Review of the book “Fascinating Chemistry. Entertaining demonstration experiments. What courses involve entertaining chemical experiments?

To carry out this interesting experiment You will need a container of whole milk, liquid detergent, several colors of food coloring, and a cotton swab. Add different colored food colorings drop by drop to the milk container, but do not mix them. Next, place a cotton swab, which you have previously dipped in liquid detergent, into the center of one of the bright drops of dye. The milk will begin to move, forming a whirlpool and shimmering in different colors. The essence of this experiment is that the components of the detergent and the fat molecules react. For the experiment to take place, you need to use whole milk; low fat will not work.

Spy ink

If you write something on paper with a brush dipped in apple or lemon juice, the writing will dry out and disappear. But it will appear brown if you heat the paper with the lamp on. Show this trick they can use in spy games.

Transparent egg

To make an egg transparent, you need to pour it into a glass, place the egg in it and leave for several days. In an acidic environment, the calcium that makes up the shell will transform into a solution of calcium acetate, which does not have a dense structure, and the white and yolk will change structure. Thus, a kind of orange capsule is obtained, dense on the inside and soft on the outside. When the light is turned off, if you hold a flashlight on the egg, it glows beautifully, like a light bulb.

Growing Crystals

This is one of the most popular experiments that parents conduct in . Crystals can be grown from a solution of copper sulfate and even simple table salt. But the most interesting are sweet crystals, because they are not only beautiful, but also...

To grow crystals, you need to boil a syrup from 4 cups of water and 4 cups of sugar. The solution must be brought to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally until the sugar is completely dissolved. After the syrup has boiled, add another 6 cups of sugar and stir the solution. When all the sugar has dissolved, the syrup can be removed from the heat. While it's cooling, soak the wooden skewers where the crystals will grow in water. Then dip the wet skewers into the syrup, take them out and let them dry thoroughly. This is necessary so that sugar crystals adhere to the surface of the sticks.

While the skewers are drying, pour the syrup into small jars, adding a little food coloring in a different color to each. Then the dried sticks must be carefully inserted into the jar of syrup and hung on a clothespin so that the skewer does not touch the bottom, because. crystals need space to grow freely. The jars must be placed in a light and warm place, but not

    Equipment and reagents: beakers, conical flask, metal stand, porcelain cup, crystallizer, knife, metal tray, test tube racks, test tubes, matches, tweezers, pipettes, handkerchief; water, dry fuel, 3 tablets of calcium gluconate, potassium carbonate, ammonia 25%, hydrochloric acid (conc.), phenolphthalein, sodium metal, alcohol, office glue, ammonium dichromate, potassium dichromate, sulfuric acid, hydrogen peroxide, ferric chloride solutions ( III), KCNS, sodium fluoride.

    Progress of the event

    Chemistry is an interesting and fascinating science. With the help of chemistry, our lives become more interesting and varied.

    Without chemistry, the whole world would become dim.
    We travel, live and fly with chemistry,
    IN different points We inhabit the earth,
    We clean, erase, remove stains,
    We eat, we sleep, and we wear our hair.
    We treat with chemicals, glue and sew
    We live side by side with chemistry!

    Although there are no miracles in the world.
    Chemistry provides the answer.
    “There are miracles in the world.
    And, of course, there are countless of them!”

    Do not violate the teachers' advice:

    And even if you are not a coward,

    Do not taste the substances!

    And don’t even think about smelling them.

    Understand that these are not flowers!

    Don't take anything with your hands

    You'll get a burn, blisters!

    Tea and delicious sandwich
    They really want to be in your mouth.
    Do not lie to yourself -
    You can't eat or drink here!
    This, my friend, is a chemical laboratory,
    There are no provisions for food.

    In the flask it’s like marmalade,
    Do not taste the substances!
    Even poison smells sweet.

    In the chemistry room

    Lots of stuff:

    Cones, test tubes,

    Funnel and tripod.

    And there's no need to pull

    I'll waste my pens,

    Otherwise you'll spill it by accident

    Valuable reagent!

    "Pharaoh's Snakes"

    Experiment: put a tablet of dry fuel on a stand, put 3 tablets of calcium gluconate on it and set it on fire. A light gray mass shaped like a snake is formed.

    "Smoke without fire"

    Experiment: (The experiment must be carried out in a well-ventilated area or in a fume hood) pour potassium carbonate into a large flask (300-500 ml) so that it covers the bottom with an even layer, and carefully pour in a 25% ammonia solution to wet it . Then slowly (be careful!) pour a little concentrated of hydrochloric acid(white “smoke” appears). What do we see? There is smoke, but no fire. You see, in life there is no smoke without fire, but in chemistry there is.

    "Flame on the Water"

    Experiment: Add phenolphthalein to a cup of water. Cut a piece of sodium or lithium metal and carefully place it in water. The metal floats on the surface, the hydrogen ignites, and due to the alkali formed, the water turns crimson.


    Mighty nature is full of wonders,
    And on Earth they are subject to her alone
    The shining of stars, sunsets and sunrises,
    Gusts of wind and sea surf...
    But we, now you will see for yourself,
    Sometimes we also possess miracles.

