Program for schools. Educational programs for primary school. Primary school educational programs

Parents choose a school for their first-grader very carefully. As a rule, they assign an important role in the selection list to training programs. Have you already studied existing primary school educational programs?

Educational programs for primary school

Today there are two types of educational programs for primary schools. These are traditional educational programs (“School of Russia”, “Classical Primary School”, “School 2100”, “Planet of Knowledge”, “Harmony”, “Primary School of the 21st Century”, “Perspective Primary School” and “Perspective”) and developmental educational programs programs (Elkonin - Davydov and Zankov).

In one school it is possible to use different training programs in different classes, but, regardless of which training program in primary school is applied, all students receive the knowledge that is provided for by the state standard (FSES).

Some traditional elementary school educational programs (for example, “School 2100”, “21st Century Elementary School” or “Harmony”) in Lately have been modified in such a way that developmental teaching methods are widely used in them, in addition, additional tasks of increased difficulty are found in any training program, and not only in developmental ones, as is commonly thought.

In this regard, parents should not immediately give preference to developmental programs, categorically rejecting traditional ones; they should approach the choice responsibly, weighing all the pros and cons.

Traditional Primary School Curricula

  1. "School of Russia"- an elementary school program familiar to many; more than one generation has studied with it. After 2000, the content of the program was seriously changed, but the learning objectives and goals remained the same.
  2. "Harmony"(edited by Istomina N.B.). The name of this project speaks for itself: this program quite harmoniously defines priorities in teaching methods and the form of organizing the learning process itself, and also identifies common tasks and goals for all subjects. In addition, the “Harmony” training system includes methods of developmental training by L.V. Zankova. (Natalya Borisovna Istomina also worked according to this system for quite a long time).
  3. "Primary School XXI"(edited by N.F. Vinogradova). In this system Special attention focuses on the problem of adaptation of younger schoolchildren at the very beginning educational activities. This is the only one educational and methodological kit, which includes a parallel program “Educational activities”. The 21st century school program also uses developmental teaching methods.
  4. "School 2100"(edited by Leontyev A.A.). About 12 years ago, teachers began to teach the subject “ Literary reading" Over the years, more and more teachers began to use this program in their work; it has become one of the most widespread. It is worth noting that this school program successfully solves the problem of continuity preschool education and education in primary and secondary classes. All textbooks from grades 1 to 7 are certified by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Curriculum "Primary School of the 21st Century" and "School 2100"

Primary school development programs

Zankov's developmental system has a teaching principle that is directly opposite to the traditional system. Here, priority is given to the independence of students, who must themselves draw theoretical conclusions based on the tasks offered to them. The acquired knowledge is consolidated through practical exercises.

The peculiarity of this system of education in primary school is the fairly rapid mastery of the material, with its high level of complexity, the leading role being given to theoretical knowledge. For example, students learn parts of speech already in the first grade and, thanks to an understanding of systemic relationships, successfully achieve independent comprehension of these concepts.

System D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova- one of the controversial developmental systems that focuses mainly on the development of depth and unusual thinking in the child, paying special attention not so much to the acquired knowledge, but to the ways in which this goal is achieved. So, for example, it is allowed that a student may not remember any previously studied material, but at the same time he must know with what help and how to fill this gap in knowledge.

This system is also distinguished by the absence of assessment of the quality of knowledge, but at the same time, the teacher draws up a portfolio of students’ creative works (which should reflect their academic performance), and also, for the purpose of control, communicates all the necessary wishes and recommendations to parents.

One of the features of this developmental education system is that children not only study and assimilate school truths, but at the same time comprehend why, for example, two and two equals exactly four, in other words, knowledge of the rules is reinforced by an understanding of their reasons.

The authors of the program for the Elkonin-Davydov elementary school place another emphasis on developing communication skills in children, giving preference to teamwork. In small groups of 5-7 people, students conduct unique research, then discuss their results with the teacher and come to general conclusions.

Despite all the advantages, a significant drawback of the described developmental teaching systems of Elkonin - Davydov and Zankov is the lack of their appropriate continuation in the next stages of education at school (middle and high school). Parents who have chosen one of these educational systems for their child should be prepared for the fact that after finishing primary school, their child will still have to adapt to one of the traditional programs, which can create certain problems in their studies.

