Nakhimov during the Crimean War. Nakhimov in the Crimean War. Beginning of a military naval career

Pavel Nakhimov was born on July 23 in the village of Gorodok, Smolensk region. His family was from a poor family. In addition to him, the family also included three sisters and four brothers. At the age of 13, Nakhimov entered the Naval Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg. The rest of his brothers also devoted their lives to the fleet. For the first time in his life, Nakhimov went to sea three years after training, it was the brig Phoenix.

After graduating in 1818, Nakhimov received his first rank - midshipman and began serving in the Baltic Sea. Under the leadership of Admiral Lazarev, Nakhimov went to trip around the world on the frigate "Cruiser", it was 1822.

War years of Nakhimov.

Pavel Stepanovich walked up the stairs with a firm and confident gait. career ladder. It started military career in 1827. Being a lieutenant on the battleship Azov, Nakhimov went on an attack on the Turkish flotilla and destroyed 5 enemy ships, this event took place in Navari Bay. After which he was promoted to rank. A year later, already as a captain-lieutenant, Pavel Stepanovich commanded the captured corvert “Navarin”, and on it he participated in the blockade of the Dardanelles (1826-1828). The year 1834 was marked by Nakhimov’s transfer to the Black Sea Fleet. There he was appointed to lead the battleship Silistria. In 1853, P.S. Nakhimov was already in the rank of high admiral.

The role of Nakhimov in the Crimean War.

In the hostilities between Russia and Turkey, P.S. Nakhimov played an important role. His activities began with the destruction of 9 enemy ships in Sinop Bay. In 1854, he was entrusted with leading the defense of Sevastopol. In the process of defense, he offers brilliant ideas, in particular, to sink enemy ships in the Sevastopol Bay, thereby cutting off their access to the city. Next, he is entrusted with the leadership of the ground forces. You can find out more about the Crimean War

Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov (born June 23 (July 5), 1802 – died June 30 (July 12), 1855) – Russian admiral, hero of the defense of Sevastopol in 1854–1855, occupies an exceptional place among the remarkable Russian naval commanders as one of the most prominent representatives of the school of Russian military art.

Origin. Studies. Start of service

Pavel was born in 1802 in the village of Volochek, Vyazemsky district, Smolensk province (now the village of Nakhimovskoye Andreevsky district Smolensk region) He was the seventh child of 11 children of a poor landowner, Second Major Stepan Mikhailovich Nakhimov and Feodosia Ivanovna Nakhimova.

At the end of the Naval Cadet Corps on January 20, 1818, among others, midshipman Pavel Nakhimov successfully passed the exams, becoming 6th on the list of 15 best students. On February 9 he was promoted to midshipman. In 1818 – 1819 Nakhimov remained on the shore, with the crew. 1820 - from May 23 to October 15, the midshipman on the tender "Janus" was sailing to Krasnaya Gorka. The following year he was assigned to the 23rd naval crew and sent overland to Arkhangelsk. 1822 - the sailor returned to the capital by shore and was assigned to circumnavigation on the frigate "Cruiser" under the command of captain 2nd rank M.P. Lazarev. On Pacific Ocean Pavel Stepanovich distinguished himself while attempting to rescue a sailor who had fallen overboard. 1823, March 22 - he was promoted to lieutenant. For this voyage, on September 1, 1825, the sailor was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 4th degree, and double pay.

On the ship "Azov"

Upon return, the candidacy of a lieutenant was planned for the Guards crew. However, Nakhimov sought to serve at sea. At Lazarev's request, he was assigned to the ship "Azov". The future admiral took part in the completion of the ship and moved on it from Arkhangelsk to Kronstadt, where the crew continued work and made the Azov a model ship.

1827, summer - he went to the Mediterranean Sea and took part in the Battle of Navarino. "Azov" acted in the thick of the battle. The lieutenant commanded the battery on the forecastle. Of his 34 subordinates, 6 were killed and 17 were wounded. Pavel Stepanovich, by a lucky chance, was not injured. For his participation in the battle on December 14, Nakhimov was promoted to captain-lieutenant, and on December 16 he was awarded the Order of St. George, 4th degree.

