The concept of socialization. Psychological age and maturation The process of assimilation by a human individual of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society

The term " socialization“means the totality of all social processes through which an individual assimilates and reproduces a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society. Socialization is a process that plays a significant role in the life of both society and the individual, ensuring the self-reproduction of social life.

Socialization includes not only conscious, controlled, targeted influences, but also spontaneous, spontaneous processes that in one way or another influence the formation of personality.

Society, in order to reproduce the social system and preserve its social structures, strives to form social stereotypes and standards (group, class, ethnic, professional and others), and patterns of role behavior. In order not to be in opposition to society, the individual assimilates this social experience by entering the social environment, the system of existing social connections.

Socialization is the process of adaptation and integration of a person into society through assimilation social experience, values, norms, attitudes inherent both in society as a whole and in individual groups.

The concept of socialization as a process of complete integration of an individual into the social environment, during which his adaptation occurs, developed in American sociology (T. Parsons, R. Merton). In the traditions of this school, socialization is revealed through the concept of “adaptation”.

Concept adaptation means the adaptation of a living organism to environmental conditions. In relation to sociology, it means the process of a person’s adaptation to the conditions of the social environment. The following are distinguished: adaptation levels:

Purposeful conformism, when an adapting person knows how he should act, how to behave, but, agreeing with the requirements of the social environment, he continues to adhere to his value system;

Mutual tolerance, in which interacting subjects show mutual leniency towards each other’s values ​​and behaviors;

Accommodation as the most common form of social adaptation, which arises on the basis of tolerance and manifests itself in mutual concessions, which means a person’s recognition of the values ​​of the social environment and recognition by the environment individual characteristics person;

Assimilation or complete adaptation, when a person completely abandons his previous values ​​and accepts the value system of the new environment.

T. Parsons defines socialization as “a set of processes through which people become members of a social community and establish a certain social status.”

Quote by: Gromov I.A. Western theoretical sociology / I.A.

Gromov, A.Yu. Matskevich, V.A. Semenov. - 1996. - P. 173.

The famous American sociologist R. Merton made a great contribution to the development of the concept of socialization. He proposed a typology of social adaptation of the individual to the cultural values ​​and norms existing in society. The typology is based on the relationship between an individual’s recognition of social values ​​and the norms for their achievement. The proposed approach made it possible to identify 5 personality types.

The optimal personality type for society is one that recognizes social values, ideals, and standards for their achievement. R. Merton defined such a personality as conformist.

Experimentation in the field of norms for achieving socially significant values ​​gives rise to the second type of personality - innovative.

Experimentation in the field of social goals (rejection of traditional goals and values ​​and putting forward new ones) while remaining faithful to traditional norms social behavior gives the third type of personality - ritualized.

The isolationist personality type is characterized by a rejection of social goals and means of achieving them, while the person withdraws into his own world, trying not to come into contact with society at all.

Fifth type "rebel", or rebellious man on the contrary, when denying social values ​​and ideals, as well as when denying socially approved means of achieving these values, it strives to actively resist them, putting forward and affirming innovative ideals and norms of behavior.

Consideration of this typology shows that the degree of integration of society and the level of its stability depend on the result of socialization and the prevailing personality type. The ideal option for socialization of an individual is the first type, which corresponds to the culture of society and is adapted to it.

Thus, socialization is considered through the concept of “adaptation”, as a process of adaptation to cultural, psychological and social environmental factors.

However, socialization should not be interpreted as a one-sided process of influence (influence) of the social environment on the individual. Historical development is characterized by a growing tendency towards the autonomy of the individual. This process is associated not so much with adaptation to the environment, but with self-development and self-realization of the individual.

So, the essential meaning of socialization is revealed at the intersection of such processes as adaptation, integration, self-development and self-realization. From the content side for an individual, socialization is a product of the intersection of three factors:

Innate mechanisms

Social conditions,

Conscious, directed education, training and upbringing.

Dialectical unity ensures optimal personality development throughout a person’s life in interaction with environment. This process breaks down into various stages, each of which “specializes” in solving certain problems, without which the subsequent stage cannot occur.