    Experiment: pour a heap of ammonium bichromate onto a tray, drop in alcohol, and set it on fire.

    "Fireproof scarf"

    children's answers).

    Our magic carpet has flown away,
    We don’t have self-assembly either,
    There is a scarf, it will tan now,
    But, believe me, it won’t be able to burn.

    Experiment: moisten a scarf in a mixture of glue and water (silicate glue + water = 1:1.5), dry it slightly, then moisten it with alcohol and set it on fire.

    "Orange, lemon, apple"

    Experiment: first, the audience is shown a glass with a solution of potassium dichromate, which orange color. Then, alkali is added, turning “orange juice” into “lemon juice”. Then it is done in reverse: from “lemon juice” - “orange”, for this a little sulfuric acid is added, then a little hydrogen peroxide solution is added and the “juice” becomes “apple”.

    "Healing the Wound"

    There are three vials on the table: “iodine” (FeCl3 solution), “alcohol” (KCNS), “living water” (NaF).

    Here's some more fun for you
    Who gives the hand to be cut off?
    It's a pity to cut off your hand,
    Then we need a patient for treatment!
    We operate without pain.
    There will really be a lot of blood.
    Every operation requires sterilization.
    Help, assistant,
    Give me some alcohol.
    One moment! (gives alcohol- КCNS)

    We will lubricate it generously with alcohol.
    Don't turn around, patient.
    Give me the scalpel, assistant!
    (“scalpel” is a stick dipped in FeCl3)

    Look, just a trickle
    Blood flows, not water.
    But now I'll wipe my hand -
    Not a trace of the cut!
    “iodine” - FeCl3 solution, “alcohol” - KCNS, “living water” - NaF.

    "We are wizards"

    "Colored milk"

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"Entertaining experiments in chemistry"


in chemistry for children

Target: show interesting experiments in chemistry


    to interest students in studying chemistry;

    give students the first skills in handling chemical equipment and substances.

Equipment and reagents: beakers, conical flask, metal stand, porcelain cup, crystallizer, knife, metal tray, test tube racks, test tubes, matches, tweezers, pipettes, handkerchief; water, dry fuel, 3 tablets of calcium gluconate, potassium carbonate, ammonia 25%, hydrochloric acid (conc.), phenolphthalein, sodium metal, alcohol, office glue, ammonium dichromate, potassium dichromate, sulfuric acid, hydrogen peroxide, ferric chloride solutions ( III), KCNS, sodium fluoride.

Progress of the event

Chemistry is an interesting and fascinating science. With the help of chemistry, our lives become more interesting and varied.

Without the chemistry of life, believe me, no,
Without chemistry, the whole world would become dim.
We travel, live and fly with chemistry,
We live in different parts of the Earth,
We clean, erase, remove stains,
We eat, we sleep, and we wear our hair.
We treat with chemicals, glue and sew
We live side by side with chemistry!

Although there are no miracles in the world.
Chemistry provides the answer.
“There are miracles in the world.
And, of course, there are countless of them!”

But before you start the practical part of the event, listen to the comic safety regulations.

Entering our chemistry room,

Do not violate the teachers' advice:

And even if you are not a coward,

Do not taste the substances!

And don’t even think about smelling them.

Understand that these are not flowers!

Don't take anything with your hands

You'll get a burn, blisters!

Tea and delicious sandwich
They really want to be in your mouth.
Do not lie to yourself -
You can't eat or drink here!
This, my friend, is a chemical laboratory,
There are no provisions for food.

Let the test tube smell like vobla,
In the flask it’s like marmalade,
Do not taste the substances!
Even poison smells sweet.

In the chemistry room

Lots of stuff:

Cones, test tubes,

Funnel and tripod.

And there's no need to pull

I'll waste my pens,

Otherwise you'll spill it by accident

Valuable reagent!

"Pharaoh's Snakes"

In India and Egypt you can watch snakes dancing to the tune of charmers. Let's try to make the “snakes” dance, but our caster will be fire.

Experience: Place a tablet of dry fuel on the stand, put 3 tablets of calcium gluconate on it and set it on fire. A light gray mass shaped like a snake is formed.

"Smoke without fire"

The old saying goes, “There is no smoke without fire,” let’s check it out.

Experience: (The experiment must be carried out in a well-ventilated area or in a fume hood) pour potassium carbonate into a large flask (300-500 ml) so that it covers its bottom with an even layer, and carefully pour in a 25% ammonia solution to wet it. Then slowly (be careful!) pour a little concentrated hydrochloric acid into the flask (white “smoke” appears). What do we see? There is smoke, but no fire. You see, in life there is no smoke without fire, but in chemistry there is.

"Flame on the Water"

Can you cut metal with a knife? Can he swim? Can water burn?

Experience: Add phenolphthalein to a cup of water. Cut a piece of sodium or lithium metal and carefully place it in water. The metal floats on the surface, the hydrogen ignites, and due to the alkali formed, the water turns crimson.


