All the books are about: “Submission is not for me. The best academy of magic, or I got there by choice

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Victoria Svobodina
Submission is not for me

Chapter 1

It's stiflingly hot outside. Mid summer. Everything is swimming in my vision, but I hold on, not wanting to seem weak. She took a deep breath of hot air and continued working. In the parking lot near the bank, I wash the dust off another glass of a super-cool fly.

- Ira, are you done? - running past, my friend Loiki, a blond, snub-nosed boy with green eyes and a mischievous smile, cheerfully asks.

“A couple more flights and we’ll leave.” That's what Geble said. Soon a patrol may pass along this street.

- Okay, I understand.

I quickly wash the car and wipe the sweat from my forehead. A few coins weigh down your pocket nicely. I vigilantly scan the street in search of new clients. Not a soul. It was lunch time - the heat was on and everyone hid in the buildings. Oh, lucky! A predatory-looking, unrealistically expensive red fly smoothly flew out from around the bend. A rich client is always great. I rub my hands in anticipation.

Fly stopped right at the entrance to the bank. In general, the car is clean, only the windshield is slightly dusty. I run up to my future prey. The doors of the flight rise up with a quiet puff, and first a tall, dark-haired and very handsome man in an expensive suit gets out. The owner of the car walks around it, the door of the passenger seat opens, and this probably high-ranking gentleman helps his lady out of the car - a girl in a light white floor-length dress and a hat with an unrealistically wide brim - such an elegant figurine, not a girl.

I adjusted my cap so that the visor now points forward rather than backward. She wiped her face with the back of her hand and looked at her hands—black with dirt. I can imagine how beautiful that face is now. She wiped her hands on wide green trouser legs with many pockets. I am very far from grace now. Maybe you shouldn't approach this couple? But we really need money now, so we have to take risks.

“Mister,” I squeaked. - Let's wash the car.

My client turned around. I expected that they would throw me a coin, as usual, but... The man examined me carefully from head to toe. And not disgustingly, but attentively, and said:

“Girl, I can’t imagine how your guardian or husband allowed you to work, and in such a way, but I warn you: I’ll see you here again, and your master will have a hard time.”

At the first moment I was terribly scared. I'm dressed like a boy. No one had ever recognized me as a girl before.

– You are confusing something, sir.

– Don’t think that I’m blind or stupid. You are a girl, and... perhaps a beautiful one. It’s incredible that you are forced to work, even on the street, and not pampered and cherished like a delicate flower.

“Maybe it’s me who doesn’t want to be cared for and cherished,” I suddenly said boldly. In the two years I've lived in this city, I've become so fed up with self-righteous males who think women don't have brains. And this specimen of the human race looks at me so condescendingly.

- Nonsense. You are a weak, not very smart creature, created for bed pleasures and the birth of children. Here’s your money,” a large coin flew towards me with a quiet clink, which I deftly caught. – If you want, wash the fly and wait for me here, I’ll come out soon. I'll put you in good hands.

My client and his silent companion - although she had been listening to the gentleman’s words with obvious curiosity throughout the conversation - climbed the steps and disappeared behind the massive doors of the bank.

A weak, not very smart creature, created for bed pleasures and the birth of children. She chuckled gloatingly. Even if not very smart. But is it weak? She walked up to the defenseless fly and kicked the car door with all her might, then hit the glass, breaking it to smithereens. It did the same with all the other glass that my foot could reach.

- What are you doing, Ira?! - Loiki rushes towards me, clutching his hair, Gebl catches up with him, and the rest of the guys catch up.

I don't have time to answer. At the beginning of the street, the sounds of police sirens are heard. Me and nine guys take off in an instant. A gloomy satisfaction settled in my soul that I had somehow taught this polished male a lesson. The city is huge, the paths of rich and poor rarely converge in it, so it is unlikely that we will meet again. The sounds of sirens are overtaking. I am already suffocating from fast running, heat and dust. Gebl runs ahead, I drag the tired and out of breath little Loika by the hand.

Finally, the guy in front of me stops abruptly, lowers himself onto the asphalt and quickly lifts the heavy manhole cover. Gebl just as quickly jumps into the sewer, and without wasting a second of valuable time, I dive after him, dragging my dear Loiki after him. The rest of the guys follow us down. I hope the police didn't have time to notice where we hid. Although even if they noticed, they still won’t get in - the underground city is not their territory, they have little power here.

“Phew, we made it,” Kars, our pickpocket, said joyfully. - Well, should we go home?

We wander through damp, smelly corridors. I still have a hard time holding back my gag reflex from the sewer smell. The guys are noisily discussing my trick. And the majority approves. We count our revenue as we go. Today I made the most money - thanks to the stranger whose car I crashed - he threw me a real gold coin.

“Apparently, he liked you,” Gebl concluded when I retold everyone my conversation with the failed client.

– There are still strange ideas about how to talk to a girl you like. Yes, and I didn’t like it. This aristocrat apparently has nowhere to put his money. What he told me was disdain and a desire to show how cool he is, and how stupid and insignificant I am.

“You are not stupid and not insignificant,” Loiki said knowingly, took my hand and squeezed my palm tightly.

