Online courses on how to make money from them. Earning money training: how to earn money from you. Online training

* The calculations use average data for Russia

On the Openbusiness portal you can find articles devoted to the nuances of opening almost any business. But Special attention We try to focus on those areas of business activity that have a certain social significance. These include businesses related to teaching children and adults. In this case, educating children seems to be a more profitable idea for their own business, since parents, even in difficult economic times, are ready to invest in the development of the child and his education. At the same time, according to public opinion polls, 85% of parents of children of senior preschool and junior school age those with an income level of average and above take their children to additional developmental classes.

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This way, a training business can become profitable. However, unlike the situation a few years ago, competition in the educational segment is already quite intense these days. Therefore, you can hope for the success of a new project in one or more of the following cases:

  • You offer a unique proprietary methodology, developed with the participation of leading teachers and psychologists, specialists in early development, tested on a large number of children of different ages with consistently positive results.
  • You have a large start-up capital (from 1 million rubles), which will allow you not only to cover all expenses, but also to last the first months of work until you reach self-sufficiency. But this is not enough to count on high demand for your services. You will also need a USP. What is it? USP is a unique selling proposition. This concept, coined by Rosser Reeves, relates to advertising strategy. A unique selling proposition must meet the following conditions: advertising must contain a specific offer for the buyer: to buy a specific product and receive a specific benefit; the offer must be unique, one that a competitor cannot make or does not make, although it can; the offer must be strong enough to attract new consumers to purchase the product. We will take a break from advertising and focus on the very essence of the service you offer. Think about how you can make your offer one of a kind, unique, unparalleled? For example, so-called “eco-kindergartens” for children appeared in Moscow not so long ago. preschool age, where the main emphasis is on naturalness, both on the naturalness of materials that are used for interior decoration, the manufacture of furniture and play complexes, and on the naturalness of objects in the developmental environment (games, toys, etc.). The environmental trend itself, of course, does not represent anything fundamentally new and original. And previously there were centers for Montessori, Waldorf pedagogy, etc. But the seemingly obvious idea of ​​making a completely environmentally friendly kindergarten in the literal sense, in which everything would be made from natural materials, was only now realized. If you can’t get creative and nothing original comes to mind, you can use various auxiliary tools - for example, incentive material for entrepreneurs and marketers, “1000 ideas” cards, or various idea generation techniques.
  • You yourself are an excellent specialist who has great experience work in tutoring and teaching in various disciplines. It is not at all necessary that you necessarily have your own author’s methodology. You can totally combine various techniques and approaches, ultimately obtaining excellent results. Even if you do not have sufficient capital to open your own training center, you can team up with other similar specialists. We are talking about the so-called coworking space. In general, the standard coworking model presupposes the presence as a mandatory element of a space equipped with everything necessary for work, which is rented to anyone for the required period - a day, a week, a month or several months. That is, who exactly works in the coworking center - a tutor, journalist, designer or programmer - does not play a special role. However, in Lately The option of coworking for specialists who work in the same field is becoming increasingly popular. Thus, the standardly equipped office, which is suitable for both a writer and a mathematician, is being replaced by highly specialized classes with everything necessary for conducting training sessions– from desks to whiteboards, from projectors to speakers. Specialized coworking is a relatively new idea for our country, so the number of such successfully implemented projects in Russia is small. By the way, the opening of such a center could become a separate direction for own business, but we will talk about this in more detail in other articles. If there are similar coworking classes in your city, you can team up with other teachers and work together. For example, your students studying mathematics can also sign up for a chemistry tutor, and vice versa. This type of work is very convenient, as it allows you to significantly expand your client base by “exchanging” students with other teachers. Although the factor of mistrust is also present in this matter. Working in a specialized coworking space is also good because you can save significantly on advertising by placing advertisements about the services you provide in a specially designated place in the center. Your target audience will definitely see your offer and, quite possibly, take advantage of it.
  • The last option of creating your own business in the field of education involves certain costs, but if desired, they can be minimized. This option involves “virtual” training. No, we are not talking about distance learning or teaching via Skype. Virtual learning refers to video courses. As you know, everything new is well forgotten old. Video courses appeared on the basis of audio courses, which were so popular at a time when computers were very rare. What is required to develop video courses? First of all, you need equipment. But modern science has gone so far that to record high-quality video, special equipment is no longer required. A simple video camera or even a webcam is quite enough... However, this version of the course, which essentially involves recording a teacher’s lecture on video, is suitable only for teenagers and adults. Children of primary school and, especially, preschool age will not be interested in such a lesson. In this case, you will have to spend more effort, time and money on selecting illustration and video material and editing them into a single whole. Ideally, of course, it is better to make such a course using various special effects and animation. But, as experience shows, a charismatic lecturer (presenter) with good animator skills can easily attract the attention of children, the main thing is to keep it for a sufficiently long time. What subjects can I make video courses on? Their topics may be the same as regular lessons taught by tutors. The greatest demand is for classes in the Russian language, mathematics, foreign languages... Of course, you shouldn’t even try to teach a child to read using a video course. In addition to video courses, you can also create your own visual materials(flash cards, posters, educational board games, etc.), educational and methodological manuals, author's turnkey courses, etc.

