What psychological problems are associated with kidney disease? Psychosomatics: Louise Hay explains how to get rid of the disease once and for all

Louise Hay's psychosomatics of diseases is a system of knowledge expressed in a table of relationships between psychological factors and somatic ailments. Louise Hay's table is based on her own observations and many years of experience. Her vision of the cause-and-effect relationship between the psyche and the body is published in the book “Heal Your Body,” where she outlines her thoughts, observations and recommendations for people. The woman claims that negative emotions, experiences and memories are destructive to the body.

The psychosomatics of diseases in Louise Hay's table shows how these internal destructive impulses affect the health of the body. In addition to the root cause of diseases, Louise Hay gives recommendations regarding self-treatment using the settings that she lists next to the disease.

Louise Hay cannot be called a pioneer in science. The first knowledge about the influence of the soul on the body appeared in Ancient Greece, where philosophers discussed the connection between psychological experiences and their impact on health. Along with this, medicine eastern countries also developed this knowledge. However, their observations are not scientific, but are only the fruit of guesswork and assumptions.

In the mid-19th century, there were attempts to isolate psychosomatics, but it was not yet popular at that time. Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, tried to study diseases caused by the unconscious. He identified several ailments: bronchial asthma, allergies and migraines. However, his arguments had no scientific basis, and his hypotheses were not accepted.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first serious observations were systematized by Franz Alexander and Helen Dunbar. It was then that they laid scientific basis psychosomatic medicine, formulating the concept of the “Chicago Seven”, which includes seven main psychosomatic diseases. Towards the middle of the 20th century, a journal dealing with psychosomatic illnesses began to be published in the United States. Another popular author who deals with the psychosomatics of various diseases is.

Louise Hay doesn't have special education. Almost all her life she was looking for part-time work and did not have permanent employment. She was prompted to study the influence of negative emotions by childhood and adolescent psychological trauma. In the 70s, she found herself and began preaching in a church where she realized that she was involuntarily counseling parishioners and partially healing them. While working, she began to compile her own reference book, which eventually turned into Louise Hay's psychosomatic table.

The impact of psychological problems on physical health

Psychosomatics is now a scientific system that contains knowledge from biology, physiology, medicine, psychology and sociology. There are several theories that explain in their own way the influence of psychological problems on the health of the body:

Who is at risk for psychosomatic problems

There is a risk group that includes people with certain personality traits and types of thinking:

It is important to remember that the temporary appearance of one of the points does not affect health. However, constant stay in this state has a detrimental effect on the body.

Description of the summary psychosomatic table of major diseases

Louise Hay's summary table describes the psychological causes of illness. The most common of them:

How to work with this table correctly:

On the left are diseases or syndromes. On right - psychological reason their occurrence. Just look at the list and find your ailment, then – the cause.

How can you heal yourself?

You won’t be able to completely recover on your own; to do this, you need to see a psychotherapist. Often thoughts or emotions that lead to the development of diseases are not realized. They exist somewhere in the unconscious. Only full-fledged work with a psychotherapist will give a healing effect.

However, you can carry out prevention yourself. Psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis are the only things that can help a person prevent the development of psychosomatic diseases. Psychohygiene includes the following subsections:

  1. Psychohygiene of the family and sexual activity.
  2. Psychohygiene of education, training at school and university.
  3. Psychohygiene of work and rest.

Ultimately, psychological hygiene is aimed at satisfying the basic needs of life:

Louise Hay's model of healing

Louise Hay used an integrated approach in the healing process, which in 1977 allowed the woman to get rid of cancer on her own. She abandoned the methods of traditional medicine and decided to put her knowledge into practice.

Louise Hay created several exercises for everyday work on yourself:

The woman herself did this: every morning she thanked herself for what she now has. Louise then meditated and took a shower. After which she began morning exercises, had breakfast with fruit and tea and got to work.

Affirmations using the Louise Hay method

Louise Hay gained popularity with her affirmations. These are positive verbal attitudes towards life, repeating which daily, a person gets rid of internal experiences and negative ways of thinking. The author of the book “Heal Yourself” has compiled a number of such affirmations that she recommends repeating to achieve success and healing. She created installations for everyone: women, men, children and the elderly.

