Five reasons prevent you from being yourself. Liz Burbeau five injuries that prevent you from being yourself

My friend told me about this book. A friend was delighted with the book and highly recommended that I read the book too, providing a link to an online resource psychological literature. Let me make a reservation right away: I am very, very distrustful of books of this kind, but curiosity got the better of me. Moreover, the title and author turned out to be painfully familiar. Then I enthusiastically swallowed "Five Traumas"

from cover to cover and counted the conclusions of Mrs. Burbo smart and logical. I looked for all the described traumas in myself, thinking “wow, this is right on point, it’s all about me,” I admired the simplicity and ease of writing. But then I began to become more and more critical of what was written. Liz Burbo , because there are more than enough inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the book.

Greetings to readers Chapter 1 , which is called The occurrence of injuries and masks . And almost immediately you see postulates about incarnation, coming to this planet, the soul and God. This will be repeated often in the book, so be prepared. I don’t know how appropriate such formulations are in scientific (?) literature, but oh well. I'll leave it to the author's conscience. Let’s move on to the most important thing, the reason why people read "Five Traumas" , to the trauma masks themselves.

That is, if they reject your essence, you rejected , if they leave you and move away, then abandoned , if they often insult/belittle, then humiliated , if you betrayed trust, then you have betrayal trauma , if they didn’t recognize it, then you’re worried the trauma of injustice . The author takes upon himself the task of describing each of the injuries, in the end they all merge into one, and you can’t tell them apart from one another. I'll take the most obvious example. Rejected And abandoned . So.

Both are in a state of depression and anxiety, it is very difficult for both to express themselves, both have a fragile body lacking tone (we will talk about the body according to trauma separately), both are more inside, in themselves, rather than in the outside world.

And how to differentiate them? For me the question remains open.

I was very puzzled and at the same time outraged by the description of a person’s physique according to his injury. The author boldly sends biology and genetics to hell. This is especially true in the case of humiliated .

Mom and Dad are gaining weight quickly, should they loosen their control? Do most grandparents have the same thing? What are you saying, it’s not genetics, it’s humiliation And masochist mask ! You simply consider yourself low and soulless.

Let’s say the reader has finally broken through the jungle of esoteric views Liz Burbo, obvious inconsistencies and errors, separated one from the other and found his trauma. Of course, he will want to find a way out, but the book hardly describes any way out. Esoteric fabrications begin again on the topic “the human soul comes here to be rejected , feel betrayed or injustice ". Continuous decay and hopelessness. If you really want, in the book, of course, you can find tips on getting rid of trauma, but they don’t really work...

"Five Traumas" very easy to read. And this is practically the only plus.

Purely by chance, in a bookstore, my hand reached out to Liz Burbo’s book “5 Injuries That Prevent You from Being Yourself.” Having bought this book, I read it in 2 days and realized that it did not fall into my hands by chance, it was just time to deal with my childhood trauma, which affects my adult life. As strange as it may sound, while reading this book, it seemed to me that the author knew me even better than I knew myself, as well as my loved ones and acquaintances. If you are interested, but you don’t have time to read the book, then I wrote this article for you.

Perhaps we should start with the fact that every person has a trauma, and maybe more than one, that he received in childhood thanks to his mother or father, or the person who raised him. This trauma forces us to put on a mask in life in order not to experience pain, betrayal and humiliation again. The fear of being abandoned or rejected again forces us to adhere to a certain pattern of behavior so that no one will ever guess about our suffering, not even ourselves. Liz Burbo, as a result of many years of practice, has identified 5 traumas that prevent us from living, masks that we unknowingly put on, and methods for healing childhood wounds.

