Report on the results of the practice of an additional education teacher. Report on teaching practice. Report on practice in kdn



about completing an internship by a correspondence student
in the direction of professional retraining
"State and municipal administration"

(Last name, first name, patronymic of the trainee)

working ______________________________ ______________________________ _____
(name of organization and position)

Place of internship ______________________________ ______________________________
(name of company)

Name of the internship program: pre-certification

Purpose of the internship: consolidation of theoretical knowledge and improvement of practical skills of a manager in departments of various administrative structures.

Internship supervisor:
From Af RANH and GS: ______________________________ _____________________________
From the organization ______________________________ ______________________________ __

Astrakhan - 2011

completing an internship

______________________________ ______________________________
(last name, first name, patronymic of the student)

working ______________________________ ______________________________ __
(name of organization and position)

Place of internship______________________________ ___________________________
(name of company)

______________________________ ______________________________ ________________

Purpose of the internship _______________ ______________________________ ______________

______________________________ ______________________________ _________________

Internship supervisors:

from AF FSBEI HPE RANEPA ______________________________ _________

From the organization ______________________________ ________

_______________ (______________________)

date Work performed Questions for consultants and practice managers
18.10.2011 Conducting an administrative meeting following the results of the HSC. Preparation of reports to the Committee on Education and Science.
19.10.2011 Inspection of private security facilities that will be used during the 2011 elections. Reception of parents on personal matters.
20.10.2011 Studying incoming documentation. Preparation of orders for core activities.
21.10.2011 Conducting an administrative meeting to prepare events for National Unity Day.
22.10.2011 Work with documents on certification of teaching staff. Preparation of orders for sending certified employees to PC courses.
24.10.2011 Conducting an administrative meeting on the organization of paid additional educational services in the 2011-2012 academic year. Preparation of draft documents.
25.10.2011 Preparation of a new version of the Charter (municipal budget general educational institution).
26.10.2011 Studying incoming documentation. Preparation of a new edition of the Charter.
27.10.2011 Participation in the city meeting for the heads of educational institutions. Preparation of a new edition of the Charter.
28.10.2011 Preparation of a new edition of the Charter.
29.10.2011 Studying incoming documentation. Meeting of the conflict commission. Preparation of an order to impose a disciplinary sanction.
31.10.2011 Preparation of orders on main activities. Reception of parents on personal matters.
    Comments and suggestions for improving the organization’s work:

______________________________ ______________________________ ______
    Brief report about the internship:
______________________________ ______________________________ ______
______________________________ ______________________________ ______
______________________________ ______________________________ ______
______________________________ ______________________________ ______

"_____" _____________ 2011

    Conclusion of the practice manager from the organization:
______________________________ ______________________________ ______
______________________________ ______________________________ ______
______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ____________

Internship supervisor ____________________


Conclusion of the internship teacher-supervisor from the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education RANEPA ______________________________ __________________________
______________________________ ______________________________ ______
______________________________ ______________________________ ______

Teacher (internship supervisor) ______________

Internship report.