The most common settings:

  • I am worthy of a good life;
  • I enjoy every day;
  • I am unique and incomparable;
  • I have the power to solve any problem;
  • I don't need to be afraid of change;
  • my life is in my hands;
  • I respect myself, others respect me;
  • I am strong and confident;
  • expressing your feelings is safe;
  • I have great friends;
  • I find it easy to cope with difficulties;
  • all obstacles are surmountable.

How to use the book “Heal Yourself”

Reading this book means more than just skimming the chapters. Reading psychological literature implies a deep awareness of every thought of the author. In the process of studying the material, it is necessary to form an internal review of what you read, analyze your feelings and thoughts. This is not only working with the text, but also working on yourself while reading.

35 353 0 Hello! In the article you will get acquainted with a table that lists the main diseases and the emotional problems that caused them, according to Louise Hay. It also contains affirmations that will help you heal from these physical and psychological problems.

Psychosomatics of illnesses by Louise Hay

Louise Hay's table of psychosomatic illnesses is based on many years of observation of the relationship between the human body and its mental state. According to the psychologist, all negative emotional shocks, neurosis, internal grievances and worries directly lead to illness.

The table fully describes their root causes, as well as ways to combat them using. The table became the basis of Louise Hay's book “Heal Yourself,” which helps people change the course of their lives, make it more joyful and successful.

Louise Hay's disease table

Disease Cause of illness Formula
Abscess(abscess)Touchiness, vindictiveness, feeling undervaluedI'm releasing mine. I stop thinking about the past. My soul is at peace.
Perianal abscess Anger at something you can’t get rid of.I can get rid of everything safely. I release from my body what is unnecessary to me.
Adenoiditis Misunderstandings in the family, clashes. The child lacks a feeling of self-love from loved ones.This baby is the whole Universe for his parents. They were really looking forward to it and were grateful to fate for it.
Alcohol addiction Lostness, the feeling that you are to blame, disrespect for your person.The present is my reality. Every new moment gives renewed emotions. I am beginning to realize why I am important to this world. All my actions are correct and justified.
Allergic reactions Rejection of someone. Rejection of oneself as a strong personality.There is no danger in the world for me, for we are friends. There are no dangers around me. The Universe and I live in harmony.
Amenorrhea(absence of a menstrual cycle for six months or more)Rejection of oneself as a woman. Self-dislike.I'm glad I'm a woman. I am a perfect creature of nature with timely menstruation.
Amnesia(memory loss)A permanent state of fear. Attempts to escape from real life. Inability to defend yourself.I am intelligent, courageous and have a high opinion of myself as a person. Everything around me is absolutely safe.
Angina(affirmations should be pronounced after treating the throat with herbs)You want to be rude to everyone around you. It seems to you that you are not able to convey the idea in any other way.I take off my shackles and become a free person, capable of being what nature created me to be.
Anemia Lack of joyful excitement in the soul, regardless of the situation. Unreasonable fears about any minor problem. Bad feeling.Joyful feelings help me move forward and make my life brighter. My gratitude to the Universe is limitless.
Sickle cell anemia


Treatment of any disease, according to Louise Hay, occurs at the level of psychological influence. For complete healing, it is important to combine the main treatment with regular recitation of affirmations, sincerely believing in your healing, and the result will not be long in coming.

101 thoughts that carry power

Useful articles:

According to some psychologists, any illness is not an accident; there is a connection between the spiritual and the physical, between our thoughts and the state of our physical body. Having decided to put an end to any disease, you should first of all identify the mental (mental) cause of its occurrence. Symptoms of the disease are just a reflection of internal deep processes. You will have to go deep into yourself to discover and destroy the spiritual cause of the disease.

The list of mental stereotypes we have given was compiled by the American psychologist Louise Hay as a result of many years of research, based on her experience working with patients. We also provide an interpretation Russian psychologist Vladimir Zhikarentsev.

Behind the sign MINUS the psychological cause of the disease is written; behind the sign PLUS there is a new stereotype of thinking that leads to recovery; sign SIMILARITIES reveals what the organ is responsible for in a psychological sense.

