The Lusher color test allows you to measure. Take the full Luscher test online for free with transcript. Luscher color test. Full version of the method

Difficulty level: Easy

1 step

Remember, the ideal sequential order of colors to pass the Luscher test is:
1) red
2) yellow
3) green
4) purple
5) blue
6) brown
7) gray
8) black

Step 2

Before writing the test, listen to the instructions carefully. Pretend that you are a little worried. If you are asked if you know anything about the Luscher test, answer in the negative. Say, for example, you took IQ tests, willpower tests, personal qualities and others.

Step 3

To successfully pass the test and not arouse the suspicion of the examiners, be sure to change the arrangement of colors from the ideal sequence.

Step 4

You can change adjacent colors, but not the location of the primary colors. For example, the arrangement of colors: red and yellow, blue and purple can be changed. But the arrangement of the colors black and green is not possible.

Step 5

Since the test procedure is performed twice, in the second option you will again have to arrange the colors in any order. When choosing colors, you can choose your first sequence or change the arrangement of colors. Never start arranging colors in the reverse order.

  • If you wish, you can take a test on the Internet and find out about the color layout that you have chosen.

Alarm level:

First choice: 5
Second choice: 6
The anxiety level is rising!

Total deviation from the autogenic norm (CO):

First choice: 22
Second choice: 22


4-1 Tension caused by an unsatisfied need for love, warm relationships, a feeling of being misunderstood. Restless search for new relationships that could bring joy and peace.

7-1 The need for love and understanding is unsatisfied. Externally blaming reaction to stress, protest forms of behavior and statements.

4 The need for action, emotional involvement, change, communication. Optimism, emotional instability, easy adaptation to different social roles, demonstrativeness, the need to please others, dependence on environmental influences, the search for recognition and the desire for belonging in interpersonal interaction. Tendency to avoid responsibility. In choosing the type of activity highest value is given to ensure that the process of activity itself brings pleasure. Any formal framework is cramped and poorly tolerated. Pronounced emotional switchability without depth of experience and inconstancy in attachments. Spontaneity of feelings, passion for fun, play component in activities.

4+7 Need for action, emotional involvement, change, communication. Optimism, emotional instability, easy adaptation to different social roles, demonstrativeness, the need to please others, dependence on environmental influences, the search for recognition and the desire for belonging in interpersonal interaction. Tendency to avoid responsibility. When choosing a type of activity, the greatest importance is attached to the fact that the process of activity itself brings pleasure. Any formal framework is cramped and poorly tolerated. Pronounced emotional switchability without depth of experience and inconstancy in attachments. Spontaneity of feelings, passion for fun, play component in activities. Pronounced emotional tension. The desire to escape from problems and responsibility faces a serious obstacle, evoking feeling protest. The spontaneity of actions and statements can be hasty and ahead of their thoughtfulness. Active searches ways out of the situation are excessively fussy, inconsistent, unplanned.

7 Protest reaction to the current situation. Defending your own point of view. Subjective assessment of circumstances, irreconcilable attitude towards the position of others, intolerance to the opinions of others. Resistance to external pressure, environmental influences, protest against fate.

*6 Feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, physical overstrain. Fears, heightened suspiciousness, discomfort, need for rest and relaxation.

0 Known tension in contacts with others, the desire to avoid conflict and avoid unnecessary worries.

1 The desire to cope with depression, to master oneself, while remaining active. The need for warm water is blocked interpersonal relationships, dependence on the object of deep affection. Worry and irritable incontinence can impair concentration. Restless dissatisfaction.

1-5 The lack of opportunity to fulfill the need for love and warm relationships is painfully experienced; desire to get rid of an oppressive state, impatience; the need for understanding and friendly relations is unsatisfied. Tension causes a feeling of irritation, a feeling of not being understood by significant others.

5 Tension associated with a tendency to restrain emotional expressions. Pronounced selectivity in interpersonal contacts, subtlety of taste and increased sensitivity to external influences dictate the need for increased self-control. Increased demands on others - as a protection against one’s own excessive gullibility.

4-5 The need for deep affection is not fully satisfied, there is no necessary mutual understanding, which leads to increased self-control.

This test consists of stimulus material (eight color cards) and a methodological manual, which contains a description of the test, testing procedures, processing, and interpretation of results.

Using this test, you can determine the child’s emotional well-being not only at the moment, but also identify the preferred emotional state, as well as his evaluative attitude towards kindergarten, family, upcoming school studies, etc. (Appendices 1-8).

Diagnosis of the emotional state of a preschooler and his evaluative activity (attitude) towards:

ü level child’s comfort in kindergarten;

ü to the future schooling;

ü situations in family;

to kindergarten during the adaptation period



E. D. Polyakova, educational psychologist

MBOU Primary school-kindergarten Essentuki, Stavropol Territory. 2016.