Commander of the corvette "Navarin"

1828, August 15 - he accepted the captured corvette, renamed "Navarin", and also made it an exemplary one. On it, the sailor took part in the blockade of the Dardanelles and on March 13, 1829 with the squadron of M.P. Lazarev returned to Kronstadt, was awarded the order St. Anne's, 2nd degree. 1830, May - when the squadron returned to Kronstadt, Rear Admiral Lazarev wrote in the certification of the commander of the Navarin: “An excellent and completely knowledgeable sea captain.”

On the frigate "Pallada"

1831, December 31 - Nakhimov was appointed commander of the frigate Pallada. He supervised the construction, making improvements until the frigate, which entered service in May 1833, became a showpiece. On August 17, in poor visibility, the sailor noticed the Daguerrort lighthouse, gave a signal that the squadron was in danger, and saved most of the ships from destruction.

In the Black Sea Fleet. Commander of Silistria

1834 - Admiral Lazarev became the Chief Commander of the Black Sea Fleet and ports. He called to himself those sailors with whom he had been on voyages and battles. Pavel Nakhimov also became a Chernomorian. 1834, January 24 - the future admiral was appointed commander of the construction site battleship"Silistria" and transferred to the 41st crew of the Black Sea Fleet; On August 30, the lieutenant commander was promoted to captain of the 2nd rank for distinguished service. 1834–1836 - He was involved in the construction of Silistria. The ship soon became an example for others. 1837, December 6 – the commander of the ship “Silistria” was promoted to captain of the 1st rank. On September 22, for excellent zeal and zealous service, he was awarded the Order of St. Anne, 2nd degree, decorated with the imperial crown.

Diligent service affected health, March 23, 1838 P.S. Nakhimov was sent on leave abroad for treatment. He spent several months in Germany, but the doctors did not help. 1839, summer - on the advice of Lazarev, he returned to Sevastopol and felt worse than before leaving. Nevertheless, Nakhimov continued to serve at sea. He took part in the landings at Tuapse and Psezuap, in 1840–1841. cruised at sea and supervised the setting of dead anchors in Tsemes Bay. 1842, April 18 – for excellent and diligent service P.S. Nakhimov was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 3rd degree.

Rear Admiral

1845, September 13 - for distinguished service, Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov was awarded the rank of rear admiral and appointed commander of the 1st brigade of the 4th naval division. One year he was at the head of a detachment of ships cruising off the coast of the Caucasus, the next he acted as first a junior and then a senior flagship of a practical squadron that went to sea to train teams. The experienced sailor sought to improve the maritime skills of the crews and encouraged initiative. 1849–1852 - he made his comments on the “Rules adopted on the exemplary artillery ship Excellent for training the lower ranks of artillery”, on the set of maritime signals published in 1849 and on the new “Naval Regulations”.

Vice Admiral

1852, March 30 - P.S. Nakhimov is appointed commander of the 5th naval division. On April 25, he was assigned to command a practical squadron. During the campaign, the squadron made several voyages to transport troops. On October 2, he was promoted to vice admiral with the approval of the division chief.

In September, in order to eliminate the threat from the south, where Turkish troops had accumulated near the Russian borders, Nakhimov transported the 13th Infantry Division from Crimea to the Caucasus, after which he was sent to cruise off the coast of Anatolia. Here he met the beginning of the war, and on November 18 he defeated the Turkish squadron in.

Having discovered 7 frigates, 2 corvettes, sloops and 2 steamships in Sinop Bay on November 11 under the cover of six coastal batteries, Nakhimov blocked it with his three ships and sent it to Sevastopol for help. When reinforcements arrived, the vice admiral decided to attack with 6 battleships and 2 frigates, without waiting for the steamers.

