What will the Earth be like in the distant future? Future Earth Change Scenarios

Earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, droughts and other disasters constantly remind people that they do not have much control over the situation on Earth.

According to scientists, our planet and its inhabitants may face the most dramatic disasters, not only natural, but also social. We bring to your attention 10 versions of what will happen to us in the future.

War for resources

As industrial power and population grew developing countries The world's resources are being depleted at an accelerating pace. Ecological resources are consumed no less quickly. Developed countries that are not very rich in energy resources are striving to accelerate the search for alternative energy sources. However, experts are not sure that there will be enough renewable energy for all of humanity. In this case, we can expect a Third World War for resources or hope for a natural population decline.

Nuclear war

In the 20th century, nuclear weapons acquired the image of a deterrent. After the attacks on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there were no more world wars. However, many fear that this powerful weapon may sooner or later backfire on humanity. In particular, nuclear missiles can fire accidentally. There has already been a case in history when the Soviet military received a false signal about the launch of American missiles. America and the whole world were saved from a “retaliatory” strike only by the endurance of individual people. In addition, atomic bombs can fall into the hands of destructive forces such as terrorists. Therefore, many figures continue to lobby for nuclear disarmament.

Food crisis

Although the percentage of hungry people has declined over recent centuries, scientists continue to warn of the dangers of a food crisis. After all, the world's population is growing steadily, but new land for growing wheat and corn is not being added. Agricultural innovations such as GMOs may curb hunger, but experts make no guarantees.

In addition, the inhabitants of the Earth may soon face a shortage of the main product - clean water. Some regions are already experiencing such difficulties today. However, Russia, rich in all natural resources, is, of course, not one of these countries.

Meteor risk

Given the rich history of the Earth and relatively a large number of random fragments circulating in space threatening planets, scientists predict that in the next 100 million years the Earth will be impacted by a dangerous external object. This would trigger an event comparable to the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event 65 million years ago.

As a result, some species will undoubtedly survive, but there will likely be no mammals (including humans) left. The earth will enter a new era of complex life forms.

Movement of continents

According to some experts, over the next 50 million years, Africa (as a continent) will begin to collide with Southern Europe. This thesis is based on the fact that Africa has already been migrating northward over the past 40 million years.

This unpleasant event will seal the Mediterranean Sea for 100 million years and create thousands of kilometers of new mountain ranges. Australia and Antarctica are also eager to be part of this new supercontinent and will continue to move north to merge with Asia. Meanwhile, America will continue its course westward, further away from Europe and Africa, towards Asia.

In connection with these processes, one can expect the formation of a new hypercontinent. Of course, dramatic changes promise people serious challenges: earthquakes, droughts and much more. On the one hand, the movement of the continents should occur at an imperceptible pace, but no one can guarantee that the Earth will not decide to accelerate.

Radiation threat

Every few hundred million years, Earth must contend with rare gamma-ray bursts, streams of ultra-high energy typically emitted by supernovae. Although we experience weak gamma-ray bursts every day, an explosion occurring in the neighboring solar system has enormous and unpredictable potential.

Gamma rays can hit the Earth with more energy than the Sun produced in its entire life. life cycle. This energy will burn up much of the Earth's ozone layer, causing radical climate change and widespread environmental damage, including mass death of all life.

Deadly global warming

The Earth could suffer from excessive warming without any greenhouse effect. Since the Sun becomes hotter as it increases in size, living organisms on our planet may simply disappear due to their proximity to the hot Sun. Some scientists warn that Earth could go the way of Venus and become a toxic desert, reaching the boiling point of many toxic metals.

Disappearance of the magnetic field

Within 2.5 billion years, the Earth's outer core will cease to be liquid and begin to freeze. As the core cools, the Earth's magnetic field will slowly decay until it ceases to exist at all. With absence magnetic field there will be nothing to protect the Earth from solar winds and earth's atmosphere will gradually lose its light compounds such as ozone. As a result, the planet will gradually turn into a pitiful remains of itself. The Earth will experience the full force of solar radiation, making it uninhabitable.

Solar System Catastrophe

Within 3 billion years, Mercury's orbit could elongate in such a way that it crosses the path of Venus. As a result, Mercury will be absorbed by the Sun or destroyed by a collision with Venus. In this case, the Earth may collide with any of the other non-gaseous planets, whose orbits will be greatly destabilized by Mercury. If somehow internal solar system remains intact, then within 5 billion years the orbit of Mars will intersect with the Earth, once again creating the possibility of disaster.

