II by introducing socks in hot weather, tunics and linen shirts; in addition to this were white covers on caps throughout summer period, as well as the subsequent permission to replace uniforms in the summer with tunics, with orders and ribbons on them, even on special occasions.

Also during the reign of Alexander III, who, as is known, took conservative positions, made sure that the soldier’s uniform resembled peasant clothing. In 1879, a tunic with a stand-up collar, like a blouse shirt, was introduced for soldiers.

1907-1914 became a period of large-scale transformations in the form of clothing, combining both radical simplification (unification of ceremonial and everyday (field) uniforms) and a return to the magnificent examples of the era of Alexander II and even Nicholas I (the introduction of special ceremonial uniforms with shakos in the guard, General Staff etc., return of former army hussars and Uhlan regiments their names and elements of (ceremonial) uniform, etc.). The introduction of new field officer equipment (model 1912), as well as a hat as a universal winter headdress, dates back to the same period.

In aviation on the eve of the war it was adopted as work clothing. blue jacket .

Nicholas II in the uniform of the Life Guards of the Ulan EIV of the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Regiment

Portrait of a cornet of the Cavalry Regiment, Count D. A. Sheremetyev, 1909.

World War I period

During the First World War of 1914-1918, tunics of arbitrary designs became widespread in the army - imitation of English and French models, which received the general name "French" - named after the English general John French. The peculiarities of their design mainly consisted in the design of the collar - a soft turn-down, or a soft standing one with a button fastener, like the collar of a Russian tunic; adjustable cuff width (using tabs or split cuffs), large patch pockets on the chest and flaps with button fastening buttons. Among aviators, English officer-type jackets - open, for wearing with a tie - have gained limited popularity.

Already in 1914 all galloon shoulder straps in the active army they were canceled and replaced by woven ones in the color of the jacket or overcoat (the color of the edgings, gaps, the location and color of the stars, as well as the shape of the shoulder straps remained unchanged). However, if there is galloon on the front shoulder straps remained an object of “special chic”, primarily for newly promoted officers, then shoulder straps khaki colors became the subject of the same “chic” in the rear, designating its wearer as a “front-line soldier” (in the same regard, among rear officers, tunics of a soldier’s cut, but made of high-quality officer’s cloth, were fashionable).

The Russian army approached the revolution of 1917 wearing jackets of the most varied cut. Compliance with the regulations was observed only in headquarters, rear organizations, and also in the fleet. However, through the efforts of the new Minister of War and Navy A.F. Kerensky, even this relative order was destroyed. He himself wore a French jacket of a random design, and after him, many army leaders put it on. The fleet was ordered to change into a jacket with a clasp on hooks, trimmed with black braid along the side, with pockets without flaps. Before making new samples of the mold, it was necessary to alter the existing one. The officers carried out this order arbitrarily; as a result, the fleet also lost a uniform model of jacket.

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Semi-fitting dress in dark blue with a V-neck, decorated with a red silk scarf (included in the set). Fabric - gabardine. According to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 575, chevrons are sewn onto the sleeves of the dress at a distance of 8 cm from the edge of the shoulder. A chevron is sewn onto the left sleeve indicating membership in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and on the right sleeve there is a chevron designating the service of a police/justice officer. You can add Velcro to the chevrons. The scarf is worn with the dress in a triangle folded into a scarf, the narrow ends are tied together and tucked into the back under the collar. The wide side is tucked inside under the neckline of the dress. It is allowed to wear a summer dress without a scarf in office premises. The length of the dress along the bottom edge should be at knee level. The Police/Justice dress with short sleeves is part of the new police uniform. Example of material pattern:

Jacket: - loose fit; - central side fastener, wind flap, buttons; - yoke made of finishing fabric; -2 welt slanted pockets with a flap, with buttons at the bottom of the front; - 1 patch slanted pocket on the sleeves; - reinforcing shaped pads in the elbow area; - bottom of sleeves with elastic; - double hood, with a visor, has a drawstring for volume adjustment; - adjustment at the waist using drawstrings; Trousers: - loose fit; -2 side vertical pockets; - in the knee area, on the back halves of the trousers along the seat seam - reinforcing linings; -2 side patch pockets with flap; -2 rear patch pockets with buttons; - the cut of the parts in the knee area prevents them from stretching; - the back halves under the knee are assembled with an elastic band; - elastic waistband; - bottom with elastic; - fastened braces (suspenders); - belt loops; wearing - both in boots and outside. material: tent fabric; composition: 100% cotton; density: 270 gr.; Overlays: ripstop, oxford; cuffs: yes; rubber seals: yes; jacket/pants pockets: yes/yes; additionally: lightweight summer version; high strength of fabric and seams; How to wash a Gorka suit.