For Sinop, the vice admiral was awarded the Order of St. George, 2nd degree. Other participants in the battle received awards, and the victory was widely celebrated throughout Russia. But Nakhimov was not happy with the reward: he was worried about the fact that he was becoming the culprit of the coming war. And his fears were well founded. Having received a pretext for intervention and the support of excited public opinion, the governments of England and France gave orders, and on December 23 the Anglo-French squadron entered the Black Sea.

Since December 1853, the admiral commanded ships in the roadstead and in the bays of Sevastopol. Expecting an attack, he almost did not go ashore. Meanwhile, England and France concluded a military treaty with Turkey on March 12 and declared war on Russia on March 15.

P.S. Nakhimov during the Battle of Sinop

Defense of Sevastopol

The landing of the Allies, the battle on Alma and the withdrawal of the army created a critical situation in Sevastopol. Only the delay in the movement of enemy troops made it possible to protect the city from land with guns and sailors who occupied hastily built fortifications. To block the enemy’s path to the bay, on September 11, five old ships and two frigates were sunk between the Konstantinovskaya and Aleksandrovskaya batteries. On the same day, Menshikov entrusted Vice Admiral Kornilov with the defense of the Northern side, and Nakhimov with the defense of the Southern side. The heroic defense of Sevastopol began, in which the vice admiral first commanded the squadron, and then became the soul of the defense, its de facto leader after the death of V.A. in the first bombardment of Sevastopol on October 5, 1854. Kornilov. He took measures to strengthen the land bastions, but did not forget about the fleet, in every possible way seeking active and skillful actions from the commanders of the steamships, which became the only combat-ready force of the fleet.

Only on February 25, 1855, Nakhimov was officially appointed commander of the Sevastopol port and military governor of Sevastopol. On March 27, he was promoted to admiral for his distinction in the defense of Sevastopol. Having received permission to surrender the squadron, he focused his attention on land defense.

Death of Admiral Nakhimov

Wound. Death

The flagship cared about the people and tried, as soon as possible under those conditions, to save the army from unnecessary losses. Pavel Stepanovich himself continued to appear in the most dangerous places in a frock coat with clearly visible epaulettes. On June 28, as always, in the morning Nakhimov toured the positions. When the admiral was watching the enemy from Malakhov Kurgan, leaning out from behind cover, he was mortally wounded in the head by a bullet. 1855, June 30 - Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov died. The naval commander was buried in the Vladimir Cathedral with other outstanding admirals.

The death of the admiral put the last point in the defense of Sevastopol. When the Allies, as a result of another assault, managed to break into the Malakhov Kurgan, the Russian regiments left the South Side, blowing up warehouses, fortifications and destroying the last ships.

During the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945, when life forced us to turn to the military traditions of the past, the Nakhimov Order and Medal were established to reward worthy sailors.

An outstanding Russian naval commander, a hero, an executive officer and a talented leader - all this is about Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov. He more than once showed his courage and bravery in military battles, he was too fearless, which ruined him. He played a huge role in the Sevastopol defense of 1854-1855, defeated Turkish ships during Admiral P. S. Nakhimov was deeply respected and loved by his subordinates. He remained forever in the history of Russia. Today there is even an order named after Nakhimov.

Biography of Admiral Nakhimov

Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov was originally from a poor family of Smolensk nobles. His father had the rank of officer and retired as a second major. In his youth, Pavel Nakhimov entered the Naval Cadet Corps. Even during his studies, his natural gift for leadership made itself felt: he was efficient to the point of impeccability, showed extreme accuracy, was always hardworking and did everything to achieve his goals.

He showed excellent results in his studies and at the age of 15 became a midshipman. At the same age, he was assigned to the brig Phoenix, which was to sail in the Baltic Sea. At this time, many pay attention to the 15-year-old midshipman, who shows everyone that naval service- this is the work of his whole life. His favorite places in the world were a warship and a port. He didn’t have time to organize his personal life, and he didn’t want to. Pavel Stepanovich never fell in love and never married. He always showed zeal and zeal in his service. The biography of Admiral Nakhimov indicates that maritime craft was not just his hobby, he lived and breathed it. I gladly agreed to Lazarev’s offer to serve on the frigate “Cruiser”. This naval commander played a big role in Nakhimov’s life: he took his example and tried to imitate him. Lazarev became a “second father”, teacher and friend for him. Nakhimov saw and respected in his mentor such qualities as honesty, selflessness, and dedication to naval service.