    The type of organizational structure of the institution, the principles of its construction and the place of the corresponding unit in this structure.
The municipal budgetary educational institution of Astrakhan “Secondary school No. 52” is an educational institution in Astrakhan that implements basic general education programs of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education.
The abbreviated name of the institution is MBOU of Astrakhan “Secondary School No. 52”.
Legal address: 414019, Astrakhan, st. Panfilova, 36.
The institution is a non-profit organization created to carry out educational activities and does not have the main goal of making a profit.
An institution, as a legal entity, has a Charter, separate property with the right of operational management, an independent balance sheet, a personal account, a stamp of the established form (indicating the full name of the institution and TIN), a stamp, forms with its name, and can acquire and carry out property in its own name. and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities, be a plaintiff and defendant in court.
The institution carries out its educational activities on the basis of a license and enjoys benefits provided by law Russian Federation.
The institution undergoes state accreditation in the manner established by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.
The rights of a legal entity of the Institution, in terms of conducting statutory financial and economic activities aimed at preparing the educational process, arise from the moment of its state registration.
The founder of the Institution is the municipal formation “City of Astrakhan”.
The functions and powers of the founder of the Institution are carried out by the Committee on Education and Science of the Astrakhan City Administration.
The founder forms and approves the municipal assignment for the Institution in accordance with the main activities of the Institution.
Financial support for the implementation of municipal tasks by the Institution is carried out in the form of subsidies from the corresponding budget of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation.
The institution carries out operations to spend budget funds in accordance with the approved plan of financial and economic activities.
The institution has the right, in addition to the established municipal task, and also in cases determined by federal laws, within the established municipal task, to perform work, provide services related to its main activities, for citizens and legal entities for a fee and at the same price when providing the same service conditions.
The owner of the Institution’s property is the municipal formation “City of Astrakhan”.
In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, buildings, structures, equipment, as well as other necessary property are assigned to the Institution in order to ensure its statutory activities.
In the case of leasing, with the consent of the owner, of real estate and especially valuable movable property assigned to the Institution by the Founder or acquired by the Institution at the expense of funds allocated to it for the acquisition of such property, financial support for the maintenance of such property is not provided by the Founder.
The sources of formation of property and financial resources of the Institution are:
    property transferred to the Establishment by the owner (a body authorized by the owner) or the Founder;
    subsidies from the municipal budget for the implementation of municipal tasks by the Institution;
    funds allocated for specific purposes in accordance with target programs;
    funds received for providing paid additional educational services;
    voluntary donations from individuals and legal entities;
    income received from the sale of products and services, as well as other types of permitted activities carried out independently;
    other sources that do not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
The institution is independent in the implementation of the educational process, selection and placement of personnel, and other activities within the limits determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
In its activities, the Institution is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of education and bodies local government, Model regulations on a general education institution, as well as the Charter and local acts of the Institution.
    Status position of the position for which the internship took place within the structure of the unit.
The direct management of MBOU "Secondary School No. 52" is carried out by the director. The director is appointed to the position and dismissed from office by an administrative document of the administration of the city of Astrakhan (the head of the administration of the city of Astrakhan) in the manner established by the charter of the municipal organization “City of Astrakhan. The employment contract with the director of the Institution is signed by the head of the administration of the city of Astrakhan in the manner established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and municipal legal acts municipality"City of Astrakhan".
The Director of the Institution is accountable to the Founder. The term of his office is determined by the employment contract.
The Director manages the current activities of the Institution in accordance with the laws and other regulations of the Russian Federation, municipal legal acts of the municipal formation "City of Astrakhan", the Charter of the Institution, the employment contract, ensures the implementation of the tasks assigned to him and is responsible for the results of these activities to the Founder.
The director, without a power of attorney, acts on behalf of the Institution and represents its interests in state and local government bodies and in relations with legal entities and individuals.
    The main provisions of the job description, assessment of its compliance with the functions actually performed, the sufficiency of powers and the validity of the responsibility assigned to the performer.
Director of MBOU "Secondary School No. 52":
    carries out general management of the Institution;
    issues powers of attorney on behalf of the Institution;
    opens personal accounts in the financial authority of the municipal formation "City of Astrakhan"in the manner prescribed by current legislation;
    concludes contracts with individuals and legal entities;
    disposes of the property and funds of the Institution in the manner and within the limits established by the current legislation and this charter, bears responsibility for the intended use of budget funds;
    carries out selection, hiring and placement of personnel, dismissal from work, concludes contracts with employees employment contracts, concludes a collective agreement if the decision to conclude it is made by the work collective;
    approves the structure and staffing of the Institution;
    establishes the form, system and amount of remuneration for employees of the Institution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, municipal legal acts of the Municipal Municipality "City of Astrakhan" on remuneration for employees of municipal institutions;
    issues orders, instructions and other local acts for the Institution, mandatory for compliance by all employees of the Institution;
    makes decisions on incentives and disciplinary sanctions against employees of the Institution;
    establishes additional payments and other payments within the limits of available funds in accordance with local regulations, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees of the Institution;
    organizes certification of employees of the Institution;
    approves internal labor regulations;
    is responsible for organizational and technical support for the activities of the Institution;
    ensures compliance with the rules and regulatory requirements of labor protection, fire safety, sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic regimes;
    in agreement with the Founder, makes decisions on the formation and liquidation of branches;
    organizes the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the legislation on education, this Charter and the agreement with parents (legal representatives);
    bears responsibility to parents (legal representatives), the Founder, authorized state bodies, local government bodies for the results of his activities in accordance with his official duties;
    bears responsibility in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for violation of labor, civil, budget and other legislation of the Russian Federation;
    suspends the execution of decisions of the general meeting of the labor collective and the Pedagogical Council, the Governing Council if they contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation;
    exercises other powers in accordance with current legislation and municipal legal acts of the Municipal Municipality "City of Astrakhan".
The director is obliged to ensure a high level of planning, organization, and control. The director is an accomplice in the pedagogical process, a co-respondent, he is directly involved in the work of the school team in teaching and raising children, he constantly works with people: teachers, students, parents of children.
    The planning system operating in the department, the procedure for setting tasks for a specific position.
Long-term planning at MBOU Secondary School No. 522 is carried out on the basis of the School Development Program for 2010-2015. The school’s annual work plan specifies the main areas of activity: healthy image life, improving the quality of educational services provided by the school, continuity and traditions of the educational process, student-centered learning, research and project activities of schoolchildren. When planning, innovations associated with changes in the content of education, the development of new technologies, and changes in the school model are taken into account.
The curriculum is formed on the basis of the educational educational program, taking into account the regional and school components, and a mandatory minimum of educational content.
The planning system includes the following types of plans:
    long-term work plan for the school for 3-5 years;
    school educational work plan (annual);
    graphic plan of organizational, methodological and extracurricular work;
    schedule of intra-school control (for a quarter);
    plans of public organizations, etc.
For the successful implementation of educational tasks at the school, the following positions have been introduced:
    Deputy Director for HR;
    deputy directors for water management;
    social teacher;
    class teachers;
    head of the library;
    GPA teachers;
    subject teachers.
The director, deputy director for HR, and deputy director for HR participate in administrative and management work. The main function of the school director is to coordinate the efforts of all participants in the educational process through the school’s Governing Council, Pedagogical Council, and Methodological Council.
Deputy directors primarily implement operational management of the educational process and carry out motivational, information-analytical, planning-prognostic and organizational-effective functions.
    The system of incentives and motivation for employees, its economic and non-economic components, assessment of their effectiveness.
In order to form flexible socio-economic approaches and ensure the implementation of the stimulating function of the NSOT, the wage fund (WF) teaching staff An institution is defined as consisting of a basic (FOTb) and stimulating (FOTst) parts. In this case, FOTb should be no more than 75% of the payroll, and FOTst should be no less than 25% of the payroll. If funds are available, a subsequent gradual change in the ratio of the base and stimulating parts to 65% and 35% is possible.
The incentive part of the wage fund provides incentives for teaching staff for labor efficiency and professional achievements that affect the high quality of the institution’s work and educational services in the dynamically changing conditions of modernization of the education system.
Taking into account quality when determining the performance of teaching staff is carried out on the basis of uniform criteria, indicators and procedures developed in the MBOU "Secondary School No. 52":
    results of current monitoring of the level of knowledge and skills of students;
    results of design, research, innovative work of the teacher;
    presentations scientific reports, portfolio;
    software and methodological developments; results;
    participation of students in district (city), regional and all-Russian events, effectiveness of participation, etc.
When determining the amount of incentive payments, it is recommended to take into account:
    successful and conscientious performance by the employee of his duties in the relevant period;
    initiative, creativity and application of modern forms and methods of work organization in work;
    performing assigned work related to ensuring the work process;
    participation in particularly important work and activities.
Performance bonuses are paid within the limits of available funds.
    Forms and methods of control practiced in the department and the organization as a whole, assessment of the degree of their impact on labor results.
In the practice of MBOU "Secondary School No. 52", the following forms of control can be distinguished (by frequency):
    input control(at the beginning of the academic year for the previous course);
    preventive control(before the final, tests, before exams in final grades, checking readiness for school for the new school year);
    current control(after studying the topic, the results of control of the educational institution for a quarter, half a year);
    intermediate control(end of year certification in transfer classes);
    final control(exams in final classes, school results for the year).
According to the method of organizing control over objects, six different forms of control are used:
    personal control: control over the work of one teacher from all aspects of educational activities (carried out during certification); control over the work of one teacher (class teacher) on a certain topic (productivity of teaching activities, the methodological level of the teacher as a whole or any aspect of his activity, for example, the level of requirements for students’ knowledge) or a specific student (gifted, “difficult”, etc. .);
    class-generalizing control: control over the activities of teachers, class teachers, educators who work in the same class (in one parallel), the level of knowledge, abilities and skills (cut), the work of various services in a given class, etc.;
    subject-general control: control over the formation of a system of knowledge, abilities and skills among students in a specific subject, studying issues of the sequence of teaching, etc. (for example, teachers working in the same subject from grades 5 to 11 are supervised); Teachers who teach one subject on a specific topic are subject to control (identifying problems, providing assistance);
    thematically generalizing control: control over the work of the teacher at each stage of education (for example, on the development of cognitive independence or the formation of the student’s personality as a whole);
    overview control: control over certain issues of educational activity in general (the state of school documentation, the state of labor discipline, the state of educational and technical base, the state of classrooms, the provision of students with educational literature);
    comprehensive general control: control over the state of issues in the complex in the parallel classes (level of knowledge and education of the parallel, the student, the quality of teaching in the parallel, the quality of the work of the class teachers in the parallel, etc.)
All of the above forms of control find their practical use in control methods.
The most effective control methods for studying the state of educational activities are:
    observation, closely watching something, study, explore;
    analysis, analysis with clarification of reasons, determination of development trends; a conversation, a business conversation on some topic with the participation of listeners, where they exchange thoughts;
    studying documentation, careful study for the purpose of familiarization, finding out something;
    questionnaire, method of research through questioning;
    timing, measuring the time spent on repetitive operations;
    oral or written knowledge test, test to determine the level of training.
All types of control culminate in the development of proposals to eliminate identified deficiencies. They are aimed at improving educational activities and correspond to the real capabilities of the Institution.
The objects of intra-school control are the following types of educational activities:
    educational work;
    methodological work;
    extracurricular educational work;
    experimental and research work.
    Principles for assessing the performance of employees, the main parameters by which the assessment is carried out.
One of the decisive indicators in the work of a teacher at MBOU “Secondary School No. 52” is the result of his pedagogical activity– the quality of students’ knowledge in the subject, their upbringing:
    stock of factual knowledge on the subject;
    ability to use acquired knowledge;
    understanding the essence of processes and phenomena in nature and society;
    degree of independence of students, ability to acquire knowledge;
    their attitude to work, behavior at school and outside of school, activity in socially useful work, their aesthetic and physical culture.
In order to determine the level of training and pedagogical excellence teachers are studied:
    teacher’s work to improve their qualifications;
    quality of lessons, extracurricular educational activities and educational activities;
    the teacher’s ability to provide an individual approach to students in the process of learning and education;
    working with parents and helping families raise children.
When assessing the professionalism and work of a teacher, it is also important to take into account his personal qualities.
    The degree of participation of the executor of the corresponding position in the procedure for preparing, making and implementing relevant decisions. Methods used for preparing solutions.
The structure of the management system of MBOU "Secondary School No. 52" is represented by four levels of management.
First level- school director appointed by the Founder; heads of the school council, student committee, public associations. This level determines the strategic directions of school development.
Second level- deputy school directors, school psychologist, social teacher responsible for organizing socially useful work, senior counselors, assistant school director for administrative and economic affairs, as well as bodies and associations participating in self-government.
Third level

