We will speak beautifully about the speech therapy project. Speech therapy project “Learning to speak correctly” as a means of increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of speech development; a speech therapy project on the topic. Speech therapy session in the presence of parents

I present to your attention the project: “The Land of Beautiful Speech.” The name of the project was not chosen by chance; only when a child enters the land of beautiful speech will he confidently step into the land of knowledge. And we teachers must help him with this!

The Federal State Educational Standard, which came into force on January 1, 2014, contains five main directions. One of them is the speech development of children. IN Lately The number of children with speech disorders is significantly increasing, while quantitative and qualitative changes in their development are observed.

Speech disorders are increasingly associated with neurological, psychological and social problems, which significantly aggravate the symptoms of speech disorders.

Taking into account this situation, this project for the activities of a speech therapist teacher at a speech therapy center at a preschool educational institution has been developed.

The project determines possible ways to include the activities of a speech therapist teacher in the work of a preschool educational institution to implement the federal state educational standard.

“It’s not easy to get into this country.
The diploma lives there
And along the path of beautiful speech
She will lead us.
All children need to learn
It's correct to say.
We'll rush off to this country right now
We will always live there.
Little country
The right country
What they say and write there is true
She is calling us all!
There will be no place in this country
Rude and evil words
No Soundmore will take root there.
We must learn
Pronounce sounds
We need to learn urgently
It's right to say"


Federal state educational standard for the content of the basic general education program preschool education identified new directions in organizing the speech development of children aged 3–7 years. By the age of 7, a child’s speech development should be characterized by the ability to ask questions of an adult, in cases of difficulty, turn to him for help, adequately use verbal means of communication, and also master dialogical speech.

The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education determines target guidelines - social and psychological characteristics personality of the child at the stage of completing preschool education, among which speech occupies one of the central places as an independently formed function, namely: by the end of preschool education the child understands well oral speech and can express their thoughts and desires.

Thus, according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the speech development of children attending Preschool educational institution type, includes:

  1. mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture;
  2. enrichment of active vocabulary, development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech;
  3. development of speech creativity;
  4. development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing, familiarity with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature;
  5. formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

Speech is also included as an important component, as a means of communication, cognition, and creativity in the following target guidelines:

  • actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games; is able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, try to resolve conflicts;
  • can fantasize out loud, play with sounds and words;
  • shows curiosity, asks questions regarding near and distant objects and phenomena, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships (how? why? why?), tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people’s actions;
  • has basic knowledge about himself, about the objective, natural, social and cultural world in which he lives.

In fact, none of the targets of preschool education can be achieved without mastering speech culture.

To achieve target targets, systematic prevention of speech disorders in children is necessary, since many of them have features that can disrupt the favorable course of speech ontogenesis, which most clearly manifests itself by the age of five.

Recently, the number of children with speech disorders has increased significantly, and quantitative and qualitative changes in their development have been observed. Speech disorders are increasingly associated with neurological, psychological and social problems, which significantly aggravate the symptoms of speech disorders.

In modern practice of preschool education, a number of problems arise that require solutions.

Firstly, children get into the field quite late professional activity speech therapist teacher.

Secondly By this age, the child has already acquired a number of secondary and tertiary developmental disorders, which significantly reduce the level of his learning ability.

Third, the prevention and correction of speech disorders in preschool children remains insufficiently effective if the speech disorder is not the subject of comprehensive intervention by all preschool specialists.

Based on the following, I identified a pedagogical problem:

Today, in front of a speech therapist teacher in a preschool speech therapy center, when in the minimum period of correctional work we decide maximum amount tasks with a simultaneously increasing level of complexity of speech disorders, it is necessary to find forms of work aimed at the prevention and correction of speech and personality disorders.

To find a way out of this situation, I, as a specialist working with children with speech disorders, developed the project “Country of beautiful speech - teach me to speak correctly.”

Target :

  • Organization and creation of conditions for preventive work of a teacher-speech therapist at the Skazka MBDOU with children 5-6 years old.


  • identification and timely prevention of speech disorders;
  • development of all components of speech ( articulatory motor skills; physiological breathing; development of tempo, rhythm of speech, coordination of speech with movement; development of auditory attention and phonemic awareness; clarification, expansion and enrichment of the lexical side of speech; formation grammatical structure speeches; development of coherent speech in preschoolers 5-6 years old);
  • ensuring continuity in work with parents of pupils and employees of preschool educational institutions;
  • caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child;
  • creative educational organization educational process.

Achieving the set goal and solving problems is carried out taking into account the following principles:

  • the principle of a proactive approach, which dictates the need to identify children with functional and organic developmental disorders, on the one hand, and the development of adequate speech therapy intervention, on the other;
  • the principle of the developmental approach (based on L. S. Vygotsky’s idea of ​​the “zone of proximal development”), which is that learning should lead to the development of the child;
  • the principle of consciousness and activity of children, meaning that the teacher must provide in his work methods for activating the cognitive abilities of children. The child must be given cognitive tasks, in solving which he relies on his own experience. This principle promotes more intense mental development preschoolers and ensures that the child understands the material and successfully applies it in practical activities in the future;
  • the principle of accessibility and individualization, which involves taking into account age, physiological characteristics and the nature of the pathological process;
  • the principle of gradually increasing requirements, which involves a gradual transition from simpler to more complex tasks as the developing skills are mastered and consolidated;
  • the principle of clarity, ensuring close interconnection and broad interaction of all analytical systems of the body in order to enrich the auditory, visual and motor images of children.