  1. Find mental reason. See if it suits you. If not, think about what thoughts could trigger the disease?
  2. Repeat the stereotype several times.
  3. Introduce into your consciousness the idea that you are on the path to recovery.
  4. This meditation should be repeated daily, because... it creates a healthy mind and, as a result, a healthy body.
Name of disease or organ

KIDNEYS - found: 2

1. KIDNEYS- (Louise Hay)

Criticism, disappointment, failure. A shame. Reaction like small child.

What always happens in my life is what divine providence prescribes. And every time it only leads to a good result. Growing up is safe.

2. KIDNEYS- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Criticism, disappointment, annoyance, failure, failure, lack of something, mistake, inconsistency, inability. You react like a little child.

The right Divine act always takes place in my life. Only benefit comes from every experience I have. It is safe for me to be happy and grow up.

Louise Hay's table is a kind of key to understanding the cause of a particular disease. It's very simple: the body, like everything else in our lives, is nothing more than a direct reflection of our beliefs. Our body talks to us all the time - if only we took the time to listen... Every cell in the body reacts to our every thought and every word, the author claims.

Unfortunately, it appeared “thanks” to her difficult fate, the fact that she had to go through truly tragic things, but this decoding of ailments is an indispensable assistant not only for her readers, but also for professional doctors, the relationship between the signs of the disease and the diagnosis itself is so accurately noted. .


AFFIRMATIONS for prosperity and success:

AFFIRMATIONS for dissolving grievances:

LOUISE HAY Finance and self-love:

LOUISE HAY Forgiveness Affirmation:

LOUISE HAY 101 thoughts that carry power

LOUISE HAY meditation "Healing Light"

LOUISE HAY "Become happy in 21 days"




Opposite the name in the table there are 2 columns - the cause of the disease and the mood for recovery or affirmation. We would like to immediately explain what affirmation is. An affirmation is a textual form of self-persuasion that must be repeated many times. Those who have already worked with Sytin’s moods know that it is necessary not just to pronounce the text, but to literally imagine an image, a picture in this case of change, self-acceptance, and, as a result, recovery.

Of course, it is difficult to immediately accept this simple truth that our illnesses are just unexpressed negative emotions - anger, resentment, sadness, disappointment, even despair, despondency. It’s easier to put the responsibility for your recovery and fate, for example, on a doctor or on your family, but will this help you, asks Louise Hay. The table of affirmations is a kind of “heart-to-heart conversation” with yourself, with those problems that prevent you from becoming happy. In our opinion, the disease must be combated comprehensively. These include pills, competent doctors, and of course an attitude for the best.


Louise Hay (birth name Lepta Kau, born October 8, 1926)– a self-made woman, the embodiment of the American dream. Even quickly reading her biography (a difficult, poor childhood, a tense emotional background in the family, early pregnancy, cancer) you understand how much she had to go through before she came to the top - millions of copies of books (the most famous “Heal Your Life” was published in 1984) , fame, participation in television programs, shows, etc.

And although the ideas that Louise Hay carries in her books are as old as the hills, however, few people apply them in life - so quickly we rush each in our own orbit, some happily, some quite the opposite, and there is no time to stop and look at yourself from the outside. In short, the writer teaches to understand and accept oneself, arguing that without this “base”, the basis there is no successful future. The relationship between specific diseases and the internal state of a person is also clearly shown.

About developing self-love.

The writer claims that when we fully accept and love ourselves, life immediately begins to change for the better, even in small things. We begin to attract new interesting events, new people, financial prosperity appears, confidence in tomorrow. All her affirmations are based on this belief. And these are not miracles, but a natural pattern that people have forgotten how to believe in!

Also, as a result of complete acceptance of yourself, you begin to change in appearance, many quickly become younger, your weight returns to normal, you feel a surge of strength and energy.

About self-perception and self-criticism

In no case should you criticize yourself, says L. Hay, allow yourself to be imperfect today, because many simply torment themselves with a lack of perfection, make some achievement an indispensable condition for self-love, for example: “I would love myself, if I had an ideal weight, but now... no, what kind of ideal am I?” When and who stopped us from praising ourselves? Criticism creates a lot of problems. Of course, you need to strive for perfection, but not at the expense of happiness and health, in the end. Believe me, the most beautiful people are happy people, and it is at the moment when you stop biting yourself for your imperfections that they will evaporate like smoke.