Suit for the RF Armed Forces Jacket: Worn untucked False shoulder straps can be used With buttons Reinforcing pads on the elbows Cuffs with a padded (fabric insert) on the sleeve to protect against dust and dirt Pockets: 2 pockets on the chest and 2 at the bottom of the jacket 2 internal pockets and 2 on the sleeves Trousers : The arrows are stitched Belt loops for a wide waist belt Reinforcing pads on the knees Bottom of the trousers is adjustable in size using a cord Bottom of the trousers with a height-adjustable strap that prevents them from creeping up 2 side pockets Product material: "Rip-stop": 53% cotton ; 47% polyester Product weight (jacket): 50/182 size -713 g 54/170 size -694 g 56-58/182 size -736 g Product weight (pants): 50/182 size -528 g 54/170 solution -505 g 56-58/182 solution -557 g Attention! The suit is made according to army specifications. The size of the suit assumes a “tight” fit

Semi-fitting dress in dark blue with a V-neck, decorated with a red silk scarf (included in the set). Fabric - gabardine. According to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 575, chevrons are sewn onto the sleeves of the dress at a distance of 8 cm from the edge of the shoulder. A chevron is sewn onto the left sleeve indicating membership in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and on the right sleeve there is a chevron designating the service of a police/justice officer. You can add Velcro to the chevrons. The scarf is worn with the dress in a triangle folded into a scarf, the narrow ends are tied together and tucked into the back under the collar. The wide side is tucked inside under the neckline of the dress. It is allowed to wear a summer dress without a scarf in office premises. The length of the dress along the bottom edge should be at knee level. The Police/Justice dress with short sleeves is part of the new police uniform. Example of material drawing:

Material: 100% Cotton Product weight: 52 size -232 g 54 size -265 g

Gender: male Season: summer Camouflage color: khaki Material: “Tent canvas” (100% cotton), sq. 235 g/m2, VO Lining material: Mixed, sq. 210 g/m2, Regulatory technical documentation: GOST 25295-2003 Men's and women's coat outerwear: suits, jackets, vests, in Color: khaki Low temperature: 10 Fastener: buttons Country: Russia Description Jacket: loose fit; central fastener with loop and button; yoke, linings and pockets made of finishing fabric; 2 lower welt pockets with flap, loop and button; internal zip pocket with button; on the sleeves there is 1 patch slanted pocket with a flap for a loop and a button in the elbow area with reinforcing shaped overlays; bottom of sleeves with elastic; double hood, with a visor, has a drawstring for volume adjustment; waist adjustment with drawstring; Pants: loose fit; codpiece with loop and button fastening; 2 upper pockets in the side seams, in the knee area, on the back halves of the trousers in the seat area - reinforcing linings; 2 side patch pockets with flap; 2 rear patch pockets with buttons; the cut of the parts in the knee area prevents them from stretching; Dust-proof calico skirt at the bottom of the trousers; the back halves under the knee are gathered with an elastic band; elastic waistband; elastic bottom;

Please note - this model has fleece insulation only in the jacket! Color: khaki Jacket: - loose fit; - central side fastener, wind flap, buttons; - yoke made of finishing fabric; -2 welt slanted pockets with a flap, with buttons at the bottom of the front; - 1 patch slanted pocket on the sleeves; - reinforcing shaped pads in the elbow area; - bottom of sleeves with elastic; - double hood, with a visor, has a drawstring for volume adjustment; - adjustment at the waist using drawstrings; Trousers: - loose fit; -2 side vertical pockets; - in the knee area, on the back halves of the trousers along the seat seam - reinforcing linings; -2 side patch pockets with flap; -2 rear patch pockets with buttons; - the cut of the parts in the knee area prevents them from stretching; - the back halves under the knee are assembled with an elastic band; - elastic waistband; - bottom with elastic; - fastened braces (suspenders); - belt loops; wearing - both in boots and outside. material: tent fabric; composition: 100% cotton; density: 270 gr.; Overlays: ripstop, oxford 0; cuffs: yes; rubber seals: yes; seasonality: demi-season; additionally: reinforced inserts, removable fleece lining, dust covers on trousers, suspenders included

