Speech therapist teacher in elementary school. The relationship between the work of a speech therapist and a primary school teacher. Relationships at work

The relationship between the work of a speech therapist teacher
with parents of preschool children with special needs development

(methodological development)

Orlova Olga Anatolevna,
teacher speech therapist

Currently, there is a steady increase in the number of children with problems in speech development. Therefore, the question of an integrated approach to the correction of speech and mental development is the most relevant.

The family is the first stage in a child’s mastery of his native language - the means and source of the child’s moral, aesthetic, intellectual, and emotional development and the formation of his harmonious personality.

Outstanding teachers were convinced that the main educators of a child in preschool age are the parents. For the proper upbringing of children, they provided parents with pedagogical literature and teaching aids.

Ya.A. Comenius created the world's first encyclopedia for mothers, I.G. Pestalozzi - a guide for mothers. K.D Ushinsky believed that parents should read pedagogical literature and gain knowledge by communicating with teachers. V.A Sukhomlinsky spoke about the continuity and unity of family and public education, based on cooperation between parents and teachers. L.F. Ostrovskaya, T.A. Markova, N.F. Vinogradova et al. developed the content and forms and methods of work of preschool educational institutions with families (family visits, consultations, conversations, parent meetings)

Teachers working on the problems of raising and teaching children with speech disorders (Khvattsev M.S., Zhukova N.S., Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V., Mironova S.A., Kashe G.A., etc. .) say that the participation of parents in the educational process creates favorable conditions for the child’s speech development, but in order for it to be effective, work with parents must begin at an early stage and be well planned. To do this, it is necessary to create a favorable microclimate and involve parents in the educational process.

Delays in speech formation are caused by a number of factors. One of them is the unfavorable influence of the language environment, that is, insufficient verbal communication between the child and his mother. Research shows that the occurrence of speech disorders in children is to a certain extent related to the style of their communication with their mother: the more pronounced the mother’s coldness when communicating with the child, the higher the likelihood of speech disorders. Thus, the characteristics of an adult’s speech strategy can stimulate or inhibit the child’s speech development.

In the process of interaction with families, it is often revealed how little parents pay due attention to overcoming a child’s speech disorder: they do not notice the shortcomings in his speech, do not attach serious importance to them, believing that everything will improve with age. Ensuring a close relationship between parents and the teaching staff is the most important aspect in the correctional and educational activities of the GBDOU. Purposeful, systematically planned, comprehensive work of the teaching staff and the conscious interest of parents will significantly increase the effectiveness of education. Unfocused or unsystematic work with parents leads to aggravation of children's speech and communication difficulties. The chaotic nature of educational influences on the child in the family and the shifting of responsibility for the child’s speech successes to the speech therapist and educators do not contribute to the establishment of a respectful position in communication between teachers and the child, and form a negative or indifferent attitude towards pedagogical influences in the preschooler.

Thus, relevance The chosen topic is that modern parents need the constant help of a teacher - speech therapist to solve the problems of the child’s speech development. In order to increase the level of speech development of a child, it is necessary to purposefully and systematically carry out work on the speech development of children, which should include training parents to communicate with children in a playful way. Also, conditions for the general and speech development of children should be created in the GBDOU and the family.

Parents themselves are often removed from the work of correcting speech defects because they do not have the necessary knowledge and skills and sufficient free time to work with their children at home. Hence arises problem: Parents need to be given a certain level of knowledge and skills regarding the speech development of children.

Contradiction The chosen topic is as follows: teachers and speech therapists consider work with families to be necessary and at the same time not everyone is ready for it. More often, communication is built at the level of mutual claims or formally. For the successful speech development of a child, a different relationship between the family and the teacher - speech therapist is required, namely cooperation, interaction, trust. All this requires a revision of the content and forms of work with parents. In correctional work, it is important to make parents not only your allies, but also helpers.

Goal of the work: searching for effective forms of interaction between a speech therapist and parents.

Object This work is the level of pedagogical culture of parents.

Item: forms and methods of speech therapist work with parents

Hypothesis: The relationship between the work of the teacher - speech therapist and parents will contribute to their active inclusion in the correction process if:

  • the work will be built purposefully, systematically, planned, and contain different forms;

  • the speech therapist will have an individually differentiated approach to each parent and child;

  • the attention of parents will be drawn to those correctional and pedagogical tasks that are carried out in working with children;

  • the relationship between parents and speech therapist will be friendly, and their common goal will be aimed at correcting the child’s speech disorders.


  1. Study and analyze the positions of parents in relation to the child and his speech defect.

  2. Select the most optimal forms and methods of interaction with the family, taking into account the individuality of each parent.

  3. It is rational to plan work with parents that promotes their active inclusion in the correctional process and test it in practice.

  4. Determine the effectiveness of the forms of work we have chosen with parents

Study and analysis of the position

parents towards

to the child and his speech defect,

their pedagogical awareness.

The success of correctional education is largely determined by how clearly the continuity of work between the speech therapist and parents is organized. They must become collaborators, colleagues, assistants to each other, decisive general tasks. And for this we need to get to know the pupil’s family better, taking into account: the role of all family members in raising the child; type of family upbringing; the position taken by parents in relation to the child.

An important role in complex work with families is played by questioning parents, which allows you to analyze the relationship between adults and children in the family and plan work with parents for the school year, as well as study the adequacy of the parents’ position in relation to the child and his speech defect, and pedagogical awareness. Based on the family study technology proposed by O.V. Solodyankina, parents were asked to fill out a questionnaire with questions like: Which parent does the child prefer? Who works with the child more often? What traits bother you about his character? Does the child turn to you for help, etc. After the questionnaire, the relationships between adults and children in the family were analyzed. Thus, 50% of parents have different requirements for the child, 31.25% of parents rarely communicate with children, mainly grandmothers communicate with them, 12.5% ​​of parents have a deficit of communication with children and only 6.25% have the same requirements for the child .

Thus, analysis of the survey results helped divide parents into 4 groups.

1st group: parents can only identify certain phenomena and facts of the child’s behavior; as a rule, they rarely work with the child, do not notice the speech defect, and let everything take its course (25% of parents)

Group 2: parents express their emotional attitude to the facts, worry about the defect, take a position of excessive care and control, not giving the child the opportunity to express their interests (43.75% of parents)

Group 3: parents try to analyze the phenomena to reveal the essence of the problem, accept the child’s defect, but they lack basic pedagogical literacy. (25% of parents)

Group 4: parents are quite knowledgeable and competent pedagogically (6.25%)

Thus, from the results of the analysis it is clear that the majority of parents show low level pedagogical awareness. They are often concerned about the child’s stay in a speech therapy group; they believe that the defect is not so serious and can go away spontaneously. Most parents notice only violations in the pronunciation aspect of speech, but do not take into account the imperfections of lexical grammatical structure speech, disturbances in the reproduction of the syllabic structure of words. And therefore, they do not try to maintain a close relationship with the group’s teachers, do not see the point in doing homework with children at home, and thus do not try to become participants in the pedagogical process.

Therefore, it is necessary to carry out educational work, set up and attract the attention of parents to the child’s problem, help them perceive their child correctly, teach them to act together, and make the same demands for the successful correction of speech disorders. Taking into account the individuality of each parent and his belonging to a certain group, it is necessary to rationally plan work with parents to overcome speech disorders in children.