Mighty nature is full of wonders,
And on Earth they are subject to her alone
The shining of stars, sunsets and sunrises,
Gusts of wind and sea surf...
But we, now you will see for yourself,
Sometimes we also possess miracles.

Experience: pour ammonium bichromate onto a tray, drop some alcohol, and set it on fire.

"Fireproof scarf"

Remember the magical objects from fairy tales ( children's answers).

Our magic carpet has flown away,
We don’t have self-assembly either,
There is a scarf, it will tan now,
But, believe me, it won’t be able to burn.

Experience: moisten the scarf in a mixture of glue and water (silicate glue + water = 1:1.5), dry it slightly, then moisten it with alcohol and set it on fire.

"Orange, lemon, apple"

And now the next magic, from one juice we get another.

Experience: First, the audience is shown a glass with a solution of potassium dichromate, which is orange. Then, alkali is added, turning “orange juice” into “lemon juice”. Then it is done in reverse: from “lemon juice” - “orange”, for this a little sulfuric acid is added, then a little hydrogen peroxide solution is added and the “juice” becomes “apple”.

"Healing the Wound"

There are three vials on the table: “iodine” (FeCl solution 3 ), "alcohol" (KCNS), "living water" (NaF).

Here's some more fun for you
Who gives the hand to be cut off?
It's a pity to cut off your hand,
Then we need a patient for treatment! (the bravest boy is invited)
We operate without pain.
There will really be a lot of blood.
Every operation requires sterilization.
Help, assistant,
Give me some alcohol.
One moment! (gives alcohol- КCNS) We will lubricate it generously with alcohol.
Don't turn around, patient.
Give me the scalpel, assistant!
(“scalpel” is a stick dipped in FeCl 3 )

Look, just a trickle
Blood flows, not water.
But now I'll wipe my hand -
Not a trace of the cut!
“iodine” - FeCl solution 3 , “alcohol” - KCNS, “living water” - NaF.

"We are wizards"

And now you yourself will become wizards. We will now conduct the experiment.

"Colored milk" I suggest you get blue milk. Does this happen in nature? No, but you and I can do it, but you can’t drink it. Combine copper sulfate and barium chloride together.

Dear Guys! So our miracles and entertaining experiments are over. We hope you liked them! If you know chemistry, it will not be difficult for you to unravel the secrets of the “miracles”. Grow up and come to us to study this very interesting science - chemistry. See you again!

Fascinating chemistry and physics, two books. Children's encyclopedias with Chevostik.

Exciting chemistry - for preschoolers!

Despite the fact that chemistry at school is a subject that begins only in middle and high school, younger children already have an interest in chemistry and various transformations. before school. It’s not at all easy to choose a chemistry book for them - so that the kids can understand it. Encyclopedias with Chevostik are just such books that allow you to learn about a subject and understand it a little long ago before you study this subject in school. This is very important because... allows you to develop a sincere interest in learning from childhood, including such difficult subjects as physics and chemistry.

Fascinating chemistry. A book for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

Girls need these books no less than boys.

It is best to buy these books when the child turns 4-5 years old, read them out loud together, and then, when the child has already learned to read independently, he easily and with interest re-reads the familiar book.

The book contains small tasks that are easy to complete and at the same time exciting: we do tasks together with kids, younger children school age They cope perfectly well completely on their own.

Of all the books on fascinating chemistry that are on sale today from various publishers, the book with Chevostik is perhaps the first. If your child is already in primary school and is interested in chemistry, choose this book to begin with. When the child reads it and has further questions, it will be possible to choose more complex editions, with periodic tables, etc. But it’s best to start from the very beginning, with something simple and very clear for children, only then will interest develop further. Otherwise, it is difficult to get involved in science.

Beginning of the book:

One hundred such chemistry.

We need to prepare for a new journey. Take out the time jumper. And wear your favorite T-shirt. White with red stripes. Oh! There is a red spot on it. Where did it come from? I remembered. Yesterday I climbed a tree and scratched myself, and when Uncle Kuzya smeared iodine on my hand, I twisted around so much that iodine spilled on my T-shirt. He stings so much! Yeah... it's not very pleasant to travel with such a stain. We need to try to wash it off. Oh, and this iodine is harmful. Not only does it pinch, but it also doesn’t wash off.

Chevostik, and Chevostik? Where are you! I barely found you. What are you thinking? It's time for us to go on a trip, have you started doing the laundry?

I wanted to wash away yesterday's stain.

We study what chemistry and matter are.

It cannot be removed with water. But there is another way. Now I'll bring you some potatoes from the kitchen.

Well, Uncle Kuzya is an inventor! Why did he need potatoes? He cut it in half and began to rub the stain with the cut side.

What a way! Uncle Kuzya, what is this? There was a red spot, but it became dark blue, almost black. Eh, it’s even more noticeable this way...

Do not rush. We'll fix everything now. You need to rinse it with water.

Yes, I already tried, but nothing happened... Oh! The blue spot disappeared in the water. Miracles! Uncle Kuzya, you didn’t say that you can perform magic tricks!