The jacket is part of the daily and weekend uniform of police officers of the new model. Worn with trousers. Material: Suit (wool blend) fabric. Composition: 75% wool, 25% polyester 280 g/m2 Lining: Twill 100% viscose 105% g/m2. Slim fit, single breasted, fastened with four buttons. Turn-down collar with lapels. Shelves with cut-off barrels. Horizontal welt side pockets in a “frame” with flaps. The back has a central seam, in the lower part of which there is a vent. Sleeves are set-in, two-seam. Jacket with lining. On the left shelf of the lining there is an internal pocket with a “leaf”. Designed for employees of internal affairs bodies with special police ranks, as well as for cadets (listeners) educational institutions higher vocational education Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Has red trim on the sleeves. According to Order No. 575 of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, chevrons are sewn onto the sleeves of a suit at a distance of 8 cm from the edge of the shoulder. A chevron is sewn onto the left sleeve indicating membership in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and on the right sleeve a chevron indicating the service of a police officer is sewn. You can add Velcro to the chevrons. In addition, shoulder straps with buttons are sewn onto this jacket, and two lapel emblems are also attached. How to sew on shoulder straps? For this, in addition to the jacket itself and shoulder straps, you will need a ruler, scissors, a needle, a thimble and strong red thread. Be sure to wear a thimble, even if you are used to sewing without one, as sometimes the needle passes through the shoulder straps with great difficulty, and you can injure your fingers. If you find it difficult to pull the needle and thread out of the shoulder strap, you can use pliers or tweezers. 1) First of all, prepare the shoulder straps, i.e. attach all the required insignia to it, since it will be much more difficult to do this on an already sewn shoulder strap. 2) Take the shoulder strap and position it so that the side farthest from the button is close to the seam that connects the shoulder of the jacket to the sleeve. At the same time, the upper edge of the shoulder strap, directed towards the back, should overlap the seam running along the shoulder by 1 cm. In other words, the shoulder strap should be slightly moved forward. 3) Thread a needle and fasten the shoulder strap to the jacket at three points: at the corners of the shoulder strap, at the place where it comes into contact with the sleeve seam and in the center of the semicircular cut. Now the shoulder strap will be securely fastened and will not move from the correct position during the sewing process. 4) Then very carefully sew the shoulder strap around the perimeter, making stitches in such a way that only barely visible points remain on its surface in those places where the needle enters the shoulder strap, and the thread between two adjacent holes passes mainly from the wrong side (along the lining) of the jacket . Then the thread will not be noticeable even if its color does not exactly match the color of the shoulder straps. In this case, the optimal length of each stitch should be about 1 cm. 5) With the second shoulder strap, follow the same pattern. How to strengthen lapel emblems? On the collar of the jacket - along the bisector (a line dividing the corner of the collar in half), at a distance of 25 mm from the corner of the collar to the center of the emblem, the vertical axis of symmetry of the emblem should be parallel to the flight of the collar. How to place awards on a police jacket? On the left side of the chest, awards are located in the following order: Insignia of special distinction are located so that the upper edge of the medal block is at the level of the ledge of the lapel of the tunic and jacket. When wearing two or more special insignia, they are arranged separately in one row, from right to left, with intervals of 10 mm between the lateral ends of the stars in the order listed. Special insignia of one designation are arranged in the order in which they were awarded. Badges of orders, orders and medals are arranged horizontally in a row from the center of the chest to the edge, from top to bottom in the order listed. When wearing two or more orders or medals, their blocks are connected in a row on a common bar. Orders and medals that do not fit in one row are transferred to the second and subsequent rows, located below the first, also placing them from the center of the chest to the edge in the above order. The blocks of orders and medals of the second row must go under the orders and medals of the first row, while the upper edge of the blocks of the bottom row is placed 35 mm below the blocks of the first row. Subsequent rows are arranged in a similar order. Badges of orders, orders and medals are located on the single-breasted police jacket so that the upper edge of the block of orders and medals of the first row is located 90 mm below the level of the lapel ledge. On the right side of the chest, awards are located in the following order: Orders are located from left to right in the order listed. The upper edge of the largest order of the first row is located at the level established for the common bar (block) of the first row of orders and medals placed on the left side of the chest. Orders that do not fit in one row are transferred to the second and subsequent rows located below the first, placing them also from the center of the chest to the edge in the indicated order. The centers of the orders in a row should be at the same level. The distance between orders and rows of orders is 10 mm. The sign of the number of wounds made of golden galun (for a severe wound) or dark red color (for a light wound) is located on the fabric strip of the top of the product. Braid width 6 mm, length 43 mm. The severe wound badge is placed below the light wound badge. The distance between stripes is 3 mm. The number of wounds sign is placed on the tunic and jacket to the right of the sign for honorary titles. Russian Federation, and in his absence, in his place.

