What is honesty and integrity? What is Honesty? The meaning and interpretation of the word chestnost, definition of the term Definition of the concept of honesty

Honesty is where to start. The ability to be honest, to speak honestly with a partner, children and all the people around - opens up a lot.

If you take honesty as a rule and honestly admit to yourself every day: how much I was myself today; as far as I did what I wanted, or I again did what others expect from me - your life will change radically. What programs and images from the past control my actions and thoughts today? To what extent am I in my thoughts here, in the present moment?

Honesty is the best policy, and our relationships with each other and with our customers confirm this. We even named our first site Honest Blog.

Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom. (Thomas Jefferson)

What is honesty?

Honesty is a talent understand the essence of things and bring it to the surface from under the many covers. This is a state of consciousness when we see and recognize our thoughts, qualities of character, feelings, emotions, when we see our pain or the pain of another person. We are for honesty in everything, especially when it comes to your inner emotions and states. " God lives in an honest head.” Ancient Wisdom

Five levels of honesty:

  • 1 level. Be honest about yourself

About your feelings and emotions in relation to other people. If you honestly tell yourself that you are angry with someone or jealous of a good relationship or success of a person, you will quickly understand the reason within yourself, and by understanding and accepting this, you will automatically dissolve it.

  • 2nd level. Be honest about others

This allows you to see in others a reflection of your unresolved issues or your qualities, which are sometimes difficult to see in yourself. If, for example, you see greed in your husband, look where you yourself control the life energy within yourself, and why. If you see envy in someone - ask yourself the question - “What is this for me?” If you see irresponsibility, where are you yourself showing irresponsibility? etc.

  • 3rd level. Be honest with others about themselves

This allows you and your loved ones or clients to be aware and move to new levels. This way you don't feed the other person's false ego by saying what they want to hear. You say what is. You don't feed your false ego by trying to please the other.

  • 4th level. Be honest with others about yourself

This allows your loved ones and you to take an honest look at yourself and see more. When you are honest about yourself - you are not trying to be significant or more knowledgeable for others, you admit that you also have questions and unresolved tasks. Thus, your ego is losing ground gradually. Reduces grip and control. You tell a person your truth, of course, and not the true truth. The true truth does not objectively exist, but you share your truth with another person about himself.

  • 5th level. Be honest with everyone and everything

And if you can walk these five steps, you are five steps closer to heaven. Because heaven no longer needs to lie.

[#Awakening_Woman's Diary] A woman shouldn't be comfortable. The image of a spiritual woman is not easy for everyone, but when you remove the shackles of holiness from yourself, an ocean of energy will open in you and the infinity of your essence will become closer.

Honesty is already half the battle!

The main task is to speak honestly to everyone and about everything. A prerequisite is to speak honestly, with love. Then honesty is not perceived as reproaches.

You have repeatedly seen in people a manifestation of envy or self-interest. If you condemn it, you will not be able to honestly tell a person about it, especially if you are used to pleasing everyone.

Once you accept it, you can say it, and the choice is up to the person to accept it or not. Thus, you acknowledge the choice of the other person. Recognize the creator in him.

Suppose a client comes to you, you clearly see in him a manifestation of pride, you clearly see in him disbelief in you as a healer, disbelief that you can help him.

You need to honestly tell the client that if he came to you and does not believe in your help, you will not be able to help him.

Now many people are discovering abilities, and very often, along with clairvoyant abilities, pride manifests itself.

Here you need to honestly say to yourself: I consider myself better, more spiritual, wiser than others. Recognition of pride in oneself is the first step to purification.

Pass About what prevents you from moving forward and does not allow real potentials to open in full force.

Honesty is already half the battle,

Joe Vitale says:

“If you are honest with yourself, then you are on your way to awakening. When you lie to yourself, you don't grow. When I openly admit that I was unemployed or that I am far from awakening, I declare this to myself and the Universe.

