Acquiring superpowers after clinical death movie. Clinical death. Communication with spirits

From the stories of people who have their own experience of clinical death, one can learn that they felt the separation of their inner essence from their body. Being in this state, outside the body, they were able to see themselves as if from the outside. At the same time, there was a feeling of amazing lightness and soaring over the insensitive body, which, apparently, the soul left for that short period of time.

After suffering a condition, clinical death, people usually begin to think about what awaits them after leaving this world and whether they managed to do everything in this life? A more significant question returns: what is the purpose of a person who gets the opportunity to find himself in this world?

People's experience

Many who have been in a state between life and death, after returning to this world, gain faith in the Almighty. The daily bustle fades into the background, and service to the creator takes on a dominant role and comes to the fore. Great truths become comprehensible even to those who, before this event, considered themselves a convinced atheist.
Miracles occur not only in rethinking one’s role in this world, but also in a series of events that become understandable without external explanation. The interpretation of the surrounding world turns into a different perception. What was rejected due to prejudices and incorrect interpretations acquires the true essence, given at the discretion of the creator, and not the human representation of the material world, as if given to all of us in sensations.

The experience of events occurring in the life of an ordinary mortal and one who has been tested by a transition to another reality undergoes a radical qualitative reassessment. The gift of insight can even be called the state into which a person passes, having acquired a number of hitherto unattainable extrasensory abilities. Sensitivity, in many ways, in such a person is transformed into a combination with other equally important universal values.

Despite the fact that after what happened, returning from the world of ghosts, a person’s behavior becomes somewhat strange to those around him, this does not prevent him from learning the truth. Everyone who has had the experience of clinical death is transformed spiritually. Having experienced a difficult physical and high-quality spiritual test, someone perceives this event as almost divine providence, while for others it seems like a normal phenomenon. When a person becomes so entangled in his delusions that there is only one way out. But the Almighty does not take the soul, but returns it to rethink its role in the world where a person needs to fulfill the prescribed role. A person begins to realize more and look at the same things and events from a completely different perspective.

White light or Hell

Is it only the “light at the end of the tunnel” that people who experience clinical death see, or are there those who have witnessed hell?

People who have ever been in the next world have their own story about it. The most interesting thing is that all their stories coincided, regardless of the intellectual development and religious faith of each of these people. Unfortunately, there are cases when there, in the other world, a person finds himself in a place that since ancient times researchers have called hell.

What is hell like? We can get information about this phenomenon from a source called the Acts of Thomas. In this book, the sinner shares with us her impressions of this place where she once visited. Suddenly she found herself on the ground, the surface of which was dotted with depressions that exuded poison. But the woman was not alone, there was a terrible creature next to her. In each of the depressions she was able to see a flame that strongly resembled a hurricane. Inside it, emitting chilling screams, revolved many souls that were unable to get out of this hurricane. There were the souls of those people who, during their lifetime, entered into a secret relationship with each other. In another hollow, in the mud, were those who had left their husbands and wives for the sake of others. And finally, in the third place there were souls whose body parts were suspended. The creature accompanying the woman said that the severity of the punishment directly depends on the sin. People who lied and insulted others during earthly life were hanged by their tongues. Those who stole and did not help anyone, but preferred to live only for their own benefit, were hanged by the hands. Well, those who tried to achieve their goal by dishonest means were hung by their feet.

After the woman saw all this, she was led to a cave, the smell of which was saturated with stench. There were people here who tried to get out of this place and breathe air, but all their attempts were unsuccessful. The creatures guarding the cave wanted the woman to carry out this punishment, however, her guide did not allow this, saying that the sinner was in hell temporarily. After the woman returned to reality, she promised herself to radically change her life so as to never go to hell again.

When we come across such stories, we immediately get the feeling that this is just fiction. After all, this doesn’t happen! But besides the story of this woman, there are many others in the world that make us think that there is a place in the world that is the embodiment of evil itself, and where people are subjected to terrible torture. For a long time, a scientist named Moritz S. Rawlings did not believe in these stories and considered them absurd. However, one day an event occurred in his practice that radically changed his whole life. After this incident, the doctor began studying people who had ever experienced clinical death.

