Class hour on the topic "March 8 - International Women's Day." "March 8. History of the holiday Class hour for March 8


Nurturing the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, a sense of respect for girls and women;

Activation of cultural and leisure activities of adolescents.


for the first part - “The most charming and attractive” ( competitive program): tokens for determining the winners, audio recordings of songs about women, about love, about flowers.

For the second part - “Rural bachelorette party” (humorous competition program): rubber gloves, curlers, decorative cosmetics, wigs, scarves, jewelry, women's clothing, shoes.

Preliminary work:

Several girls who wish to participate in the competition are selected in advance (7-8 people). The program is led by two presenters. For the second part (secretly from the girls), a group of 5-7 guys is preparing, who wish to dress up as girls and take part in “female” mini-competitions. Groups of boys and girls should know the script, but not the competitions. A group of “prop masters” prepares everything necessary for the competitions.

It is advisable to invite mothers of students to the show. Those invited will be members of the jury.

Class progress

1st presenter:

The month of March, like a schoolboy, skipping

He rushed towards us, so mischievous.

Get out the bouquets, boys,

Congratulations to your classmates on spring!

Where there are flowers, the frosts will recede,

So that the stream rings with drops.

Don't forget to add mimosas

In the morning to the teacher's desk.

The trees have exposed their crowns,

Forgetting my snowy dreams,

Flowers are appearing everywhere

Telegrams, postcards, greetings, -

March is approaching its eighth day.

So, boys, give bouquets,

Happy spring, girls!

2nd presenter: This is how it has become in our lives - to celebrate all the red days of the calendar.

Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate a special day - the Spring Festival, the Women's Day, the Girls' Day. In a word - International Women's Day on March 8th.

1st presenter: International Women's Day is celebrated at the beginning of the first month of spring, when the sun begins to warm the earth, and snowdrops bloom in forest thawed areas when rooks arrive. But for it to become such a holiday, women all over the world fought long and hard for their rights.

In 1910, in the small country of Denmark, in the city of Copenhagen, revolutionary women gathered. And already in 1913, International Women's Day was celebrated in Russia for the first time. It was held in St. Petersburg under the guise of a scientific conference.

2nd presenter: Many years later. Now we openly and solemnly celebrate women every year.

But today we have gathered in this cozy hall to hold the show competition “The Most Charming and Attractive”.

And first we listen to the questions... and get tokens for the correct answers (the girls answer).


1. What did Cinderella lose at the Prince’s ball? (Glass slipper)

2. Name a Russian poet who dedicated a large number of lines to a Russian woman. (N.A. Nekrasov)

3. Who owns these wonderful lines:

You alone are my help and joy,

You alone are an unspeakable light to me.

(S.A. Yesenin. “Letter to Mother”)

4. What flowers have human names? (rose, cornflower, Ivan da Marya)

5. Who on our stage sang a song in which there are the words: Having parted, you and I

Let's save our love.

From difficult conversations and grievances.

(Irina Allegrova and Igor Krutoy. “An Unfinished Novel”)

6. What was the name of the Frog Princess? (Vasilisa the Beautiful)

7. Name vegetables whose tubers and roots are edible. (Potatoes, turnips, radishes, carrots, beets, radishes, onions, garlic)

Not renounce loving,

After all, life does not end tomorrow...

(Veronica Tushnova)

9. What liquids in bottles can be bought in perfume stores? (Cologne, perfume, lotion, shampoo, eau de toilette)

10. Who loved Little Red Riding Hood the most? (Grandmother)

11. To which poet do these lines belong:

I can not live without you!

I feel dry even in the rain without you,

I feel cold even in the heat without you,

Without you, Moscow is a wilderness for me

Every hour without you is like a year.

(Nikolai Aseev. “Simple lines”)

12. How to cook delicious porridge without oil? (Joke: with great love)

13. Name fairy tales whose titles contain women's names. (C. Perrault. “Cinderella”, H.-H. Andersen. “Thumbelina”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, L. Carroll. “The Adventures of Alice”, A. Lindgren. “Pippi Longstocking”, W. Shakespeare . "Romeo and Juliet")

14. Who sang a song on our stage that contains the words:

I live without you

Like in a dream.

I'm burning without you

Like on fire.

Please write

News to me

At least write a line.

(Tanya Bulanova. “Write to me”)

15. Who owns the words: “Don’t eat with your hands, there are spoons and forks for that”? (Malvina. “Golden Key”)

I carried my misfortune

On spring ice.

The ice broke, the soul broke.

I went under the water like a stone,

And the trouble, although severe,

And the sharp edges lingered.

(Vladimir Vysotsky “Trouble”)

17. Which hand is better to stir tea? (Better with a spoon)

18. Name the poetess who wrote these lines:

One hundred hours of happiness...

Is this not enough?

I washed it like golden sand,

collected lovingly, tirelessly,

bit by bit, bit by bit,

created it from fog and smoke,

received gifts from every star and birch tree...

(Veronica Tushnova)

The jury determines the winning girls and gives them tokens.

1st presenter: I ask all the girls who have our holiday tokens in their hands to come out here.

(Music plays, girls leave the hall.)

2nd presenter: During these pre-holiday days, a lot is said about beauty, tenderness, and kindness. But the trouble is, all this was said by someone. But you can tell a lot too. Show what you are capable of. And we offer you several competitions.

Competition one: “Gesture of greeting”

1st presenter: All over the world, when meeting, it is customary to say hello: shake hands, take off your hat, rub noses - whatever gestures residents come up with different countries to greet each other.

