Scientific conference for junior schoolchildren. Scientific and practical work of junior schoolchildren. Are microbes harmful or beneficial?


  • involving students in conducting scientific and experimental research;
  • deepening theoretical and scientific-practical training of students;
  • creating conditions for the realization of students’ creative abilities and stimulating research activities of students and teachers.

Technical equipment, equipment: Multimedia projector, screen, microphones, phonogram recording ( Annex 1 ), a decorated stage, a Wise Owl costume, firebird feather wreaths for awards, a box with the names of participants, a red ribbon and scissors for the opening of the conference, a presentation ( Appendix 2 ), CPD program, signs on the doors by section, badges for each CPD participant, list of all participants

Conference participants: students of grades 1-4, guests.

Location: Assembly Hall.


SLIDE 1 FNG 1(background for the presenter's words)

I. Greetings to conference participants

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guests! Today is a significant day at our school. We are pleased to welcome young researchers and their mentors, everyone who has gathered in this hall. SLIDE 2 to the second regional scientific and practical conference for primary schoolchildren “I explore the world.” So here we go!

FNG 2Dance "We are little children"

FNG 3Mysterious music sounds and the lights in the hall go out. In the depths of the hall, the members of the NPK - erudites - froze in a silent scene.

Scene 1. Lena stands with a cup, Alena with a diploma.
Scene 2. Zhenya Z is sitting by a large encyclopedia.
Scene 3 Katya stands with a globe in her hands.
Scene 4. Alina stands with a compass and ruler.
Scene 5. Masha and Zhenya E look into a huge book.

FNG 4.To the accompaniment of cheerful music, two students (participants in the dance) come out towards each other (but as if without seeing each other). Suddenly they collide with each other.

1st student: Who are you?
2nd student: No, who are you?
1st student: I? I know who I am – a 3rd grade student at school No. 1.
2nd student: Pauline! So it's you?! That's why I see a familiar voice .
1st student: Ooh, Anya! What a meeting! How come I didn’t recognize you right away! How did you end up here?
2nd student: Well, I was walking along Poshtovaya Street, and I saw schoolchildren heading to the first school in droves, so I decided to look here!
1st student: Wow, I was also interested in this action!
(The lights come on in the hall and the students look around in surprise)
2nd student: Wow! How many people have gathered here!
1st student: Anya, look back (draws attention to silent scenes)
2nd student: (Anna runs up to the erudites and touches them) Wow! Yes they are alive!
1st student: Guys, who are you? And why have you gathered here?
2nd student: Who will answer all our questions? Who will tell you about the things going on around you?

The Wise Owl appears.

Hello guys. I am very glad to see you again in this hall. Do you, young friends, know who I am? ( children answer) Yes, that's right. I am the wise Owl, a symbol of the scientific and educational program for younger schoolchildren “I explore the world.” SLIDE 3.

Memory, logic, attention,
They are important in everyone's life.
Interesting sciences
You will always need them.

2nd student:

Am I smart enough?
learn everything about white light?
How many years does it take to study?
Maybe it's worth working on?
Maybe I should stop studying?

1st student:

The light will not converge like a wedge -
Should I be smart or not?
What to do next?
Who should I ask for advice?

SceneSLIDE 4

Owl: Do you see that roadside stone?
Anya: A stone is like a stone...ordinary.
Owl: Maybe.
Pauline: How can I find out more about it?
Owl: We need to call Science for help.

SLIDE 5 Zhenya E: How to spell “stone” will teach Grammar.
SLIDE 6 Lena: Find sizes and shapes Mathematics.
Alina: Physics weight will also find the mass.
Masha: Mineralogy looks at the cut.
SLIDE 7 “This is flint,” she will tell the guys, “
SLIDE 8 and they call it silicate.
And the silicate is melted in a furnace
and they get glass, bricks..."
SLIDE 9 Zhenya Z: Archeology will say: “Nakhodka!
On the right on the stone
processing is visible!”
SLIDE 10 Katya:"I lived in this area
ancient people... - further Story takes the floor:
SLIDE 11– This stone was held in high esteem and in power.
Ancient people cut branches with them.
SLIDE 12 Alena: They got clothes and food.
The dwelling was tied to the ax handle.
In the Stone Age, in ancient times,
people made fire with that stone..."
SLIDE 13 Owl: A stone lies in a ravine by the roadside...
SLIDE 14 Is the stone simple?
Or maybe complicated?
SLIDE 15 Did you find out everything in the stone, Man?
SLIDE 16 Science will help!
Not the Stone Age!

