Speech development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standards lesson notes. Lesson on speech development." outline of a lesson on speech development on the topic. Classes for the development of speech of preschoolers: breathing, articulation, finger gymnastics


classes on speech development


lesson No. 1

Prepared by:

teacherIqualification category - S.L. Nenasheva

Nefteyugansk, 2017

Lesson 1
Retelling of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Goat"

Tasks.Connected speech: consolidate children’s ideas about the features of the composition of fairy tales (beginning, ending); learn to use figurative words when retelling artistic media, expressively convey character dialogues;

Vocabulary and grammar: learn to select definitions for nouns denoting objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, to find an object based on the named characteristics; when agreeing words, focus on their endings;

sound culture of speech: learn to clearly and distinctly pronounce a tongue twister with different voice volumes (loud, moderate, quiet, whisper); select words that are similar in sound and rhythm.

Material. Pictures of a fox.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher asks a riddle: “The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden - who is the riddle about?” (About a fox.) Shows the children several pictures of a fox: “When you were in the older group, you and I looked at different pictures. Now you can take any picture and say what kind of fox you have. If one has a red fox, then another has another... someone has a beautiful fox, and someone else..."

The teacher expressively tells the fairy tale “The Fox and the Goat.” Asking questions:

- What is this tale about?

- How does it start? ends?

- How is the fox shown in the fairy tale? Why do you think she's cunning? How else is a fox depicted?

- What kind of goat is in the fairy tale? Why do you think he is like this?

- What words and expressions did you like best?

- “Listen to the story again,” the teacher suggests, “then you will tell it.” Listen carefully and remember.

3-4 retellings are heard.

You can invite the children to retell the fairy tale in roles (or as a group - “team”).

Children evaluate their comrades' retellings. If they find it difficult, the teacher does it himself, drawing their attention to the completeness of the content, the expressiveness of intonation in the dialogue, the use of words. different words and expressions from the text.

- You told the story interestingly and expressively. Let's think again whatwas goat. What words can you use to describe him? (Slow-witted, stupid, unintelligent, inattentive, etc.)

- What was the fox like? (Red-haired, cunning, beautiful, smart, dexterous, fast, nimble.)

- What words that you said about the goat and the fox can be used when talking about a person?

- What kind of well was it? (Deep, cold, dark, muddy, dirty, narrow.)

- What else can be called “cold”? (Snow, ice, air, wind...)

- What can be called “cold”? (Winter, snowflake, icicle, piece of ice...)

- Listen carefully and answer.Cold, deep, transparent - is this a river or a stream?..Blue, glass, fragile - is this a saucer or a cup?

When conducting these exercises, the teacher makes sure that the children clearly pronounce endings and correctly agree adjectives with nouns.

The teacher suggests learning a tongue twister about a fox: “The fox runs along the six. Lick the fox, the sand.” The teacher and then the children pronounce the tongue twister loudly, moderately, quietly, in a whisper.

You can give the children the task of coming up with a rhyme for the words “Where have you been, little fox?” (Danced on the lawn; rested under a bush, etc.) Everyone repeats the most successful couplet loudly, quietly, in a whisper.

Lesson 2

Storytelling based on the painting “To School”

Tasks.Connected speech: teach children to compose a plot story based on a picture, using previously acquired skills in plotting (plot, climax, denouement), and independently invent the events that preceded those depicted;

dictionary: to activate in children’s speech words related to the topics “School”, “Autumn”; learn to compare and generalize, highlight essential features, select precise words to denote a phenomenon;

grammar: learn to select words with the same root given word; practice differentiating sounds with andw; Develop intonation expressiveness of speech: learn to give the statement shades of questioning and joy.

Material. Painting "To school".

Progress of the lesson

The teacher places the picture “To School” on the stand. Asking questions:

- What can you call this picture? Give it a name. Whose name do you think is more correct, more interesting? Why?

- Why do you think these children go to school and not to kindergarten?

- How to call children who go to school in one word? (Pupils, schoolchildren, first graders.)

- What does schoolchildren have in their briefcases? (Pencil case, notebooks, textbooks...) How can you call all these items in one word? (School supplies.)

- At what time of year do children start learning?

- How do we distinguish autumn from other seasons? What happens only in autumn? (Leaf fall, harvest, birds flying away, etc.)

- In autumn the weather can be different. If the sun is shining and the sky is clear, then what words can be used to describe autumn? (Sunny, golden, clear, early.) If the sky is overcast, a cold wind blows, and it often rains, then what words can you use to describe autumn? (Late, gloomy, cloudy.)

- Listen to the words -teach, teacher, teacher. What part do these related words have in common? And the wordschool are there any related words?(Schoolboy, schoolboy, schoolgirl.)

Children come up with a story based on the painting “Autumn”. The teacher first explains:"At first tell what happened to these children before they approached the school, andthen - oh what you see in the picture."

Stories can be individual or collective (a group of several people).

If the children find it difficult to come up with events that preceded those depicted in the picture, the teacher himself begins the story, and the child continues. The beginning of the story could be like this:

“On a clear, sunny September day, boys and girls were getting ready for school. They had prepared their briefcases and textbooks in the evening. Slava got up very early, he was still afraid of being late. His friend Sasha came after him, and they walked the familiar road to school...”

The teacher gives the task: “Say a sentenceI'll go to school so that it can be clearly heard, it is clearly understood that youglad this, youI want to go to school... Now say this sentence so that it is clear that youyou ask."

Lesson 3

A retelling of the story by K. D. Ushinsky “Four Wishes” and a story on themes from personal experience

Tasks.Connected speech: teach children to convey literary text consistently and accurately, without omissions or repetitions; develop the ability to compose a complete story on a topic from personal experience;

grammar: learn in different ways formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs;

dictionary: learn to select synonyms and antonyms for adjectives and verbs;

sound culture of speech: teach, without breaking the rhythm, to finish the phrase started by the teacher; pronounce the couplet with different voice strengths.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher reads the story by K. D. Ushinsky “Four Wishes.”

Asking questions:

- What is this story about?

- Why did Mitya like winter?

- What did he like in the spring?

- What did Mitya remember this summer?

- What words did the boy say about autumn?

- Why is the story called "Four Wishes"?

For retelling, you can call four children, each will talk about a certain time of year (the story should be repeated twice).

Next, the teacher offers a new task: “What time of year do you like and why? Come up with a story about this, short and complete” (a story on a topic from personal experience). (There must be at least four stories.)

“Each new season seemed better to the boy than the previous one,” says the teacher. “Summer was good, and autumn was better. Let's compare: springwarm, and summerwarmer orwarmer; grassgreen, and after the rain shegreener ormore green; late autumnCold, and in wintercolder orcolder." Next, children independently form degrees of comparison of adjectives:clean (cleaner, cleaner), tall (taller, taller), slender (slimmer, more slender), cheerful (more cheerful, more cheerful), warm (warmer, warmer), strong (stronger, stronger) and etc.

In case of difficulties, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the degree of comparison can be formed in different ways. For example, you can saystronger, Can imore strong.

“The story says: “Spring has come.” How can you say it differently? - asks the teacher. (It came.) Then he names other sentences and phrases: he ran around to his heart’s content (enough), picked flowers (picked, collected), etc.

Next, children practice selecting antonyms. "If I say a wordbig, then what word will have the opposite meaning? - asks the teacher(small). Then he gives a few more words:good (bad), cold (warm), go (stand), talk (be silent) and etc.

- Spring came! And what did she bring, you name it. So, spring has come... (warmth, flowers, grass, etc.) brought. Let's say this phrase loudly, quietly and in a whisper.

Lesson 4

Collective storytelling

Tasks.Connected speech: to train children in the use of complex sentences, in agreeing adjectives with nouns in gender and number; learn to select words with the same root;

dictionary: practice selecting definitions for given words.

Material: picture with a hare (hares).

Progress of the lesson

The teacher places a picture of a hare on the stand. Asking questions:

- How can you tell about a hare what it is like? (Shy, cowardly, gray...)

- If we want to talk about what kind of fur coat a hare has, then what words will we choose? (white, fluffy, soft.)