Think about how the savages from:

- the warlike Yoho-cho tribe;

- the rich Shuko-Tu tribe;

— the hospitable Sese-ki tribe;

- the poor tribe of Lyulyu-am;

- the peace-loving Tura-bu tribe;

- the greedy yum-yum tribe;

- the ever-hungry Ju-Zhu tribe;

- a very fat fat-fat tribe.

Competition two: “Unusual singing”

2nd presenter: Everyone knows how to sing correctly. But sometimes it’s not interesting to sing like that.

Try to sing the song “Little Country” (from the repertoire of Natasha Koroleva), but at the same time hold your nose with your fingers.

Competition three: “More emotional than hands”

2nd presenter: Unlike animals and robots, humans are very emotional creatures. Usually all our emotions are “written on our faces.” The ability of the human face to convey different emotional states called facial expressions. But emotions can be demonstrated not only by facial expressions, they can be shown by hands.

Try, using only your hands, to depict: anger, joy, fear, sadness, hunger, hostility.

The jury announces the results of previous competitions.

Competition Four: “Strange People”

1st presenter: On one planet in the constellation Orion, all people did work with one hand.

Show how people from a distant planet would perform some actions common to earthlings. And to do this, you need to peel a boiled egg with one hand, spread butter on a piece of bread, cut cheese for sandwiches, and grate carrots.

(Whoever fails to complete the task is eliminated from the competition program.)

Competition fifth: “Color”

2nd presenter: The human eye is capable of distinguishing tens, hundreds and thousands of shades different colors. Every color shade known to man, has its own name. One has only to pronounce this name, and those around them understand what color we are talking about. But what if a person suddenly loses speech? In this case, he is forced to resort to facial expressions and gestures.

Try using the art of pantomime to depict colors: white, yellow, red, green, black.

Competition Six: “Congratulations”

1st presenter: The essence of this competition is that quickly, without preparation, you can congratulate everyone present in this room on the upcoming holiday! You can read a poem, sing a song, make a toast. So...

(Whoever failed or turned out to be the worst, in the opinion of the jury, is eliminated from the competition program).

Competition seventh: “Cinderella Dancing”

2nd presenter: Cinderella always loved to dance. But she never had free time for this. Therefore, Cinderella had to dance while she was doing housework.

Show how Cinderella danced at the moment when she was ironing clothes, watering flowers, beating out the carpet, washing dishes, wiping dust.

The jury consults about the winner of this stage of the competition program.

1st presenter: So, our kennel is ending. In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results, let us once again honor our participants and all the ladies present. And for this I will ask the bravest man to come out here...

(At this time, a loud knock and roar are heard, indignant voices are heard: “What is this, they forgot about us!”)

Young men appear in the hall, dressed as women, some in a robe, a headscarf, some in a wig, and some with a fan.

1st presenter: Who are you? Maybe we actually forgot about someone? After all, we have a large team.

(A paper airplane with an anonymous message lands smoothly near the presenters: “You thought you ran away from the young men? And the young men are already in the hall! Signature: Well-wisher”)

1st presenter: It can’t be! We decided to do without guys and invited only girls and women.

2nd presenter: Wait a minute. Don't the new girls arouse your suspicions? Let's do some testing.

(He proposes to organize two teams. One of them is guys in disguise, and the other is girls participating in the competition.)

First competition

1st presenter: All women are excellent housewives and spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Even with their eyes closed, they are perfectly oriented in their possessions.

2nd presenter: Our first competition is for good housewives: blindfolded, you have to determine what is in the saucer.

(Pour sugar, salt, millet, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley into a saucer.)

Second competition

1st presenter: Times are difficult now, in the village you cannot do without a cow.

2nd presenter: Let's see how our participants know how to milk a cow.

(In the role of a cow - a glove filled with water. Make small holes on the fingers. Who will “milk” more?)

Third competition

1st presenter: Farming is farming, but you shouldn’t forget about yourself. A woman should always be beautiful, mysterious, charming.

2nd presenter: Hairstyle plays an important role in this. Representatives of which team will curl the curlers faster and more accurately?

Fourth competition

1st presenter: This hairstyle requires appropriate makeup.

2nd presenter: The task for the participants of the next competition is to apply evening makeup.

Choose your assistants from your team - and get to work!

(In this competition, participants need to show their imagination, not forgetting that the competition is humorous.)

While the participants are preparing, a music competition is held for the most fun ditty.

The painted participants come out.

They are invited to walk like fashion models.

At the same time, for young men, you need to prepare high-heeled shoes in advance; the higher, the funnier.

Fifth competition

1st presenter: Life sometimes puts us in the most unimaginable situations, and we somehow have to cope with them.

How would you behave in the following circumstances:

1. At a party you notice the guy of your dreams. How will you try to get his attention?

2. The store brought the “latest fashion” - a suit, the cost of which is equal to three salaries of your parents. How do you convince your parents to give you a gift?

Sixth competition

1st presenter: Not only are women unpredictable creatures, they are also very inventive. Find a use for torn nylon tights.

(Command versions)

Seventh competition

2nd presenter: And now the blitz tournament!

— How much does a loaf of bread cost?

— A liter of milk?

— A kilogram of nails?

- A dozen eggs?

— Washing powder?

- Lipstick?

— A liter of gasoline?

The jury tentatively sums up the results. “Conditionally” - because one team (young men in disguise) performed all the tasks with humor.

1st presenter: It seems that our suspicions were not justified. We apologize to you (towards the disguised team).

We made sure that you are ... guys from our class. You did a really good job with all the competition tasks. But to be honest, our girls did it more professionally.

2nd presenter: Yes, and it’s not surprising. After all, they are always the most charming and attractive, and on March 8th they tried doubly hard.

1st presenter: And yet the time has come to announce the name of the most charming and attractive!

The jury's word.

The jury announces the winner. There are two possible incentive prizes for participants.