Taking into account these priority goals, objectives and principles, this project for the activities of a speech therapist at the speech therapy center of the Skazka MBDOU has been developed. The project determines possible ways to include the activities of a speech therapist at the MBDOU in the work of a preschool educational institution to implement the federal state educational standard for the content of the basic general education program of preschool education.


  • verbal (individual conversations, consultations);
  • practical (conducting seminars and workshops);
  • visual (selection speech material on lexical topics, display of multimedia presentations, demonstration of didactic material, reminders for parents, magazine for parents “My Talker”);
  • gaming (games, physical education, articulation, breathing and finger exercises).


  • Computer, multimedia installation, didactic games for speech development, mirrors, toys for breathing development, musical instruments, audio recordings with various sounds, jingle jars, lacing, puzzles, mosaics, etc.)


  • Teacher speech therapist;
  • MBDOU teachers,
  • music worker,
  • head of physical education,
  • children and parents senior group.


  • Collaborative technology;
  • Speech therapy examination technology;
  • Technologies for the formation of speech breathing;
  • Technologies for the development of intonation aspects of speech;
  • Technologies for correcting the tempo-rhythmic organization of oral speech;
  • Computer techologies.

Expected Result:

The project is long-term. Implementation period – 1 year.

Stage 1– preparatory (diagnostic; information-analytical).

  • Monitor the speech development of children 5-6 years old.

To find out the educational needs of teachers and parents, their level of competence in matters of speech development, establish contact with them, and coordinate the educational impact on children.

Stage 2– basic (practical).

  • develop and test a system of methodological activities for teachers and parents on the speech development of preschoolers aged 5-6 years through organizing and conducting events.

Stage 3– final (control and diagnostic).

  • To analyze the effectiveness of the preventive work of a speech therapist with teachers and parents on the speech development of children 5-6 years old.

Diagnostic work is carried out in sections according to the methodology of N.V. Serebryakova, including a speech therapy examination of children of senior preschool age at a preschool educational institution (beginning and end of the year), in order to make speech therapy conclusions, as well as determine priority areas of preventive work.

The system of correctional and preventive process can be depicted as a circle of specialists: a teacher-speech therapist, educators and parents. Moreover, parents should be on the same level as specialists. And this can only be achieved through educational activities about normal child development and possible pathologies, because This is one of the conditions for the full speech development of preschool children.

The best results are observed where speech therapists, educators and parents act in concert. As part of the project, when working with teachers and parents, it is important to form multilateral interaction among all participants in the correctional and preventive process.

To achieve this goal, I have identified a range of tasks that need to be solved. To achieve this, teachers and parents:

  1. must clearly understand the purpose of their activities, which is the full development of the child and coordinated interaction among themselves.
  2. must be armed with the necessary tools for work (special knowledge necessary to understand the importance and mechanism of influence on the development of a child’s speech, practical skills in assisting the child in correcting and preventing speech development).

Interaction between specialists and parents

Educational block

  • Acquaintance with age-related characteristics of neuropsychic development, stages of development of children's speech;
  • Familiarization with the results of diagnostics of speech development of children;
  • Creating five-minute sessions with games and exercises;
  • Design of stands with general recommendations;

Practical block

  • Demonstration of techniques for correcting and developing speech during consultations;
  • Conducting thematic seminars - workshops, joint entertainment.

Forms of work of a speech therapist with teachers in MBDOU on the prevention of speech deficiencies in children

  • consultations master classes;
  • seminars - workshops;
  • weekly provision scheduling on lexical topics;
  • organization of a mini-library “Correctional work on the speech development of preschool children.”

Forms of work of a speech therapist with parents

  • survey;
  • parent meetings;
  • seminars - workshops;
  • consultations;
  • five-minute speech therapy sessions on lexical topics;
  • Design of the information and methodological stand “Advice from a speech therapist” (“Games in the kitchen”, “On the way to kindergarten" etc.)
  • reminders for parents;
  • magazine "My Talker";
  • individual consultations.

All this work allows parents to create a positive emotional mood for working together to raise and educate their children, since parents can clearly see the problems of their own children and methods for solving them.

Assessment of the quality of activities

The effectiveness of the project can be seen in the following:

  • Increasing the efficiency and quality of correctional and preventive services provided.
  • Modernization of the correctional and preventive process through the introduction of computer technologies and joint activity technologies. Project performance indicators.

An increase in the number of children with normal speech development and a decrease in the indicator with low level speech development of children 5-6 years old.

Evaluation mechanism:

  • Diagnosis of speech development in older children;
  • Analysis of children's speech development.