- What words can you use to describe what kind of mood a hare is in? (Cheerful, good, cheerful, sad.)

The teacher makes sure that when answering questions, children correctly agree adjectives with neuter nouns. For example, if a child to a nounmood selects an adjectivefunny, you need to invite him to listen to how this phrase sounds. Children should be encouraged to correct their mistakes.

The teacher asks questions:

- What is the name of a baby hare? (Little bunny.) How can you say it differently? (Bunny, bunny, bunny.) - If the children find it difficult to answer the second question, he prompts: “What can you call a bunny affectionately?”

- What are the baby hare called? (Hares.) How can I say it differently? (Bunny, bunnies, bunnies.)

- What types of bunnies are there? (Cheerful, fluffy, fast, nimble, long-eared.)

You should not force children to name a lot of words. The main thing is that the answer must be correct. For example, the child answers: “Long ears.” The teacher confirms the correctness of the answer and asks: “How can this be said in one word?” If necessary, he comes to the rescue: “Long Ears.” (Quick legs -fleet-footed, slanted eyes -cross-eyed etc.) The teacher asks a number of questions:

- Where do hares live? (In the forest.)

- What is the name of the small forest? (Little forest, little forest.)

- What can you say about a path in the forest? What is she like? (Lesnaya.)

- What is the name of the person who protects the forest and looks after it? (Forester, forester.)

Now let's repeat all the words that we remembered and named. That’s how many different words you named,” the teacher summarizes, “forest, forest, little forest, forester, forester. In all these words the same part is heard - forest, and all of them are somehow connected in meaning with the forest.

- river! (River, river, river.)

- How can you say about a small river? (River.)

- How can you say something kind about a river? (Rechenka.)

- What is the sand on the river called? (River.)

The teacher suggests: “And now I’ll tell you about how the bunny received a letter from the forest. He was very happy, but here’s the problem: the letter got caught in the rain and got wet. Some words are impossible to read. Let's help the bunny read the letter. Listen carefully and in those places where the lines are blurred, suggest what could be written there.”

(The teacher needs to ensure that, when completing the task, the children begin their statements with a conjunctive word, which ends the sentence in the letter: “We made a boat in order to...” - “to ride.”)

Sample text of the letter: “Hello, Tepa. I'll tell you a story that happened to me and my brother. One day we played for a long time on the river bank. Then we made a boat so... We got into the boat and sailed. Suddenly a strong wind blew. Got up big waves, which... We started screaming so loudly that... A bear swam to the rescue and pulled us ashore. We began to jump and gallop so that... We quickly dried out and warmed up, because Mishka came and brought us I'm going. We ate so many carrots and cabbage... We’ll be home soon.”

The teacher takes dictation and writes down the text of the letter along with any additions. The most suitable and correct options are jointly selected.

At the end of the lesson, the letter is read in its entirety with additions suggested by the children. The teacher asks several children to retell the letter.

Lesson 5

Retelling of V. Bianchi’s story “Bathing Bear Cubs”

3 tasks.Connected speech: develop in children the ability to connect individual parts of a story into a single whole, conveying the text accurately, consistently, expressively;

dictionary: practice selecting synonyms and antonyms for adjectives and verbs;

sound culture of speech: clarify and consolidate correct pronunciation soundsh Andand, learn to differentiate them in words, pronounce a tongue twister with these sounds at different tempos: fast, moderate, slow.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher reads V. Bianchi’s story “Bathing Bear Cubs.” Asking questions:

- What is the author talking about in this work?

- What interested you in the story? What were your favorite moments?

- What expressions and words do you remember and like most?

Re-reading the story.

The teacher invites one of the children to choose a second storyteller and agree with him who will retell the first part and who will retell the second. The rest of the children are asked to listen carefully to the storytellers (for later assessment). Four retellings are heard.

The teacher addresses the children:

“The cubs bathed and went for a walk in the forest. But how different they were! The first teddy bear is lively and cheerful. He loved to play. He climbed a tree and smelled honey. I was delighted, climbed down from the tree - and went to my mother! What kind of bear was he, how can you say about him? (Cheerful.) Match the wordfunny words that are close in meaning (joyful, lively...).

- And if he was cheerful, then he didn’t just go to his mother, but... ran, rushed, flew, rushed headlong...

- The other little bear also loved to play. But he was very slow. And something was always happening to him. As soon as he approached the tree, he was stung by a bee. He became completely ill. And he also went to his mother. What was the second bear? Match the wordfunny words with opposite meanings (sad, boring, sad...).

- And if he was sad, then he probably didn’t just go to his mother, but... trudged, wandered...”

The teacher highlights in the word with his voicelittle bear soundand and asks what sound was highlighted.

- What other animals are in their names? sound z,s? (Crane, beetle, toad...)

- Which animals have the sound з or з in their names? (Hare, snake, zebra, goat...)

Children name words and say which sound z is hard or soft.

Then the teacher says a tongue twister: “The hedgehog is lying by the Christmas tree, the hedgehog has needles.”

Some children repeat the tongue twister quickly, several people repeat it at a moderate pace; those who do not yet pronounce the sound clearly enoughand,- at a slightly slower pace.

Lesson 6

Storytelling based on paintings from the series “Pets”

Tasks.Connected speech: teach children to compose a story based on one of the pictures, invent previous and subsequent events; learn to evaluate the content of a story, the correctness of sentence construction;

grammar and vocabulary: practice using nouns in the genitive case plural, teach education relative adjectives; exercise in the selection of definitions; develop the ability to compare;

sound culture of speech: practice selecting words that are similar in sound and rhythm, pronouncing them at different tempos and with different voice strengths.

Material. Paintings from the series “Pets”; “Horse with a foal”, “Cow with a calf”, “Goat with a kid”, “Pig with a piglet”.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher displays four paintings on the stand. Offers to give a title to each picture. Children come up with names and together select the most successful ones.

- Remember what baby animals are called. The horse has... a foal. Lots of...foals. The cow has... a calf. Lots of... calves. A pig... A goat...

- How can you call these animals in one word? Are they wild or...? (Pets.) What other pets do you know? (Cat dog.)

- What is a baby dog ​​called? (Puppy.) One is a puppy. Several, many... (Puppies, puppies.)

The teacher explains that it is equally correct to say:puppies, lots of puppies AndPuppies, lots of puppies.

- If a calf has long legs, how can you call it in one word? (Long-legged.) If he has big eyes, he's... big-eyed.

- Tell me, which horse and which foal? Compare them. (The horse is large, the foal is small. The cow is horned, the calf is hornless.)

The teacher gives the task to compose a story based on one of the paintings. Children not only talk about what is drawn, but also invent previous and subsequent events. While the child is talking, the others carefully follow the development of the plot and its correct construction.

Then a group of four people is organized. Everyone chooses a picture to talk about. A general story is compiled based on four paintings. The rest of the children evaluate the story and come up with a title for it.

The teacher invites the children to compose a rhyme together. He says the first line, and the children come up with the second.

- Foal, where have you been? (I was jumping down the street.)

- Where have you been, calf? (I ran after my mother.)

- Hey little goat, where have you been? (Drank water from a bucket.) Children choose any couplets they like and repeat them slowly and quickly, loudly and in a whisper.

Lesson 7

Story on the topic “Tanya’s first day in kindergarten” garden"

Tasks.Connected speech: exercise children in composing a story according to the plan proposed by the teacher, teach them to build a story independently;

grammar: practice form formation genitive case plural nouns; practice word formation;

sound culture of speech: practice differentiating soundsts Andh; practice clear diction.

Material. Pictures: hare, wolf, squirrel, rabbit, jackdaw.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher says: “A new girl, Tanya, came to kindergarten. She knew nothing about what to do or how to behave. Tanya began to get ready for a walk. What things do you wear when you go for a walk? (Coats, boots, tights, knee socks, socks, leggings...)

- Tanya only prepared a scarf. What is she missing? (Socks, knee socks, leggings, boots...)

- Tanya was still small and didn’t know very well where things should be put. Let's help her.