Chevostik, I've never been into magic tricks. But I studied chemistry, so I know that the chemical substance iodine is poorly soluble in water. But the substance that is obtained by the interaction of an iodine molecule with organic matter starch, washes off easily with water. By the way, the iodine molecule consists of two atoms of this element.

Physical transformations.

Uncle Kuzya, if I were big and smart, I would understand everything you said, but I’m small and I can’t figure it all out.

You have no reason to doubt yourself, Chevostik. Of course, you are still a baby, but very smart and quick-witted. I bet if you listen carefully to the explanations, everything will become clear to you. Well, let's argue?

Then let's start sorting out the unclear words.

The first word is chemistry.

This is science. Amazing and necessary. She studies the transformation of one substance into another.

Transformations - I understand that. What are substances?

Substances are what everything around is made of. There are a lot of substances in the world. The substance water is poured into a glass. And the name of the substance from which the glass is made...

Below in the photo are some pages of the book.

This fascinating chemistry

First chemistry lesson 8th grade

Fall in love with chemistry from the first lesson...

Chemistry is not an easy science, because it is not for nothing that they begin to study it only in the 8th grade, when schoolchildren already have certain knowledge of mathematics, physics, biology, geography, etc. But other subjects and their teachers also managed to win the hearts of schoolchildren. Therefore, a chemistry teacher is in a situation where he needs to make schoolchildren fall in love with his science at first sight, from the first lesson.

I propose the development of the first chemistry lesson in the 8th grade. This lesson should show students that chemistry is interesting science, exciting, but at the same time requires a serious attitude and a lot of hard work. In class I use various shapes work with students: conversation, quiz, game, laboratory experiments, demonstration experiment, story, watching a video. The lesson is accompanied by a computer presentation, demonstration of video clips from history of science, performances performed by members of the chemical section of the NOU (scientific association of students).

During the lesson, it is necessary to involve as many students in the class as possible, give them the opportunity to answer something, complete a task or experience - to express themselves. Eighth-graders typically perceive material through images, through their own impressions of independent activity, which is important to use to develop a sustainable interest in the subject. The more channels of perception of the proposed material are used, the more information will be absorbed, and the effectiveness of learning will increase. Therefore, already in the first lesson, students should be drawn to the fact that better assimilation of the material will be facilitated by the development of skills to observe, listen, speak, think, analyze, draw conclusions, etc.

Just one first chemistry lesson in the 8th grade is not enough to achieve your goals, so holiday lessons should be held periodically in different classes. The most convenient time for this is the last lesson of the quarter or half a year. The teacher must develop a whole system of activities that promote the development of cognitive interest in the subject: the first and last lessons in academic year, chemistry week, extracurricular activities, excursions, educational institutions, participation in conferences, competitions, olympiads, etc.

Lesson objectives.Educational: introduce students to the subject of chemistry; give an idea of ​​chemistry as an exact science, not without lyricism; present points of view on the origin of the word “chemistry”; show the relationship of chemistry with other sciences.

Educational: development of cognitive interest in the subject; introducing students to achievements modern science, with biographies of great chemists.

Educational: nurturing love for one’s Fatherland, pride in the achievements and successes of our country in the field of science; fostering a careful attitude towards one’s health; fostering respect for the different points of view of other people.

Equipment and reagents. Computer, video clips from the collection of compulsory medical insurance modules, cards with quiz questions and descriptions of substances, portraits of J.Ya. Berzelius, D.I. Mendeleev, R. Bunsen, F.A. Kekule, N.N. Beketov, S. Arrhenius, R .Wood, N.N.Zinina; racks with test tubes, chemical beakers, crucible tongs, alcohol lamp, porcelain cup, conical flask, splinter; water, ammonia solution, acetic acid solution, ethyl alcohol, gasoline, table salt, sugar, starch, flour, pieces of ice, cotton wool, river sand, sawdust, paraffin, copper sulfate, iron filings, copper shavings, red phosphorus, sulfur , solutions of KI, Pb(NO 3) 2, KOH, CuSO 4, NaOH, FeCl 3, Na 2 SO 4, BaCl 2, HCl, Na 2 CO 3, CaCl 2, litmus, phenolphthalein, ammonium dichromate.


1. Organizational moment.

Introduction to the class.

2. Updating knowledge.

Teacher.What associations does the word “chemistry” evoke in you?

What group of sciences does the science of “chemistry” belong to?

You already know how the words “geography”, “geometry”, “biology” are translated, and how is the word “chemistry” translated?

Student answers.

3. Information.

Teacher.There are several points of view on the origin of the word “chemistry”.

Video clips from the collection of compulsory medical insurance modules (RNMC – software Ministry of Education,

Teacher. We will look at the fragment “History of the Development of Chemistry”(mmlab.chemistry.002i.oms), in which versions of the translation of the word “chemistry” are given.

A) Hmi(Egyptian) – “black” land. Ancient name Egypt, where the science of chemistry was born.

b) Keme(Egyptian) – “black” science. Alchemy as a dark, devilish science (compare with witchcraft - witchcraft based on the action of evil spirits).

V) Huma(ancient Greek) – “casting” of metals; same root and Greek humos- "juice".