Legal registration of your business

So, we will assume that we have already decided on the direction of work. But before you begin to implement your plan, you need to study the legal intricacies of legalizing your business. The fact is that if the name of your center or your activity mentions the words “training, educational” and derivatives from them, then the procedure for registering such a company will be significantly different from the usual one. Educating children is a responsible matter, so the procedure for registering business activities in this area is quite complicated.

First, let's look at the laws. On September 1, 2013, the Federal Law “On Education in Russian Federation» No. 273-FZ, which regulates educational activities. Changes in the law affected, first of all, the organizational and legal form of organizations that have the right to conduct training. So, if previously only non-profit organizations (private educational institutions (formerly non-profit educational institutions) and autonomous non-profit organizations) had such a right, now LLCs, closed joint-stock companies and open joint-stock companies can also carry out educational activities on the basis of a license.

Receive a license to conduct educational activities quite difficult and costly in terms of time and money. At the same time, it is impossible to carry out educational activities without a license. According to Art. 14.1, paragraphs. 1-2 of the “Code of Administrative Offences”, “Carrying out business activities without state registration as an individual entrepreneur or without state registration as a legal entity shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five to twenty times the minimum wage. Carrying out business activities without a special permit (license), if such a permit (such license) is mandatory (mandatory), entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of twenty to twenty-five times the minimum wage with or without confiscation of manufactured products, production tools and raw materials such; on officials– from forty to fifty minimum wages with or without confiscation of manufactured products, production tools and raw materials; for legal entities - from four hundred to five hundred minimum wages with or without confiscation of manufactured products, production tools and raw materials.”

True, it is not always necessary to obtain a license if you are engaged in activities related to education. For example, permission is not required to conduct one-time lectures, seminars, trainings, organize exhibitions, provide consultations, etc., but only if at the end of these events you are not going to conduct a final certification and students are not issued documents about the education received or qualifications assigned. Such documents include diplomas, certificates, certificates, certificates, etc.

An extremely important point: individual labor pedagogical activity, including in the field of vocational training, is also not licensed.

There are the following types of educational institutions: preschool, general education (primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education), institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational and postgraduate vocational education; institutions of further education for adults; special (correctional) for students and pupils with developmental disabilities; institutions for orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives); institutions of additional education for children; other institutions carrying out the educational process.

Ready ideas for your business

It doesn’t matter whether you are going to open an educational institution or work as an individual entrepreneur, in any case, you must undergo state registration. After registration, you will need to register for tax purposes with the mandatory assignment of a taxpayer identification number, as well as register with extra-budgetary funds (Pension Fund, Mandatory Health Insurance Fund, Social Insurance Fund and the state statistics body (with the receipt of statistical codes - OKVED, OKPO, etc.). etc.). Suitable OKVED codes for such activities (current for 2015):

80.10.3 Additional education children

This grouping includes:

Additional education for children aged mainly from 6 to 18 years, the main objectives of which are to provide the necessary conditions for personal development, health promotion, professional self-determination and creative work of children, carried out by:

  • in out-of-school institutions (children's music schools, art schools, art schools, homes children's creativity and etc.);
  • in general educational institutions and educational institutions of vocational education.

Ready ideas for your business

80.22.23 Training in preparatory courses for admission to educational institutions of secondary vocational education.

For registration educational institution necessary:

  • pay the state fee (7,500 rubles from January 1, 2015);
  • prepare and submit to the registration authority the constituent documents of the organization being created (depending on the organizational and legal form, a protocol or decision on the creation of the organization, the Charter, possibly a constituent agreement, as well as a number of other documents in the case of registration of a public association), information about the founders, information about the location permanent executive body;
  • have a notary certify the signature on the application for registration of a legal entity in the established form (the applicant must be one of the founders) and submit the application to the registration authority.

Suitable OKVED standards for the provision of tutoring services: 80.10.3 Additional education for children, and 80.42 Education for adults and other types of education not included in other groups.

If you are not registering an individual entrepreneur, but an educational institution, then after receiving the registration documents, you will also need to submit documents to obtain a license. The procedure for licensing educational activities is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2013 No. 966 “On licensing of educational activities.” Licensing of educational activities is carried out by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, state educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and bodies local government, vested with appropriate powers in accordance with legislation.