Fortunately, one day I realized that when I lie to someone, I lie to the universe. I teach her not to trust me. When I told a lie about my position, about my life, about my problems, when I lied, I embellished the reality very much. And then he prayed to the Universe and God and asked: “Please give me this and that”, or: “Help me cope”.

The universe could respond like this: “I don’t know what you really want. Not so long ago you claimed that everything was fine with you, and now you are crying out for help. You can't be trusted." I know for sure that absolute, to the most hidden depths, honesty means that you can be trusted. The pure truth can be cruel. People often come to me with the words: “I don’t know what I want. I don't know what to ask. I don’t know how I want to see my life, who to be and what to do.” To which I reply: “You are not telling the truth. You are deceiving yourself and me."

If you are ruthlessly honest with yourself (I deliberately use the word “ruthlessly” to prevent you from hiding behind the word “honest”), then deep down you know exactly what you desire most. You are simply afraid to say it out loud, otherwise you will have to take responsibility for inaction. It's too scary for someone with a victim mentality.

For me, it all starts with absolute honesty. Be honest about who you are, what you do, what you are striving to achieve, what you are trying to attract, what experience you want to have and what you have achieved in life. I'm sure the Universe respects such a position.

I think other people also respect this position, and it has its proper place in the whole process of awareness, in the process of your development. All power is in the truth. And the cruel truth is an integral part of spiritual quest.”

1. Sincerity and directness, conscientiousness.

2. moral quality reflecting one of the most important requirements of morality.

3. Openness and readiness to joyfully perceive the “new” that is objectively better than the “old”.

4. (Openness and) avoidance of deception, and in particular fraud, in relationships with other people (and yourself).

5. Straightforwardness, truthfulness, steadfastness in conscience and duty, denial of deceit and theft, reliability in fulfilling promises.

6. The talent to understand the essence of things and extract it to the surface from under many covers.

7. The belief that the interlocutor is so spiritually developed that he will be able to understand and accept even the most bitter truth.

8. Human quality, which is the basis of any information process in society.

9. Honest attitude towards someone, anything, honest behavior.

The requirement of Honesty is due to the need for joint activities of people in the process of social practice, mutual coordination of their actions and the needs of everyday community life.

Honesty includes truthfulness, adherence to principles, fidelity to the obligations assumed, subjective conviction in the rightness of the case being carried out, sincerity to others and to oneself in relation to the motives by which a person is guided, recognition and observance of the rights of other people to what legally belongs to them.

Honesty is valuable positive quality and a character trait of a person, a serious reason for respect for this person from others. Even a dishonest person recognizes the superiority of an honest person.
Honesty sets the direction for a person's personal growth. It gives freedom from duplicity, cowardice and servility. Honesty makes it possible to achieve the triumph of justice, both in small and large.
Honesty must be nurtured from childhood.

Honesty dies when sold.
The complete lack of Honesty is duplicity.
The absence of a measure necessary even in Honesty is uncompromising.
The opposite of Honesty are deceit, deceit (lie), theft, treachery, hypocrisy.

Compared to truthfulness, the concept of Honesty emphasizes the absence of selfish motives for disinformation and, at the same time, is more lenient towards unintentional misrepresentation, i.e. a person can remain honest if he tells another lie that he himself believes.

In practical matters, most people allow petty deceit, regarding absolute Honesty as naivety or even stupidity. Significant deviations from Honesty are allowed in cases where it poses a threat to life and health.
In addition, an unspoken moral code limits Honesty in cases where the information may injure the interlocutor. Especially often this limitation is connected with sincerity, i.e. an expression of one's attitude to the interlocutor, if such is impartial. Some physicians consider it ethical to hide dire diagnoses from patients. Many people hide troubles from their loved ones in order to relieve them of unnecessary anxiety.

Everyone tries to present his dishonesty as Honesty. Honest admission of being wrong is rare.

However, you should always strive to be honest. But it is necessary to present Honesty adequately to another person and situation, not always on a grand scale and dashing blow, but wisely calculated.