Internship report - sampleit can be offered to an intern at the enterprise where he worked, although it is also possible that he will have to draw up the report on his own. However, in any case, the tips offered in this article may be useful for drafting.

What rules must be followed when preparing a report?

If at the enterprise where a person is undergoing an internship, drawing up such a report is common practice, then, most likely, the relevant local acts regarding the internship rules will be approved, as well as standard samples of documents related to its completion, including a sample report. In this case, the trainee will need to familiarize himself with the rules and simply write a report according to the provided sample.

For trainees who write their own report, it will be helpful to know that the following sections should be included:

Don't know your rights?

  1. Introduction. Describes here:
    • characteristics of the internship place;
    • job responsibilities that the intern had to perform;
    • goals of the internship.
  2. Main part. This section briefly describes the internship (what activities were planned, in what time frame they were completed) and its results.
  3. Conclusion. This part is used to write conclusions about the internship and recommendations for optimizing the company's work.

Why do you need an internship report?

Download the report form

An internship implies that the work process includes elements of training. A former student who does not yet have work experience may not immediately cope with the tasks assigned to him by the employer, but if you assign him a supervisor who will explain how to apply the knowledge acquired during training in practice, then everything will be greatly simplified. This situation also applies to employees who are transferred to a new job that requires slightly different skills and abilities than their previous job.

At the same time, the trainee is faced with the task of understanding job responsibilities as quickly as possible, mastering the rules and algorithms of work, and starting to work independently. Usually, after the internship, an exam is expected, during which the intern proves that he has learned the lessons learned, but in addition to this, a report on the internship may well be required.

For an employer, the internship report can serve as the basis for evaluating the intern’s performance at the enterprise. In addition, it may contain valuable advice from an outsider on how to improve the production process or its individual components.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten "Rosinka" Pionersky.

Teacher's report additional education Zhukova N.Yu.

(2012 – 2013 academic year)


Additional education teacher

Zhukova N.Yu.

May 2013

The work of the dance circle “Heel” is carried out according to the author’s program developed in 2007, review – 12/02/2008, reviewer: candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of theory and methodology preschool education Shadrinsky State pedagogical institute Zyryanova S.M.

Purpose of the program:

To instill interest in preschoolers in choreographic art.



  • Teach children dance moves.
  • To develop the ability to listen to music, understand its mood, character, and convey them through dance movements.
  • To form plasticity, a culture of movement, and their expressiveness.
  • Develop the ability to navigate in space.
  • Form the correct position of the body, arms, legs, head.


