Map of the Kirov region with cities, towns, districts and routes. Map of the Kirov region Map of the Kirov province

| White Kholunitsa | Vyatskie Polyany | Zuevka | Kirovo-Chepetsk | Kearse | Kotelnich | Luza | Malmyzh | Murashi | Nolinsk | Omutninsk | Orlov | Slobodskaya | Sovetsk | Sosnovka | Urzhum | Yaransk

Detailed map of the Kirov region with districts and villages

One of the most famous regions located in Russia is the Kirov region. Its population is more than one and a half million people. The city of Kirov is administrative center. The region belongs to the economic Volga-Vyatka region. It is part of the Volga federal district. On detailed map The Kirov region with districts and villages reflects all the information about the region.

It borders with the Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd, Arkhangelsk, Kostroma regions, the Republic of Tatarstan, Komi and Mari El. On its eastern side there is the border of Udmurtia and the Perm region. It was formed approximately in the middle of the last century.

This ecologically clean place is located in the Non-Black Earth zone of the country. It stretches for many kilometers in all directions. Occupies an area equal to 130,000 kilometers. From the capital Russian Federation the distance is approximately a thousand kilometers. A map of the Kirov region with districts will help you measure the distance to other cities in Russia.

The climate in this beautiful place is continental temperate. In winter there are severe frosts and snow. In summer it is cool, sometimes there are frosts on the soil.

In the northern part of the Volga region federal district The Kirov region is located. In terms of the area occupied, which is 120 thousand square meters. km, this region is considered one of the most significant in the country. A map of the Kirov region from a satellite allows you to examine its borders in detail, settlements, rivers and transport routes.

The region's lands are heavily swamped. Huge swamps, the most significant of which in terms of area are located in the northern part of the region, occupy about 40% of all land in the region. More than 19 thousand rivers flow through the regions, the largest of which is the Vyatka. Also, looking at the map of the Kirov region with diagrams, you will find such waterways as:

  • Pocket;
  • Cap;
  • Tansy;
  • Moloma;
  • Cobra.

The hydrography of the region is represented by a large number of lakes and ponds. In total, there are about 5 thousand closed reservoirs in the region.

The region's territory is limited by several constituent entities of the Russian Federation. If you move around the map of the Kirov region with its districts, you can see that its “neighbors” are:

  • Mari El Republic;
  • Kostroma region;
  • Udmurtia;
  • Komi;
  • Vologda Region;
  • Tatarstan;
  • Nizhny Novgorod Region.

The region is home to approximately 1,370,000 people. The vast majority of people (76%) live in cities. The largest settlement and regional center is Kirov.

Districts of the Kirov region on the map

The region is divided into 39 districts. All areas on the map of the Kirov region can be examined in detail, sights can be found, and an idea of ​​industrial zones and roads connecting cities and villages can be found. Of all the regions, Verkhnekamsk occupies the largest territory. It is located in the northeast of the region, so this area is always colder than others.

The smallest is the Vyatsko-Polyansky district, but it is inhabited by greatest number of people. It is divided into two parts by the Vyatka River. A map of the Kirov region with settlements makes it possible to see the city of Vyatskie Polyany on the right bank of the Vyatka, where industrial enterprises, universities, a museum and various attractions are located. The left bank part of the district is mainly involved in agriculture.

Part of the region passes through Trans-Siberian Railway, as well as the Kirov-Kotlas highway. On a detailed road map of the Kirov region you can find the main routes, see how to get to the cities of the region, and also build a route to travel to neighboring regions. Using online service You can also consider the railway tracks that pass through all areas except Kumensky and Slobodsky.

Map of the Kirov region with cities and villages

If you look at the map of the Kirov region with villages and cities, you will notice that there are few large settlements in the region. Industrial and cultural centers are Kirovo-Chepetsk and Kirov.

But small settlements also have many attractions, which tourists from other regions often come to visit. If you come here for the first time, then use the map of the Kirov region with villages, which will help you find interesting places places you would like to visit:

  • N. Pochinok - Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • With. Veloretskoye - an ancient temple;
  • Kotelnich - Nurgush Nature Reserve.

In villages and hamlets, ancient buildings have been preserved, which are recognized architectural monuments. Those interested in the history of the region and art should visit Kirov. The city has such attractions as:

  • arboretum;
  • Museum of M. Saltykov-Shchedrin;
  • Paleontological Museum.

The map of the Kirov region will show in detail how to drive or access any object. It is convenient to use on any travel, pilgrimage or business trip.

Economy and industry of the Kirov region

The main contribution to the economy of the Kirov region is made by industrial enterprises. Factories of various industries operate in the cities of the region. The region has developed industries such as:

  • chemical;
  • metallurgical;
  • light;
  • food

Use Yandex maps of the Kirov region to find plants and factories that produce products for the aviation industry, fertilizers, plastic products, car tires, plywood. Light industry enterprises are famous for their fur and leather products.

Peat is extracted from mineral resources here. And the main wealth of the region is coniferous forests, which occupy more than half of the entire territory of the region.

Agriculture is represented by crop production and livestock farming. Main crops grown in the region:

  • rye;
  • potato;
  • forage crops.

Great importance is given to the development of tourism in the region. There are about 200 nature reserves and 3 resort areas. During the summer season, the lakes attract many vacationers, eco-tourists and fishermen.

The Kirov region is located in the central-eastern part of European Russia. A map of the Kirov region shows that the region borders Nizhny Novgorod, Arkhangelsk, Kostroma and Vologda regions, the Republics of Komi, Mari El, Udmurtia and Tatarstan, as well as Perm region. The area of ​​the region is 120,374 square meters. km.

The Kirov region is extremely rich in forests, peat, furs and phosphorites. The main sectors of the region's economy are metalworking, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, pulp and paper and woodworking industries.

The region is divided into 39 municipal districts, 273 villages, 53 urban settlements and 6 urban districts. Largest cities Kirov region - Kirov (administrative center), Kirovo-Chepetsk, Slobodskoy, Kotelnich and Vyatskie Polyany.

Historical reference

In 1920, the territory of the modern Kirov region was part of the Vyatka province. In 1929 the territory became part of Nizhny Novgorod region, and then the Nizhny Novgorod region. In 1934, the Kirov region was formed, which in 1936 was transformed into the Kirov region.

Must Visit

On a detailed map of the Kirov region from a satellite you can see a number of cities in which the main attractions of the region are located: Kirov, Slobodskoy and Kotelnich.

It is recommended to visit the Church of Seraphim of Sarov, the Assumption Trifonov Monastery and the Alexander Garden in Kirov; Catherine's Cathedral, St. Nicholas Church, the bell tower of the Transfiguration Church and the Archangel Michael Gate Chapel in Slobodskoye; Velikoretsky castle in the village of Velikoretskoye; places associated with the artist Vasnetsov in the village of Ryabovo, as well as pareiasaurs - the remains of prehistoric lizards - in Kotelnich.

Fans of eco-tourism will be interested in the Bylina, Bushkovsky Forest and Pizhemsky nature reserves, the Nurgush nature reserve and national park“Atarskaya Luka”, lakes Lezhninskoye and Shaitan.

Note to tourists

Gulrypsh - a holiday destination for celebrities

There is an urban-type settlement Gulrypsh on the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia, the appearance of which is closely connected with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to his wife’s illness, they needed a change of climate. The matter was decided by chance.