The women's demi-season raincoat is part of the new uniform for police officers. The raincoat has a semi-fitting silhouette, with a central inner hidden fastener with five loops and buttons and an additional top button and a through-stitched loop, on an insulated stitched lining. On the yokes in the area of ​​the shoulder seams there are two belt loops and one non-slit loop for attaching removable shoulder straps. Sleeves are set-in, two-seam. Patches are sewn into the lower part of the middle seam of the sleeve, fastened with a loop and a uniform button. Turn-down collar, with a detachable stand. The removable belt is threaded into belt loops located in the side seams and fastened with a buckle with a tongue, the free end of which is threaded into the belt loop. On the right hem there is an internal welt pocket with a leaf. Jacket fabric (100% polyester) with rip-stop weaving threads and water-repellent impregnation. The second layer is the membrane. Filler: Thinsulate 100 g/m. Recommended temperature range: from +10°C to -12°C. Worn with a dark blue muffler or muffler white. It is allowed to wear a demi-season raincoat neatly folded with the front side out on the left hand. Demi-season raincoats are worn buttoned up. It is allowed to wear demi-season raincoats with the top button undone. Demi-season raincoats are worn with or without removable insulation and a belt fastened with a buckle. This raincoat has removable dark blue shoulder straps and dark blue stripes.

Fabric: Mirage-210, pe-67%, xl-33% The summer suit consists of a jacket and trousers. Straight-cut jacket. Stand collar. The central fastener has a detachable zipper closed with a flap with textile fasteners. Two chest patch pockets with flaps and textile fasteners. The pockets are located obliquely, along the direction of the hand. Back with two vertical folds for freedom of movement in the shoulder blade area. Single-seam sleeves. In the upper part of the sleeves there are patch volume pockets with flaps on textile fasteners, with belt loops with inside valves In the elbow area there are reinforcement pads with an entrance for protectors with textile fasteners. At the bottom of the sleeves there are patch pockets for pens. At the bottom of the sleeves there are cuffs with textile fasteners to adjust the volume. Straight cut trousers. The belt is solid with seven belt loops. The volume of the belt is adjusted with a cord with tips. Button closure. Two side welt pockets. Along the side seams there are two large patch pockets with three folds for volume. The upper part of the pockets is tightened with an elastic cord with a lock. The entrances to the pockets, designed obliquely to resemble the hand, are closed with flaps with textile fasteners. In the knee area there are reinforcement pads with an input for protectors with textile fasteners. At the bottom of the trousers there are patch pockets with flaps with textile fasteners. The volume at the bottom of the trousers is adjustable with tape. On the back halves of the trousers there are two welt pockets with flaps and a hidden fastener.