FNG 5.(To the tune of the song “Everything I have in life”). Performed by Owl with the guys

SLIDE 17 The world is not simple, not at all simple,
There is a mystery, a riddle, a question in everything!
SLIDE 18 Moments fly by, years fly by,
You have to learn everything and always!
SLIDE 19 The world is not simple, not simple at all
The mystery, the riddle, the question will give up!
SLIDE 20 Sound or movement, light or darkness -
The tasks are set by nature itself!
SLIDES 21-23 Everything in the world is around us,
We wanted to understand immediately.
Everything that you and I study,
Connected, connected with life itself! (2 times)

Owl: Dear guests! You know that our country is counting down another significant event that will happen in less than a year, in 319 days. Did you guess it? These are the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. SLIDE 24 That's why I didn't come alone today. My friend is with me. Olympic. Meet! FNG 6.

Oh, glorious citizens of the school country under heaven.
Knowing your desire to become more perfect,
I came to you for a school holiday.
I hope I found some wonderful friends!
Be original and smart!
Convincing and strong!

Guys, remember: you must defend both your honor and the honor of the school. Only the worthy will win! Be successful, and luck will help you with this. I wish you all to become even more perfect, and to strengthen your desire for victory in your life!

FNG 6. I didn't come empty-handed. SLIDE 25 I brought a spark of the symbol of the Olympic flame of Sochi - an Olympic torch in the shape of a Firebird feather. Let the fire of the Olympics call you to the beginning of scientific starts.

II. Opening of the conference SLIDE 26

Leading: The floor for greetings is given to the school director R.N. Durnitsyna.

Leading: The right to open the conference and cut the ribbon is given to the Wise Owl, the Olympian and the young participant. And we will find out who it will be by drawing lots.

(The presenter with a box with the names of the participants approaches the jury)

FNG 7 Grand opening of the conference. Ribbon cutting

FNG 8 Presenter: Today, during the scientific and practical conference, 73 students in 11 sections will defend their projects SLIDE 27: “Great and mighty”, “Reading is the best teaching”, “Reading together”, “Exact sciences”, “History”, “Local history”, “This amazing world animals”, “Your health”, “Skillful hands know no boredom”, “Familiar strangers” and “The world around us”. And your performances will be assessed by a strict but competent jury.

Leading: The floor to introduce the jury is given to the leading specialist of the URP MGO Safina Yu. B.

Leading: CPD is a real holiday for all teachers and students. Who knows, maybe a future Nobel Prize winner is growing up in our neighborhood! Remember, the greatest victory will come only to those who know how to overcome themselves with the smallest victories, invisible to others: “If your work leads to knowledge of the world, no matter how difficult it is, go ahead!”

Now we ask everyone to stand up
We ask you to take the oath!

The hall rises. The Wise Owl reads the oath

You can't live in the world without knowledge
Swear to love this knowledge!
Hall(in unison):“We swear!”
Fight for the truth to the end
Without sparing your belly!
Hall(in unison):“We swear!”
Don't disgrace your school
Use your remarkable mind to the fullest!
Hall(in unison):“We swear!”
Don't be afraid of difficulties along the way
Pass all the tests with dignity!
Hall(in unison):“We swear!”

FNG 9(background and louder after Olympic's words)

Wise Owl:

What a miracle in our hall:
What kind of people we have gathered here!
Here is a sea of ​​smart, clean eyes,
Here wisdom will enchant us!


Serious representatives gathered here:
All the experts, I see, are just great!
Now go ahead, friends, because you still have
Collect all the laurels and victorious crowns!


Leading: Break a leg!!!

III. Protection design work in sections

IV. Game program for conference participants, work of the jury with protocols

V. Summing up the conference. Awards



Fate will put everyone in their place.
Some will probably be praised,
For others, he will put up barriers!
And it is very difficult to give advice.


And sometimes you won’t find the answer.
But you are playing with your fate,
Sometimes I get bumps,
Don't rush to retreat.
Only the strong can win!

Presenter 2.

The Chairman of the Jury has the honor of:
Count the best scholars!

Presenter 1. The floor to sum up is given to...


Leading: Today, along with the winners' diplomas, you will receive from Olympic a piece of the future Sochi Olympics - a wreath on your head consisting of multi-colored Firebird feathers, symbolizing the 5 rings of the Olympics. It is awarded to those who are able to become an example for others, who lead a healthy and active lifestyle that shares the values ​​of our lives. These are the qualities that the winners of our scientific and scientific competition possess.