My heart felt warmer. If it weren't for this boy, I would have died. It was Loiki who was the first to find me in that place that became a cemetery for my people, and after that he helped the others nurse me, sat constantly next to my bed, told fairy tales, talked a lot about himself, about how he lost his parents... and also constantly asked. I asked him not to die. And I did not leave, although at that moment there was little left in me alive - my people died, my dragon died, with whom I was connected much more strongly than with my mother, the part of my soul that was magically connected with the dragon died. And now, I’m still alive. The body recovered, although the conditions in which I was treated did not help this at all, but the soul, it seems to me, will never fully recover, but it is still alive and burns with a warm little fire for the sake of one little brave man - Loika, who became an anchor for me, that helped me stay in a new, not very pleasant world. Now this boy is like a brother to me, and I will do everything for his well-being, giving as much care and love as I can.

Finally at home! The underground road led us to the children's slums. The lower city has long been divided, the sewers have their own owners. Homeless people, mutants, abandoned or runaway children, other riffraff who had no place at the top. But what is most interesting is that of the fairer sex there is only... me, and only my saviors know about this. There are much fewer women in this world than men, and everyone is well looked after, because a girl here is essentially a thing, but at the same time a very expensive and valuable thing, no matter what appearance and character she has. An item can be sold, an item can be invested profitably, and expensive things are not thrown away. I could already be quite as well settled as that guy near the bank said, to be someone’s next wife in a rich house. I would be cared for, cherished, and I would not have any problems until my husband got tired of me and he resold me to someone else.

No, I don't want that. Brought up differently. I prefer my current dirty, half-starved life.

She fell onto a narrow, hard bed and tiredly raised her eyes to the ceiling. There, on the surface, there is arid heat, but here it is cold and damp. My guys are constantly sick. I now have a dream - to get a lot of money somewhere, to buy a big nice house on the surface for all my boys. But there is no money, and another problem - the oldest of the guys still has to grow and grow up to adulthood, and property can only be registered in the name of an adult man.

There is a knock on the iron door, which immediately opens, and Loika’s curly head pokes through the crack.

- Ira, shall we study? – the boy is more than a smart and talented techno-mage. I am now teaching Loiki everything that I once learned at school and in the first years of the academy.

- Certainly. But maybe we should go to the river first? Otherwise I feel like a mud monster from the lower levels,” I said jokingly, with difficulty unsticking myself from the bed. “We should take our clothes with us to wash them, otherwise sewer water is even more smelly than river water.”

“I’ll take mine too,” Loiki said and quickly climbed onto the top tier of our iron bed. The two of us huddle in the closet, and we are quite happy with everything.

We slowly wander with the boy along the underground corridors and chat. I tell my little friend the highest mechanomagimatics from memory. Every now and then we stop, and I draw formulas in chalk where the walls are dry enough, Loiki actively asks clarifying questions... we hang over the formulas for a long time. The boy sometimes asks questions that baffle me, because I don’t remember everything anymore, and Loika has a lively, non-standard mind.

In the dark we come out to the river from a wide horizontal pipe, in which the locking grate was torn off a long time ago. We're outside the city. Fine. It's not so hot anymore. We went upstream to where the water was cleaner, took a swim and washed ourselves in a shallow river with our clothes on. Having done all the work, they lay down on the shore to dry. The boy and I touch our heads, we admire the darkening sky and dream.

- Will the house be big?

- Very. Five floors, no less. With its own territory, garden and vegetable garden.

– Shall we get some animals? For his meat and milk, Loiki is practical beyond his years, even when we dream.

- Necessarily. And I will also find and pay you the best teachers.

- Great!

“All that’s left is to get the money.”

-Are you sure you want to do this? If we get caught, no one will care.

“I have to take what’s mine.” It is impossible to announce out loud that I am the heiress of all Donger bank branches - it was the Leman family of traitors who laid their hands on them. Even if they find out that I also survived, best case scenario they will give me a guardian - Doyler Lehman, and I will definitely never see the inheritance, and I will also become completely dependent on this vile rotten egg of a caboukr.

“Don’t swear,” Loiki winced. – You picked up these little phrases from Geble.

- Who are you so good and correct, huh?

- I don’t know myself.

- Okay, let's digress. Now only I know the universal keys and codes for bank storage systems. The Lehmans are unlikely to have changed the codes because they have no idea about this family secret. The main difficulty is the bank's human security. Teenagers in masks and with weapons may not be afraid; they will get into trouble, but they don’t want blood on anyone’s part. Therefore, everything needs to be thought through to the smallest detail.

“We need more equipment,” Loiki said knowingly. “But there’s no money for it.” What you and I collected from the garbage found in the landfill is not enough.

- I know. I hope I can make some money dancing tomorrow.

– This is also very risky. They might catch you. Can you imagine what will happen when everyone sees a girl dancing right on the street.

“You have to take risks, you know.” You can't live in a sewer. There will be money, and we will buy everything with it - a house, freedom, independence.

Loiki sighed sadly, found my hand and squeezed it tightly.

- I want to eat. My stomach is stuck to my back.

- Me too. Let's go to. We've already dried out enough. Maybe our comrades left us something to eat, otherwise we'll have to catch and fry rats.

Chapter 2

And so, the very next morning I excitedly went out onto the “stage” - the roof of a low one-story building on one of the off-central squares of the city. I have unaffordably little clothes on. On the streets, women are always required to be dressed as closed as possible, with their arms, legs and hair covered - and this is in such and such heat. My hair is loose and not covered by anything, falling freely on my bare shoulders. My hair is my pride: just below my shoulder blades, smooth, blue-black, shiny. Random passersby are already looking at me and immediately stop with their mouths open. I nervously fiddle with the numerous jingling tin bracelets on my arms and then straighten my red long wide skirt with a thigh-high slit on the side. Apart from underwear, I’m wearing only this skirt, a red top and comfortable soft sandals without heels. The belly is seductively exposed.