It is also important to note that when choosing an elementary school, you should pay attention not only to the education system used in it. When choosing a school, its equipment, the qualifications of teachers and the director, the degree of comfort of the classes, and the quality of knowledge should also play an important role. In this situation, reviews from parents of students can be of great benefit, and they are worth listening to, because regardless of the educational system used, a good, qualified teacher will give the child all the necessary knowledge, and at the same time, even the most “advanced” developmental system will not help a mediocre teacher.

Primary school programs

When choosing a place of education for a preschooler, parents need to take into account many various factors: remoteness educational institution from home, teacher qualifications, learning conditions. Now this list will be replenished with one more item - a school program that teaches children in primary school in 2019-2020.

What type of program to choose

Many educational programs for junior schoolchildren have been developed. In addition to the well-known ones, such as “School of Russia”, “Perspective”, “Harmony”, there are original, experimental, and in-school ones. Officially, only two complexes are classified as developmental systems: L.V. Zankova and Elkonina D.B – Davydova V.V. All other primary school programs for 2019-2020 are traditional.

Teachers primary classes can independently choose not only the method of learning, but also books from. The entire set of teaching materials selected for primary school students in 2019-2020 must be within one educational system. Mixing different complexes is not recommended. In the traditional system, the material is presented in such a way that the student first masters simple things, and then more complex ones. The acquired knowledge is acquired by solving similar problems. Students simply remember the solution mechanism and then confidently apply it.

Recently, this approach has often been criticized. Outside the educational institution, children cannot use the information received, and when they find themselves in an unusual situation, they get lost. However, this educational method has gained many years of experience, and its effectiveness has been proven over time. Almost all current adults studied using this system.

Primary school development programs for 2019-2020 imply a completely different learning structure. The textbooks do not have a clear division into topics, rules, or similar tasks. It is assumed that schoolchildren will be sufficiently erudite and inquisitive to obtain the necessary knowledge from other sources. The teacher not only talks about the subject, but also guides the child’s thinking. This approach to learning is designed to develop in children the ability to solve non-standard problems.

The disadvantage of developmental school programs for primary schools 2019-2020 is that after graduating from 4th grade, the child will have to move on to traditional education. There are no well-developed teaching materials for this system in high schools.

“School of Russia” is a traditional presentation of material used over the past decades. This is exactly how they studied back in the Soviet Union. Over time, small changes were made to this program, but the principle remained the same.

“The Russian school is focused on:

  • development of a person as an individual;
  • awareness of universal human values;
  • formation of a global way of thinking;
  • provision of high-quality, comprehensive education.

When entering 1st grade, a child may not be able to read and write. No additional preparation is required for preschoolers.

The educational and methodological complex of this program is the result of many years of experience of the staff of the Primary School Center and Russian Academy education. The main goal is to teach the student to learn. The educational complex is designed for erudite children. Schoolchildren must be able to independently obtain material and apply it in practice. The primary school of the 21st century contains game techniques and visual materials. The educational complex includes such books as “Learning to think and fantasize”, “Learning to understand the world around us”.

Since 2015 – one of the most popular programs. The main advantages are continuity and continuous education. Textbooks are developed not only for primary grades, but also for subsequent levels of education. Children can study under this system from the age of 3 until entering a higher education institution. The entire complex is designed taking into account the specific age of the student. Feature The program is that the child is given the maximum amount of material, but he must master at least the minimum. Thus, each student can learn as much as his abilities allow.

Planet of Knowledge is an innovative approach to the primary school curriculum for 2019-2020. All textbooks are interconnected. They have the same goals, objectives and approach to the learning process. In addition to printed publications, electronic applications have been developed. During training, children are engaged in project activities. This stimulates students to deep knowledge of the proposed material.

D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova

This technique is aimed at developing logical abilities. Unprepared kids will not be able to cope with this program. It is understood that children entering the first grade can already independently read and count to 10. During training, schoolchildren learn to independently analyze the material, check their own guesses, and interact with the team. This system does not use grades. Instead of a diary, children create a portfolio with creative works. The teacher informs parents about the child’s progress and gives recommendations for further development.

Whatever program parents choose for elementary school in 2020, it should be remembered that much depends not only on the educational institution and the teacher, but also on the help of adults at home.