V. Closing

– We would like to thank all the conference participants for their interesting and exciting work and wish you further success in your research.
The scientific and practical conference was a great success for our children. And behind this success lies the hard work of parents and teachers. Thank you, dear parents, for not standing aside from the worries and problems of your children, for understanding the importance of the events held by the school.

Leading: We invite all participants to sing the anthem of our conference (performance of the anthem after summing up and awarding)

FNG 11To the tune of the song “Come on, sing us a song, cheerful wind.”

Yes, adults know and even children know,
And even children, and even children:
School sciences are the most important in the world,
We will continue to study them!
SLIDE 33 We want to know everything about light and movement,
About heat, electrons and sound!
Overcoming doubts
Let's find our solutions
We are together with the best of science!!!
Chorus: 2 times
SLIDE 34 Who is used to fighting for victory,
Let him sing with us:
He who is cheerful laughs
Whoever wants it will achieve it
Who seeks will always find!(all participants in the hall)
SLIDE 35 Now we are not afraid of either rain or even wind
No rain, no wind, no rain, no wind.
After all, we will study all the phenomena in the world
And you and I will understand everything in the world!
SLIDE 36 We want to know about glory and courage
All great learned men,
So that the heart catches fire,
I wanted to be proud
Science of your Motherland!
SLIDE 37 Chorus: 2 times.

FNG 10 Presenter: The conference has ended. The results have been summed up. But we are not saying goodbye to you and we hope that next year you will also take part in it and come to our school.

School scientific and practical conference

The modern education system is designed in such a way that, starting from school, students are involved in various project activities, carrying out research work and making presentations at events different levels. Even a scientific conference in elementary school no longer looks incredible. This approach allows us to identify scientific interests students, promotes deeper understanding school curriculum and conscious choice of specialty in the future. In addition, participation in an event such as scientific-practical conference schoolchildren, which is organized by Center for Scientific Cooperation "Interactive Plus", is taken into account when entering a university and can be a very significant advantage.

How are conferences held for schoolchildren?

International scientific and practical conference for schoolchildren, the topics and directions of which are covered various school disciplines, is carried out with the aim of creating conditions conducive to the development of the intellectual and creative potential of students.

First of all, it should be noted that the school conference is held in absentia format. Thanks to this, students from all regions of Russia, as well as from the CIS countries, can take part in it, but this format does not involve presenting a report. Instead, everyone who is interested in a scientific-practical conference in mathematics or another school subject submits work through the form.

It is important that the scientific-practical conference for junior schoolchildren allows both independent participation of students and the submission of works written under the guidance of teachers. Thanks to this, a scientific conference for schoolchildren allows students with different levels of knowledge and training to work productively and promotes the development of scientific thinking.

Scientific and practical conference for schoolchildren 2019 "School Marathon" is carried out in several stages. The Center for Scientific Cooperation “Interactive Plus” informs about the beginning of each of them in the regulations and on the pages of the site. Thematically, the scientific and practical conference at school includes various school subjects, including physics, mathematics, literature, and other disciplines.

All works are necessarily checked by the editors of the Interactive Plus Center for Scientific Cooperation. If necessary, the organizing committee may propose to make certain changes to the text of the report in order to bring it into compliance with the requirements. Thus, the school scientific and practical conference invariably supports high level quality of publications.

The correspondence research conference for schoolchildren involves the presentation of the following documents to all participants (both students and teachers):

  • certificate confirming publication in electronic form;
  • evidence (certificate) confirming publication in electronic form;
  • if necessary, a printed certificate of the participant (certificate);
  • in case of winning the work in the general competition - a laureate diploma.

The profile of accepted research works for participation has no restrictions. It is recommended to choose a topic depending on the student’s interests, as well as taking into account which university he plans to enroll in in the future. For example, a scientific and practical conference in physics can be very relevant for those who want to enroll in technical specialties, participation in a conference on Russian language and literature will be useful when applying to humanities majors.

The Center for Scientific Cooperation “Interactive Plus” is an organization thanks to which the All-Russian scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren becomes accessible to everyone, participation in which brings practical benefits to everyone students from first to eleventh grade, and their teachers.

Each Conference participant receives a certificate and certificate confirming its publication in electronic form free of charge. At the request of the authors, a printed certificate is sent by mail.

