Essays on the topic "War and Peace". Interesting Who or what can you be faithful to?

Discussions on the theme “War and Peace” - for the 150th anniversary of the great book

Essays on the topic "War and Peace"

Examples of school essays on the topic
"War and Peace - to the 150th anniversary of the great book"

"War and Peace" - an encyclopedia of Russian life
Tolstoy imagined the planned work as a reminder that the people are a huge moral force that subjugates all the healthy forces of society. The writer immerses himself in the material of history in order to find in it an explanation for many phenomena of his time. And when Tolstoy’s gaze stops at the era of 1812, “folk thought” captures his entire being. It took “five years of incessant and exceptional labor under the best living conditions” to say what “no one will ever say.” The writing of "War and Peace" resulted in the birth of a previously unknown genre in literature - the epic novel. In terms of the breadth of life, the depth and power of revealing human characters, world literature knows nothing equal.

In War and Peace, Tolstoy tried to write the history of the people. The true hero of his work is the Russian people, those Karps and Vlass, who did not take hay to Moscow to sell hay to the French for big money, but burned it. The popular nature of the war affected not only the spiritual unity of the people and progressive strata of Russian society, but also the spontaneous growth of the partisan movement that unfolded in the territory captured by the enemy. Disregarding the rules of military art, the partisans dealt crushing blows to the French. Fascinating and interesting, with great tact and skill, Tolstoy depicts partisan raids behind enemy lines under the command of Denis Davydov, talks about the sexton who became the head of the detachment, about the elder Vasilisa, who exterminated hundreds of French. "Cudgel people's war“,” writes Tolstoy, “rose with all its formidable and majestic strength and, without asking anyone’s tastes and rules, with stupid simplicity, but with expediency, without considering anything, it rose, fell and nailed the French until the entire invasion was destroyed.” .

People's destinies are intertwined in the novel with the life destinies of individual heroes. This gives the whole picture the character of universality, aesthetic diversity, held together by the unity of the author’s thought. The life of Russian society in one of the most interesting periods of its history appeared in Tolstoy’s depiction in all its completeness due to the fact that in his novel he depicted people of various social groups and classes from the standpoint of popular ideas about life. The writer is merciless to all kinds of lies, hypocrisy, deception, public and family. And he stigmatizes this when he creates types of a circle of people alien to him - high dignitaries, representatives royal court, officials, staff officers using the war for personal gain. And vice versa, he is full of high inspiration and optimism when depicting heroes and heroines close to his heart - they are the “guides” of the artist’s thoughts and feelings, the embodiment of his aesthetic and moral rules. This is how Andrei and Pierre, Natasha Rostova and Maria Bolkonskaya, Kutuzov and Bagration appear in the novel.

In War and Peace, Tolstoy sought to tell not only the truth about the human soul, but also the truth of history. And therefore, all the contradictions of the writer’s “personal thought” in no way detract from the artistic merits of the novel or reduce the level of the narrative. With this epic novel, Tolstoy entered the world literature as the author of the greatest work ever written.

Reasoning on the topic

“War and Peace” is a unique description of the life of the people, masterfully compiled by the author. True heroes The work features the Vlas and Karpi nationalities. They have their own values ​​and priorities. They are not selling their country. And even at a critical time, they do not accept seemingly favorable conditions for the purchase of hay by France, but simply burn it, thereby showing that the Russian spirit is unshakable. National unity and cohesion are manifested not only in this. The work fully reveals the features of the spontaneous growth of the partisan movement that formed in the occupied territory. This is truly impressive, since the work describes the subtle rules of military art in simple, prosaic language. For me personally, this answered many questions.

It is also impossible not to admire such a fascinating and heartfelt intertwining of the destinies of some characters from the people with individual heroes of the epic. Such a pronounced feature gives the work aesthetics, charisma and fascination.

Reading “War and Peace” it is impossible to do without imagination, since the novel reveals the mystery of one of the most interesting periods in the development of Russia. In addition, the work clearly reflects the life and structure of various social strata of the population, expressing their attitude to life through popular opinion.

As in any other work, this magnificent novel also has a line of love, faith, friendship, deception, betrayal, self-interest, meanness and hypocrisy, only here it is all expressed through society and its perception of these features. As for me, special attention deserves the historical side of the work, which impresses with its richness and versatility. The confrontation between Napoleon and Kutuzov is the key idea of ​​the epic. These heroes are identified with good and evil, light and dark, wealth and poverty. Kutuzov is the personification of the people, while Napoleon is characterized by the greedy bourgeoisie.