The music started playing loudly - the guys turned on the melophone. At first I start dancing very hesitantly. Even in my home world, what I'm about to show to the public is considered... a lap dance. This is a dance for the husband, for the lover, for the brothel. In my lost homeland, girls are taught similar dances from childhood - they are taught plastic arts and, in the future, for a good relationship with their beloved man.

I love to dance, but I didn’t think that I would have to do it for the sake of earning money and for the amusement of many eyes - mostly male, greedy, undressing. In my new, inhospitable house, men, as far as I know, are not indulged in such dances - girls are not taught anything like that here, it is not accepted, it is considered something shameful and difficult for the female mind.

Gradually my movements become more free and smooth. I love to dance, and it doesn’t matter who I do it in front of. Dissolving in music and dance, you can forget about pain, grief, and a scorched soul for a short time.

I dance passionately on the flat roof of the house, balance on the very edge - the narrow ledge of the roof - and catch the admiring glances of men. All passers-by are eagerly watching me. Very quickly an unrealistically huge crowd begins to gather. My boys downstairs do not waste time - someone collects money from spectators in hats, someone controls the situation in time to report the approach of the police, and someone cleans their pockets - it is very convenient to do this in cramped conditions.

A smile lights up my face, I flirt with the crowd, flirt, dance so fieryly that men quite literally begin to drool and their eyes roll out of their sockets. I'm having fun. I feel alive again, young, full of strength. I do a somersault right on the narrow cornice. The crowd gasps in fear and then bursts into loud applause. The new melody is even more fiery than the first. The men are going crazy and screaming enthusiastically, my feet are already burning despite the presence of shoes - it seems that with my active dancing I have worn out the thin sole to holes.

The third melody... and the sound of sirens. Someone called the police, but the law enforcement officers’ flags cannot get through to the square - crowded people are in the way. Our observer gives the sign to end the show. I stop, make one last flirtatious step, bow, blow a kiss to my grateful spectators... I wink playfully - the men are wildly delighted. They are not spoiled here by such ideas.

That's it, it's time to leave. I look around the crowd as I leave, checking that all the boys have managed to get away, and I notice how that... pompous, self-confident gentleman whose car I crashed yesterday is looking straight at me. I couldn’t help but see this man, because his gaze literally burns me. It’s as if I feel with my skin the attention of an aristocrat directed at me.

Oh oh. She started to run away without thinking for a second. He recognized me, I understood this from the man’s promising look. If I fall into the hands of this traditionalist, I'll be done for. I will immediately find out in practice what it’s like to serve a man in bed and to be the continuer of the human race.

I quickly open the hatch in the roof and jump down, not really caring about holding on to the ladder.

- Faster Faster! - all the guys are already inside and have opened the second wide square hatch in the floor. We chose this house not by chance: its big advantage is the presence of a passage directly into the sewer compartment.

The house is more like a large technical booth with equipment, and to prevent anything from being stolen, it is equipped with an iron door and steel shutters. By the way, someone is actively banging on the door now. Without wasting any time, everyone jumped into the sewer and put a lock on the hatch from the inside.

The boys and I, laughing merrily, rushed down the dirty passage. I probably look very exotic - a girl running through the sewer among teenagers in an open red flowing dress, clinking numerous bracelets on her arms and legs.

- Well, shall we repeat the performance next week? – when we ran far enough and took a step, Geble asked me. “In this one day we earned as much as we couldn’t earn in a month before.” I haven't counted the money yet, but even approximately there is a lot. Your viewers completely forgot about everything and were very generous.

– In principle, it is possible, only in a different place, and you need to carefully consider several escape routes. I saw the aristocrat whose car I smashed there in the square. It seems he recognized me and harbored a grudge.

- What are you talking about? Then maybe it’s not worth performing anymore.

- Costs. Loika and I need to purchase a lot of military equipment on the black market for the upcoming operation to restore justice. If we don’t perform, we won’t be able to save up for equipment and inventory in ten years.

All week the city buzzed like a disturbed hive. I hid underground with the boys, but, as some brave souls who made it to the surface say, all the streets are patrolled very seriously. The number of police patrols has increased significantly. Men in uniform comb every nook and cranny. To be honest, I was surprised by such activity. I feel like I’m a very dangerous criminal, and not a girl dancing in the street. Surely some of the rich spectators were so impressed by my dances that now they spare no money in searching for me. I even have an idea which of these viewers is actively looking for me.

The guys brought newspapers - everywhere on the front pages instead of political news my smiling face - someone took a photo of me while dancing. I am now the main news not only of the day, but also of the week. At first the newspapers burst into raptures about my performance, then moralists raised their heads with the idea of ​​punishing the libertine, and last days The newspapers are hysterical about the fact that they still haven’t found me, or they have found me but aren’t telling anyone. They are offering a substantial reward for my capture. The number is such that I wanted to find myself.