The conference involves 2 stages:
  • Stage 1 – submission of applications and articles to the Organizing Committee, evaluation of works by the Expert Council, posting them on the Center’s website.
  • Stage 2 – popular vote. Within the time limits determined by the Regulations, anyone has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with full texts works and choose the best in the presented nominations.

The electronic version of the collection of conference results is a full-fledged analogue of the printed one, with the assignment of UDC, BBK, author's mark, as well as the international book mark ISBN.

Requirements for article formatting

  • Works corresponding to the theme of the conference, in volume, are accepted for participation in the conference. at least 3 pages.
  • Conference languages: Russian, English.
  • Work must be performed in text editor MS Word 2003-2016 and edited.

Terms of payment

Cost of printed copy (without delivery)150
Cost of assigning a DOI number to an article200
Review of the author's manuscript500

The cost of delivery of printed collections depends on the delivery method you choose. We can offer you delivery as

"Scientific and practical conferences of junior

schoolchildren of the Sverdlovsk region of the city of Perm

“Young researcher” (from work experience)

Cities of Perm. Head Bondarenko A.A.)

The conditions of modern, rapidly changing society require from each person the ability to be independent, the ability to solve problems in various fields life, which means the ability to set a goal and achieve it, correctly planning and organizing one’s activities. In connection with the Federal State Educational Standard, NEOs need to implement a competency-based approach to education. Therefore in modern school The importance of preparing a child for independent activity increases.

One of the types of creative attitude to emerging problems is the research activity of younger schoolchildren.Being in a situation of searching for solutions in research, the child begins to navigate in choosing the right path in a particular issue. In a multifaceted life, such a skill is simply necessary for everyone! The more times a child finds himself in a situation of independent choice, the more successfully he will be realized in adulthood! When, if not in childhood, to learn this, if the appropriate conditions are created!

Many teachers and supervisors of children's work, in addition to the desire to help the little person, have problematic questions:

1. How to make research activities more organized?

2. How to introduce students to a problem situation?

3. How to choose a research topic and teach children to conduct research independently?

4. How to interest and support a child’s creative impulses?

5. Where can a child feel the spirit of competition?

Such questions were unanswered for many who organized research conferences at their schools. The work was carried out, but there was no advancement to the next level. This was until a group of interested people appeared in the Sverdlovsk region, led by the head of the methodological association of teachers of the Sverdlovsk region, Musina Alfira Abatimovna, who initiated and supported the idea of ​​holding conferences for junior schoolchildren at the district level. The members of this group were: Sibiryakova Tatyana Petrovna – secondary school No. 12 with in-depth study German language, Larisa Evgenievna Naidanova - secondary school No. 60, Tatyana Nikolaevna Eluferyeva - secondary school No. 61, secondary school No. 10 - Polina Aleksandrovna Bondarenko, Irina Yuryevna Mokhnacheva - secondary school No. 76.” Then, in subsequent years, the group was replenished with new interested people.

Target creating a problem group: directing and coordinating the work of schools in preparing student presentations at the conference, giving guidelines, promptly notify district colleagues about upcoming events.

The problem group conducted a practical seminar for high-quality work on the ground in schools. In an active mode, the seminar covers a wide variety of issues. They provided a guide for writing research papers.

1.Rules for choosing a topic:

It should be interesting to the child and the leader

Narrowly formulated

Do it yourself

Original, unusual

Must be completed in a short time

A teacher should also feel like a researcher

In the course of work, not just tell, but teach this information to others

2.What to include in the introduction?:

Summary of material

Mark chapter contents

Formulate a problematic question

Designate a hypothesis, expected result

Formulate goals and objectives

3. It is important to follow the stages of work on the chosen topic:

Updating the problem (determining the direction)

Determining the scope of research (formulate the main questions to which you would like to find answers)

Choosing a research topic (to define the boundaries of the research as strictly as possible)

Development of hypotheses (real and unreal, provocative)

Setting goals and objectives

Identification and systematization of approaches to the solution (select research methods)

Analysis, synthesis, report preparation

4. Content requirements

Relevance (why it is important to research this topic)

Statement of the problem (how any contradiction, lack of information, need for it is expressed). This is a difficulty, an uncertainty.

Development of the problem under study (literature review)

The goal is what is expected to be obtained at the end of the work. The goal must be verifiable(!), specific, finite. This cannot be a process that develops endlessly. You cannot set the goal of “changing public opinion”, “cultivating a different attitude towards something”

Tasks – what will be performed step by step

5. It is important not to confuse concepts!:

An abstract is a presentation of material based on educational material

Project - “thrown forward”, i.e. the creation of a planned and conceived object

Research is the process of searching for the unknown, new knowledge, a type of cognitive activity.At our conference you present your research!

