For everyone and about everything. Latin: History and Heritage

Tribute to tradition

The very peak of the development of medicine occurred in antiquity, so it is not surprising that the works of the Aesculapians were created in the two most common languages ​​of that time - ancient Greek and ancient Roman, that is, in Latin. If the peak of medicine fell on the Sumerians, who are considered the first written civilization on Earth (IV-III millennium BC), then most likely the recipes would now be cuneiform. But it is also possible Feedback- the development of writing and the education system made it possible to transfer knowledge from generation to generation.


In the Middle Ages, Europe was fragmented into dozens of states, and the number of languages ​​and dialects exceeded a dozen. At that time, students from all over the Old World came to the first established universities. To teach them all, they began to use Latin. It was not difficult to master it, since it was the basis of many European languages. This is how a universal tool for communication between philosophers, lawyers, and doctors appeared, and their books, treatises, and dissertations were in Latin. The Catholic Church also significantly influenced this process; Latin was its official language.

The connecting role of Latin has not been lost to this day. Doctor with classic medical education from any country in the world, can easily understand the works written by his foreign colleague. The fact is that all drug names and anatomical names are Latin. A Russian doctor can open an English-language medical journal and generally understand what the article is about.

Aptitude test

Invia est in medicina via sine lingua Latina - the path in medicine without Latin is impassable, says the popular saying. The ability of students to learn another language in a short time has become a filter for professional suitability. English-speaking students have a harder time learning Latin than Russian because it has more in common with modern Russian than with English. For example, grammatical categories in Latin are also expressed by inflection (declension, conjugation), and not by auxiliary parts of speech. Like the Russian language, Latin has 6 cases, 3 genders, 2 numbers, 3 persons, etc.

This is interesting

The famous Latin saying goes like this: “Mens sana in corpore sano” (“A healthy mind in a healthy body”). In fact, the original looked different: “Orandum est, uit sit mens sana in corpore sano” (“We must pray for a healthy mind in a healthy body”). Such subtleties are interesting to study. Modern medical and biological Latin is a kind of Newspeak that arose during the Renaissance by “crossing” classical Latin with ancient Greek.

Today there are more than 6 thousand different languages ​​in the world. Among them are the most complex, the most common and other “most”.

1. There are only six official languages ​​of the United Nations: English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish.

2. In the language of the tribe Australian Aboriginals, living in the Murray River Valley, 1 sounds like “enea”, 2 sounds like “petcheval”, and 5 can be said as eight different ways, for example, “petcheval petcheval enea.”

3. The most meaningful word on Earth is considered to be “mamihlapinatana”, which means “looking at each other in the hope that someone will agree to do something that both sides want, but do not want to do.”

4. In Arabic there are 28 letters that are written at the end of a word differently than in the middle, in Hebrew there are 5 such letters, in Greek there is one, and in other European languages ​​there are no such letters.

5. AD and BC in date designations mean Anno Domini and Before Christ.

6. Those whom we call “new Russians” in Cuba are called “masetos”.

7. “Absurd” translated from Latin means “from the deaf” (ab surdo).

8. " Solar eclipse" in Latin would sound like "defectus solis".

9. Abbreviated English name Christmas “Xmas” contains in the first place not the Latin letter “x” at all, but the Greek letter “chi”, which was used in medieval manuscripts as an abbreviation of the word “Christ” (i.e. xus=christus).

10. Residents of Papua New Guinea speak almost 700 languages ​​(this is approximately 15 percent of all languages ​​in the world). Among these languages, there are many local dialects used to communicate between villages.

11. B Explanatory dictionary 1940, edited by Ushakov, there is the following definition of the word “Figli-migli”(!): “... used to denote some tricks, jokes or some approaches to achieve something, accompanied by pleasantries, antics, tricks, with a wink."

12. The names of the Zodiac signs in Latin sound like this: Aquarius - Aquarius, Pisces - Pisces, Aries - Aries, Taurus - Taurus, Gemini - Gemini, Cancer - Cancer, Leo - Leo, Virgo - Virgo, Libra - Libra, Scorpio - Scorpius , Sagittarius - Sagittarius, Capricorn - Capricornus.

13. “Hermitage” translated from French means “place of solitude.”

14. Cartoon "Cinderella" on Polish language called "Kopciusezek".

15. “Symposium” translated from Latin means “shared libation.”

17. The world's longest palindrome word is the Finnish word "saippuakivikauppias", meaning "silk merchant".

18. Karamzin came up with the word “industry,” Saltykov-Shchedrin came up with the word “softness,” and Dostoevsky came up with the word “to shy away.”