Coming to the surface is now very scary, but a new performance is coming soon. I prepare for it much more carefully. Money appeared, and I used it to buy myself a new gold-colored beaded dress with white fabric inserts on the corset and sleeves. This dress is also very open, but still a little more decent - the white sleeves are flowing, transparent and up to the elbow. The corset also turns out to be translucent. The dress comes with a strip of the same white fabric that can be used to cover the lower part of the face. Of course, I already lit up my face, but still. I should have put on a mask for the first time, but I didn’t think about it. She tied her hair in a high ponytail. I think I look good, I don’t have a mirror, but the boys said I look great.

This time, in addition to music, I will have a light magic performance - we bought a device to control the color of ambient light - this is needed for a future bank robbery, but it will also work for dancing.

I'm very worried. Today I'm dancing on the roof again, climbing even higher. And this time not in the morning, but in the evening, in the rays of the setting sun, which will later be replaced by light magic. From the height of the second floor I look around the square. They don't notice me yet. This is another square, lost between the streets big city, but quite spacious. Incendiary music began to play, people began to stop and look around. They began to notice me. Many shout joyfully and wave at me. Even women. She waved back. Surprisingly, they meet and accept me very well, despite the scandal fanned by the newspapers. She waved once again to the people below in response, bowed and began her dance, risky in every sense, on the edge of the roof.

Today I don’t so much seduce as I ignite the audience, inviting them to have fun with me. Cheers and whistles drown out the music, and my boys turn up the volume. The old city, which has mixed many styles and cultures, seems to be watching me through the eye sockets of thousands of windows. Perhaps sunset is the best time for the city; it is in the rays of the setting sun that I can call it charming.

It's getting dark. Magic lighting turns on. I'm already dancing to the fourth song. More and more people are arriving. Something incredible is happening below. Young girls try to repeat and remember my dances, and because of this, representatives of the opposite sex immediately approach them to chat. Even men dance and clearly enjoy it. There are no police - now it is impossible to get into the square. Light magic colors the area in different colors. People lean out of windows and shout something. Complete chaos. I want to laugh and continue to dance, as if for the last time, inciting the crowd even more. I would never have thought that my dancing could excite everyone so much.

After about half an hour, I realized that I was incredibly tired. But I still need to escape from the roof somehow. Someone also seemed to be breaking into the closed hatch on the roof; even through the music I could hear the blows. Either the fans or the police finally got there. I gave a signal to my people. The music and light show do not stop, and meanwhile I am running to the corner of the house, where Geble has just launched a special bolt with an iron rope from a semi-combat artifact from the window of the first floor of a neighboring building. I grab a thick flexible tourniquet from the edge, wrap it around my hand, then throw it over the rope, catch the other end and, amid frightened screams, jump down and quickly slide straight into Geble’s arms. An already well-known command from the guy:

- Let's run! – and we break into a run. Gebl holds my hand tightly. Together we run into the basement, where there is also a hatch for draining waste into the sewer, and together we jump into the open hole. We made it! We hastily close the hatch and leave. Now we can only worry and think whether the rest of our comrades will get out of the square - this time we decided to all leave in different ways.

I can imagine what a scandal will be in the media tomorrow.

Victoria Svobodina was born on December 14, 1987. Since childhood, she was attracted by magic and otherworldly life. She was interested in everything for which she could not find an explanation. After a serious illness suffered at a young age, Victoria became interested in books about other worlds and other lives. Her favorite author is Max Fry. From then on, it was impossible to tear Victoria away from books written in the fantasy genre. She read many different authors who worked in the fantasy genre. Spent hundreds, maybe thousands of sleepless nights, living the lives of fantastic heroes.

The moment came when Victoria Svobodina decided to create on her own. In 2013 – 2014, her first online publications “Distant Stars”, “Distant Stars. Choice".
In 2016, the online book “The Life of Tirrania. Battle Mage" and "The Life of Tyrrania. Runic Mage", "Secrets of the Mist", "Magic of the Game".

In 2017, “The Best Academy of Magic, or Got in at My Own Will,” “The Best Academy of Magic, or Got in at My Own Will,” was published. A game of survival”, “A wonderful assistant for a monster”, “A devoted assistant for an idol”, “Submission is not for me”, “Misplaced woman, or the reality show “Khutor””, “Submission is not for me”.

All books by Victoria Svobodina

Over the years of her creativity, Victoria has published many books. Most are in the format of online literature, but now all successful books are transferred to publishing houses and published. Particularly successful was the book A Desperate Helper for a Troublemaker, published by the Family Leisure Club publishing house with a circulation of several tens of thousands of copies. The writer has a wide range of genres - from fantasy to romance novels in the modern and relevant world, office novels. The main audience is female.

Switching to books opens in a new window so you don't lose the entire list.

Heiress of the Cursed World

Going on an exciting expedition with my beloved guy, I never expected that it would turn into a nightmare, the guy would be taken away by Miss Perfection, I would find myself in another world, where the locals recognize me as the reincarnation of some deceased maid, well, the attitude would be appropriate, but my sworn rival will be declared the savior, the great magician and the bride of the ruler.

Imperial selection

My name is Shali Os. I'm a witch, and that basically says it all. In my hometown, they had long been trying to get rid of the dangerous young talent in my person, and then, finally, a successful opportunity turned up. The empire has announced a selection of brides for the young ruler, and the most eminent beauty of my city must also appear for the selection. No, fortunately, this is not about me. I'm just being sent with a potential bride as a companion and guard.