6. Job requirements:


Novelty (including for the child himself)

Degree of topic development

Significance of the study

Composition of the report

Clarity and logic of presentation

Ability to argue your conclusions and defend your position

Bibliography (use of a sufficient number of monographs, quotations, links)

Working time of the seminar.

2. Excerpts from the Regulations on the conduct of the scientific and training program “Young Researcher”

The Group has developed a Regulation, the content of which is adjusted annually. Here are some excerpts. Registeredgeneral provisions,goals and objectives of the conference, participants are listed,the rights and responsibilities of participants are covered.

Subject of the presentationAt the conference are educational and research works of students. They require awareness of current state areas of research, knowledge of experimental methods, availability of own data, their analysis, generalization, conclusions. Conference participants present written work and oral presentations in the following areas: natural sciences and social sciences. The following provides information about the leadership and procedure for the conference. All events are held on the basis of MAOU "Secondary School No. 10".

Each educational institution must, within the period from February 1 to February 17 (3rd conference), submit written works of students who have declared their participation in the research and development team for consideration as part of the qualifying round. You can submit up to five works from each school. Incorrectly completed work may be rejected!

Information about participation in the conference will be posted on the RMO website and sent to e-mail to schools approximately from 15 to 19 March 2012.

The rules for participants' speeches include public defense of the work (lasting up to five to seven minutes) and discussion (up to five minutes). The meeting is led by the chairman of the jury in sections and strictly follows the rules.

After listening to all participants, the results are summed up at the jury meeting and the winners are determined. Experts evaluate each participant according to the following criteria:

  • registration of work
  • value of work
  • quality of presentation of oral material
  • illustrative design of the work
  • ability to support a discussion

Rules for preparing research papers for junior schoolchildren.

Researchis a short scientific report. Its implementation requires from the student not only knowledge of literature on the topic, but also the ability to conduct research, link theoretical issues with practice, make generalizations, conclusions, and find areas of application of the results obtained.

The text is printed on one side of a sheet of white A4 paper with an interval of 1.5. Font color is black. Font size - font size 14. Font type - Times New Roman. Margin sizes: right - 15 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm, left - 30 mm. The pages of the work are numbered with Arabic numerals. The page number is placed in the outer lower corner of the sheet without a dot. The title page is included in the general numbering; no number is placed on it. The total amount of work must be within 10 pages of printed text (without attachment). The text should not contain abbreviated words except for generally accepted ones. The chapters of the main part of the work are numbered, the headings are placed in the middle of the line without a period at the end and are printed with a capital letter without underlining. Each chapter should start on a new page.

The research work should include the following sections: title page, table of contents, introduction, main part (includes a description of theory and practice), conclusion, list of sources and literature used, appendix.

Requirements for the content of individual parts of the work:

Title page research work is its first page and is filled in as follows. (see sample)

The last word of each heading is connected by an accent to its corresponding page number inright column of the table of contents.

Introduction. The introduction usually substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic, the purpose and content of the tasks (to study..., describe..., establish..., derive..., etc.), and formulates a hypothesis. The introduction is 1 or 2 pages long.

Literature reviewis a brief theoretical description of the phenomenon or process being studied in the work. It must show the researcher’s thorough familiarity with specialized literature, his ability to systematize sources, critically examine them, highlight what is essential, and evaluate what has been previously done by other researchers. The volume of the literature review should not exceed 1/3 of the entire work.

Study. It describes in detail the research methodology, the process of obtaining data, the method of processing it, as well as the results obtained during the study.

Conclusion. Here, the conclusions and results obtained by the author, directions for further research, and the practical use of research results are briefly formulated.

List of sources and literature used. Provide a bibliographic description of the sources used (last name, first name, patronymic of the author, title, city and year of publication, information on the number of pages). Internet sites are also indicated here.

Applications. IN They bring in a large volume of additional illustrative material: tables, diagrams, drawings, graphs, photographs, etc. Word Application written at the top right. If there are several applications, they are numbered. There is no sign No. and there is no dot. Can be italicized or in capital letters. Each object in the application must have its own title. Appropriate references to the application are made in the text of the work.(see Appendix 1).