At least for the sake of experimentation, give yourself time and don’t criticize yourself, work with affirmations, you will see a result that will amaze you! This is not about “selfishness,” but about gratitude to God and fate for the gift of life.

Without exception, all the events in your life up to now were created only by you, with the help of your beliefs based on past experiences. They were created by you with the help of thoughts and words that you used yesterday, last week, last month, last year, 10, 20, 30, 40 years ago, depending on your age.

However, everything is in the past. What matters is your choice of what to think and believe now. Always remember that these thoughts and words will create your future. Your strength is in the present moment. The present moment creates the events of tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, etc. Notice what you are thinking right now as you read these lines. Are these thoughts positive or negative? Do you want these thoughts of yours to influence your future?

The only thing you need to work with, says Louise Hay, is your thought, and the thought can be consciously changed. It doesn’t matter what the nature of your problem is, it is only a reflection of your train of thought. For example, the thought flashed through your mind: “I am a bad person.” A thought entails a feeling to which you give in. If you didn't have such a thought, the feeling would be absent. And thoughts can be consciously changed. Change a sad thought and the sad feeling will disappear. It doesn't matter how much time in your life you thought negatively. Strength is always in the present moment, not in the past. So let's free ourselves, right now!

We tend to think the same thing over and over again, and therefore it seems to us that we do not choose our thoughts, And yet, the original choice is ours. We refuse to think about anything specific. Remember how often we refuse to think positively about ourselves.

Well, now let's learn not to think negatively about ourselves. It seems to me that everyone on this planet, everyone I know and work with, suffers to some degree from self-hatred and guilt. The more hatred we have for ourselves, the less luck we have.

Types of resistance to change according to Louise Hay

If you think you are having a hard time changing, then you are dealing with the hardest lesson of your life. But there is no need to give up the idea of ​​change because of such resistance. You can work on two levels:
1. Consciously accept your resistance.
2. Constantly change.
Observe yourself, see how you resist and, despite this, change.
Our actions often indicate that we are resisting.
This can be expressed:
- changing the topic of conversation,
- in the desire to leave the room,
- go to the toilet, be late,
- get sick,
- look to the side or out the window;
- refusal to pay attention to anything,
- in the desire to eat, smoke, drink,
- end the relationship.

Wrong beliefs that prevent change

Beliefs. We grow up with beliefs that later become resistance. Here are some of our limited beliefs:
- This won't suit me.
- Men (women) should not do this,
- It’s not like that in my family,
- Love is not for me, it's too stupid,
- It's too far to go,
- Too expensive,
- It will take a lot of time,
- I do not believe in this,
- I’m not like that (like that).

Signs of transferring responsibility to other people for your actions and failures

"They". We give away our power to others and use it as an excuse to resist change. We have the following ideas in our heads:
- The moment is not right.
“They” won’t let me change.
- I don’t have the right teacher, book, class, etc.
- My doctor says otherwise.
- It's their fault.
- First they must change.
- They do not understand.
- This is against my beliefs, religion, philosophy.
- We think about ourselves: Too old.
- Too young.
- Too fat.
- Too thin.
- Too high.
- Too small.
- Too lazy.
- Too strong.
- Too weak.
- Too stupid.
- Too poor.
- Too serious.
- Maybe all this is not for me.

Resistance to change due to fear of the unknown:

The greatest resistance in us is due to fear - FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN. Listen:
- I am not ready.
- I won't succeed.
- What will the neighbors say?
- I don't want to open this can of worms.
- What will be the reaction of my parents (husband, wife, grandmother, etc.)?
- I know too little.
- What if I hurt myself?
- I don't want others to know about my problems.
- I do not want to talk about it.
- Too difficult.
- I do not have enough money.
- I'll lose my friends.
- I trust no one.
- I'm not good enough for this.
And the list can go on forever.

In his books, L. Hay says: “Change your beliefs and your life will change! Every thought we have can be changed! If unwanted thoughts constantly visit you, catch yourself in such thoughts and tell them: “Get out!” Instead, accept a thought that can bring you good luck."