Diagnosis of the emotional state of preschool children

M. Luscher color test

Areas of use. This technique can be used:

  1. when studying the level comfort child at home, in kindergarten;
  2. when identifying the emotional attitudes of preschoolersin relation to upcoming schooling;
  3. during diagnosis family situations;
  4. to identify the child’s relationship with kindergartenduring the adaptation period;
  5. to identify people prone todepressive states and affective reactions.

general description

This test consists of stimulus material (eight color cards) and a methodological manual, which contains a description of the test, testing procedure, numerical indicators and their calculation, processing, interpretation of results and applications (1-8). Interpretation tables make it possible to simplify the processing of test results as much as possible.

Time: 5-8 minutes.

The Luscher color test can be used individually. Along with individual examination, group examination is allowed.

Guidelines. Test procedure:the experimenter shuffles the colored cards and places them with the color surface facing up in front of the subject, after which he asks him to choose the one he likes best out of eight colors, i.e., selectmost pleasantcolor out of eight. The experimenter puts the card with the selected color aside, turning the color side down, and writes down its number in the protocol table. The color selection procedure is repeated. If the subject cannot choose the most pleasant color, the experimenter suggests choosing the most pleasant one. unpleasant color and then suggests moving on to choosing nice colors.

After 2-3 minutes the experimenterrepeats the study: again lays out the cards with the color side up and invites the subject to choose their preferred colors again, explaining that the subject should not remember the order of the layout in the first choice or consciously change it.

To calculate the total deviation from the autogenic norm (SD)it is necessary to compare the order of places that colors occupy in the child’s choice with the “ideal” arrangement(34251607). First, the difference between the actual occupied space and the standard position of the color is calculated, then these differences (their absolute values, without taking into account the sign) are summed up. The CO value varies from 0 to 32 and can only be even . The CO value reflects a stable emotional background, i.e., the prevailing mood of the child.

The stimulus material for the test consists of standard multi-colored squares cut out of paper with sides ranging from 28 mm to 50 mm. In diagnosing children, an incomplete set of 8 colored squares is usually used. The main colors are considered (in order of the number assigned to them):

  1. blue
  2. green clearly preferred colors
  3. red preferred colors
  4. yellow
  5. violet neutral colors
  6. brown
  7. black negative colors
  8. gray (zero)

The first two colors are considered clearly preferred, the third and fourth are preferred, the fifth and sixth are neutral, and the seventh and eight cause antipathy and a negative attitude.

A simplified examination procedure (for eight colors) comes down to the simultaneous presentation of all colored squares on a white background to the subject with a proposal to choose the one he likes the most, which is pleasant. The selected square is turned over and set aside, then the procedure is repeated. A series of squares is formed in which the colors are arranged according to their attractiveness to the subject.

The psychological interpretation of the resulting series of subjective color preferences is based, firstly, on the assumption that each color has a certain symbolic meaning, for example: red - the desire for power, dominance, green - perseverance, perseverance, etc.

Secondly, it is believed thatrange of color preferencesreflects individual characteristics subject. At the same time, it has functional significance position occupied by a specific color. For example, it is believed that the first two positions of the series determine the individual’s goals and ways of achieving them, and the last two are the suppressed needs symbolized by these colors. Selection in area primary colors is associated with conscious tendencies, and among additional - with the sphere of the unconscious.

The first choice in the Luscher test characterizesdesired state, second - real . Depending on the purpose of the study, you can interpret the results of the corresponding test and select an assessment system by comparing the results of the desired and actual state of the child.

1. Assessing the results of the emotional state.

4 points - at the beginning of the row, blue, yellow, purple colors. Black, gray, brown - at the end of the row.Favorable emotional state.

3 points - red and red are allowed green color and in the first positions. Shifting gray and brown to the middle of the row.Satisfactory emotional state.

2 points - shifting black to the middle of the row. Blue, yellow, purple are in last positions.The emotional state of the child is unsatisfactory- the help of a psychologist or teacher is required.

1 point - black and gray at the beginning of the row; the child refuses to comply.The child is in crisis, the help of specialists (psychologist, psychotherapist) is required.

Appendix 1. Stimulus material. Color cards.

Appendix 2. Table of the protocol for studying the emotional state of the child. Luscher color test.

Procedure for presenting cards

Ordinal color number according to Wallneffor

(an indicator of psychological well-being)

Interpretation of positions. Emotional State Scores

Conclusion of an educational psychologist about emotional state child


At the beginning of the row there are blue, yellow, purple colors. Black, gray, brown - at the end of the row

4 points

Red and green colors are in the first positions. Shifting gray and brown to the middle of the row

3 points

Shifts black to the middle of the row. Blue, yellow, purple - in last positions

2 points

Black and gray at the beginning of the row. The child refuses to complete the task

1 point

Serial number of the selected color(selected row positions)

Appendix 3. Table of functions of primary presentation colors.

The “+” function in Table 3 of the Luscher color test means an intensification of the need expressed by a given color, “x” - the experience of states associated with its satisfaction, “=” - the irrelevance of the need at the moment, “-” - the impossibility or undesirability of satisfying the need, negative attitude, and therefore her frustration.