All tables must be numbered. The inscription is placed above the upper right corner Table indicating the number (for example, Table 1) without icon No. before the number and dots after it. Tables are provided with headings, placed in the middle of the page, and written in capital letters without a period at the end. Eg:

Table 1



Russian language


Literary reading


Petrov A.A.

Ivanov P.I.

If there is only one table in the text, then the numbered heading is omitted.

The work must be submitted in a folder with files.

Requirements for assessing a student’s printed work and oral presentation:

1. registration of work

2.value of work

3.quality of presentation of the material

4. illustrative design of the work

5.ability to support a discussion

A point system has been developed for each item.

3. Work of the problem group

At the moment, 15 people from different schools in the Sverdlovsk region are working in the problem group: Polina Aleksandrovna Bondarenko – secondary school 10, Larisa Evgenievna Naidanova – secondary school 60, Olga Mikhailovna Senina – secondary school 93, Svetlana Vladimirovna Chupina – secondary school 96, Marina Petrovna Padukova – secondary school 76, Korneva Nina Alekseevna – secondary school 61, Patrusheva Tatyana Vasilievna – secondary school 10, Raspopova Natalia Avenirovna – secondary school 10, Esyunina Olga Vadimovna – secondary school 41, Koksharova Natalya Yurievna – secondary school 41, Cherepanova Natalya – secondary school 22, Zinzyuk Tatyana Pavlovna – secondary school 22, Ivanova Olga Valentinovna – secondary school 36, Savelyeva Svetlana Aleksandrovna – secondary school 22, Paranina Maria Evgenievna – secondary school 82.

The main functions that the group performs can be shown in one of the work plans.

Work plan of the problem group for the 3rd conference 2011-2012:




Organizational lesson


Finalization of the Regulations and work on the RMO website. Distribution of work according to the structure of documents that will be sent to the MO of other schools

November 8, 2011 at 15:30

Bondarenko P.A. and group members

Work on the conference product (collection “Research activities of junior schoolchildren of the Sverdlovsk region”). Continued work on the site

0 December 6, 2011 at 15:30

Bondarenko P.A. and group members

Work on the collection, preparation for the conference


Bondarenko P.A. and group members

from 14.02 – 20.03.2012

Bondarenko P.A. and group members

Checking papers, preparing for the conference


Bondarenko P.A. and group members

Conducting the III regional conference of research works of junior schoolchildren


Group members, jury members, staff of secondary school No. 10

Summing up, working on the collection, working on the RMO website


Bondarenko P.A. and group members


Bondarenko P.A. and group members

Work on the collection “Research activities of junior schoolchildren of the Sverdlovsk region.” Work on the RMO website


Bondarenko P.A. and group members

The work of the group on the RMO website is of particular importance. Address: . All the activities of the group are covered here, the minutes of the meetings are presented, the work plan is written, analytical reports, congratulations to the participants and winners of the conferences.

The group’s very labor-intensive work takes place during the clarification of the Regulations and the verification of research works. At the 3rd conference, 62 works of school students in the Sverdlovsk region were checked! The group is divided into mini-groups, carefully checking each work, then undergoing mutual testing, points are calculated, which are then summed up in an oral presentation.

Almost throughout the year, work has been going on on the conference product - a collection, part of which is presented here. Members of the problem group wrote articles about holding conferences in their schools and their impressions of working in the problem group. Three members of the problem group carried out work related to surveying conference participants. (see separate file). Thanks to the productive work of our group, schools in the Sverdlovsk region of Perm began to become more actively involved in the conferences. The number of schools and participants has increased:

Schools participating in conferences for three years.







13 schools

14 schools

17 schools

The results that we, members of the problem group achieved, are visible in the children’s performances:

1. Systematic work has begun to conduct student research work primary classes, both in schools and at the district level.

2 .Through different kinds informing, work leaders confidently guide students to identify work topics, formulate goals and objectives, and follow the design structure.

3. Many students' self-esteem has increased. Having won at the school level, he gets the opportunity to compete at the district conference, feeling the spirit of competition.

4. Members of the problem group, while teaching others, learn themselves: they study the relevant literature on student research, started working on a blog, and improve their skills in working on a jury.

There are new plans and ideas ahead, which will undoubtedly be realized. Members of the problem group are on the verge of new discoveries, ready to improve the work on preparing and holding conferences for junior schoolchildren.