To obtain a license, you will need to submit the following documents to the licensing authority:

Ready ideas for your business

  • full and abbreviated (if any) name, organizational and legal form of the license applicant in accordance with its charter, its location, addresses of places of educational activities, state registration number of the record on the creation of a legal entity and details of the document confirming the fact of entering information about the legal entity to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • taxpayer identification number and data from the document confirming the registration of the license applicant with the tax authority;
  • a list of educational programs for which the license applicant intends to conduct educational activities, indicating their level and focus;
  • license validity period;
  • information on the planned number of students and pupils, including for educational programs applied for licensing;

b) copies of constituent documents (with presentation of the originals, if the copies are not certified by a notary). Scientific organization or another organization that has an educational division leading vocational training, in addition, a copy of the regulations on the specified division approved in the established manner is submitted;

c) copies of the staffing table and other documents certified by the head of the license applicant confirming the presence of the license applicant on the staff or his involvement on other legal grounds in charge educational process according to educational programs applied for licensing teaching staff, the number and educational qualifications of which ensure the implementation of educational programs of the declared level and focus and meet the requirements established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as a certificate of staffing of the educational process and staffing levels, signed by the head of the license applicant;

d) copies of documents confirming that the license applicant owns or on another legal basis equipped buildings, structures, structures, premises and territories, including equipped classrooms, facilities for conducting practical training, including facilities physical culture and sports, conditions for providing students, pupils and workers with food and medical care for the stated period of validity of the license (with the presentation of originals, if copies are not certified by a notary), as well as a certificate of logistical support for educational activities for educational programs applied for licensing, signed by the head license applicant.

License applicant renting premises for an organization educational process in a state or municipal institution that is an object of social infrastructure for children, submits a duly certified copy of a document confirming that the founder of the state or municipal institution has conducted it in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 13 Federal Law“On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation” expert assessment the consequences of the lease agreement for ensuring the education, upbringing, development, recreation and health improvement of children, providing them with medical, therapeutic and preventive care, social protection and children's social services;

e) conclusions issued in the prescribed manner by the bodies exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, state fire supervision, on the compliance of buildings, structures, structures and premises declared by the license applicant for conducting educational activities, established by law Russian Federation requirements.

f) curriculum for each educational program applied for licensing (list of disciplines (subjects) included in each declared educational program) indicating the volume of teaching load (for educational institutions of vocational education - classroom and extracurricular) for these disciplines (subjects).

g) a certificate of the availability of educational, educational and methodological literature and other library and information resources and means of supporting the educational process necessary for the implementation of educational programs applied for licensing, signed by the head of the license applicant.

A license applicant who intends to implement educational programs using partially or fully remote educational technologies, provides information and copies of documents confirming the availability of appropriate methodological and resource support that partially or fully replaces traditional educational resources;

h) a document confirming payment of the state fee for consideration of the application;

i) a list of documents submitted to obtain a license.

The forms for submitting information provided for in subparagraphs “a”, “c”, “d” and “g” of the paragraph are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Business development options

In any business, there always comes a time when short-term goals have already been achieved, and you need to decide where to move next. Options for further development a lot of. you can find many ideas for promoting and developing both a small training center and individual tutoring. This time we will talk about a larger-scale project - about replicating your business, that is, franchising. What business is worth replicating? Of course, not every business model is suitable for selling franchises. If your center is one of hundreds and thousands, if you cannot offer anything of your own, if you sell other people’s methods compiled from different sources, plus your experience in opening an educational center (albeit successful, but not guaranteeing that it will be possible repeat with the same result in another city), then you shouldn’t think about franchising. Although recently there have been a large number of offers for the sale of franchising businesses in the field of education, where for more than a hundred thousand rubles the buyer receives only a booklet describing well-known methods and recommendations for opening his own center. At the same time, we are not even talking about a well-known brand.

Why is franchising needed in relation to an educational institution? If you offer an original and proven author's methodology, if you care about the quality of services that your center provides to people and about your reputation, if you want to receive significantly more profit, but the resources at your disposal are no longer enough to qualitatively expand your business , then most likely franchising is exactly what you need. On the one hand, you will be able to significantly expand your presence in other regions of the country, since franchisees will work under your brand (name, trademark), and at the same time not spend money on opening another center, but receive it for it. In addition, as the owner of the trademark (the name of your center), you will be able to monitor the compliance of the classes provided by partners with the requirements you have established and evaluate their level.

The Internet has confidently entered the life of every person. Online training for any profession, including driving, can be obtained at home. Today, management is impossible without skills to work with by email, posts on social networks, publishing content on the website and other methods. Moreover, the teacher may be on the other side of the country. A quality platform for online learning brings together users from different parts of the world.