One day, a patient with a heart problem who was being treated by him suddenly fell.

At that very moment it became known that the man’s heart had stopped. The doctor and his medical team did their best to bring the man back to life. As soon as the doctor finished massaging the chest, the patient’s heart immediately stopped. His face was distorted by a grimace of pain, fear, despair and horror, and his body was in convulsions. He shouted that he could not be in this place and needed to be urgently returned from there. Not knowing what to do, he began to pray to God. To ease the man’s suffering and at least somehow help him, Moritz also began to read a prayer. After some time the situation improved.

After this, Rawlings tried to talk to this man about what happened to him, but the patient could not remember anything. It was as if someone had deliberately removed all the memories from his mind. The only thing he remembered was his mother. It subsequently became known that she died when her son was just a baby. And despite the fact that the man had never seen his mother alive in his life, he recognized her in one of the photos left after her death. Having experienced clinical death, the man decided to reconsider his views on life and began to regularly attend church.

Throughout Rawlings's work, other similar cases occurred in his life. He treated one girl who decided to commit suicide because of poor grades in school. Doctors tried to rehabilitate her in every possible way. Only for a moment did the girl come to her senses and beg to save her. In her unconsciousness, she screamed something about demons that did not allow her to escape. As in the previous case, after this the girl did not remember anything. But what happened to her left a deep imprint on her life, and subsequently she connected her life with religious activities.

Often people who have visited the other world talk about meetings with the dead and how they visited an unknown world. But almost no one ever talks about their death as the most terrible and sophisticated torture. Researchers believe that it is possible that people who have experienced clinical death remember everything that happened to them during the “journey to hell,” but these memories are stored in the depths of the subconscious, which they are not even aware of.

Abilities after clinical death

Abilities after clinical death can manifest themselves in different ways. And one of them is usually called the “sixth sense” or intuition, which accurately and very quickly helps to find the right solution in a situation. the most difficult situation. What is noteworthy is that the individual does not make any conscious reasoning, does not include logic, but listens only to his feelings.

Many people who have experienced clinical death, in their words, develop abnormal abilities:

  • a person may completely stop sleeping and feel normal, while the body stops aging;
  • super intuition and even extrasensory abilities may appear;
  • not very strong physical abilities may appear;
  • in some cases, a person can return with knowledge of all the languages ​​of the planet, including those that have long “sunk into oblivion”;
  • sometimes a person can acquire deep knowledge about the universe;
  • but serious consequences for human health can also arise.

In addition to this, people after clinical death, in most cases, change a lot: they often become detached, their attitude towards their loved ones changes. Often they have to get used to the previously familiar area, home and relatives again.

The abilities of the notorious Wolf Messing were discovered after he experienced clinical death. At the age of eleven, he fainted on the street from hunger. At the hospital, they found no signs of life in him and sent him to the morgue. There, the trainee noticed that the boy’s body was different from ordinary corpses in some ways and saved him. After this, Wolf Messing awakened to strong intuition and other abilities.

Intuition is one of the types of thought processes, experts say, in which everything happens unconsciously and only the result of this process is realized. But there is another hypothesis that when using intuition, a person draws information directly from the “general information field.”

This is a real lifesaver, both personally and professionally. People with increased intuition suffer less from various neuroses and, as a result, are less susceptible to circulatory and nervous system. Not to mention the low injury rate. Since it allows you to instantly determine the sincerity of your interlocutor, his internal experiences, other “ sharp corners"and dangerous life situations, including clinical death.

Obviously, not all people have strong intuition; there is data according to which their number is no more than 3%. It is believed that intuition is well developed in creative people, but sometimes she can wake up at some turning points in life, for example, the birth of a child or a state of falling in love. But this can happen not only after positive events, but often also after various injuries and stressful situations, such as clinical death.
What is this connected with? As you know, our brain is divided into 2 hemispheres. The right side of the body is subordinate to the left hemisphere, and the left side is subordinate to the right hemisphere (for left-handed people it’s the other way around). The left hemisphere is responsible for logic and analysis, and the right hemisphere is responsible for emotions and affects the depth of perception of music and graphic images. As someone noted, the right hemisphere is an artist, and the left hemisphere is a scientist. In normal Everyday life people use the left hemisphere more, but when an injury, serious illness or some other shock occurs, logic can turn off and the right hemisphere becomes dominant.