Lunar fall

The Moon constantly recedes from the Earth at a distance of 4 cm per year. However, if the Sun increases in size, it could crash the Moon directly onto the Earth. Approaching the Earth, the Moon will begin to disintegrate, as the force of gravity will exceed the force holding the satellite together. After this, it is possible that a ring of debris will form around the Earth, which will later fall to the Earth, which will be unpleasant for its inhabitants.

It has long been known that this end of the world is inevitable; sooner or later, the planet may be overtaken by natural disasters that will contribute to the destruction of the Earth.

It is worth remembering that excessive consumption natural resources and global warming are relentlessly leading us towards the end of the planet's existence. Do not be upset, for the next few thousand years the planet will be relatively safe, despite climate change and the gradual displacement of continents. But still, the world population is already making forecasts about the fate of the planet, thanks to which 10 predictions about the end of the world have been formed. But today we'll talk about 10 sad facts about the future of the Earth.

Fact No. 10. New ice age in 50 thousand years

Humanity will exist for another 50 thousand years. It is unlikely that during this time humanity will die from a lack of resources or another world war. The world population expects new ice age. The last ice age ended about 15 thousand years ago!

Fact No. 9. In 100 thousand years, a supervolcano will melt everyone

According to scientists' forecasts, in 100 thousand years the Earth will suffer from a supervolcano eruption. The volcanic eruption will be so powerful that it will cover 400 cubic kilometers with magma.

There are such volcanoes in the mountains of California, but more than a million years have passed since their last eruption. It should be added that super-eruptions are very different from disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, floods and asteroid impacts - such an eruption would cause enormous harm to the entire civilization.

Fact No. 8. Meteorite fall after 500 thousand years

The biggest blow to modern history was the fall of the Tunguska meteorite in Russia, which led to an explosion of energy approximately 1000 times greater than that from atomic bomb, dropped on Hiroshima. The diameter of the meteorite was up to 190 m in diameter. Scientists have calculated that in 500 thousand years The earth will fall part of space fragments measuring about 1 kilometer in diameter. As a result, the Earth will be completely destroyed.

Fact No. 7. Collapse of the Grand Canyon and Arizona Crater after 2 million years

If we assume that the Earth is not touched by meteorites or supervolcanic eruptions, nothing happens during the Ice Age, then in two million years everything will collapse on its own. For example, the Grand Canyon appeared due to the erosive effects of water flowing into the Colorado River - in 2 million years there will be an increase in the level of snow and ice, which will lead to the complete destruction of the canyon. The same thing could happen to the Arizona Crater and the rocky desert badlands of South Dakota.

Fact No. 6. Flood in East Africa in 10 million years

The East African Rift tectonic plates may continue to expand. Eventually both the Somali and Nubian plates will break away completely from each other, causing a new ocean basin to divide Africa.

Now the Earth is literally being torn apart - new continents and oceans are being created, which is just a cycle of development of the planet.

Fact No. 5. In 80 million years, Hawaii will be underwater Our planet is constantly changing, and all the continents that exist today were parts of a single continent 300 million years ago. supercontinent - Pangea

The California coast will begin to sink into the ocean due to its location on the San Andreas Fault. Divided African continent will eventually collide with Europe and Asia, thereby closing the Mediterranean basin, resulting in the formation of a mountain range similar to the Himalayas.

Fact No. 4. Depletion of the ozone layer in 500 million years, mass extinction

In 500 million years there will be a surge of gamma radiation, which will cause damage to the ozone layer. Under influence global warming, volcanic activity, meteorite falls The ozone layer will be completely destroyed and life on Earth will end.

Fact No. 3. In 800 million years, all remaining life forms will die

A mass extinction does not mean that absolutely everything will die. From this point of view, after the human race, there will be other forms of life on Earth that will be able to adapt and will develop, despite the endless changes in the surrounding world. If they manage to cope with the influence of a supernova, which will destroy almost all life on the surface globe , then they will be able to exist for at least another 300 million years. After this level carbon dioxide

will drop to those values ​​at which photosynthesis processes become impossible. In 800 million years, all volcanoes will go out. Will disappear Carbon dioxide is a very important element, necessary both for plant life and for the entire atmosphere as a whole. Its disappearance will not only eliminate the possibility of the further existence of any plants, but will also lead to the disappearance of oxygen and ozone from the atmosphere, which in turn will destroy all multicellular organisms on the planet..