19. On African continent more than 1000 different languages. And the Berber language in North Africa does not even have a written form.

20. The names of the days of the week among the Akan tribe are pronounced as (respectively): Judah, Beneda, Munuda, Yauda, ​​Fida, Meneda and Kwasida.

21. In Chinese writing, the character for “difficulty, trouble” is depicted as two women under one roof.

22. Almost is the longest word in the English language, in which all the letters are arranged in alphabetical order.

23. The words of Persian origin “pajamas” and “suitcase” have the same root (“pi-joma”, “joma-dan”).

24. The name of the island of Curacao literally translated from Spanish means “fried priest” (cura asado).

25. The word “mediocrity” was introduced into the Russian language by the poet Igor Severyanin.

26. B Ancient Egypt The apricot was called the “sunny egg.”

27. In Filipino, “hello” would sound like “mabuhay.”

28. “Fujiyama” means “steep mountain” in Japanese.

29. Until the 14th century in Rus', all indecent words were called “absurd verbs.”

30.V English language there are no words that rhyme with month, orange, silver and purple.

31. There are 72 letters in the Khmer alphabet, and only 11 in the alphabet of the natives of the island of Bougainville.

32. The words “cheerfulness” and “tea” are denoted by the same characters in Chinese.

33. In Georgian kebab is called “mtsvadi”, and in Armenian it is called “khorovts”.

34. In the 19th century, in Russian translations, “Ivanhoe” was called in Russian - “Ivangoe”.

35. In Spanish, a UFO is called OVNIS (“objeto volador noidentificado”).

36. The junior clergy - novice, in Georgian is called... mtsyri.

37. There is a grammatical rule according to which native Russian words do not begin with the letter “a”(!).

38. The word "subway" in Japanese consists of three characters meaning "bottom", "soil" and "iron".

39. The artificial international language Esperanto was created in 1887 by the Warsaw doctor L. Zamenhof.

40. Dahl proposed replacing the foreign word “atmosphere” with the Russian “kolozemitsa” or “mirokolitsa”.

41. Swahili is a combination of African tribal languages, Arabic and Portuguese.

42. The longest English words, in which there is not a single vowel - “rhythms” and “syzygy”.

43. In the Eskimo language there are more than 20 words for snow.

44. The nickname of Alexander the Great’s horse “Bucephalus” literally means “bull-headed”.

45. The oldest word in the English language is “town”.

46. ​​In Chinese, the sounds “r” and “l” are not distinguished.

47. “Sahara” means “desert” in Arabic.

48. In Ukraine Milky Way called Chumatskiy Shlyakh.

49. The Serbian alphabet is called Vukovica.

50. There are only 12 letters in the Hawaiian alphabet.

51. The Viking alphabet was called futhark.

52. There are more than 600,000 words in the English language.

53. Mickey Mouse's Latin name is Mikael Musculus.

54. The words “for future use”, “all-in” and “full face” are adverbs.

55. There is no Latin letter W in the Latin alphabet.

56. Chinese writing has more than 40,000 characters.

57. Writer Ernest Vincent Wright has a novel called Gadsby, which is over 50,000 words long. There is not a single letter E (the most common letter in the English language) in the entire novel.

58. Pomors have a sign: “The mother makes a fool of shame.” On modern language it would sound like this: “During the aurora, the compass does not work.”

59. American President Benjamin Franklin collected more than 200 synonyms for the word “drunk,” including such masterpieces as “cherry-merry,” “nimptopsical,” and “soaked.”

60. Where are the most languages ​​spoken? The record-breaking country is Papua New Guinea. More than seven hundred Papuan and Melanesian languages ​​and dialects are spoken here. It is logical that it was difficult to agree on which of them would become the state one. Therefore, according to the country’s constitution, there is no official language here, and the documentation uses English and its local version - pidgin English (in Papuan “Tok Pisin”).

Latin language belongs to the family of Indo-European languages ​​of Italic root. Latin was originally the language of a small branch of the Italic tribe of Latins, who lived in prehistoric times in the region above the Tiber and known as Latium. The center of this area is VIII century BC e. became the city of Rome (according to ancient historians, the year of its foundation was 753 BC). To the north-west of the Romans lived the Etruscans - a people of an ancient and highly developed culture who had a huge influence on the cultural development of all of Italy, especially Rome. The Latin language includes many Etruscan words, but the Etruscan language itself is very different from Latin: numerous Etruscan inscriptions have not yet been deciphered. Other languages ​​of Italy (the most important of them are Os and Umbrian), related to Latin, were gradually supplanted by it.