A reasonable question arises: what is the reason for this “distinction in rights”, and not vice versa? Obviously, one of the factors is definitely that our education is maximally oriented towards the development of the left hemisphere. Art and music disciplines occupy far from the most important place among other subjects, the study of which takes the “lion’s share” of school hours. Remember that we are used to performing all basic actions with our right hand, and, naturally, this contributes to better development of the left (logical) hemisphere. Perhaps if education system was aimed at developing the right (creative) hemisphere, then many historical decisions would have been made with less negative consequences for people's lives.

Consequences of clinical death

We know of numerous cases of clinical death experienced by people from all over the world. From the stories of these people, it becomes known that they experienced extraordinary states of “leaving” and subsequent “return”. Some of those who have experienced clinical death are unable to remember anything on their own, and their memories can only be revived by immersion in a trance. In any case, death leaves an indelible imprint on the consciousness of every individual.

From the memories of people who experienced clinical death, it is possible to glean very interesting information. Most often, people behave withdrawn after experiencing such a difficult test in their lives. At the same time, someone falls into a prolonged depression, and someone even behaves aggressively when they try to ask him about the details of his experience. In a certain sense, every person experiences obvious discomfort when immersed in memories of what happened.

The girl I met suffered clinical death twice. What could be immediately stated from her mental state, so it was a clear loss of cheerfulness, rigidity and coldness in communication with others could be traced. We were simply separated by a kind of black emptiness, but this did not reflect her character. She simply represented, after what she had endured, only some kind of bodily shell, tangible to the eye.

The most striking thing lies in the fact that similar sensations from communicating with those who have experienced clinical death have a complex and very strange, little-understood nature. The respondents themselves, who “have been to the next world,” are reluctant to talk about the fact that the experience they lived through forever changed their attitude to the perception of life. And the change was most likely for the worse.

One girl said that she remembers everything that happened and in almost all the smallest details, but she still cannot fully understand what actually happened. Only one thing she admits is that something has “broken” inside. Having been in post-traumatic depression for eight years, she has to hide this condition from others. Left alone, she is overcome by such a depressing state that she even has thoughts of suicide.

The memory of the state she had to be in drags on to such an extent that she is overcome by regret that she was brought back to life. But, the realization comes that life goes on and tomorrow you will go back to work, having slapped yourself in the face and driving away extraneous thoughts, you have to live with it...

Trying to find compassion among her friends, she tried to share her impressions and experiences, but nothing worked, those around her did not understand or did not even try to understand...

She tried to write about her experiences, but the poems she read shocked her parents, because they discovered only suicidal impulses in these creative impulses. The search in life for something pleasant and capable of keeping her in this world turned out to be so little that she is overcome by regret for the mistake that the doctors made, bringing her back to life, contrary, perhaps, to her will and desires.

People who have experienced clinical death are truly transformed, and, after the experience, they relate to everything around them completely differently. People close to them become distant and alien. At home, you have to adapt again to a hitherto familiar and familiar environment. In the frank confessions of the girl who suffered clinical death, the “matrix” was mentioned. In her mind, the impression remained that “there” there is no this former familiar reality. Only you and no sensations or thoughts, and you can easily choose and give preference to arbitrary reality.

It’s as good there as at home, but here it turns out that something is not at all like you want to go back, they just “called” here and were forcibly returned. A fivefold return, by the grace of doctors and their efforts, when the first death was an artifact sufficient to overcome the “point of no return.” However, returning to a different world than the one she left, this is what the reality of the previous world turned into, which she had to master anew, as if reborn.

For some, returning to a completely different reality does not break them to such an extent that they still have the strength to fight to adapt to an alien world. As psychiatrist Vinogradov noted, many who have returned from oblivion begin to look at their essence in this world from the position of an outside observer, and continue to live like robots or zombies. They try to copy their behavior from those around them, because it is so accepted, but they do not experience the same feelings either from laughter or from crying, both from those around them and from their own, forcefully squeezed out or simulated emotions. Compassion completely leaves them.