  • To develop children's activity, independence, and communication skills.
  • To form a general culture of the child’s personality, the ability to navigate modern society.
  • Form moral and aesthetic relationships between children and adults.
  • Creating an Atmosphere of Joy children's creativity in cooperation.


  • Develop children's creative abilities.
  • Develop an ear for music and a sense of rhythm.
  • Develop imagination and fantasy.


  • improving children's health.

To achieve the set goals, classes in the circle were held systematically, according to the schedule, twice a week for children in preparatory groups for school and for children in older groups. The number of classes has been reduced due to the absence of a teacher for a valid reason, the program has been implemented in full as a result of the integration of educational objectives and the implementation of individual work. In addition to group classes, there were individual sessions for these children, as well as middle-aged children (groups 5 and 6). Classes for middle-aged children were conducted according to the “SA - Phi - Dance” program, authors Zh.E. Firileva, E.G. Saikina. During the year, all assigned tasks were completed, the programs were fully implemented.

Over the course of a year of classes, the children learned program dance movements, learned to listen to music, understand its mood, character, convey them with dance movements, formed plasticity, a culture of movement, and their expressiveness; learned to navigate in space;formed the correct position of the body, arms, legs, head.

Over the course of the year, we fostered children’s activity, independence, and communication skills;formed the general culture of the child’s personality, the ability to navigate in modern society. Created an atmosphere of joy in children's creativity in collaboration.

At the beginning and end of the school year, diagnostic examinations of children were carried out:

Table 1

Monitoring the mastery of the program for senior groups

Level of mastery of material

Beginning of the year

The end of the year

Number of children

Program mastery level

Number of children

Program mastery level

Group No. 3

Total number of children

Low level

Average level

High level

Group No. 9

Total number of children

Low level

Average level


High level

Group No. 12

Total number of children

Low level

Average level

High level

General results

Amount of children

Low level

Average level

High level

This table shows that the level of mastery of the program for senior children during the 2012-2013 academic year increased by 24%.

table 2

Monitoring the mastery of the program of preparatory groups for school

Level of mastery of material

Beginning of the year

The end of the year

Number of children

Program mastery level

Number of children

Program mastery level

Group No. 7

Total number of children

Low level

Average level

High level

Group No. 8

Total number of children

Low level

Average level

High level

General results

Amount of children

Low level

Average level

High level

This table shows that the level of mastery of the program for children in preparatory groups for school during the 2012-2013 academic year increased by 44%.

Table 3

Overall results for the year

Level of mastery of material

Beginning of the year

The end of the year

Low level

Average level

High level

Amount of children

If we compare diagnostic examinations of children throughout the year, we can say that the level of learning of the material by the circle participants at the end of the year increased by 32%.

During the 2012–2013 academic year, the circle was attended by 55 people. In addition to classes for older children and school preparatory groups, individual classes were conducted for middle-level aunts - 16 people. The circle participants learned dance compositions and took part in many events kindergarten, as well as in village and district events.

Table 4

Participation in events


event title


Dance name



Competition program "Miss and Mrs. Autumn"

DC "Impulse"

"Evil Cloud"

Gr No. 12


Autumn holiday in group No. 3.9

d/s "Rosinka"

"Evil Cloud"

Gr No. 3.9


Autumn holiday in group No. 12

d/s "Rosinka"

"Evil Cloud"

Gr No. 12


Qualifying round for the regional reading competition “Blue Bird”

DC "Impulse"

"Holy Woman Fire"

Gr No. 12


Festival of children's creativity "Santa Claus is looking for talents"

DC "Impulse"

"Evil Cloud"

Gr No. 12


New Year's party

d/s "Rosinka"

"Dance of the Sorceresses"

Gr No. 7


New Year's party

d/s "Rosinka"


Gr. No. 9


New Year's party

d/s "Rosinka"

"Dance of the Sorceresses"

Gr No. 8


New Year's party

d/s "Rosinka"


Gr No. 12


New Year's party

d/s "Rosinka"


Gr No. 3


d/s "Rosinka"

"Spring Waltz"

Gr No. 12


Matinee dedicated to International Women's Day

d/s "Rosinka"

"Beauty Queens"

Gr No. 7


Matinee dedicated to International Women's Day

d/s "Rosinka"

"Cook the porridge"

Gr No. 3


Matinee dedicated to International Women's Day

d/s "Rosinka"


Gr No. 9


Concert “For all women”

DC "Impulse"

"Spring Waltz"

Gr No. 12


Festival of choreographic groups “Dance of the Soul”

Winner diploma

P. Alyabyevsky

House of Culture "Avangard"

"Spring Waltz"

"Cook the porridge"


"My Chickens"

Gr No. 3,

Gr No. 9,

Gr No. 12,

Gr No. 5,6


Festival-competition of children's creativity "At Cinderella's Bolu" Nyagan

1st degree laureates

G. Nyagan

"At the Well"

Gr No. 7


Qualifying round for the regional children's creativity competition "Vesnushka"

DC "Impulse"

"Spring Waltz"

"Cook the porridge"


"My Chickens"

"At the Well"


Gala concert of the II regional competition of children's creativity "Freckles"

Diploma 2nd degree


"At the Well"

Gr No. 7


Report concert of the dance circle “Heel”

"At the playground"

DC "Impulse"

"Spring Waltz"

"Cook the porridge"


"My Chickens"

"At the Well"

"Surprise for Mom"


"Sleepy Dwarfs"


"Evil Cloud"


"It's fun to walk together"

Gr No. 7

Gr No. 3,

Gr No. 9,

Gr No. 12,

Gr No. 5,6

Gr No. 8

The result of activities for 2012 – 2013 academic year is participation in competitions and festivals:

1 correspondence international competition choreographic groups “In the power of dance” - 2nd degree diploma, Grand Prix.

Festival of choreographic groups “Dance of the Soul”, Alyabyevsky - winner’s diploma,

13th open city festival - children's creativity competition "At Cinderella's Ball" - 1st degree laureates,

2nd regional festival of children's creativity “Vesnushka”, Sovetsky - 2nd degree diploma.

I would also like to note that most children show big interest and love for the art of dance, they practice with desire, which naturally increases their performance at the end of the year.