What can be taught on the Internet

It may be a discovery for some that every person can teach others. And it doesn't matter what he does. They even provide online design training. Many people are looking every day for opportunities to learn new skills on their own without leaving home. They are willing to pay good money for it.

The first step to creating signature courses is to identify a topic that a future teacher can convey to his students. If he is well versed in accounting, then you can organize 1C online training. You can find your audience for any topic - school subjects for elementary grades, drawing or the basics of programming. The advantages of this kind of income:

  1. Financial independence. An online teacher does not live on a fixed salary and does not save up all year for a vacation trip.
  2. There is an opportunity to travel without limiting yourself to time limits.
  3. Online courses can be taken at any time, without tearing yourself away from your family or your own hobby.
  4. There is an opportunity to change your permanent residence. Online learning can be done in a beach house in another country.
  5. Free time for personal growth and self-education.

Where to begin

An online teacher is, first and foremost, a showman. Nobody will listen to dry facts and theoretical calculations. It is important to develop the ability to present material in an interesting way and hold the attention of the audience. If necessary, it is worth taking training courses in public speaking.

Deep knowledge of the topic is also an important success factor. However, you should not prepare a program in a highly specialized area. The topic should be of interest to a large audience.

Finding potential clients is a key business issue. Comprehensive online promotion will be required. You can start by creating your own website, where you can post some materials for free.

Preparing a paid product

  1. Register for mailing services. The more useful information sent free of charge by e-mail, the higher the level of trust in the teacher. Such mailings are still effective.
  2. Prepare a free product(e-book, master classes).
  3. Post video on the Internet to collect contact information of potential students. It is best to use specialized sites. For example, learning to read online is best offered on resources related to childhood and motherhood.

As soon as the first responses are received, you can launch the paid version. If online training is carried out from scratch, but without a developed program and lesson system, you can offer training, a master class, or conduct a seminar. This is where the online learning platform plays an important role. It should be modern and functional. The Clickmeeting service fully meets these criteria.

Choosing a site for conducting classes is a defining moment. To conduct quality training, it is not enough to set up good audibility or present a beautiful picture.

The teacher needs to organize interaction with students before, during and after the lesson. The following functions will allow you to conduct a high-quality training lesson:

  1. Initial registration of participants. This will create a client database.
  2. Possibility of publishing the program, topic and name of the speaker before the start of the webinar.
  3. Setting up personal invitations. This makes the sales webinar more valuable and makes it easier to attract to it.
  4. High quality sound and image.
  5. Presentation opportunities. Visual perception must be involved in learning.
  6. A marker board helps to diversify the presentation of material and establish creative interaction with the audience.
  7. Conducting surveys during the webinar engages participants and allows for feedback.
  8. Availability of a mobile version.

Clickmeeting offers all these tools. A modern learning platform keeps participant statistics, has storage for notes, and allows for feedback and gratitude. It is recommended to take notes of all lessons. Later you can set up automatic sales.

Don't be shy about asking to leave positive reviews. They can be recorded in video format and later posted on the website. Feedback from clients allows you to take a fresh look at your online training, evaluate the pros and cons of the built system.

How to create interesting video tutorials

Knowledge and experience alone are not enough to get involved, for example, in online learning. You need to work on your speech. She should be expressive and relaxed.

Knowledge of how some programs work will be required. Especially related to video editing, sound adjustment and creating simple illustrations. And, of course, constant training in the art of sales. The following scheme for creating a video tutorial can be taken as a basis:

  1. A plan is drawn up on the topic of the video. During training, the first topic, “How the nail works,” is divided into subtopics: the structure of the nail plate, what determines nail growth, and the main diseases.
  2. To create video content, you need to find information, process it and structure it.
  3. Next, the material is recorded and edited.
  4. When the video is ready, you need to design it beautifully. Think over a unified preview style for your training, create an attractive splash screen.

How much do teachers earn?

Earnings are determined by the demand for the niche in which the classes will be conducted. For example, learning to program online will be significantly more expensive than piano lessons. During development curriculum It is important to dilute theory with practical tasks. High-quality training, designed for a month of training from scratch, costs from 5,000 rubles.

Students must get a specific result. This is where people will come. The coach must provide guarantees and instructions to achieve it. Usually distance learning online is built according to the following scheme:

  1. Twice a week the teacher contacts the students and gives them theoretical materials. Webinars last no more than 2 hours.
  2. On the remaining days of the training course, practical tasks are completed to consolidate the information.
  3. You can run 2-3 training sessions at the same time. The same or new students will take online training.

The number of participants does not affect the format of the lessons. There may be only 5 or 50 people. The same amount of time is spent. But the more students, the higher the teacher’s income. Ten people for one training will bring an income of 50,000 rubles. You need to evaluate in advance the capabilities that the chosen online learning platform offers so that no technical problems arise during the training.