In literary Latin there are 4 period. The first period is the period of archaic Latin: from the first surviving written sources to the beginning I V. BC. The second period is the period of classical Latin: from the first speeches of Cicero ( 80-81 gg. BC) until the death of Augustus in 14 AD. Cicero played a huge role in the formation of classical Latin. It was in his prose that the Latin language acquired that grammatical and lexical norm, which made it a “classic”. In most higher educational institutions Classical Latin is being studied in our country.

The period of post-classical Latin extends to I-II centuries AD This period is almost no different from the previous one: the grammatical norms of classical Latin are almost not violated. Therefore, the division into the classical and post-classical periods is more literary than linguistic meaning. The fourth period - the period of late Latin - III-IV centuries. During this period, the fall of the Roman Empire and the emergence of barbarian states after its fall took place. In the works of late Latin authors, many morphological and syntactic phenomena already find their place, preparing the transition to new Romance languages.

The spread of the Latin language in the western Mediterranean occurred as follows: towards the end II century BC The Latin language no longer dominated not only throughout Italy, but also penetrated as the official state language to areas conquered by the Romans Iberian Peninsula and modern southern France, where the Roman province of Narbonese Gaul was then located (it is noteworthy that the name of the modern French region of Provence comes from the Latin word province). The conquest of the rest of Gaul (modern territories of France, Belgium, parts of the Netherlands and Switzerland) was completed at the end 50s I century BC.

In all these territories, the Latin language is spreading, not only through official institutions, but also as a result of communication between the local population and Roman soldiers, traders, and settlers. Thus, the Romanization of the provinces occurred in two ways: from above - in particular through the opening of Roman schools for the children of the local nobility, and from below - through live communication with speakers of spoken Latin. As a result of this, the so-called Vulgar (folk) Latin was formed - a colloquial version of the Latin language, which became the basis language for the Romance languages. Romance languages ​​include Italian, Sardinian, French, Provencal (Occitan), Spanish, Catalan, Galician. Portuguese, Romanian, Moldavian, Romansh, and also disappeared in 19th century Dalmatian.

The influence of Latin on the languages ​​of the Germanic tribes and the British was not so noticeable and was expressed primarily in a number of borrowings from Latin. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Latin retained its leading importance as the language of the state, science, culture, school and church for more than a millennium. Also in 18 century, Newton, Spinoza and even Lomonosov wrote their works in Latin.

Today, the study of Latin remains relevant for a number of humanities and natural sciences: philologists, historians, lawyers, as well as doctors, pharmacists and biologists in varying degrees master the basics of Latin, its vocabulary and grammar.

« Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron» (Yandex dictionaries)

« Great Soviet Encyclopedia» (Yandex dictionaries)

« Literary encyclopedia» (Yandex dictionaries)

Interesting facts about the Latin language

The almost exclusive unambiguity of word-formation makes the Latin language (along with Greek) the most convenient means of replenishing international scientific terminology in the most various areas science and life.

The stress of the Latin language, according to most scholars, is defined as« musical with rapidly growing dynamic tendencies».

Features of language and translation from Latin into Russian and from Russian into Latin

The modern pronunciation of Latin is very different from the ancient one. But this is not so important, since it is mainly written.

The lexical structure of the Latin language is characterized by great archaism, showing similarities with the Indo-Iranian and Hittite languages ​​and, thus,encourages meticulous translation with elements of historiography.

To the question Where was the Latin language born? Countries where it is used? Which Interesting Facts related to him? given by the author Valentina the best answer is Latin belongs to the family of Indo-European languages ​​of Italic origin.