- Bread is placed... in the bread bin, sugar... in the sugar bowl, candy... in the candy bowl, soap... in the soap dish, napkins... in the napkin holder, egg... in the egg cup, butter... in oil dish, salt is poured... into the salt shaker.

- Then Tanya was shown pictures of animals, but she didn’t know very well what their cubs were called. Let's all help her name the babies correctly. Who's eggs? (Hares.) At the wolf? (Wolf cubs.) The rabbit? (Little rabbits.)Usquirrels? (Squirrels.) At the jackdaw? (Galchata.)

- Let's come up with a story "Tanya's first day in kindergarten" First, tell us how the little girl Tanya found out that she would go to kindergarten, then how she came to kindergarten, what new and interesting things she saw there, what mood she was in, how her first day ended.”

If the task of composing a story turns out to be difficult for children, the teacher begins himself: describes the girl’s mood, appearance group room. After two or three stories, a rating is given. The teacher makes sure that, when analyzing stories, children construct sentences correctly and note interesting content.

Then a collective story is compiled: several childrenIeach one takes turns telling his part, having previously agreed on who will start, who will continue, etc.

If necessary, the teacher gives a story plan. The teacher invites the children to repeat the tongue twister: “Tanya sat down at the table and dropped the saucer.” Let’s all say together: “Tanya’s saucers clash very often.” Let’s just say that every sound is clearly heard.”

Note. When training children in the formation of the genitive case form of nouns, you should ensure that the child names each word in the nominative case and repeats it repeatedly in the oblique case. In word formation exercises, children immediately name simple forms that are easy for them, and the teacher names difficult ones first.

Lesson 8

Talking about a given topic

Tasks.Connected speech: teach to compose short story on a given topic,

sound culture of speech: reinforce the correct pronunciation of soundsWith Andw, to teach children to differentiate these sounds by ear and in pronunciation, to clearly and distinctly pronounce words and phrases rich in these sounds at different volumes and speeds, to correctly use interrogative and affirmative intonations.

Material. Paired object pictures for soundss, w, toys; painting “Meadows and Meadows” (manual “Sounding Word”, author G. A. Tumakova).

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The teacher shows the children toys (dog, elephant, fox, cat, mouse, horses, etc.) and asks them to quickly answer which animal names have a sound and which names have a soundw (i.e., the child must select these sounds from words and pronounce them drawn out).

Then the teacher gives the children paired pictures: sleigh - hat, fur coat - plane, checkers - boots, table - shower, cat - fox, dog - frog, etc. (the same pictures can be repeated in different children; you should not give words with sound with" for example,titmouse and etc.). Suggests turning pictures with s in their names upside down. Walks through the rows and checks that the task is completed correctly. Several children are asked which pictures they did not turn over, left open, and asks to name the objects that are depicted there. Then asks those whose picture names begin with a sound to raise their handsw. Children take turns naming the pictures (hat, checkers, fur coat, etc.). The others listen carefully and correct the mistakes of their comrades.

Next, the teacher suggests that those children who have pictures with sound first raise their handsw in the middle of the word, and then for those who have pictures with soundw at the end of a word. The same with pictures and sound. (Preliminarily, the teacher suggests turning the pictures with sound face downw and leave open pictures with soundWith.)

The teacher tells riddles. Children must, without saying the answer out loud, say what sound is in this word - s orw.

Red-haired, with a fluffy tail.

Lives in the forest under a bush.


The sisters are standing in the field:

Yellow peephole.

White eyelashes,


Small, gray

Lives under the floor

At night it scratches.


If I see dust, I will grumble,

I'll growl and swallow.

(Vacuum cleaner.)

The teacher helps the children memorize the proverb “The cat laughs, but the mouse tears,” having first explained its meaning. Asks to highlight words with sounds s and sh.

Next, the children complete the task of coming up with a short story on the theme “The cat laughs, but the mouse tears.”

The teacher offers to listen to a story about two bunnies and help him find the right words. Says:

“One morning the rabbits Luga and Luga left the house. They wanted to take a walk through the forest, find out who lived there, and see if there was a river nearby to fish. Luga took with him something that has a sound in its nameO (bucket), and Luga took with him something that has the sound in its nameat (fishing rod),

- The bunnies walked and walked and came out onto the path. They see someone crawling out from under the bushes, and its name is short, there are few sounds in it, and among them there is a soundu. Who is this? (The snake.) The hares greeted the snake and moved on. Soon they went to the river and began to fish. First, they pulled out a large fish, the name of which contains the sound s (catfish), then they began to come across smaller fish, the sound is heard in its namesch. Who guessed it? (Bream, pike...)

- At home, the mother hare and father hare fed the kids a delicious lunch. Sounds were heard in the names of the dishess, sch. What dishes were these? And then the kids got toys: Luga got a toy with a sound in its nameTo. What kind of toy is this, children? (Doll.) And Luga received a toy with soundw In the title. What kind of toy is this? (Car.)

- Now tell us about the bunnies, how they got ready for a walk, who they met, how they relaxed at home,” says the teacher.

Children can tell stories in groups of three.

Lesson 9

Inventing a fairy tale on the theme “How the hedgehog rescued the hare”

Tasks.Connected speech: teach children to invent a fairy tale on a given topic, describe the appearance of the characters, their actions, experiences; evaluate each other's stories;

grammar: learn to select words with the same root;

dictionary: learn to select synonyms; cultivate sensitivity to the semantic nuances of words; learn to select antonyms; help you understand the meanings polysemantic words;

sound culture of speech: learn to regulate the strength of your voice.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher asks riddles:

What kind of forest animal

Stood up like a post under a pine tree

And stands among the grass,

Are your ears bigger than your head?

Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread.

(N. Artyukhova.)

Children guess that it is a hare and a hedgehog. The teacher asks why the hedgehog has a lot of needles, why he needs them, what other needles there are.

- Where do the hedgehog and the hare live? (In the forest.)

- What words can be formed from the wordforest? (Little forest, forest, forest, forester, forester.) If there is difficulty, the teacher asks leading questions:

- What is the name of the path in the forest? (Not in the park, not in the garden, but in the forest.) (Forest.)

- What do you call a person who works in the forest? (Forester.)

- What is the name of the fairy-tale man who lives in the forest? (Lesovichok.)

- Now repeat the words that you remembered and named.

- The hedgehog was brave, but what kind of hare was it? (Cowardly.) Now serv-| Work carefully, the task will be difficult.

- Harecowardly. How can I say it differently? Choose words that are close in meaning to the wordcowardly (fearful, fearful...).

- Brave hedgehog. Choose words that are close in meaning to the wordbrave (brave, courageous...).

If children cannot choose synonyms on their own, | The teacher asks: “Are the words similar in meaning:cowardly, fearful, fearful? Yes, they are similar. You can say that the harecowardly? Yes. What about the hare?shy? Yes. These are words that are close in meaning, words that are friends.”

- Today we will come up with a fairy tale about how a hedgehog rescued a hare. Think about what could have happened to the hare and how the hedgehog could have helped his friend. The fairy tale should be short, interesting and complete.

(You should ask at least five children - they can tell in groups.) After two or three stories, the teacher asks whose fairy tale you liked more and why.

And now I will read you the poem “The Farewell Game” by D. Ciardi. You will help me find words in it that have opposite meanings.

I'll tell youI wordhigh,

And you will answer... (low).

I'll say the wordfar,

And you will answer... (close).

I'll tell you a wordcoward,

You will answer... (brave man).

Nowthe beginning I I'll say -

Well, answer... (end).

- “Let’s all say the poem together again,” the teacher suggests.

Lesson 10

Coming up with a fairy tale on the theme “The Hare’s Birthday”

Tasks.Connected speech: teach children to independently invent a fairy tale on a given topic according to plan; use descriptions, dialogue, when evaluating fairy tales, note the entertaining nature of the plot, means of expression;

grammar: practice forming the accusative plural form of nouns;

sound culture of speech: practice clearly pronouncing nursery rhymes, distinguishing rhythm, tempo of speech and voice strength.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher addresses the children:

- Last time you came up with an interesting fairy tale about a hedgehog and a hare. Yesterday was the hare's birthday. At the hare's birthday party, forest animals played, danced, and guessed riddles about what they saw in the forest and field. The hedgehog asked the following riddle: “I saw a lot of daisies, cornflowers, and bells. Where have I been? (In field.)