I believe that “War and Peace” is a work about the people and for the people. It describes not only the splendor of the Russian soul, but also the truth of the past, which is very important for modern society, which reduces everything to material values, forgetting about honor, dignity and aspirations.

Reasoning on the topic
"War and Peace - to the 150th anniversary of the great book"
The basis of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy's greatest work, the epic novel War and Peace, was real events which took place in Russia at the beginning of the nineteenth century. It was a difficult time for the country, there was a war going on. The writer described military battles, negotiations between the Russian and French armies, harsh military councils and peaceful life. The first part of the epic novel "War and Peace" tells how the army Russian Empire fought abroad in 1805 - 1807.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy very accurately describes how these campaigns began. The writer talks about the military review, how soldiers and officers gathered in Braunau. They walked all the way to Austria from distant Russia, tired and dirty, the warriors, who were falling off their feet, repaired their clothes and equipment. Many were wearing shoes that had fallen apart after such a hard hike. Kutuzov presented this tired army to the Austrian military leaders, in the hope that they would see that the Russian army was not capable of setting out in such a state to join the Austrian army. It was no coincidence that Tolstoy described this scene in War and Peace. Common soldiers, and many officers did not understand at all why and why they were forced to fight.

This, it seems to me, was the main task of the author of “War and Peace” - to show how terrible a phenomenon war is. It makes absolutely no sense and destroys innocent people. The cruelty and inhumanity of this terrible and tragic event cannot be described. And throughout the entire work, Tolstoy periodically tells his readers about this. He does not romanticize the image of war, soldiers, not at all. In the novel "War and Peace" the author focuses specifically on blood and human suffering. Reading these lines, it’s hard not to be horrified.

One of the main characters of L. N. Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace” is Nikolai Rostov. For the first time in his life he found himself on the battlefield, for the first time he encountered death, blood and inhuman cruelty. In his youth, Rostov dreamed of war and exploits; battles were presented to him exclusively in a romantic light. He believed that he could prove himself on the battlefield and earn the respect of his comrades. But during the first attack, Rostov realized that there is not a drop of romance in war, that war is horror, blood, death and crippled destinies. As a result of the first battle in which Nikolai Rostov took part, his horse was killed, and he himself was wounded in the arm. Everything that is happening for Rostov looks like a very bad dream. Fortunately, the young warrior managed to escape. He very much regretted going to war.

There are a lot of characters in Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. Some of them are negative and unpleasant for us, others evoke respect and pride. One of these positive characters is Captain Tushin. He was a very brave, honest and courageous warrior who did not experience a drop of fear during terrible battles. What struck me most was his modesty and courage.

The author of the novel "War and Peace" admires the courage and heroism of the soldiers and officers of the Russian army who selflessly fought on the Austrian battlefields. At the same time, Tolstoy really wants there to be no more war on earth. This writer was a true humanist, and all his work was aimed at world peace.

IN modern society, where a person is often judged by his status, physical form, the presence of money and jewelry, it is very difficult to remain himself. Many people want to become like everyone else so much that they end up almost completely losing their uniqueness. But how can you succeed if you only imitate other people?

Imitators are not confident in themselves, but at the same time they pretend to be very important people. They are constantly trying to prove something to someone and overtake someone. It's worth remembering that successful people, who are admired by everyone, are not chasing money and are not trying to look cool. This does not mean that they lead an ascetic lifestyle and are indifferent to beautiful and expensive things. It's just that for them these things are not an indicator of success. Such people do not imitate anyone.

What characteristics are characteristic of people who remain true to themselves in any situation?

1. Ability to reflect

To maintain your individuality, you need to know exactly what kind of person you really are. In order to do this, reflection is needed. If you are only interested in other people, you will never understand what you need from life. Therefore, analyze your thoughts and actions.

Reflection helps you achieve inner harmony, which increases your resistance to stress. You stop being interested in the status of other people because you are confident enough in yourself to work on yourself. You have nothing to hide. It gives you the freedom to be yourself. Copycats have no such luxury.

2. Healthy selfishness

Imitators cannot find a balance between their interests and the interests of other people. Those who are true to themselves know their worth. Only if you have healthy egoism can you become good.