Mothers congratulate girls on the holiday. Classroom teacher sums up mini-results and thanks everyone for participating in the show program.


1. To acquaint students with the history of the appearance of International Women’s Day in the calendar, with the role of women in the development of society.

2. Contribute to the formation of students’ information culture, understanding of information as a means of developing their own horizons.

3. Foster a respectful attitude towards understanding the role of International Women’s Day in human history.

Form: information kaleidoscope.

Preparatory work

    Prepare information about the history of International Women's Day.

Questionnaire on the topic

1. When was International Women's Day established?

2. What was the reason for the appearance of International Women's Day on the calendar?

3. Do you think such a day is necessary?

Class progress

    Main part

Classroom teacher . Every year on March 8th we celebrate International Women's Day. Today we will get acquainted with the history of this holiday, interesting facts associated with him, we learn about the fates of some women who contributed to the history of the women's movement.

One team, one class,
Girls, we love you.
Today is a special day for you,
Yes, and for us, to be honest.
March 8 is a women's holiday
And we want to give you
Our care and attention
And wishes to speak.
May all your plans come true,
Finish school, college,
And we will help if you need anything,
One call - we're right there.
Today is your legal holiday
And we want to wish you
Health, happiness and success.
And we will surprise you!

The sun is beautiful in the sky,

The birds are singing merrily.

They wish you joy

And they send greetings to spring!

We are all dressed up today -

The boots are on fire.

Congratulations on Women's Day

We gathered as if for a parade!

And the shirts are ironed,

And the pants are ironed.

Today we walked around the puddles,

And we didn’t fight.

We didn't walk upside down

Don't lie on the floor

We didn't sit on top of each other

And they didn’t get dirty in chalk.

On this joyful, desired

Long-awaited spring day

We'll bring it to you from the heart

Congratulations and flowers.

Before we introduce you to information and interesting facts about the organization and celebration of International Women's Day, I would like to thank all the women for having this day on the calendar. You will ask why? Yes, because thanks to this day, World Men's Day appeared on the calendar, which is celebrated Vfirst . There is also celebrated V , , , , , , as well as various organizations, including .

Of course, this day did not appear without the intervention of women. In general, the history of women's holiday goes deep into antiquity, into the history of Persia. It was there, one might say, that the women's movement was born and sprouted.

And this is how it happened. The Persian king Xerxes had a beloved wife, Esther. She came from an old Jewish family, but her husband did not know about it. Based on the denunciation of his entourage, King Xerxes wanted to exterminate all the Jews inhabiting the state. Queen Esther turned the royal decree against the Persians themselves, and in honor of her wisdom, a day was established in the Jewish calendar, which fell on the 13th day of Adar (this spring month does not have an exact date) and which began to be celebrated as the modern Jewish holiday of Purim, or Passover.

The thing is that the tradition associated with Esther, the wife of King Xerxes, was continued by her descendants. The famous revolutionary and fighter for women's rights Clara Zetkin, speaking at an international women's conference in 1910, proclaimed the idea of ​​annually celebrating March 8th as the birthday of the women's movement in the struggle for their rights. Clara Zetkin, who knew well ancient history, decided to perpetuate the feat of the Persian queen Esther, who, with her feminine wisdom, saved the Jewish people from extermination. In 1910, this day, March 8, was precisely the day of celebration of the holiday of Purim. That is why the spring holiday of March 8 is often associated with the celebration of Easter.

Women have always fought for their rights and knew how to defend them. Even looking into myths and legends, we will get acquainted with representatives of the fair sex who tirelessly fight for their rights. It is not surprising that many mythological figures are feminine.

Let's get to know them and try to guess what mythological character we are talking about.

Let's start with the simplest. Let me introduce you to a representative of mythology who is a fighter for her rights and can sometimes come to the rescue in difficult times. life situation. So, the first character.

Forest old sorceress, witch, sorceress. A character in fairy tales of Eastern and Western Slavs. She lives in the forest, in a hut on chicken legs. One of her legs is bone, she has poor vision, and flies around the world in a mortar. In most fairy tales, she is the hero’s opponent, but sometimes he is his helper and giver. (Baba Yaga.)

But the task is more difficult. Slavic goddess of water. A fair-faced girl-river, murmuring her cheerful song. She will give a drink to a tired traveler, and wash a warrior’s wound, and, rising into the sky, she will fall as a blessed rain on the fields. She was revered as a bright and kind goddess, giving life to all living things. The names of the rivers come from her name - Dnieper, Dniester, Danube, Dvina, Donets. Her name is complex and consists of two syllables that mean "water" and "mother". This goddess was given special honors during the Kupala holidays. (Dana.)

And I want to suggest another, no less famous character from children's fairy tales, fiction. In Slavic fairy tales, this is a wonderful bird that flies from the thirtieth kingdom. And this kingdom is a fabulously rich land that was dreamed of in ancient times. The color of this bird is golden, and it lives in a golden cage. It can be assumed that the bird is associated with other mythological characters: Rarog, the Fire Serpent. Sometimes in fairy tales this bird acts as a kidnapper. (Firebird.)

How many poems and songs are dedicated to this female image! She is the maiden of the waters; according to other legends, she is the wife of Vodyanoy.

It's high beautiful girl, living at the bottom of a reservoir. At night, she and her friends splash on the surface of the water, sit on a mill wheel, and dive. The maiden of the waters can tickle a passerby to death or take him away with her. As a rule, they become girls who drowned themselves from unhappy love or were drowned by their stepmothers. According to legends and traditions, she can marry a man, but this marriage is always unsuccessful. (Mermaid.)