Such critical transformations do not necessarily occur with those returning from clinical death, as R. Moody said in his own publication “Life after Life.” People are re-evaluating their views on the world, strive to comprehend deeper truths and focus more on the spiritual perception of the world.

One thing is certain: clinical death, as a transition to another reality, divides life into periods: “before” and “after”. It is very difficult, if possible, to evaluate this unambiguously as a positive or negative impact that a person is exposed to after returning and what impact such an event has on the psyche. It requires comprehension and a detailed study of what is happening to a person and what, not yet explored, possibilities open up for him in comprehension. And yet, they say more about the fact that a person who has undergone a brief near-death adventure returns in spiritual renewal and insight, with such consequences of clinical death that are incomprehensible to those around him. For everyone who has not experienced this, this state is a paranormal phenomenon and pure fantasy without any fiction.

Strange things sometimes happen to people who have been to the next world and returned back. Waking up from a coma, they suddenly realize that something has changed in them. And this is not just a feeling of extraordinary happiness from the fact that you are alive. This is another thing - the discovery of abilities that he did not have before. Having lived to the age of 51, the Englishman Tommy McHugh only knew how to take part in street brawls. During the day he worked as a laborer on construction sites in his native Birkenhead, and in the evening he went out with friends for a beer, which invariably ended in a fight. In 2001, out of the blue, Tommy had a stroke. A stroke almost brought him to the grave. The bully spent a week in a coma in a hospital ward. And then a miracle happened.

Tommy came to his senses, began to recover quickly, and now he was already home, but... suddenly he felt that he saw and perceived reality completely differently. At first, Tommy saw that the world was colored. And what colors it is painted in! It seems like nothing like this has ever been noticed before. And then the former worker picked up a paint brush and began to paint on the walls. He soon realized that he needed another brush - the one with which an artist paints, and other paints. And Tommy began to work furiously. Nobody taught him anything like that.

All this happened somehow on its own. Gradually, all the walls in McHugh's house turned into avant-garde paintings. When there were no free walls left, the newly minted artist began painting the ceilings. He decorated every corner with a sculpture of his own making, transforming even the floors under his feet into something highly artistic...

Nine years have passed since then, but the creator who emerged within McHugh seems to have supplanted the former street fighter forever. Former friends do not recognize their Tommy. They never cease to be amazed that he spends hours “conjuring” a canvas and can recite poetry with inspiration, that he suddenly fell in love with cats and almost cries when he accidentally crushes some bug. So what happened to him?

Doctors believe that the stroke and coma affected McHugh's brain activity and activated special areas of the brain that are responsible for creativity. American neurologist Ellis Flaherty put it something like this: “The trauma seemed to open a valve that let light into this person’s soul.”

Gallery "Life after death"

But why don’t such valves open for everyone? The human brain has always been and remains a mystery. Scientists shrug their shoulders - they do not know what processes occur in the brain when the body is in a coma. Or when a person undergoes a major operation under anesthesia. Or goes through clinical death.

Anatoly Nikitin from Dnepropetrovsk almost died of a heart attack 19 years ago. Clinical death, resuscitation, miraculous recovery - and the professional surveyor, like hard worker Tommy, suddenly began to draw. Now he has more than 200 paintings, and many have been purchased by private collectors.

Here is the story of another such artist. In 2009, Briton Alan Brown underwent a difficult 19-hour operation during which doctors tried to bring him back to life after a stroke. When he woke up, the 49-year-old patient also suddenly felt a urge to draw. The nurse put a pencil in his hands, and when Alan began to move it along the paper, she gasped in amazement. These were great drawings. Later, specialists looked at them and were also pretty surprised. Resurrected Michelangelo? But before the stroke, Alan could not draw at all.

Gifts from the noosphere

The traditional explanation for such transformations is that a person manifests hidden abilities that were inherent in him from birth, but were dormant for the time being. Maybe. But how then can we explain why, after severe brain damage, a person suddenly demonstrates knowledge that he previously did not have in principle?