PREVENTIVE WORK OF Speech-language pathologist TEACHERS



September 1.Parent survey Appendix No. 1

2. Monitoring the development of speech in older children Appendix No. 2

3.Analysis of monitoring results and identification of priority areas for children’s speech development

4. Parent meeting on the topic: “Speech development of children 5-6 years old”; Monitoring results Appendix No. 3

1. Conducted by a speech therapist teacher

2.Teacher-speech therapist and educators

3.Teacher-speech therapist

4.Teacher-speech therapist and educators

October 1. Weekly provision of calendar planning to teachers and specialists of MBDOU and five-minute speech therapy sessions for parents on lexical topics according to block-by-block planning. Appendix No. 4

2. Workshop for parents of older children “Teach children to speak correctly” Appendix No. 5

3. Poster consultation for parents “Why finger gymnastics is needed” Appendix No. 6

4. Organization of a mini-library “Correctional work on the speech development of preschool children”

2.Teacher-speech therapist

and parents

3.Teacher-speech therapist

4.Teacher-speech therapist



2. Issue of the magazine “My Talker” No. 1

3.Individual consultations

4. Weekly classes on speech development, united by a single lexical topic and the idea of ​​traveling to the land of beautiful speech.

1. Developed by a speech therapist teacher, conducted by educators and specialists from MBDOU

3.Teacher-speech therapist and educators


December 1. Weekly provision of calendar planning to teachers and specialists of MBDOU and five-minute speech therapy sessions for parents on lexical topics according to block-by-block planning.

2. Master class for teachers on the topic: “ Articulation gymnastics»

3. Poster consultation for parents on the topic: “Why articulation gymnastics is needed” Appendix No. 7

4. Memos for parents Appendix No. 8

5. Weekly classes on speech development, united by a single lexical topic and the idea of ​​traveling to the land of beautiful speech.

1. Developed by a speech therapist teacher, conducted by educators and specialists from MBDOU

2.Teacher-speech therapist

3.teacher-speech therapist

4. speech therapist teacher


January 1. Weekly provision of calendar planning to teachers and specialists of MBDOU and five-minute speech therapy sessions for parents on lexical topics according to block-by-block planning.

2.Individual consultations

1. Developed by a speech therapist teacher, conducted by educators and specialists from MBDOU

2.teacher-speech therapist and educators


February 1. Weekly provision of calendar planning to teachers and specialists of MBDOU and five-minute speech therapy sessions for parents on lexical topics according to block-by-block planning.

2. Issue of the magazine “My Talker” No. 2

3. Poster consultation for parents on the topic: “Why you need to be able to speak correctly and beautifully” Appendix No. 9

4. Weekly classes on speech development, united by a single lexical topic and the idea of ​​traveling to the land of beautiful speech.

1. Developed by a speech therapist teacher, conducted by educators and specialists from MBDOU

2.Together a teacher-speech therapist and educators

3. Speech therapist teacher


March 1. Weekly provision of calendar planning to teachers and specialists of MBDOU and five-minute speech therapy sessions for parents on lexical topics according to block-by-block planning.

2. Poster consultation for parents on the topic: “On the way to kindergarten”

3. Weekly classes on speech development, united by a single lexical topic and the idea of ​​traveling to the land of beautiful speech.

1. Developed by a speech therapist teacher, conducted by educators and specialists from MBDOU

2.Teacher-speech therapist


April 1. Weekly provision of calendar planning to teachers and specialists of MBDOU and five-minute speech therapy sessions for parents on lexical topics according to block-by-block planning.

2. Poster consultation for parents on the topic: “Games in the kitchen”

3. Weekly classes on speech development, united by a single lexical topic and the idea of ​​traveling to the land of beautiful speech.

4. Entertainment on the theme: “Celebration of beautiful speech”

1. Developed by a speech therapist teacher, conducted by educators and specialists from MBDOU

2.teacher-speech therapist

3. teacher

4. Together the teacher-speech therapist, educators,

music director children and their parents

May 1. Weekly provision of calendar planning to teachers and specialists of MBDOU and five-minute speech therapy sessions for parents on lexical topics according to block-by-block planning.

2. Weekly classes on speech development, united by a single lexical topic and the idea of ​​traveling to the land of beautiful speech.

3. Issue of the magazine “My Talker” No. 3

4.Monitoring of speech development of older children

5.Analysis of speech monitoring and effectiveness of project implementation

1. Developed by a speech therapist teacher, conducted by educators and specialists from MBDOU

2. teacher


speech therapist, educators and specialists

4. Speech therapist teacher

5. Teacher-speech therapist, educators and specialists of MBDOU.



1 Week "Autumn. Signs of autumn", "Trees in autumn"
2 week "Vegetables", "Vegetable garden"
3 week "Fruit", "Garden"
4 week "Mushrooms, berries, forest"


1 Week "Cloth"
2week "Shoes"
3 week "Toys"
4 week "Dishes"


1 Week "Winter", "Wintering Birds"
2 week "Pets in Winter"
3 week "Wild Animals in Winter"
4 week "New Year"


2 week "Furniture", "Parts of furniture"
3 week "Freight and passenger transport"
4 week "Professions in transport"


1 Week "Kindergarten. Professions. Labor actions."
2 week "Studio. Seamstress. The cutter. Labor actions"
3 week "Construction. Professions. Labor actions"
4 week "Our Army"


1 Week "Spring. Signs of spring. Arrival of birds"
2 week "Houseplants"
3 week "River, lake and aquarium fish"
4 week “My small homeland is Mezhdurechensky”


1 Week “Our home is Ugra”
2 week "Space"
3 week “Where did the bread come from?”
4 week "Mail"
1 Week "Traffic Laws"
2 week "Insects"
3 week "Summer is coming soon"

Used Books:

  1. NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.
  2. Program “From birth to school” M.-MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS 2010
  3. N.V. Nishcheva Program of correctional developmental work in speech therapy group kindergarten for children with general speech underdevelopment SPb CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2007
  4. N.V. Nishcheva “System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment” St. Petersburg DETSTVO-PRESS, 2005

Speech therapy project“Learning to speak correctly” as a means of increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of speech development

Project object: speech correction for preschool children.