Main part

Whatever significant changes in a child’s speech occur during classes with a speech therapist teacher, they will acquire significance only if they are transferred to real life. life situation. No positive dynamics during correctional intervention can lead to the achievement of the expected effect if changes in the child’s speech development do not find understanding, response, or appreciation from parents, if significant, loved ones do not see the meaning of these changes. It is necessary to initially inform parents about the development of the child’s speech, the peculiarities of the formation of his speech, the structure and content of correctional speech work. The task of a speech therapist is to help parents understand their role in the child’s development process, choose the right direction for home education, equip them with certain knowledge and skills, methods and techniques for overcoming speech disorders, and fill home lessons with children with specific content to assimilate and consolidate the acquired knowledge. Job speech therapist teacher with the parents of children is defined as mandatory and is an integral part of the training and education program for children with speech impairments.

Target work with parents - to activate parents, to draw their attention to those correctional and pedagogical tasks that are carried out in working with children, making the upbringing of a child in the family more consistent and effective.

Expected results:

  1. Participation of parents in educational work

  2. Improving the pedagogical culture of parents

Tasks, which I set while working with parents during the school year:

  1. Establish partnerships with the family of each child, create an atmosphere of common interests and emotional mutual support;

  2. To increase the literacy of parents in the field of developmental and correctional pedagogy, to awaken in them interest and desire to participate in the upbringing and development of their child;

  3. To develop in parents the skills of observing the child and the ability to draw correct conclusions from these observations;

  4. Help parents choose a confident and calm parenting style in order to create comfort and security for the child in the family;

  5. To instill in parents the habit of taking an interest from teachers in the process of child development in different types activities, seek help in matters of correction and education.

Success in raising and educating children in GBDOU largely depends on how the pedagogical education of parents is organized. This is especially important in speech therapy groups, since parents must be able to complete tasks at home.

For purposeful and systematic work with parents, a plan was drawn up indicating the form, topic and purpose of the work. Planning is made for the entire academic year by month (from September to May). Each month is subordinated to a specific theme (for example, the theme in November " Finger gymnastics"). Before planning work with families, in addition to studying the level of parents’ awareness of the problems of children’s speech development, I identified a range of questions that make it possible to plan work taking into account the interests and desires of parents.

Guided by the capabilities of the parents and their interests, the most optimal forms of work for our group were chosen. They can be divided into 2 types: educational and practical.

Educational forms of work with parents:

  1. Parent meetings

  2. Information publications, stands, folders (bulletin " Useful book for parents", monthly newspaper "Cribs for the Family", photo newspaper "In the World of Children", stand "Steps to School")

  3. Individual conversations

  4. Information basket “Box of Questions”

  5. Consultations - educate everyone

Practical forms of work:

  1. Homework (diary of beautiful and correct speech, speech therapy notebook)

  2. Seminars and workshops with the participation of children

  3. Open classes for parents (individual and frontal)

I will dwell in more detail on each form of work.

Group parent meetings are held 3 times: at the beginning, middle and end of the school year. They help unite parents, direct them to help, and actively participate in the process of raising children. We pay special attention to parent meetings, carefully prepare for them, and analyze each meeting. At the first group parent meeting, parents are explained that adult family members are responsible for creating the child’s motivation to study at home, conducting classes with the child in various forms outside kindergarten, taking additional measures in the presence of disorders accompanying the main defect (observation and treatment by specialists for increased intracranial pressure, MMD, massage - for violations of muscle tone, etc.). The meeting is scheduled at a time convenient for the parents. The topic of the meeting is announced in advance so that they can familiarize themselves with it and discuss it with each other. It is extremely important for me and the group teachers to explain to parents the need for enhanced, daily work with your child on the instructions of the teachers. Only in this case are the best results possible. If parents themselves are not able to assess the situation and understand the importance of their role in the education and upbringing of the child, then we should help them become the most interested, active and effective participants in the correction process. As a rule, at the second and subsequent meetings the results of the work done are summed up and an action plan for further correction of speech disorders is highlighted.

Traditional forms of working with parents are not entirely convenient, as they require some time to become familiar with them. Therefore, for more effective cooperation with families, we decided to publish a newsletter for parents, “A Useful Book for Parents,” and a monthly newspaper, “Cribs for the Family,” which they can read at home. Bulletin "Useful book for parents" is issued once a year and contains information about what a child should learn during the school year; is compiled taking into account

Software requirements. Often, parents don’t even know what their child should be able to do, but at the same time they demand things beyond their abilities. This bulletin specifically focuses on what children should learn, what they should develop, form for each section of the program and speech development in general.

It is advisable to work with parents in two forms: written and oral. It is necessary to emphasize the advantage of the written form. Firstly, communicating only verbally takes a lot of time. Secondly, parents are not able to retain in memory all the information that they consistently receive from teachers. And thirdly, in order for parents to be able to comprehend the recommendations received and follow them, they must first be convinced of this, offered a certain algorithm of actions and armed with a reminder that will allow these actions to be carried out consistently and accurately. Therefore, the group is released once a month newspaper "Cribs for the Family". It is subject to a specific topic. Thus, 7 magazines are published per year on different topics: “Articulation exercises”; “Finger gymnastics”; “Phonological hearing is the basis of correct speech”; “Is your child ready for school”, etc. (see Appendix) Each parent can take the newspaper home and read it at home. The publication of newspapers has allowed us to cooperate more fruitfully with parents, who are happy to get acquainted with their content, share their impressions with each other, their experiences on a particular issue, and also ask us questions that arise. Feedback from parents about this form of work is positive.

Photo newspaper “In the world of children” presented in the form of photographs of children in classes, during routine moments, each photograph is accompanied by an explanation. With the help of this newspaper, parents can clearly get acquainted with the work that is being done with children in the group. The newspaper is changed 2 times a year. Parents and children really enjoy looking at the photos and sharing their impressions.

Stand “Steps to school” This stand reflects in a concise form the content of the main points of correctional developmental education: advice to parents on doing homework, reminders, etc.

Individual work has the advantage over collective work that it allows you to establish closer contact with parents. Therefore, in my practice I use this type of work with parents: individual conversations. In a conversation with parents, you can highlight the problems that interest them in raising a child and correcting speech disorders. The conversation can be conducted throughout the school year and with each parent. Often, during individual conversations, parents ask questions directly related to their child’s developmental problems; they talk about the difficulties they encounter when raising and correcting speech disorders. During the conversation, parents receive advice and recommendations. The conversation must be conducted tactfully: its task is to help the family raise the child.

Information basket “Box of Questions” is organized with the aim of obtaining those questions that are relevant to parents. The basket is presented in the form of a box with a slot, where parents place their question or suggestion regarding the group’s work in writing. Questions can be anonymous. As a rule, parents receive answers to questions during individual conversations or consultations.

Consultations and education important in the joint work of the speech therapist and parents. They involve theoretical acquaintance of parents on a particular issue. Conducted as planned. The topic of consultations is determined for the entire academic year . It is important to structure consultations - universal education so that they are not formal, but, if possible, involve parents in solving problems, develop our cooperation, since a modern parent does not want to listen to long reports from a teacher. Consultations should be extremely clear, contain only the specific material necessary for parents and be carried out not for show, but for the benefit of the matter. The most relevant topics for consultations - general education - are “Doing homework”, “Speech games at home”, “Automation of sounds at home”, etc. An exhibition of manuals will be organized for the consultations, didactic games Parents can take advantage of a selection of practical materials. Also, at consultations and comprehensive training, parents can share their experiences with each other.