This character of legends and tales associated with female images is the most popular in our time. And how many films are dedicated to him! She, according to some legends, is the daughter of Frost, according to others - his granddaughter. Kind, not as bad-tempered as Moroz. Sometimes in the summer he lives with people and helps them. (Snow Maiden.)

Leading You and I have once again become convinced that even in legends and tales the role of female images. They give life, save, help, protect, heal, pity and love.

Let's see what our girls are strong in, let's test their erudition. For each correct answer, the girl receives a heart. The one with the most of them wins.

Competition "Erudite"

Proverbs of the peoples of the world are offered, girls need to find an analogue in the Russian language.

1. Arabic. If you sow a cactus, don’t expect a grape harvest. (What goes around comes around.)

2. Italian. When the water reaches your chin, you begin to swim. (A drowning man clutches at a straw.)

3. Czech. A scalded rooster runs away from the rain. (Having burned yourself on milk, you blow on the water.)

4. African. Even in reality beautiful apple It might be a worm. (All that glitters is not gold.)

5. Romanian. You can recognize an insolent person by his eyes, like a donkey by his ears. (Murder will out)

Blitz - questions
1. The sum of means and techniques by which
Baba Yaga can be made . (Cosmetics.)
2. A plant that is responsible with its own head for the relationship between a boy and a girl. (Chamomile.)
3. A lady's dizzying companion. (Aroma.)
4. A reason for a lady to publicly hug her or someone else’s gentleman. (Dance)
5. Part of the body that the groom offers to the lady, complete with a heart. (Hand)
6. A dish that mom often prepares for breakfast in partnership with a cow and a chicken. (Omelette)
7. A household item that escaped from a certain woman named Fedora. (Dishes.)
8. Scientific nail art. (Manicure)
9. A fairground device to turn a lady's head. (Carousel.)
10. It’s time, which is Indian in September. (Summer.)
11. The place where the curious Varvara lost her nose. (Bazaar.)
12. Spades - from Pushkin, with a dog - from Chekhov, with camellias -
from Dumas the son. (Lady.)
13. The place of work of a woman who is on the phone all day long. (Telephone exchange.)
14. Author of International Women's Day. (Clara Zetkin).
15. The one that many women sit on. (Diet.)
16. Part of the body through which women paved the way to a man’s heart. (Stomach.)
17. Changeable, like the woman herself. (Fashion.)
18. A green rival to the tenge in a business woman’s wallet. (Dollar.)

"Flower Quiz"

It's always gloomy under the spruce tree,

It smells damp and musty.

Under a furry paw

Frosted lamps shine. (Lilies of the valley.)

In the meadows, little sister is a golden eye,

White eyelashes. (Chamomile.)

The head is on a leg, there are polka dots in the head. (Poppy.)

What is the name of the flower in which the woman discovered Thumbelina? (Tulip.)

The name of this flower comes from the Greek word - translated into Russian it means “crane”. Guess this name. (Geranium.)

Name an evergreen plant that blooms with white, pink and red wax-like flowers. (Camellia.)

What flower appears in early spring, right out from under the snow? (Snowdrop.)

A modest but very beautiful flower with a delicate scent, its name is consonant with female name. (Violet. Violetta.)

A flower whose leaves look like swords. For this, the ancient Germans called it “sword-lily”, and the Russians called it by a gentle name - “kasatik” (Iris.)

The symbol of purity and innocence, according to legend, grew from the tears of Eve, expelled from Paradise. (Lily.)

A flower born together with Aphrodite - the goddess of love and beauty from sea foam. This is the queen of flowers. (Rose.)

Like in a flowerbed, in our classroom

A lush color blooms,

Better than our classmates

This school just doesn't

Congratulations, girls,

Happy best day in the world,

And in addition to your words

We'll sing you a song!

Have you heard the blackbirds sing?

If not, you haven't lost much

You today are your nightingales

You today are your nightingales

Congratulations on the spring holiday

On March 8th we want you

Wish you health and good luck

And always love your guys

And of course myself in addition

And always love your guys

And of course myself in addition

Everything is on you: family, work, life

Of course we are doing our bit

And solving the problems of the world

And solving the problems of the world

Let's help with something since they ask

Have you heard the blackbirds sing?

If not, now you don’t need it

Do you have our relatives?

Your pride and dedication is the reward

It's a holiday for the girls today,
We will congratulate you!
Every boy is a classmate
He will read poetry to you.

Aour Nastasia, Nastya,
Today is your holiday,
We wish you happiness
Always be young
To our glorious good Nastya
We sincerely wish you happiness!

Gulzara. Tender as a dewdrop in the rays of the sun,
And touching, like a tear of happiness,
And fragile, like one snowflake,
Sudden as a summer thunderstorm!
Your eyes are beautiful and bottomless,
I really want to drown in them right away!
Full of love, like Madonna,
They promise a wonderful interesting way!

It's like you're from the sky,
You emit light from yourself.
Ordinary girlOlesya -
Soulful, sweet person.
There is a fire of living colors in you,
A fountain of emotions overflowing.
Passing everything through the prism of fairy tales
You give heaven to everyone on Earth.
There is a mischievous smile in the eyes,
Always a cheerful, wonderful laugh.
For us the same dear one,
You are our joy, our success!
A simple girl Olesya,
You were given to us by fate.
It's like you're a resident of the Celestial Empire.
Oh, how good we feel with you!

It’s not without reason that they speak about Daria with caution:
Her character is extremely cool.
Perhaps for some Daria is not a gift,
But others call it “gingerbread”.
A guy might hit on Daria,
But he must be able to control himself,
Since Daria can hit,
Not only with words, but also with a poker.
But if Dasha loves with all her heart,
There is no more tender creature in the world:
She will warm you up, take pity on you, and take a deep breath!
You can hardly find another one like this!