During the year, work was carried out with parents, this parent meetings, conversations, consultations. An information stand was set up for parents, where parents received advice and learned about the life of the circle. Parents accepted Active participation in the life of the circle, provided assistance in sewing costumes, helped in organizing trips to outdoor concerts and festivals. A means of presenting information to parents and disseminating experience is the creation of a website for the dance circle “Kabluchok” and a personal website for additional education teacher – choreographer N.Yu. Zhukova.

Result of methodological work:

The program of the dance club "Heel" was presented at the regional competition of author's educational programs additional education for children - 2nd degree diploma.

Participation in District open stage All-Russian competition cultural, educational, social and educational, information and media projects “Family is the foundation of the state”, where she presented the project “Visiting Grandmother”.

Speech at the regional permanent seminar of deputy heads of educational and methodological work with the presentation of the program of the dance club “Heel” - decision: to approve and distribute the program among the teachers of the Sovetsky district of the preschool educational institution.

Speech at pedagogical council No. 4, topic “Use of the regional component in the development of preschool children,” where dance sketches based on the material of Khanty dances were shown.

Based on the above, we can conclude -

To achieve the best results in classes in a dance club, it is necessary to select children according to their dance abilities, taking into account the desires of the children and their parents. Classes must be systematic, training consistent. In addition, work on your self-education, improve your teaching skills.

20.05 2013. PDO Zhukova N.Yu.



on pedagogical practice

Introduction. 3

  1. Organization of the educational process. 4

Information about the school. 4

Characteristics of extracurricular activities educational work schools.. 6

Education and upbringing in secondary education, grades 5-9.. 7

  1. Psychological and pedagogical features of the educational team 11
  2. Carrying out various forms educational activities. 12

Conclusion. 13

List of sources used. 15

Appendix 1. Scenario extracurricular activity. 15

Appendix 2. Lesson notes. 16


The teaching practice took place on the basis of the Lyceum No. 3 from September 4 to October 13, 2012. The director of the lyceum was Ignatieva T.A. The head of practice from the educational institution was Ishteryakova R.Kh. - chemistry teacher of the highest qualification category, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.

I was given the following tasks:

Cultivate in yourself love and respect for the teaching profession;

Get involved in direct practical activities, develop professional skills necessary for the successful implementation of educational work, mastering modern technologies training and education;

To establish and strengthen the connection between the theoretical knowledge I acquired while studying psychological, pedagogical and special disciplines with practice;

Acquainted with current state educational process in an educational institution, with advanced pedagogical experience, provide assistance in solving the problems of teaching and educating students;

Study the individual and age characteristics of students;

Develop a creative, research approach to teaching activities, acquire the skill of analyzing the results of your work, create a need for self-education and scientific and pedagogical activities;

Learn to draw up lesson plans and notes, and independently engage in calendar and thematic planning.

The main goal of teaching practice was to master the basic functions of a teacher’s pedagogical activity, the formation and development of pedagogical competence, and the formation of professional qualities of a teacher’s personality.

The main functions of a teacher’s pedagogical activity are the following: constructive, mobilization, organizational, communicative, informational, orientation, developmental and research.

1. Organization of the educational process

Information about the school

Municipal secondary education state-financed organization“Lyceum No. 3” is registered at the legal address: Lyceum No. 3 is the first general education institution in the city to begin operating in an experimental mode. The lyceum was opened on the basis of secondary school No. 43, founded in 1977. Since September 1991, the school team began working on an experimental program differentiated learning, the school became experimental. From 09/12/95 - received the official status of “School - Lyceum No. 43”, from 09/15/97. is MOBU "Lyceum No. 3".

Lyceum No. 3 is the sociocultural center of the microdistrict, surrounded by 4 kindergartens, 3 home clubs, and a station young technicians, law and architecture faculties, House of Culture "Russia", sports complex "Progress", swimming pool "Penguin", puppet theater "Pierrot", equestrian center, hospital named after Pirogov, chess club "Rook", cinema "Falcon". The lyceum, actively using the entire infrastructure of the microdistrict, creates conditions for the formation of an intellectual, competitive and creative personality.

Lyceum No. 3 - innovative, competitive, higher level an institution implementing the principle of lifelong education.

Lyceum No. 3 is a single community of teachers, students, parents and graduates, with established traditions, a high professional image, a developed corporate culture, its own symbols, attributes and rituals.

Lyceum No. 3 is a school with many years of established and productive cooperation with universities in the city. The educational activities of the lyceum are closely related to higher education educational institutions cities: 6 Doctors of Science and 28 Candidates of Science cooperate with the Lyceum.

Lyceum No. 3 - twice Laureate of the All-Russian competition of educational systems (2000, 2006). The educational work of the lyceum is carried out according to the “Create Ourselves” program. The work of the associations is organized by: “Intellect”, “Fatherland”, “Beauty”, “Health”, “Nature”, “Labor” and “Home”, which have their own structure. Traditions are an integral part of the educational process of the Lyceum.

Lyceum No. 3 - school house led by children's student self-government bodies. The lyceum employs: the children's patriotic association "Rodimtsevets", children's self-government bodies: "Alternative Administration", "Leader", "SHKID", the organization of whose activities is based on the KTD methodology.

Lyceum No. 3 is a special educational environment formed as a result of the integration of basic and additional education. On the basis of the lyceum, more than 30 clubs have been opened from DTiM, STDT Industrial District, CDT Dzerzhinsky District, the Slavs Center, Youth Sports School, Tourism and Local History Station.

Lyceum No. 3 is the first lyceum in the city to implement a specialized education program depending on the needs of students and parents. Since 1991, the profiles of the lyceum have been formed depending on the social order. At the moment, training is conducted in four areas: physico-mathematical, socio-economic, chemical and biological.

Lyceum No. 3 is the launching pad for students’ research work. 60% of students in grades 9-11 are engaged in this area. The lyceum held 14 scientific and practical conferences, in which 4,150 students took part, 1,150 wrote scientific works, of which: 57 students became Laureates of city conferences; 135 students received diplomas from regional and city scientific and practical conferences; 32 people - Laureates of All-Russian conferences; 162 people - Laureates of the Obninsk Scientific and Practical Conference; 15 people - Laureates of personal awards for achievements in various areas; 21 people - Laureates of the All-Russian open competition “First Steps”; 10 people are winners of the city conference “Fatherland”, 2 students were awarded the Galois medal and one student is the owner of 3 certificates for invention.