Diary of beautiful and correct speech is a regular notebook. It contains individual homework assignments for correcting sound pronunciation. Completing tasks in the diary allows you to increase the time and frequency speech exercises, achieve quick and sustainable results. On the first page of the diary, a sound pronunciation screen is displayed, which shows the number of impaired sounds in the child and the dynamics of sound pronunciation correction. Parents see how the sound correction process is progressing. This is indicated by the letters: “P” - the sound requires staging; We perform articulation exercises “A” - the sound requires automation in syllables and words; “D” - sounds need differentiation; “C” - it is necessary to ensure the correct pronunciation of this sound in independent speech. Thus, using the screen, parents can clearly see which sound has not yet been delivered, which one is being automated, and which one has been introduced into speech. The diary also describes articulation exercises which you can do with your child at home in front of the mirror. Homework is pre-worked individually during a session with a speech therapist, and then checked during the following sessions. If the child does not yet perform a particular task perfectly, then it is asked again. Parents complete the recorded task until a grade (sticker) appears in the notebook. The task is considered mastered when the child, at the request of the speech therapist, can easily pronounce the given sound, name pictures, repeat sentences, poems, etc., without prior preparation and searching for the necessary articulation. Parents note the convenience, accessibility, clarity, consistency, systematicity, and individuality of such records for each child. Yes, when

Using a diary and the help of parents, consolidation of pronunciation skills is more productive. The phonetic diary encourages parents to complete their homework with their children in a timely and quality manner. And the stickers in the notebook make the child want to strive for better results.

Lexical and grammatical difficulties occupy a special place in the structure of speech defects in children with special needs development disorders. In correctional and developmental work to overcome them, they use various techniques and methods. I compiled speech therapy notebooks, for children to complete homework with their parents. The purpose of such tasks is to consolidate the speech skills acquired in the process of speech therapy classes. Many speech therapists argue about the need to keep a speech therapy notebook, because all knowledge is given on speech therapy classes. But in order to better consolidate the correct grammatical categories in speech, it is necessary to constantly train, and training not only in kindergarten, but also at home with loved ones will have a more positive effect on the speech development of children. Another goal is to involve parents in active participation in the correctional process to overcome a speech defect in a child. It is the parents who organize free communication during joint walks, conversations, trips to the store, etc. Parents’ participation in this type of activity is a powerful incentive in the formation of the child’s speech skills. Parents have the opportunity to be constantly aware of the child’s speech problems, monitor his progress, and contribute to the correctional and developmental process. Success correctional work depends on the conscientious attitude of parents to doing homework. For convenience, the notebook contains the necessary recommendations and rules for completing tasks. It is recommended to perform the exercises in a playful way, on walks, in ball games, and then only write down the children’s answers. Parents should also create a learning area for their child at home to practice fine motor skills. The notebooks compiled are based on didactic principles: the transition from simple to complex, consistency, taking into account leading activities. Homework in the notebook is divided into 2 blocks: the first block (divided by lexical topics) is aimed at developing the lexical and grammatical structure of speech and coherent speech. The second block (divided into sounds and letters that are studied in class) is aimed at developing the child’s phonemic awareness (ideas about speech sounds) and initial literacy training (i.e., simple reading and preparing the hand for writing), that is, this block is aimed at preparing the child for school. The proposed material is constructed according to the lexical principle. When compiling notebooks, I relied on the program of T.B. Filicheva and G.V. Chirkina. “Preparation for school of children with general speech underdevelopment in a special kindergarten.” The level of task completion is assessed in the form of stamps and stickers. If the child has not mastered the material sufficiently, it is practiced on individual lesson with a speech therapist and during a speech hour with a teacher.

Seminars and workshops with the participation of children are carried out with the aim of practical mastery by parents of ways and techniques of working with children at home to eliminate speech disorders. Using this form, I try to clearly and clearly present in practical form the ways of working with children on a particular task. So, I demonstrate fragments of classes, comment on the children’s actions, tasks, the sequence of tasks, thereby teaching parents gaming techniques, I develop skills to communicate with a child and correct his speech disorders. Usually, this form work is carried out in subgroups.

A visual form of work is very important for parents whose children attend preschool. According to psychologists, we remember most of the information by perceiving it visually. The visibility of the campaign is ensured by the use of a variety of accompanying illustrations and demonstrations practical work, techniques and methods, it serves to stimulate the activity of parents. By introducing various forms of visualization into practice, we activate parents in matters of correcting their child’s speech. So, for this purpose I am conducting frontal open classes for parents. They are carried out so that parents can see what knowledge their children have achieved after joint correctional work. Thus, open classes are held 2 times a year: in the middle of the academic year and at the end. Parents really enjoy attending these types of classes. As a rule, they are satisfied with the results achieved and strive to do more and, as a result, participate more actively in the course of correctional work. You can also involve parents in conducting classes. “Armed” with knowledge at consultations and workshops, they try to apply this knowledge in practice. Of course, the tasks that they need to do with their children are discussed in advance with parents. Usually 2-3 parents participate in the lesson. After such classes, parents’ activity in interaction with group teachers increases significantly.

Individual open classes introduce parents to practical techniques for automating sounds. In these classes, they receive the necessary knowledge and find answers to questions directly related to the course of their child’s speech development. They use the acquired knowledge when completing individual homework on a diary of beautiful and correct speech.

Using the above forms of interaction, I not only establish partnerships with parents, but also create an atmosphere of common interests, increase the pedagogical competence of parents, and teach parents specific techniques speech therapy work.


Taking into account the individuality of each of the parents, having rationally planned the work and started it, I became interested in checking how much the parents’ position in relation to the child and his speech defect has changed, as well as whether the pedagogical competence and awareness of the parents have increased after the work carried out with them. To do this, relying on the family study technology proposed by O.V. Solodyankina, the survey was repeated. Analysis of the survey results allowed us to establish the following facts: parents give detailed answers to the questions of the questionnaire, readily respond to requests, take homework seriously, complete them carefully, and are aware of the child’s speech impairments not only in incorrect pronunciation, but also in the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech. Parents have become quite observant pedagogically. It can also be noted that parents began to make fair demands on the child, listen to the advice of teachers, and show interest in the process of raising and developing children. Analysis of the survey results helped to re-divide parents into 4 groups

1st group: parents can only identify certain phenomena and facts of the child’s behavior; as a rule, they rarely work with the child, do not notice the speech defect, and let everything take its course (0% of parents)

Group 2: parents express their emotional attitude to the facts, worry about the defect, take a position of excessive care and control, not giving the child the opportunity to express their interests (12.5% ​​of parents)

Group 3: parents try to analyze the phenomena to reveal the essence of the problem, accept the child’s defect, but they lack basic pedagogical literacy. (56, 25% of parents)

Group 4: Parents are quite knowledgeable and competent pedagogically. (31.25%)

Comparative analysis shows that the level of pedagogical culture has increased

Thus, for successful correction of speech disorders, it is necessary to carry out educational work, attract the attention of parents to the child’s problems, and teach them to act together.

Consequently, we can say that systematic, consistent, varied work with parents includes them in the correctional pedagogical process and makes it participants, which leads to a higher level of pedagogical awareness, and, consequently, the level of speech development in children increases.