Ship "Azov"

Nakhimov devoted three years to serving on the Cruiser, during which time he managed to “grow” from midshipman to lieutenant and became Lazarev’s favorite student. The biography of Admiral Nakhimov says that in 1826 Pavel Stepanovich was transferred to Azov and again served under the leadership of the same commander. This ship was destined to take part in the Navarino naval battle. In 1827, a battle took place against which a united Russian, French and English squadron fought. "Azov" distinguished itself in this battle, coming closest to the enemy ships and inflicting great damage on them. Results of the battle: Nakhimov was wounded and many were killed.

Commander Nakhimov

At the age of 29, Pavel Nakhimov became the commander of the Pallada. This frigate had not yet sailed and was only built in 1832. Then “Silistria” came under his command, which plowed the expanses of the Black Sea. Here Nakhimov became 9 years old under the leadership of Pavel Stepanovich “Silistria” carried out the most difficult and quite responsible assignments.

Defense of Sevastopol

In 1854-1855, Nakhimov was transferred to Crimea and, together with Istomin and Kornilov, heroically led the formation of naval battalions, the construction of batteries, and the preparation of reserves. He constantly monitored the interaction between the fleet and the army, the construction of fortifications, and the supply of the defenders of Sevastopol. The story of Admiral Nakhimov suggests that his keen eye always saw how to more effectively use artillery and carry out other military operations. Often Nakhimov himself went to the front line and led military operations. During the first bombardment of the city in 1854, he was wounded in the head, and the following year he received a shell shock. In 1855, on June 6, when the city was stormed, he became the head of the defense of the Ship side. At the peak moment, Nakhimov led a bayonet counterattack of infantry and sailors.


June 28, 1855 should have been no different from everyday life military service. A routine detour was carried out and the Sevastopol fortifications were checked. At 5 pm Nakhimov drove up to the third bastion. After inspecting the enemy positions, he headed towards the Malakhov Kurgan to observe the enemy. The sailors and entourage of Nakhimov very clearly remembered the day of his death. The biography of Admiral Nakhimov is evidence that he was very brave, to the point of recklessness. When a French bullet hit him, piercing through his skull, he stood and looked straight at the enemy. Without hiding or stepping aside despite the admonitions of his subordinates who tried to stop him and not let him near the banquet. He did not die immediately, although without a single groan. The best doctors gathered at his bedside. He opened his eyes several times, but remained silent. Admiral Nakhimov died the next day after being seriously wounded. The funeral took place in the Sevastopol Vladimir Cathedral, where the remains of his teacher Lazarev and military colleagues - admirals Istomin and Kornilov are buried.

Order of Nakhimov

Later an order was established in honor of Admiral Nakhimov. It is awarded to outstanding officers navy for excellent conduct of naval operations, bold decisions, good organization. The order has several degrees.

Pavel Stepanovich did not have any qualities for which one could not be awarded. Now this order, as a memory of Admiral Nakhimov, a valiant officer and commander, is awarded to those who show the highest desire to achieve success and excellent results while fulfilling their duty.

The famous Russian admiral Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov was born on June 23, 1802 in the village of Gorodok, Smolensk province. It is 260 km from Moscow. He died on June 30, 1855 at the age of 53 in the city of Sevastopol. A nobleman by birth. He served in military service since 1818 after graduating from the Naval Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg. In 1817, as a midshipman, he made his first sea voyage in the Baltic Sea on the brig Phoenix.

Beginning of a military naval career

A true baptism of fire was the circumnavigation of the world in 1822-1825 on the 36-gun frigate "Cruiser" under the command of Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev (1788-1851). The expedition's goal was to protect Russian America from American smugglers. But where is Alaska and where is Kronstadt? Therefore, I had to go around the whole Earth to get to your destination.