The Devil's Fearless Helper

Getting a job is a nervous and troublesome business, and in my case, also intimate. It's just a company... specific, an eccentric employer. And here’s the question: how to pass an interview if there is huge competition for a vacant position, your possible boss is evil itself, vice and temptation in the flesh, and you clearly do not meet the requirements?

Heiress of the Cursed World

Fool at the capital's academy

To be born into a good, wealthy family means to be shackled by conventions and rules. And if you are also a charming blonde with big naive blue eyes, those around you will take care of you, groom you, cherish you like a doll and a delicate greenhouse flower, they will not prepare you for real life, because you simply won’t need it - the servants can do everything, and the groom, to whom you have long been given, will take care of the rest of the little things. But what if you are far from the strongest, but still a very talented magician?

A forced helper for a tyrant

Having decided to move after the divorce and new job, I was ready for any difficulties. To anyone. But, as it turned out, this is not so. It turned out that my boss is still a tyrant. But the team was excellent - so caring, friendly... masculine!

Life proceeds quietly and calmly, there are no unexpected turns of fate, unpleasant surprises, and, by the way, there are no pleasant surprises either. The main character of the book “A Beautiful Helper for a Beast” is a quiet and lonely girl, completely satisfied with her life. She has an average salary, no prospects for personal and career growth. She lives in a rented apartment and is completely satisfied with her life. But something happens that will force her to change her usual lifestyle.

The father takes out a mortgage, but is unable to pay for it, and then the boss begins to openly pester the girl. She has no choice but to cling to the monster, becoming her personal and obedient assistant.

Andrey Radov is a top manager of a large global company. Many girls want to work for him and even be his partner, because Andrei is young, handsome and rich. But he is not interested in just the beautiful appearance of the doll. After returning from a long business trip in China, Andrey wants to find a smart secretary - a workaholic.

Ksyusha is an absolutely ideal candidate for this position. A quiet, reasonable, calm, dutiful worker, and after her husband’s betrayal, the heroine became completely disillusioned with men and family life. By deciding to try her luck and take a risk, Ksenia will change her life forever.

The most ordinary girl, Nastya, could not even imagine that she would spend this evening with a star. The idol of millions, a popular singer and just a person that many people dream of is Kai Aistem. Like many famous people, Kai was tired of his mega-popularity and simply decided to spend one evening in an ordinary nightclub. Nastya could not even imagine that she would receive a business proposal from Kai.

Now the girl from the street has become Kai Eistem's personal assistant. The work for the main character of the novel seems quite difficult, but she would never refuse it. After all, she became for Kai not just an assistant, but her own muse.

Magic of the game

A college where they teach how to successfully kill virtual monsters and the tricks of online gaming. A college where princesses, knights, magicians, vampires, robbers, merchants, great heroes, even kings study. Dream? The reality in which young Dalina now has to live.

The best academy of magic, or I got there by choice

The main character of the women's novel is a young girl, a university student, who dreams of living in a world of magic. My parents died several years ago, friends and acquaintances remained in their hometown, and the only consolation was books. But one incident radically changed her life.

Who would have thought that the thoughts of a young student would become a reality. Now she is a student at the strongest academy of magic, where titled people, elves and demons study. But behind the screen of beauty there is a hard and brutal struggle for survival. A young girl must go through intrigue, intrigue and gossip in order to defend her right to be in the academy.

Dictator. Complete submission

My once proud people have long been simply servants of another higher and much more developed race. Dark. Demons. Reptiles. That's what we call them. But when we come to work in their world, we call them nothing less than masters. I did everything I could to avoid selection and to avoid the fate that my mother and sisters had. The fate of an elite doll, which is cherished and cherished, but then thrown into the trash, when a beautiful toy breaks or deteriorates. Therefore, I am an ordinary waitress, the lowest link in the cruel world of the dark ones.

The best academy of magic, or Got in by choice 2

Life at the academy turned out to be somewhat different from what the main character of the novel dreamed of. The second six months of magic training were quite difficult. For the first time, the girl will have to subjugate a stone troll to her will. She must perform well in this Trolling sports game and not let her team down.

Next, the heroine will face a test of magic, and only after passing it successfully will she be able to move on to the next course of study at the academy. The girl needs help, she is weak in magic, however, men are ready to help her. Friendship and personal relationships- everything is intertwined, many are ready to help her, but not for free.

The best academy of magic, or Got in by choice 3

Nika managed to overcome all difficulties, successfully pass the exams and is now a sophomore at the strongest magic academy. In her first year of study, the main character learned to create illusions in her head and see through them. Now, developing her gift, Nika can destroy any illusions without even seeing them.

What new things can be taught main character novel? Nika is looking forward to meeting new teachers and classmates who will help further develop her gift. But the young girl was tired of playing by other people's rules, obeying them. Nika wants to radically change the situation and create her own rules of the game at the magic academy.

New student in wolf valley

The parents of the main character of the novel are famous architects of industrial buildings and structures. They received a lucrative financial offer that they could not refuse. Now they are employees of a successfully developing wolf clan. There is a lot of work to be done, so mother and father are constantly traveling and on long business trips. Parents understand that the girl needs to graduate high school, and constant travel will not allow this. After lengthy disputes, at a family council, mother and father decide to settle their daughter in a wealthy village that belongs to the wolf corporation.