G) Kim(ancient Chinese) – “gold”. Then chemistry can be interpreted as “goldmaking”.

4. Warm up.

Teacher. Although chemistry is a complex science, you already know a lot from other sciences, from life experience. We will see for ourselves: you are offered cards with questions from various topics in the chemistry course of the 8th, 9th, 10th grades. Who wants to answer?

Quiz questions “Is chemistry really that complicated?”

Why do we blow on a match when we want to put it out?

(Exhaled air contains CO 2 .)

Why can't a gasoline fire be extinguished with water?

(Gasoline is lighter than water and does not mix with it.)

How to carry 1 liter of water in your palm without spilling a drop?

(Freeze into ice.)

Which is warmer: three shirts or a triple-thick shirt?

(Three shirts.)

In what sea can you not drown? Why?

(In the Dead Sea, it is very salty.)

What is heavier: 1 kg of iron or 1 kg of cotton wool?

(They are equal.)

From 1 g of which metal can you draw a wire 2.5 km long?

(Made of gold.)

Is it possible to fill only half of the tank with air?

(It is forbidden.)

What does the expression “water off a duck’s back” mean?

(The feathers of waterfowl are not wetted by water.)

What metal compounds give the planet Mars a red hue?

(Iron compounds.)

Three identical burning candles were simultaneously covered with three jars with a capacity of 0.4 l, 0.6 l and 1 l. What will happen?

(The smaller the volume of the jar, the earlier the candle will go out.)

After each answer, the teacher says which topic and class the question belongs to.

For the correct answer, the student receives a solubility table as a keepsake or periodic table small sizes.

Not all questions can be used, depending on the time of answering them, but you must tell the children that their new knowledge will be based on what they already have, acquired in other lessons, and the teacher will help deal with difficult questions.

5. Game “Guess the substance.”

Teacher. What is chemistry without experiments? Of course, you yourself want to “cheat”! Do you know the substances? Can you tell them apart? Let's check…

On the teacher's display table there are three trays of substances - one containing only colorless transparent liquids, another containing only white solids, and the third containing multi-colored solids.


1st tray. In small glasses: water, ammonia solution, acetic acid solution, ethyl alcohol, gasoline.

2nd tray. In small glasses there are white solids: table salt, sugar, starch, flour, pieces of ice, cotton wool.

3rd tray. In small glasses there are solid multi-colored substances: river sand, sawdust, paraffin, copper sulfate, iron filings, copper shavings, red phosphorus, sulfur.

Teacher. We need three volunteers as experimenters who will try to identify the proposed substances, making sure to explain their actions.

The teacher warns students about following safety rules when performing the experiment.

Students try to identify substances.

A video fragment is shown - the module “Alchemical Laboratory” (mmlab.chemistry.003i.oms), which gives an idea of ​​the life and work of alchemists.

6. Information. Interesting Facts from the life of chemist scientists.

Dramas prepared in advance by students - members of the NOU are played out.

Portraits of scientists are shown.

Berzelius's cook.

Residents of one small town in which the famous Swedish scientist J.Ya. Berzelius lived and worked once asked his cook: “What exactly does your master do?”

“I can’t say exactly,” she answered, “He takes a large flask with some liquid, pours it into a small one, shakes it, pours it into an even smaller one, shakes it again and pours it into a very small one...”

"And then?"

“And then he pours it all out!”

The story is accompanied by a demonstration of experience by the teacher. For the experiment, 4 flasks of different sizes are taken. A colorless alkali solution is first poured into a large flask; a smaller flask is first moistened with a phenolphthalein solution. The alkali solution is poured into a flask with phenolphthalein, the solution is colored Crimson. A small solution of hydrochloric acid of a higher concentration than the alkali solution is poured into a third flask, even smaller in size, and then a colored alkali solution is poured into it. In the third flask, the solution becomes discolored. And when the entire mixture is poured into a very small flask containing a little concentrated alkali solution, the solution again acquires a crimson color.

Master of suitcases.

D.I. Mendeleev loved to bind books, glue frames for portraits, and make suitcases. He usually made purchases for these works at Gostiny Dvor. One day, while choosing the right product, he heard behind him: “Who is this venerable gentleman?” “You need to know such people,” the clerk answered with respect in his voice. “This is the master of suitcases Mendeleev!”

Good friend.

One day a colleague came to see Robert Bunsen. They talked for an hour and a half. And the guest was about to leave, when suddenly Bunsen said: “You can’t imagine how weak my memory is. After all, when I saw you, I thought that you were Kekule!” The visitor looked at him in amazement and exclaimed: “But I am Kekule!”

Thieves in the library.

One day an excited servant ran into the office of Academician N.N. Beketov: “Nikolai Nikolaevich! There are thieves in your library!” The scientist, not immediately looking up from his calculations, calmly asked: “And what are they reading there?”

At work.


American physicist Robert Wood began his career as a laboratory assistant. One day, his boss walked into a room filled with the roar and clang of pumps and equipment, and found Wood there, engrossed in reading a crime novel. The boss's indignation knew no bounds.