The desire for peace. Intense need for pleasant communication and satisfaction, stable positive attachment, desire for harmony, sensitivity.

Tension of will. Self-affirmation, vanity, spontaneous desire to play a certain role, flexibility of volitional manifestations in difficult operating conditions.

The pursuit of emotions. Active participation and high activity, willpower and a sense of satisfaction in achieving the goal.

Perceiving arousal to relieve tension. Waiting for meetings, opening up, fussiness, running away from problems, illusory expectation of the future.

protects hopes for success, spontaneous satisfaction from participation in activities.


Readiness for peace without tension, pleasant relationships and satisfaction of basic needs for communication

Self-determination, self-control.

Stagnation, frustration, irritability, conflict.

Readiness for contacts.


Superficial connections and relationships, the desire to isolate oneself, to step aside

Low level of aspirations, passive attitude towards the established order and regime.

Nervous irritability, needs careful handling, lack of desire for communication and activity.

A critical attitude towards the choice of contacts and hobbies.


Anxiety, fussiness, lack of deep “cordial” connections, dissatisfaction with relationships with peers and one’s activities.

Restricted self-expression, defensive tension, denied recognition. People around you are perceived as exerting cruel, heartless pressure, forcing you to do what you don’t want.

Over-irritability, feeling of weakness, feeling of helplessness. Offended, having difficulty coping with business. Tired and poorly oriented in the surrounding environment.

Restless waiting. Thematic fixation, limitation of self-disclosure. Stiffness, overexcitation, withdrawal.

Appendix 4. Functions of additional presentation colors.







Negative attitude towards the team, partial integration

Sensitization. Magical-erotic identification.

Physical needs of the body.


Fencing off, cautious restraint, isolation, secrecy, social isolation.

The desire to charm, sensuality, suggestibility.

Regression to physical needs, escape from problems.

Expression of protest, negativism, impulsive-aggressive behavior.


Limited emotional readiness for contacts. Shutdown.


Need for comfort and physical satisfaction.

Protest and withdrawal from a partner or situation


Emotional readiness to communicate. Interest in social relationships.

Holds back his feelings. Reflection of feelings. Scrupulousness. Sensitivity and touchiness.

Discharge of physical needs.

The ability to tolerate restrictions and make compromises. Agrees with the terms.


Emotional excitability, desire for social success.

Suppression of sensitivity, control of feelings. Aesthetic, ethical or logical desire for order.

Suppression, repression or inhibition of physical needs.

Rejecting interference and restrictions, ignoring threats, entrepreneurship.

Appendix 5. Questions to identify the emotional attitudes of preschoolers in relation to the upcoming schooling

  1. Do you want to go to school?
  2. Do you want to stay in kindergarten (at home) for another year?
  3. Do you like it when people read books to you?
  4. Do you ask yourself (yourself) to have a book read to you?
  5. Why do you want to go to school?
  6. Do you like school supplies?
  7. If you are allowed to use school supplies at home and not go to school, will that be okay with you? Why?
  8. Who would you like to be when playing school with the kids: a student or a teacher? Why?

Appendix 6. Questions when researching a child’s comfort level in kindergarten:

  1. Do you love going to kindergarten?
  2. Would you like to work in a kindergarten when you become an adult?
  3. Are you friends in the group? Who are you friends with?
  4. Do you often quarrel?
  5. Are you having a good time in the group today?
  6. Will you go to kindergarten tomorrow?

Appendix 7. Questions for diagnosing the situation in the family:

  1. What color would mom choose?
  2. What color would dad choose?
  3. Do you like it when guests come to you?
  4. Who would you go to the carousel with: mom? dad?
  5. Where do you like to play: at home? in kindergarten? visiting?
  6. What kind of apartment (house) do you have? What does it look like?
  7. Would you like someone from kindergarten to come visit you?

Appendix 8. Questions to identify the child’s relationship with kindergarten during the adaptation period:

  1. Do you like going to sex, why?
  2. Do you think the children in your group are good or bad?
  3. Could you give a friend a toy for good?
  4. When you are punished, what mood do you have, how do you feel?
  5. If the teacher praises you for something, what mood do you get in?
  6. You are expected in the group every morning, are you welcome?
  7. Do you choose your own toys?
  8. Will you also come to kindergarten tomorrow?

The Luscher Color Choice Method is a psychological test related to projective techniques and invented by the Swiss psychologist Max Luscher. According to Lüscher, color perception is objective and universal, but color preferences are subjective, and this distinction allows subjective states to be objectively measured using a color test.

There are two versions of the Luscher test: short and full. When using the short version, a set (table) of eight colors is used: gray (conventional number - 0), dark blue (1), blue-green (2), red-yellow (3), yellow-red (4), red - blue or purple (5), brown (6) and black (7).

