Natalia boyarskaya daughter main characters. Natalya, boyar's daughter. The true portrait of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

About this work by N. M. Karamzin it should be said that it is not as well known to readers as “ Poor Lisa" We will try to convey the essence of this small work.

The events of the work take place during pre-Petrine Russia. The heroine after whom the story is named is the daughter of the rich boyar Matvey. Her mother died, the girl was raised by a nanny. Natalya's life is subject to the rules of Domostroy.

As Karamzin writes, Natalya, the boyar’s daughter, attends church every morning, accompanied by her nanny, and then gives alms to people in need. At home, the girl does needlework: embroiders, weaves lace, and sews.

The story “Natalya, the Boyar’s Daughter” tells us that one of the girl’s few entertainments is a walk with her nanny in the garden, after which she again engages in needlework.

In the evenings, she can communicate with her friends, of course, under the supervision of a nanny.

The girl's life is uneventful, which, of course, makes Natalia dreamy. She is very kind, sincere, loves her loved ones. Considering the summary of “Natalia, the Boyar’s Daughter,” we note that the young noblewoman is able to perceive the beauty of nature. She admires Moscow.

The girl has all feminine virtues: she is obedient, loves to work. In a word, Natalya absorbed all the rules of Domostroy.

However, as Karamzin notes, Natalya, the boyar’s daughter, of course, could not help but dream of love. The meeting with my lover took place in church. The girl fell in love with a completely unfamiliar young man. The next day she goes again to God's temple, but does not meet Him there. Natalya is truly upset, she is sad, she cannot eat or drink. A new meeting with her lover makes her happy. A kind nanny helps a girl meet a young man, as Karamzin continues his story (“Natalya, the Boyar’s Daughter”). The main characters, the young noblewoman and Alexei, decide to run away and get married secretly.

Karamzin shows us the girl’s experiences. She experiences her first love and blindly trusts Alexei, but this bright feeling is overshadowed by a feeling of guilt before her father, she is ashamed of him. However, Natalya, following the rules of Domostroy, is ready to obey her husband in everything, like a true wife. The girl finds true happiness with Alexei, but prays that her father will forgive her. Natalya’s immense happiness was suddenly darkened by the fact that her husband had to go to war. Fate forces the girl to do the impossible for many very strong women: she hides her hair, puts on warrior clothes and fights the enemy like a real man. Such a selfless act could not help but force her father to forgive her.

The image of boyar Matvey

So, the summary of “Natalia, the Boyar’s Daughter” was quite able to convey the plot of the story. However, we did not say a word about the girl’s father, Matvey Andreev. His image is by no means the personification of a significant statesman, what it should be, according to the plot. Karamzin endows him with many virtues, but the image remains pale. This person is capable of shedding tears in sorrow and in joy. However, such a faded image was not created by Karamzin by chance; it helps to understand the ideological orientation of the work.

Picture of an “ideal” monarchy

Perhaps such a remark is unnecessary if our task is to convey a brief content. “Natalia, the Boyar’s Daughter” is a work in which the image of an “ideal” monarchy is created. In such a state, the only concern of the king is the well-being of his own environment. The monarch is lenient towards his subjects. The simplicity of treatment described in the work is completely different from the licentious morals that reigned under Catherine. The king's close associate is a faithful adviser who never took advantage of his position. In his work, Karamzin exposes the vicious aspects of the reign of Catherine the Great.

The attitude of the people towards the king's associates

In his work, Karamzin points out that the boyar Matvey is a royal servant who, like the sovereign, is endowed with many human virtues. He is smart, rich, hospitable. Matvey is an intercessor for his neighbors, their patron. However, the author does not say a word about how the boyar carries out his service. It only tells about the people's love for this statesman.

In reality, the people hated the tsar’s associates, which is an absolute contrast to the picture created by Karamzin.

Historical era

The historical events described in the work most likely relate to the second half of the seventeenth century. Presumably, this is the era of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich. The sovereign in the work is portrayed as very pious and sensitive. He consoles those close to him, and only a violation of the principles of justice can anger him.