Hello, friends! Welcome to the blog pages! Don’t you think that when our parents sent us to first grade, it was much easier for them than for you and me? The main concern was the purchase school uniform, briefcase and all necessary accessories. Today we face a more serious and responsible choice. Among other things, you also need to decide what program the child will study in, how and what he will be taught at school.

September is just around the corner, and poor parents, in turmoil and anxiety, are studying websites about educational programs for primary schoolchildren, looking through reviews and, in a fit of despair on various forums, asking: “Which one is better?”

To protect you from such a situation and give confidence in the future of your child, I tried in this review article to tell you in an accessible and simple way about the main educational programs in the primary grades of our Russian schools for 2016-2017 academic year. And be sure to watch the video at the end of the article, you will learn a lot of new things)

Lesson plan:

"School 2100"

This is one of the few programs that is continuous, that is, children can study in it starting from kindergarten and up to the eleventh grade. “School 2100” has existed for 20 years and is widespread in Russian schools.

During training, children master a large amount of material. The program assumes independent activity of students, when the teacher does not teach, but directs and controls the learning process. At the same time, the teacher finds an individual approach to everyone. There is creativity in learning.

"School of Russia"

This is the program that our parents and some of us studied in. It’s already the 21st century, and it still remains relevant.

It’s not for nothing that the program is called “School of Russia”. If you want your child to become part of a generation true patriots, then this program will ideal solution this issue. Education, in particular, is aimed at developing in each child an interest in the country in which he lives, arousing a desire for its further study and knowledge. The program involves raising a person who will glorify his homeland, love and respect people, and also treat nature with reverence, love and caution.

System of D. B. Elkonin – V. V. Davydov

It is worth noting right away that this training program is quite complex. Its slogan could be the saying “Patience and work will grind everything down.” Information is not given to students finished form– students must learn to find it on their own by studying the causes of a particular phenomenon.

The system does not provide for marking. Instead, the teacher provides parents with information about their child's academic and creative achievements in the form of a portfolio. The main emphasis is not on the result, but on the way to achieve it. This is effective because it allows you to better remember the information that the student “chews” and “swallows” on his own.

"Promising Primary School"

Teachers teaching this program pay special attention to the individuality of each child in their work. At the same time, they take into account how old the students are, what level of development they have, and most importantly, their interests. It is well known that absolutely each of us is talented, we just need to give this talent an impetus. The teacher’s task is to awaken the child’s abilities and direct them in the right direction.

A promising elementary school assumes that during learning, children play the roles not only of those who learn something, but also of organizers educational activities. It is important that students work both independently, alone, and in groups. Particular attention is paid to the process of searching for information. The program also involves combining academic subjects in one discipline, which allows you to form complete picture peace.

"Primary school XXI century"

By studying this program, children learn to be independent, they develop the ability to control themselves without anyone’s help and evaluate themselves correctly (which is also very important). The teacher tries to conduct classes in dialogue, giving his students the right to own opinion without punishing or blaming mistakes. So there is no need to be afraid that your child will develop the so-called “excellent student syndrome.”

It is not the result itself that is assessed, but how the student arrived at it. Training also involves developing the ability to argue one’s opinion already at school, starting from the first days at the desk.


The very name of the program promises a lot to parents. The main task is to educate a child into a spiritually developed personality, the personality of a citizen.

From the first grade, younger schoolchildren develop a system of values ​​of humanism and morality. “Perspective” is aimed at awakening in every child an interest in learning something new, which ultimately develops into independence. The teacher, before giving ready-made information, shows a problem, the solution of which will be new knowledge.

"Planet of Knowledge"

The training is structured as follows. Pupils are given tasks, and not simple tasks, but creative. Children must learn to solve them on their own, but not without the help of a teacher who guides and controls his students.

Students must master the primary skills of searching for information, learn to act consistently when solving problems, and find causes and ways to eliminate them. There is a lot of information on the “Planet of Knowledge” (it’s not for nothing that it’s called that), and the teacher’s task is to help “space travelers” who find themselves in the outer space of knowledge for the first time to master it.

Zankov system

The learning process using this system is not traditional, when the teacher tells and the children remember. The teacher’s task is to ensure that new material is mastered in a creative form. Based on the examples given by the teacher, students must “get to the bottom” of the truth on their own. That is why special attention is paid practical application acquired knowledge. However, the theoretical part does not stand aside and is no less important in the learning process.