The ship crossed the Atlantic, rounded South America, sailed to Tahiti, and from there headed north. For a year, the "Cruiser" guarded Russian waters from smugglers, and in October 1824 it was replaced by another ship. At the beginning of August 1825, the frigate returned to the Kronstadt port. It should be noted that the voyage took place in difficult conditions. It was accompanied by storms and hurricanes. All participants in this expedition were nominated for awards. Pavel Stepanovich received the rank of lieutenant.

Further naval service

The young officer's further service took place under the command of M.P. Lazarev on the battleship Azov. On October 8, 1827, he took part in naval battle of Navarino. Two fleets fought in this historical battle. On one side was the combined squadron of Russia, France and England, and on the other side was the Turkish-Egyptian fleet. The battle took place in the Bay of Navarino on the southwestern tip of the Peloponnese. The reason for it was the national liberation movement of the Greek people against the Turkish invaders.

The Turks suffered a crushing defeat, and battery commander Nakhimov was awarded another military rank captain-lieutenant. For his courage and heroism, the young officer was awarded the Order of St. George, IV degree. The following year, Pavel Stepanovich was entrusted with command of the 3-masted warship Navarin. It was armed with 30 small and medium caliber guns.

During the Russian-Turkish War of 1828-1829, this corvette took part in blocking the Dardanelles Strait. And after the end of hostilities, the lieutenant commander was transferred along with the ship to the Baltic Fleet. In 1831, Pavel Stepanovich received under his command the most modern warship - the frigate Pallada.

The ship was built according to the personal highest order of Emperor Nicholas I. It was a masterpiece of military shipbuilding of those years. The ship had many design innovations, and was armed with 52 guns. Naturally, they entrusted their command to one of the most worthy officers of the navy of the Russian Empire.

In 1834, Nakhimov was transferred to serve in the Black Sea Fleet. He became the commander of the 84-gun battleship Silistria. It was a real floating fortress. She was considered the best warship and flagship of the Black Sea Fleet.

In 1845, Pavel Stepanovich was awarded the military rank of rear admiral. He led a brigade of ships. And in 1852 he received the rank of vice admiral and became the head of the entire fleet.

Crimean War

In 1853, the Crimean War (1853-1856) began. During this harsh time for Russia, Admiral Nakhimov took charge of the Black Sea squadron. He once again glorified his name in Battle of Sinop . This battle took place on November 18, 1853. In fact, it became the first major battle of the Crimean War.

The battle took place in heavy rain and gusty winds. The Turkish ships were in the bay under the protection of coastal batteries. But this did not frighten the Russian sailors. Enemy resistance was suppressed by powerful gun fire. He destroyed Turkish ships and coastal batteries. Only one Turkish frigate Taif survived. He managed to escape from the fire and go to the open sea. All other ships were sunk. The commander of the Turkish squadron was captured.

In this battle, on the Russian side, 6 battleships and 5 frigates with a total of 746 guns took part. The Turks had 8 frigates and 4 corvettes with a total of 472 guns. Plus, 6 coastal batteries.

The news of the defeat of the enemy instantly reached Sevastopol. On November 22, the victorious ships entered the Sevastopol port amid general popular rejoicing. For the victory at Sinop, the sovereign awarded Pavel Stepanovich the Order of St. George, II degree.

The further course of hostilities was such that in February 1855, ships had to be sunk. Nakhimov was entrusted with defense southern regions Sevastopol. He proved himself to be a courageous defender and leader of the defense. At the same time, contemporaries noted that the soldiers and sailors treated the admiral with great warmth and respect.

Monument to Admiral Nakhimov in Sevastopol


On June 28, 1855, Pavel Stepanovich toured the advanced fortifications in the most important military strategic sector - Malakhov Kurgan. The Anglo-French artillery fired continuously along the heights. One of the fragments of the exploding shell hit the commander's head. It is noteworthy that he, mortally wounded, was carried out from under fire by the deputy battery commander Vasily Ivanovich Kolchak (1837-1913) - the father of Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak: the Supreme Ruler of Russia during the Civil War.