In the future, recordings of each lesson can be sold separately without any additional effort. People like video tutorials and are ready to buy useful courses. You can sell such classes at a price of 3–4 thousand rubles.

Creation will speed up the promotion of a paid product. Registered users will independently sell online training.

Often beginning edupreneurs (from the words educator - a person involved in education, and entrepreneur - entrepreneur. - Note H&F) first become teachers themselves, and then open a school or create a training service. Language teaching is a separate area in the field of education and e-learning. According to Ednet insight, by 2017 the volume of this market will be $198 billion. H&F found out how you can make money on it.

Language school

There are more than 200 schools and foreign language courses in Moscow. Despite high competition and the presence of powerful online players such as English First, BKC and Language Link, the number of niche schools is growing. The latter offer specialized group and individual training programs: a language for business communication, professional (for marketers, financiers, lawyers) and targeted (for preparing for an interview or interview at the embassy) programs. Demand for such services remains stable.

How to earn

The cost of language courses is from 5,000 to 50,000 for 16 hours. The teacher's rate is on average 400–600 rubles per hour, for native speakers it is 1,000–1,500 rubles. Some schools prefer to pay them a salary - 40,000–50,000 rubles per month. Learn more about how to open a foreign language school, H&F.

Virtual lessons

In this case, you can save on renting premises. Classes are held online with native speakers living anywhere in the world or with Russian-speaking tutors. In this case, there is a chance to increase the number of clients due to regions where there are not many language schools. Skyeng service offers group or individual sessions by Skype. Amilingo conducts classes on its platform - the student sees the schedule of available lessons, reserves a place and joins at the specified time.

How to earn

The principle is the same as in a traditional school. The cost of an hour is slightly lower - from 400 rubles.

Search for teachers

Recently, many services have appeared that work on the peer2peer principle and are designed to help a student and a tutor find each other. Using filters on the search page, the system selects the most suitable teacher. Then the site offers various options, such as a demo session, which usually lasts less than usual and costs less.

How to earn

On the commission for providing the site. There are different business models here. Sometimes, after confirming the order, the tutor pays the cost of one full lesson, and then receives the money from the student directly (this is how works). Other sites (for example, preply) ask you to pay them a fee for the first lesson in exchange for contacts of the tutor you are interested in. A service fee can be charged simply for finding a teacher (on talkguru it is 5,000 rubles, the first lesson is included in the price). Some companies charge a commission for services from both the teacher and the student (on italki it is 15%).

Conversation Club

Those who like to speak a foreign language gather to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere. Some of these meetings take place at language schools, others on neutral territory. The presenter usually sets the topic of the conversation and tries to involve everyone present in the conversation. In some schools, the topic is announced in advance so that students can prepare. Participants are required to communicate only in the target language.

How to earn

The cost of meetings ranges from 100 to 1,500 rubles per person. To increase student loyalty, the organizers are introducing a subscription system. Meetings of the Moscow English Conversation Club attract an average of 100–150 people, the cost of a meeting is 200 rubles. Blab Club charges 1,200 rubles per lesson.

Language in between

Learning a foreign language can be combined with acquiring another skill. For example, Spanish or Italian can be learned easily and with gusto if the student and the teacher prepare paella or spaghetti. Espalabra regularly organizes culinary master classes at Spanish: guests are offered to eat deliciously and enrich their vocabulary in the cooking process. Samovar Cook&Chat Club conducts master classes in five languages ​​(English, Italian, French, Japanese, Spanish). Another popular way to learn a language is through physical activity. The VIP Yoga school has developed a special set of exercises and breathing techniques that activate thought processes. After an hour-long yoga class, there is an hour and a half English lesson.

How to earn

For such courses, the main thing is to find a good universal teacher who understands not only yoga or cooking, but also clearly explains the rules of grammar. There are not many such people, which explains the increased cost of the master class: from 1,500 rubles per person.

Language tours

This type of tourism has become especially popular recently. During linguistic trips, you can get to know the country, city and local traditions in practice. They consist of language classes and cultural program. Individual or group tours are organized for adults, and schoolchildren are taught during the holidays.

How to earn

Companies find partners from local schools or travel agencies, who are paid a fixed percentage depending on the size of the group. This scheme is suitable for mass tours put on stream. You can organize a specialized trip according to an individual program for a group of up to 10 people on your own. At the same time, for example, a week-long tour to Spain will cost students 930 euros.

Specialized social network

An Internet platform built on the principle of Facebook or another social network, with the difference that it brings together people interested in learning a foreign language. The largest of them - Busuu - connects millions of people around the world and offers to pay 69 euros for a year of using a premium account. There is also an international community called Interpals, where users from 158 countries are looking for pen pals. They have a chat and discussion forum at their disposal. You can choose almost any language: from English with French to Makua and Tamashki. helps you find a language learning partner by country, age and user profile.