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  4. Ivanova A.I. The influence of the style of communication with the mother on the formation of the child’s speech // Speech therapist. 2004. No. 4

  5. Kozlova A.V., Desheulina R.P. Work of preschool educational institution with family. M., 2004

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  8. Solodyankina O.V. Raising a child with disabilities health in the family. M., 2007

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Interaction between speech therapist and teacher primary classes in mastering by younger schoolchildren

with speech impairments OOP NOO

A primary school teacher is a guide for children in the world of knowledge, a person who has an overwhelming influence on the child, on his spiritual and intellectual development. If we consider the role of the primary school teacher in the lives of students with speech development disorders, then its importance is difficult to overestimate. That is why, when correcting speech disorders in younger schoolchildren, it is not superfluous, if not necessary, to build and structure the process of interaction between the teacher and the speech therapist. If there is mutual interest and focused work, this tandem can significantly improve the quality of work and improve student achievement. I propose to consider in more detail all the advantages of this interaction.
Let's start with the beginning of the school year. After the diagnosis, the speech therapist acquaints the primary school teacher with the results of the diagnosis. Reveals to the teacher the features of the speech development of a particular child, his potential capabilities, as well as possible difficulties in learning that will occur with certain speech defects. Also, at this stage, the speech therapist introduces the primary school teacher to the areas of correctional work in order to coordinate certain topics studied in the writing and Russian language program.

After all children enrolled in speech therapy group, have undergone speech diagnostics, the speech therapist draws up a class schedule and introduces it to primary school teachers. Since the primary school teacher spends most of the time with the children, he is able to control attendance at speech therapy classes. In addition, it would not be amiss to note that classroom teacher is responsible for children's attendance at classes along with the speech therapist.
In addition, the speech therapist conducts systematic conversations and consultations with teachers, the purpose of which is to create the most comfortable atmosphere for children with speech disorders by conveying certain types of information to teachers. Conversation topics might look like this:

    "Types of speech disorders." The speech therapist introduces the teacher to the types of disorders of oral and written speech, the etiology and manifestations of these pathologies.

    “Pedagogical tact in relation to children with speech development disorders.” The speech therapist dwells in detail on psychological characteristics children with speech impairments encourage teachers to be more tolerant of such students.

    “Individual approach against the backdrop of collective activity.” The speech therapist encourages teachers to pay special attention to children with speech disorders. Of course, ideally, the teacher should find an individual approach to each student, but speech-language children most urgently need this.

    “Methodological recommendations for working with children with speech pathology.” The speech therapist introduces the teacher to certain types of work that can have a beneficial effect on the development of children’s speech. These can be games for the development of coherent speech, grammatical structure of speech, as well as phonemic hearing. It is worth noting that such exercises will benefit not only children with speech pathology, but also their typically developing peers.

    “Consolidating acquired speech skills.” The speech therapist explains to the teacher the need to consolidate the skills acquired in speech therapy classes. Such work can be carried out both in class and outside of class time. At this stage, it is important to convey to the teacher that joint work will increase the effectiveness of speech therapy classes, and, consequently, affect the students’ school performance.

Among other things, a primary school teacher can draw the attention of a speech therapist to children who, for one reason or another, are not registered at a speech center, but have speech pathology. We are talking about those children who transferred from other schools and went straight to the second or third grade. As a rule, from the first grade, a speech therapist supervises children with speech disorders, compiles lists, and puts children who did not make it to the speech center on the waiting list. Children who came later often fall out of sight of the speech therapist. A primary school teacher can identify children who have disorders in the formation of the speech system and refer them to a speech therapist for diagnosis.
Through the joint work of a primary school teacher and a speech therapist, it is possible to monitor the effectiveness of the work. This could be observations from a teacher in the classroom, observations from a speech therapist attending lessons, and this could also include analysis of workbooks on writing and the Russian language.

Ideally, graduation from a speech therapy group should also be carried out after a detailed joint analysis of the speech dynamics of each student by a speech therapist and a primary school teacher. Since, often work on consolidating certain speech skills does not require active work speech therapist, a primary school teacher can come to the rescue. In this case, the child can successfully study at school without attending speech therapy classes, and his place at the speech center will be taken by a child who is in dire need of prompt speech therapy help.
Thus, the interaction between a primary school teacher and a speech therapist has only a positive impact on the learning of children with speech disorders and is necessary to optimize educational process.

To make the work of a speech therapist more effective, he needs a close connection with the primary school teacher.
Speech therapist and primary school teacher single goal of correctional education: give quality education schoolchildren.
But the various tasks complement each other: speech therapist eliminates speech defects, develops oral and written speech to a level at which the child could successfully study at school; primary school teacher continues the child’s speech development, relying on the skills and abilities he has acquired in the process of speech therapy work.
The relationship in the work of a speech therapist and a primary school teacher is carried out in stages:

School speech therapist

Primary school teacher

    Conducts a full examination of the speech status of first-graders with speech disorders and informs the teacher of its results.

    Begins planning correctional work, taking into account program requirements for the Russian language, reading and other subjects, the sequence and time of studying certain topics.

    Participates in the work of methodological associations of primary school teachers.

    Provides consultations to primary school teachers.

    Introduces the speech therapist to the curriculum and standard of primary education.

    Reports on the applied methods, techniques and teaching technologies.

Stage 2 - preparatory (October)

Together with the primary school teacher and the speech therapist, the prerequisites for mastering literacy created during the learning process are clarified. Development work is underway mental operations(analysis, synthesis, comparison, comparison). Work is being done to develop the properties of attention and memory. Activities are being carried out to correct handwriting (with the possible use of age-appropriate exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills).

    Periodically informs primary school teachers about the specifics and content of correctional work with children enrolled in classes.

    Shows the primary school teacher speech therapy techniques that are practiced in speech therapy classes.

    For timely warning and identification of writing violations, he analyzes children's written work and draws the attention of primary school teachers to errors caused by speech deviations, which should be distinguished from simple grammatical errors.

    Conducts individual and thematic consultations for teachers on the development and correction of students' oral and written speech.

    Provides information about student progress.

    With the help of a speech therapist, he controls the correct speech of children and participates in developing self-control in them.

    Helps the child in preparing the answer in lessons and in organizing verbal communication schoolchild with peers.

The relationship in the work of speech therapists and primary school teachers is also carried out at joint methodological associations and meetings where various organizational issues are resolved and best practices are studied.

Stage 4 – evaluation (May)

    Conducting an analysis of correctional work.

    Conducting an analysis of educational work.

Joint determination of prospects for future activities.

Interaction between teacher and speech therapist

during the formation of expressive reading skills

To optimize the teaching of reading to younger schoolchildren, methods of pedagogical influence are needed aimed at activating cognitive processes: using educational games and game tasks, creating entertaining situations, introducing elements of surprise and novelty. Primary schoolchildren with speech impairments have a limited vocabulary and underdeveloped fine motor skills.

Many are also distinguished by the fact that they have a weak, quiet, inexpressive voice. Excessively quiet or hasty reading, as well as slurred pronunciation of words, lead to the fact that listeners have difficulty understanding what is being read and the reader himself is deprived of the ability to control the process of his reading. The revealed facts encourage the search for such forms of work on the development of intonation expressiveness that would help the child successfully communicate with peers and adults, bringing emotional satisfaction.

To make the work of a primary school teacher more effective, it is advisable to organize joint work between a teacher and a speech therapist. Their interaction takes place through mutual attendance at lessons and speech therapy sessions, the participation of a speech therapist in the methodological integration of primary classes, advisory activities, the development of uniform requirements for children’s speech, and teacher control over the correctness of students’ speech (see Diagram 1).

The joint work of a teacher and a speech therapist on the expressiveness of speech in reading lessons is of particular relevance. Expressiveness is one of the most important qualities of good reading. Expressive reading involves the development in students of certain skills related to pronunciation culture of speech. This is the tone, strength and timbre of the voice, rhythm, tempo of speech, logical stress.