Despite high level difficulties, the system assumes rapid mastery of the material.

Russian literary critic Mikhail Gasparov in one of his works said that the school must meet the requirements that will be relevant in 20 years. And our task is to choose the school and the program that will cope with this task, if, of course, you are given the right to such a choice. It is also worth taking into account the characteristics of your child, his level of development and interests.

Personally, I give preference to the “School of Russia”. My daughter has been studying under this program for four years now. And next year my son will study it. And I'm happy with everything.

The topic of training programs is so relevant that even entire television programs are dedicated to it. One of them is below. Watch the video. A lot of information.

And remember, ShkolaLa is always there and always ready to help with good advice.

All the best!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich!

A modern primary school offers two systems for educating children: traditional, which includes seven programs: “Russian School”, “School 2100”, “Primary School of the 21st Century”, “Harmony”, “Classical Primary School”, “Prospective Primary School” , “Planet of Knowledge”, and developmental, including two programs: L.V. Zankova and D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova.

Lately some traditional elementary school programs have undergone significant changes, have been greatly improved and can already be considered developmental programs.

Traditional program “School of Russia” - the name speaks for itself. This educational and methodological complex was created specifically for teaching children living in Russia, introducing them to the traditions and culture of their great country. This is a kind of school of spiritual and moral development. The “School of Russia” program is focused on instilling in children such qualities as kindness, responsibility, the ability to empathize and provide assistance in difficult times. It develops among schoolchildren an interest in studying their Motherland, its nature, history, thereby cultivating such an important and rare quality in our time as patriotism.

The authors, when creating this program, relied on many years teaching experience Soviet, and subsequently Russian school. Learning is based on a smooth transition from simple to complex. The program thoroughly develops reading, writing and counting skills, which is the basis for further successful learning.

Textbooks for the Russian School program are very modern, colorful and interesting for children, and perfectly stimulate cognitive activity.

The School 2100 program is the only one of all that represents a system continuing education from preschool age before graduation. According to her benefits, children can study from the age of three until the senior year. The program clearly goes beyond the traditional framework, incorporating elements of an evolving program.

The educational and methodological complex of the School 2100 program is focused on the development of the child as an individual, identifying and developing creativity and interest in learning. Develops in children such qualities as determination, independence, ability to make decisions, ability to analyze, logical thinking, imagination and speech.

Education is based on the fact that basic concepts, rules and conclusions are not given to children in a ready-made form; they must figure them out on their own; the teacher only guides the child in the right direction. That is, children learn to act independently. Many tasks are based on obtaining information from sources other than educational literature.

The educational program "School of the 21st Century" refers to traditional programs, however, it is also developmental in nature. She most gently adapts former preschoolers to a new field of activity for them - studying at school. The training is structured in the form of a game. Most teachers in Russia prefer to study according to this program. The program is aimed at the harmonious development of the individual, at developing motivation for educational activities and self-education. Helps the child understand why he needs to study at all, why he needs to take his education seriously.

By studying this program, children learn to independently acquire knowledge through reflection, analysis, and fantasy. They can evaluate their successes and failures in their studies. The teacher behaves with the children on an equal basis during the lessons, allowing the children to think, debate and, thus, reach the truth.

Each student has the opportunity to study at an individual pace, because the educational material contains tasks of different levels. The set of textbooks includes so-called notebooks for the student’s correctional and developmental work, which can be used for additional work with the child in case of lag and misunderstanding of the material. The focus is not on the correct answer, but on the decision process itself.

A set of textbooks for the program“Primary School of the XXI Century” was awarded the Russian Presidential Prize in the field of education and is the winner of the “competition to create a new generation of textbooks for primary schools.”

“Harmony” is a program that combines traditional education methods with developmental ones. The name suggests that the program is aimed at developing harmonious relationships between teachers and students and between children. The program helps develop logical thinking and creative abilities. Aimed at strengthening physical and mental health child.

The educational material is very interesting, the emphasis is on advanced learning, new promising technologies are used in teaching children of different levels of development. Children do not memorize the rules, but with their own minds, with the help special exercises come to the necessary conclusions.

The kit includes textbooks containing a methodological part, so parents themselves can explain the topic to the child at home and help them cope with homework. Children who received primary education under the Harmony program are highly literate.