Milanochka, Milana, you are beautiful,
And there are not enough words to describe Milan,
After all, her beauty is truly dangerous -
Once caught in a net, it is impossible to escape.
Beautiful girl, this is a holiday
I wanted to tell you from the bottom of my heart:
Read our congratulations, and we will congratulate you
So, we are happy to congratulate you every day!

A wonderful name given at birth - Asel!
There is so much softness and so much fun in it,
Mobility, lightness and beauty,
Enthusiasm, fire - worthy of a dream!!
It contains the rustle of leaves, the shine of stars
And the scent of spring flowers!!!

Where did you come from, Karina,
So wonderful?
From distant ghostly seas,
With the word "darling"?
From bright beads - brown eyes,
From ripe, juicy berries?
You came to make us better
We know this for sure!

Guzel. The sweetest and most beautiful

May you be lucky on this day

Let him be happy

Every hour and every year.

Let your dreams come true

Let all the problems go away

Let everything be perfect

Let the days bring fun!

You are beautiful like a princess

Let life be like that of princesses,

Suddenly she turns out to be lovely,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

Valeria means “health and strength.”

I would ask the angel for happiness myself,

Unearthly love and a reliable friend

And a husband who is absolutely faithful to her.

She was born to be a wife and mistress,

After all, our Lerochka is not a lazy person at all!

He will indulge in his worries without looking back,

Everything will shine in perfect order.

Sometimes it surprises everyone

Instant change in her mood:

Lera’s soul is extremely vulnerable,

The slightest criticism is intolerable to her.

But if you surround her with super attention,

Then he will conquer us with his sweet charm,

Subtle soulfulness, skillful speech,

Having arranged a pleasant, exciting evening.

Name Angelique
Important given:
Notify and delight
It owes us.
Angelica knows
What to tell us -
What dishes are behind her?
We have to wash
An A for her
At school get...
No, Angelica
That's impossible!
You're an A yourself
Bring it from school
You are the balls yourself
You'll pick up the cat
And then quietly
You'll knock on our door,
Tell me everything -
You will tell me joy.
And then with you
We'll go for a walk in the park,
Let's eat popcorn
And let's go to the cinema.
And to the ticket aunt
You will immediately inform
That Angelica is the most
Well-mannered kid!

Veronica knows what she wants
He has a firm view on everything;
Fate predicts honors for her,
Things promise great success.
Very practical, delicate,
Hardworking and smart;
It's always a pleasure to communicate with her,
She will come to your aid.
Let it certainly be for Veronica
Luck shines ahead;
Let there be happiness, undoubtedly
And joy continually awaits!

Presenter 1. And now a musical break. Slide “Spring mood”

(Slide show starts.)

Many poets and writers have glorified women in their works, but now, at a very opportune time, a poem with which we want to finish the story about International Women’s Day will sound.

You are beautiful like stars
And the eyes burn with fire,
And your sweet smiles
Outshine the sun during the day!

You are so nice to us!
You girls are simply awesome!
That's why we want to be
Everyone like you!

We wish you only happiness,
And we'll tell you a secret:
Our girls are more beautiful
There is simply no one in the whole school!

Why are we all dancing here?
Why are we singing here?
Because we are girls
Happy Women's Day!


Target: Create a festive atmosphere in a competitive game.


1. Introduce students to the origin of the holiday

2. Development of memory, attention, organization, independence, skills to coordinate interests in the process of overcoming certain age-appropriate difficulties.

3. Formation of a team, eliminating disunity between boys and girls.

Preparing for class:

1. Learning poems and riddles for participants in the game on a spring theme.

2. Decoration of the class (clouds cut out of colored paper and hand-made gliders made of white paper are pinned on the stand, preparation of places for the competing teams of girls, for the jury (boys).

3. The boys prepare congratulations for the girls. Formalized congratulations are placed on a closed board.

4. Preparation of team decals, musical accompaniment, crayons, and other props.

Teacher: Today we congratulate all the girls in our class on International Women's Day.

Today we dedicate our smiles, songs, poems to you, dear girls.

Student: From year to year, always in spring,

It happens in March and the eighth day.

Health, happiness, long years -

There are no other wishes for you!

Let lilacs bloom every day,

Let the sun shine brightly

May you have every day


The first International Women's Day on March 8 was approved in Copenhagen (Denmark) in 1910 at the Second International Conference of Socialist Women at the proposal of the German delegation.

The holiday was first celebrated in 1911 in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Denmark on March 19 under the slogan: “Suffrage for workers to unite forces in the fight for socialism.”

In Russia, International Women's Day was first celebrated in 1913 in St. Petersburg. Its organizers called for achieving economic and political equality for women. One of the most powerful performances by women took place in Petrograd on March 7, 1917.

In 1976, International Women's Day was officially recognized by the UN.

Today March 8 is a holiday of spring and light, a tribute to women.


While the snow is still white on the fields.

And the depths of the river are hidden under the ice,

But winter leaves are in all calendars

Already torn off, spring has come to the country.


March is coming! Have you noticed

Something happens to people in the spring.

Women have all become unusual -

Nice... gentle... every single one of them!

Song "Spring Tango"

Verse 1:

Here's an eccentric man walking around the world

Smiling at myself with sadness

There's some trifle in his head

It's clear there's something wrong with my heart.

Chorus: the time comes

Birds fly from the south

Snow years are melting

And no time for sleep

The time is coming

People are losing their heads

Verse 2:

How long can you treat your heart with validol?

Still a lot of interruptions

No matter how much you bang your head on the wall

The best doctors won't help.

Chorus: the time comes

Birds fly from the south

Snow years are melting

And no time for sleep

The time is coming

People are losing their heads

And this time is called spring.