Opening of the district conference

Work in sections. Exciting moments

Nice to chat during a tea break

4. Sample design and writing of a printed work(see in separate file)

5. NPK winners (see in separate file)

6. Questioning of conference participants(see in separate file)

Article on the topic “How to prepare junior schoolchildren for a scientific and practical conference”

Description of work.
This article describes an algorithm for working with students primary school When performing research work that can be presented at a scientific and practical conference, the features of the work of a scientific supervisor with younger schoolchildren are highlighted.

Preparing work for a scientific and practical conference by a junior school student is an energy-intensive and costly process, not so much on the part of the student himself, but on the part of the teacher. The role of the teacher in preparing a primary school student for a scientific and practical conference is not only in organizing work on research, but also in helping to master the basic skills of search, analytical, and often design activities.
Despite the different directions and areas of research, scientific works in general have a common structure and are usually performed in the following steps:
1. Definition of the problem and formulation of the topic.

2. Setting a goal and putting forward a hypothesis.
3. Search for the necessary material and its analysis.
4. Preparation of the theoretical part of the work.
5. Carrying out the practical part of the work.
6. Design of work. Reflection
7. Presentation, participation in discussion.
Children who, already in elementary school, prepared a research paper and took part in a scientific and practical conference, by high school are able to speak out on a given topic, defend their position, answer questions, draw conclusions, analyze material, and compare different points, work with information. We can say that preparing a research paper in elementary school is one of the effective ways to master universal learning activities– communicative (the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy, plan educational cooperation); regulatory (goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, assessment, self-regulation); personal (self-determination, meaning formation, moral and ethical orientation), cognitive universal educational actions (in terms of information processing).
What is the difference between preparing a primary school student from preparing a high school student for a scientific and practical conference as a whole? Basically, I see her in completely different roles as an elementary school teacher and a senior teacher as a leader scientific work. Let's try to consider this role according to the stages of research work.
So, at the first stage you need to choose a topic of work - personally significant and emotionally charged. Ideally, the topic should resonate with educational material and have practical benefit in the eyes of a younger student. As a rule, children cannot decide on a topic themselves; the teacher has to give options to choose from.
Second phase- goal, objectives and hypothesis - also a joint action with the teacher. It is better if these points are formulated first, and only then the teacher indicates that these are the tasks that we will work on.
Completing the third stage - searching for information - is not difficult for a primary school student, especially if the information has been prepared by a teacher. At the same time, the child must be given the opportunity to learn how to use search engines Internet and help you find the information you need (ensuring security). But preparing the theoretical part of the work is a difficult task for a child. younger age. First of all, the difficulty for an elementary school student is processing the information found, because not every student in primary school(especially if this is a first or second grader) knows how to work with text, highlight the main points, and analyze, so the teacher needs to first of all teach the child these actions.
Most Interest causes the child to carry out the practical part of the work; here the teacher’s role is mainly guiding and corrective. It is important to select feasible and demonstrable results of implementation practical work.
Design work It almost always becomes a teacher’s task, since it is not uncommon for a primary school student to not be able to type text on a computer, despite the fact that almost all primary school children play computer games and are generally familiar with computers.
Presenting work at a scientific and practical conference is not an easy task for a child, and the teacher needs to teach the skill public speaking, just rehearsals with the invitation of an outside listener will not hurt here. It is also necessary to teach how to clearly and confidently answer unexpected questions on the topic of work. Well, preparing a computer presentation to more clearly accompany the child’s performance is entirely the responsibility of the teacher.
As you can see, preparing for a scientific and practical conference of a junior schoolchild differs from working with older children at almost every stage of the research: here the role of the scientific supervisor includes the responsibility, first of all, to help the child master many skills (working with information, preparing a speech, and so on), and only then is the guiding and corrective role of the curator of research work.

On Tuesday, March 17, the entire elementary school was excited. After all, we have started a scientific-practical conference. The topics of all 9 speakers were known to everyone a couple of months ago and this made it even more intriguing. If you look at the stated topics, it will be clear that the time allotted for the conference is two hours. flew by very quickly. Someone who came to this conference as a spectator came to support their friends and classmates; someone came to listen and look at the result of work on a specific topic that previously interested him; someone came to share the success with the winner. The motives are different, but the goal of all those who gathered was the same.

It is very good that the draw for the performance between young researchers was carried out in advance, a week in advance, and everyone knew exactly when their “finest hour” was. This allowed the speakers not only to prepare for their speech, but also to listen to others. After all, at the end of the conference, all spectators and participants had to vote for the best performance in order to determine the audience award.