This work quite openly indicates what order should be in the state, what the monarch and his entourage should look like.

The historical background helps to understand that such a love story could have a happy ending only in conditions of state harmony.

The true portrait of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

The romantic plot of the story did not find room to talk about other aspects of the reign and character traits of this sovereign.

Under him, denunciations were accepted, and the “peaceful” king was in fact quite hot-tempered, allowed himself to scold, and also sometimes resorted to assault. In particular, it is a known fact that at a meeting of the Boyar Duma, the sovereign beat and expelled boyar Miloslavsky, who was his father-in-law.

Prototype of boyar Matvey

There are suggestions that the image of Natalya’s father is “copied” from a real historical character. Most likely, he became the boyar A.S. Matveev, who was subjected to violent death during the palace coup of 1682.

We have finished the presentation summary the work “Natalia, the Boyar’s Daughter”, the main idea of ​​which is that with correct and fair rule all people can be happy. In conclusion, I would like to add that Karamzin turned to the history of the Russian state in order to show how different the past of our land is from the modern worship of everything foreign. Such condemnation of “foreign insanity” is also intended to appeal to the patriotic feelings of compatriots.

The main character of Karamzin's story is Natalya, the daughter of boyar Matvey Andreev. I believe that this heroine is the author’s ideal. With the image of Natalya Karamzin showed what a real woman should be.
Natalya Andreeva is a 17-year-old girl. She is very beautiful: “Natalia was the most beautiful of all.” Nothing could compare with the whiteness of her face and the redness of her cheeks. Natalya's black eyes, thick dark brown hair, and the tenderness of the girl's skin aroused everyone's admiration. Boyar Andreev doted on his beloved daughter.
But most beautiful of all was Natalya’s soul: “... our lovely Natalya had a lovely soul, was gentle as a turtledove, innocent as a lamb, sweet as the month of May: in a word, she had all the qualities of a well-bred girl...”
Natalya loved her native Moscow very much, adored her father, and was sincerely attached to her nanny. The heroine spent the whole day doing business: embroidering, praying to God. But she was no stranger to entertainment. Natalya often went to visit her friends, where they had fun, but under the strict supervision of their elders. So Natalya lived peacefully and happily until she was 17 years old.
But soon one sadness began to gnaw at the heroine’s soul. She began to yearn for love, for her loved one. And when he appeared in her life, Natalya, without hesitation, followed her beloved to the ends of the earth. Alexey, the heroine’s lover, suggested that she run away from her parents’ house and get married secretly. Despite her great affection and gratitude to her father, Natalya chose her love. It seems to me that Karamzin admires his heroine. The author believes that this is exactly what a real woman should do.
In this serious situation, the heroine’s strong and firm character emerged. When she decided to run, nothing could turn the heroine off her intended path. Natalya unconditionally believed her lover. Alexey brought his wife to the forest house. But she didn’t even think of being scared, because her beloved gave his word that everything would be fine.
While married, the heroine also spent all her days at work. She did not forget her father and was very worried, leaving him alone in complete ignorance. Therefore, Alexei sent his man, who brought news about boyar Andreev every week.
So the couple lived in peace and harmony. But when they learned that the Lithuanians had attacked Moscow, they could not sit idly by. Natalya immediately decided to go on a military campaign with her husband. The heroine could not imagine life without Alexei. Like a faithful wife, she followed her betrothed everywhere. In order to be close to Alexei, Natalya dressed up as a teenager, not being afraid to change traditions.
In the end, everything ended well. Moscow was recaptured, Alexei was forgiven by the sovereign and boyar Andreev. The newlyweds lived happily in Moscow.
Natalya is the ideal heroine. She is beautiful both externally and internally. Modest and pure, she at the same time has a strong and lively character. Natalya is a faithful and devoted wife. Her happiness lies in the happiness of her husband, for whom the heroine will follow to the ends of the earth. Natalya trusts her Alexey unconditionally. It seems to me that it is in the character of his heroine that Karamzin sees the secret of her happiness.