Full version The Luscher color test (“Clinical color test”) consists of eight color tables:


"eight colors"

table of 7 shapes corresponding to colors (excluding black)

"four primary colors"

"of blue color"

"Green colour"


"yellow color"

8 color chart (reselect)

The testing procedure itself consists of ordering colors for the test subject according to the degree of their subjective pleasantness. Testing is carried out in natural light, but exposure to direct sunlight on the color chart is unacceptable. The instructions ask you to break away from associations associated with fashion, traditions, and generally accepted tastes and try to choose colors only based on your personal attitude.

Because color choice is based on unconscious processes, it indicates how a person really is, rather than how he imagines himself or how he would like to be, as often happens when survey methods are used.

The results of the Luscher color diagnostics allow for an individual assessment and professional recommendations on how to avoid psychological stress and the physiological symptoms to which it leads. In addition, the Luscher test provides additional information for psychotherapy.

Proponents of the Luscher test claim that it allows for a quick and in-depth analysis of personality based on information obtained from a simple ranking

Sobchik, L. N. Method of color selections - a modification of the eight-color Luscher test: a practical guide. - St. Petersburg. : Speech, 2007. - 128 p.

Luscher color test.

1. The Luscher color test is a projective technique for personality research. Based on subjective preference for color stimuli.By Q-L-T classifications related to Q-data. Published by M. Luscher in 1948.

2. His eight-color test is an extremely interesting technique, original in the choice of stimulus material, which acts like a powerful chord simultaneously on different aspects of the human psyche.

The test colors were selected experimentally by Luscher from 4,500 color tones. The author specifically emphasizes that adequate diagnostics from the standpoint of his method is only possible when using a standard, patent-protected set of color stimuli.

The Luscher test is originally presented in two versions:

1. Complete study with 73 color charts

2. a short test using an eight-color series.

The first of them is quite cumbersome and is most likely of value in cases where the color test is the only tool for psychodiagnostic research. At the same time, the final result of the research is not so extensive information compared to the time and effort spent.

The technique lacks any serious theoretical justification. The interpretative approach of the methodology, which is very eclectic, is based on the socio-historical symbolism of flowers, elements of psychoanalysis and psychosomatics. The experience of using the Luscher eight-color test in domestic conditions not only confirmed its effectiveness, but also made it possible to comprehend its phenomenology in the context of the modern scientific worldview. Its advantage over many others personality tests in that it is devoid of cultural and ethnic foundations and does not provoke (unlike most other, especially verbal tests) reactions of a defensive nature. The technique reveals not only the conscious, subjective attitude of the subject to color standards, but mainly his unconscious reactions, which allows us to consider the method as deep, projective.

3 . Examination procedure proceeds as follows: the subject is asked to choose the most pleasant color from the tables laid out in front of him, without correlating it with the color of the clothes (does it suit the face), or with the upholstery of the furniture, or with anything else, but only in accordance with how much this We prefer a color compared to others for a given choice and at a given moment. When laying out color standards in front of the subject, you should use an indifferent background. The lighting should be uniform and bright enough (it is better to conduct the study in daylight). The distance between color tables must be at least 2 cm. The selected standard is removed from the table or turned face down. In this case, the psychologist writes down the number of each selected color standard. The recording goes from left to right.

The numbers assigned to the color standards are as follows: dark blue - 1, blue-green - 2, orange-red - 3, yellow - 4, purple - 5, brown - 6, black - 7, gray - 0.

Each time the subject should be asked to choose the most pleasant color from the remaining ones until all colors have been selected. After two to five minutes, having first mixed them in a different order, the color tables must be laid out again in front of the subject and the selection procedure must be completely repeated, saying that the study is not aimed at studying memory and that he is free to choose again the colors he likes so

as he pleases.

Additional notes:

Color cards should be shown in daylight if possible, but not in bright sunlight. The following four rules must also be observed:

1. The subject must adhere only to the data of color shades tested over many years and does not have the right to imagine, for example, a lighter, more “beautiful” color.

2. Each color must be selected separately. Under no circumstances should you choose two or more colors at the same time as a beautiful color composition.

3. The subject must decide completely freely which of the proposed colors he likes or dislikes. At the same time, he should not be rushed into answering or helped with leading questions.

4. In no case should colors be chosen with the idea that they are suitable for clothing, curtains, etc.


You need to know that starting from school age, every person can say that one color is more attractive to him than another. The exception is people (they are quite rare) who suffer from absolute color vision disorder and the mentally ill who are unable to communicate. Despite this, sometimes you have to deal with the following reservations: “All colors are equally attractive to me (or equally unattractive)”; “You need to know for what purpose you should choose a color: for a flower I would prefer one color, for a car another”; “It all depends on the mood with which they choose”; “Colors are preferred or rejected only because they remind of something specific (for example: black - mourning)”; “Color has a different meaning for each person,” etc.

Such reservations are usually found among anxious subjects who believe that there is some “correct” solution to the proposed task, which they are afraid of not finding. Another category of subjects who use such clauses are people with a slow reaction to new, atypical tasks. In this case, reservations help the subject to “play for time” and get used to the task.