In literary Latin, there are 4 periods, dating from the reign of Livy Andronicus and Cicero to Tiberius and Emperor Hadrian.
In the history of Italy and its spiritual development, as in history Italian language, the role of Latin was especially great. And this is understandable: Italy is historically the metropolis of the Roman Empire, the “garden of the Empire”, Italy is the direct heir of Ancient Rome, the cradle of the European Renaissance. It was here that Latin flourished as a written language for centuries, and where the confrontation and interaction between Latin and the vernacular lasted for an unusually long time.
Having long been ousted from the living communication of mere mortals, Latin steadfastly held on as the official language of writing and in this sense never died in Italy. However, the golden age of Latin is associated with the Renaissance. The Latin language symbolized the continuity of tradition and the legality of ownership of the ancient heritage.
The evolution of the social life of Italy at the end of the 14th and 15th centuries, the crisis of urban communes, and features of regression in social development introduced new aspects into the linguistic situation and put forward new factors for strengthening the position of Latin. An objective manifestation of the cult of Latin is the rich literature in this language - epistolary, journalistic, historical and philosophical prose, short stories (Florentine Poggio Bracciolini and his “Faceti”, Neapolitan Girolamo Morlini), poetry (Neapolitan Giovanni Poptano and Florentine Angelo Poliziano).
The cult of the Latin language finds expression in its direct glorification, which is combined with deep philological study. Here, of course, the name of Lorenzo Balla, the author of the treatise “On the Beauties of the Latin Language,” should be mentioned.
Throughout the same historical era, which we call the Renaissance, the fortunes of Latin in its brilliant run towards the status of the recognized common language of Italy changed.
The dangerous gap between written and living language ultimately turned out to be disadvantageous for the ruling classes, because it threatened their cultural power. Thus, the prerequisites for a new linguistic orientation arose
The change in milestones is clearly evident in the field of translation. The second half of the Quattrocento and the 16th century is a time when humanists of different generations (“penitent sinners,” as Philip Monier once called them), were intensively engaged in the “vulgarization” of Latin books - translating them into Italian.
Latin remained the language of science for a long time, and it took the creative feat of Galileo for the science of Italy to confidently speak the popular Italian language.
The Latin language used to be common in ancient Rome and its environs. Then he gradually began to dominate the vast area around the Mediterranean basin, from the Strait of Gibraltar in the West to the Euphrates River in the East and from North Africa to Great Britain.
Now the Latin language is widespread wherever there are professional doctors, biologists and philologists, as well as experts " catchphrases» .
The almost exclusive unambiguity of word-formation makes the Latin language (along with Greek) the most convenient means of replenishing international scientific terminology in various fields of science and life.
A few "catchphrases"
Non enim tam praeclarum est scire Latine, quam turpe nescire. - It is not as wonderful to know Latin as it is shameful not to know it (Cicero).
Ad cogitandum et agendum homo natus est. - Man is born for thought and action.
Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas. - Plato is my friend, but truth is dearer (Aristotle).

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Where was the Latin language born? Countries where it is used? What interesting facts are associated with it?

Answer from Aljono4ka[guru]

Latin was originally the language of a small branch of the Italic tribe of Latins, who also lived in prehistoric times in the region above the Tiber and known as Latium. Together with the Roman conquest, the Latin language spread throughout Italy, and then beyond its borders to Gaul, Spain, etc. During the empire, the Latin language acquired worldwide significance.

Answer from Eurovision[guru]
Latin language (self-called lingua latina), or Latin, is the language of the Latin-Faliscan subgroup of the Italic languages ​​of the Indo-European language family. Today it is the only actively used Italian language (although there have been no people with native Latin for at least a millennium and a half, therefore, it should be considered a dead language).
Latin is one of the most ancient written Indo-European languages.
Today, Latin is the official language of the Vatican State, as well as the Catholic Church.
A large number of words in European (and not only) languages ​​are of Latin origin (see also international vocabulary).
The Latin alphabet is the basis for writing many modern languages.

Answer from Vote[guru]
Latin language was born in Ancient Rome, now it is a dead language, that is, it is not spoken anywhere, but it is the ancestor of modern Romance languages, the closest is Italian. Medical Latin is also used by doctors.

Answer from Kerosene[guru]
LATIN, the language of the Italic group of the Indo-European family of languages. Developed on the basis of the Latin language. With the rise of Rome, it spread to all of Italy, then to a significant part of the Roman Empire. Becoming literary language- 3-2 centuries BC e. The popular spoken Latin language ceased to exist in the 9th century. , by this time the formation of Romance languages ​​on its basis had ended. In the Middle Ages it existed as a common written language of Western European society, the Catholic Church, science and partly literature. The Latin language has played a big role in the history of culture (especially Western European). In the 20th century used in scientific terminology. The language of the Catholic Church and the official language (along with Italian) of the Vatican.