Essay on literature on the topic: Characteristics of Natalya (based on N. M. Karamzin’s story “Natalya, the Boyar’s Daughter”)

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Characteristics of Natalya (based on N. M. Karamzin’s story “Natalya, the Boyar’s Daughter”)

Karamzin’s narrator in “Natalia, the Boyar’s Daughter” not only reveals for us the history of the heroes, empathizing with what is being discussed, he is free in his conversation with the reader, often cheerful and ironic.

The correlation with the genre canon of the ode returns again in the first and main characterization, which precedes the appearance of the virtuous boyar Matvey, Natalya’s father. His main skills are the ability to be a “friend of humanity,” to accept the blows of fate and to face death without fear; how easy it is to imagine a portrait of such a person when reading the lines of philosophical odes of the poets who were Karamzin’s predecessors: A.P. Sumarokova, M.M. Kheraskova or V.I. Maykova.

“Such was the boyar Matvey, a faithful servant of the king, a faithful friend of humanity. He had already passed sixty years, and the blood was already circulating more slowly in his veins.<...>But is it good to be afraid of this thick, impenetrable darkness in which human days are lost?<...>He walks forward, fearlessly, enjoying the last rays of the setting sun, turns his calm gaze to the past and with a joyful - although dark, but no less joyful foreboding - puts his foot into this unknown.

The originality of Karamzin's first historical story lies in the fact that it shows the past not from the front, official side, but in its homely appearance. The heroine of the story, Natalya, is the only daughter of the elderly widower boyar Matvey Andreev. The solitary chamber life of a young girl is depicted, her modest amusements with her neighbors and friends. The main content of the story is the heroine’s love experiences, starting with anxious yearnings that she herself does not understand and ending with the all-consuming passion that took possession of her when she met the chosen one of her heart. Natalya was allowed to appear outside the house only in church and then under the supervision of her mother. This is where she meets Alexei Lyuboslavsky, the son of a disgraced boyar, forced to hide in the forests near Moscow. According to a convincing guess by A. Starchevsky, the starting point for creating the story was “the marriage of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich with Natalya Kirillovna Naryshkina, a pupil of the boyar Matveev.” But from this historical basis in the story, except for the names, nothing remained. The historicism of the work is still superficial and limited to household items, clothing, and weapons of the 17th century.

In Karamzin's story, the facts of the biography of A. S. Matveev (educator of the mother of Peter I, boyar Artamon Sergeevich Matveev) are divided between two heroes. The first, prosperous part of his life served as material for the image of Natalya’s father, the boyar Matvey Andreev. The story of the disgrace and exile of A. S. Matveev, together with his young son Andrei, was reflected in the fate of the boyar Lyuboslavsky and his son Alexei. The Karamzin boyar Matvey is presented as the wise and impartial mentor of the tsar, the defender of all the offended. He acts as a mediator between the people and the supreme power. Without fear of disgrace, he tells the king everything he thinks, fairly resolves legal disputes, and always stands only for the truth. A special place is given to the hospitality and love of poverty of Natalya’s father; philanthropy has always been one of the cornerstones public program Karamzin. For Karamzin, family and home virtues serve as a reliable support for public virtues. Boyar Matvey is an ideal father and an equally ideal citizen. Alexey Lyuboslavsky is a gentle son, an exemplary husband and at the same time a brave warrior. Even in Natalya, love for her husband awakens military ardor, and together with Alexei she goes out onto the battlefield. Of course, one should not see in this work a true reflection of social and family relations XVII century Before us is a typical utopia of a noble enlightener late XVIII century, who transferred his idea of ​​an ideal class-monarchical state to the past and contrasted this ideal with the social relations of his time.

Alexei told Natalya that he was the son of the unjustly convicted boyar Lyuboslavsky, who was slandered, after which he left Russia. Alexey hid this secret from everyone because he was afraid that the tsar would treat him fairly, but he told Natalya because he fell in love with her and saw reciprocity.