Lyceum No. 3 is an innovative, experimental urban platform. The lyceum is an innovative platform for pre-profile and specialized education at the municipal level; a methodological platform for teachers of biology, chemistry, psychology and life safety in the city; resource center innovative technologies, the basis for student internship in departments of the city’s universities. The lyceum implements 34 proprietary programs; There is an experimental creative studio of fine arts “Fairy Tales in Colors”.

Lyceum No. 3 - “People's Lyceum”. Children from the microdistrict, who make up 60% of the student population, study at the lyceum without competitive selection. The lyceum is located in a residential area of ​​the city with an aging population. The microdistrict is experiencing a situation of serious demographic decline, but despite this there is no sharp decline in the number of students.

There are 890 students in Lyceum No. 3. In terms of the number of students, this educational institution ranks second in the Northern District of the city.

Lyceum No. 3 is a highly qualified, creative teaching staff.

Currently there are teachers working at the lyceum highest category, 4 Honored Teachers, 5 Honorary Workers of General Education, Public Education, 14 teachers are Grant holders within the framework of the implementation of the national project “Education”, Grant laureates of the governor and mayor of the city, “Best Woman of the Year - 2009” - E.I. Chernova, E.N. Kirillova, Deputy Director for Education and Resource Management. - Person of the Year 2011, winner in the “Hero of Our Time” nomination (2011), winner of the regional project competition “Raising Patriots of Russia” (2009), mathematics teacher S.V. Kolesnikova. - II place in the XIII professional skills competition “City Teacher 2009”, geography teacher Ilyina N.I. - Laureate of the regional administration award (2005), the best teacher of the city (2010), Prize-winner of the regional competition of the Ministry of Education of the region for the best environmental teacher (2010), twice winner of PNPO. 18 teachers who trained the winners of the All-Russian Youth Championship in different subjects(2009-2011). Lyceum No. 3 is the first general education institution in the city to begin operating in an experimental mode.

Characteristics of extracurricular educational work of the school

Target educational system Lyceum: the creation of a single educational space as a condition for a person to assign universal human values, the development of his spiritual, moral and intellectual potential, and the satisfaction of the need for self-realization.

In accordance with the goal, we identified tasks:

  1. Development of a school humanistic education system, where the main criterion is the development of the child’s personality;
  2. Coordination of activities and interaction of all parts of the system: basic and additional education; lyceum and society; lyceum and family;
  3. Further development and improvement of the system of additional education at the lyceum, creation of blocks of additional education;
  4. Development of forms student government;
  5. Using all possible means to instill in students a common culture and respect for the values ​​of a democratic society;
  6. Mastering and using new pedagogical technologies and methods of educational work in practical activities;
  7. Maintaining and strengthening school traditions that contribute to the unity of the school community and decorate its life.

Education and upbringing in secondary education, grades 5-9

The purpose of the educational system: creation of a single educational space as a condition for a person to assign universal human values, development of his spiritual, moral and intellectual potential, satisfaction of the need for self-realization.

Stage goal: to educate a team member who is ready for professional self-determination.

Goal of the work class teacher: creating the most favorable conditions for the disclosure and development of the abilities of each individual, through the team.

The tasks facing the class teacher to implement the student’s goals:

  1. Providing assistance in overcoming the difficulties of adolescence that require special pedagogical attention and support.
  2. Assisting teenagers in expanding their range of interests and responsibility for the final results of any activity.
  3. Creating conditions for the development of children's creative and intellectual abilities.
  4. Creating conditions to maintain stable health of students.
  5. Formation of student independence, expanding opportunities for the development of labor, artistic and aesthetic skills.

Throughout the academic year, MOBU “Lyceum No. 3” hosts a huge number of various events aimed at the comprehensive development of students. Each month of the academic year passes under a certain slogan. Activities are carried out in the following areas: sports and recreational, scientific and educational, artistic and aesthetic, military-patriotic, tourism and local history. Every month work is carried out with parents of students, , , methodological activity and administrative control.

September: “It all starts with the school bell”

October: “It’s an honor to be a lyceum student”

November: “Vivat, science!”

December: "In winter's tale winter invited"

January: “Our health is in our hands”

February: “Remember to Live”

March: “In alliance with beauty”

April: " Alive soul nature"

May: “So we have become a year older”




"It all starts with the school bell"

Sports and recreation

Sports festival “Golden Autumn” 2-8 grades.

Presidential games 1-11 grades.

Cross nations 7-11 grades

Carrying out the month “Beware of children” 1-11 grades

Scientific and educational

Familiarization of students with the rules of conduct for students and the Charter of the school for grades 1-11

Carrying out cool hours and lessons dedicated to the Day of Knowledge 1-11 grades

Operation "Universal Education" grades 1-11

Artistic and aesthetic

Conducting a line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge for grades 1-11

Celebration of Initiation into first graders

Conducting Operation “The World of Your Hobbies”, enrollment in clubs and sections for grades 1-11


Ceremonial meeting of DPO grades 5-11

Military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa” 9-11 grades (as part of a communal gathering)

Creation of the Zarnitsa headquarters

Development and delivery of search tasks by class

Socially useful (production) activities

Organization of school duty

School-wide cleanup

Tourism and local history

Making crafts and natural materials 5-8 grades

Autumn excursions

Working with parents

Diagnostics of families of first-graders, families of newly arrived students in grades 1-11

Drawing up a school social passport

Operation Teen

Raid "Microdistrict"

Raid “Financial situation of large families”

Parental comprehensive education “The role of the family in raising children”

Elections of parent activists to the lyceum council

Individual consultations for parents

Working with student government bodies

Elections of student government bodies 1-11 grades

Planning the work of student self-government bodies 1-11 grades

Creative study of active high school students “Communar gathering” 9-11 grades

Creative education for middle-level activists 5-8 grades

Decor cool corners 1-11 grades

Analytical and diagnostic activities

Diagnostics of the level of education of schoolchildren 1-11 grades

Studying difficulties in the work of a class teacher

Psychological and pedagogical observation of first-graders, fifth-graders, ninth-graders