For example, in April of this year, a 13-year-old girl from the Croatian city of Knin caught a bad cold and suddenly fell into a coma. A day later she woke up and spoke to the doctors in clear German. Croatian turned out to be almost forgotten. To talk with her parents, the girl needed a German translator. What happened to her? Did she know German before her illness? Yes, a little. A young Croatian woman started studying it at school. But the language was difficult for her. And suddenly she “splashed” as if she were a purebred German! Where, from what depths did knowledge suddenly creep out? foreign language? Was it inherent in her before? No. It turns out that someone imparted this knowledge to the teenager during a coma...

One of the most unique examples is the story that happened with the now famous polyglot Willy Melnikov. After the clinical death he experienced in 1985 after being wounded in the war in Afghanistan, Melnikov received extraordinary learning abilities - “gifts from the noosphere,” as they were called. Now Willie knows more than 100 languages, including ancient ones! Moreover, he mastered such advanced sciences as astrophysics, virology, and entomology.

Who programs us?

This is where we come to the main point. So who gives people such gifts and why? And are these gifts? Or maybe this is a program? Now, with the advent of computers in our lives, assumptions are increasingly heard: aren’t we ourselves computers? Yes, we are very, very complex models, and yet, perhaps, we are living machines! After all, the human body is a kind of system pre-programmed for certain processes.

Here a person is born, grows, turns into a sexually mature individual. Then he is given approximately 20-30 years to reproduce his own kind, and then the processes of self-destruction begin, which no one can reverse. The organism-machine carries out a program for aging and death.

But suddenly the normal process fails. A stroke or heart attack occurs, but after that it is not death, but... a reboot! The human machine returns to operation and - by someone's will - receives new programs. And sometimes extremely complex.

Nurida Kurbanova from Baku was struck by lightning as a child and lay in a coma for 40 days. When she woke up, the girl gained the gift of clairvoyance. At first Nurida did not recognize her loved ones, she asked about some house in a beautiful valley, and then suddenly she spoke in Arabic, and accurately quoting the Koran. Finally, she saw through people - literally, that is, she saw their bones and internal organs. And gradually I realized that I saw not just bodies, but their illnesses. And Nurida became a healer.

Is this a coincidence? Or did someone intentionally put these abilities into her? Note that Nurida is not the only one who turned into a clairvoyant after emerging from a comatose state. But not everyone has these abilities forever. Muscovite Evgenia Komarova, after a coma, also suddenly began to guess people’s illnesses and even helped some people relieve headaches. But a second coma occurred - and the abilities disappeared. It was as if the file had been erased from her memory.

So who is he, this main computer specialist who cleans our programs? Creator? And where does he sit, pressing the keyboard buttons? Maybe he's just playing with us or experimenting with programs? This is a mystery that - in different versions - people have been trying to solve throughout their entire existence. Will we ever find the answer? Maybe there is a chance. But only under one condition - if the Creator himself wants it and reprograms one of us, putting a file with the answer in his head.

Abilities after clinical death can manifest themselves in different ways. And one of them is usually called the “sixth sense” or intuition, which accurately and very quickly helps to find the right solution in a difficult situation. What is noteworthy is that the individual does not make any conscious reasoning, does not include logic, but listens only to his feelings.

The abilities of the well-known Wolf Messing appeared after he experienced clinical death. At the age of eleven, he fainted on the street from hunger. At the hospital where he was taken, they found no signs of life in him and sent him to the morgue. There, the trainee noticed that the boy’s body, in some ways, differed from ordinary corpses, and saved him. After this, Wolf Messing awakened to strong intuition and other supernatural abilities.

Intuition is one of the types of thought processes, experts say, in which everything happens unconsciously and only the result of this process is realized. But there is another hypothesis that when using intuition, a person draws information directly from the “general information field.”

This is a real lifesaver, both personally and professionally. People with increased intuition suffer less from various neuroses and, as a result, are less susceptible to diseases of the circulatory and nervous systems, not to mention a low level of injuries, since it is intuition that allows you to instantly determine the sincerity and intentions of the interlocutor, his internal experiences, and other “sharp corners” and dangerous life situations.

Clinical death has more than once acted as a catalyst, helping an ordinary person to discover the gift of clairvoyance or other superpowers. It is not uncommon for people to become psychics after receiving life-threatening injuries, after suffering severe stress, and also after experiencing a clinical death experience. They manifest themselves differently for everyone: for some, intuition begins to work better, for others, they begin to see unusual dreams, sometimes even prophetic, but it also happens that a person penetrates into the world of ghosts, learns to look into the future and feel all the sore spots body.