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  • socialization - In criminology, the process of accepting norms and values, attitudes and courses of action, as well as the integration of a system of social roles. With. starts at early age and occurs in several phases. distinguish primary... Large legal dictionary
  • SOCIALIZATION - SOCIALIZATION - English. socialization; German Sozialisierung. The process of personality formation, the individual’s assimilation of values, norms, attitudes, patterns of behavior inherent in a given society, social. group. S. is distinguished between primary (childhood, adolescence, adolescence) and secondary (adulthood). Sociological Dictionary
  • socialization - orf. socialization, -and orthographic dictionary Lopatina
  • SOCIALIZATION - (English socialization; from Latin socialis - social) - the process of assimilation by an individual of social experience, a system of social connections and relationships. In progress... Large psychological dictionary
  • socialization - The process of assimilation and active reproduction by an individual of social experience, a system of social connections and relationships in his own experience. (Krysko V.G. Ethnopsychological Dictionary. M. 1999) Ethnographic Dictionary
  • Socialization - See Collectivism. encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron
  • Socialization is (from Latin socialis - social) the process of assimilation by a human individual of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values, allowing him to function as a full member of society. Big Soviet encyclopedia
  • socialization - -i, f. 1. Action according to value. verb socialize. Socialization of land (transition of land from private property to public property). Socialization of the oil industry. Small academic dictionary
  • socialization - SOCIALIZATION, socialization, many. no, female (economics, politics). Action under Ch. socialize and socialize. Socialization of land (petty-bourgeois slogan about the transfer of land into the ownership of the community while maintaining individual land use and economy, as opposed to nationalization). Dictionary Ushakova
  • socialization - socialization g. 1. The process of action according to Ch. socialize 2. 2. Personality formation in the process of assimilation of knowledge, values ​​and norms of a socialist society. Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  • SOCIALIZATION - SOCIALIZATION (lat. socialis - social) - the process of operational mastery of a set of programs of activity and behavior characteristic of a particular cultural tradition, as well as the process of internalization by an individual of the knowledge, values ​​and norms that express them. The latest philosophical dictionary
  • Socialization - (from Latin socialis - social) the process of a person developing social norms and rules of social life for the development of an active, full-fledged member of society, for the formation of a cultural personality. Dictionary of cultural studies
  • socialization - [from Latin. socialis] – socialization. Big dictionary foreign words
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      Therefore, in some textbooks According to pedagogy, it is indicated that in the process of education one should organize relationships and include the growing person in them. This approach to education is called and, according to some scientists, determines the deep essence of education and is fundamental.

      personal aspect

      personification of relationships individualization

      interiorization. Process exteriorization


      Thus, personal properties and qualities act as the goal and result of education, and those individual psychological changes that occur in the internal (psychological) sphere of the individual determine the nature of his social relations, the direction of behavior and activity.

      The emergence and functioning of education is associated with the social need to prepare younger generations for life in society, i.e. with their socialization.

      In philosophy, socialization is understood as the process of assimilation by an individual of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function in society. In socio-ethical studies, socialization is considered as a general mechanism for the social evolution of a person, his transformation into a social being.

      From a pedagogical point of view socialization is a socially organized pedagogical process purposeful preparation of a growing person to perform social roles and functions, resulting in his inclusion in the life of society as a full member. The point is that in the process of socialization, a child becomes a social being, capable of living in society and having an active influence on its development and improvement.

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      Social experience as a source of socialization contains not only knowledge and methods of activity (reproductive and productive), but also certain patterns of human behavior that determine the model (standard) of his relationship to the surrounding reality and relationships with other people. Social requirements, norms and principles existing in society regulate human behavior and activities.

      This approach to education is called in pedagogy activity-relational concept, according to which, in the process of education, relationships should be organized and the growing person should be included in them. In system educational work According to some scientists, this approach determines the deep essence of education and is fundamental.