5 injuries that interfere with life:

1. Trauma – Rejected

A person who has received this injury does not feel the right to exist in this world. It may be an unwanted child who was nevertheless born, or it may be a child who was rejected by a parent of the same sex from the moment of birth to one year. Such a person has been wearing the “Fugitive” mask since childhood; he longs to run away, disappear, evaporate and not take up so much space. For this reason, by the way, he looks very thin, even skinny, since the body reacts to subconscious desire. You will always see fear in the eyes of a fugitive, he is very unsure of himself, he feels awkward in large companies, is always silent and tries to disappear as quickly as possible and find himself in such comfortable solitude. Another one characteristic feature the fugitive - the desire for perfection in everything; if he does something, he does it perfectly or does not begin to do it at all. In this way, he tries to realize himself and prove to himself that there is something to love him for. People suffering from the trauma of being rejected often have problems with the skin, since it is the organ of contact with the outside world; problematic skin seems to push away from itself external world and says with all his appearance: “Don’t touch me.” Also, such people tend to suffer from diarrhea, since they themselves suffer from the trauma of being rejected, they reject food that has not had time to be digested. For the same reason, they may often vomit. Some escapees escape from reality with the help of alcohol, this helps them temporarily disappear and stop experiencing aching pain.

2. Trauma - abandoned

The next of the 5 traumas that interfere with life is abandonment. A person who carries this trauma within himself received it because of a parent of the opposite sex, since he did not pay him due attention, did not show care and love. This is why someone suffering from abandonment trauma experiences constant emotional hunger and strives to “catch on” to another person in order to satisfy this hunger. The mask used by the abandoned is “Dependent”. He is sure that he cannot achieve anything on his own, without the support of other people, he simply needs words of approval and advice, which he then, by the way, does not follow. The main thing for him is to have a person nearby whom he can rely on, since he is not confident in his abilities. The addict’s physique corresponds to his injury: a thin, long body that has underdeveloped muscles. From the outside it seems that the muscular system will not support his body and in order not to fall, the person simply needs to lean on someone. This happens in life too. Experiencing emotional hunger, the addict strives to find at least someone to depend on. At the same time, he does not know how to control his emotions: he gets upset over a trifle, cries easily, and after a minute he can laugh again. Such a person is usually very suspicious, inclined to exaggerate and dramatize everything, “making mountains out of molehills” - this is about her. More than anything else, an addict is afraid of loneliness, because then there is no one to get attention, support and help from. A person suffering from abandonment trauma often has a childish timbre of voice, likes to ask a lot of questions and has difficulty accepting rejection, as this again makes him feel abandoned. The most common diseases associated with this injury are asthma, myopia, migraines and depression.

3. Trauma - humiliated

A humiliated child experiences insults, criticism, and reproach from the very beginning. early age, but most often the trauma of the humiliated person manifests itself if the child hears all this from the mother in the period from 1 to 3 years. If the mother accuses the child, making him feel guilty and ashamed, then he, in turn, perceives this as humiliation, especially if the conversation takes place in front of strangers. In the future, such a child puts on the “Masochist” mask. This means that all his life a person will look for problems, humiliation and various situations in which he can suffer. Since childhood, he has experienced humiliation, has not heard a kind word, so he does not consider himself worthy of a different attitude, even to himself. Since he is used to always being ashamed of everything, the body listens to his subconscious and grows in its volume. A masochist takes up a lot of space not only in space, but also in the lives of other people. He strives to help everyone, solve problems for them, give advice and point out. Such a person seems kind because he voluntarily takes part in the problems of other people, but in fact this behavior is motivated by the fear of shame in front of others and himself. He is ready to do everything so that he is no longer criticized and finally praised! A masochist is usually hypersensitive, the slightest trifle hurts and offends him, but he, as a rule, does not even notice those moments when he offends and hurts other people. A person with the trauma of humiliation often suffers from back diseases, since he takes an unbearable burden on his shoulders - responsibility for the lives of other people, as well as respiratory diseases, when he is suffocated by other people's problems, thyroid gland, since it is difficult for him to realize his needs and express his own requirements.