Submission is not for me

The events taking place in the books take the reader several centuries back. The main character of the novel lives where a woman can be bought or sold at specialized auctions. Nobody takes girls’ rights into account; they simply don’t exist. Feelings are not important, love is not needed - a wife can simply be bought as a thing. Many women are accustomed to this attitude and fully accept it. But not the main character of the novel. She cannot live like this, she was raised completely differently. She decides to fight against the laws and rules of society. The real role of a woman lies elsewhere and she will prove this to her powerful man.

Relationships regardless

He is a slave and must fulfill all the demands of his mistress. They put a collar on him, and now he is an animal and a guard in one person. Main character arrived on this planet not as a full-fledged inhabitant, but as a commodity for others. Now he belongs to the young mistress and is obliged to serve her. The hero must protect her from anyone who could cause harm.

As long as he wears the collar, everything will remain the same. He is always behind her back, and all thoughts are about the long-awaited freedom. But what happens when the hero gains his will? Thoughts about his young mistress are born in his head. How will their relationship develop? After freedom, neither he nor she wants to be separated.

Distant stars

Drawing a lucky ticket means getting a worthy match. This is what the girls and guys who live on an intergalactic ship called Titan think. But the government decides everything for them and only creates for them the illusion of the right to choose. The rich citizens of the ship create a couple exclusively from their circle. And the poor can only hope that fate will be favorable to them and give them a chance for a better life.

But there are exceptions to every rule. A girl working as a cleaner pulled out a lucky ticket. The head's son did this deliberately, going against his father's will. And it would seem that the girl was incredibly lucky, but why is she so not happy?

Distant Stars 2. Choice

The flight in outer space is still ongoing. Residents of the intergalactic ship Titan face many obstacles that threaten their lives. One year followed another. home story line The novel takes place around two main characters - Mia and Riker. Ricker did not break their marriage contract, he decided to preserve their relationship. Mia must go out, attend official events. All this is foreign to her. She grew up in a different social environment. The main characters of the novel have to make difficult choices.

Migrant, or the reality show “Khutor”

How wrong it is to think that you can feel good and confident under camera lenses. What disappointment befell the main character of the novel when she found herself on the farm. I wanted to go home and see my family and friends. Return to your small, but cozy apartment.

It’s good to watch from the monitor screens and observe what is happening. As the main character of the novel said: “It’s good where we are not.” She was able to understand all this immediately upon arriving at the farm. But the choice has been made, now all she has to do is look into the camera lens and do her job.


Who would have thought that it was possible for a race of people and alien creatures to live together? But even more surprising is the idea that marriages can take place. An ordinary woman lives with a man from another dimension and another planet. And even be legally married to him. A woman is not given the right to choose; she is sold like a commodity on the market.

Relatives decided the girl's fate. She was bought by an alien man and became his wife against her will. The heroine of the novel has to survive and do everything possible to cope with this. Will the girl and the leader of an alien race be able to understand each other?

A black substance that destroys everything in its path. She appeared out of nowhere, and no one could understand why it happened. People lived their own lives, everyone had a family, a job, but all this was destroyed by a dark phenomenon. The main character of the novel lost all her loved ones and relatives. She remembered her name and her family, but the memory returned in fragments. Alice began to realize that the black darkness was reaching out to her as soon as it appeared. She seems to be stretching out her black tentacles towards the girl. From that moment on, the heroine’s life changed dramatically; at twenty years old, the world became completely different for the girl.

Young Tirrania must prove to the whole world her right to exist. Her mother left her in early childhood. The father, being a magician of the first category, did not take care of his child at all, so young Tirrania spent all her free time on the street.

Relationships with classmates do not work out at all, studying at the school of magic is quite difficult. The main character of the novel lives as if dancing on the edge of her own fate. The young magician is trying to survive without bending under the will of difficult circumstances. Will young Tirrania be able to survive in such a difficult and difficult life situation?

Tirrania achieved everything she dreamed of. The main character managed to overcome all difficulties and emerge victorious. Now she is the best student at the university of magic. Everything the young girl dreamed about came true. But there is an emptiness inside that cannot be filled. Tirrania does not have a home in which she would feel comfortable. There are no relatives with whom you can just talk.

The main question that interests the main character of the novel is who she really is. To find answers to all questions, Tirrania decides to visit the mysterious continent. What if she finds answers to her questions?

When guilt eats away at the body like an ulcer, you begin to dream of death. But even that doesn't seem like atonement for what you did. And then only the painful killing of oneself, it seems, is at least to some extent capable of correcting what has been done. Dima did something for which he still cannot forgive himself - he betrayed a dear and beloved person, hurt him unbearably, and now he believes that he has no place in this world. He decides to kill himself slowly, abandoning his old life and locking himself within four walls, alone with his memories...

For me, the guy whose only joy is... Donald Barthelemy

“Come back, Doctor Caligari” - fourteen brilliant, funny, absolutely fantastic and completely reliable stories about modern world, a book that forever changed the idea of ​​what literature should be. Controlled madness, outrageous imagination, subtle dark humor and an ability to push reality to the point of absurdity made Donald Barthelme (1931–1989) one of the most widely read and beloved classics of the 20th century, and this collection was introduced into the canon of postmodern literature.