In 800 million years, the Earth will be inhabited only by single-celled organisms.

Fact No. 2. In 2.3 billion years, the Earth's core will turn to ice

In 2.3 billion years there will be no life on the planet - everything will be destroyed, covered with magma, craters, and radiation everywhere. The planet's outer crust will freeze and stop the magnetic field, and charged particles of solar energy will destroy all remnants of our atmosphere. By that time, the temperature in the sun will increase significantly, which will lead to the complete evaporation of water from the surface of the Earth.

Fact No. 1. In 8 billion years, our planet will die when it collides with the Sun In 8 billion years, all life on the planet will burn out under the influence of rising temperatures in the Sun. Even single-celled organisms will die, and the earth's poles will be reached at 147 degrees Celsius. Freezing the core would throw the planet out of balance, and increasing the distance to the Moon would tilt the Earth dangerously.

The surface of the Earth will resemble the surface of Venus today. When the Sun turns red and becomes 256 times larger, it will engulf the Earth.

All of the above referred to the distant future. But man is a master of harming himself, and is already capable of causing local cataclysms around himself today. Are we too arrogant, believing that we can change environment everything and everyone? Scientists of the world worried.

Human civilization is developing very quickly. Just five thousand years ago, the first knotted writing appeared - and today we have already learned to exchange terrabytes of information at the speed of light. And the pace of progress is growing.

It is almost impossible to predict what human impact on our planet will look like even a thousand years from now. However, scientists like to fantasize about what awaits the Earth in the future if our civilization suddenly disappears. Let us, following them, imagine an unusual situation: let’s say that in the 22nd century all earthlings fly to Alpha Centauri - what awaits our abandoned world in this case?

Global extinction

Through its activities, humanity constantly influences the natural cycle of substances. In fact, we have become another element capable of causing a cataclysm of unprecedented proportions. We are changing the biosphere and climate, extracting minerals and producing mountains of garbage. But, despite our power, it will take nature only a few thousand years to return to its former “wild” state. Skyscrapers will collapse, tunnels will collapse, communications will rust, and dense forests will conquer the territory of cities.

Since carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere will stop, nothing will be able to prevent the onset of a new ice age - this will happen in about 25 thousand years. The glacier will begin to advance from the north, shackling Europe, Siberia and part of the North American continent.

It is clear that under many kilometers of layers of creeping ice the last evidence of the existence of civilization will be buried and ground into fine dust. However, the biosphere will suffer the greatest damage. Having mastered the planet, humanity has practically destroyed natural ecological niches, which led to one of the most massive animal extinctions in history.

The departure of humanity will not stop this process, because the chains of interaction between organisms have already been broken. The extinction will continue for over 5 million years. Large mammals and many species of birds will completely disappear. The biological diversity of fauna will decrease. Genetically modified plants, which scientists have adapted to the harshest living conditions, will have an obvious evolutionary advantage.

Such plants run wild, but being protected from pests, they will quickly take over the vacated niches, giving rise to new species. Moreover, during these millions of years close range two dwarf stars will pass from the Sun, which will inevitably lead to a change in the planetary characteristics of the Earth, and a hail of comets will fall on the planet. Similar catastrophic events will further accelerate pestilence among the species of animals and plants known to us. Who will replace them?

Revival of Pangea

It has long been established that the earth's continents move, although very slowly: at a speed of several centimeters per year. During a human life, this drift is practically unnoticeable, but over millions of years it can radically change the geography of the Earth.

During the Paleozoic era, there was a single continent of Pangea on the planet, washed on all sides by the waves of the World Ocean (scientists gave the ocean a separate name - Panthalassa). About 200 million years ago, the supercontinent split into two, which in turn also continued to fragment. Now the planet is facing a reverse process - another reunification of the land into a common colossal territory, which scientists have dubbed Neopangea (or Pangea Ultima).

It will look something like this: in 30 million years Africa will merge with Eurasia; in 60 million years Australia will crash into East Asia; in 150 million years Antarctica will join the Eurasian-African-Australian supercontinent; in 250 million years, both Americas will be added to them - the process of formation of Neopangea will be completed.