Project subject:interaction between teacher-speech therapist and parents

Project implementation period: 6 months.

Project participants:teacher-speech therapist, educators, pupils and parents of preschoolerspreparatory school group.

Objective of the project: increasing the level of parental competence in matters of children's speech development.


  • To study the level of pedagogical competence and parents’ requests regarding the child’s speech development;
  • Develop a long-term work plan to improve the level of pedagogical competence of parents in matters of speech development;
  • Introduce parents to the results of children’s speech development, select books for teaching children at home (presentation);
  • Develop and conduct events for parents on issues of children’s speech development;
  • Develop information sheets for parents with recommendations on children’s speech development;
  • To study the dynamics of children’s speech development in order to determine the effectiveness of working with parents;

Possible risks:

  • Reluctance of parents to participate in surveys, individual conversations and consultations.
  • Passive participation of parents in the parents' club "Speech therapist school".

Project product:

  • Developed information sheets for parents with recommendations on the speech development of children;
  • Creation and presentation by parents of little books made for activities with children at home;
  • Corrective and developmental activity with the participation of children in the presence of parents.
  • Presentation of work experience on the project at the preschool educational institution.

Implementation of the project involves work on III stages.



Stage I Information and analytical


Determine the level of pedagogical competence of parents in matters of speech development of their children;

Identify the motives driving parents in interaction with teachers;

Analyze the data obtained and develop a long-term plan for working with parents.

Individual conversations with parentsTo identify the desire of parents to interact with a speech therapist and teacher.

Development long-term plan working with parents to improve the level of pedagogical competence

Stage II

basic (practical)

To test a system of methodological activities within the framework of the parent club “Speech therapist school” with the aim of active participation of parents in the process of correctional speech therapy work with children, sharing experiences between parents.

Conducting a system of methodological activities for parents on the speech development of preschool children within the framework of the parent club “Speech therapist school”. 2. Presentation of a card index of tasks for reinforcing sounds: “Shipelka”, “Growler”, “Svistelochka”, “Gudelochka”.

3. Conducting an open speech therapy session “Maya the Bee’s Birthday.”

III stage final y (control and diagnostic)

Assess the level of pedagogical competence of parents based on the results of the work done;

Analyze the dynamics of children’s speech development in order to determine the effectiveness of the work done with parents.

Disseminate experience on this topic in a preschool educational institution.

Analysis of the effectiveness of a speech therapist teacher’s work with parents on issues of children’s speech development through a survey.

The effectiveness of correctional and speech therapy work with children is analyzed based on the diagnostic material of their speech development at the end of the year.

The speech therapist teacher broadcasts the results of the work done to the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution.




  1. Questioning of parents: “Determination of the level of competence of parents in matters of speech development of children.”
  2. Individual conversations with parents to identify the parents’ desire to interact with a speech therapist and teacher.
  3. Creation of an open group "VK" - Parents' club "Speech therapist school".
  4. Selection and study of methodological literature.
  5. Booklets on the topic: “How to teach a child to speak?”, “Why do we need home speech therapy assignments?”
  6. Parent meeting on the topic: “Content of speech therapy work with children of senior preschool age” (certificate on the results of diagnostics of children’s speech development).


  1. Homework (weekly). The folders contain samples of correctly completed homework.
  2. A letter of advice to parents on behalf of their children.
  3. Information sheets in the speech therapy corner: “Why articulatory gymnastics are needed”, “How to perform articulatory gymnastics correctly.”


  1. Parents' club meeting. Topic: “Performing play articulation gymnastics together.”
  2. Consultation “How to teach a child to speak the sound “R”.”
  3. Parental five-minute meetings - answers to VK questions (at the request of parents)


  1. Memo “Tips for parents on memorizing poetry.”
  2. Learning poems for the New Year's party.
  3. Homework (weekly).
  4. Photo with a child “Articulation gymnastics at home.”


  1. Making a book - little ones with riddles based on a fixed sound
  2. Homework (weekly).
  3. Parental five-minute meetings (consultations, upon request of parents).
  4. Booklet "Automation of sounds in everyday life"..


  1. Homework (weekly).
  2. Parental five-minute meetings - answers to VK questions (at the request of parents).
  3. Memo "Speech development: games with the family."


  1. Final survey of parents.
  2. Studying the level of competence of parents in matters of speech development at the end of the implementation of the pedagogical project.
  3. Conversation with parents. Comparison of final results with primary ones.
  4. Broadcasting experience. Providing materials and results of the pedagogical project topedagogical council at the preschool educational institution .
  5. Parents' club meeting. Topic: “We play games, we reinforce sounds”

Expected results:

When implementing the project we expect to receive the following results:

1. Active involvement of parents in the correctional pedagogical process.

2. Parents are able to independently build ways to solve the difficulties they encounter, relying on acquired practical skills.

3. The results of the survey, indicating an increase in the level of pedagogical competence of parents in matters of children's speech development.

4. Positive dynamics of children’s speech development, indicating the effectiveness of the work carried out with parents.