Answer from Navruz[newbie]
The Latin language (Linqua Latina) received its name from a small Italian tribe of Latins (Latini), who lived in the region of Latium. This area is located in the middle part of the Apennine Peninsula. Here, according to legend, in 754/753. BC e. The city of Rome was founded by the brothers Romulus and Remus. Rome pursued an aggressive, aggressive policy. As Rome's conquests grew and the Roman state expanded, the Latin language became widespread not only in the Mediterranean basin, but also beyond its borders. Thus, until the second half of the 5th century. n. e. (476 - the year of the fall of the Western Roman Empire) Latin acquires international status throughout the Roman Empire. Latin became less widespread in Greece, conquered by the Romans in 146 BC. e. , as well as in the Greek colonies located in the south of the Apennine Peninsula and the island of Sicily. These colonies were called Graecia Magna (Greater Greece).
The widespread spread of the Latin language in the conquered territories was facilitated by its lexical richness, reflecting all areas human existence, as well as abstract concepts, grammatical harmony, brevity and precision of expression. The languages ​​of the conquered peoples generally did not yet have such characteristics.
The history of the Latin language is divided into several periods:
Archaic period VI-IV centuries. BC e. ;
Preclassical period III-II centuries. BC e. - This is the period of formation of the literary Latin language. The main monuments of this period: the comedies of Plautus and Terence, as well as the treatise of Cato the Elder “On Agriculture”.
However, the Latin language reaches its greatest flourishing and perfection during the “Golden Age” - during the reign of Emperor Augustus (1st century BC). Classical, or “golden” Latin received its grammatical, syntactic and stylistic completeness. The “Golden Age” is the century of the highest flowering of Roman literature. At this time, Cicero, Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Caesar, and Sallust were working.
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The next stage in the history of the Latin language is the period of “Silver Latin” (1st century AD). It is characterized by deviations from the purity of the classical literary language and experiences a certain influence from the languages ​​of the Roman colonies. By this time, the phonetic and morphological norms of the literary language had already finally emerged, and spelling rules were established, which are still used to guide the publication of Latin texts. The Middle Ages in the history of the Latin language is characterized as the period of Latinĭtas vulgāris (“vulgar Latin”) or also as Latinĭtas culinaria (“kitchen Latin”). It was during this period that a lot of new words and concepts that were absent in classical Latin were introduced into the Latin language.
However, in the era of humanism (XIV-XVII centuries), the Latin language again approaches the ideal of “golden Latin”. It was during this period that wonderful New Latin literature was created. The Belarusian Renaissance is also famous for its Latin-language authors. The names of Belarusian educators and poets are known to the whole world (Francisk Skaryna, Nikolai Gusovsky, Jan Wislitsky, Simeon Polotsky).
During the Middle Ages, Latin was taught in schools and universities Western Europe In addition, in this territory it functions as a common written language.
In modern times, up to the 18th century. , Latin is used as the language of science and diplomacy.
Currently, Latin is the official language of the Catholic Church and the Vatican State. In the Catholic Church, until the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), services were conducted only in Latin.
Despite the subsequent displacement of the Latin language national languages, and to this day it retains its importance in the field of scientific terminology, especially in law, biology, and medicine.

Latin language (lat. lingua latina), or Latin, is the language of the Latin-Faliscan subgroup of the Italic languages ​​of the Indo-European language family. Today it is the only actively used Italian language (although there have been no people with native Latin for at least a millennium and a half, therefore it should be considered a dead language).

Latin is one of the most ancient written Indo-European languages.

Today, Latin is the official language of the Holy See (Vatican City State), as well as the Roman Catholic Church and other Catholic churches.

The Latin alphabet is the basis for writing many modern languages.

Latin Wikipedia(lat. Vicipdia listen)) is a section of Wikipedia in Latin, opened in 2002. As of January 1, 2008, there were 17,621 articles (55th place); in May 2008, it exceeded the threshold of 20,000 articles. It is also interesting because the Latin language is considered a dead language (although more than 20 members of the English Wikipedia and a number of members of other language versions of Wikipedia call Latin their native language).

Articles about Latin

Project "Living Latin" (
Visiting the Russian general education portal. Site editor Mikhail Polyashev answers questions
The Wap version of the portal (mobile phone version) is available from any mobile phone at:

In Defense of the Teaching of Latin (
Unfortunately, everyone knows that teaching Latin in our universities has turned into a tedious task, painful for both students and professors. All hope is for high school. Not only in specialized gymnasiums, where Latin is now fashionable, but also in simple schools it is necessary to introduce courses “ Ancient civilization”, where there would be a little bit of everything: the basics of the Latin language, the Greek roots of words, aphorisms, historical facts, mythology, philosophy, art, epigraphy.

How necessary and in demand is a course in popular practical Latin, where it would be studied as if it were alive, almost colloquial. And it is very useful to accustom our schools to this, so that students (and the teachers themselves) can always easily apply their knowledge at any step in life. So that they can immediately find Latin roots in complex scientific terms, foreign words, understand derivatives, read numerous epigraphs in Latin, quotes, inscriptions on houses and objects, mottos of companies and states. “Classics” guarantee: even if outwardly you are far from antiquity, the knowledge gained in this area will never lie as a dead weight on your soul. Someday they will definitely come in handy and help you.