- Mr. Wood! - he cried, inflamed with anger, - You... Do you allow yourself to read a detective story?!

- For God's sake, forgive me! – Wood was confused. – But with such noise, poetry is simply not perceived!

Heroic fun of Professor Zinin.

Was assault used against students in Russia? There was no gross violence, but the teachers, although rarely, used slaps on the head. The famous academician N.N. Zinin not only scolded careless students, but also beat them. Nobody was offended by this, because... was allowed to give change to the academician. But there were no hunters to take retaliatory measures. Zinin had great physical strength and could squeeze his opponent in such a hug that he could not come to his senses for a long time.


7. Do-it-yourself miracles.

On the students' desks there are racks with two test tubes.

Teacher. You yourself are excellent experimenters; with the help of simple techniques you can create miracles. Your task is to mix the contents of the test tubes with each other.

The teacher explains to students the safety rules when performing the experiment.

Teacher.The solutions are selected in such a way that in each case either precipitates of different colors fall out, or gas is released, or the color changes.

Students perform an experiment and observe the changes that occur. (For example, solutions of potassium iodide and lead(II) nitrate; potassium hydroxide and copper(II) sulfate); sodium hydroxide and iron(III) chloride; sodium sulfate and barium chloride; litmus and hydrochloric acid, litmus and sodium hydroxide; acetic acid and sodium carbonate, etc.)

8. Let's play...

Game “What's in the black box?”

The class is divided into teams of 4 people.

Teacher.Assignment to the teams: to describe the features of the properties, discovery stories, familiar areas of application, you need to guess what substance we are talking about. If you guess the substance on the first try, you get 5 points, on the second try - 4 points, etc. Answers are given in writing so that other teams can continue the game. If a team gives an incorrect answer, it has the right to continue the game, but receives minus 1 point.

Based on the results of two or three rounds, the winning team is determined and receives a prize.

The presenter gives the correct answer at the end of each round. The points are kept on the board (you can choose an assistant from the guys in the class).


1) In ancient times this substance was called the ruler of life and death. He was sacrificed to the gods and sometimes worshiped as a deity.

(5 points.)

2) It served as a measure of wealth, power, perseverance, power, and was considered the guardian of youth and beauty.

(4 points.)

3) According to beliefs, it has the ability to help a person in all his affairs, to save him from troubles and misfortunes.

(3 points.)

4) “He will be born from water, but is afraid of water.”

(2 points.)

5) Widely used in everyday life, in cooking, in leatherworking, in the textile industry and others.

(1 point.)

(Answer: Table salt.)


1) The ancient Egyptians called it “vaaepere”, which means “born in heaven”.

(5 points.)

2) The ancient Copts called it “the stone of heaven.”

(4 points.)

3) Products made from it were valued more than gold. Only very rich people could have rings and brooches made from it.

(3 points.)

4) Alchemists considered it such a base metal that it was not worth working with.

(2 points.)

5) The century is named after him. It is a ductile soft metal.

(1 point.)

(Answer. Iron.)

9. “Did you know that...”

Teacher. Now we will learn about the achievements of modern science, about interesting discoveries in the field of chemistry and related sciences.

The information is accompanied by a computer presentation, the slides of which are illustrated with photographs, video clips, flash animations, etc.

Nanotechnology: today and tomorrow. Nano (from Greek. nanos– dwarf) – a billionth part of something. A field of science that studies the properties of objects measuring 10–9 m in size. Nanotechnology manipulates individual particles ranging in size from 1 to 100 nm, and also develops devices of similar sizes. Powders and suspensions have now been created that improve the performance of engines and mechanisms. Coatings made from materials made using nanotechnology prevent rust and help the material self-clean or not become wetted by water. The first nanorobots are able to travel through the body of animals. Hydrogen can be safely stored using nanotubes. In the future, it will be possible to design any molecules and create ultra-strong materials. In medicine, it is planned to create targeted drugs that penetrate the affected tissue or tumor; the use of nanorobots for the diagnosis and treatment of almost all diseases, the cultivation of tissues and organs. In electronics, this is the creation of subminiature electronic devices, flexible displays, electronic paper, new types of engines and fuel cells (

Many glaciologists believe that the thickness of the polar ice sheets is shrinking at an unabated rate. Over 5 years, the volume of ice flowing into the Atlantic annually has almost doubled, which is equivalent to a rise in the level of the World Ocean by 0.5 mm per year. Antarctica from 2002 to 2005 lost an average of 152 km 3 of ice annually. By 2100, sea levels may rise by 4–6 m from current levels.

Greek and Latin inscriptions written on the stones 2,000 years ago are unreadable due to erosion. To restore the inscriptions, scientists used the fluorescence method: when X-rays bombard the surface, the atoms become excited and then return to a resting state, emitting visible light. This makes it possible to identify traces of lead or iron left by the chisel of an ancient author.

Russian chemists have figured out how to recycle plastic bottles, and also synthesized a new filler for rubbers and polymers. Hydrogen fuel will produce clean water instead of exhaust gases.