Fifteen-year-old Alexey Aristarin was an ordinary teenager. But somehow, passing medical examination, he found himself between life and death. At that moment, his soul left his body, and he watched the doctor’s actions as if from the sidelines. After this incident, Alexey learned to see what is inaccessible to an ordinary person. In old buildings and on the street, he more than once came across creatures of a dull green color, reminiscent of people or something spreading. Sometimes he mistook them for ordinary passers-by, but he realized that he was mistaken when close up the silhouette turned into a cloud. At first, such visions frightened the teenager, but gradually he got used to them, especially since they made no attempts to get closer to him. But this was not the only consequence of clinical death. Alexey learned to see through all objects. So, his relatives refuse to play cards with him, because he knows all the cards of his opponents. One day the TV in the house broke down. The boy immediately reported that the bottom board and side chip had burned out. The TV technician was called. He unscrewed the lid and confirmed what was said. During the exams, without yet taking out his ticket, he told the teacher that he would answer the 11th ticket. She got angry and ordered me to take a ticket first.

The boy immediately pulled out 11... Alexey says that he sees through a person in the literal sense of the word, but cannot apply his knowledge in practice, because he does not understand anything about the structure of a person.

The first winner of the “Battle of Psychics,” Natalya Vorotnikova, was a special child from childhood: she predicted certain events that came true with frightening accuracy, was able to see a person’s internal organs, and feel all diseases. As it turned out, the future clairvoyant experienced clinical death twice in infancy. She was born practically dead, with 4 degrees of asphyxia, because the umbilical cord was wrapped three times around her throat and she began to suffocate while still in the birth canal. Two weeks later, the baby almost died again, choking on her mother’s breast milk. She had already turned blue and stopped breathing, but her mother was still able to bring her to her senses. Later, Natalya became famous throughout the country, because she had no equal among psychics.

The name of Wolf Messing was once a legend. He knew Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud, who were personally convinced of his superpowers and provided him with all possible assistance. In 1937, he predicted the death of Hitler (provided that he went to the East). The German government put him on the wanted list, and he was later caught and imprisoned. But Messing was able to escape, because he managed, by the power of thought, to force all the prison employees, including the authorities, to gather in his cell. He locked them all in the room, and he himself safely disappeared.

Later, Wolf Messing ended up in the USSR, where he was forced to meet Stalin. He was able to withstand all the tests that the “leader of the peoples” assigned to him: he passed near the Kremlin guards, obtained gold bars from the treasury, and received one hundred thousand rubles from the State Bank without documents. Later, he predicted a German attack on the USSR (which greatly angered Stalin) and the date of victory - May 8. When the act of surrender of Germany was signed, Stalin sent him a telegram in which he confirmed that his forecast had come true.

Messing's abilities were discovered after he experienced clinical death. At the age of 11, he earned his own living by performing small errands. There was not enough money, and one day the boy fainted from hunger on the street. He was taken to the hospital and, finding no signs of life, was sent to the morgue. There, the trainee noticed that there was still life in the boy’s body and saved him. After this, Messing came to Professor Abel, who noticed his unusual abilities and helped him develop them.

The appearance of extrasensory abilities after clinical death is explained differently by everyone. Some believe that this gift was already inherent in people, but made itself felt after the body was shaken, others talk about changes in the brain after the experience. Thus, it was proven that Natalya Vorotnikova has very unusual brain indicators. When he “turns on” his psychic abilities, he begins to work differently. Physical and chemical changes can be observed - as during an epileptic seizure. But, whatever the explanations, the fact remains: clinical death reveals in a person those invisible facets that are not accessible to mere mortals, and whether it is a gift or a curse - everyone decides for himself.

Clinical death
What is clinical death? At its core, clinical death is a reversible stage of death, a transitional time between life and death. During clinical death, the heart stops working, the person stops breathing, and all external signs of the functioning of the human body disappear. At the same time, oxygen starvation does not lead to irreversible changes in human body. Many interested people ask the question “How long does clinical death last?” On average, clinical death lasts no more than 3-4 minutes, sometimes 5-6 minutes.