4. Trauma – betrayal

This trauma is experienced by a child aged 2-4 years with a parent of the opposite sex. The child feels that the parent has betrayed him every time he does not keep his word, prefers someone else over him, or when he abuses the child’s trust. In this case, the child, in order not to feel the pain of the injury, wears a “Controller” mask. The body develops in accordance with this mask, it radiates strength and power, showing with all its appearance that the owner is a responsible person and can be trusted. Such a person is confident in his abilities, he loves to be the first and the best, he is used to controlling himself and others. He is very demanding of others as well as himself and is often disappointed that he cannot trust them with anything and has to do everything himself. The controller loves speed in his actions, so he gets very annoyed when someone does his job slowly. Often such a person becomes aggressive if the situation gets out of his control. He tries to foresee and plan everything in order to avoid another betrayal in his life. He rarely listens to others and acts as he sees fit, but demands from others that they strictly follow his recommendations. People who carry the trauma of betrayal most often suffer from problems with the digestive system, agrophobia, joint diseases and diseases whose names end in -it.

5. Trauma is injustice

A child experiences this trauma primarily with a same-sex parent between the ages of three and five. Protective mask – “Rigidity”. Rigid strives for justice and perfection, it is very difficult for him to understand that what he does may seem unfair to others and vice versa - how others treat him may seem unfair only to him, since he suffers from this trauma. The rigid physique is perfect and proportional, because this is fair... Such a person is very hardworking, he has always been valued for his achievements and successes, and not just like that. But he is often prone to conflicts, as he is an ardent fighter for justice. The biggest fear for a rigid person is the fear of making a mistake, because then he may act unfairly towards others, and he tries to prevent this. Unfortunately, a rigid person often refuses the blessings of life if he considers it unfair for others and envies others if he believes that they are not worthy of it. In such a constant struggle, he earns himself nervous exhaustion, constipation, loss of vision and insomnia.

The first step to healing 5 traumas that interfere with life is their awareness, acceptance and only then working with them. By the way, you don’t need to blame your parents for everything, because as Liz Burbo writes in her book, souls already knew what traumas in life they needed to receive in order to work out their karma and simply chose parents who would provide them with the necessary conditions. The responsibility for your life always lies with you, and other people and situations are a reflection of your inner decision to experience certain lessons.

I have such a wonderful book, but I keep forgetting where I put it. So, I decided to publish a post here and include the most basic, IMHO, points.
When a person had injuries in childhood, a defensive reaction (masks) appears afterwards. Well, that is, so that it doesn’t hurt so much in the future, a person seems to be protecting himself in advance.
Based on all the descriptions below, you don’t need to look for absolutely all the properties in yourself. It may be that out of the above you only found a small item of description, or maybe a little more. It just tells you which injury you have more of.

More about the rejected one

More about the abandoned

More about the humiliated

Read more about the trauma of betrayal

Read more about the trauma of injustice

A lot depends on the type of mask, for example, the manner of speech and voice:
The fugitive's voice is weak, powerless.
The addict has a childish voice with a hint of complaint.
The masochist often decorates his voice with feigned intonations, portraying an interested person.
Rigid bitterness is somewhat mechanical and restrained.
The controller has a loud, booming voice.

How does this or that injury occur?
THE TRAUMA OF THE REJECTED IS EXPERIENCED WITH THE PARENT OF THE SAME SEX. That is, the fugitive feels rejected by people of the same sex as himself. He blames them for rejecting him and feels more anger towards them than towards himself. On the other hand, when he is rejected by a person of the opposite sex, he rejects himself even more. Accordingly, in this case his anger at himself dominates. At the same time, there is a high probability that this person of the opposite sex did not reject him, but left him.
THE TRAUMA OF THE ABANDONED IS EXPERIENCED WITH THE PARENT OF THE OPPOSITE SEX. That is, the addict tends to believe that he has been abandoned by people of the opposite sex, and blames them more than himself. If he experiences the experience of abandonment with a person of the same sex, he blames himself, because he believes that he did not show enough attention to him or failed to appreciate his attention. It often happens that he is sure that a given person of his sex has abandoned him, but in fact it has rejected him.
THE TRAUMA OF HUMILIATION IS USUALLY EXPERIENCED WITH THE MOTHER, regardless of gender. That is, a male masochist is inclined to experience humiliation from females. He usually blames them. If he experiences the trauma of humiliation with a male person, he blames himself and is ashamed of his behavior or his attitude towards this person. He can also experience this trauma with his father, if he is engaged in his physical education, teaches the child to maintain cleanliness, eat, dress, etc. If this is your case, then you just have to apply what has been said to the male or female version.
THE TRAUMA OF BETRAYAL IS EXPERIENCED WITH THE PARENT OF THE OPPOSITE SEX. That is, the controller usually believes that he has been betrayed by people of the opposite sex, and is inclined to blame them for his suffering or emotions. If he experiences the trauma of betrayal with a person of the same sex, he blames himself mainly and is angry with himself for failing to foresee and prevent this experience in a timely manner. It is very likely that what he perceives as betrayal by people of his own sex is in fact an experience that activated his trauma of injustice.
THE TRAUMA OF INJUSTICE IS EXPERIENCED WITH A PARENT OF THE SAME SEX. That is, the rigid person suffers from injustice on the part of people of his own sex and accuses them of injustice towards him. If he experiences a situation that he considers unfair with a person of the opposite sex, then he blames not this person, but rather himself - for injustice or incorrectness. It is very likely that this experience of injustice with a person of the opposite sex is actually caused by betrayal. Severe suffering can even drive him into destructive rage.