Identifying Problem Students

Conducting the August teachers' meeting

Conducting educational training for class teachers

Programs and thematic planning(pdo), group recruitment

“It’s an honor to be a lyceum student”

Sports and recreation

Lyceum Football Championship "Leather Ball" 5-11 grades

Sports and recreational festival for schoolchildren “Presidential Competitions” grades 1-11

Presidential all-around 5-9 grades

Scientific and educational

Preparation for school CPD

Artistic and aesthetic

Teacher's Day

Lyceum student's day

Visiting theaters, museums, exhibitions

Crime Prevention Month

Legal clinic


Older Person's Day

Operation Veteran

Operation “Appreciate, Honor, Respect”

Participation in the district military-patriotic competition “Zarnitsa”, fire training

Socially useful (production) activities

School cleaning work

School-wide cleanup

Operation "COMFORT" to improve classrooms

Tourism and local history

Photography competition about nature 7th grade.

Working with parents

Raid on the microdistrict “The problem of free time for at-risk students and low-achieving children”

Parental comprehensive education “Father and mother are the first educators”

Classroom parent meetings

Working with student government bodies

Training for heads of student self-government bodies on the topic “Planning”

Release of the school newspaper “How We Live” 5th grade.

Analytical and diagnostic activities

Student employment outside of class hours

Studying the socialization of a student’s personality

Methodological activities, administrative control

Conducting a seminar for aspiring classroom teachers on providing methodological assistance in conducting educational work in the classroom

Studying the activities of class teachers: 5th (10th) grades on student adaptation; 9th, 11th grades - according to career guidance for graduates

2. Psychological and pedagogical features of the educational team


for 9B grade

MOBU "Lyceum No. 3"

There are 29 students in grade 9B, of which 17 are girls and 12 are boys. Age 14-15 years. There are four children from single-parent families in the class (Aushev Konstantin, Gryaznov Alexander, Zhukov Artyom, Yudin Alexander). All students from the class of 1996-1997. birth which certainly has great importance on their relationship. There are no children in the class with chronic diseases; all students belong to the main health group. None of the students are contraindicated in physical education or work loads. All these circumstances indicate that the class leads an active lifestyle; students always set goals for themselves, which they certainly achieve.

The children have great respect for all teachers without exception, but especially the students listen to the opinion of their history teacher and class teacher Dorontsova I.P. She is always ready to help children in solving various issues, not only academic, but also related to life outside of school. Observing their relationship, it is clear that the teacher and, especially, the students value this friendship.

There is an asset in the class. Children take an active part in school-wide events. They love competitions and sporting events. Students are calm by nature. Overall the class is friendly. During the first academic quarter there was no case of violation of the general school routine in the class. There are no students in the class who are under internal school supervision.

3. Conducting various forms of educational activities

During teaching practice, an extracurricular event “Chemical Brain Ring” was held (Appendix 1).

The extracurricular event “Chemical Brain Ring” was held at the Lyceum No. 3 between grades 9A and 9B, by students of the 08-Chem group of the Faculty of Chemical Biology Kolesnikova G.I., Sukhorukova A.V., Sharygina K.R., Shmoilov A.S. October 13, 2012.

The goals of the extracurricular activity were as follows:

  1. Generalization of knowledge acquired in 8th grade;
  2. Development of cognitive interests, creativity, reaction speed, logical thinking of students;
  3. Developing the ability to work in a team, discipline, attentiveness, responsible attitude towards oneself and others, respect for each other, tolerance, the ability to listen to the opinions of others.

When preparing for the brain-ring, the level of knowledge of students, their inclination to a team form of interaction and the need to promote safety precautions were taken into account.

The extracurricular activity was held in assembly hall school in the seventh lesson (from 13.40 to 14.20) in the form intellectual game. From the classes, 4 teams of 8 people were selected (“Halogens”, “Chalcogens”, “Metals” and “Non-metals”), from the remaining students 2 teams were formed to complete the creative task (“Theorists” and “Experimenters”). Each team had a captain chosen and given a signal flag.

Under the guidance of the presenters, the teams completed tasks on knowledge of chemistry, erudition and logic. Team captains were given the right to answer questions in competitions. For each correct answer, points were awarded (in the form of stars, which were attached to whatman paper). During the intellectual competition, the “Theorists” and “Experimenters” teams were engaged in preparing victims of acid, alkali, curiosity and explosion from the presented means (colored paper, Whatman paper, colored pencils and felt-tip pens, scissors, tape, glue, toilet paper). At the end of the brain ring, they presented the “Parade of Victims” to the judge of a chemistry teacher of the highest qualification category, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation R.Kh. Ishteryakova. Each victim was rated on a five-point scale.

The points earned at the end of the tournament were summed up for each class. The team captains were awarded certificates and sweet prizes in the form of candies.

The teams worked harmoniously. The students completed the tasks with pleasure and actively discussed the decisions made. All the guys strived for victory and did not violate discipline.

The event was carried out successfully, there were no deviations from the script. The set goals were achieved, the students were satisfied. The event allowed students to independently teach each other safety techniques and compliance, and allowed them to activate the knowledge they acquired in the 8th grade.

D e P A R T A m e n T O b R A h O V A n And I G O R O d A M O With To V s

North-Eastern District Education Department

State BUDGET educational

establishment of the CITY OF MOSCOW







The internship was carried out as part of a professional development program for teachers of art disciplines in schools and institutions of secondary vocational and additional education in Moscow in the specialty “Monumental and Decorative Art”.

Purpose of the internship:- expanding the knowledge of teachers of schools and institutions of secondary vocational and additional education in the field of monumental and decorative art and its role in educational process; - familiarization with monumental painting, sculpture, art glass, lace making and the use of acquired knowledge in educational programs; - disclosure of technologies and determination of the minimum material base, on the basis of which the teaching of various disciplines of monumental and decorative art can be carried out; - conducting a practical lesson on the manufacture of decorative products.

Internship location:- MGHPA im. Stroganov; - Ca Foscari University and the CSAR Center for the Study of Russian Culture in Venice.