The most important prerequisites for expressive reading are the state of the reading skill: awareness, correctness, speed of reading, volume and mobility of the voice, correct breathing when reading, diction, correct pronunciation, compliance with word stress. In the future, all means of working on the expressiveness of speech are actively included by the teacher in reading lessons. During a five-minute speech warm-up, the teacher, on the instructions of the speech therapist, gives the children special tasks on breathing and onomatopoeia. Students repeat tongue twisters and tongue twisters, perform speech exercises, and read individual fragments of the text in chorus.

Speech exercise is a system of exercises aimed at correctly reproducing syllable structures and words that may cause difficulties for students when reading text; it perfectly serves the purpose of correcting the child’s personality. At the moment of choral reading, students realize themselves as part of cool team. Closed and uncommunicative, children behave more freely and relaxed in joint activities. Regular speech exercises instill in students the belief that any difficulties associated with reading can be overcome.

Reading by teacher - one of the effective techniques used by the teacher. At the same time, each sound is clearly pronounced. The semantic interpretation of individual words and phrases enriches students' vocabulary. The selection of bright, emotional poems creates a joyful mood for the whole day and promotes full perception educational material at the lesson. Clear pronunciation and typing develop spelling vigilance and increase the pace and quality of students’ reading. As a result, all students cope with the reading standard.

Role reading “Children prepare for this reading through self-study with the teacher, where they think through costumes, which increases interest in the performance.

Since some children have an unstable psycho-emotional state, it is necessary to maintain their steady attention and interest throughout the lesson. The main emphasis is on the theatricalization of fairy tales, where children transform into heroes, conveying the habits and character of animals with their voice and gestures, and become liberated not only in speech, but also in movements. In songs used in fairy tales, when they are sung smoothly, it is easier for students to pronounce the given sounds. The most important goal is the development of intonation expressiveness and communicative abilities of students.

We'll go to the forest

(children marching)

Let’s call the children: “Ay! Aw!”

(hands with a megaphone)

Early - early in the morning

Shepherd: “Turu - ru - ru!”

And the cows follow him

They started mooing: “Moo-moo.”

I. Tokmakova

There was silence



All of a sudden


It was replaced by a roar of thunder,

And now it's raining

Quietly -

do you hear?

It dribbled, it dripped, it dribbled across the roof.

He'll probably start drumming now.

Already drumming.

It's already drumming!

Very loud

Development of voice pitch – one of the important means of his expressiveness. Games that develop the pitch of the voice liberate the child’s vocal apparatus, cause a joyful rise in his mood, and activate emotional reactions.

Examples of game exercises.









Development of intonation and expressive aspects of speech. Staging of poems, fables, and fairy tales accessible to children (“Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Three Bears”).

The correctness and accuracy of logical stresses is of great importance for the expressiveness of reading.

A poem about stress (children must place the hammer over the stressed syllable).

In the land of syllables and words

the order is strict,

Every word has

stressed syllable.

It is called shock because

As if with a hammer

hit -

And in every word it's


A. Usachev

Imitating the voices of heroes of fairy tales and fables; reading nursery rhymes, riddles, counting rhymes, proverbs - all these exercises develop the melodic and intonation side of speech. The presence of melody in speech when reading aloud is one of the important indicators of the expressiveness of reading. Moving the voice up and down the sounds different heights very noticeable in children's spoken language.

The melody colors the words with various shades of feeling and thought: condemnation, disappointment, hatred and approval, admiration, respect, love.

Intonation gives speech emotional coloring, organizes the semantic side of speech. An endless variety of intonations is achieved by changing the pitch, strength, and timbre of the voice; eliminating nasalization improves the expressiveness, richness and beauty of the child’s speech.

Together with the children, a play based on the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” was staged.

As a result, positive results were noted:

The fairy tale disciplined excitable children, and activated passive and timid ones;

Automation of sounds takes place in a fun way of working, without coercion;

An interest in positive results unites the work of a speech therapist and a teacher.

Speech therapy session

Topic: Retelling of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut.”

Goals: developing the ability to retell fairy tales close to the text; activation of the vocal apparatus, speech breathing, relieving excess tension; creating a situation of success.

Equipment: painting “Spring”, educational cards, subject pictures: cow, mosquito, dog, cat; a series of pictures based on the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”.

Progress of the lesson.

    Organizing time.

Today we will learn to speak beautifully. Do you want this?

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

1) Examination of the painting “Spring”.

What time of year is shown in the picture? Why do you think so? Name all the signs of spring.

2) Articulation gymnastics:

Hygienic massage: light stroking from the forehead to the bridge of the nose; movement of the hands when washing, from the neck towards the body;

Imitation of chewing. To work well in class, you need to eat well (imagine eating an apple rich in vitamins);

Lip movement: “pipe - smile”;

Movement of the tongue (“tongue in the sun”: lying, lying, frozen, hid, peeking through the fence, decided to see what was happening around);

- “horse” - clicking the tip of the tongue (let’s go to the forest);

Activation of the soft palate (we urge the horse to gallop more cheerfully):

a a a;

uh uh;

ae ae ae;

ea ea ea.

But look who we met in the forest?


How does she moo?

"Mooing cow":

MU – big cow;

mu – calf.

3) Breathing exercises:

c f s sh l r b d g p t k x l;

s r t c k g w d f f h h b k;

k l n g v r m s k v j z n t.

And here are the first flowers.

What do they smell like?

Take a deep breath through your nose and sniff.

But the annoying mosquito woke up - ZZZZZZ.

Lyudmila Nakhasheva
Generalization of the work experience of a speech therapist teacher on the topic “Interaction between a speech therapist teacher and a primary school teacher”

Generalization of the work experience of a speech therapist teacher on the topic: "Interaction between a speech therapist and a primary school teacher in solving problems of quality of education."

Cooperative activity speech therapist and primary school teachers starts on the first day of school. Collaboration at work occurs in almost all types educational activities. Many of the problems that interfere with the successful acquisition of academic skills can be corrected in speech therapy sessions.

According to a jointly drawn up plan, the speech therapist takes part in work:

Methodical association primary school teachers;

Teachers' councils;

Psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation, where the reasons for children’s underachievement are considered and ways of their psychological-medical-pedagogical support are developed.

One of the most important conditions joint the work of a speech therapist and teacher is to develop unity of requirements for students.

Me speech therapist and primary school teachers, requirements developed, to achieve the goal of each lesson with children logopaths: - comprehensively develop the personality of the student - speech pathologist;

Training should be educational in nature;

-consider age characteristics of children;

-consider the structure of the speech defect and, in accordance with this, select the available material;

Carry out an individual approach against the backdrop of collective activities;

Achieve the strength of acquired knowledge and skills;

Provide software requirements, taking into account possible specific (speech) errors;

Make extensive use of visualization, gaming methods and techniques.

During the academic year from teachers consultation is being carried out Job.

In September teachers were familiarized with the results of the initial speech therapy examination. Together with teachers a schedule of speech therapy classes was drawn up, directions for individual correctional working with children. During the school year, all teachers receive the necessary consultations. On lessons teachers use a set of breathing and articulation exercises suggested by a speech therapist. As a speech therapist, I include in the structure of the lesson lexical topics which children study in class, For example: "School", "My family", "Wild and Domestic Animals" and others, lexical topics reflecting the regional component are also used, For example: "Animals and birds Krasnodar region» , “Features of spring in Kuban”, "Our village", « Animal world Krasnodar region" etc. Teachers, in turn, secure spent in speech therapy classes, skills for correcting oral and written speech. Teacher and the teacher, with the help of a speech therapist, monitors the children’s correct speech and participates in the formation of their self-control. In addition, he helps the child formulate answers in class and organizes the student’s verbal communication with peers. This is especially important for people who stutter, who have acute communication problems, as well as for children with general speech underdevelopment.

