Pyrrhic victory meaning and origin of phraseology An ancient king whose victory was worse than defeat

Pyrrhic victory meaning and origin of phraseology An ancient king whose victory was worse than defeat

King Pyrrhus. Source: A Pyrrhic victory is a victory that came at too high a price, the result of which did not justify the effort invested and...
Get off track: the origin and meaning of phraseological units

Get off track: the origin and meaning of phraseological units

When acquaintances or friends have similar problems, you wonder why they can’t cope and pull themselves together. It seems that there is nothing complicated -...

“Throwing words to the wind” - the meaning and origin of a phraseological unit?

People have always been wary of such a natural phenomenon as wind. The deities and spirits that symbolized this element appear in legends and tales...
Two boots pair meaning of phraseological unit

Two boots pair meaning of phraseological unit

In the early 70s, a folklore teacher at a lecture stunned us, students of the journalism department of Leningrad University. Stating that the famous Russian proverb...
A goose is not a friend to a pig What does a goose not a friend to a pig mean?

A goose is not a friend to a pig What does a goose not a friend to a pig mean?

Everyone knows the popular expression: “The goose is no friend to the pig.” These words are spoken when they want to emphasize the difference between people. In this case, “goose”, then...
“Full version of famous Russian proverbs”: Two boots are a pair, both are left How the saying ends: both boots are a pair

“Full version of famous Russian proverbs”: Two boots are a pair, both are left How the saying ends: both boots are a pair

For many centuries it has been passed down from generation to generation with the help of proverbs and sayings. And although today this part of Russian folklore has lost its former popularity,...
The meaning of the phraseological unit “Trishkin caftan” What is ridiculed in the fable Trishkin caftan

The meaning of the phraseological unit “Trishkin caftan” What is ridiculed in the fable Trishkin caftan

Trishkin caftan Trishkin caftan Title of the fable (1815) by I. A. Krylov (1769-1844). “Trishka’s caftan was torn at the elbows,” and to repair the caftan’s elbows he...

"Pyrrhic victory": the meaning of phraseology

A Pyrrhic victory is an achievement that led to disaster, a victory that cost too much sacrifice, a success that led to failure, an acquisition that turned into losses...
Family nest meaning of phraseology

Family nest meaning of phraseology

Beekeeper's DictionaryNest A, p. Part of the combs in the hive, occupied with brood and food. Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary Syn nest: cartridge, socket, groove,...
Withdrawal - why is it dangerous?

Withdrawal - why is it dangerous?

Forget your values. Others know better how to live for you. Immerse yourself in your work so that no, even the smallest, thoughts about yourself can reach you...