Direct honesty is possible only between people of high psychological culture and great strength. Yes, and the truth is everyone has their own, which also needs to be taken into account. But in any case, to beat an unprepared person with Honesty with full force is not fair.

Under the conditions of exploitation, class contradictions, and mutual competition, honesty could not and cannot become a universal rule, a law of social life. The requirement of Honesty has been constantly violated and violated. In the spirit of mercantile practicality, it became the key to personal success, gaining people's trust and credit.
Honesty is seen as something like an informal contract that can be terminated as soon as its observance becomes unprofitable. In politics, this meant legitimizing the deception of voters to win their votes, in commerce - the trickery of a competitor, in international relations - the violation of the terms of the contract when the balance of power changed, when another state could no longer protect its rights.
In relation to the working people, the ruling class observed the laws and fulfilled its obligations only insofar as it feared mass demonstrations (strikes or uprisings). The bourgeoisie repeatedly betrayed its allies in the struggle against the feudal nobility (the proletariat and the peasantry) and turned their weapons against them as soon as they came to power with their help.

Every person dreams of a kind and honest friend, spouse, boss, colleague. Is not it? Kindness and honesty are the qualities that most people try to find in other people, forgetting that, first of all, you need to be like yourself.

What is honesty?

Let's talk about honesty. It is worth trying to define this rather difficult concept. Honesty is when a person always tells the truth and tries not to lie under any circumstances. He avoids lies, omissions. Honesty is the ability to always admit one is wrong, it is the ability to never make excuses, to be sincere in any situation. An honest person has a conscience that never sleeps, which strictly controls all his actions and actions.

On the types of honesty

There are two kinds of honesty - honesty to other people and honesty to yourself. At first glance, it seems that being completely frank in private with yourself is very easy. However, it is not. Very often people fall into the network of illusions created by themselves and can stay in them for a long time. For example, there are times when a person considers another person his most sincere friend, trusts him in everything, helps him, and years later it turns out that friendship as such did not exist. It's just that the first wanted to believe in this holy feeling, while the other simply skillfully took advantage of its principles. Therefore, it is very important never to deceive yourself.

Now let's talk about honesty in front of others. What is included in this concept? First of all, your word. An honest person will always keep his promise, help in difficult times. You can trust him like yourself. He always speaks to the point and would rather remain silent than flatter and sing praises.

Is it easy to be honest?

Unfortunately, to be honest in modern world very difficult, because deceit, meanness and betrayal can be found at every step. In most cases, they love those people who can cheat, evade an answer, or scatter in compliments. That is why man had an unbearably difficult mission to bring kindness and light into this world. Honesty is not only a quality of character, but also the duty of those people who consider themselves highly moral. There are several reasons why people choose honesty. Those who believe in God will say that the seventh commandment says, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." And they will be completely right, living according to the Lord's prescriptions. Others, unbelievers, can also be no less honest, because they cannot live otherwise. Thus, we can conclude that honesty comes in different ways.

Human honesty also lies in the eradication of lies. He will do his best to prevent another from lying, and in any situation he will strive to ensure that justice prevails.

Laws of the Universe

Honesty is life, according to the laws of the universe. It is worth noting that they are all honest. For example, the boomerang law. He did a good deed - in the future it will definitely return, he committed an evil deed and already seems to have forgotten about him, but no, he will return, and at the most inopportune moment. Honestly, right?

A word about straightness

However, it is worth distinguishing between honesty and excessive straightforwardness, or even rudeness. An honest person is always correct, even though he speaks the truth. The straightforward one says everything he thinks about, without even assuming that his words are not always in place and can hurt the neighbor. When speaking the truth, first of all, be correct.

Be honest and sincere, and then your conscience will always remain calm. Also, do not forget that you need to be sincere in front of yourself. Good luck in this difficult, but very necessary business!

Honesty is the quality of a winner.

Good day. I, Sergei Zelinsky, want to help you.

Honesty is the most important quality of a winner. Honesty with others, and most importantly, honesty with yourself.