Signs of clinical death are: coma, asystole and apnea. These signs relate to early period clinical death, and does not apply to cases where there are already clear signs of biological death. The shorter the time between the declaration of clinical death and the moment of resuscitation, the higher the chances of saving the patient’s life, therefore treatment and diagnosis of the patient are carried out at the same time. Coma is defined by a lack of consciousness and dilated pupils that do not respond to light.

Apnea is determined visually, in which respiratory movements of the chest disappear. There is no need to waste time applying mirrors, threads or cotton wool to the patient’s nose and mouth, since doctors themselves sometimes do not know the true duration of clinical death.

Asystole is defined by the absence of pulses in the two carotid arteries. You should also not waste time determining the pulse in the radial arteries. Before determining the patient's pulse, it is recommended to give the patient a couple of artificial breaths.

Pathophysiological basis of clinical death

The duration of clinical death is determined by the time during which the higher parts of the brain are able to maintain their viability under hypoxic conditions. Speaking about clinical death, Professor V. A. Negovsky notes 2 stages:

The first stage of clinical death lasts only 3-5 minutes. At this time, the higher parts of the brain, during normothermia and anoxia (lack of oxygen supply to the brain and organs), retain their viability.

All world practice suggests that if this stage is delayed, then it is possible to revive a person, but as a consequence, the death of the cerebral cortex occurs - decortication or even the death of all parts of the brain - decerebration.

But a second stage of clinical death may also occur, which doctors have to deal with when providing medical care or in special conditions. The second stage of clinical death can last tens of minutes, and resuscitation efforts can be quite effective.

The second stage of clinical death begins when, during hypoxia or anoxia, special conditions arise to slow down the processes of degeneration of the higher parts of the brain. In conditions of artificial cooling of an organ or the body as a whole - hypothermia, in case of drowning or injury electric shock the duration of clinical death increases.

In clinical practice, this can be achieved through physical influences (breathing oxygen at elevated pressure in a special chamber, hypothermia of the head, hyperbaric oxygenation), the use of pharmacological drugs that create states similar to anabiosis (a sharp decrease in metabolism in the human body), transfusion of fresh donor blood. blood and other cases.

If resuscitation efforts were not carried out or were unsuccessful, biological death occurs, which leads to the cessation of all physiological processes in the tissues and cells of the body.

Clinical death in culture

There is an opinion that during clinical death a person sees the “afterlife.” Thus, many patients who have experienced clinical death describe similar sensations and experiences. Often this is a feeling of flying, moving towards the light through a dark tunnel, a feeling of peace and absolute calm, meeting with deceased relatives and other sensations. This phenomenon is called near-death experiences.

The main problem is that soon after the heart stops, the brain almost completely stops working. This means that in a state of clinical death, a person, in principle, cannot feel or experience anything.

There are two opinions explaining this problem. Firstly, human consciousness can exist regardless human brain. Secondly, near-death experiences could well be confirmation of the existence of life after death. But this point of view is now actively disputed.

Many scientists say that visions after clinical death are nothing more than hallucinations that are caused by brain hypoxia. If you believe this theory, people experience near-death experiences not in a state of clinical death, but during the early stages of brain death, during pre-agony or agony, or during a coma, already resuscitating the patient.

From the point of view of pathological physiology, such sensations are quite naturally caused. When hypoxia occurs from top to bottom from the neocortex to the archeocortex, the action of the brain is inhibited. When the cerebral cortex is suppressed, tunnel vision occurs and the recognition of images that come from the retina of the eye ceases to function, which is explained by the vision of a light spot ahead.

After a person stops receiving data from the visual analyzer, foci of stable excitation of the cerebral cortex begin to appear, which maintain the picture of continuous illumination. As a result, a person seems to approach the light. This illusion occurs due to the reverberation of the signal in the visual cortex of the brain, simulating the spread and intensification of light in front of the patient's eyes. This can also explain the vision of light spots in the blind, when the visual cortex is quite capable of giving a signal simulating the arrival of data from the visual analyzer.

The feeling of falling or flying occurs in a person as a result of ischemia. Here, there is a lack of oxygen for the vestibular analyzer, as a result of which the human brain ceases to adequately analyze and perceive what is happening and the signals that come from the receptors of the vestibular apparatus.