If the subject’s decision-making is associated with such difficulties, then it is better to ask: “However, you can certainly say which color you like least.” If the decision is finally made, then things will proceed without difficulty. It should also be emphasized that individual choice and personal opinion are important and there is no “right decision”.

Persons prone to hesitation in making a decision can be prompted to make a choice by asking: “Are all colors equally good for you?”

4. Keys

Data processing:

If you conducted two tests with one subject, then it is generally accepted that the first choice characterizes the desired state, and the second - the actual one. Depending on the purpose of the study, the results of the relevant testing can be interpreted.

However, to get more complete information It’s better to compare the two choices and, when grouping, focus on stable pairs.

As a result of testing, we highlight the following positions: both of the prettiest colors receive the “+” (plus) sign, the second pair - pleasant colors - have the “x” sign (multiplication), the third pair - indifferent colors - are indicated by the “=" (equal) sign and the fourth pair - unattractive colors - receives a "-" (minus) sign.

Example. If you have this choice:

then you need to look at the following values ​​in the table. For +3+1, open the registry table at the values ​​+3 and read the values ​​for the combination +3+1. Then, for the value x5x4, the table of values ​​for x5 is opened and the value for x5x4 is read, etc. This is how data is processed if there is a single selection or if the values ​​of both selections are the same.

There are situations where two choices differ slightly from each other, i.e. certain numbers remain nearby, even if their places have changed. These pairs of numbers are circled and considered a group.

1 choice 3 (1 5) (4 0) (6) (2 7)

2 choice 3 (5 1) (4 0) (6) (7 2)

To determine signs, there is the following rule:

the first group or individual digit has a + sign;

the second group or individual digit has an X;

the whole middle has a sign =;

the last group or individual digit has a - sign.

Sometimes the results of the choice in the second test are so different from the first that even identifying groups is impossible. In such cases, it is recommended to use the results of the second test for interpretation, the choice of colors in which is considered more direct and relaxed. A sharp movement of any color to the beginning or end of a row when comparing the results of the first and second tests reveals the subject’s ambivalent attitude towards the need symbolized by this color.

The concept of autogenic norm

The concept of autogenic norm of color preferences is based on the research of Wallneffer. He examined patients using the eight-color Luscher test upon admission to a psychotherapeutic course and at the end of treatment. It turned out that upon admission to treatment, the color preferences of patients are extremely diverse, but in the case of successful therapy, by the time treatment is completed, the choices turn out to be much more uniform and approach the color sequence 3 4 2 5 1 6 0 7 . This sequence was adopted by M. Luscher as the norm for color preferences and is the standard of neuropsychic well-being.

Position meaning

In the eight positions of the rank sequence, the following relation is distinguished:

1st place: the cutest color receives the aspiration sign "+". It shows the means that the subject needs and to which he resorts to achieve the goal (for example, with the color blue: the necessary means is “peace”).

2nd place: it also has an aspiration sign “+” and shows what the goal is (for example, with the color blue: the goal to which one strives is “peace”).

3rd, 4th place: both have the "sympathy" sign "x" as a symbol of their own state. One’s own state is a person’s well-being, his opinion about his health, his disposition (for example, when the color is blue, the subject is in a calm state).

5th, 6th place: it has the sign of "indifference" "=". Indifference shows that this color and property are neither confirmed nor rejected, they are indifferent. For the subject, this color and property are temporarily lost, abolished, they seem to “float in the air.” Those. indifferent color is irrelevant, perceived at the moment as an indifferent, unrealizable property, which, however, can be actualized if necessary. (For example, if the color blue occupies a place with the sign of indifference, then peace is currently irrelevant, but restless irritability may suddenly set in).

7th, 8th place: Both colors have a "-" sign as an indicator of "rejection". Colors that the subject rejects as unattractive express a need that, due to expediency, is inhibited, because spontaneous satisfaction of this need has negative consequences. (For example if Blue colour is in eighth place, then the need for “peace” exists but cannot be satisfied in the current situation, since the subject believes that to calm down means to aggravate the unfavorable state of affairs).

5. Analysis

Brief interpretation of the meanings of eight colors (according to Luscher).

Grey(0). Separating, fencing off, freeing from obligations, sheltering from external causes and influences. His presence in the first positions is compensatory (due to lack of involvement). In the last positions, 0 means involvement, participation, responsibility. Colors located in front of the 0th, if it itself has moved to the 2nd or 3rd position, indicate exaggerated behavior and a lack of balance between the preferred colors, which carry a conflict load, and other devalued needs. If there are three colors 340 in the first positions (says Luscher), then “a shutdown has occurred, and the expansion of the field of activity will only be compensatory. The subject feels lost and nothing matters to him anymore.” The average gray position is 6th, but moves to 5th or 7th are not significant. In conditions of fatigue and stress, 0 moves to the beginning of the row.