      However, the activity-relational concept, like the concept of socialization, largely reflects social aspect education, reveals only social mechanisms its implementation. These mechanisms are determined by those social influences and pedagogical influences that establish and regulate the system of social relations of a growing person and ensure his inclusion in the life of society.

      In this regard, for pedagogical theory and educational practice special meaning It has personal aspect, which reflects the essence of a person-oriented approach to the education process. This approach in domestic psychology formulated as a personal principle, which requires exploring the properties and qualities of a person not as social, but psychological.

      Person-centered approach to education allows us to characterize those internal psychological changes that occur in the content and structure of personality, in the formation of personal qualities when a person assimilates social experience.

      The transition of social relations to the internal psychological plane of the individual, to his qualities in ethics, is called personification of relationships. However, neither in psychology nor in pedagogy this concept has become widespread. Most often, the personal aspect of human formation is denoted by the concept individualization. “Individualization,” wrote B.F. Lomov, “is a fundamental phenomenon of human social development. One of its signs (and indicators) is that each individual develops his own (and unique) way of life and his own inner world" .

      In this regard, the main mechanism of internal individualization of the individual, i.e. her assimilation of social experience and its translation into an individual-subjective form of existence ( personal qualities), the process acts interiorization. Process exteriorization determines the mechanism of external individualization of the personality. External pedagogical influences and influences during the transition to the inner world of a person acquire psychological form existence, and then is realized in a system of external actions and relationships.

      Principle interiorization–exteriorization as a mechanism for individualization of personality is one of the main methodological principles in solving the problem of education. It allows us to reveal the mechanisms of assimilation of social experience by a person and show how, thanks to this, his mental development and organization of behavior and activity.

      Thus, personality as a set of psychological properties and qualities is the result of complex dialectically interconnected processes of socialization and individualization. The first of them determines the social essence of education and one of the aspects of the personality - its sociality. The second expresses personal essence education and another of its aspects – individuality.

      Personal properties and qualities act as the goal and result of education, and those individual psychological changes that occur in the internal (psychological) sphere of the individual determine the nature of his social relations, the direction of behavior and activity.

      Lomov B.F. Methodological and theoretical problems of psychology. – M., 1984. – P.308.

      The concept of “socialization” has many definitions and is widely used in science. There is no single interpretation. The term was borrowed from political economy, where it meant the “socialization” of lands and means of production.

      “The author of the term “socialization” in relation to a person is the American sociologist Franklin G. Gidings, who in 1887 in the book “The Theory of Civilizations” used it in a meaning close to the modern one - “the development of the social nature or character of the individual”, “the preparation of human material for social life."

      The term “socialization” itself - “the process of development of human social nature” - was first introduced into scientific circulation by F. Giddings.

      I. S. Kon believed that socialization is the totality of all social and psychological processes through which an individual acquires a system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society.

      From the position of G. M. Andreeva, socialization is the assimilation and reproduction of social experience by an individual in the process of life.

      G. M. Andreeva gives the following concept of socialization: socialization is a two-way process, which includes, on the one hand, the individual’s assimilation of social experience by entering the social environment, a system of social connections; on the other hand, the process of active reproduction by an individual of a system of social connections due to his active activity, active inclusion in the social environment.

      According to J. Piaget, socialization is the process of adaptation to social environment, which consists in the fact that the child, having reached a certain level of development, becomes capable of cooperation with other people. A similar understanding of this process has been introduced in domestic pedagogy.

      Let us present the understanding of socialization introduced into science by the French sociological school: “socialization” is “humanization” under the influence of education, it is “the influence of a generation of adults on a generation of young people” (E. Durheim).

      In the system of domestic psychology, two more terms are used, which are sometimes proposed to be considered as a synonym for the word “socialization”: “personal development” and “upbringing”.

      Socialization process represents the totality of all social processes through which an individual acquires a certain system of norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society (Bronfenbrenner, 1976). Martin Bronfenbrenner- Americaneconomist.

      Socialization- process of assimilationindividualpatterns of behavior, psychological attitudes, social norms and values,knowledge, skillsallowing it to function successfully insociety .about inclusion in the social environment. (Wikipedia)