The Gorka-3 suit is the most successful and widespread type of Gorka suit. Made from 270g rip-stop material. per 1 m2, black, structurally consists of a jacket and trousers. Used to protect the fighter from adverse weather conditions, all-season. The main difference of this suit is the fleece lining. The jacket has a deep hood with drawstrings, two side welt pockets covered with flaps fastened with a button, one internal pocket for documents and two pockets on the sleeves, just below the shoulders. It is worth noting that the fleece lining is removable, which increases the usability of the suit and allows it to be used in a wider temperature range. The shoulders, elbows, and cuffs are reinforced with synthetic rip-stop Oxford fabric 0. The reinforcement on the elbows of the mountain suit-3 is made in the form of a Velcro pocket and is equipped with rigid inserts. The sleeves are equipped with anti-dust cuffs and a hidden elastic band for volume adjustment just above the wrist. The jacket is also equipped with an adjustable drawstring along the edge and fastens with buttons. The trousers of the slide suit have six pockets. Two side slots, two cargo slips and two rear ones. The knees, the bottom of the legs and other loaded areas of the trousers are reinforced with synthetic rip-stop Oxford fabric 0. The bottom of the legs is double, the so-called “boot”, reinforced with a cuff that fits over the boot and prevents dust, dirt and small stones from getting into it. Just below the knee, the trousers have a fastening elastic band. It automatically adjusts the volume of the trouser leg and prevents the fabric from sailing. The trousers are equipped with removable suspenders. Main features: removable fleece lining demi-season suit strong material internal pocket hood CHARACTERISTICS SUIT CHARACTERISTICS Material: ripstop Composition: 70/30 Density: 240 g. Linings: Oxford 0 Cuffs: yes Sealing elastic bands: yes Jacket/pants pockets: yes/yes Seasonality: demi-season Additional: reinforced inserts, removable fleece lining, dust boots on trousers, suspenders included

Scout suit moss The scout suit is made in a very successful design of the demi-season "Smok" uniform in the colors of the experimental A-TACS FG camouflage. The suit consists of a jacket and trousers. The jacket is long, below the waist. It is equipped with a deep hood with adjustable drawstrings, has four voluminous cargo pockets, closed with flaps on a large English button, which makes it easy to open the pocket in a hurry, with hands in shooting gloves, and in other extreme conditions, when the count of time has gone to seconds. The elbows of the suit are reinforced with an additional layer of fabric, the sleeves are equipped with wide rubber bands. The front zipper is duplicated along the entire length with smaller English buttons, which are fastened into a secret one. The trousers of the suit are loose-fitting, all loaded parts are reinforced with an additional layer of fabric. The belt has a wide rubber-fabric tape sewn into it, a thin cord for additional tightening, and loops for attaching suspenders. The trousers have four pockets. Two slotted ones, covered with flaps on a large English button, two overhead cargo ones, in which additional ammunition can be carried. At the bottom of the legs there is a wide cuff and so-called “brakes” made of elastic fabric that prevent the legs from riding up. color moss (A-TACS FG) Main features: color drawstring at the waist elastic bands on the pants carrying case suspenders included CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUIT Material: T/S Composition: 65 PE /35 viscose Density: 160 g. Cuffs: yes Sealing elastic bands: no Jacket/pants pockets: yes/yes Seasonality: all-season Additional: carrying case

Gender: male Season: summer Material: “Tent fabric” (100% cotton), sq. 270 g/m2, VO Lining material: Mixed “rip-stop” (65% polyester, 35% cotton), sq. 210 g/m2, VO Regulatory technical documentation: GOST 25295-2003 Men's and women's coat outerwear: suits, jackets, vests, in Color: black Lowest temperature: 10 Fastener: buttons Country: Russia Description Jacket: loose fit; central fastener with loop and button; yoke, linings and pockets made of finishing fabric; 2 lower welt pockets with flap, loop and button; internal zip pocket with button; on the sleeves there is 1 patch slanted pocket with a flap for a loop and a button in the elbow area with reinforcing shaped overlays; bottom of sleeves with elastic; double hood, with a visor, has a drawstring for volume adjustment; waist adjustment with drawstring; Pants: loose fit; codpiece with loop and button fastening; 2 upper pockets in the side seams, in the knee area, on the back halves of the trousers in the seat area - reinforcing linings; 2 side patch pockets with flap; 2 rear patch pockets with buttons; the cut of the parts in the knee area prevents them from stretching; Dust-proof calico skirt at the bottom of the trousers; the back halves under the knee are gathered with an elastic band; elastic waistband; elastic bottom;

Thanks to innovative technologies and high-quality materials that provide maximum protection from rain and wind, you will be in constant comfort, which helps reduce fatigue throughout the day. Characteristics Protection from rain and wind Regular cut Upper material: Rip-stop Insulation: Thinsulate