The speech therapy project “Learning to Speak Correctly” is aimed at increasing the competence of parents in matters of speech development of primary schoolchildren.

Nowadays, it is no secret to anyone that every year the issue of educating children with speech pathology becomes more and more pressing. It is obvious that for full-fledged speech therapy work, close cooperation between the speech therapist, teacher and parents is necessary. First of all, it is worth noting the need to create motivation for classes among parents. Many parents have very vague information about who a speech therapist is and how he works correctional work. It is necessary to carry out educational work, set up and attract the attention of parents to the child’s problem. In order to overcome these problems, this project was developed.

The relevance and demand of the project lies in the fact that the participation of parents in the correctional and speech therapy process is necessary.

Practical significance of the project. The project may be in demand by educational institutions to improve the model of interaction between a speech therapist and parents as part of the correctional process. The recommendations contained in the draft can serve as a starting point when planning work with parents in a speech therapy center.


Many parents have very vague information about who a speech therapist is and how correctional work is carried out. It is necessary to carry out educational work, set up and attract the attention of parents to the child’s problem. In order to overcome these problems, this project was developed.

The speech therapy project “Learning to speak correctly” is aimed at increasing the competence of parents in matters of speech development of a preschool child.

Speech therapy project “One word, two words...”

In recent years, the problems of continuity in work between preschool and school educational institutions have become especially hotly debated. A special problem of such discussions is the essence of the concept of readiness for systematic education, namely: what prerequisites that determine the harmonious development of a child in a preschool institution should be formed? Research recent years proven: the sooner you start building readiness for learning (naturally, using methods appropriate to the age characteristics of the child), the more effective it is.

One of the objectives of the 2014 Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is to provide psychological and pedagogical support for families and increase the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of child development and education.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, the conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children corresponding to the specifics of preschool age presuppose:

  • interaction with parents (legal representatives) on child education issues;
  • directly involving them in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying the needs and supporting the educational initiatives of the family.

The quality of the educational process in a preschool institution can be ensured by uniform approaches to raising children on the part of parents and teachers, therefore the issue of the pedagogical competence of parents is key today.

One of the most important indicators of a child’s harmonious development is the level of his speech development. The number of children with speech disorders in preschool institutions is growing every year. Unfortunately:

  • not all children can receive qualified specialist help in a timely manner;
  • not all parents adequately assess their child’s capabilities and often do not see, or do not want to see, problems in their child’s development;
  • and many parents simply do not know how to help their child in his harmonious development.

Analyzing the current situation, the need to create a project has become ripe “One word, two words...” aimed at interacting with parents of middle school students in order to achieve the child’s full speech development.

The relevance and demand for the project are determined by the real needs of the domestic preschool education system and the existing contradictions between:

  • an increase in the number of children with speech disorders and the lack of opportunity to provide correctional and speech therapy assistance to all those in need of conditions of the preschool educational institution general developmental type;
  • the need for parental participation in the correctional and speech therapy process and the lack of effective technologies for interaction between the educational institution and the family in this area.

Project participants: speech therapist, children of middle preschool age, their parents,

Objective of the project: “Increasing the level of parental competence in matters of children’s speech development” .


  1. Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents of preschool children in matters of prevention and correction of speech disorders.
  2. Training parents in accessible methods of speech therapy influence on the course of their child’s speech development.
  3. Creating an atmosphere of trust, mutual understanding and cooperation between parents and the speech therapist teacher in matters of the harmonious development of the child.

Expected results:

  1. Interest and active participation of parents in the prevention and correction of speech disorders in children of middle preschool age.
  2. Training of parents in available forms and methods of sound correction (articulation and breathing exercises, finger gymnastics, simple sound analysis skills) and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in correcting the pronunciation of their children.
  3. Positive dynamics of speech development in children of middle preschool age at the end of the year.

Project description: strategy and mechanism for achieving the goal

Project activities are carried out in three stages.

Stage 1 - preparatory (information and analytical).

  • Questioning of parents of middle school students in order to identify problematic issues in the speech development of children;
  • Express diagnostics of the level of speech development of children of middle groups;
  • Analysis of the level of pedagogical competence of parents about children’s speech problems and ways to eliminate them;
  • Selection of methodological literature on practical speech therapy in working with preschool children;
  • Presentation: informing parents about the main directions of project activities “One word, two words” .

Stage 2 - main (practical).

selection and testing of a system of methodological activities for parents on the speech development of preschool children.

  • holding a workshop, master classes, consultations, exhibitions of methodological literature for parents.
  • conducting individual consultations (of necessity);
  • creation of an information and methodological stand "Speech therapist's corner" (monthly, theoretical material);

These forms of work make it possible to involve parents in active participation in the correctional process, presuppose the establishment of trusting relationships between teachers and parents, awareness by parents of the role of the family in the education and upbringing of the child.

Stage 3 - final (analytical).

  • Questioning parents to determine the level of parental competence in matters of children's speech development;
  • Repeated express diagnostics of the level of speech development of children of middle groups
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of the work done: from the parents and from the speech therapist;
  • Creative report on the project “One word, two words...” at the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution and the Moscow Region of speech therapists.