Why is being honest with yourself in the first place? Because you can talk about honesty in relation to others as much as you like, but when it touches on the matter, based on the fact that a person’s actions are the result of an algorithm of actions inherent in the subconscious, a person will unconsciously act exactly as he considers necessary in his own soul. That is why, even when a person outwardly seems sincere and honest - in actions caused by extreme situations (when there is no time to analyze the situation), he will act as his inner essence is. Therefore, sometimes people open up to us from the other side.

Therefore, your honesty should be such first of all in relation to yourself. Honesty in one's own thoughts and desires. Honesty even at the level of thoughts.

What does it mean to be honest? Honesty does not mean always telling the truth. It would be too easy. And a scoundrel can tell the truth and even rejoice in it, but by nature he will still remain a scoundrel, only he honestly admits it. Therefore, honesty is, first of all, a sincere desire to live according to conscience.

Conscience is from God. To live according to conscience means not to commit sins. If we know that we are doing something that will bring suffering to another person, then we are not acting honestly in relation to this person. Why not quite? Well, for example, if a violent drunkard asks us for a drink, and we give it to him, knowing that he will get drunk and beat his wife - what kind of honesty is this, because we indulge in sin. And if we tell him that we won’t give it to him, yes, this drunkard will suffer without alcohol, but suffering in this case is for the good, because we will keep the peace in his family, although we act not quite honestly towards the drunkard himself.

But the truth is indisputable: honesty does more good for a person than harm. First, when a person is honest, he has nothing to hide. If he has nothing to hide, then there is no secret news. Because if we assume that such news would exist, and further assume that sooner or later someone would find out about such news (for there is nothing secret that would not become obvious), and if we assume that this someone, having learned about this secret news, he would be very saddened, or even furious, and would bring down his anger on the one who hid this secret news, then here is the result of hiding and turning into a completely unnecessary secret of what, if it became a reality immediately , would not cause such sad consequences.

And it turns out that if you live honestly, then there will be nothing secret, and if there is nothing secret, then, accordingly, there is nothing to hide, and if there is nothing to hide, no one will know about anything, because he knows everything and so.

It turns out that telling the truth is only for the good. And above all, for those who speak the truth and hide nothing. As they say, fewer problems. And if there are fewer problems, then all the forces of one's own peace of mind can be used to achieve vital goals and objectives. As they say, Quod erat demonstrandum (which was to be proved).



adj., use Often

Morphology: honest, honest, Honestly, honest And honest; more honest; nar. Honestly, honestly

1. honest They call a person who always tells the truth, is sincere in communicating with other people.

3. honest they call actions, deeds of a person in which there is no deceit.

Honest behavior. |


Be honest, be honest.

4. If you do something like an honest person, then this means that in your behavior you are guided by the rules of honor, protect your own and others' dignity, etc.

He said that, as an honest man, he should get married.

5. Honest methods, ways of doing something means methods and ways in which there is no deceit.

How to earn money honestly.

6. honest words, books, etc. are called words, books, etc., which truthfully, reliably state events, facts, do not hide anything.

I just want to hear from you an honest account of everything that happened. | Thanks for your direct and honest answer.

7. You are talking to someone honestly when you promise him to act without deceit or assure him that your words are true.

An honest word. | Give an honest word to someone. | Take an honest word from someone. | Demand an honest word from someone.

8. If you give something to someone, let someone go on parole, then this means that you believe that this person will not deceive you, do not require a deposit from him or any other guarantees of his honesty.

9. If something hangs, keeps on parole, then this means that this object is not firmly held, fastened, stands.

10. honest called a process, action, phenomenon that comply with the law and do not allow fraud.

Honest income. | Fair Trade. | Fair elections. | Fair game rules. | The President said that Russia is ready for fair competition in the international aviation market.

11. honest what is called is that which is not stained, not tarnished by anything reprehensible, something worthy, noble.

Honest family. | Honest name. | Live an honest life.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitrieva. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .



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