Continental drift and collisions will significantly affect the climate. New mountain ranges will appear, changing the movement of air currents. Due to the fact that ice will cover most of Neopangea, the level of the World Ocean will decrease noticeably. The global temperature of the planet will fall, but the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere will increase. In areas of tropical climate (and there will always be such areas, despite the cooling), an explosive multiplication of species will begin.

Insects (cockroaches, scorpions, dragonflies, centipedes) develop best in such an environment, and again, as during the Carboniferous period, they will become real “kings” of nature. At the same time, the central regions of Neopangea will be an endless scorched desert, since rain clouds simply will not be able to reach them. The temperature difference between the central and coastal regions of the supercontinent will cause monstrous monsoons and hurricanes.

However, Neopangea will not exist for long by historical standards - about 50 million years. Due to powerful volcanic activity, the supercontinent will be cut by colossal cracks, and parts of Neopangea will separate, setting off on a “free float”. The planet will again enter a period of warming, and oxygen levels will fall, threatening the biosphere with another mass extinction. Some chance of survival will remain for those creatures that adapt to life on the border of land and ocean - primarily amphibians.

New person

In the press and science fiction, one can find speculative statements that humans continue to evolve, and that in a few million years our descendants will be as different from us as we are from monkeys. In fact, human evolution stopped the moment we found ourselves outside natural selection gaining independence from change external environment and defeating most diseases.

Modern medicine allows even such children to be born and grow up who would have been doomed to death in the womb. In order for a person to begin to evolve again, he must lose his mind and return to the animal state (before the invention of fire and stone tools), and this is practically impossible due to the high development of our brain. Therefore, if a new person ever appears on Earth, he is unlikely to come from our evolutionary branch.

For example, our descendants can enter into symbiosis with a closely related species: when a weaker but smart monkey controls a more massive and formidable creature, literally living on the back of its neck. Another exotic option is that a person will move to the ocean, becoming another marine mammal, but due to climate change and resource shortages, he will return to land in the form of a clumsy “aquatic biota” crawling in search of food. Or the development of telepathic abilities will direct the evolution of new people in an unexpected direction: communities of “hives” will arise in which individuals will be specialized, like bees or ants...

In 250 million years, the galactic year will end, that is, the Solar system will complete a revolution around the center of the Galaxy. By that time, the Earth will be completely transformed, and any of us, if he finds himself in such a distant future, will hardly recognize it as our home planet. The only thing that will remain at that time from our entire civilization is the small traces on the Moon left by American astronauts.

Paleontologists have found that mass extinctions of animals were a periodic phenomenon in the Earth's past. There are five mass extinctions: Ordovician-Silurian, Devonian, Permian, Triassic and Cretaceous-Paleogene. The worst was the “great” Permian extinction 252 million years ago, which killed 96% of all marine species and 70% of terrestrial animal species. Moreover, it also affected insects, which usually manage to avoid the disastrous consequences of a biosphere catastrophe.

Scientists have not been able to determine the causes of the global pestilence. The most popular hypothesis states that the Permian extinction was led to a sharp increase in volcanic activity, which changed not only the climate, but also chemical composition atmosphere.

Anton Pervushin

The earth is in a constant state of change. Whether the result of human activity or solar disturbances, the future of Earth is guaranteed to be more than interesting, but not without chaos. The following list presents the ten major events that the Earth is predicted to experience over the next billions of years.

1. New Ocean
~10 million years
One of the hottest places on Earth, the Afar Depression is located between Ethiopia and Eritrea - on average 100 meters below sea level. At this point, there is only 20 km between the surface and the boiling hot magma, and the land is slowly thinning due to tectonic movements. Comprising a killer array of volcanoes, geysers, earthquakes and toxic heated water, the depression is unlikely to become a resort; but in 10 million years, when this geological activity ceases, leaving only a dry basin, the area will eventually fill with water and a new ocean will form - an ideal place for water skiing in the summer.