  • Makhaneva M.D., Kozlova T.M. “The basic general education program of kindergarten is primary school» M. 2011.
  • Federal State Educational standard preschool education.
  • Khvattsev M.S. Speech therapy. "Working with preschoolers" M. 1996.
  • Filicheva T.B. "Fundamentals of Speech Therapy" M. Education 1989.
  • Zhukova N.S., Mastyukova E.M., Filicheva G.B. "Speech therapy" . Ekaterinburg, 1998.
  • Mironova S.A. “Development of speech of preschoolers in speech therapy classes” . M. 2007.
  • Fomicheva M.F. "Children's education correct pronunciation» . M. Voronezh, 1997.

Project “We speak beautifully”

Project abstract

Modern preschool educational institution is a kindergarten that has the opportunity to develop sustainably and draw up a program of correctional and developmental work in accordance with the needs of preschoolers and the requests of parents.

This project is aimed at providing correctional and developmental speech therapy assistance to children and their parents (legal representatives) interested in the development of the child. The project is designed for children from 3 to 5 years old attending preschool. It allows you to relieve tension and ensure the availability of speech therapy assistance during the sensitive period of development and speech formation of preschool children in the conditions of a speech therapy center at a preschool educational institution.

Project "We speak beautifully" is open in nature: having studied the requests of parents of children attending primary and secondary groups of kindergarten based on the results of a survey, it was decided to introduce and invite interested parents to attend speech therapy sessions together with children, which will provide pedagogical assistance and increase the competence of parents. Thus, individualization of the speech therapy assistance provided is achieved at the specific request of parents and a specific child with speech underdevelopment, and an individual route is developed aimed at correcting speech pathology.

The project will be implemented through various shapes organization of service provision:

1. Collective based at the preschool educational institution (parent meetings, club)

2. Individual on the basis of a preschool educational institution in the speech therapist’s office

This project is expected to be implemented in four stages:

Stage I – preparatory: September - October 2016.

Stage II – organizational and design: November 2016 – February 2017

Stage III – practical: 02/11/2017 – 05/30/2017

Stage IV – analytical: September 2017.

2. The relevance of the topic and the problem that the project is aimed at solving.

The regulatory framework and regulations on the speech therapy center of a preschool educational institution make it possible to reconsider the priorities of providing speech therapy assistance and involving parents, which will contribute to more effective and high-quality work of a speech therapist with children under 5 years old in the conditions of a speech therapy center of a preschool educational institution.

To assess the possibilities of this work, various studies were carried out, summarizing the results of which the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Parents of younger preschoolers are interested in improving the quality of their children’s speech.

2. On average, more than 50% of families with children of primary and secondary preschool age need this assistance.

In this connection, there was a need for a conceptually new organization of the work of the speech therapy center of a preschool educational institution, which would be aimed at providing speech therapy correctional and developmental assistance to younger preschoolers and their parents.

This leads to the following contradictions.

1. In a preschool educational institution, the task of correctional and developmental activities during the implementation of the program is additional. In the ECD schedule there is no time specifically allocated for the correctional and developmental activities of a speech therapist, so you have to very carefully draw up a schedule and work with children in such a way as not to interfere with the assimilation of the educational program and not to violate SanPin.

2. Children of senior preschool age are enrolled in the speech therapy center, although statistical data show the need to provide correctional assistance at an earlier period, when deficiencies have not become established in the child’s active speech.

3. There is an increasing need to provide early qualified assistance to an ever-increasing number of children in accordance with the social order of parents.

4. There is insufficient moral, psychological and professional preparedness of educators in providing correctional assistance to children with disabilities.

5. The main forms of organizing work with children with disabilities in speech development are individual and subgroup directly organized activities. GCD is short-term (15-20 minutes), short-term (1-2 times a week) and is designed for a 6 or 12 month period of study, if necessary, accompanying some children for 2-3 years.

6. The speech therapist teacher is forced to intervene in the learning process on the day the child attends his classes. The children themselves receive correctional assistance in portions, and not daily.

7. Parents’ demand for services early development children, and the lack of alternative models.

8. The family’s desire to receive guaranteed and qualified psychological and pedagogical support in the preschool educational institution that the child attends.

Novelty of the projectis to develop a new system of interaction with families whose children attend primary and secondary preschool educational institutions groups, in applying new forms of cooperation with the family, in implementing a special approach to the correction and development of the child’s speech.

3. Goals and objectives of the project.

Objective of the project- creation and organization of correctional directly organized activities (hereinafter KNOD) on the basis of the speech therapy center of the MK Preschool Educational Institution Pavlovsk kindergarten No. 8, providing an individual approach to a child with speech pathology and subsequent equal starting opportunities when entering school and maximally satisfying the needs of parents.

Project objectives:

1. Develop an organizational basis for the creation and functioning of the KNOD logo center of the MK preschool educational institution, test the organizational, content and methodological conditions of individual KNOD in the presence of parents.

2. To study consumer demand for KNOD among families with children of preschool age 3-4 years old attending preschool educational institutions.

3. Design a model of a preschool educational institution’s logistics center, directions and types of activities, forms of service provision.

4. Ensure the functioning of innovative models of operation of the MKDOU logo center (in the first and second half of the day).

5. Create software and methodological support for the services provided by the log center.

6. Assess the capabilities of the spatial environment of the logo center and the material and technical equipment of the correctional and developmental process and create conditions for organizing correctional directly organized activities with children 3-5 years old attending preschool educational institutions, and providing assistance in preparing for learning to read and write and entering school.