How to earn

On sale of additional options - increasing the time of chatting, listening to a master class or access to learning several languages ​​​​at the same time. You can also place advertisements.

Sharpening your skills

Learn new language quite difficult: you need to master the skills of reading, writing and speaking, learn the rules of phonetics, grammar, vocabulary and style. Entrepreneurs focus on one aspect and present a product to practice a language skill. With the help of the application you can learn ten new ones every day English words. ESL Daily English helps improve your listening skills and helps you remember new words by listening to dialogues with subtitles.

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Dina Koptseva, founder and director of the Many Languages ​​Training Center, talks about the possibilities, nuances and stages of organizing online training as a profitable business.

The Internet is becoming more and more an integral part of our lives. Everyone, one way or another, is switching completely or partially to working via the Internet.

The topic that I want to cover today is the topic of “Online learning,” learning that is conducted via the Internet.

About five to seven years ago there was practically no training via the Internet, but now this method is becoming increasingly popular and in demand, especially from those who want to obtain high-quality knowledge.

But not everyone who has professional knowledge knows how to teach and transfer their knowledge via the Internet. And very few people know how much you can earn from this.

Who can and what can be taught on the Internet?

It will be a discovery for you, as for many others, that any specialist can teach almost anything. If you are a professional in any field, you can also start your own online training system and earn very good money consistently.

The subject can be absolutely any: business, music, school subjects, foreign languages, relationships, photography, crafts, health, travel and much, much more.

A huge number of people every day are looking for information and the opportunity to learn music, drawing, and preparing for exams in school subjects. People are interested and need to solve problems in the family, in relationships, learn to be a good wife and mother, open a small business, start profitable production at home, and much, much more.

And you, as a specialist in one of these areas, are guaranteed to be able to teach, pass on your knowledge, and in gratitude, people will pay you good and very good money.

Now about the advantages of this type of activity:

You become financially independent. You no longer have to sit from paycheck to paycheck, take time off at your own expense to spend the holidays with your child, and you don’t have to save up for six months for a summer vacation at sea.

You have the opportunity to travel freely and at any time of the year, to any country in the world.

Free time appears for family, for sports, for hobbies, for self-education.

You can spend the whole summer outside the city, for example, at the dacha, or rent a cozy house on the seashore.

You can move to another country for permanent residence, as we did, without thinking about how to get a job there. Work and high income will be your constant companions in any country.

What do I need to do. Important points

One of key points is to search for potential clients, your future students. That's why best option making yourself known on the Internet is a comprehensive promotion.

you create and fill your website with free materials, which should not be about everything, but should be focused specifically on your topic of online learning.

The next and very important element of promotion is social media, in which you need to create your accounts.

And the third necessary element of promotion, which in my opinion is difficult to do without today, is your You Tube channel. you record useful videos on your topic and post them on your channel. It’s quite difficult to promote without a video.

How much can you earn from this?

Let me give you a practical example.

Online learning is significantly different from regular learning, and the development of Internet technologies today allows you to transfer your knowledge a large number people in different parts light at the same time.

Suppose your topic is: “Profitable greenhouse farming”, “Street fast food”, “Winter entertainment” or any other topic in which you are a professional and you have personal experience work.

Based on your knowledge, you have prepared a month-long training in which you analyze specific business examples, with precise calculations, step-by-step actions (registering an individual entrepreneur, searching and renting premises, working with personnel, etc.) and additional explanations.

You have got good, high-quality material, with practical tasks. Today such training cannot cost less than 4000-5000 rubles.

But what is important: your training should give people a specific result and you guarantee this result.

During the training, for you, as a trainer, it does not matter how many people there are in the group - 5, 15 or 35. You conduct training from home, 2-3 times a week (1.5-2 hours each). On the remaining days, participants complete practical tasks that you assign to them.

Let's look at the numbers

  • If you have a group of 10 people, you will earn 40,000-50,000 rubles for the training.
  • If you have 50 people in your training, you will earn 200,000-250,000 rubles.

And at the same time, the number of classes is the same: 2-3 times a week for 1.5-2 hours.

And these are the minimum prices for training. At the same time, you can easily conduct 2 trainings simultaneously on different topics, while doubling your income.

Let me say right away that this is not a theory, this is practice. This is from our experience and the experience of our partners. Thus, we have been successfully working for more than 4 years.

This is how it works today. It is possible to launch such online training from scratch in 90 days.


Investments for starting an Internet business are minimal compared to a regular business.

Hundreds of people make money from online learning today. But the number of people wishing to obtain the necessary knowledge in different topics number in the tens of millions of people. And some of them are undoubtedly waiting for you.

Of course, in one article I was not able to talk in detail about all the intricacies and nuances of making money on the Internet through online training. But I’m sure you’ve got a general, clear picture.