Verse 3:

Travel to Australia without further ado

Autumn is in full swing there right now.

For six months you are without any doctors

You will be happy and healthy again.

Chorus: the time comes

Birds fly from the south

Snow years are melting

And no time for sleep

The time is coming

People are losing their heads

And this time is called spring.


All the best flowers are at your feet.

They are a declaration of love

Today we have a holiday of beauty.

You are all Miss Charming today!

With the help of chamomile, inside on which the names of two teams are written, the girls are divided into teams.

Let's welcome the "Daisies" team, the "Bells" team.

1 competition:

We are starting the “Flower Rainbow” competition. One flower expert from each team is invited. Whoever names the most colors in turn wins.

2 competition:

"Fairytale Quiz" All girls want to be Vasilisa, if not wise, then beautiful - that’s for sure.

1. The name of the king who sent Ivan Tsarevich for the Firebird?


2. Name Nikita’s nickname, who saved Kyiv from the snake.


3. Name the owner of the first aircraft.

(Baba Yaga)

4. How many times did Prince Guidon fly to the kingdom of Tsar Saltan and who did he turn into? (Three times: mosquito, fly, bumblebee.)

5. What were the names of the heroes of the fairy tale “Teremok”? (Mouse-norushka, Frog-frog, Bunny-jumping, Fox-sister, Wolf-click with teeth, Bear.)


And now a poem called “Groom”:


What are the girls anyway?

They don't look like boys -

Ribbons, bows, all sorts of rubbish

And secrets in the corners.

Curious Noses

They always climb everywhere themselves.

You can go to any of them

Called “Groom!”

That's when the canary

Change batteries

Ostriches will whelp,

My sister will grow a mustache,

Then it is quite possible

Gradually, carefully

I'll change a little

And I'll probably get married.

3 competition

Teacher :

Thanks boys for the poem, and now new competition: teams receive a card with the word “CHARM” and must come up with as many words as possible from the letters of this word in 1 minute.

4 competition


The next competition is “Sorting”. They have to who is faster

will be built

by height from short to tall,

by age from oldest to youngest,

by shoe size from smallest to largest,

alphabetically by last name.

5 competition

"Mathematical Dances"

Examples are written on the board. One girl solves them and tells the other girl the answer to which she will need to step in the dance.

6 competition


2 lines of paper ribbons, the girl’s task is to walk along it beautifully, like on a catwalk.

7 competition

"Academy of Arts"

The girls are blindfolded. They need to draw a cat.

8 competition

"Favorite song"

The team's task is to sing the song together.

9 competition

"The Mummy and the Goth"

Wrap one girl in toilet paper and dress up a boy as a goth.

10 competition

“Make Vitamin Salad”

The girls prepare a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers and season with mayonnaise.

11 competition


Next competition "Bouquet"

1. There is a curly hair standing in a field - a white shirt, a golden heart, what is it? (Chamomile)

2. The rye is earing in the field, there, in the rye, you will find a flower. Bright blue and fluffy, it’s just a pity that it’s not fragrant. (Cornflower)

3. A ball grew on a long fragile leg near the path, the breeze rustled and scattered this ball (Dandelion)

4. White bells on a green cord (Lily of the valley)

5. It grows on bushes in the garden, the smell is sweet, like honey, but often the tears flow from those who tear with their hands... (roses)

6. Pink, white, crimson, red in May I am beautifully fragrant (peony)

7. Everyone is familiar with us, bright as a flame. We are namesakes with small nails. Admire the wild scarlet...(carnations)

8. Yellow chickens on a green bed, southern beauties (mimosa) appear in the spring

9. Not a garden white bell on a leg on the path. The aroma intoxicates them all - attracts bees and butterflies (lily)

10. A little boy in a red shirt is growing in the garden, red, white and golden, but it’s a pity that it’s not fragrant (tulip)

11. The flower in whose petals Thumbelina lived (bell)

Let the storms and bad weather disappear,

Let them go into the shadows forever.

We wish you only happiness

On your kindest, brightest day!

Let the first snowdrop

Will give you tenderness!

The spring sun will bring warmth!

And the March wind will give hope,

And happiness, and joy, and only goodness!

Dear girls, kind, faithful!

Happy new spring to you, with the first drops!

Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun,

Cherished, purest happiness!

A lot of affection, warmth, kindness for you, -

Let your dreams come true!

With the beginning of spring!

Happy holiday to you,

So charming

Full of generosity!

May your every day

It will be the most cherished

Let it be significant

Every year!


We wish you happiness and joy


1. “Miss Smile” 1 competition

2. “Miss Clever” 2nd competition

3. “Miss Sunshine” 3 competition

4. “Miss Charm” 4th competition

5. “Miss Mystery” 5th competition

6. “Miss Sudarushka” 6th competition

7. “Miss Flower Girl” 7 competition

8. “Miss Hostess” 8th competition

9. “Miss Cinderella” 9th competition

Class notes for elementary school for March 8 “The train brings gifts to mothers”

Guidelines. Tasks this lesson aimed at developing thinking, imagination, speech, attention, developing the ability to choose a rhyme; nurturing a sense of love and respect for mother helps to foster a sense of collectivism.

Equipment: officer's rulers, drawing paper, colored pencils.


There is such a day in March

With a number, like a pretzel.

How many of you guys know

What does the number mean?

The children will tell you in unison:

- This is the holiday of our mothers!

O. Vysotskaya

A message was received from one of the railway stations: “The train is bringing gifts to mothers for March 8th. He is late. To make it on time, the driver chose the shortest road, which has the fewest stops. But the fact is that this road is special. It is called the ROAD OF ERUDITES. Only after completing all the tasks invented by the head of one station, the train driver receives permission to move to another station, where new tasks await him. There are only 4 stations. But the driver is not sure that he alone will cope with all the tasks quickly, so he asks for help.”