Results of the internship The internship period was divided into three cycles. First cycle – introductory, intended to improve the quality of teaching and teachers’ interest in studying the history of monumental and decorative art. Lectures were given for 8 hours on the following topics: - “The tradition of reading Venetian glass and modernity”, teacher - candidate of art history, corresponding member Russian Academy Arts, Honored Artist of Russia, Professor; - “Venice in European and Russian culture”, teacher – candidate of art history, head of the department of art history, professor; - “Venetian silk fabrics and lace”, teacher – candidate of art history; - “Venetian painting”, teacher – candidate of art history. Following the results of each lecture, practical classes were conducted to consolidate the lecture material, aimed at developing the skills and abilities necessary for teaching the disciplines of monumental and decorative art in secondary schools and institutions of additional education. The master class “Technology for making decorative products and jewelry: simple equipment and techniques” introduced the basics of creating glass products and jewelry. The internship participants visited the university’s workshops, where techniques for working with glass were demonstrated. Independent work in an art glass workshop under the guidance of professor and laboratory assistant Ekaterina Semyonova allowed me to master the skills of making decorative glass jewelry. The computer presentation by E. Semyonova made it possible to navigate the variety of techniques and methods of working with glass using the sintering technique and simplified the task of creating sketches of future products that needed to be made independently. The creative task was so captivating that we even conducted several experiments on glass sintering with various types additives (soda, mica, silver and gold foil, copper wire and copper plates). Second cycle – the main one, took place from October 15 to October 21, 2013 at the Ca Foscari University and the Center for the Study of Russian Culture CSAR, workshops, museums and monuments of the Venetian region. Lectures and seminars were held under the guidance of Professor of the University of Ca Foscari Mateo Bartele, Professor of the CSAR Burini Center, Professors of the MGHPA named after. Stroganov and. In fact, I have already been to Venice, but only for one day and as a tourist. Despite my advanced age, I really love to study. And this is an opportunity to study the history of art not from pictures and the Internet, but specifically from the places where masterpieces were created. My favorite artist is Leonardo da Vinci. While visiting the art gallery of the Academy of Arts, I was lucky enough to see not only the masters of the Venetian school - Gentile Bellini and Vittorio Carpaccio, Tintoretto, Titian, Veronese, but also to see the works of Leonardo da Vinci. A visit to the Scuola of San Rocco left an indelible impression. Scale paintings Tintoretto is amazing. The rich decorative decoration of the walls, ceilings and floors is mesmerizing. The attitude of Italians towards their heritage is very surprising. On the first floor of the scuola, huge canvases made in the style of modern abstractionism were suspended from the ceiling. The Cathedral of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari amazed me with its scale and beauty. During excursions we were often told about the loyalty of the Venetians to religion. And the local boys playing football, with the walls of the cathedral serving as the goal, plunged me into a state of shock. But not a single person who was in the square at that moment even made a remark to them. I took a few photos with the intention of teaching a class on “Our Heritage.” A highlight was a visit to the island of Murano. The workshop for the production of glass products shocked us with the scale of the products produced, not only in terms of their size, but also especially with their craftsmanship and uniqueness. But the Murano Glass Museum turned out to be quite modest. Thanks to the professor for the impromptu tour of the museum’s halls. In Russia, glass products are not in great demand, but thanks to new knowledge about production, I gained respect for the work of glass artists. And I began to look at many products in souvenir shops with different eyes. Unfortunately, traditional crafts are disappearing all over the world. Buranovsky lace is no exception. The island of Burano itself appeared before me like an illustration from a children's book - small colorful houses, cozy courtyards, windows with flowering plants. But lace making, which flourished for many centuries, is becoming a thing of the past. The lace making school was closed back in 1970. We saw the last students in the form of sweet old ladies weaving lace in the Museum of the History of Lace. As a teacher, I was especially interested in learning how the learning process goes at the Academy of Painting fine arts. Neomodernism did not bypass even such a reputable institution. The painting workshops shocked me. Students draw portraits from photographs; landscapes have nothing to do with realism. In order not to spread myself too thin, I will express only one opinion - I would not study there. I would especially like to thank the professor for the opportunity to visit the 15th century palace. At the moment, the palace belongs to the designer Francesco Moloni. Firstly, the building itself is unique - its restoration took more than 20 years, secondly, the interiors of the 16th-17th centuries are recreated in the rooms, thirdly, a collection of antique furniture from all parts of the world. And most importantly, the palace manager allowed us to touch everything, look at it, climb into secret corners, but we were not allowed to take photographs. Third cycle – final, assumed independent work on preparing for the colloquium and writing a report on the results of the internship. At the colloquium, it was necessary to demonstrate knowledge of the history and fundamentals of the technology for creating monumental sculpture, architectural decoration, monumental painting, the fundamentals of the technology for creating silk and precious fabrics, lace-making, glassware, the ability to distinguish the most important styles and schools in the field of arts and crafts.

The effectiveness of the internship. When planning work for the 2013-2014 academic year, I envisaged projects for students in grades 3 and 10. The projects were related to the history and art of Venice. Therefore, this internship could not have come at a better time. Firstly, despite the theoretical training, lectures and seminars, as well as the visual perception of architectural and artistic monuments, helped me become more familiar with the Venetian heritage, make changes in my creative and educational plans. Secondly, I was able to collect more visual material for projects and attend a master class by the artist Stefan on making and decorating Venetian masks. Thirdly, visiting the Academy of Painting and printmaking workshops inspired me to create a series of graphic works using the linocut technique. Fourthly, the work in the art glass workshop inspired the idea of ​​holding a master class for students. Thus, the acquired knowledge and skills will be embodied in my activities as an educational and artistic paper project “How a Chinese cat saved the Venetian carnival” for 3rd grade students (26 people). The project involves the production of masks, costumes, and decorations. 2 - Project and research activity “Venetian Mask and Comedy Del Arte” for 10th grade students (2 people). 3- Visit to the art glass workshop of the Moscow State Art Academy named after. Stroganov by 7th grade students (27 people). 4 - The personal experience gained in working in the graphic technique of printmaking - linocut, will allow you to conduct a master class for parallel seventh grade technology lessons (approximately 60 people).