7. Improve the material and technical base of the logistics center of the MK preschool educational institution.

Project value:

Creation of conditions for the provision of timely correctional and developmental speech therapy assistance in the conditions of the speech therapy center of the MK preschool educational institution and changes in the material, technical and didactic equipment of the correctional and educational process of the MK preschool educational institution.

Providing assistance to parents of children with disabilities in a preschool speech therapy center.

The implementation of innovative activities under the project will allow us to summarize the long-term teaching experience speech therapist teacher, which in turn will contribute to changing the socio-pedagogical image of the preschool educational institution in the region.

Preparatory (research) part of the project.

The success of building a mechanism for project implementation based on the formulated relevance requires defining the object and subject of the work.

Object of the project is a speech therapy center at a preschool educational institution in the context of improving the quality and development of additional forms of preschool education.

Subject of the project- a set of organizational and developmental activities aimed at increasing the speech capabilities of preschool children.

Research methods – analysis of environmental space, questioning, monitoring the needs and capabilities of society.

A survey of parents of junior and middle groups showed that 100% of parents think important problem development of the child’s speech functions. Of these they noted that:

· speech disorders make it difficult to communicate with peers in kindergartens - 21%;

· will cause future problems when studying at school - 35% of families;

· will prevent full communication with people in the future - 44% of respondents.

To overcome difficulties: 72% - consider it advisable to consult and study with a specialist for physical education; 47% - see problems in the development of their child; at the same time, 40% do not attach importance to speech development deficiencies at this age.

4. Possible risks and ways to overcome them.

During our research, we calculated possible risks and provided ways to overcome them.

Factors representing possibilities(favorable factors) of the external environment:

Families and children will receive timely assistance from a specialist speech therapist teacher.

There is a potential opportunity (if necessary) for early intervention, counseling the child with specialized specialists (neurologist, psychiatrist, ENT specialist, etc.)

Internet resources make it possible to select methodological support for educational services.

Opportunities to study the experience of innovative activities of other preschool educational institutions of the city (district);

Project competitions held in the field of education by various foundations and organizations can provide financial and organizational support in the implementation of educational plans

Factors representing threats for op-amp:

Low competence of parents in matters of development and upbringing of a child of early and preschool age leads to a shift in priorities in raising a child towards early learning rather than child development.

Unsatisfactory material and technical condition

The small area of ​​the speech therapy room does not allow for subgroup classes with children

Strengths OU:

The speech therapist teacher has great experience working with children of early preschool age

The kindergarten's operating hours allow you to organize the provision of services in the morning and evening.

The potential of the teaching staff is quite high, i.e. teachers working with children are capable of introducing innovations and working in project activities.

The incentive system for preschool educational institutions allows you to pay remuneration for innovative activity, development and implementation of speech therapy programs and replenishment material base and development environment.

In the practice of preschool educational institutions, partial programs are used, and there are also various programs, which facilitates the development of speech therapy programs and their individualization for a particular child.

The preschool educational institution website is operational, there is Email, which will ensure the openness of the institution’s activities in providing speech therapy assistance to children 3-5 years old .

There is a psychological service at the garden

Weak sides OU:

Insufficient level of qualifications of some educators to perform certain types of work and introduce innovations.

High degree of workload of teachers and kindergarten administration with current work

Determining a possible project implementation strategy:

Leveraging Strengths to Take Advantage of New Opportunities:

Organize and conduct Parent meeting with the provision of data from a survey of children’s speech, to identify problems and priority areas for overcoming them.

Introduce parents and teachers of the institution to the project and invite them to cooperate.

Conduct a survey of parents of junior and middle groups of MK preschool educational institutions through a questionnaire in order to identify the demand for services within the framework of the project.

Compensating for weaknesses with good capabilities:

Conduct consultations for teachers on the implementation of a speech therapy program in preschool educational institutions

Use the institution's library and the Internet in the development and selection of methodological support for KNOD in the presence of parents.

Using Strengths to Mitigate Threats:

Study the experience of this work in the city of Pavlovsk and the region.

Organize a consultation center for parents on the basis of the institution for the purpose of their pedagogical education

5. Planning work to implement the project.

Step-by-step plan - project implementation schedule


Actions to implement tasks

Expected results

Implementation participants

Stage I – preparatory: September - October 2016

Study of the regulatory framework at the regional and federal levels

Ranging legislative framework on carrying out activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Design of the folder “Regulatory and legal support for preschool children 3-5 years old with speech pathology in the speech center of a preschool educational institution”

Teacher speech therapist

Conducting marketing research on consumer demand for educational services

Get statistics on families

Information bank for children in need of speech therapy support

Stage II – organizational and design: November 2016

Regulatory support for the creation

Development of changes for the implementation of the project, Regulations on the preschool educational institution’s logo center;

Long-term plans.