Guys, you want your mothers to receive gifts on time? Let's help the driver!

Warm up.

➢ Mom's mother. (Grandmother.)

➢ Mom in childhood. (Girl.)

➢ A flower whose name mentions the natural and stepmother. (Coltsfoot.)

➢ Which fairy tale mother had her six children swallowed by a predator? ("The wolf and the seven Young goats".)

➢ Which mother from the animal world carries her baby in a bag? (Kangaroo.)

➢ A bear cub who lost its mother. (Umka.)

➢ What is the name of the work in which everyone called his mother’s son uncle? (“Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat.”)

➢ The ancestor of all mothers. (Eve.)

➢ One mother with many children has 8 children. Half of them are boys. Guess who the others are and how many there are! (Girls, 4.)

So, the train is already approaching the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE EXPERTS station. What tasks did you come up with? the head of this station?

Exercise 1: come up with as many as possible definition words for Mom.

Example. Mom (what?) is kind, sweet, gentle, beautiful, beloved, good, charming, modest, hardworking, generous...

Task 2: connect the beginning with the end of the proverb.

Task 3: restore a poem from which some vowels have “escaped”.

Teacher. I think we did everything right. And now the station duty officer gives a signal that the train can move on! Hooray! This is our first victory. The train still has three more stations to go. What is the name of the next one? And here she is. THINKERS station. We listen to tasks invented by the boss.

Exercise 1: Why did mom do this? Give several possible answers for each situation.

a) mother packs things in a suitcase;

b) mom started spring cleaning in the middle of the week;

c) mom is lying on the sofa;

d) mom baked a pie;

e) mother sings songs;

f) mother arranges flowers in vases;

Answer options.

a) Going on a business trip; I noticed a moth in the apartment and is looking through things; sorts through things to give what is unnecessary to those in need;

b) grandma comes to visit; I didn’t have time to do the cleaning over the weekend; the eldest son invited his girlfriend to meet his parents;

c) headache; tired; watching TV; broke her leg;

d) there is a holiday in the family; tried a new recipe; carries out instructions from colleagues;

e) good mood; preparing for an amateur art competition; preparing to participate in the program “Guess the Melody”;

f) received flowers from colleagues by March 8; returned from the flower exhibition; decided to have a festive dinner at large quantities colors.

Task 2: what would happen if...

➢ Mom didn’t know how to cook?

➢ Has mom forgotten how to talk?

➢ Didn’t your mother forbid you anything?

➢ Did your mother sit next to you at your desk at school every day?

➢ I have never checked your homework?

➢ Refused to wash your things?

Teacher. And we completed these tasks successfully. The train continues on. And while he's on his way, let's do some physical education. (Children do several exercises.)

The next station is WRITERS. Probably, the local boss dreamed of becoming a poet or storyteller as a child. Look what tasks he came up with.

Exercise 1: come up with a rhyme.

Love-love-love, I really... (love) my mother.

Ryu-ryu-ryu, I... (give her flowers).

Ay-ay-ay, I... (wish her) happiness.

Willow-willow-willow, always be... (beautiful).

Yes, yes, yes, don’t get sick... (never).

Oh-oh-oh, mom, I'm proud... (of you).

Task 2: continue the story.

“Vitya and Alenka decided that they were already big and independent, so they might not obey their mother. In the morning they declared the Day of Disobedience. “Okay,” said my mother and went to my grandmother. The children were left alone in the apartment...”

Teacher. The attendant gives a signal - the train moves on. We are increasingly convinced that the ROAD OF ERUDITES is the shortest, but the most difficult. A little more effort and we will do a good deed: help the driver deliver gifts to mothers on time. So, the last station appeared - the station of the ORIGINAL ARTISTS.

Exercise: draw a flower for mom by March 8, using an officer’s ruler, and decorate it.

Drawing options

Teacher. THE ROAD OF ERUDITES has been passed! I think all mothers will receive their gifts for the holiday on time, besides, one gift - a handmade flower - is already ready.

And now I ask you to continue the phrase: “If I were a wizard, I would prepare such a gift for my mother...”

Class hour"International Women's Day"