- Each of you can take on the role of any animal. Think about what you will bring as a gift to the hare and what riddles you will tell him and his guests about what you saw, what you didn’t see, what you saw a lot. And the hare and other animals will guess.

When children perform the exercise, the teacher suggests what and who they can name, and develops the skill of using the correct endings for animate and inanimate nouns in the accusative case.

The teacher gives a new task: “Now you will come up with a fairy tale on the theme “The Hare’s Birthday.”At first tell us who was going to visit the hare, what each of the animals was going to give to the hare.After tell us how the animals congratulated the hare, how they celebrated his birthday, how they played, and asked riddles. The tale should be interesting, short and complete.”

Several people participate in inventing a fairy tale. They first agree on what they will talk about and in what order. Before the children begin to tell, the teacher says that the best (according to the children) fairy tales will be recorded in an album.

The teacher invites the children to finish the lines of the nursery rhyme after him in the same rhythm (tapping out the rhythm).

Preparatory group for school 315

Bunny-bunny, how did you walk?.. Hedgehog-hedgehog, with whom did you dance?.. Hey, little animals, where were you?.. You, little fox, where were you walking?.. Little bear, where were you?..

Then the children repeat the nursery rhyme they liked best, slowly and quickly, loudly and in a whisper.

The teacher reads a tongue twister: “ White snow, white chalk, a white hare is also white, but the squirrel is not white, it wasn’t even white.” Calls several children and asks them to pronounce a tongue twister so that each sound is clearly heard. Then the tongue twister is pronounced slowly, moderately and quickly.

Open lesson on speech development V middle-senior group"Forest Walk"

Program content:

1. Teach children to distinguish words with a certain sound by ear.

2. Practice changing words using suffixes.

3. Strengthen children’s ability to use generalization words in speech.

4. Strengthen the ability to solve riddles.

5. Summarize and consolidate children’s knowledge about wild animals.

6. Cultivate love and careful attitude to nature.

Material: snowflakes, soft toys (bunny, hedgehog, squirrel), picture of an owl, pictures of wild animals (squirrel, fox, hedgehog, bear, wolf, hare), modules, snowball.

Preliminary work: Examination of the album “Wild Animals”, didactic games “Who lives where?”, What grows where? Conversations about the seasons, about people's winter clothes. Reading fiction about animals.

Progress of direct educational activities:


"All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend (hands to chest) and you are my friend (extend hands to each other).

Let's hold hands tightly (hold hands).

And let's smile at each other" (smile)

Educator: Guys, look, a snowflake has arrived! (takes a snowflake), and there’s something written on it! Let's read it!

"Hello girls and boys senior group! We are forest dwellers: birds and animals, we invite you to meet and play different games! We will be very glad to meet you!”

Q: Guys, what? Do we accept the invitation of our forest friends?

(children's answers)

Educator: Then we need to dress warmly, because it’s cold in the forest, and hit the road! Guys, what clothes do people wear in winter?

(children's answers)

Educator: Well done! Right! Let's get dressed!

Motor exercise “Getting dressed for a walk.”

It's very cold in winter, (pat yourself on the shoulders)

But we will go for a walk with you. (steps in place)

I will put on a hat (we imitate the “put on a hat” movement)

I'll put on a fur coat (we show you how to put on a fur coat)

I'll put on a scarf and tie it tight. (“we tie” a scarf)

And then beautiful, warm, fluffy, (show your hands)

Crumbs - I’ll put mittens on my hands. (we stroke the backs of our hands)

And although I am small (hands on the belt,)

I have felt boots. (feet alternately placed on the heel)

I’ll take the sled with me to the forest and go. (steps in place)

I'll go up the hill (raise your hands up)

And I'll ride down the hill! Woohoo! (quick movement of hands down)

Educator: Guys, turn behind each other and walk along the path. (on the road to the “clearing” “footprints” are laid out; children must follow them, one after another). Guys, do you know whose tracks these are? Let's follow the tracks just like the fox.

Here is a beautiful clearing, sit down on the stumps (chairs). Children, look who came to us?

(An owl appears from behind the screen)

Owl: Hello guys, do you recognize me?

(children's answers)

Owl: Who am I?

(children's answers)

Owl: I'm so glad that you recognized me! I've been waiting for you for a long time! I wanted to ask you, do you know the mosquito song?

Children: z-z-z-z

Owl: beetle song?

Children: w-w-w-w

Owl: wind?

Children: sh-sh-sh-sh,

Owl: some water?

Children: ssssss

Owl: Now let's play. I will name the words, and you should clap your hands if you hear:

mosquito song (Z) - hare, car, goat, winter, snow; fence, bicycle.

song of a beetle (F) - belly, squirrel, giraffe, house, garage, apple, hedgehog, knife;

wind song (Ш) - hat, fur coat, candy, pine cone, paper, car;

water song (C) - table, hand, chair, cabbage, pineapple, plane, tree.

What a great fellow you are! I really enjoyed playing with you! Further on your way you will meet a squirrel, she is waiting for you! Walk across the bridge! Goodbye children.

Children: Goodbye, owl!

Educator: Look, here comes the squirrel.

Squirrel: Hello guys! So we met!

Children: Hello, squirrel!

Squirrel: Let's play! I will name the words, and you must say what they are called in one word.

Didactic game: “Say it in one word”

Squirrel: butterfly, beetle, mosquito, fly, bee, dragonfly

Children: insects;

Squirrel: birch, oak, spruce, maple, pine, cedar

Children: trees;

Squirrel: starling, bullfinch, owl, magpie, cuckoo, swallow

Children: birds;

Squirrel: lingonberries, strawberries, raspberries, currants

Children: berries;

Squirrel: chamomile, bell, rose, lily of the valley, cornflower

Children: flowers;

Squirrel: fox, wolf, bear, hare, squirrel, hedgehog

Children: animals

Squirrel: Well done! Now play a game with me "Small big"

Squirrel: A hedgehog has small paws, but a bear has big ones.

Children: paws.

Squirrel: A hedgehog has a small nose, but a bear has a big one

Children: conk.

Squirrel: A hedgehog has small eyes, and a bear has big ones.

Children: eyes.

Educator: Thank you, squirrel, for the games, but it’s time for us to move on!

Squirrel: I'm glad we played and became friends! Now go through the snowdrifts and there you will meet a bunny! Goodbye!

Children: Goodbye!

(Various modules for obstacles are laid out along the road: crawling, stepping).

Educator: Guys, let's follow each other, stepping over the snowdrifts.

Look how much snow there is! How can we get through? And here the tree branch is bent, let's climb along it.

And who is that peeking out from behind the snowdrift? Yes, it's a bunny! Hello, bunny!

Bunny: Hello guys!

Educator: Why are you hiding?

Bunny: I'm afraid.

Educator: Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you. We came to play with you.

Bunny: And then let's play the game “Name it kindly.” I will call you a word and throw a snowball, and in return you call the word affectionately and throw a snowball at me!

Didactic game "Name it affectionately"

mushroom - mushroom, leaf - leaf, branch - twig, bush - bush, berry - berry, grass - grass, bug - bug, Christmas tree - Christmas tree, flower - flower, rain - little rain, cloud- cloud.

Word game "Big - small?"

Fox - little fox, wolf - wolf cub, bear - little bear,
squirrel - little squirrel, hedgehog - hedgehog, tiger - tiger cub, elephant - baby elephant, a lion - lion cub, hare - bunny, mouse - little mouse.

Educator: Guys, our bunny is a little tired, let's do a warm-up with him.

It's cold for the bunny to sit, he needs to warm his little paws.

Paws up, paws down, pull yourself up on your toes.

We put our paws on the side, on our toes, hop – hop – hop!

Bunny: Well done! I really enjoyed playing with you. Go further, going around the Christmas trees; a hedgehog lives under one of them. Bon Voyage!

Educator: Guys, look what this lump is under the tree?