Healthy egoism implies that it is important to you what others want, you know how to empathize with them, without forgetting about your own needs, but also without getting hung up on them.

3. Focus on opportunities

A person guided only by his own interests is focused only on himself and his desires. He always tries to achieve them in the fastest way, while resorting to various manipulations. Such people absolutely need to get what they want here and now, to snatch something before others get it.

True leaders understand that sometimes in order to win a war, you have to lose a battle.

People who are true to themselves do not dwell on temporary and sometimes inevitable failures. They are focused on their ultimate goal and the opportunities that open up for a person who works patiently and does not back down from challenges.

4. Strength of character

Spineless and weak-willed people cannot remain true to themselves. They refuse their words and promises and do not know how to take responsibility for their actions.

Usually people trust only those who are responsible for their words and know how to keep their emotions under control. Consistency and consistency are traits that are attractive to a leader.

Additionally, people who are true to themselves admit their mistakes, don't take things personally, and know how to laugh at themselves. This indicates their internal integrity. Those who follow the crowd, on the other hand, are constantly in a state of stress and uncertainty. Fearful that someone will take their place and steal their glory, they sacrifice integrity and strength of character in order to stay afloat.

5. Foresight

Inner integrity makes you open to new possibilities. You are not afraid to act unconventionally, and this affects all aspects of your life, especially your career.

You are far-sighted, and this makes you interesting to other people. You know what you're aiming for, and you help others set bigger goals and achieve them. You constantly push yourself and those around you to raise your bar. Your whole life is a constant, and you inspire other people to it.

6. Listening skills

People who remain themselves in all situations have a stable self-esteem, which gives them the ability to listen and hear other people, even when they express opposing ideas.

People with integrity are willing to listen to opinions different from their own and reconsider their views when they realize they are wrong.

The ability to listen is related to the ability to learn. A holistic person tends to strive for truth. With this approach, your actions, principles and ideas are in harmony with each other, which allows you to fully realize yourself.

7. Honesty and integrity

Only people who are true to themselves are able to communicate openly with other people. When you are confident in yourself, you come to the ideal combination of honesty and consideration for others, which almost always leads a person to success. You don't need to keep people guessing what you meant.

A person with integrity seems to radiate a sense of inner peace and confidence. He is not ashamed to make mistakes, he does not hide his weaknesses. Unlike imitators, such people are brave enough to show others their true nature and express their opinion, whatever it may be.

8. Balance and equanimity

Confident people do not judge others. When they weigh and evaluate the opinions of others, even if those opinions do not coincide with their own, it is done with respect. Integrity people have no need to put others down.

Allows such people to avoid unnecessary emotional reaction to attack in your direction. They try to look at controversial situations more objectively.

9. Flexibility and ability to work in a team

A person who always remains himself is distinguished by an orientation towards teamwork. Healthy flexibility in relation to other people allows him to focus on everyone's interests. Such a person knows how to form a team that is able to work effectively. He shares his success and achievements with his team members.

Imitators, on the contrary, usually find it difficult to join the team. They destroy it with their selfishness and inability to change to achieve common good. It is worth remembering that success comes to those who know how to constantly adapt to changing conditions, while remaining true to their principles. Copycats don't have this skill.

10. Persistence and resilience

A person who is true to himself is able to resist temptations. He lives by the principle “time for business, time for fun.” He doesn't feel guilty about being unproductive because he knows he's always working at his best.

Every obstacle that such a person encounters on the way, he uses as an opportunity for self-improvement and benefits from his experience. This only adds to his confidence that he can cope with any difficulties.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that people who can maintain their individuality are characterized by self-confidence, internal integrity and flexibility, which are closely related to others positive qualities. These traits do not form on their own. We all have qualities of leaders and imitators. It is important to understand in which direction you need to develop in order to achieve success.

Currently, few people understand the true meaning of the word “loyalty,” but in life it has great meaning and importance. Loyalty is a rare value and virtue that a person can possess. It is priceless, it lies in perseverance, constancy in feelings, relationships, words, responsibilities, and duty. Based on resilience, responsibility, sacrifice, courage and honesty. And value is a stable positive assessment that has great meaning for a person, it is kindness, truth, justice and love.
IN modern world people are accustomed to measuring others more by the size of their bodies and their wallets of money than by the size of their human soul. The loyalty of many people is not worth anything at all today; they often betray their own friends, comrades, relatives, looking for justification in some motives incomprehensible to others, only they themselves understand them. They betray for the sake of money, fame, honor in society, envy and malice.