2. An event with a huge impact on Earth

~100 million years
Given Earth's rich history and the relatively large amount of random debris swirling through space threatening planets, scientists predict that within the next 100 million years, Earth will be impacted by some kind of event comparable to the event that caused the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event 65 million years ago. This is, of course, bad news for any life on planet Earth. And while some species will undoubtedly survive, the impact will likely mark the end of the Age of Mammals - the current Cenozoic era - and the Earth will instead enter new era complex life forms. Who knows what kind of life will flourish on this newly cleansed Earth? Maybe one day we will share the universe with intelligent invertebrates or amphibians. At this point, we can only imagine what will happen.

3. Pangea Ultima
~250 million years
Over the next 50 million years, Africa, which has been migrating north for the last 40 million years, will eventually begin to encounter southern Europe. This movement will seal the Mediterranean Sea for 100 million years, and create thousands of kilometers of new mountain ranges to the delight of climbers around the world. Australia and Antarctica are also eager to be part of this new supercontinent, and will continue to move north to merge with Asia. While all this is happening, America will continue its course westward, further away from Europe and Africa, towards Asia.
What happens next is still being discussed. It is believed that while the Atlantic Ocean is rising, a subduction zone will form at the western boundary, which will stretch from the floor of the Atlantic Ocean deep into the earth. This would effectively change the direction in which America is heading, eventually bringing it to the eastern edge of the Eurasian supercontinent within about 250 million years. If this does not happen, we can expect both Americas to continue their journey westward until they merge with Asia. In any case, we can hope for the formation of a new hypercontinent: Pangea Ultima - 500 million years after the creation of the previous continent, Pangea. After this, it will likely split again and begin a new cycle of drift and merger.

4. Gamma Ray Burst
~600 million years
If an event with a huge impact on the Earth, repeating every few hundred million years, doesn't seem like the worst option, then know that the Earth constantly has to contend with rare gamma-ray bursts - streams of ultra-high energy radiation usually emitted by supernovae. Although we experience weak gamma-ray bursts every day, an explosion occurring in a nearby solar system - within 6,500 light-years of us - has enough potential to wreak havoc in its path.

With more energy than the Sun produced in its entire life cycle hitting Earth in minutes and even seconds, gamma rays would burn up much of the Earth's ozone layer, causing radical climate change and widespread environmental damage, including mass extinctions.
Some believe that this burst of gamma rays triggered the second largest mass extinction in history: the Ordovician-Silurian extinction event 450 million years ago, which wiped out 60% of all life on Earth.
Like all events in astronomy, exact time For the set of events that will trigger an Earth-directed gamma-ray burst, it is very difficult to predict, although typical estimates put the period at 0.5-2 billion years. But this time could be reduced to a million years if the threat of the Eta Carinae Nebula is realized.

5. Uninhabitable
~1.5 billion years
Because the Sun gets hotter as it grows in size, the Earth will eventually become uninhabitable due to its proximity to the hot sun. By this time, everyone, even the most stable forms of life on Earth, will die. The oceans will dry up completely, leaving only deserts of burnt earth. As time passes and temperatures rise, the Earth may follow the path of Venus and become a toxic wasteland as it heats up to the boiling point of many toxic metals. What remains of humanity will have to vacate this space in order to survive. Fortunately, by that time Mars will have entered the habitable zone and will be able to serve as a temporary shelter for the remaining people.

6. Disappearance of the magnetic field
~2.5 billion years
Some believe, based on today's understanding of the Earth's core, that within 2.5 billion years the Earth's outer core will no longer be liquid, but will begin to freeze. As the core cools, the Earth's magnetic field will slowly decay until it ceases to exist at all. In the absence of a magnetic field, there will be nothing to protect the Earth from solar winds, and the Earth's atmosphere will gradually lose its light compounds - such as ozone - and gradually turn into miserable remains of itself. Now with an atmosphere similar to Venus, the Earth will experience the full force of solar radiation, making an already inhospitable land even more treacherous.

7. Internal catastrophe of the solar system
~3.5 billion years
In about 3 billion years, there is a small but significant chance that Mercury's orbit will elongate in such a way that it will cross the path of Venus. At the moment we cannot predict exactly what will happen and when it will happen, but best case scenario Mercury will simply be absorbed by the Sun or destroyed by a collision with its older sister Venus. What about the worst case scenario? Earth could collide with any of the other non-gaseous planets, whose orbits would be radically destabilized by Mercury. If somehow the inner solar system remains intact and continues to operate uninterrupted, then within five billion years the orbit of Mars will intersect with Earth, once again creating the possibility of disaster.