Package “Regulatory and legal documents regulating the activities of the preschool educational institution’s logistics center”

Teacher speech therapist,

educational psychologist and teachers working with children 3-5 years old

Designing a model of a preschool educational institution's logo center

determination of directions, forms of activity of the preschool educational institution’s logo center

Logopunkt model of preschool educational institution

Software and methodological support

selection of methodological literature

coordination and approval of work plans

Package of documents for each direction:

Individual plans

Long-term plans

Methodological support

Diagnostic materials

Creating comfortable conditions for the provision of services

Equipment of material and technical base; purchase of materials and equipment in accordance with SanPiN requirements

Comfortable subject-development environment in all areas (readiness of the correction room to carry out activities)

Stage III – practical: 02/22/2017 – 08/31/2017

Organization of an information campaign

Organizing a parent meeting

Organizing individual meetings with parents to familiarize themselves with additional services and formulate their order

Formation of a bank of customers for additional services

Individual order of the parent, access to the child’s individual route

Teacher speech therapist,

educational psychologist and teachers

Conducting speech therapy CNOD in the presence of parents

KNOD is carried out by prior registration in a special notebook;

Bank formation teaching materials

Organization " feedback» with parents through the questionnaire system and the preschool educational institution website

Quarterly meetings of project participants to analyze the quality of service provision and make adjustments

Approved lists of groups;

Approval of service schedule

Determining the quality of the educational service provided

Summing up intermediate results

Stage IV – analytical: September 2017

Intermediate monitoring of the activities of the speech therapy community center in the presence of parents

Analysis of project results:


Survey on satisfaction with the quality of services provided;

Analysis of the sustainability of the contingent receiving services;

Studying the demand for services;

Analysis of demand for declared services

Analysis of the effectiveness of speech therapy KNOD in the presence of parents

Teacher speech therapist

6. Image of the final result, criteria for its evaluation.

Project result – a model for organizing correctional and developmental work with children 3-5 years old in the conditions of a speech therapy center at a preschool educational institution, through the successful functioning of a speech therapy clinic in the presence of parents.

Model of activities of the speech therapy center of the MK preschool educational institution Pavlovsk kindergarten No. 8


Variability of stay

Speech therapy KNOD in the presence of parents

(during the academic year)

Summer health period

Duration of work

February – May 2017

June – August 2017

Daily regime

1st half of the day / 2nd half of the day


20 minute individual

20 minute individual

Weekly cycle

1-2 times a week

1-2 times a week

Special offers

consultations with a teacher-psychologist

Expected results of the project:


· Reducing the number of children in need of speech therapy support for their elders preschool age(evaluation mechanism - quantitative analysis);

· Availability of a proven model of a speech therapy center (evaluation criterion – availability of the package “Regulatory and legal documents regulating the activities of the preschool educational institution’s speech center for the provision of speech therapy in the presence of parents”)

· Creation of a bank of teaching materials .

· Enriched spatial and subject-developmental environment of the correction room and groups of preschool educational institutions.

· Availability of a speech therapy program for psychological and pedagogical support for families of pupils (evaluation criterion is the presence of a description of the experience of the teaching team).

· Satisfaction of parents and teachers with the quality of services provided (evaluation criterion – results of consumer surveys).

· Expanding the information field about the activities of the preschool educational institution's logo center.

· Planning the work of a consultation center for parents (trainings, seminars, consultations).


Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard to improve the quality of education and provide equal opportunities for children with disabilities when entering school.

Involving parents in the preschool education system as equal partners in carrying out correctional and developmental work with children aged 2.5 to 5 years (evaluation criterion - monitoring indicator for examining the speech of preschoolers).

High and regular attendance of the child in the group, reduction in morbidity

At least 80 parents (legal representatives) were trained and consulted

Increasing the proportion of children with normal speech development by older preschool age.

Active participation of parents in the educational process

We will evaluate the effectiveness of the project

To increase the number of additional services requested and provided: demand for services: provision of services to children aged 3-5 years.

In terms of increasing demand for visiting speech therapy clinics in the presence of parents: quality of service; positive reviews parents; by the stable attractiveness of the institution for the parent contingent of the city microdistrict

Out of interest in the experience of establishing the heads of other preschool educational institutions and the desire to test it in their kindergartens.

7. Project resource support:

Informational:The correction room is equipped with a large amount of modern methodological literature, a computer with Internet access, a printer, and a functioning preschool educational institution website.

Temporary:The project is designed for 7 months, we believe that this time is enough to implement it and obtain primary results.

Material and technical: in the preschool educational institution correction room: speech therapist and psychologist; Fine art studio, there are visual and didactic aids on various lines of children's development, computer and multimedia equipment.

8. Project development prospects

If the project is successfully implemented, it can be used as one of the variable models for providing additional services to preschool families. Providing services within the framework of the idea of ​​​​this project (individual order of parents, individual routes for mastering the program) allows us to implement modern approach to the level of preschool education.

The results of the project implementation will be used for long-term planning of work by the teaching staff (for the next 5 years). The experience of implementing the project can be used by other institutions, since during its implementation normative and substantive aspects of providing additional services to children will be developed.

Project result:

· The level of parental competence in matters of speech development has increased, contact has been established with family members, and educational and corrective influences on the child have been agreed upon.

· A system of methodological and practice-oriented activities for parents on the speech development of preschool children aged 3-5 years has been developed and tested through the organization and conduct of individual speech therapy CNOD in the presence of parents.

· A collection of methodological, practical and electronic manuals, card index.

· Uniform requirements for parents and children in matters of approach to education have been developed and adopted.

Possibilities further development project:

· Based on the experience gained in implementing the project “We speak beautifully”: to conduct speech therapy CNOD in the presence of parents at the speech center of a preschool educational institution for children from 2.5 to 7 years old.

· Publication of work experience, dissemination of it in the city and region.

· Speeches at seminars and conferences at various levels