In the USA, a transparent polymer coating for walls has been developed to which nothing sticks. This is a Teflon type substance. It is impossible to write or draw on such a surface with paints, chalk or a felt-tip pen. The coating can be used to protect the bottoms of sea vessels from fouling and aircraft fuselages from icing.

10. Entertaining demonstration experiments.

Teacher.Today was your first acquaintance with chemistry. Of course, you are waiting for something unusual, wonderful. I’ll try to transform into a magician and show you the wonders of chemistry.

The teacher demonstrates experiences.

“Smoke without fire.”

Two glasses are moistened with concentrated solutions of ammonia and hydrochloric acid, and then they are brought next to each other. They observe smoke without fire.

“From one glass – sparkling water, raspberry juice and milk.”

Colorless transparent solutions of hydrochloric acid, calcium chloride and phenolphthalein are poured into three identical beakers. A solution of sodium carbonate is poured into a porcelain mug. Then sodium carbonate is poured from the mug into each of the three glasses in turn. In the first of them, gas is rapidly released (“carbonation”), in the second a white precipitate appears (“milk”), and in the third the solution becomes crimson due to a change in the color of the indicator in an alkaline solution (“raspberry juice”).

“Fireproof scarf.”

The handkerchief is moistened in water and then in ethyl alcohol. Using crucible tongs, it is brought to a burning alcohol lamp and set on fire. Despite the huge flame, the scarf ultimately remains intact, because... the alcohol ignites and burns before the damp cloth ignites.

“Volcano on the table.”

A porcelain cup is placed on the neck of the conical flask. Place a large sheet of paper under the flask. Ammonium dichromate is poured into a cup and the center is slightly moistened with alcohol. They light the “volcano” with a burning splinter. The reaction proceeds violently, creating the impression of an erupting volcano, from the crater of which hot masses pour out.

11. Summing up the lesson.


Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry. 8th grade. M.: Bustard, 1997; Aleksinsky V.N. Entertaining experiments in chemistry. M.: Education, 1995; Priroda, 2007, No. 3; Ibid., 2006, No. 5; Science and Life, 1994, No. 8; Kozhanova E.A. How I conduct a game lesson. Chemistry at school, 1995, No. 6, p. 21.

Internet resources

I was one of the first lucky enough to get acquainted with the new children's book “Fascinating Chemistry” from the publishing house “Mann, Ivanov and Ferber”. I hasten to tell you about it;)

When I was just waiting for this book, I imagined it as a set of certain experiments that we could do with the children in our kitchen :) Just in Lately No matter how many books I have seen published about chemistry, they were either abstruse textbooks that are incredibly boring to read, or experiments and nothing more. I love experiments, how could I live without them :) But I would like to introduce children to the basic concepts of this difficult science, and even in simple words explain everything so that anyone can understand it. “Fascinating Chemistry” from the “Encyclopedia with Chevostik” series became such an example. Let's make sure together ;)

Firstly, it’s worth figuring out who Chevostik is. Perhaps some of you are already familiar with this hero from the “Audio Encyclopedia with Chevostik” project created by Elena Kachur. But I honestly admit, I learned about him for the first time =) Chevostik - just like that main character this famous audio project. A little inquisitive boy who loves to explore and learn everything, and his smart and all-knowing uncle Kuzya helps him in this :) At first Chevostik could only be heard, but now he comes to children and on the pages of the series of books “Children's encyclopedias with Chevostik”, published Publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber".

Fascinating chemistry is not the only book in this series. According to the publisher’s plan, in the near future little readers will also be able to expect the encyclopedia “How Man Works,” “Fascinating Physics,” “Fascinating Astronomy,” “Planet Earth” and “If You Want to Be Healthy.” I think it's a great set! But for now let’s return to chemistry, let’s look at it in more detail;)

The book invites its readers on a fascinating journey through time and space. In a magical leap of time, Chevostik and Uncle Kuzya end up at the glassmaker's Ancient Egypt, then among the alchemists of the Middle Ages, and even in the laboratory of the great scientist Antoine Lavoisier.

Who these people are, what they did and what they discovered is exactly what Uncle Kuzya tells Chevostik, and at the same time his little readers.

The entire narrative is constructed in the form of fascinating dialogues! Simple questions and answers in language children can understand, for example:

“Then let’s start sorting out the unclear words.”
— The first word is chemistry
- This is science. Amazing and necessary. She studies the transformation of one substance into another.
- Transformations - I understand that. What are substances?
- Substances are what everything around is made of. There are a lot of substances in the world. The substance water is poured into a glass, and the name of the substance from which the glass is made...
- Glass!

Or another illustrative example: gold practically does not react with any of the chemical elements, but chlorine, on the contrary, happily “communicates” with all kinds of atoms. And here’s how interesting they were depicted in the picture: “Gold” is a lonely, arrogant boy, and “Chlor” is a sociable regular in large groups :)

Everything in the book is consistent, the complication of the material is easy and relaxed. Finding out the most simple concepts, the child easily learns what it is chemical reaction, and what are molecules with atoms, and even about periodic table Uncle Kuzya did not forget to tell Mendeleev :)

The tasks in the book are not so much chemical experiments as an attempt to convey the very essence of a particular process. And in my opinion, these attempts are very successful! Even with molecules and atoms, acquaintance occurs through games.