Blue(1) It means calmness and tranquility of feelings (which, as already mentioned, is very controversial), reveals sensitivity and vulnerability (which is true, but contradicts the above). Reveals sensitivity, trust, self-sacrifice, devotion. His movement to the last position of the row reveals dissatisfaction with emotional relationships. The first one rejected (-1) means “breaking the bonds” or the desire to break them. The combination +3-1 means a method of action when the feeling of dissatisfaction is compensated by the expansion of sexual contacts (Don Juan syndrome). The combination +4-1 is interpreted as a tireless search for a way out of an unsatisfactory situation. Emotional tension is revealed by moving 1 color to a position other than the first 3.

Green(2) According to Luscher, this is the color of elastic (elastic) tension; it reveals perseverance, determination, resistance to change, and constancy of views. Possession is considered as a variant of self-affirmation “Green tension is like a dam behind which excitement accumulates without receiving a release.” Preference for green color reveals scrupulous precision, critical analysis, logical consistency, i.e. “everything that leads to abstract formalism”, as well as the need to make an impression, to maintain one’s position. Rejection of the color green reveals the impossibility of realizing these needs, the desire to free oneself from interfering restrictions. Compensation of the position (-2) with red (+3) expresses maximum tension and state of arousal (4th). Compensation through +4 (“flight to freedom”) seems to be more productive, channeling arousal in the form of distracting activity. Green means tension in all positions except 2nd, 3rd and 4th.

Red(3) Symbolizes the physiological state associated with energy expenditure. Red is an expression of vitality, nervous and hormonal activity, the desire for success, the greedy desire for all the blessings of life. This is the will to win, attraction to sports, wrestling, eroticism, “willpower.” Rejection of red reveals physiological and nervous exhaustion and decreased sexual desire. Choosing red in first place means a desire for the fullness of being, leadership traits, creativity, and excited activity. Rejection of red indicates overexcitation and exhaustion, the need for protection from stimulating factors. To compensate for the choice of -3, +1 is often detected, but such a combination may reflect a tendency to cardiac disorders. Red reveals emotional-vegetative tension when it does not occupy the first three positions.

Yellow(4). Expresses unrestrained expansiveness, looseness, relaxation, variability full of joyful hopes in the absence of consistency and planning. The preference for yellow speaks of hope or expectation of great happiness aimed at the future, of the desire for something new that has not yet been formed. As a compensating color, yellow reveals impatience, superficiality, restlessness, and traits of envy. Rejection of yellow (6th, 7th or 8th place) means disappointment, a feeling of unrealistic hopes, "an attempt to protect oneself from isolation and further losses or disappointments." Compensation for rejected yellow with blue reveals “masochistic clinging” to the object of attachment. Compensation +2 -4 outlines a variant of behavior in which the protection is the desire for high social status, and +3-4 - search for adventure, activation of sexuality. Yellow indicates tension in all positions except 2, 3, 4 and 5

Violet(5). Contains the properties of both blue and red, unites “the victory of red and the surrender of blue, symbolizing identity, i.e. something like a mystical union; a high degree of sensitive intimacy leading to a complete fusion of subject and object, magic, magic and enchantment, the desire to delight others, the ability to intuitively and sensitively comprehend, the unreality of desires and irresponsibility." The preference for purple is typical for emotionally immature people, teenagers, and pregnant women, who become emotionally and physiologically unstable during this period. It has also been noted that people with homosexual inclinations tend to prefer the color purple, perhaps (as Luscher believes) due to the instability manifested in a peculiar sexual orientation. The need for identity and intuitive understanding is suppressed if the 5th color is in the 8th position, and is projected rather onto objects (or other objects that are inadequate to the direct need orientation, if we continue this thought), hence the basis for increased aesthetic sensitivity, the ability to estimates, to employment in a field of activity that gives freedom of creative choice. Purple is insignificant in positions 3 to 7, and in children and pregnant women - in positions 1 and 2.

Brown(6). This color symbolizes the sensual basis of sensations. In case of physical discomfort or illness, the brown color moves to the beginning of the row. The feeling of loss of roots, loss of home is also manifested by moving the brown color to the left. In the 8th position, brown symbolizes the denial of the need for relaxation and physiological satisfaction or the suppression of physiological needs. The 6th color is alarming when it does not occupy 5-7 places. Black (7th) is “no” in contrast to white’s “yes”, it is “the end beyond which there is nothing more.” 74 in one group indicate some form of extreme behavior. Black color symbolizes refusal, complete renunciation or rejection and has a strong influence on any color that is in the same group with it, emphasizing and enhancing the properties of this color. In the first half of the series, its presence reveals compensating behavior of an extreme type. In the first place, the color black speaks of a protest against the existing state of affairs of a person rebelling against the fate of a person who is ready to act rashly and recklessly. Black color in second place means giving up everything except what the color in 1st position symbolizes. The 7th color in the 3rd position is compensated by the colors located in the 1st and 2nd positions, the 8th position for black is statistically the most common.