Me, a man and NLP. 20 NLP techniques for effective... Diana Balyko

I want to build relationships with men according to my own rules... I want to always understand how my loved one feels... I don’t want to learn from my mistakes, getting bruises and bumps and destroying relationships that are valuable to me... I want to enjoy communicating with a man and give such a pleasure for him... If all this is about you, go for it! You can have different attitudes towards NLP, but you cannot help but admit that it works 100%. This book, written by a practicing psychologist, an experienced NLP trainer and, most importantly, a successful woman Diana Balyko, will teach you how to use...

Ethics for the New Millennium Tenzin Gyatso

The reader should not assume that I, as the Dalai Lama, will offer any special solution. There is nothing in these pages that has not been said before. Moreover, I feel that the concerns and ideas expressed here are shared by many who are thinking and trying to find solutions to the problems that bring suffering to us humans. By offering this book for publication, at the request of my friends, I hope that it will express the thoughts of millions of people who do not have the opportunity to speak publicly and therefore remain what I call the silent majority. However…

Madrapur Robert Merle

“Gentlemen,” he says (once again avoiding addressing the ladies), “in a few minutes, if the plane does not land, I will be forced - which, please believe me, is extremely depressing to me - to end one human life. But I have no choice. I have to get out of here at any cost. I can no longer share with you the fate prepared for you, as well as the passivity with which you accept it. You are all more or less submissive victims of a continuous hoax. You don’t know where you are flying, who is leading you there, and perhaps you have very little idea...

May Day Albert Zaripov

The memories of Hero of Russia Albert Maratovich Zaripov mainly concern January 1996. Then he, being a senior lieutenant and group commander, and his comrades from the 22nd separate special-purpose brigade of the GRU General Staff became the only obstacle to the Raduev gang breaking into Chechnya. The reasons that, given the (theoretically) overwhelming superiority in men and equipment, it was necessary for (practically) a handful of our soldiers and officers to repel the breakthrough of the Raduevites, Zaripov explains in great detail in his book. In the battle, Albert Zaripov was wounded: a bullet entered...

Every film is my last Ingmar Bergman

I must admit that I am faithful to the end to only one thing - the film I am working on. What will (or will not) happen next is not important to me and does not cause either exaggerated hopes or anxiety. This attitude adds strength and confidence to me now, at the moment, because I understand the relativity of all guarantees and therefore value my integrity as an artist infinitely more. Therefore, I believe that every film I make is my last.

Mozart and Salieri Alexander Pushkin

“Everyone says: there is no truth on earth. But there is no truth – and beyond. For me it's as clear as a simple scale. I was born with a love of art; As a child, when the organ sounded high in our ancient church, I listened and listened - involuntary and sweet tears flowed. I rejected idle amusements early..."

Knight of the Order. Book 3 Sergei Sadov

I was not much older than the hero of this book when I wrote its first lines. Perhaps this is precisely what explains some of the fabulous hyperbolism of her heroes. Whether this is good or bad - I don’t dare to judge. Let each reader draw his own conclusions. And let him decide whether he likes her or not. For me, this book will remain a dream book. As one reader put it: the fantasy of the last desk. Well, so be it. Fairy tale, dream, fantasy...

Ricochet Andrey Kivinov

The colonel listened, appreciated my luxury outfit, and asked: “Why are you, Kazantsev, dressed up like that for a corpse? - and nods at my rose, “What kind of holiday is it today?” I looked down, spread my arms and said: “Every new corpse, Comrade Colonel, is always a holiday for me.”

The Dog Who Talked to the Gods Diana Jessup

Animals have no soul. This is a popular misconception. A dog is man's friend. We have lived side by side with dogs for so long that we are accustomed to perceiving them as a detail of the interior or landscape, and many do not see anything wrong with experimenting on them or throwing these living toys out the door when they get bored. But the dog has something to tell us in response... Professional American dog breeder Diana Jessup has written a novel that will make people really listen to their pets. "The Dog Who Spoke to the Gods" is a love story. Document…

It's stiflingly hot outside. Mid summer. Everything is swimming in my vision, but I hold on, not wanting to seem weak. She took a deep breath of hot air and continued working. In the parking lot near the bank, I wash the dust off another glass of a super-cool fly.

Ira, are you done? - running past, my friend Loiki, a blond, snub-nosed boy with green eyes and a mischievous smile, cheerfully asks.

A couple more flights and we're off. That's what Geble said. Soon a patrol may pass along this street.

Okay, I understand.

I quickly wash the car and wipe the sweat from my forehead. A few coins weigh down your pocket nicely. I vigilantly scan the street in search of new clients. Not a soul. It was lunch time - the heat was on and everyone hid in the buildings. Oh, lucky! A predatory-looking, unrealistically expensive red fly smoothly flew out from around the bend. A rich client is always great. I rub my hands in anticipation.

Fly stopped right at the entrance to the bank. In general, the car is clean, only the windshield is slightly dusty. I run up to my future prey. The doors of the flight rise up with a quiet puff, and first a tall, dark-haired and very handsome man in an expensive suit gets out. The owner of the car walks around it, the door of the passenger seat opens, and this probably high-ranking gentleman helps his lady out of the car - a girl in a light white floor-length dress and a hat with an unrealistically wide brim - such an elegant figurine, not a girl.

I adjusted my cap so that the visor now points forward rather than backward. She wiped her face with the back of her hand and looked at her hands, which were black with dirt. I can imagine how beautiful that face is now. She wiped her hands on wide green trouser legs with many pockets. I am very far from grace now. Maybe you shouldn't approach this couple? But we really need money now, so we have to take risks.