8. New picture of the night sky
~4 billion years
Years will pass, and any life on Earth will be pleased to observe the steady growth of the Andromeda galaxy in the picture of our starry sky. It will be a truly magnificent sight to see a perfectly formed spiral galaxy shining in the sky, but it won't last forever. Over time, it will begin to become horribly distorted and merge with Milky Way, throwing the stable star arena into chaos. Even though there is a direct collision celestial bodies unlikely, there is a small chance that our solar system could be extracted and thrown into the abyss of the universe. Either way, our night sky will be, at least temporarily, decorated with trillions of new stars

9. Garbage Ring
~5 billion years
Despite the fact that the Moon is constantly receding at a distance of 4 cm per year, the Sun has entered the red giant phase and it is likely that the current trend will stop. The additional force exerted on the Moon by the huge, inflated star would be enough to crash the Moon directly onto the Earth. When the Moon reaches its Roche limit, it will begin to disintegrate as the force of gravity exceeds the force holding the satellite together. After this, perhaps a ring of debris will form around the Earth, giving any life on earth a beautiful display until the debris falls to the ground after many millions of years.
If this doesn't happen, there is another way the Moon could fall back to its parent planet. If the Earth and Moon continue to exist in their current form with their unchanged orbits, then in about 50 billion years the Earth will become tidally locked with the Moon. Shortly after this event, the Moon's orbital altitude will begin to decay, while the Earth's rotation rate will rapidly increase. This process will continue until the Moon reaches the Roche limit and disintegrates, forming a ring around the Earth.

10. Destruction
The likelihood that the Earth will collapse within the next tens of billions of years is very high. Whether in the cold grip of a treacherous planet, or from suffocation in the arms of our dying Sun, it will undoubtedly be a sad moment for all the surviving people - even if they do not remember which planet it is.

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Like all living things on Earth, you and I continue to evolve. If you don’t believe me, remember the story of wisdom teeth, which were well developed among our distant ancestors who ate rough food. In our country they were reduced as unnecessary.

We are in website wondered what a person would look like after millions of years of evolution if conditions on planet Earth roughly correspond to emerging trends and probable forecasts.

  • Height. Over the past 200 years, the population developed countries grew by 10 cm due to improved living conditions and quality nutrition. If this continues, the height of men will reach 2 meters, but hardly higher. (Sources: Mean Body Weight, Height, and body mass index, United States 1960–2002, wikipedia)
  • Leather will become darker as the races will intensively mix. And dark skin will better protect against ultraviolet radiation, which will penetrate the Earth in excess. (Source: livescience, nickolaylamm)
  • Body. A person will reduce his physical costs with the help of machines and robots. Physical strength will not be in demand, the muscles will shrink. Technology will become an integral part of our body, embedded chips and gadgets will become commonplace. (Source: futurehumanevolution)

  • Hands. Constant use of keyboards and touch screens will make your hands and fingers thinner and longer. (Source: the-scientist)
  • Legs. The body will change to suit a sedentary lifestyle, long strong legs will not be needed. The fibula is reduced, which is typical for land animals. This bone serves to rotate the foot, which was important for our tree-climbing ancestors. But for us, sideways mobility of the ankle has become rather harmful, often leading to dislocations. (Source: futurehumanevolution, anthropogenez)
  • Toes. Our ancestors also used them for climbing trees. In the line from Australopithecus to us, the fingers have noticeably shortened, obviously this is not the limit. Probably their number will also decrease. Land animals always come to a decrease in their numbers, and the horse is the record holder here. (Source: anthropogenez)
  • Rib cage. If it becomes increasingly difficult to obtain oxygen from the atmosphere, the lungs will increase in size. The chest will also increase.
  • Head. It is still unclear whether the person of the future will have a smaller or larger cranial volume than now. On the one hand, compared to Cro-Magnons, the human brain has become, oddly enough, smaller. It becomes more compact, which only contributes to its faster operation. On the other hand, more and more caesarean sections are allowing babies with large heads to survive. This will affect the increase in its average size. Therefore, there will probably not be a natural birth in the future. (Sources: anthropogenez, bbc, vox)
  • Teeth. Humanity is switching to increasingly soft food. The number of teeth and their size will decrease, this will entail a reduction in the jaw and mouth. (