Black color Black is the absolute border where life ends. Therefore, the color black expresses the idea of ​​“nothing.” Black conveys the accumulation, defense and repression of the effects of stimuli. Therefore, black means refusal. Anyone who chooses black first wants to refuse out of wayward protest. He rebels against his fate. Black color is a negation in relation to affirmation, which reaches its highest point in white, as absolute freedom (hence impeccability). The banners of anarchist and nihilistic unions have always been black. The one who chooses black as the second most important color believes that he can give up everything if he can force what the color expresses in first place before black. If, for example, the color red comes first, then unbridled experiences should compensate for deprivation. If the color blue is in front of the black color, then peace without tension should recreate the destroyed harmony. If there is a gray color in front of the black color, then complete fencing should help overcome the unbearable condition. The one for whom black is the least pleasant color, as is the case most often according to statistics, does not want to refuse. For him, refusal means deprivation and frightening scarcity. Since he can hardly refuse, he avoids the danger of raising the demand.

6 . So, the study showed that the color selection method is a very subtle psychodiagnostic tool, especially effective in studying unconscious tendencies and state dynamics. Regardless of the characteristics of the population being examined, the technique allows us to better understand the outline of emotional experiences in patients with borderline mental disorders. But it is also important to emphasize that the technique reveals not just a state in connection with a particular situation, but a state as a reaction to this situation of a particular individual within the framework of his inherent type of response.

Your favorite color reflects your personality. It can tell you about your well-being, mood and even well-being. By choosing the right color scheme, you can increase your productivity and create a comfortable environment for yourself.

Your favorite color reflects your personality. It can also tell you about your well-being, mood and even well-being. Studies have shown that a person, by choosing the right color scheme for himself, can increase his productivity and create a comfortable environment.

We invite you to choose from a list of 12 colors, two colors that seem to be more preferable, and one color that you do not like at all. Each color corresponds to a specific aspect of personality.

It is important to make a choice quickly, without spending a lot of time thinking about it. Don't associate colors with clothing or the color scheme of your home, or anything of the same nature - just decide for yourself what you like most and what you like least.


  • Black
  • Blue
  • Brown
  • Green
  • Grey
  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Purple
  • Red
  • Turquoise
  • White
  • Yellow
  1. Choose the color you like best from the 12 listed. Write it down separately.
  2. Choose your next favorite color from the remaining 11. Write it down next.
  3. Now choose from the remaining 10 the color that you like less than others. Also write it down.

The personality of each of us is very contradictory. In one situation a person can be sociable and friendly, in another - shy and withdrawn.

The color test is based on the study of the effect of color on humans. For example, it was found that people with a hot temperament, when they find themselves in a room whose walls are painted pink, very quickly calm down and relax. Product manufacturers are aware of the impact color effects have on consumers and use them when choosing packaging for their products.

The color test is an example of how easy it is to create an illusion scientific approach to the assessment of personal characteristics. This is an example of a stereotypical approach to personality assessment - for example, many believe that people who prefer the color red are usually quick-tempered, also enterprising and self-confident. And those who prefer green are most often calm and thoughtful. We often use these stereotypical characteristics when describing different people: “see everything in pink”, “green with envy”, “blue”, “be in a black mood”.

Interpreting Color Test Results

The following personality characteristics correspond to the 12 colors. Determine your two most preferred colors and choose descriptions that correspond to them.

If you have a least preferred color, then the situation will be reversed: this color will least suit your personality type.