If you are a professional or know something better than others, do not waste time - build the right online learning system and launch your online project.

In our age information technologies When people are desperately short of time, many prefer online education to live learning. The global online education market is constantly growing, and according to experts, by 2023 it will almost double.

  • Myth 1. Online school is a hype
  • Myth 2. It is impossible to enter a niche due to high competition
  • Myth 3. You need to be an expert in your chosen field or have a competent partner
  • Myth 4. The trainer must have teaching experience
  • Myth 5. Constant participation in the learning process is necessary
  • Step one: preparation
  • Step two. Choosing a Niche
  • Step three: choosing a coach or producer
  • Step Four: Design online course A
  • Step five: preparing a selling webinar
  • Step six: setting up an online school
  • Step seven: creating and setting up a funnel
  • Conclusion

The Russian market, although lagging behind in development, also has great potential. New online schools are appearing on the RuNet, and live events and trainings are becoming a thing of the past. People want to study without leaving home, and modern technology makes this possible.

Online education is an opportunity to save time and money while gaining the same knowledge as when studying offline. Therefore, the demand for online schools is growing. So why not try your hand at this niche? Do you think that you do not have special education or knowledge for this? It is not important! Almost anyone can enter the niche. This is confirmed by the fact that the youngest entrepreneur in Russia provides services in this market. So why not try selling knowledge?

Online education: five myths about online school

Today there is more than one myth about creating an online school. We suggest you look into this issue.

Myth 1. Online school is a hype

Online schools have been around for years. There are more and more of them, and people make good money from it. At the international conference “ New School ”Experts who have their own schools with a turnover of $1 billion per month speak annually. For example, in 2000 schools of Sergei Mikhailov, which are on the get course platform (an online school delivery system), the total income amounted to 2.5 billion rubles per year. Every day, 500,000 visitors study in these schools.

Online learning is one of the most promising areas for startups, since the main rule of any startup is:

“Start a startup in a niche that is growing and grow with it.”

In this sense, online education is a great opportunity to make good money. New technologies that do not stand still will make it possible for everyone to earn a good income in this niche.

Myth 2. It is impossible to enter a niche due to high competition

Competition when starting a business is a big plus. It means that such services are needed, and the business is working. This means there is an opportunity to advance in the niche. If, for example, a restaurant has been popular for many years, then its owner makes good money. Same here. If an online school has been around for a long time, then those who launched it have a good income, and you have a chance to build a similar business.

Competition is also an opportunity to spot the mistakes that entrepreneurs working in the same niche as you make and offer clients the best conditions. For example, the online English language school “Genius English” had its own feature: it was launched using the guided learning method of Hermann Ebbinghaus. The idea of ​​this technique is that a person can undergo effective training no more than 20 minutes a day, and, thanks to correct repetition, perfectly absorbs the material.

The school operates through a funnel and already brings in 17 million rubles a year. Training is automated: visitors go to the site, study the lesson, and write tests. The school has only a few curators who work online, answering clients' questions. The big advantage of such a school is that it does not require large expenses at the start. To launch it, all that was needed was investment in course development and advertising.

Myth 3. You need to be an expert in your chosen field or have a competent partner

First of all, decide for yourself who you are: an expert or a producer. If you are an expert, you need to train people. If you are a producer, you will be involved in advertising and packaging of the course. Usually people see the author of the course, the speaker, the one who brings knowledge, sells and conducts his courses, but no one sees the producer who is in the shadows and organizes the whole process.

The second option is very convenient if you want to open an online school without being in the know. Then you can hire experts who will work for a fee or a percentage of sales. A third option is also possible, when your school will work automatically, like “Genius English”. That is, you only need a course developer.

Myth 4. The trainer must have teaching experience

Having a developed course, almost any expert can handle the teaching. Moreover, in an automated school you can do without a coach.

Myth 5. Constant participation in the learning process is necessary

In fact, you don't have to be in the process all the time. For example, there is such a school of trading by Ivan Koval-Zaitsev. It is fully automated. The entire process is controlled by a curator, and the expert himself communicates with visitors no more than twice a month.

What is information business: organizing an online school

It was not in vain that we said that anyone can come to online education. An online school is, first and foremost, a business. And the same laws apply here as for any business whose goal is to make a profit. In our case, from the sale of information and knowledge. This is what information business is.

What do you need to start it?

Find your chip

Do what interests you. If you are interested English language, yoga or self-development, attract students to this niche. Look for your chips that will help you advance and beat your competitors.

Don't be afraid of competition

If you think that you can expand into an unoccupied niche, then you are mistaken. If people do not go to a niche, therefore, services in this area are not in demand. Such topics, for example, include live sales in the hall, during personal meetings, etc. What you need to do “live” will not work in the information business. Although, perhaps, there will be people who can refute this.