The lovers found themselves bound by a secret, and they had no choice but to run away to be together. But without the help of a nanny and a priest, they would not have succeeded. The nanny arranged their meeting, and the priest agreed to get married. And they were also helped by complete

trust in each other.

Natalya, as stated in the story, is a boyar’s daughter. She was brought up according to the rules of that time, in love and severity. She was distinguished by her extraordinary beauty, loved nature, and treated her father with respect and love. Her character is solid, strong, and her soul is trusting. Natalya knows how to love and can be a loyal and devoted friend, which was evident at the moment when Alexey went to war.

Alexey was the son of a slandered boyar who left Russia. After the death of his father, Alexey secretly returned, which proves his devotion to his homeland. He is a purposeful person, capable of taking a decisive step. Passionate

a nature that inspires the trust of others. Alexey always achieves his goal, his impulses and desires are noble. Among other things, Alexey is close to beauty - he is a talented artist.

Alexey and Natalya are people made for each other. friend.


- characterization of Natalia, the boyar's daughter

– Natalya Boyarskaya daughter, characteristics of Alexey

– characteristics of Alexei Natalya Boyarskaya daughter

– Natalya Boyarskaya daughter, characteristics of Natalya

- characteristics of Natalia Natalia boyar's daughter

Other works on this topic:

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  3. The main characters of the story are the boyar's daughter Natalya and Alexey Lyuboslavsky. Alexey and Natalya decided on a desperate act, and then proved their honesty and true courage...
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  5. Alexei - main character stories. The author introduces him to us at the moment when Natalya saw him in the church. “A wonderful young man... like a king among all...
  6. The main characters of the story are the boyar's daughter Natalya and Alexei Lyuboslavsky. Alexey and Natalya decided on a desperate act, and then proved their honesty and true courage...
  7. The story “Natalya, the Boyar’s Daughter” is not as well known as other works by N. M. Karamzin. But it is important in the writer’s work because it touches on many moral issues...
  8. The illustration by N. Pchelko depicts the moment when the heroes met, probably leaving the church. The idea of ​​the characters most likely coincides with the idea of ​​the illustrator. The characters are wearing clothes...

“Natalia the Boyar's Daughter,” a work by Karamzin, is a striking example of a new movement that was used by writers of the late nineteenth century, including Karamzin. A new trend is sentimentalism, and if before that classicism was used, where a worthy citizen of his homeland was depicted, his duty, honor, now it is depicted inner world a person, his feelings, experiences, and an example of this is Karamzin’s work “Natalia, the boyar’s daughter.

Karamzin's work Natalya Boyarskaya daughter

What is this work about? Of course, about love, the real one. About that feeling that everyone wants to experience, that everyone dreams of, and Natalya, the main character, learned what love is, what it means to love. This work will tell us the love story of the daughter of Matvey Andreev, Natalya, and the son of the boyar Lyuboslavsky, Alexei.

Natalya fell in love with Alexei so much that she even decided to run away from home. She leaves her father just to be with her husband. But she never forgot about her father, so their man always brought news about Natalya’s father. Strength Great love we see not only when Natalya leaves home to fetch her husband, but also when the heroine goes on a military campaign with Alexei, because her life was unthinkable without him.

The work ends with a good ending, because the sovereign forgives Alexei, just as Natalya’s father forgives. The couple go to Moscow and live happily there.

In Karamzin’s work “Natalia, the Boyar’s Daughter” there are several main characters. You can also highlight Matvey, Natalya’s father, who was honest and noble. One can single out the nanny, who replaced Natalya’s mother, and Alexei, Natalya’s lover, but still, the main character is Natalya, and it’s not for nothing that the author named his work after her. Natalya is an example of a real Russian woman who knows how to love and care for her neighbors. Her world, both internal and external, is beautiful. She is humble and yet strong-willed. Natalya is an example of devotion and fidelity; the ideal image of a wife, lover and daughter.