Betrayal can be considered one of the most terrible human vices; the only people who do not know it are animals. A devoted dog will wait for a person until death, and love him regardless of whether he is rich or poor, handsome or unattractive in appearance.

Loyalty presupposes a trusting attitude towards a certain person; one has to adjust one’s behavior and subordinate it to the interests of another. To be faithful or not is the choice of each person, it must be conscious. To be faithful means to share with a person his sorrows and joys together, to be responsible to him. Loyalty lays the foundation for the future of strong family relationships, which play one of the most important roles in life. Loyalty is one of the best moral qualities people, this is a pure and bright feeling that is devoid of any economic component.

But, unfortunately, in the modern world a large number of people are not attached of great importance This concept is often neglected. After all, if you want the people around you to treat you well, start with yourself, repay them in the same coin, and you will receive exactly the same attitude that you give to people.

The value of fidelity lies in the fact that this virtue makes the spirit strong and can withstand many temptations in life; provides reliable support in life situations, love relationships, service to the fatherland; frees you from beautiful temptations; pushes to the growth of a person’s personality; allows you to fulfill the obligations that a person has taken on.

In life, fidelity manifests itself in all its spheres. Strong family ties are unthinkable without maintaining the fidelity of the spouses, although, having taken an oath to this, they soon forget about it and, without a twinge of conscience, begin a relationship on side. This is how the concept of fidelity is lost in the family, and as a result the family collapses. Taking an oath by a military person necessarily implies loyalty. Priests and martyrs who die for their faith never give it up and remain faithful to their convictions to the end.

Loyalty can be learned; through self-development a person learns and improves his best qualities, this also applies to fidelity. By overcoming difficulties and obligations, a person can learn to be true to himself and this word. If the family remains true to its interests, this will serve as an example for children to follow.

Plato has good words: “Whoever has never sworn allegiance will never break it,” this is true. Anyone who does not know the concept and meaning of this word will never be like that and should not expect this from him in the future. Loyalty must be valued and its importance understood, being faithful does not mean being weak, this virtue is priceless in life and has great strength.

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I will give you one hint for your final exam. One day, you will stand before God and He will evaluate your faithfulness. He will look at seven different aspects of your life to judge your fidelity. Therefore, you should take special interest in how to develop these seven areas of your personal life and your ministry.

1. Do you have the right goals? A faithful person knows what is important in life and what is not. A faithful person knows how to rationally use the life given to him. A faithful man gives an account of his life. A faithful person distinguishes the significant from the insignificant.

In Prov. 28:20 says: “A faithful man abounds in blessings, and he who hastens to get rich will not go unpunished.”. This verse contrasts loyalty with the desire to get rich quickly. This is not about making money. It talks about the need to understand that there is more to life than the accumulation of things. The Bible teaches that we must live in this materialistic world like a fish swimming upstream. Loyalty is proven by our refusal to accept the values ​​of a system that says the “almighty dollar” is the #1 goal in our lives. Faithfulness is often demonstrated by choosing a less expensive lifestyle to free up time for service.

2. Do you care about other people's interests? The second criterion by which God will evaluate our faithfulness is our attitude towards the needs of other people. Have we cared about the relationships of others, not just our own relationships?

Loyalty swims against the tide of modern culture, which asks: “What is there for me here? What are my needs, my ambitions, my desires, my goals, my pain, my values, my gain, my gain?” But God says that our faithfulness is expressed in our other-centeredness, when we share our lives with others, focusing on other people's needs and not just our own.

3. Do you live honorably before unbelievers? In other words, the measure of fidelity is the quality of your testimony before outside world. The Bible teaches that a pastor must be “blameless” in the community and have a good reputation, not only among believers, but also among unbelievers. When God evaluates your faithfulness, He will not look at your eloquence, He will be interested in how you prove yourself to others.

4. Do you keep your promises? When God evaluates your faithfulness, He will remember all your promises. Proverbs 20:25 says: “The net for a person is to make a vow hastily, and after the vow to reflect.”. It is much easier to get into debt than to pay off debt (which is a promise to pay back money). It's easier to start a relationship than to end it. It's easier to write a schedule than to live by it. But the Bible says, “If you say it, do it.” Keep your promises. The No. 1 reason for grievances and indignations is failure to fulfill promises.