Children show their knowledge and skills at a speech therapy matinee, which is held as part of the week "Psychology and correction".

For students 1 class, together with the teacher, during the additional winter holidays, an entertainment event was held "Entertaining speech therapy".

WITH teachers home-based training provides individual consultations on topics: “A variety of methods and techniques for the development of coherent speech”, “How to help a child who stutters?”, “Development of visual perception in younger schoolchildren” and etc.

In the speech therapy room in the speech corner, recommendations for teachers and parents are updated. Systematic Job in close contact with teachers, attending classes teachers for the purpose of monitoring speech students, they provide high efficiency of each lesson, timely identification of difficulties that the child experiences in the lessons and determination of goals for each lesson.

Publications on the topic:

This work will be of interest to both a novice speech therapist and an experienced speech therapist. It consistently reflects the stages of correctional work.

There have been changes in the system today Russian education, updating its quality. In connection with the approval and entry into force, Federal.

Slide No. 1 Popova Natalya Valerievna, teacher - speech therapist, kindergarten No. 40 “Brigantine”, city. Balashikha. Slide No. 2 Dear jury, dear ones.

Message “Interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher in the correctional educational process” Message on the topic: “Interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher in the correctional educational process” Elena Karaganova From coherence.

L. S. Vygotsky also noted that a defect in some analyzer or intellectual defect does not cause an isolated loss of one function.