How can you change? Three main principles underlie this:
1. The desire to change.
2. Control over the mind.
3. Forgiving yourself and others.

Exercise to dissolve resentment

Sit somewhere quiet, relax. Imagine that you are in a darkened theater and there is a small stage in front of you. Put on stage the person you need to forgive (the person you hate most in the world). This person may be alive or dead, and your hatred may be in the past or present. When you see this person clearly, imagine that something good is happening to him, something that is of great importance to this person. Picture him smiling and happy. Hold this image in your mind for a few minutes and then let it disappear.

Then, when the person you want to forgive leaves the stage, put yourself there. Imagine that only good things happen to you. Imagine yourself happy (howling) and smiling (smiling). And know that there is enough goodness in the universe for all of us. This exercise dissolves the dark clouds of accumulated resentment. Some people will find this exercise very difficult. Every time you do it, you can draw in your imagination different people. Do this exercise once a day for a month and see how much easier your life becomes.

Exercise “Mental Imagination”

Imagine yourself as a small child (5-6 years old). Look deep into this child's eyes. Try to see the deep longing and understand that this longing is for love for you. Reach out and hug this little baby, hold him close to your chest. Tell him how much you love him. Tell him that you admire his intelligence, and if he makes mistakes, then it’s okay, everyone makes them. Promise him that you will always come to his aid if necessary.

Now let the child become very small, the size of a pea. Place it in your heart. Let him settle there. When you look down, you will see his little face and you will be able to give him all your love, which is so important to him. Now imagine your mother when she was 4-5 years old, scared and hungry for love. Extend your hands to her and tell her how much you love her. Tell her that she can count on you no matter what.

When she calms down and feels safe, place her in your heart. Now imagine your father as a little boy of 3-4 years old, he is also very afraid of something and cries loudly, inconsolably. You will see tears rolling down his face. You now know how to calm small children. Hold him to your chest and feel his trembling body. Calm him down. Let him feel your love. Tell him that you will always be there for him. When his tears dry, may he also become very tiny. put it in your heart with you and your mother. Love them all, for there is nothing more sacred than love for little children. There is enough love in your heart to heal our entire planet. But let's heal ourselves first. Feel the warmth spreading throughout your body, softness and tenderness. Let this precious feeling begin to change your life.

Louise Hay's exercise against negative statements

Take a piece of paper and make lists of all the negative things your parents said about you. It takes at least half an hour to remember such details. What did they say about money? What did they say about your body? About love and relationships between people? About your abilities? If you can, look at this list objectively and say to yourself: “So that’s where I got these thoughts from!”

So let's take a blank sheet of paper and go a little further. Who else do you constantly hear negative statements from?
- From relatives.
- From the teachers.
- From friends.
- From those who represented the authorities.

Write it all down. When you write all this, see how you feel. Two sheets of paper that you have written on are thoughts that you urgently need to get rid of! These are exactly the thoughts that prevent you from living.

Exercise with a mirror

I ask the patient to take a mirror, look into his eyes and, mentioning his name, say: “I love you and accept you for who you are.” This is incredibly difficult for some! I see how different people react to this - some start crying, others get angry, and others say that they cannot do such a thing. One of my patients even threw a mirror at me and ran away. It took him several months until he was finally able to look at himself in the mirror without experiencing negative emotions.

Exercise "Decision to change"

The attitude of many of us towards life is primarily a feeling of helplessness. We have long given up on life with its hopelessness and hopelessness. For some, this is due to countless disappointments, for others, constant pain, etc. But the result is the same for everyone - a complete rejection of life and an unwillingness to see oneself and one’s life in a completely different way, says L. Hay. Well, if you asked yourself the question: “what exactly causes constant disappointment in my life?”

What is it that you give away so generously that causes others to irritate you so much? Whatever you give, you get back. The more irritated you become, the more you create situations that irritate you. I wonder if you were annoyed now while reading the previous paragraph? If yes, then that's great! That's why you need to change!

Now let's talk about change and our desire to change, says Louise Hay. We all want our lives to change, but we ourselves don’t want to change. Let someone else change, let “they” change, and I’ll wait. In order to change anyone else, you must first change yourself.