(children's answers)

Hedgehog: Good morning, children! Do you like riddles? And do you even know who lives in the forest? Let's check.

Didactic game “I’ll guess - guess”

Red-haired cheat

Hid under the tree.

The cunning one is waiting for the hare.

What is her name?..


Red-fiery lump,

With a tail like a parachute,

Jumps quickly through the trees,

He was there...

Now it's here.

He's as fast as an arrow.

So this is...


Lying between the trees

Pillow with needles.

She lay quietly

Then suddenly she ran away.

Clubfoot and big,

He sleeps in a den in winter.

Loves pine cones, loves honey,

Well, who will name it?


The scythe has no den,

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save you from enemies,

And from hunger - bark.


Gray, scary and toothy

Caused a commotion.

All the animals ran away.

Scared the animals... (wolf)

Hedgehog: Well done! You know a lot!

Educator: We really liked it in your forest! Thank you very much, hedgehog, for the game, but it’s time for us to say goodbye. Goodbye, hedgehog!

Hedgehog: Goodbye, guys!

Educator: Guys! You're probably cold. It's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Motor exercise “Run through the snow.”

(performing movements according to the text)

Snow, snow, white snow.

He puts us all to sleep. (children wave their hands in front of them.)

They stood up one after another

And they ran through the snow! (running in place)

Educator: Well, guys, we are back in kindergarten. Let's undress. Tell me, where did we go?

(children's answers)

Educator: Who did we meet in the forest?

(children's answers)

Educator: Did you enjoy the walk?

Who did you enjoy playing with the most?

  1. Develop children's speech.
  2. Continue to teach children to answer questions clearly, distinctly, and slowly.
  3. Create a positive emotional mood in children, arouse interest in joint gaming and learning activities.

1. Educational: to develop children’s speech skills through theatrical games; activate the names of objects and their qualities in children’s speech; strengthen children’s ability to select antonyms for words with opposite meanings; consolidate the ability to intonationally highlight the first sound in a word, name it in isolation, consolidate knowledge of a fairy tale "Kolobok".

2. Developmental tasks: develop horizons, imaginative and logical thinking, Creative skills children.

3. Educational: to cultivate interest in small forms of folklore and emotional responsiveness to imagery, intonation expressiveness, and the rhythm of the artistic word.

Demo material: fairy tale character Kolobok (Pictures); plot pictures based on a fairy tale; animal tracks; ball; recording music.

Previous work with children: conversation, outdoor games, didactic games, table theater "Kolobok", finger theater.

Methodical techniques:

Questions and answers,

Game actions,

Guessing riddles.

1. Organizational moment.

Children sit on chairs.

Educator: Guys, today I brought this chest. Look how interesting he is. Let's see what's in it?

Children: Yes!

Educator: For some reason it doesn’t open, this chest is probably magical and you need to say the magic word. Which one, can you tell me?

Children: Please!

Educator: Right. We also say magic words (loudly, quietly, in a whisper)

There is a lock on the chest.

Who could open it? (Hands in lock.)

Pulled (We stretch our fingers without unclenching.)

Twisted (Rotate your hands without unclenching your fingers.)

They knocked (Knock with the heels of your palms.)

And - they opened it! (Hands unclench.)

The chest opens and Kolobok's song sounds from it.

2. Introductory part.

Educator: Guys, the chest is not just magical, it’s a musical chest of fairy tales. What fairy tale did he bring today? (The kolobok song sounds.)

Children: Kolobok.

Educator: Well done, right! Let's remember this wonderful fairy tale together!

Presentation “Tell a story using pictures” (2-3 minutes).

The teacher, together with the children, tells a fairy tale based on the plot pictures.

Educator: Well done boys!

Oh, there's something else in the chest (takes out a beautiful envelope)- this is an invitation to visit. But you can find out who invited us if you guess the riddle:

Even though he was without arms and legs,

But he was able to escape from home.

The wolf and the hare and the bear

They couldn't keep up with him.

But the fox knows the deal -

“Am” quickly ate it.


Educator: Children, which of you likes to visit? (children's answers: all). Today we will go to visit Kolobok....

Kolobok lives far away, and where Kolobok lives, most will answer: “In a fairy tale” or: “At my grandparents’ place.” But this one fairy tale hero there is an official homeland, recorded on a fairy-tale map. This is our Ulyanovsk.

Kolobok has his own estate, near the village of Novaya Bedenga, Ulyanovsk district, where he doesn’t want to run away at all. After all, the round bread has an entire estate with a playground, a cafe, sculptures and a wooden hut at its disposal. The fairy-tale house is stylized as a 19th-century dwelling: here you can see a real Russian stove and antique furniture. The hut smells delicious of pies

Do you want to visit there? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Then we set off, but the path will not be easy, on our way there will be tasks that you and I must complete in order to get a visit.

Educator: Do you know that it is right to go on a visit with gifts, what gifts should you take with you for your grandparents?

A game “What do I want to put in the basket?”,

(Children name: a book, glasses, a beautiful scarf, candy, etc.)

Well done, so we'll take it with us as a gift to grandpa and grandmother (the children call, the teacher together with the children puts a beautiful scarf, a book, and candy in the basket.)

Educator: They collected a full basket of gifts.

Conversation: - Guys, what did the woman make the kolobok from? (from flour).

What else can you make from flour? (bread, gingerbread, pies, etc.).

Assignment: Now you need to go to the table and lay out the cards - the sequence - how the bread turns out. (Each child has cards - grains, sprouts, ears of wheat, mill, bag of flour, bread.)

Now let’s remember who the bun met on its way, running away from home?

Children: Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox. (I post it on the board.)

Educator: As you know, in fairy tales there are good characters and there are bad ones. Which fairy tale character would you like to be like? Why? (Children's answers.)

Educator: I have a magic ball! With its help we will transform negative traits character into positive ones.

Exercise: (ball game)

Deceitful - truthful

Cowardly - brave

Evil - good

Greedy - generous

Lazy - hardworking




Sloppy - neat

Educator: Well done! We completed the task. Let's continue on our way.

Adults and children know

A lot of words in this world!

And with magic words,

We walk around the world with you!

Educator: And here is the estate. And different animals live in my grandparents’ yard. Let's try to guess which ones?

1. Instead of a tail - a hook,

Instead of a nose - a snout,

Piglet is full of holes,

And the hook is fidgety.

Children: Piglet

Educator: Who is his mother? (pig).

The pig is big, but what about the piglet? (small).

2. With a trimmed mane,

He gallops zealously, touch him a little.

Children: Horse.

Educator: What is the name of a horse's baby?

Children: Foal.

Educator: the mother horse is big, and the foal? (small).

Didactic game “Whose baby?”

Connect pictures of baby pets with an adult animal.

Educator: Guys, look, there’s a bun sitting on the window, waiting for us.


Show me how thick Kolobok’s cheeks are (children puff out their cheeks).

Use your hands to show how Kolobok rolls.

Now gently inhale the air through your noses, inflate your tummy so that it is as round as Kolobok’s side.

Now portray first a sad and then a cheerful Kolobok.

Kolobok: Hello, guys! I am very glad to see you. Well done for getting there so quickly.

Children greet Kolobok.

Educator: Let's tell about the kolobok what it is like (children pass Kolobok to each other and come up with adjectives).

That's how many words we said about Kolobok! (children sit on chairs).

Educator: Any word has a first sound, including any name. (Pronounces his name with emphasis on intonation and, together with the children, determines the first sound in it.)

The teacher invites the children to determine the first sound in their names: First, quietly say your name, listen to what the first sound is in it, and then raise your hand and name this sound.

If someone has difficulty naming the first sound, the teacher immediately comes to help: pronounces the child’s name with intonation highlighting this sound, repeats this word together with the child two or three times, then the teacher and student call this sound together in isolation.

Educator: Guys, what is the first sound in the word kolobok? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Look guys, our bun is sad. Let's ask what happened to him?

Kolobok: You are so friendly and cheerful, but I’m alone, I’m sad.

Educator: Guys, so that the kolobok has fun and has someone to play with, let’s make him a lot of friends, the same round, ruddy koloboks - like these. (Showing a kolobok made from salt dough.)