  1. Black. It is usually chosen by people. This means that the person who chooses it always strives for success, which is why this color is often called the “color of achievement.” At the same time, with no less reason, it means a willingness to act without thinking about the consequences and regardless of authoritative opinion.
  2. Blue. The color blue is believed to attract conservative people with a practical mindset. This is the color of calm and appeals to those who crave peace and comfort. They say that people who prefer the color blue can be trusted, and they themselves strive for an organized and orderly lifestyle. Sometimes choosing this color can be a sign that a person is worried about something.
  3. Brown. Like black, the choice of this color is one of the signs of a person’s desire for success, as well as his reliability. “Brown” people feel comfortable being alone and like to arrange their home. Sometimes the choice of this color may indicate insufficient self-realization of an individual and his desire to make the most of his potential.
  4. Green. The choice of this color does not make it possible to unambiguously characterize a person, since such a person can at the same time be an introvert and is clearly interested in the impression he makes on others. “Green” people like to have their actions approved and appreciated. Sometimes they have a domineering character or give advice to other people on how to live.
  5. Grey. Those who choose gray are usually reliable and at the same time prefer to keep their “I” intact. However, sometimes the choice of this color indicates the individual’s hidden desire to make a favorable impression on others and the desire to be noticeable. Therefore, “gray” people, with the aim of some kind of moral compensation, sometimes zealously engage in social activities.
  6. Orange. Choosing the color orange is a sign of an impulsive and friendly personality. It is often preferred by people who accept life as it comes. “Orange” people do not worry about little things and tend to see the will of fate in everything. This is the color full of life, and people who like it have an outgoing, outgoing personality.
  7. Pink. Pink color is usually chosen by people who are caring and at the same time sensitive, one might even say that they have a passionate temperament. “Pink” people want to be the center of attention, sometimes to the detriment of others. Such people often think that they know better than anyone else what others should do, and they tend to impose their opinions.
  8. Purple. Purple is a powerful color, and it is usually chosen by creative, intellectual individuals, and people of a restless, restless nature also prefer this color. It is chosen by those people who are looking for the meaning of life. It is not surprising that the festive clothes of priests are often purple.
  9. Red. Red color is like a burst of energy. This color is most often chosen by extremely confident people and those who have a keen sense of life. "Red" people strive to be winners, their behavior is permeated with the spirit of competition. The choice of this color can also indicate a hot-tempered and sometimes unreliable character. And at the same time, a “red” person usually has influence, he has increased sexual needs, supported by the same sexual energy.
  10. Turquoise. A mysterious color that symbolizes spiritual energy and renewal. This is a sign of a self-possessed and balanced person with dignity and awareness of his own importance. Sometimes turquoise people can appear overly relaxed.
  11. White. White color is chosen by people who want to express themselves as much as possible. This characteristic feature those who need their own space for reflection or experimentation. White people are usually great idea generators, but they sometimes lack practicality. White color is often associated with purity.
  12. Yellow. This color is preferred by optimists. However, it is often chosen by people seeking escapism from reality. "Yellows" can be very energetic, but these are just short bursts of activity. “Yellow” people love change and sometimes change their environment and things without any purpose, just for the sake of the process.


how everything is fine.

09.24.2018 10:30:07, aigul

Everything given in this test has very little relation to the works of N.V. Serov. Rather, this is the metaphysics of M. Luscher

08/11/2006 12:44:48, Nikolay


07/06/2005 01:31:04, Tatyana


07/06/2005 01:27:56, Tatyana

Luscher test? I had it on a floppy disk once, an interesting thing.
but there were much more interpretations there

Comment on the article "Color test"

Color test. What does your favorite color tell you? Like, it’s not me, daughter, it’s you who force me to behave this way, others, etc. So it is with you. I’m translating your mother’s words: I’m sorry, daughter, we didn’t have time to buy you a normal gift...

With regular use, they tint the complexion a little. Now for the winter I use this night cream - AnneMarie Borlind, below in the photo you can see that it is yellowish in color. Your favorite hand cream is kokoi. Hand cream is your favorite.

1 face cream (I apply it after a shower in winter - the skin dries out) 1 hand cream 1 eye cream (applied once) 1 mascara 1 box of eye shadow (4 colors) 3 lipsticks 12/09/2013 18:01:49, Helen May. with all my love for shopping - cosmetics >.

The child loves black... My son is 4 years old. He loves and has always loved the color black (also gray and purple) In short, all dark shades. I practically hide black pencils, black plasticine, etc. from him. I don’t buy black things (even though I ask for them). What does this mean?

We often have the same style and color scheme as dad. See other discussions on the topic "what is it called when mother and child are dressed in the same color scheme"

Color test. The personality of each of us is very contradictory. In one situation a person can be sociable and friendly, in another - shy and withdrawn.

The color of the dough is light yellow. Hall help! Form for Easter! They were lying next to blanks for wooden spoons, boxes, etc. 03/15/2007 16:48:32, Galian.

So it's not mine. And my women are the best. And they hear it from me exactly as much as is enough for happiness. If she sincerely doesn’t care, that means she “fights” us on this man as a man - remember this. We're not talking about JUST friends here. We're talking about...

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white second stripe. Analyzes, tests. Pregnancy planning. I did the “Frau test”, there is a clear white line in place of the second strip. WHAT would that mean?

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There is a test for determining glucose in urine, a paper strip that changes color depending on. Around the day of ovulation, the amount of glucose in the cervical fluid increases...

We bought test strips (manufactured by Biosintez AN, Chernogolovka) for glucose and ketones in the urine. Glucose tolerance test. Analyzes, studies, tests, ultrasound. Pregnancy and childbirth.

Based on certain color tests, a psychologist can help a person understand himself and those around him and solve many internal problems.

So that's what this one is White color what does it mean? From my point of view, the easiest way is to show a child the meaning of signs - symbols and their connection with a real specific object Child from birth to one year Child from 1 to 3 Child from 7 to 10 Teenagers Adult children (children...

Color test. We studied in a pro-gymnasium, where children were prepared for these tests: the same arrangement of dots, drawing, reading, writing, answering logical questions (who is the odd one out...

blue is an insidious color, because “kills” blueness in gray-blue eyes, i.e. in this mascara they are immediately gray. This does not mean that all companies produce black and brown. mascara based on natural ingredients (expensive;), but the fact that other colors do not contain them is for sure.