Believe in yourself

If you believe in yourself, you will succeed. If you are “on fire” when starting any business, then sooner or later success will come to you. Nothing happens right away. Perhaps, starting a business, you will hit a lot of bumps. But no new business is without mistakes. However, if you have certain knowledge, you will minimize the risks. Right now you have the opportunity to find outhow to start your own online school.

How to earn a lot? Basic rule of online learning school

Before opening a school, it’s a good idea to become familiar with the basic rule of online schools:« Invest money in advertising so that it comes back.”

For example, the Koval-Zaitsev school brought in 23 million rubles in 9 months. Of this money, 9.2 million rubles. amounted to expenses. Mainly for advertising. The remaining 14 million were divided in half by the expert and the producer of the project.

30-40% of earnings should be spent on advertising. There is no need to spend your money. Let it be money from sales. After creating your sales funnel, you need to invest a ruble and receive three rubles. This strategyyou can learn here.

Online training courses: sales models

Many people think this: it takes a lot of time and effort to gather people for online training. In reality it looks completely different. The secret is simple: you need a system that will sell your online courses.

You can consider 2 sales models:

  • “Launch” (launch);
  • Automated school.

- an interesting format that allows you to run various marathons and earn a lot of money. But its disadvantage is that launch:

  • requires a lot of preparation time;
  • suggests great nervous tension;
  • loses out in obtaining stable cash flows.

In addition, when creating a launch, the cost of error is high. The site may not work well, the newsletter may end up in spam, etc.

Automated online school or an auto funnel - more reliable in all respects. Its advantages are that it:

  • created once;
  • does not require nervous tension;
  • allows you to have several online schools;
  • brings constant monthly income;

There is an additional benefit. If the funnel does not work or brings in little income, it can be easily rebuilt in a short time. Once you tweak it a little, your profits will increase significantly. You need to create traffic that will pay off and bring orders. To do this, you can use the sales department, or you can do without it.

The auto funnel model involves either fully automated training or the participation of a curator and technical support department.

How does a funnel work? The client sees the advertisement, visits the resource and lands on the landing page. There he signs up, receives emails before the webinar and submits a request for training. Then the manager calls, the client makes a payment and gets access to the course.

Important to remember! It is necessary not only to create a funnel, but also to attract traffic, because... a car funnel without traffic is money wasted.

Your own online school: problems to overcome

There are many beliefs that prevent people from making a good income when starting their online school. So, many people think that: you need to contact the production center only when creating a startup .

But if you already have your own online courses, a production center, for example, can help you sell them. Namely, create a funnel that will significantly increase income.

When organizing their online school, people have to face this problemsuch as lack of knowledge and experience. Indeed, it is difficult to understand all the subtleties on your own. Therefore, we need to constantly study and train people who work in schools: managers, curators.

The world around us is constantly changing, as is technology itself. If you really want to be on the cutting edge, you need to know everything Hi-tech and be able to use them.

For example, messengers are most often used lately. These are the most advanced technologies today. Selling through a chat bot using Facebook and VK messengers is very profitable. Modern technologies not only greatly simplify the work of the school, but also allow you to reach a new level of income.

How to open an automated online school: 7 steps to create a business

What steps do you need to take to open your own online school?

Step one: preparation

At this stage, it is best to consider several cases, choose a school model and resolve all legal issues.

Step two. Choosing a Niche

Choosing a niche is a very serious step. You will need to not only correctly assess competitors and their potential, but also analyze the target audience and think about how to establish a dialogue with the client.

Step three: choosing a coach or producer

Here it is necessary to assign roles in advance and choose a work model so that problems do not arise during the course.

Step Four: Designing an Online Course

At this stage, you will have to develop an offer and create an online course, package it correctly and create a sales page for clients.

Step five: preparing a selling webinar

At this stage, you will need to not only think through the topic and structure of the webinar, but also find chips to sell.

Step six: setting up an online school

Here you need to decide on the choice of educational platform, as well as create and configure the website itself and the webinar subscription page.

Step seven: creating and setting up a funnel

One of the steps on which your earnings will depend in the future. Therefore, you need to think carefully about the funnel structure and test it.

There are many more significant and serious points on which it depends whether your project will generate income or will remain a dream. In particular, will you be able to assemble a good team, scale your business, and establish work with clients. To get more detailed information, participate infree webinaron launching truly profitable online schools.


An online school is a modern and interesting business, thanks to which you can do what you love, earn a good income and travel the world. Online education is the future. That is why it is worth thinking about launching your own information business now.

If you believe in yourself, are not afraid of competition, think strategically, and are ready to constantly improve and master new technologies, your own online school is what you need. Take the first seven steps and start your business! Good luck to you!