Examining the kolobok:

The bun is round, there are eyes, they are also round, the mouth is striped.

The teacher shows how to make a bun.

Children make koloboks. (Children use salt dough to make koloboks in a circular motion, cut out eyes and a mouth in stacks, make a nose, legs and arms.)

Educator: Look at the bun, now you won’t be bored, you have a lot of friends. Funny, beautiful koloboks. And don’t forget us, come visit us.

Kolobok praises the children and treats them.


We were walking through a fairy tale.

And, of course, we were tired.

We'll take a little rest

We'll go to kindergarten again.

Children say goodbye to the kolobok.

Educator: Well done boys! You have completed many tasks. Let's remember what we did today, let's remember? (Children's answers.)

Assessment of children's activities.

And we also gave the little kolobok many friends - koloboks, now he won’t be bored.

Summary of the lesson on speech development “Tender words”

Educational area: Communication

Chapter: Speech development

Subject:"Sweet words"

Target: Form ideas about word formation


1) Teach to use words in diminutive form in speech

2) Develop mobility of facial muscles.

3) Cultivate patience, perseverance, curiosity, and the desire to finish everything to the end; arouse interest in the world around you.

vocabulary work: affectionate

Equipment: bear, pictograms depicting emotions


1.Circle of joy "Sun"

Hello, blue sky! ( raise their hands)

Hello, golden sun! ( stand on tiptoes, reach for the sun)

Hello my friends! ( join hands and form a circle)

I'm very glad to see you! ( swing their arms)

Hello guys!

I'm glad to see you all today. What's your mood? ( excellent, cheerful, festive, mischievous, cheerful, sad)

2. Mimic gymnastics

Pictograms are displayed.

The teacher and children look at pictograms depicting a happy, sad, surprised, angry facial expression, and then depict the emotions on their faces.

3. Surprise moment

Today you and I will come up with new words, and help us with this Winnie the Pooh. Say hello!

Winnie the Pooh: Children, do you know what this magic word means: “Hello”? This means when we greet someone, we wish these people health. Guys, what other magic words do you know? ( children's answers). Guys, let's play a game called “Hello!”

4.Game « Hello»

(Children “say hello” to the part of the body that the bear cub named, repeating the movements after the teacher.)

Hello legs.

Children: Hello: (Hands on your belt, march in place, raising your knees high and extending your toes for each syllable).

Hello palms.

Children: Hello. (Clap your hands for each syllable at the same time as the words).

Hello sponges.

Children: Hello (Blow kisses to each other).

Winnie the Pooh: Guys, I don’t know your name!!! Maybe you can tell me? ( Yes)

5. Game exercise "Tender names"

The teacher encourages the children to call each other affectionately: Sashenka, Sofochka, etc.

Winnie the Pooh: Oh, well done! Eh, I would play with you, but my back hurts.

Teacher: Children, what should you do to be healthy so that your back doesn’t hurt? ( charging) Let's take a physical minute and remember one fairy tale.

6. Physical training « Zayushkina's hut."

Our bunny lived in a hut. ( Hands above head, fingers connected to each other in the form of a house) .

He never grieved ( Heads are turned in different directions)

He sang the song cheerfully ( Nod their head) .

And he played the pipe. ( Imitation of playing the pipe) .

But the fox knocked. ( They knock fist on fist) .

She drove away our hare. ( Clap your hands) .

Now the little bunny is walking sadly. ( Spinning.)

He doesn't find a place for himself. ( Sighs and shrugs.)

Both the dog and the bear ( They wag their tail, then sway from side to side.)

They come up to our hare. ( Suitable for each other).

And they leave with nothing ( They diverge) .

Only a single rooster.

Helped our hare ( Hands above your head, fingers connected to each other in the form of a house).

And now they live in the house. ( Hands above your head, fingers connected to each other in the form of a house.)

Singing in tune. ( Hugging.)

Guys, did you recognize the fairy tale? (“Zayushkina’s hut”) Well done! Come on, Winnie the Pooh, how's your back? Can you play now?

Winnie the Pooh: Yes, I feel better! Kids, I came up with a new game, would you like to play?! Only with its help you can come up with new words!

7. A game “I have a nose, what about you?”

The teacher names the parts of his body, and the child repeats them using the diminutive suffix.

“I have a nose,” says the teacher.

And I have a nose.

I have ears (and I have ears), etc.

8. Summary of the lesson

(Children name parts of the human body in a “chain”)

Winnie the Pooh: Guys, I had so much fun playing with you! You are all so smart, such affectionate guys! They also fixed my back! Do you want me to come visit again? ( Yes) I will definitely come to you! Goodbye !(Children say goodbye to the guest)

Expected Result:

Know the names and locations of body parts;

Have an idea of ​​word formation;

Be able to express your emotions and form new words


Theme of the week: “Forest dwellers”

GCD theme: “Telling a story based on a set of toys.”

Purpose of GCD: Encourage children to create their own story using a set of toys.

GCD tasks:


    learn to understand the meaning of riddles;

    consolidate the general concept of wild animals;

    train in the correct and conscious use of prepositions with spatial meaning (in, under, between).


    strengthen the articulatory apparatus, pronounce words clearly and distinctly.


    cultivate friendly relationships.

: toy forest animals: hedgehog, fox, bear, squirrel, hare, mouse.

GCD plan:

Preliminary stage

Creating a game situation.

Activity (main)

    Riddles about forest animals.

    Search for toys.

    Game “Where we were - we will tell you, who we met - we will show you” (Dynamic pause).

    Physical education minute.

The final stage


GCD move:

Methodological justification


(comprehension stage)


Hello guys. Today our guest is a toy bunny. And he invites us to solve riddles. Shall we try?

(Children's answers).

I will ask a riddle, and you will guess and look for the toy with your eyes - this is an animal.

A ball is rolling through the forest,
He has a prickly side.
He hunts at night
For beetles and mice... (Hedgehog)

If you get into the habit of going into the chicken coop, expect trouble.
Covers his tracks with his red tail... (Fox) Sleeps in winter,
In summer he stirs up the hives... (Bear)

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,
I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree
I gnaw nuts... (Squirrel)

White in winter,
And in the summer it’s gray.
Doesn't offend anyone
And he himself is afraid of everyone... (Hare)

Small stature, long tail,
Gray fur coat, sharp teeth... (Mouse)

Who or what do you think we will talk about today?

(Children's answers).

That's right, today we'll talk about animals. What animals?

(Children's answers).

Learn to understand the meaning of riddles.

Reinforce the general concept of wild animals.

    Activity (main)


Guys, while solving riddles, we were looking for toys. Now the bunny and I will see which of you was the most attentive?

    Where was the toy hedgehog? (under the high chair)

    Where was the toy fox? (in the closet)

    Where was the teddy bear? (between cars)

    Where was the toy squirrel? (under the painted tree)

    Where was the toy bunny? (in a doll's crib)

    Where was the toy mouse? (between flowers, on the windowsill)

Train in the correct and conscious use of prepositions with spatial meaning (in, under, between).

Dynamic pause.

Game “Where we were - we will tell you, who we met - we will show you.”

Children get up in a round dance. They say the words “Where we were - we will tell you, who we met - we will show you.”

We were in the forest, under a bush..... (in a tree, in a hole, in a den, in a clearing).

Who did you see? Children answer and show (depict an animal).

Hare.... (squirrel, fox, bear, mouse)

Setting for loud, clear speech, correct pronunciation of sounds.

Strengthen the articulatory apparatus, pronounce words clearly and clearly

Writing a story based on toys.

The teacher draws attention to the scheme for composing the story.

Provides a sample if necessary.

Physical education minute
The bunny went out for a walk. (Walking in place)
The wind began to subside.
The little bunny is tired -
Wants to hide in the bushes. (Squat)
Here he is jumping down the hill,

(Jumping in place)
Runs into the green forest
And rushes between the trunks,
Among the grass, flowers, bushes.

Cultivate friendly relationships.

    The final stage

Children analyze whose story they liked the most, why?