Gender: male Season: summer Main color: khaki Camouflage color: khaki Main material: tent canvas (100% cotton) sq. 235 g/m2, VO Regulatory technical documentation: GOST 25295-2003 Men's and women's coat outerwear: suits, jackets, vests, in Color: khaki Low temperature: 10 Fastener: absent Country: Russia Description The suit consists of a jacket and trousers Jacket - with an adjustable hood, - with a removable mosquito net insert with a zipper, - with patch pockets with a flap with buttons. - trap folds on the chest and sleeves - sleeves with knitted wristbands. - with elbow pads. - the bottom of the jacket has an elastic band with a fastener; the trousers are straight with an elastic band in a stitched waistband with belt loops; - upper internal pockets with buttons. - with an elastic cord with a fastener at the bottom of the trousers. - with knee pads

Classic model, straight cut Material: 100% Cotton Product weight: 50 size -166 g 54 size -203 g 58 size -217 g REVIEWS: Review on the "Russel" website YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN:

The Gorka suit produced by the PRIVAL trademark is made of cotton-blend fabric. The traditional Gorka suit is made from tent cotton fabric, and in areas where increased reinforcement is required, a cotton-blend fabric is placed, which is characterized by increased strength and wear resistance. This model is made entirely from cotton-blend fabric, so it will last a long time even with heavy use. Also, this material is pleasant to wear and will provide freedom and comfort in movement. The jacket and trousers are loose-fitting, allowing you to add additional layers of clothing. For better fit, fit and to avoid “windage” in the wind, the suit has a system of ties based on rubber-fabric tape on the sides of the jacket, on the sleeves, under the knees and at the bottom of the trousers. The jacket has 5 pockets, the trousers 6. The pocket flaps are triangular in shape, which significantly reduces bending of the extreme corners of the flap and clinging to ammunition and equipment. The trousers are equipped with comfortable suspenders. The combination of overlays with the main black fabric ensures that the silhouette of a person is broken up at distant distances.

The SS troops belonged to the SS organization; service in them was not considered state service, even if it was legally equivalent to such. The military uniform of SS soldiers is quite recognizable all over the world; most often this black uniform is associated with the organization itself. It is known that the uniforms for SS employees during the Holocaust were sewn by prisoners of the Buchenwald concentration camp.

History of the SS military uniform

Initially, soldiers of the SS troops (also “Waffen SS”) wore gray uniforms, very similar to the uniform of stormtroopers of the regular German army. In 1930, the same, well-known, black uniform was introduced, which was supposed to emphasize the difference between the troops and the rest and determine the elitism of the unit. By 1939, SS officers received a white dress uniform, and from 1934, a gray one was introduced, intended for field battles. The gray military uniform differed from the black one only in color.

Additionally, SS soldiers were entitled to a black overcoat, which, with the introduction of the gray uniform, was replaced by a double-breasted, respectively, gray overcoat. High-ranking officers were allowed to wear their overcoat unbuttoned by the top three buttons so that the colored distinctive stripes were visible. Subsequently, holders of the Knight's Cross received the same right (in 1941), who were allowed to display the award.

The Waffen SS women's uniform consisted of a gray jacket and skirt, as well as a black cap with the SS eagle.

A black ceremonial club jacket with the symbols of the organization for officers was also developed.

It should be noted that in fact the black uniform was the uniform of the SS organization specifically, and not the troops: only SS members had the right to wear this uniform; transferred Wehrmacht soldiers were not allowed to use it. By 1944, the wearing of this black uniform was officially abolished, although in fact by 1939 it was used only on special occasions.

Distinctive features of the Nazi uniform

The SS uniform had a number of distinctive features, which are easily remembered even now, after the dissolution of the organization:

  • The SS emblem of two German "Sig" runes was used on uniform insignia. Only ethnic Germans - Aryans - were allowed to wear runes on their uniforms; foreign members of the Waffen SS did not have the right to use this symbolism.
  • “Death's Head” - at first, a metal round cockade with the image of a skull was used on the cap of SS soldiers. Later it was used on the buttonholes of soldiers of the 3rd Tank Division.
  • The red armband with a black swastika on a white background was worn by members of the SS and stood out significantly against the background of the black dress uniform.
  • Image of an eagle with outstretched wings and a swastika (former coat of arms fascist Germany) eventually replaced skulls on cap badges and began to be embroidered on the sleeves of uniforms.