Here is the formula for H2O represented in two different ways.
1. Using dried fruits and toothpicks. Prunes are an oxygen atom, and dried apricots are two hydrogen atoms. The bonds between these atoms are toothpicks. The water molecule is so easily and clearly represented!
2. Take Lego pieces and let each color correspond to a specific one chemical element. Let's draw a water molecule again. The orange piece is an oxygen atom, and the green pieces are two hydrogen atoms. And again we get H 2 O! Lego parts are convenient because they can be used to build more complex connections.

I learned a lot of new things myself! What, for example, is the principle of such ordinary “kitchen transformations” as why the borscht is red, and the pancakes fit into the hole like lace :) Do you want to know why? You will find all the answers in the book;) And young children will be even more interested in finding out why such little things happen that adults don’t even pay attention to.

The recipe for removing iodine stains from clothes also turned out to be useful for me. As you know, iodine is not washed off with water. You can throw away the T-shirt or pants. But iodine reacts well with starch, resulting in a completely different substance of a dirty blue color, which is easily removed with water. This knowledge haunted me, so my children and I set out to experiment :)

We prepared a piece of cloth, iodine and potatoes, which are known to contain starch. I honestly admit that I did not believe in the success of the experiment, because I had never been able to remove iodine stains with anything. I really wanted to take an old rag, so as not to spoil the normal fabric, but you can’t show terrible old things in photographs, what a shame =) Therefore, reluctantly, I took a piece of beautiful fabric that I ordered for the nursery from Korea, and dripped iodine onto it. What you won’t do for the sake of decent photos :) Look at the dark spot that ended up appearing on the rag.

I had to try to rub it with potatoes from the front and back sides at the same time. The potatoes even darkened all over and became spotted, like a Dalmantine :) The dark iodine spots turned, by the way, into dark blue, as promised in the book. Then I washed everything off with water... And voila! Not a trace of the iodine stain remained! Here is a proof photo, try to see the dirt next to the potatoes;)

Perhaps, if you look closely, you can find fault, but as for me, the result is amazing! If some thing accidentally got spoiled, then after such chemical manipulations, I think I would still be able to go out into public with it :) In general, chemistry is really very interesting, and the experiments from the book work!!!

Another positive aspect of the publication is that the pages of the book also talk about precautionary measures:

- Uncle Kuzya, what did he mix there, why did everything catch fire in the mortar?
“Everything caught fire because of a spark that accidentally flew there.” I don’t know what he mixed there. Perhaps the alchemist himself did not know this. Alchemists often acted at random.
“It turns out that it’s not at all safe to act this way.”
- Certainly. When a chemical reaction occurs, an explosion may occur, or a poisonous or burning substance may be produced.
“It’s good that we escaped from this alchemist in time, otherwise we don’t know what else he would have cooked up.”

And a separate point about safety rules:

— Chemistry is a very interesting science, but it does not tolerate ignoramuses and bunglers. And if you decide to study it, then first of all you should firmly remember a few safety rules. Never mix chemicals just like that - the result may be dangerous substances or even an explosion. Do not heat it, do not set it on fire, and especially do not throw anything into the fire - you can get serious burns.
- Am I completely stupid, or what? I won't, of course.
- Don’t even try to taste unknown substances. They can be poisonous or very hot and cause real wounds. You should also not sniff unknown chemicals. They can burn your nose, throat and lungs.
- How difficult it is... But what can we do? Although chemistry is dangerous, it is so interesting!
- Everything is very simple. Children can carry out all sorts of chemical experiments only together with understanding adults.

Overall, I have the most pleasant impressions of this book! I thought about something to complain about, but I couldn’t come up with anything :) The publisher recommends this book for elementary school students. And I basically agree with this age group. It’s definitely too early for my three-year-old Mishutka, despite the fact that we put the molecules together, but he doesn’t understand the meaning as such. But for eight-year-old Sasha, the book went with a bang! :) I think that in some cases you can start studying “Fascinating Chemistry” at the age of 5.5-6 years, because children are all different. The information on the pages of the publication is presented in a very clear and accessible language, so that even preschoolers will be able to understand what is being said, at least in the first parts of the book.

All books from the series “Encyclopedias with Chevostik”

From this wonderful series, other equally interesting children's encyclopedias have already been released and are available in stores:

Download audio encyclopedias about Chevostik

As I noted above, initially the project about Chevostik was created precisely as an audio encyclopedia. And for all this time, Elena Kachur has recorded several dozen discs according to the most different topics, covering many sciences - from antiquity to the present day. As a result, the audio encyclopedia turned out to be very interesting and informative! You can download it for your children using the links below.

For convenience, I have divided the audio encyclopedias by topic. At first I wanted to create one common file, but it turned out to be incredibly large. Then I realized that not everyone needs all the records, but only on certain topics. Therefore, in the end, I came to this format, where each topic is contained in a separate file.