In recent decades, the number of children with mild developmental disabilities has been constantly growing throughout the world. Children entering grade 1 have a limited vocabulary, underdeveloped fine motor skills, inadequate emotions, etc. In order for the work of a school speech therapist to become more effective, he needs a close connection with the primary school teacher. Both of them strive for a common goal - to provide quality education to schoolchildren. To do this, the teacher needs each student to have enough high level general (including speech) development. The task of a speech therapist is to eliminate speech defects and develop the child’s oral and written speech to a level at which he could successfully study at school. In turn, the teacher continues the child’s speech development, relying on the skills and abilities he has acquired, i.e., integration of speech therapy work and the educational process takes place.
Very often, a speech therapist teacher is faced with the fact that the teacher greets his appearance in the class with caution. This happens because teachers, especially those of the older generation, incorrectly imagine the purpose of speech therapy work in school. They believe that a speech therapist only deals with correcting sound pronunciation in children, and they do not understand why a speech therapist takes students to classes who pronounce all sounds correctly. On this basis, conflicts arise between the speech therapist and the primary school teacher.
To prevent this from happening, a speech therapist teacher must speak at one of the methodological associations of primary school teachers and talk in detail about the types of speech disorders that occur in schoolchildren, about how these speech disorders affect the children-speech therapists’ assimilation of curricula in all subjects , especially for native language and reading. It is advisable to rely on examples in such messages. In his message, the speech therapist also talks about the content of correctional work, its organization, and how correctional work is connected with the native language and reading curriculum. Practice shows that primary school teachers, having become more familiar with the goals and objectives of speech therapy work in school, begin to have an objective and interested attitude towards the work of a speech therapist. To familiarize primary school teachers in more detail with the specifics of speech therapy work, a speech therapist can give them one or more open classes.
At methodological associations, it is advisable to tell primary school teachers about the methods and techniques of speech therapy work. Often, primary school teachers willingly adopt certain speech therapist techniques and successfully use them in the classroom.
The speech therapist must inform primary school teachers that students with speech development disorders, but with intact intellect and hearing, are enrolled in the speech therapy center. If there is a child in the class who has reduced intelligence or hearing, then the teacher is responsible for referring him to a specialist doctor and taking him to special schools, since it is the teacher who works with this child, observes him daily and can comprehensively characterize him. And if such a student studied at a speech center, the speech therapist writes a testimonial for him and gives it to the teacher for inclusion in the child’s documents.
In the first two weeks of September, the speech therapist conducts a full examination of the speech status of first-graders and informs the teacher of the results. The speech therapist also gets acquainted with the curriculum and standards of primary general education, and is interested in the technologies and methods used by the teacher. When planning correctional work, the speech therapist must take into account the program requirements for the Russian language, reading, the sequence and time of studying certain topics. In other words, the speech therapist strives to ensure that his work has continuity with the program in a given class.
In speech therapy classes, schoolchildren acquire new speech skills and abilities, which are then improved during the educational process. For example, a teacher has an excellent opportunity to help children automate assigned sounds. To do this, when reading texts or memorizing poems, he reminds the child which sounds need to be pronounced correctly and corrects him. The teacher, with the help of a speech therapist, exercises control over the children’s correct speech and participates in instilling self-control in them. This is especially important for children who stutter, have problems with communication, for children with ODD, bilingualism.
One of the most important conditions for correctional work is the development of unified requirements for a speech pathologist student on the part of the teacher and speech therapist. The speech therapist must make every effort to convince the teacher of the need to very carefully and carefully evaluate the work of the speech pathologist student. The fact is that these students, with all their desire and effort, are not able to complete assignments, especially written ones, in accordance with the standards adopted at school. The task of the speech therapist is, firstly, to draw the teacher’s attention to the fact that errors of a speechpathic nature should not be counted when assessing a student’s work, and secondly, to teach the teacher to distinguish a speechpathic error from an error due to the fact that the student has not learned one or another rule of grammar . It is advisable to prepare and distribute to teachers a table-memo with a list of logopathic errors and instructions on what type of speech disorder they are caused by.
In addition, in order to avoid misunderstandings, primary school teachers should know that in their classes the speech therapist evaluates the work of students very specifically. The assessment in a speech therapy session is given primarily for attentiveness throughout the lesson, for activity, for the desire to work and for the number of independently discovered, corrected, and not made mistakes. Therefore, a student who performs unsatisfactorily in class can receive positive grades in speech therapy classes. The speech therapist must convince the teacher that creating a favorable psychological climate in the classroom for the speech pathologist student is much more important than normative assessment.
Parents of students studying at a speech therapy center can provide great assistance in the work of a speech therapist teacher. No educational system can be fully effective if the family is not involved in it. “We learn from those we love” - this expression perfectly explains the role of parents in the correctional process. The involvement of parents in the correctional process is important not because the speech therapist wants it, but because it is necessary for the development of their own child.
Speech therapists, while considering work with families as necessary, are at the same time unprepared for it. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to find a common language with parents who have their own ideas about education and correction. And the modern family does not perceive pedagogical notations and lectures in the form of monologues. For the successful speech development of a child, a different relationship between the family and the speech therapist is required, namely cooperation, interaction, and trust. And this, in turn, requires a revision of methods and forms of work with parents. And in this work, it is important to make parents not only your allies, but also your main assistants. Often, even experienced teachers experience difficulties in establishing contact with parents of students. So what needs to be done to activate parents, to draw their attention to the correctional and pedagogical tasks that are carried out in working with children, making the upbringing of a child in the family more consistent and effective? How to structure your work? Cooperation between the teacher, speech therapist and parents will contribute to their active inclusion in the correction process if the following conditions are provided:
1. The work will be purposeful, systematic, planned, and contain different forms.
2. The speech therapist will have an individual, differentiated approach to each parent and child.
3. The attention of parents will be drawn to those correctional and pedagogical tasks that are carried out in working with children.
4. The relationship between parents and the speech therapist will be friendly, and their common goal will be aimed at correcting the child’s speech disorders.
The most common method of communication with parents is conversation; all speech therapists use it without exception, and it allows you to quickly establish contact and trust. But there are parents who have difficulty making contact. How to conduct a conversation? There are several stages of the conversation:
Stage 1 is called “Broadcasting a positive image of the child to parents.” The teacher never complains about the child, even if he has done something. The conversation takes place under the motto: “Your child is the best.”
Stage 2 - “Transmission to parents of knowledge about the child that they could not get in the family.” The speech therapist reports on the success and development of the child in the speech therapy group, the characteristics of his communication with other children, and the results of educational activities.
Stage 3 - “Familiarization of the speech therapist with family problems in raising and educating a child.” At this stage, the active role belongs to the parents; the speech therapist only supports the dialogue without making value judgments. It must be remembered that information received from parents should not be shared with colleagues and, in general, used only for organizing interaction.
Stage 4 - “Joint research and formation of the child’s personality.” Only at this stage can a teacher, who has gained the trust of parents by successfully carrying out the previous stages, begin to carefully give advice to parents. This step-by-step methodology was developed at the Research Institute of General Problems of Education and is successfully used by many speech therapists.
An important role in complex work with families is played by questioning parents, which allows you to analyze the relationship between adults and children in the family and plan work with parents for the school year, as well as study the adequacy of the parents’ position in relation to the child and his speech defect, and their pedagogical awareness. As a rule, most parents show a relatively low level of pedagogical competence; they believe that the defect is not so serious and can go away spontaneously. And many parents also lack literacy; they see the defect superficially, paying attention only to the pronunciation side of speech. IN Lately There are parents who supposedly show awareness and great interest in the correction process, complain if it drags on, but, in fact, practically do not work with the child at home. Therefore, taking into account the individuality of each parent, it is necessary to carry out educational work, tune and attract the attention of parents to the child’s problem, help them perceive their child correctly, teach them to act together, and make the same demands for the successful correction of speech disorders.
The first time a speech therapist meets with the parents of students enrolled in a speech center is in mid-September, when, after finalizing the groups and drawing up the class schedule, he holds the first parent meeting. Practice shows that the majority of parents do not know what speech therapists do with their children; some have a negative attitude towards the fact that their children are enrolled in a speech therapy center. If the child’s parents still refuse to attend classes with a speech therapist for one reason or another, it is advisable to ask them to sign a refusal to attend in order to avoid conflict situations in the future. “But no one told us anything,” parents often say, having been repeatedly warned about their child’s speech problems in preschool age, or demand that the child be enrolled in a speech therapy group when enrollment has already been completed and all groups have been formed.
Group parent meetings held at the beginning, middle and end of the school year help unite parents and involve them in the process of correcting their children’s speech. At the first group parent meeting, it is important to explain to parents the need for intensive, daily work with their child on the instructions of the speech therapist. Only in this case are the best results possible. So as not to arise conflict situations, the speech therapist already comes to class parent meetings at the beginning of September, introduces himself to parents and very briefly informs about the goals and objectives of his work. In particular, the speech therapist says that phonemic and lexico-grammatical speech disorders are not always accompanied by a violation of sound pronunciation and therefore parents do not notice them. However, these violations most seriously affect the child’s learning school curriculum, are often the reason that he persistently fails in a number of subjects, and in the most severe cases, the question even arises of the impossibility of his education in a public school. Such complications can be avoided if special measures are taken with the child. correctional classes aimed at correcting speech development defects. During the report, it is advisable for the speech therapist to give one or two examples from his practice. Having thus received the most general information about the work of a speech therapist teacher, parents will treat the invitation to Parent meeting at the logo station. At this meeting, the speech therapist meets the parents, talks in detail about speech disorders, what type of speech disorder has been identified in a particular child, and what learning difficulties are possible in connection with this speech disorder. It is very useful to let parents look at the written work of children with dysgraphics so that they can clearly see the consequences of speech disorders. Next, the speech therapist reports on the composition of groups and subgroups, and the schedule of classes. It is necessary to draw the attention of parents to the fact that they “along with the teacher are responsible for attending speech therapy classes for their children.”
Then the speech therapist talks about what the students of each group will do during the year at the speech center. In conclusion, the speech therapist talks about the speech regime in the family, in particular that parents need to contribute as actively as possible to the accumulation of their children’s vocabulary. Here you need to tell parents that you cannot force a speech-language pathologist child to rewrite several times. homework In order to achieve accuracy and correctness of performance, he should not be allowed to sit on his homework more than established by sanitary standards.
Next, the speech therapist turns to the parents whose children will be involved in sound pronunciation correction. He explains that these children should have special notebooks in which the speech therapist will write down exercises to consolidate the material covered. If the material is not reinforced, then, firstly, the necessary efficiency in work will not be achieved, and secondly, the period of correctional work with the child will be significantly extended. Then the speech therapist informs that he will conduct systematic consultations and conversations for parents, names the days and times of such consultations.
During the school year, the speech therapist maintains constant contact with parents, periodically informing them about the successes or failures of their children. If a child, while present in class during lessons, does not show up for a speech therapy session, the speech therapist informs the student’s parents and teacher about this. Parents should always feel that the speech therapist is not just a mechanical performer of duties, but a person who takes the fate of their children to heart and is always ready to help. We must remember that the authority of a speech therapist largely depends on the attitude of the students’ parents towards him.
At the same meeting, the speech therapist informs parents that in the course of speech therapy work, sometimes it becomes necessary to consult a child with a specialist (psychoneurologist, neurologist, otolaryngologist). This is done, first of all, in the interests of the child, in order to comprehensively study his personality and choose the best option for correcting his developmental deficiencies. As a rule, parents perceive such proposals very painfully, therefore, in a conversation, the speech therapist is required to have maximum goodwill and the ability to convince parents of the need for such consultation.
At the end of the school year, the speech therapist again invites all parents to the final parent meeting, at which he informs parents about the results of his work with students, who no longer needs the help of a speech therapist, and who is left to continue correctional work. Here it is advisable to compare the level of speech development of children upon admission to the speech center and after the work carried out with them, clearly, using specific examples, to show the results of correctional work. It is also necessary to note the work of the parents themselves, their specific assistance to the speech therapist.
The second half of the meeting can be devoted to recommendations for activities with children in the summer. First of all, remind parents that they cannot stop working with children to correct sound pronunciation, otherwise the work done during the school year may go down the drain: insufficiently automated sounds may be “lost” and work on their production will have to start all over again. During the summer, parents can work to accumulate an active vocabulary and develop coherent speech for their children. This is greatly facilitated by summer travel and the new experiences children receive during their trips.
It is impossible to imagine cooperation with parents without visual information - this form of work is very important for parents. Most of the information, according to psychologists, we remember by perceiving it visually. The advantage of this form is that, firstly, contacting only orally requires a lot of time. Secondly, parents are not able to retain in memory all the information that they consistently receive from teachers. And thirdly, in order for parents to be able to comprehend the recommendations received and follow them, they must first be convinced of this, armed with a reminder that will allow them to carry out these actions consistently and accurately. Therefore, information stands are hung in the office, articles in the corners for parents: “Advice from a speech therapist,” “Finger gymnastics,” “Phonological hearing is the basis of correct speech,” “Is your child ready for school,” “Left-handed child,” etc. Exhibitions “ Anyone who wants to talk must pronounce everything correctly and clearly so that everyone can understand it!”, presented in the form of photographs of children in class. Parents and children really enjoy looking at the photos and sharing their impressions.
Consultations are very important in the joint work of the speech therapist and parents. They must be extremely clear and contain only the specific material that parents need. The most relevant topics for consultations are “Articulation gymnastics”, “Techniques for automating sounds”, etc. They use the acquired knowledge when performing individual homework.
Days are held in all schools open doors. As a rule, at this time, meetings are held for parents of future first-graders, at which the speech therapist speaks in detail about the speech readiness of children entering first grade and gives recommendations.
The speech therapist is obliged to keep up with the times. Today, the Internet opens up wide opportunities for increasing the effectiveness of working with parents. Various electronic manuals, digital educational resources can be used in working with parents, giving homework, links to thematic sites. To do this, use the blog of a speech therapist on the school website.
Using the entire variety of the above forms and methods of working with parents, both traditional and non-traditional, of course, should not be an end in itself. It is much more important to qualitatively change the content of meetings, consultations, and conversations so that parents hear the speech therapist and want and are able to help their child.
Parents are their child’s natural teachers; extremely much depends on them; they have a very powerful educational tool in their hands - love for their child. And our job is to organize such an environment and create such conditions so that this love and support develops in the child all the skills and abilities necessary for life in society. Then we will be able to build a genuine trusting partnership with the family based on a dialogical strategy of cooperation between the speech therapist and parents.