Presentation by personal message
March 8
The song of the stream has not yet been heard,
The lark's trill does not flow,
But the sun is brighter and the drops
Tells us: “Spring is coming!”
Spring is coming. And don't let it be hot
But with her, like a summer shadow, -
International Women's Day,
Coming to us on March 8th! It is a holiday of affection, beauty,
Love, hopes and dreams. I congratulate my friends
And I wish you with all my heart to be more beautiful than spring!
On this day March 8
We wish you well,
Lots of joy and happiness, always be beautiful,
Live life without sorrows,
Do not know grievances, losses,
May you have excellent health
It will be the best of rewards!
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,
For the sun to play
So that the birds sing to you
Serenade about love,
And what was little praised,
There is no need to be offended.
We wish you success
Both in love and in service,
So that you keep it in your families
Respect and friendship.
Beauty and health
to you for many years to come.
May joy come to you and adversity pass.
We wish you with all our hearts
May your life be bright,
Let it be strewn with roses
Your life path to end.
We wish you truth, happiness, kindness
Extraordinary and dream come true
We wish on the light, we wish on the stars
We wish you laughter and happy tears.
All about March 8
History of origin
This holiday originated as a day of struggle for women's rights. On March 8, 1857, in New York, women workers in clothing and shoe factories demonstrated to demand better working conditions and equal rights with men.
In 1910, at the International Conference of Socialist Women in Copenhagen, Clara Zetkin made a proposal to celebrate International Women's Day on March 8, which sounded like a call to all women in the world to join the fight for equality. In 1911, this holiday was first celebrated on March 19 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland.
In 1977, the UN adopted resolution 32/142, calling on all countries to proclaim March 8 as a day of struggle for women's rights - International Women's Day.
March 8 and Purim holiday
Some historians claim that Clara Zetkin associated March 8 with the Jewish holiday Purim, which fell on this date in 1910. Purim is celebrated in honor of Queen Esther at the turning point from winter to spring.
In 480 BC, after the end of the Babylonian captivity of the Jews, everyone could return to Jerusalem. But thousands of Jews decided to stay and live in the cities of the Persian Empire and, moreover, in a situation that was by no means slavish. Over time, the current situation began to surprise the Persians. The Persian Minister of Defense, General Aman, told King Xerxes about his observations. Xerxes' reaction was decisive - to exterminate all the Jews. His wife Queen Esther, who hid her Jewish origin from the king, learned about Xerxes’ plan. She, using the king’s love for herself, saves her people from destruction by cunning.
March 8 at Ancient Rome
Already in Ancient Rome there was a women's day. On this day, matrons (free-born women) who were married received gifts from their husbands and were surrounded by love and attention. Slaves also received gifts. In addition, the mistress of the house allowed the slaves to rest on this day. Dressed in the best clothes, with fragrant wreaths on their heads, Roman women came to the temple of the goddess Vesta, the guardian of the hearth.
A wonderful day of love, beauty, spring, dedicated to women, was considered a holiday for many centuries.

March 8 in Russia
In Russia, the celebration of International Women's Day became a tradition almost immediately after the moment of its “invention,” on March 2, 1913. This holiday was brought to Russia by the Menshevik Alexandra Kollontai. Russian women grabbed with both hands the opportunity to finally have equal rights with men.
Since 1918, International Women's Day on March 8 has become a public holiday. Since 1965, this day has become a non-working day. There was also a festive ritual for him. On this day, at ceremonial events, the state reported to society on the implementation of state policy towards women.
Nowadays, International Women's Day has lost its political overtones. Now March 8th is the holiday of Spring, Love and Beauty. This day is a non-working day in Russia.

March 8 in different countries
International Women's Day is declared a national holiday on:
Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Belarus, Abkhazia; Uzbekistan (as Mother's Day);
Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Angola, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Cambodia, China, Congo (there is a holiday not for “international” women, but for Congolese women), Laos, Nepal, North Korea, Vietnam and Uganda.
March 8 is celebrated as International Women's Day and is a working day in countries such as Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Austria, Poland, Romania, Lithuania, etc.
In Syria, March 8 is celebrated as Revolution Day, and in Liberia - even as the Day of Remembrance of the Fallen.

How is March 8 celebrated?
Italy. Italian women and men do not celebrate March 8th. They gather in groups of women and go to a restaurant or cafe.
Sweden. In this country, on March 8, women are given books as gifts.
Colombia. In Bogota (the capital of Colombia), on March 8, men are prohibited from appearing on the streets, so as not to spoil the holiday for the weaker sex.
China. In this country, men must prove themselves as exquisite cooks as proof of their love. All Chinese ladies have a legal day off on March 8th. When their husbands leave for work in the morning, they go to city parks and have fun there without men.
Russia. Traditionally, women and girls are congratulated on March 8th. They give flowers, souvenirs, perfume, etc.
Poland and countries where March 8 is a public holiday. As in Russia, women and girls are traditionally congratulated on March 8th.
Symbol of March 8
What can you give?
A bouquet of flowers is the first most popular and very welcome gift on March 8th.
Jewelry is the second most popular and very desirable gift for March 8th. Jewelry can be either jewelry with diamonds and white gold inserts, or in the form of beautiful high-quality jewelry.
Perfume is the third most popular gift on March 8th.
Home decorations. Women love to decorate not only themselves, but also their home. Therefore, it is very appropriate to give on March 8: a soft toy, a floor or table vase with flowers, small figurines, wall clocks, souvenirs, etc.
Accessories: gloves, scarf, handbag, etc.
What will the bouquet “say”?
The holiday of March 8 is always associated in the mind with the beginning of spring, with the arrival of the sun, warmth, and, accordingly, with the blossoming of the best feelings. And it’s best to express the whole influx of feelings with the help of flowers:
white flower means innocence
yellow - gives shoots to love, expresses the joy of communication
pink means love
bright red - passionate love
dark red or burgundy - the insane beauty of your beloved
blue – devotion;
lilac or violet - peace and trust
1. Happy March 8th! Happy spring holiday!
Let the ringing joy flow everywhere!
Let the sun shine! Let the frost go away!
Let a sprig of mimosa drive away winter!
2. Your favorite flowers
I will warm you with my breath
On the day of women's charm.
They are beautiful, just like you!
And let your dreams come true,
And spring wishes will come true,
And sweet features to the heart
Captivate with the same charm!
3. March plays, There are shadows on the icicles,
The blue umbrella opened, Happy Women's Day to you -
Affectionate and sonorous, With good happiness,
Joy, spring!!!
1. Today is a special day!
A wonderful spring holiday!
Today is March 8th Day -
So may you be happy!
Spring! How much of this word:
Kindness, love and warmth.
Let in the waiting nature
Her flowers bloom for you!
May this day - March 8th -
Anxieties will go away and dreams will come!

2. The murmur of transparent streams,
Awakening the world from sleep,
The smile of the sun in the gloomy sky
Spring takes over winter.
Spring brings renewal
Smiles, happiness and flowers.
And I want to have a birthday on spring day
Your dreams have come true.

May this day be happy
And everyone's dreams come true.
May the sun shine on you everywhere,
And the flowers smile.