And you must change internally. We must change the way we think, the way we speak, and the things we say. Only then will real change come. I personally have always been stubborn, the author recalls. Even when I made the decision to change, this stubbornness got in my way. But I still knew that this was where I needed a change. The more I hold on to any statement, the clearer it is to me that it is this statement that I need to free myself from.

And only when you are convinced of this from your own experience can you teach others. It seems to me that all wonderful spiritual teachers had an unusually difficult childhood, went through pain and suffering, but learned to free themselves, which they began to teach others. Many good teachers constantly work on themselves and this becomes their main occupation in life.

Exercise “I want to change”

Repeat the phrase: “I want to change” as often as possible. While saying this phrase to yourself, touch your throat. The throat is the center where all the energy necessary for change is concentrated. And be prepared for change when it comes into your life.

Know also that if you think that somewhere you cannot change yourself, that is where you need to change. “I want to change. I want to change." The forces of the Universe will automatically help you in your intention, and you will be surprised to discover more and more positive changes in your life.

METHODOLOGY for attracting financial stability

If you follow Louise Hay's recommendations, then in order to receive endless stream blessings and abundance from the Universe, you must first create a mental attitude that accepts abundance. If you don't do this, then no matter how much you say you want something, you won't be able to let it into your life. But it doesn’t matter how long you thought to yourself “I’m a failure”! It's just a thought, and you can choose a new one instead, right now!

Take a few minutes to focus on the success and prosperity you want to attract into your life by doing the exercise below. Write down your answers on a separate sheet of paper or in your journal.

How do you use money

Louise Hay recommends writing down three criticisms of how you handle money. For example, you are constantly in debt, do not know how to save or enjoy the fact that you have it.

Think of one example in your life where your actions did not follow these unwanted patterns.
For example:
I criticize myself for spending too much money and always ending up in debt. I don't know how to balance my budget.

I give myself a pat on the back for paying all my bills this month. I make payments on time and happily.
Working with a mirror

Stand with your arms outstretched and say, “I am open and receptive to all good.” How does this make you feel?
Now look in the mirror and say this affirmation again, feeling it.
What kind of feelings do you have? Do you have a feeling of liberation from ____________? (fill in the blank yourself) L. Hay advises doing this exercise every morning. This wonderfully symbolic gesture can enhance your prosperity consciousness and attract more blessings into your life.
Your feelings about money
Louise says it's important to examine your feelings of self-worth around money. Answer the following questions as honestly as possible.
1. Go to the mirror again. Look yourself in the eye and say, “My biggest fear when it comes to money is...” Then write down your answer and explain why you have this feeling.
2. What did you learn about money as a child?
3. What era did your parents grow up in? What were their thoughts about money?

4. How were finances handled in your family?

5. How do you handle money now?

6. What would you like to change in your awareness of money and attitude towards it?

Ocean of abundance with Louise Hay

Your vessel is your consciousness, and it can always be exchanged for a larger vessel.

Do this exercise as often as possible to experience a sense of expansion and unlimited flow.

METHOD for getting rid of any disease

When dealing with any medical problem, it is important to talk to a medical professional. However, it is equally important to discover the roots of the disease within yourself. It is impossible to completely cure ill health by treating only the physical symptoms. Your body will continue to manifest illness until you heal the emotional and spiritual issues that are the source of this illness.

By doing the exercises below, you will gain a better understanding of your own thoughts about health. (Please write your answers on a separate sheet of paper or in your journal.)

Letting go of health problems

True healing embraces the body, mind and spirit. I believe that if we “treat” an illness but do not address the emotional and spiritual issues that surround the illness, it will only reappear.

So, are you ready to let go of the need that has contributed to your health problems? Keep in mind that when you have a condition that you want to change, the first thing to do is to say, “I am ready to let go of the need that created this condition.” Say it again. Repeat while looking in the mirror. Repeat this phrase whenever you think about your condition. This is the first step to creating change.
The role of illness in your life
Now complete the following statements, trying to be as honest as possible:
1. I make myself sick in the following ways...
2. I get sick when I try to avoid...
3. When I get sick, I always want...