On June 30, 1855, Pavel Stepanovich died. He was buried in the city of Sevastopol in the Cathedral of St. Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir. Nowadays, this is Suvorov Street 3. During the funeral of the naval commander, the flags on the French and English military ships were flown at half-mast. Even the enemy paid tribute to this courageous man who selflessly served his homeland.

The image of an outstanding naval commander and faithful son of Russia remained forever in the memory of the Russian people. Ships, lakes are named after him, settlements, city streets. In 1943, by decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Nakhimov Naval School was created. Thousands of young men came out of its walls and continued the work to which the legendary admiral devoted his entire life.

Alexander Arsentiev

Nakhimov Pavel Stepanovich

Place of Birth:

The village of Gorodok, Vyazemsky district, Smolensk province, is now the village of Nakhimovskoye, Kholm-Zhirkovsky district, Smolensk region

A place of death:



Russian empire

Type of army:

Years of service:


In the event of the absence of V. A. Kornilov, he was appointed commander-in-chief of the fleet and naval battalions


Battle of Navarino, blockade of the Dardanelles, Battle of Sinop, defense of Sevastopol


Nakhimov and opponents


In philately

Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov(June 23 (July 5) 1802, Gorodok village, Vyazemsky district, Smolensk province - June 30 (July 12) 1855, Sevastopol, Tauride province Russian Empire) - famous Russian admiral.


Born in the village of Gorodok, Vyazemsky district, Smolensk province, now the village of Nakhimovskoye, Kholm-Zhirkovsky district, Smolensk region. Noble family The Nakhimovs trace their origins back to Manuil Timofeevich Nakhimov, a centurion of the Akhtyrsky Sloboda Cossack Regiment, of whom the future admiral was the great-grandson. In the beginning. XX century historian V.L. Modzalevsky made an assumption about the origin of the Slobozhansky Nakhimovs from a certain Andrei Nakhimenko, who lived in Poltava in the 2nd half of the 17th century.

1813 - submits an application to the Naval Cadet Corps, but due to lack of places, he enters there only after 2 years.

1818 - graduated from the Naval Cadet Corps, began service in the Baltic.

Under the command of Lazarev, M.P. committed in 1821-1825. circumnavigation of the world on the frigate "Cruiser". During the voyage he was promoted to lieutenant.

1827 - distinguished himself in the Battle of Navarino, commanded a battery on the battleship Azov under the command of Lazarev M.P. as part of the squadron of Admiral L.P. Heyden; for distinction in the battle he was awarded the Order of St. on December 21, 1827. George IV class for No. 4141 and promoted to lieutenant commander.

1828 - took command of the corvette Navarin, a captured Turkish ship that previously bore the name Nassabih Sabah. During the Russian-Turkish War of 1828-29, commanding a corvette, he blocked the Dardanelles as part of the Russian squadron.

Since 1830, upon returning to Kronstadt, he has served in the Baltic, continuing to command the ship Navarin.

1831 - appointed commander of the frigate Pallada.

From 1834 he served in the Black Sea Fleet, commander of the battleship Silistria.

1845 - promoted to rear admiral and appointed commander of a brigade of ships.

1852 - Vice Admiral, appointed head of the naval division.

During the Crimean War of 1853-56, commanding a squadron of the Black Sea Fleet, Nakhimov, in stormy weather, discovered and blocked the main forces of the Turkish fleet in Sinop, and, having skillfully carried out the entire operation, defeated them on November 18 (November 30) in the Battle of Sinop in 1853.