The Waffen SS camouflage pattern differed from the Wehrmacht camouflage. Instead of the conventional pattern design with parallel lines applied, creating the so-called “rain effect,” woody and plant patterns were used. Since 1938, the following camouflage elements of the SS uniform have been adopted: camouflage jackets, reversible covers for helmets and face masks. On camouflage clothing it was necessary to wear green stripes indicating rank on both sleeves, however, for the most part this requirement was not observed by officers. During campaigns, a set of stripes was also used, each of which denoted one or another military qualification.

Rank insignia on SS uniform

The ranks of Waffen SS soldiers did not differ from the ranks of Wehrmacht employees: the differences were only in form. The uniform used the same distinctive signs, such as shoulder straps and embroidered buttonholes. SS officers wore insignia with the symbols of the organization both on shoulder straps and in buttonholes.

The shoulder straps of SS officers had a double backing, the upper one differing in color depending on the type of troops. The backing was edged with a silver cord. On the shoulder straps there were signs of belonging to one or another unit, metal or embroidered with silk threads. The shoulder straps themselves were made of gray braid, while their lining was invariably black. The bumps (or “stars”) on the shoulder straps, designed to indicate the officer’s rank, were bronze or gilded.

The buttonholes featured runic “zigs” on one, and rank insignia on the other. Employees have 3rd tank division, which was nicknamed “Death’s Head”, instead of “zig” there was an image of a skull, which was previously worn as a cockade on the cap of SS men. The edges of the buttonholes were edged with twisted silk cords, and for generals they were covered with black velvet. They also used it to line the general's caps.

Video: SS form

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In 2015, the Russian army completely changed its clothes. Military uniform Today, all military personnel without exception have the new model. The plan of the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense, which consisted of completely re-dressing the army in more than a year, was completely fulfilled. This was repeatedly stated by senior officials of the main military department. The need to redress the ranks of our country's army has existed for quite some time. Along with the new set of uniforms, new rules for wearing them have also been introduced.

In 2014 alone, the new uniform was issued to half a million military personnel. The distribution of uniforms was carried out in accordance with the developed schedule. The transfer of military personnel began precisely with those who served in the Far North.

General redressing began in 2013 and continued actively in 2014, but the bulk of Russian military personnel were issued updated military uniforms in 2015. Now the naval and ceremonial military uniforms are next in line for revision. Male and female employees will be completely re-dressed. The 2015 Russian Armed Forces uniform pattern partially reflects the trend in US military clothing.

Reforms in the field of military uniforms under Serdyukov

Modern military uniforms were required for military personnel Russian army quite a long time ago, and the current attempt to completely change the clothes of military personnel is not the first. Overseas clothing for military personnel is significantly superior in performance to the uniform of our country's military. From time to time, the Ministry of Defense introduces samples of military clothing with more advanced characteristics. As a result of each such attempt, the country's budget loses huge sums, and a dress uniform is an even more unjustified expense.

For example, under the disgraced minister Anatoly Serdyukov, about 25 billion rubles were allocated for dressing up the Russian army. The cost of developing and implementing a new form in 2014-2015. is still kept secret, but given the scale of this process, we can say with confidence that the amounts involved are cosmic.

The military uniform has been reviewed by the Ministry of Defense since 2007, including the dress uniform. The main initiative came from the then Minister of Defense A. Serdyukov. On a competitive basis, from the sketches provided by the selected developers, the option proposed by the famous Russian fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin won. It took 2 years to prepare the final samples of the updated uniform. The presentation of the new form was held in 2010. In many respects, both external and operational, it was similar to the uniform of members of the US armed forces. But the developers did their best to disown such a comparison.

The Russian uniform for the winter season caused many unflattering responses from both specialists and the military personnel themselves, who had to try out the new uniform on themselves. The Ministry of Defense received complaints almost daily. Due to the low performance characteristics of the new uniform, the number of colds in the army increased sharply in just one winter period. In addition, external signs of the new form also caused dissatisfaction. After all, now the shoulder straps were not located in their usual place, on the shoulders, but, following the example of the armed formations of the NATO bloc, were moved to the chest area. Plus, the quality of the material from which the form was made also left much to be desired. The servicemen noted that the fabric quickly deteriorates and breaks, and the threads fray and also become unusable.