4. When I was sick as a child, my mother (my father) always...
5. When I'm sick, I'm most afraid...
Your family history
Then take your time and do the following:
1. List all your mother’s illnesses.
2. List all of your father’s illnesses.

3. List all your illnesses.
4. Do you notice any connection between them?
Your beliefs regarding ill health
Let's take a closer look at your beliefs about being unhealthy. Answer the following questions:
1. What do you remember about your childhood illnesses?
2. What did you learn about diseases from your parents?
5. How do you contribute to your health?
6. Would you like to change your health? If so, how exactly?

Self-worth and health
Now let's explore the issue of self-worth as it relates to your health. Answer the following questions. After each answer, say one or more of the positive affirmations below to counteract the negative belief.
1. Do you feel like you deserve good health?
2. What is your biggest fear regarding your health?
3. What do you “get” from this belief?
4. Which negative consequences Are you afraid if you let go of this belief?

Scenario for working through ill health

I accept health as the natural state of my being. I now consciously release any internal mental patterns that may in any way express themselves as ill health. I love and approve of myself. I love and approve of my body. I feed him healthy food and drinks. I exercise it in ways that give me pleasure. I recognize my body as a wonderful and magnificent mechanism and consider it a privilege to be able to live in it. I love feeling the abundance of energy. All is well in my world.

LOUISE HAY'S METHOD for getting rid of addictions (drugs, smoking, alcohol)

No book, let alone a single chapter, can completely replace therapy and 12-step programs in addiction recovery. However, change starts from within. Even the best programs cannot help you if you are not ready to give up your addiction.

It's time to create a new vision for your future and let go of any beliefs and thoughts that don't support it. You can begin this process of changing your outlook by doing the following exercises. Write down your answers on a separate sheet of paper or in a journal.

Exercise "Release your addiction"

Take a few deep breaths; close your eyes; think about a person, place or thing on which you are addicted. Think about the madness behind this addiction. You try to correct what you think is wrong with you by grasping at something that is outside of you.

The point of power is in the current moment, and you can start making changes today.

Repeat this every morning in your daily meditation or prayer.

List 10 secrets about your addiction that you have never told anyone. If you are prone to overeating, you may have found yourself scooping up scraps from the trash can.

If you are an alcoholic, you may have kept a bottle in your car so you could drink while driving. If you are a gambler, you may have put your family at risk by borrowing money to satisfy your gambling appetites. Be completely honest and open.

Now let’s work on letting go of the emotional attachment to your addiction. Let the memories remain just memories. By letting go of the past, we are free to use all our mental power to enjoy the present moment and create a brilliant future. We don't have to continue to punish ourselves for the past.
1. List all the things you are ready to let go of.
2. How ready are you to let go? Notice your reactions and write them down.

3. What will you have to do to let it all go? How ready are you to do this?
The role of self-approval Because self-hatred plays a very big role important role

in addictive behavior, we will now do one of my favorite exercises. I have taught it to thousands of people and the results are always phenomenal.

Over the next month, every time you think about your addiction, repeat to yourself over and over again: “I approve of myself.”

Do this 300–400 times a day. No, that's not too much! When you're anxious, you think about your problem at least as many times. Let the phrase “I approve of myself” become your eternal mantra, which you repeat to yourself over and over again almost continuously.

Today, the world continues to trend towards “rejuvenation” and an increase in the prevalence of many kidney diseases. Along with the traditional causes of pathology described in medical textbooks, there are less obvious, but no less significant factors. Is there psychosomatics of the kidney, and what? personal qualities can lead to health problems: let's figure it out.

Psychosomatics: scientific facts and doctors’ opinions

So, psychosomatic diseases are pathologies whose root cause is not physical, but psychological factors. It is believed that long-term stress, depression, resentment and sadness, which a person hides deep inside himself, “poison” the body and develop into a very real disease. In other words, psychosomatics studies negative emotions that a person has not been able to cope with.

The kidneys are a paired organ with a complex functional structure and a variety of functions. The slightest pathology in them leads to gross disruptions in the functioning of the entire organism. What are the psychosomatic causes of kidney disease?