The educational and methodological set in mathematics of the “Harmony” program was awarded the Russian Government Prize in the field of education.

“Classical Primary School” is a traditional program, almost identical to the “School of Russia” program. It differs from it in its set of textbooks. This is the most classic, effective program developed over the years for primary education. It is completely built on traditional methods, but with the introduction of modern scientific pedagogical approaches. Thanks to step-by-step learning and solid consolidation of reading, writing and counting skills, it gives children a good basis for continuing their education in high school. From the first days of classes, the program is aimed at getting children interested in further education.

All textbooks and notebooks are decorated with colorful illustrations. The lessons are filled with various competitions, games and quizzes. Some of the tasks are aimed at working together with parents, thereby involving them in the exciting process of their children’s education. The program helps the child fall in love with the book and teaches how to work with it. Knowledge in the program is not given in a ready-made form, but must be acquired jointly by students and the teacher, that is, the program promotes the development of logical thinking.

The “Promising Primary School” program is the most successful program of all existing ones, suitable for rural schools in which students from grades 1 to 4 study simultaneously in the same room. It contains everything important methods of all existing programs. The program is created taking into account the age categories of schoolchildren, be it a six-year-old first-grader or an eight-year-old, and takes into account different level schoolchild preparation. The emphasis is on both individual activities child, and on the joint work of students, promoting the development of dialogue between them. Teaches you to work not only with the textbook, but also with various reference books. The teacher gives a task to a group of students and then leaves to work with another group. Thus, schoolchildren develop independence, the ability to work and live in a team, that is, to help others, criticize and adequately respond to criticism addressed to them, and be able to explain and defend their point of view.

The program is built strictly on the principle of complication educational material. With this program, children quickly develop fluent reading, writing and counting skills.

The textbooks are filled with interesting fairy-tale material that helps develop creative thinking, logic and memory. A lot of time is spent physical health children, teaching the child to cleanliness, order, gymnastics and daily routine. Training assignments involve parents in completing tasks together.

The traditional “Planet of Knowledge” program is good because even the youngest children can learn from it. The approach to teaching is non-standard and departs from the classic “the teacher explains the task, the children complete it.” All tasks are developmental in nature. The program is focused on developing children's creative abilities. For each child studying under the “Planet of Knowledge” program, there is his own teaching method that helps him to perfectly master the material. The program stimulates the manifestation of independence, initiative, and helps to see the same subject in different ways.

The set of educational literature is interesting in that before the beginning of each section there is a plan for further training. Thus, the child sees what he will study in the future. Each section ends after studying test work and a test sheet, which allow the teacher, as well as the student himself, to test his knowledge of this section. Textbooks contain many tasks of different difficulty levels, which gives students the opportunity to choose a task specifically for themselves. Many exercises are focused on working with reference books and working in a group, developing children's communication skills in society.

Developmental program L.V. Zankova is the complete opposite of traditional programs. It is based on a trusting relationship between teacher and student. The teacher first offers to complete the tasks, and the students must reach the theory with their own minds through various discussions, obtaining information from various sources, reflection and debate. The program perfectly reveals the individual abilities of each child. Focused on awakening interest in learning, developing intelligence and curiosity. Although quite difficult because the learning process is fast paced, at the same time it is very attractive and exciting for children.

In addition to school lessons, the program involves close communication between teacher and children outside of school through joint visits to various cultural events, walks and excursions. Children who studied under the L.V. program Zankova, excellent conversationalists, have a broad outlook and their knowledge is much higher than that of children studying according to traditional systems.

Developmental program D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova is focused on developing strong theoretical knowledge in children, that is, rules and concepts occupy a dominant position here, but they are not given in the form of ready-made truths. Children must reach them themselves through logical thinking, working in a group or individually, debating, arguing among themselves and discussing the results. And only then, with the help of the teacher, draw the right conclusions. The program develops in a child the ability to think deeply and unconventionally.

The program is much richer than ordinary traditional programs. Children trained in it are very sociable, respect the opinions of others, but do not take all words for granted; they require mandatory evidence.

There is little homework in this program; everything is done in the classroom, where the children are busy with interesting work, but at home they relax.

Many textbooks are winners of new generation textbook competitions.

The program is considered difficult, but only because there are very few competent teachers who can work with this program.