Thanks to all! And it’s time for the bunny to go home to the forest.


    Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.M. Speech development in children 4-5 years old. - P.52

Self-analysis of the NOD organization:

Frontal exercise on speech development in the middle group on the topic “Telling a story using a set of toys” was held on January 18, 2017.

At the main stage of the GCD, the following were used: riddles about forest animals, a search for toys, the game “Where we were - we will tell you, who we met - we will show you,” compiling a story based on toys.

Forms of organization: answers to questions, riddles, games, conversation. Means: toys.

A dynamic pause and a physical education session served as a way to eliminate overload in the lesson.

Time regulations have been met.

GCD outline plan

conducted in the secondary group No. 6 of MBDOU kindergarten No. 34 “Rodnichok”,

compiled by Abdullina Irina Vagizovna

GCD theme:IN. Bianchi "First Hunt"

Purpose of GCD: To introduce preschoolers to birds, teach observation skills, develop memory, speech, and the ability to answer questions.

Equipment ( visual materials) : text of the work, illustrations for the text, flannelgraph, pictures with the main characters, paper, colored pencils.

GCD plan:

Preliminary stage

Checking readiness for class.

Motivational-problematic (comprehension stage)

Updating (what is known, what we will study).

Creating a game situation.

Activity (main)

Familiarization and study of new material

(checking understanding, consolidation, generalization, systematization)

    Reading a fairy tale.

    Conversation and discussion.

    Physical education minute.

    Bird drawing.

The final stage

Reflection on goals, content of activities, emotional state children (what new things we learned, what new words we learned, how we learned them, what we liked, what was difficult).


GCD move:

(sequence) of activities

Methodological justification


(comprehension stage)


Today, guys, I want to introduce you to Vitaly Bianchi’s work “The First Hunt”.

Target setting.

    Activity (main)

Reading fairy tales by V. Bianchi “The First Hunt”.

Getting to know the work.

Reading is accompanied by the display of illustrations on flannelgraph.

Conversation and discussion of the fairy tale.

Questions for children:

    What animals did the Puppy come across while hunting?

    What birds did the Puppy get to know?

    Why didn't the Puppy recognize the Bittern?

    Where did she hide? (in the reeds)

    Why didn't the Puppy see Udot?

    What does Udot look like?

    What does he look like? (on a motley patch)

    Where did Whirlwind hide?

    Why was the Puppy scared?

Teach observation skills, develop memory, speech, ability to answer questions

Physical education minute:

Stork, stork, long-legged,

Show me the way home.

The stork answers:

Stomp your right foot

Stomp your left foot

Again - with the right foot,

Again - with the left foot.

Then you'll come home

Drawing of birds that the puppy has met (optional and at the children's choice).

    The final stage


Questions for children:

What work did we meet today?

Who main character fairy tales?

Did you like the fairy tale?


Self-analysis of the NOD organization:

Frontal lesson on familiarization with fiction in the middle group on the topic “Reading the fairy tale by V. Bianchi “The First Hunt” was held on January 20, 2017.

The pace of the lesson is average.

The structure of the lesson and the content of the material for each stage of the lesson are selected taking into account the age characteristics of children middle group.

At the main stage of GCD the following were used: reading a fairy tale, working with a flannelgraph, conversation and discussion, physical education, drawing a bird.

When conducting the lesson, the following teaching techniques and methods were used: verbal, visual, cognitive, game.

Forms of organization: answers to questions, conversation, discussion, artistic activity.

Media: text of the work, illustrations for the text, flannelgraph, pictures with the main characters, paper, colored pencils.

Throughout the lesson the children showed high degree cognitive activity. When answering questions, they were attentive to other children.

The emotional atmosphere in class is positive.

During the GCD, the planned goals and objectives were completed.

The children have mastered the material in full.

Time regulations have been met.

Topic of the week: “The World of Objects”

“Objects around us (dishes, furniture, household items)”

GCD outline for speech development,

conducted in the secondary group No. 6 of MBDOU kindergarten No. 34 “Rodnichok”,

compiled by Abdullina Irina Vagizovna

GCD theme:

GCD goals and objectives:


    teach children to carefully examine the picture, understand its content, and answer questions with complete answers;

    teach children to compose short story, consisting of several sentences, reflecting the content of the picture;

    continue to teach children to perform creative tasks: select definition words and action words for the words: snow, winter, frost, snowflake;

    fix the names of winter clothes;

    strengthen the ability to solve riddles;

    activate the dictionary.


    develop children's attention, memory, logical thinking, creative imagination;

    develop hand motor skills, a sense of rhythm, and the ability to move to the beat of poetic lines.


Equipment (visual materials): painting “Tanya is not afraid of frost” (series “Our Tanya”, author O.I. Solovyova); doll in winter clothes, Slide presentation “Winter mysteries”.

GCD plan:

Preliminary stage

Checking readiness for class.

Motivational-problematic (comprehension stage)

Updating (what is known, what we will study).

Creating a game situation.

Activity (main)

Familiarization and study of new material

(checking understanding, consolidation, generalization, systematization)

    Conversation about winter clothes

    Looking at and talking about the painting

    Writing a story

    Physical education minute

    Didactic game “Winter Riddles”

    Lexico-grammatical exercise “Select the signs”

    Lexico-grammatical exercise “Choose an action”

The final stage

Reflection on goals, content of activities, emotional state of children (what new things they learned, what new words they learned, how they learned them, what they liked, what was difficult).


GCD move:

(sequence) of activities

Methodological justification


(comprehension stage)


Children, today a guest came to our group, and you will find out who she is from the poem that I will read to you.

Reading an excerpt from Z. Alexandrova’s poem “Tanya and the Top.”

Meet our Tanya -

She is now in her fourth year.

Tanya will get up early in the morning,

And she will go for a walk.

Organizing children's attention.

Surprise moment.

    Activity (main)


Our Tanya is getting ready to go outside. What should she wear to stay warm?

(Children name items of clothing, the teacher demonstrates the named items and asks questions).

Questions for children:

    What coat is this? (winter, warm, fur).

    What colour?

    What hat?

    What kind of jacket (sweater)?

    What scarf? etc.

    What are we talking about - fluffy, furry, soft? (collar).

    Winter warm...(coat).

    Yellow knitted...(hat).

    Red knitted warm woolen jacket.

    What is a scarf for? (to tie it around your neck, so it’s warm, so it doesn’t blow, so you don’t get sick).

Activation and enrichment of the vocabulary.

Fix the names of winter clothes.


Our doll Tanya dressed warmly and got ready to go out for a walk.

The teacher displays the picture.

Children look at it and answer questions.

    Who is in this picture? (Girl Tanya).

    Where is Tanya walking? What is she doing? (Children's answers).

    What time of year is shown in the picture?

    Why do you think it's winter?

    Look at the snow and tell me what it is like? (white, fluffy, cold, soft, shiny, clean).

    How can you say about winter, what is it like? (snowy, frosty, cold).

    How is Tanya dressed? (warm).

    On it... (coat, hat, scarf, mittens, felt boots).

Children describe clothes.


Look at the picture again carefully and tell us where Tanya is walking, what is she doing, what is she playing? (Children's answers).

Teach children to carefully examine the picture, understand its content, and answer questions with complete answers.


Let's talk about Tanya again.

On a frosty winter day Tanya... (went out for a walk). She took with her ...(buckets). Tanya dressed warmly. on her ...(fur hat, winter coat, felt boots). Fell on Tanya's mitten (snowflake - light, white, beautiful). It's cold outside, but Tanya ...(not afraid of frost).

Now tell me about Tanya without my help. Who wants to tell?

(Children's answers).

Teach children to compose a short story, consisting of several sentences, reflecting the content of the picture.

When evaluating stories, the teacher praises those children who included the following definitions in their stories: white, fluffy (snow), snowy, cold (winter).


And now we will all dress warmly and go for a walk together with the doll Tanya (imitation: put on outerwear, then go out onto the carpet).

Physical education “Walk”
It's cold and windy outside,

Children are walking in the yard

Hands are rubbed

Hands warm

So that your feet don't get cold,

a little bit
We are not afraid of frost,

We dance merrily.