5. Are you developing your God-given gifts? The Bible places great emphasis on using the gifts and talents God has given us. God has invested in your life and expects a return. 1 Peter 4:10 says: “Serve one another, each with the gift that you have received, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”. Notice it says that if you don't use your spiritual gifts, you become an infidel. Loyalty is based on what we do with what we have.

6. Do you keep God's commandments? In 1 Samuel 2:35 God says: “And I will appoint for myself a faithful priest”, and emphasizes - “He will do according to My heart and according to My soul”. God determines loyalty as “obedience to the commandments of Christ.” We may be gifted leaders and speakers, but disobedience disqualifies us from God's definition of faithful. It's simple, but very important.

7. Do you pass on your knowledge to others? The Bible teaches a lot about the principle of multiplication. You must pass on what you have received to the faithful, and so on. None of us would be here today if it were not for the faithfulness of men and women over 2,000 years of the Church. We teach today because some faithful men and women took the time to write the Scriptures, others preserved the Scriptures, and others translated the Scriptures. We sit here because faithful people have testified to us.

If God has taught you any spiritual truth, it is your responsibility to pass it on to others.

How can I become faithful? Galatians 5:22-23 says: “The fruit of the Spirit is faith (faithfulness in some translations)”. This is one of the nine gifts. When the Holy Spirit works in my life, I will be faithful. How do you know if you are filled with the Spirit? What sign? Maybe some kind of emotional experience?


Not always. You can experience something and still not be filled with the Spirit. What sign? Fetus. How can I show that I am filled with the Spirit? I show this when I am faithful in what God expects of me.

Rick Warren is the founder of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, one of the largest and most influential churches in America. Rick is a bestselling author NY Times - "The Purposeful Life." His book, The Purpose Driven Church, has been named one of the Christian books that changed the world in the 20th century. He is also the founder of, a global community of pastors.

Translation - Sergey Karpenko For

People often talk about what it means to be faithful. Loyalty is steadfastness and constancy in feelings, relationships, fulfillment of one’s responsibilities and duty. Balzac once said: “Consistency is the basis of virtue.” The meaning of his statement is that you need to value loyalty and try with all your might to demonstrate it. For me, loyalty is a concept that every person should know and honor.

After all, loyalty is a manifestation of will, consciousness and fortitude. We must be faithful to our family, loved one, Motherland and, of course, to ourselves.

Thinking about fidelity, I can’t help but turn to I.A. Bunin. His short stories are filled with sadness and sadness, because this writer believed that love is always unhappy. The heroine of the story “Dark Alleys” Nadezhda carried her love for Nikolai throughout her life and remained faithful to him. For him, the relationship with Nadezhda was a fleeting romance, but she has been devoted to this love for many years. Years later, a woman becomes independent, wealthy, and devotes her life to her favorite business. Nikolai’s life is not going well. His wife left him, his son grew up to be a dishonest, unscrupulous man. Only many years later Nikolai realized that he had betrayed Nadezhda when he forgot about her. Only now did he realize that this love was the main thing in his life. The heroine cannot forgive him for his betrayal, but loyalty to her beloved warms her heart and the memories make her happy at least for a couple of moments.

Let's also remember the works fiction M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”. main character novel - Margarita is for me an example of dedication and loyalty towards a loved one. She had enormous willpower and tolerance, even when the Master was going through a difficult period in his life, she remained close, supported and encouraged him. The young man voluntarily goes to a clinic for the mentally ill because he believes that in this state he will only bring sorrow and disappointment to Margarita. The master was very mistaken. All this time, without her beloved, the girl suffers a lot and finds no place for herself. To save her beloved, Margarita, without a shadow of a doubt, sells her soul to Woland and becomes a witch. It was only thanks to her that the Master was rescued from the clinic. Margarita remained faithful to her beloved to the end. Even Woland was able to appreciate the girl for her devotion. She followed her lover from beginning to end and shared his fate with the master. It was her image that became the personification of true love and fidelity in the literature of the 20th century.

To summarize, we can conclude that to be faithful means to love your neighbor more than yourself. In both joy and sorrow, be close to your loved one, care for and help him, despite your own interests.