A specialist in psychology and psychosomatics, Liz Burbo, argues that interruptions in the functioning of the urinary organs may be associated with:

  • disturbances of the emotional background - increased receptivity and sensitivity of the patient, blocking of anger, sadness, resentment and other negative emotions;
  • dissatisfaction with one’s own life - a person is not satisfied with his chosen specialty, unloved job, spouse;
  • unjustified hopes that the patient places on others.

The famous esotericist and writer Louise Hay also associates kidney pathology with an imbalance between emotions and control. In her book you can find mention of the following possible reasons diseases of the urinary organs:

  • inability to accept criticism addressed to oneself;
  • disappointments suffered;
  • experienced shame;
  • resentment towards parents;
  • carefully suppressed anger.

And according to psychologists B. Baginski and Sh. Shalila, psychosomatic kidney diseases are reflected in the patient’s relationship with his partner. According to this hypothesis, problems with the urinary system arise with a growing feeling of deep dissatisfaction with a lover. For example, kidney stones are a consequence of unspoken aggression, and infection is a desire to shift responsibility to someone else.

The works of Oleg Torsunov trace the influence of mental activity on kidney function. The doctor believes that the defeat right kidney may be caused by problems with a person’s volitional qualities, and the left – by negative thoughts and emotions.

Most scientists agree on one thing: the condition of the kidneys, like any other internal organ, is influenced by personal characteristics person. Qualities that increase the risk of developing the disease include:

  1. The ability to complicate things. “We are not looking for easy ways” is the real motto of kidney patients.
  2. Emotional restraint, the habit of keeping everything to oneself.
  3. Closedness.
  4. Distrust of others, inability to find a common language with them.

Psychological causes of common kidney diseases

Like official medicine, psychosomatics associates each specific disease with a specific cause. Let us consider the features of the psychological pathogenesis of the development of the most common renal pathologies.

Pyelonephritis According to research by psychologists, pyelonephritis develops in patients who are dissatisfied with their work. It causes them a lot of negative emotions: fear, denial, even disgust. In the future, negative experiences can lead to complete destruction of the renal pelvis. On a psychosomatic level, this can be compared to the end of one’s patience. Urolithiasis Stones are aggression or other negative emotions that have not received an outlet. According to another version, ICD is associated with prolonged stress - a situation that causes negative impressions in the patient, but he experiences it in the subconscious again and again, without the strength to free his mind. Pathology of the renal vessels Insufficient blood supply to the urinary organs usually develops against the background of prolonged depression. Urinary tract infections Inflammation of the ureters, according to research by psychologists, is a consequence of a person’s inability to forgive. Old grievances increase the tone of the kidney tissue and create additional stress on the ureters.

How to cure kidneys without drugs

If the main cause of kidney disease is psychosomatics, approaches to its treatment will differ significantly from traditional ones. It is important to identify the root cause of the pathology - negative emotions and experiences that a person may not even be fully aware of. Not everyone can cope with this task on their own, so at this stage you may need the help of a qualified psychologist.

After finding out the cause of the disease, the stage of psychocorrection begins: it is important to work through all negative emotions, throw them out and truly let them go. Remember that anger and resentment destroy, first of all, their carrier, and creative emotions are love for life and forgiveness.

Experts call the personal qualities that a person with healthy kidneys should have:

  • simplicity;
  • openness;
  • agreeableness;
  • pacification;
  • satisfaction;
  • Adoption;
  • confidence.
Not only working with a psychologist will help you find them, but also meditative practices, communication with nature and animals, art therapy (drawing, sculpting), sports, dancing, and support from loved ones.

According to experts, the more pronounced the pathological process in the kidneys, the more decisive a person should become. It is important to achieve a balance between the physical and emotional spheres of your own life, because imbalance is the main cause of the disease. With the help of psychotherapy, patients achieve harmony and satisfaction with life, and then stable remission of existing diseases of the urinary system.

The main difference between psychosomatic diseases is the lack of response even to properly selected “standard” therapy. The patient who takes the pills prescribed by the doctor feels a little better, but there is no talk of complete recovery. Therefore, if drug treatment against kidney pathology does not help, you may need to consult a psychologist/psychotherapist. Only by understanding yourself can you get rid of psychosomatic problems with health.