Didactic game “Winter Riddles” (slide presentation)
Children, let's show the doll Tanya how you can solve “winter” riddles and select definition words and action words for the answers.

(The teacher makes riddles about snow, winter, frost, and the children guess).

Strengthen the ability to solve riddles.

Continue to teach children to perform creative tasks: select definition words and action words for the words: snow, winter, frost, snowflake.

Lexico-grammatical exercise “Select the signs.”

    What's winter like? (cold, frosty, snowy, cheerful).

    What kind of snow? (white, fluffy, soft, clean, shiny).

    What frost? (strong, angry, strong, weak).

    What snowflake? (light, prickly, tender, cold, white, beautiful, patterned, carved).

Enrichment of the dictionary.

Continue to teach children to perform creative tasks: select definition words for the words: snow, winter, frost, snowflake.

Lexico-grammatical exercise “Choose actions”

    What does snow do? (walks, falls, spins, flies, creaks).

    What does frost do? (pinches, cracks, bites, draws).

    What is Snowflake doing? (flies, descends, falls, spins, melts).

Enrichment of the dictionary.

Continue to teach children to perform creative tasks: select action words for the words: snow, winter, frost, snowflake.

    The final stage

At the end of the lesson, the Tanya doll thanks the children for interesting stories, praises them for the fact that the children studied well. The teacher invites the children to dress warmly after class, take the Tanya doll with them for a walk, and byesled her.

Evaluation for work in class, praise.


    Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A. Best games and entertainment with words, 2008

    Alexandrova Z. “Tanya and the Top”

    Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten. Middle group. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2016. – P.50.

    Lysakov V.G. 1000 riddles, 2006

    Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.M. Speech development in children 4-5 years old. - P.55.

Self-analysis of the NOD organization:

A frontal lesson on speech development in the middle group on the topic “Composing a story based on the painting “Tanya is not afraid of the frost” was held on January 25, 2017.

GCD topic: Compiling a story based on the painting “Tanya is not afraid of frost”

The pace of the lesson is average.

The structure of the lesson and the content of the material for each stage of the lesson are selected taking into account the age characteristics of children in the middle group.

At the main stage of GCD the following were used: a conversation about winter clothing; viewing and talking about the painting; writing a story, physical education; didactic game"Winter mysteries"; lexical and grammatical exercise “Select the signs”; lexical and grammatical exercise “Choose the action.”

When conducting the lesson, the following teaching techniques and methods were used: verbal, visual, cognitive, game.

Forms of organization: answering questions, conversation, discussion, looking at a picture, riddles.

Medium: painting “Tanya is not afraid of frost” (series “Our Tanya”, author O.I. Solovyova); doll in winter clothes, Slide presentation “Winter mysteries”.

A physical education session served as a way to eliminate overload during the lesson.

Throughout the lesson, the children showed a high degree of cognitive activity. When answering questions, they were attentive to other children.

The emotional atmosphere in class is positive.

During the GCD, the planned goals and objectives were completed.

The children have mastered the material in full.

Time regulations have been met.

GCD outline plan

to get acquainted with fiction,

conducted in the secondary group No. 6 of MBDOU kindergarten No. 34 “Rodnichok”,

compiled by Abdullina Irina Vagizovna

GCD theme:TO. Chukovsky "Fedorino's grief."

Purpose of GCD:

    Help children remember the names and contents of K. Chukovsky’s fairy tales.

GCD tasks:

Equipment (visual materials): fairy tale text; illustrations for a fairy tale; pictures of dishes, troughs, pokers, tubs, tubs, etc., hedgehog, bear, beetle, flannelgraph.

GCD plan:

Preliminary stage

Checking readiness for class.

Motivational-problematic (comprehension stage)

Updating (what is known, what we will study).

Creating a game situation.

Activity (main)

Familiarization and study of new material

(checking understanding, consolidation, generalization, systematization)

    Introducing a fairy tale (reading)

    Exchange impressions about what you heard

    Game "Dishes"

    Physical education minute

    Riddles about dishes

    Conversation based on a fairy tale

The final stage

Reflection on goals, content of activities, emotional state of children (what new things they learned, what new words they learned, how they learned them, what they liked, what was difficult).


GCD move:

(sequence) of activities

Methodological justification


(comprehension stage)

Riddles based on the names of fairy tales:

Bunnies and squirrels are happy,

Boys and girls are happy,

They hug and kiss the clubfoot:

Well, thank you, grandpa, for the sunshine.”

("Stolen Sun")

The mice caught the cat

They put me in a mousetrap...


The fireflies came running,

Lights were lit -

It became fun

That's good!

("Fly Tsokotukha")

The teacher shows the covers of books or illustrations to Chukovsky’s fairy tales, reads excerpts from the works and helps to remember the name of this or that fairy tale and how it ends.

    Activity (main)

The teacher reminds the children that all these fairy tales were written by K.I. Chukovsky.

And the fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief” was also written by grandfather Korney.

The teacher reads a fairy tale.

Introduce the fairy tale “Fedorino’s grief”.

Gives children the opportunity to exchange impressions.


Guys, who found anything in the fairy tale especially funny?

The teacher reads out the passages he liked, including the episode that the teacher liked.

Learn to understand the content of the work, its humorous meaning.

Game "Dishes"

The teacher attaches pictures to the flannelograph and asks to remove those that do not belong to the dishes.

Strengthen the ability to correctly name utensils and a general concept.

Physical education minute.

Here is a large glass teapot, (“inflate” the stomach, one hand on the belt),

Very important, like a boss.

(the other is curved like a nose)

Here are the porcelain cups,


Very fragile, poor things.

(hands on the belt)

Here are the porcelain saucers,


Just knock and they will break.

(drawing a circle with your hands).

Here are the silver spoons

(stretch, clasp your hands above your head).

Here is a plastic tray -

He brought us the dishes.

(make a big circle).

Psycho-emotional and physical relief.


Guys, guess the riddles.

We'll pour compote into it,

Let's drink tea from it,

juice, curdled milk,

what is this..... (cup).

I always stand under the cup,

I don’t let the tea spill.

A boat is floating on my plate,

I put the boat of food into my mouth.

Fairy tale conversation:

    Who is the story about?

    What was your name main character? (Fedora Egorovna).

    Which animal got scared and widened its eyes? (Goat).

    How did the plates jump? (Like squirrels).

    What dishes left Fedora?

    Why do you think they left?

    What did Fedora do at the end of the fairy tale?

    Did the dishes return to Fedora?

    How should we treat dishes and things?

Activate verbs in speech.

    The final stage

What work did we read today?

Did you like the fairy tale?

What did you like most about the fairy tale?

Reflection of goals, content of activities, emotional state of children.


    Golitsyna N.S. Summaries of complex thematic classes. Middle group. Integrated approach. – M.: Publishing house “Scriptorium 2003”, 2013. – P.109.

    Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten. Middle group. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2016. – P. 53.

Self-analysis of the NOD organization:

A frontal lesson on familiarization with fiction in the middle group on the topic “Reading K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Fedorino Grief”” was held on January 27, 2017.

The pace of the lesson is average.

The structure of the lesson and the content of the material for each stage of the lesson are selected taking into account the age characteristics of children in the middle group.

At the main stage of the educational activity, the following were used: acquaintance with a fairy tale (reading), sharing impressions about what was heard, the game “Dishes” (working with a flannelograph), physical education, riddles about dishes, and a conversation about the fairy tale.

When conducting the lesson, the following teaching techniques and methods were used: verbal, visual, cognitive, game.

Forms of organization: answers to questions, conversation, discussion, game.

Media: fairy tale text; illustrations for a fairy tale; pictures of dishes, troughs, pokers, tubs, tubs, etc., hedgehog, bear, beetle, flannelgraph.

A physical education session served as a way to eliminate overload during the lesson.

Throughout the lesson, the children showed a high degree of cognitive activity. When answering questions, they were attentive to other children.

The emotional atmosphere in class is positive.

During the GCD, the planned goals and objectives were completed.

The children have mastered the material in full.

Time regulations have been met.