Sometimes the feeling of flying or falling can be accompanied by specific hallucinations. For believers this can really be a vision afterlife, but it is worth noting that what a person sees differs from his life experience depending on his individual characteristics.

Description of the idea

A person has many roads. He can choose his own path, learn, develop, create. How many stories have been written, so many films made, and games... and how many more there will be. I have always been amazed at how people come up with something unreal and create their own Worlds. And it used to happen to me that inspiration comes, I write it down... And then I’m amazed at how I could think of such a thing.
So, the idea arose: what if every person on Earth is God? Our planet (like the entire universe) is a prison where the “evil” gods, defeated by the “heroes,” go. But they are needed, because they are creators. And it’s actually very difficult to kill them forever so that they don’t respawn. But erasing memory and giving it a human body is quite possible.
Every child born on Earth since its creation is a reborn essence of God. And all the written stories are embodied, creating a new universe. The prison draws energy from every person, and with its help Worlds are created. And aging is the result of “milking”. The body quickly wears out due to a lack of strength. But for the first, say, forty years, it pumps out energy quite gently, and then more and more until there is nothing left. And then the person turns, after death, into part of the prison, losing his identity.
Most of the newborns are innocent “gods” - descendants of the “evil ones” who become victims of our World. A by-product of a brilliant idea to punish the “omnipotent”.
There's a long backstory... So, I want to read about a god who managed to bypass memory erasure. But not completely.

And here is the application itself:

Our days. Main character- an outstanding (even brilliant) neurosurgeon. He is interested in genetics and chemistry. Everything is fine with him: he loves his job, he doesn’t complain about the lack of money. And overnight he loses everything. Gets into an accident or gets shot... At the discretion of the author. Consequences: clinical death and inability to operate due to damage. Hands begin to shake for no apparent reason... In the future, it turns out that clinical death is the only loophole to weaken the “pump”, it partially breaks the threads connecting with the planet and such people develop paranormal abilities. If they are not developed, then the threads will again entwine such a person...
The hero has dreams about some strange world, where there is a lot of magic, and he is a negative character. In reality, he receives visions of the future, he can determine from a photograph whether a person is alive or dead; healing abilities appeared, but insignificant (they will be trained and gradually increased) ... In short, extrasensory abilities appeared.
The treatment turned out to be expensive - he lost his job, his money is running out, and our hero decides to work as a psychic. Whether he came up with this on his own or accidentally helped and was recommended is up to you to decide.
I want to read about his working days. Jealous wives, inconsolable parents whose child has gone missing. How will he try to master “damage” or a love spell *giggle*. Cooperation with oligarchs and criminal elements. And law enforcement agencies. In short, what is enough imagination?
The hero's memory is gradually restored and by the end of the first volume (yes, I want at least 2 parts) he remembers everything, including his desire to break out of prison.
To get out you need to perform some kind of ritual with a mass sacrifice or just one victim, but it must be a loved one - at your discretion.
So, the second part: the hero gets out of prison and ends up in any fantasy world from the list of fandoms I specified. There he gradually regains his divine powers and seeks a way to become even stronger in order to destroy the creator of the “Earth Prison”. Why? The hero can be the son, father, grandson of the creator, and he treacherously placed him in our world. That is, you need to take revenge and protect yourself so as not to be locked in a human body again.
In the new world, he can create his own cult, become a priest of his own name. He may know the canon (he was specially prepared) or not (the ritual randomly threw him into another world).
About his character: in our world he is cynical, but not without compassion. He is vain and proud (not without reason), and has an excellent memory. But after losing his job, he is faced with the schadenfreude of his former colleagues, with feigned pity, when they say behind his back that it serves him right, there was no point in turning up his nose. In psychic practice he meets different people. Who seem to want good, but it turns out that they are pursuing selfish goals. Show people's hypocrisy and duality.
By the end, the hero will destroy his softness and become hardened. In the new world he has a GOAL and to achieve it all means are good.
I want the first part to show a slow change in character...

Who should I throw it at... You can offer your options, we’ll discuss it.
You can limit yourself to only the first part of the application and the original will come out. I would love to read it.