“Mister,” I squeaked. - Let's wash the car.

My client turned around. I expected that they would throw me a coin, as usual, but... The man examined me carefully from head to toe. And not disgustingly, but attentively, and said:

Girl, I can’t imagine how your guardian or husband allowed you to work, and in such a way, but I warn you: I’ll see you here again, and your master will have a hard time.

At the first moment I was terribly scared. I'm dressed like a boy. No one had ever recognized me as a girl before.

You are confusing something, sir.

Don't think that I'm blind or stupid. You are a girl, and... perhaps a beautiful one. It’s incredible that you are forced to work, even on the street, and not pampered and cherished like a delicate flower.

Maybe it’s me who doesn’t want to be cared for and cherished,” I suddenly said boldly. In the two years I've lived in this city, I've become so fed up with self-righteous males who think women don't have brains. And this specimen of the human race looks at me so condescendingly.

Nonsense. You are a weak, not very smart creature, created for bed pleasures and the birth of children. Here’s your money,” a large coin flew towards me with a quiet clink, which I deftly caught. - If you want, wash the fly and wait for me here, I’ll come out soon. I'll put you in good hands.

My client and his silent companion - although throughout the conversation she listened with obvious curiosity to the gentleman's words - climbed the steps and disappeared behind the massive doors of the bank.

A weak, not very smart creature, created for bed pleasures and the birth of children. She chuckled gloatingly. Even if not very smart. But is it weak? She walked up to the defenseless fly and kicked the car door with all her might, then hit the glass, breaking it to smithereens. It did the same with all the other glass that my foot could reach.

What are you doing, Ira?! - Loiki rushes towards me, clutching his hair, Gebl catches up with him, and the rest of the guys catch up.

I don't have time to answer. At the beginning of the street, the sounds of police sirens are heard. Me and nine guys take off in an instant. A gloomy satisfaction settled in my soul that I had somehow taught this polished male a lesson. The city is huge, the paths of rich and poor rarely converge in it, so it is unlikely that we will meet again. The sounds of sirens are overtaking. I am already suffocating from fast running, heat and dust. Gebl runs ahead, I drag the tired and out of breath little Loika by the hand.

Finally, the guy in front of me stops abruptly, lowers himself onto the asphalt and quickly lifts the heavy manhole cover. Gebl just as quickly jumps into the sewer, and without wasting a second of valuable time, I dive after him, dragging my dear Loiki after him. The rest of the guys follow us down. I hope the police didn't have time to notice where we hid. Although even if they noticed, they still won’t get in - the underground city is not their territory, they have little power here.

Phew, we made it,” Kars, our pickpocket, said joyfully. - Well, should we go home?

We wander through damp, smelly corridors. I still have a hard time holding back my gag reflex from the sewer smell. The guys are noisily discussing my trick. And the majority approves. We count our revenue as we go. Today I made the most money - thanks to the stranger whose car I crashed - he threw me a real gold coin.

Apparently, he liked you,” Gebl concluded when I retold everyone my conversation with the failed client.

There are still strange ideas about how to talk to a girl you like. Yes, and I didn’t like it. This aristocrat apparently has nowhere to put his money. What he told me was disdain and a desire to show how cool he is, and how stupid and insignificant I am.

“You are not stupid and not insignificant,” Loiki said knowingly, took my hand and squeezed my palm tightly.

My heart felt warmer. If it weren't for this boy, I would have died. It was Loiki who was the first to find me in that place that became a cemetery for my people, and after that he helped the others nurse me, sat constantly next to my bed, told fairy tales, talked a lot about himself, about how he lost his parents... and also constantly asked. I asked him not to die. And I didn’t leave, although at that moment there was little left in me alive - my people died, my dragon died, with whom I was connected much more strongly than with my mother, the part of my soul that was magically connected with the dragon died. And now, I’m still alive. The body recovered, although the conditions in which I was treated did not contribute to this at all, but the soul, it seems to me, will never fully recover, but it is still alive and burns with a warm little fire for the sake of one little brave man - Loika, who became an anchor for me, that helped me stay in a new, not very pleasant world. Now this boy is like a brother to me, and I will do everything for his well-being, giving as much care and love as I can.

Finally at home! The underground road led us to the children's slums. The lower city has long been divided, the sewers have their own owners. Homeless people, mutants, abandoned or runaway children, other riffraff who had no place at the top. But what is most interesting is that of the fairer sex there is only... me, and only my saviors know about this. There are much fewer women in this world than men, and everyone is well looked after, because a girl here is essentially a thing, but at the same time a very expensive and valuable thing, no matter what appearance and character she has. An item can be sold, an item can be invested profitably, and expensive things are not thrown away. I could already be quite as well settled as that guy near the bank said, to be someone’s next wife in a rich house. I would be cared for, cherished, and I would not have any problems until my husband got tired of me and he resold me to someone else.

No, I don't want that. Brought up differently. I prefer my current dirty, half-starved life.

She fell onto a narrow, hard bed and tiredly raised her eyes to the ceiling. There, on the surface, there is arid heat, but here it is cold and damp. My guys are constantly sick. I now have a dream - to get a lot of money somewhere, to buy a big nice house on the surface for all my boys. But there is no money, and there is another problem - the oldest of the guys still has to grow up and grow up to adulthood, and property can only be registered in the name of an adult man.