TO OUR Vice Admiral, Chief of the 5th Fleet Division, Nakhimov

With the destruction of the Turkish squadron at Sinop, you adorned the chronicle of the Russian fleet with a new victory, which will forever remain memorable in maritime history

The Statute of the Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George indicates the reward for your feat. Fulfilling with true joy the decree of the statute, we grant you the Knight of St. George of the second degree of the great cross, being favored by OUR IMPERIAL mercy

On the original HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY'S own hand it is written:


During the Sevastopol defense of 1854-55. took a strategic approach to the defense of the city. In Sevastopol, although Nakhimov was listed as the commander of the fleet and port, from February 1855, after the sinking of the fleet, he defended, by appointment of the commander-in-chief, the southern part of the city, leading the defense with amazing energy and enjoying the greatest moral influence on soldiers and sailors, who called him “father.” -a benefactor."

On June 28 (July 10), 1855, during one of the detours of the advanced fortifications, he was mortally wounded by a bullet in the head on Malakhov Kurgan. Died June 30, 1855

Buried in the crypt of the Vladimir Cathedral in Sevastopol


  • 1825 Order of St. Vladimir, 4th degree. For sailing on the frigate "Cruiser".
  • 1827 Order of St. George, 4th degree. For the distinction shown in the Battle of Navarino.
  • 1853 Order of St. Vladimir, 2nd degree. For the successful transfer of the 13th Division.
  • 1853 Order of St. George, 2nd class. For the victory at Sinop.
  • 1855 Order of the White Eagle. For distinction during the defense of Sevastopol.


In 1959, a monument to Admiral Nakhimov by sculptor N.V. Tomsky (bronze, granite) was erected in Sevastopol. It replaced the monument by Schroeder and Bilderling that stood at the Grafskaya pier, demolished in 1928 in accordance with the decree of the Soviet government “On the removal of monuments to the kings and their servants” (there was a statement in Soviet literature that the monument was destroyed by the Nazis during the occupation of Sevastopol, incorrect - a monument to Lenin was erected on the pedestal of the monument to Nakhimov in the early 1930s, and this monument was already destroyed in 1942-43).

During the Great Patriotic War, Nakhimov naval schools were created. In 1944, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established the Order of Nakhimov, 1st and 2nd degree, and the Nakhimov Medal.

In 1946, director Vsevolod Pudovkin shot the feature film “Admiral Nakhimov”. The role of Nakhimov in it was played by actor Alexei Dikiy (for this work, Dikiy received the Stalin Prize of the 1st degree and became a laureate of the Venice Film Festival in the category “Best Actor”).

Nakhimov and opponents

Crimean historian V.P. Dyulichev describes Nakhimov’s funeral in these words:

At the same time, there is an “Act on the mockery of the Anglo-French invaders over the graves of Russian admirals M.P. Lazarev, V.A. Kornilov, P.S. Nakhimov, V.I. Istomin,” dated April 23 (April 11, Art. Art.) 1858, compiled based on the results of an inspection of the tomb of the admirals.


Various warships and civilian vessels bore the name Nakhimov at different times:

  • "Nakhimov" - Russian cargo steamer (sank 1897)
  • "Admiral Nakhimov" - Russian armored cruiser (killed in the Battle of Tsushima 1905)
  • "Chervona Ukraine" - former "Admiral Nakhimov", light cruiser type "Svetlana" (died on November 13, 1941 in Sevastopol.)
  • "Admiral Nakhimov" - Soviet cruiser Sverdlov class (scrapped 1961)
  • Admiral Nakhimov - former Berlin III, Soviet passenger ship (sank in 1986)
  • "Admiral Nakhimov" - Soviet anti-submarine cruiser (scrapped 1991)
  • "Admiral Nakhimov" - former "Kalinin", nuclear missile cruiser project 1144 (under modernization)


  • Lake Nakhimovskoye in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region.


  • Youth center-museum named after Admiral Nakhimov in Smolensk
  • Museum named after Nakhimov in the admiral’s homeland in Khmelit, Smolensk region.


  • In 1992, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued a copper-nickel coin with a face value of 1 ruble, dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the birth of P.S. Nakhimov.
  • In 2002, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued a silver coin (Ag 900) with a face value of 3 rubles, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of P.S. Nakhimov.