Meet our researchers:

So, the jury is ready to work, parting words have been said - go ahead!

Gosha R. was the first to speak with the theme “The Many Faces of Mold.” The topic was covered in such detail and interestingly that after the speech the audience had many questions. Many guys did not know that mold can also be used for the benefit of humans. Gosha adequately answered all questions.

The second participant was 1st grade student Anush M. with the topic “National culinary traditions of Armenia. The sweetness of Gata.” Anush's performance left no one indifferent. Appearing on stage in a national Armenian costume, she gave reasons for choosing the topic, and briefly introduced Armenia as a country that it is impossible not to love. And then she showed us her video, which showed the entire process of preparing Gata, and Anush kneaded the dough, shaped it, baked it all herself. After the video, an elegant table appeared on the stage with a large dish filled to the top with delicious, fragrant Gata. At breakfast after the conference, Anush treated everyone - it was very tasty!

3rd grade student Seraphima G. presented the work " Sun stone amber." Everyone is familiar with amber, but not many knew where it comes from, what types of amber exist, what benefits this stone brings and where it is used. After Seraphim’s speech, we now know how to distinguish natural amber from artificial.

Almost all the boys were looking forward to the performance of Alexey B., a 2nd grade student. After all, this topic is interesting to all boys and even some girls - “Life on the Moon. Is it possible?” Alexey began his speech by showing everyone the results of a survey in order to find out initial knowledge about the Moon. Then he focused on the characteristics of the Moon - size, location, speed. At the next stage, we heard about flights to the Moon - who, when, how many, on what, Interesting Facts. Approaching the main question of the study, “Is life on the Moon possible?” Alexey listed those indicators that are important for humans. Temperature, atmosphere, gravity, liquid water, soil.
Alexey came to the conclusion that human life on the Moon is possible! To do this, it is necessary to create the following conditions: construction of bases, space suits, lunar rovers, growing Arabidopsis plants in special containers, releasing water and oxygen from the lunar soil.
Alexey also presented a drawing of a device that helps release water and oxygen from rigolith.
Alexey received questions a large number of, but I especially remember one - “Do you want to fly to the moon yourself?” The answer brought a smile to the faces of all the spectators and conference participants - “I would like to fly to the Moon, but left-handed people are not accepted as astronauts!”

The topic of the next speech was "An Ordinary Miracle. Salt." It was presented by 3rd grade student Daria Yu. Daria studied historical information about salt, composition and properties, conducted a survey, grew salt crystals at home on her own, and presented information about the dangers and benefits of salt for the human body.

After this performance there was a break, during which the audience not only moved around, but also had time to discuss what they had seen. And our Vanya managed to try on Erica’s confederate.

Finally, it was our Erica’s turn to speak. She presented her work “Taste preferences”. In this work, Erica tried to figure out why people have different taste preferences, dealt with the taste preferences of elementary school students, and what to do so that everyone left the school cafeteria full. The result of the work was the preparation of a menu for lunch and a holiday menu for elementary school students, taking into account taste preferences, benefits, as well as an individual menu for our Irishka, because... she practically does not eat meat. Most of all, as Erica admitted in confidence, she was afraid of questions from the audience. But she did a great job with this too! Congratulations to Erica on a worthy performance!

Yana I. presented her research on the topic “Yoga”. The choice of such a topic is not accidental, because... Yana's entire family practices yoga. Yana not only talked about the benefits of yoga, but also introduced us to a type of yoga - yoga in a hammock for stretching and balancing. I couldn’t even believe that Yana could do such tricks on a hammock! In her class, Yana conducted an experiment by conducting the “Corpse Pose” exercise for relaxation. Yoga practitioners know how to relax and while doing this exercise can lie for hours without moving. In the classroom, the children who took part in this experiment could not lie down for more than 3-4 minutes. After the video story, there was a line of hands in the hall - many were interested in the hammock itself (can it be hung at home, how many kg can it withstand, isn’t it scary).
The last performance of the 2nd grade girls was dedicated to the very tasty, everyone’s favorite topic, “The Product of Happiness. Chocolate.” Sofia, Masha and Alisa told us about all the stages of their research, about the benefits of bitter and dark chocolate, and about the production of the delicacy. During the study, a month ago, in the dining room these girls held a tasting of “Chocolate fondue” with fruit - there was no end to those interested. Even many teachers couldn’t resist and took part in the tasting!
Our 2nd scientific and practical research conference for primary school students was so interesting and fruitful!