Message on the topic:

“The relationship between the work of a speech therapist and a primary school teacher”

As practice shows, many children entering first grade have a limited vocabulary, poorly developed fine motor skills, and persistent speech impairments. To make the work of a school speech therapist more effective, he needs a close connection with the primary school teacher. Both the speech therapist and the teacher have a common goal - to provide high-quality education to schoolchildren. To achieve this goal, the teacher needs each student to have a sufficiently high level of general (including speech) development. The task of a speech therapist is to eliminate speech defects and develop the child’s oral and written speech to a level at which he could successfully study at school. In turn, the teacher continues the child’s speech development, relying on the skills and abilities he has acquired, i.e. there is an integration of speech therapy work and the educational process.Speech therapy work in primary school can be divided into 4 stages: indicative, diagnostic, correctional and evaluative. Each of them has its own goals, objectives and technologies. The duration of the stage is determined by the totality and compatibility of various factors identified in the process of examination, diagnosis and correction. The relationship between the work of the speech therapist and the teacher is also gradually implemented.Stage 1 – indicative March – May Stage objectives:- determination of the level of general and speech development of each future first-grader;- identification of children with speech disorders;-advisory assistance to parents in preparing children with speech disorders for school.From March to May, the school organizes special classes for future first-graders, which are taught by a teacher once a week. The speech therapist has the opportunity to examine the speech status of all children enrolled in these classes and identify children with speech disorders.Stage 2 – diagnostic September 1 – 15 Stage objectives:- determination of the structure and severity of speech disorders in schoolchildren;-planning appropriate corrective work.In the first two weeks of September, the speech therapist conducts a full examination of the speech status of first-graders and informs the teacher of the results. The speech therapist gets acquainted with the curriculum and standard of primary general education, is interested in the technologies used by the teacher, his methods and techniques.Then the speech therapist begins planning correctional work. In this case, the program requirements for the Russian language, reading and other subjects, the sequence and time of studying certain topics must be taken into account. In other words, the speech therapist strives for his work to have continuity with the program in a given class.In addition, at this stage it is possible to plan the following activities:- joint holding of parent meetings;-participation of a speech therapist in the work of methodological associations of primary school teachers;-speech therapist consultations for teachers;-participation in the work of PMPk, etc.Stage 3 – correctional September 15 – May 15 Stage objectives:- elimination of speech disorders;-development of oral and written speech to a level at which the child could successfully study at school.The duration of this stage for each child is determined by the nature and severity of the speech disorder, as well as the dynamics of its correction. Thus, in case of disturbances in sound pronunciation (dyslalia), correction can last on average from 2 to 6 months, and in case of OHP - up to 2 years.At this time, the relationship between the speech therapist and the teacher becomes increasingly closer. The speech therapist periodically informs the teacher about the specifics and content of correctional work with children, and at the same time receives information about their progress (during the school year). In speech therapy classes, schoolchildren acquire new speech skills and abilities, which are then improved during the educational process. For example, a teacher has an excellent opportunity to help children automate assigned sounds. To do this, when reading texts or memorizing poems, he reminds the child which sounds need to be pronounced correctly.The teacher, with the help of a speech therapist, exercises control over the children’s correct speech and participates in instilling self-control in them. In addition, it helps the child in formulating an answer in class and in organizing the student’s verbal communication with peers. This is especially important for children who stutter, have problems with communication, and for children with special needs development disorder.During Russian language lessons, the teacher includes exercises to develop phonemic awareness. The teacher, like the speech therapist, also teaches to distinguish between vowels and consonants, hard and soft, voiced and voiceless consonant sounds; teaches to correlate sounds and letters; perform sound-letter analysis. To make it interesting for children, all these exercises can be carried out in the form of didactic games. The speech therapist can suggest that the teacher use some of these games in his lessons. The curriculum in the primary grades is intense, and it is difficult for children with speech impairments to master it. Therefore, the speech therapist does not give tasks beyond the program material and does not overload first-graders with additional information. For example, when automating soundR Based on educational material on the Russian language, the speech therapist offers children the following tasks:-read vocabulary words with the letter “r”;-read and write down the names of birds (magpie, crow, sparrow ); -make sentences with these words, etc.A speech therapist and a primary school teacher must set uniform requirements for a student with speech disorders. In this case you need:-taking into account the structure of the violation and selecting the appropriate speech material for each student (both in speech therapy classes and in lessons);- taking into account the age characteristics of children;- presenting program requirements for students, taking into account possible specific (speech) errors and providing proactive assistance to prevent them;-implementation of an individual approach against the backdrop of collective activity;- consolidation of knowledge and skills acquired both in speech therapy sessions and in lessons;- giving training an educational character;- comprehensive development of the student’s personality.Such requirements contribute to increasing the effectiveness of speech therapy work and better assimilation of educational material by these children. And mutual visits to lessons and speech therapy sessions help to develop such unity.For timely warning and identification of writing disorders, a speech therapist periodically analyzes children’s written work (usually during the holidays) and draws the teacher’s attention to errors caused by speech deviations, which should be distinguished from simple grammatical errors.In order to promote his classes, the speech therapist conducts individual and thematic consultations for teachers on the development and correction of students’ oral and written speech. The relationship in the work of speech therapists and primary school teachers is also carried out at methodological associations and meetings, where various organizational issues are resolved and best practices are studied. The speech therapist gives presentations here and holds discussions on topics of interest to teachers (for example, “Types of speech disorders and their impact on learning curriculum"). He also takes part in the work of teachers’ councils: for example, he introduces teachers to the connection between correctional work and the program for teaching the Russian language and reading.The speech therapist, like primary school teachers, is a member of the PMPK, at whose meetings the reasons for children’s underachievement are discussed and ways of their psychological, medical and pedagogical support are developed.Stage 4 – evaluation Stage objectives:-summarizing;-conducting an analysis of correctional and educational work;- determination of prospects for further activities.The result of the collaboration between a teacher and a speech therapist is an increase in the academic performance and quality of knowledge of schoolchildren who had speech disorders at the beginning of the school year. In a generalized form, the relationship in the work of a speech therapist and a primary school teacher is presented in the diagramIn conclusion, we can say that timely identification of children with speech disorders, properly organized work in close cooperation between the teacher and speech therapist have great importance in a secondary school setting.