Among other innovations, it should be noted the presence of a warm sweater in the clothing kit of an officer of the Russian army, and the presence of individual components with Velcro, a narrower model of overcoats, and the complete abolition of foot wraps and boots. By the way, the last abolition was valid only according to documents, because in fact, it was not possible to achieve this in the entire Russian army immediately.

Due to numerous complaints and dissatisfaction from military personnel, the military department began to think about the advisability of developing a new uniform.

Now we understand that model based on the example of the US military uniform not suitable for the conditions of our country. From now on, military uniforms used in the field included 19 items. It turns out that the set has been significantly expanded. The price of one such set is approximately 35,000 rubles. The ceremonial military uniform has not yet undergone changes, because there is no urgent need for this. It was the field uniform that was much more important, not the dress uniform.

Set of modern uniforms for military personnel

A modern uniform set is a multi-layer suit. Depending on weather conditions and personal tastes, military personnel have the opportunity to personally select sets of clothing for themselves. Plus, from now on the field uniform is identical for both the officer and the rank and file. Dress uniforms will continue to vary. The standards for using military clothing for an officer and a soldier do not differ (one exception is the officer's dress uniform).

The modern field kit for soldiers and officers includes the following components:

Gloves and mittens;

Several types of jackets designed for each season;

Hat and beret;

3 types of boots, varying by season;


Standards for wearing uniforms for military personnel

Such rules are established in some detail in departmental regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Employees use military uniforms of the following types:

dress uniform- during parades and various events with the direct participation of troops; on holidays of the military unit; in cases of presentation of state awards and orders; in cases of presentation of the Battle Banner to a military unit; when the ship is launched and put into operation, as well as when the Naval Banner is raised on the ship; when enlisted in the honor guard; when serving as sentries guarding the Battle Banner of a military unit. It is permitted to wear this type of clothing on non-working days and during off-duty periods;

field uniform- in the presence of hostilities; during a state of emergency, liquidation of the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, catastrophes, natural and other disasters; at educational events, training sessions, combat duty;

everyday- in all other cases.

Characteristics of linen for military personnel

The uniform requires 2 separate sets for use in air temperatures ranging from - 40 to +15 degrees, and from + 15 and above. In one set, the underwear consists of a short-sleeved T-shirt and boxer shorts. Such underwear is extremely practical, both from the technical side and in appearance. For a soldier, it has all the required qualities, namely:

dries quite quickly after absorbing moisture;

the degree of air exchange meets mandatory standards.

For low temperature conditions there are 2 sets of underwear: lightweight and fleece. Such underwear can be worn directly on the body. It also happens that a fleece set is worn over a lightweight one. This is usually done under lower temperature conditions. Lightweight underwear differs from the standard summer set in that it has longer sleeves and underpants that span the entire length of the legs. The fleece set has a fleecy surface on the inside, plus there is also an insulating layer.

Sets for different weather conditions

The summer field set consists of a lightweight jacket, trousers, beret and light boots. In the manufacture of such clothing, the so-called mechanical stretch is used, which is initially subject to treatment with a special water-repellent compound. In the parts that bear the greatest load, reinforcing components are applied. This makes the suit resistant to mechanical damage, and the degree of wear is minimized.

Standards for the use of military clothing allow in cool weather conditions to use a fleece jacket with thick pile on both sides. There is a durable layer of thermal insulation here. Plus, if necessary, the jacket can be folded into a minimum volume. A windbreaker jacket is used for protection from the winds. It is worn with layer 5 trousers. The windbreaker provides ventilation and the necessary air exchange.

For colder weather conditions the main set is demi-season. It provides excellent protection from winds. The material from which the suit is made has sufficient vapor permeability and dries quickly. This suit is also worn by employees in the US Army. For special field conditions, military personnel can use a windproof suit. During heavy downpours, such a suit protects against moisture for a long time. A similar effect is achieved due to the presence of a special membrane. The seams of the suit are taped for greater reliability.

In severe frosts a more insulated suit and an insulated vest are used. These elements are practical and lightweight. They are made from wind and waterproof materials. Plus, in frosty weather you can use a balaclava, which can be worn as a hat, and an insulated hat for very frosty weather. To make uniforms for the Russian army, a material is used that includes cotton and synthetic elements in a ratio of 65/35.