Here are examples of how you can sometimes harm yourself.
____A person suffering from rejection trauma reinforces this trauma whenever he calls himself a nonentity, when he believes that he does not mean anything in the lives of other people, when he avoids a certain situation.
____A person suffering from the trauma of abandonment strengthens this trauma every time he gives up something important to him, when he allows himself to fall, when he does not take care of himself enough and does not give himself the necessary attention. He frightens others by clinging too intensely to them, and thus ensures that they leave and he is left alone again. He causes a lot of suffering to his body, creating diseases in it to attract attention.
____A person suffering from the trauma of humiliation intensifies this trauma whenever he humiliates himself, when he compares himself with others and downplays his merits, when he accuses himself of rudeness, unkindness, lack of will, opportunism, etc. He humiliates himself with clothes that do not suit him and which he always gets dirty. He makes his body suffer by giving it so much food that it is impossible to digest and assimilate it. He causes himself suffering by taking on other people's responsibilities and depriving himself of freedom and necessary personal time.
____A person suffering from the trauma of betrayal intensifies this trauma whenever he lies to himself, when he instills in himself false truths, when he violates obligations towards himself. He punishes himself when he does all the work himself: he does not dare to entrust this work to others, because he does not trust them. He is so busy controlling and checking what others are doing that he has no time for himself.
____A person suffering from the trauma of injustice reinforces this trauma by being excessively demanding of himself. He does not take into account his limitations and often creates stressful situations for himself. He is unfair to himself because he is too self-critical and has difficulty noticing his positive traits and work results. He suffers when he sees only what has not been done or the shortcomings of what has been done. He suffers because he does not know how to give himself pleasure.

In general, the advice is that you need to understand, accept, love, forgive, and then the trauma will disappear.
____Your REJECTED trauma is close to healing if you gradually take up more and more space, if you begin to assert yourself. And if someone pretends that you are not there, it does not unsettle you. Situations in which you are afraid to panic occur less and less often.
____Your trauma of Abandonment is close to healing if you feel good even when alone and if you need less someone’s attention. Life doesn't seem so dramatic anymore. You increasingly have a desire to start various projects, and even if others do not help you, you are able to continue the business yourself.
____Your HUMILIATION trauma is close to healing if you give yourself time to think about whether it meets your needs before you say “yes” to someone. You have less to put on your shoulders and feel more free. You stop creating limitations for yourself. You are able to make requests and demands without feeling annoying or unnecessary.
____Your trauma of BETRAYAL is close to healing if you no longer experience such violent emotions when someone or something upsets your plans. You loosen your grip more easily. Let me remind you: loosening your grip means weakening your attachment to the result, getting rid of the desire for everything to go only according to your plan. You no longer try to be the center of attraction. When you are proud of the work you have done, you feel good even when others do not notice or recognize your achievements.
____Your injury of INJUSTICE is close to healing if you allow yourself to be less than perfect, to make mistakes, without getting angry or criticizing yourself. You can allow yourself to show your sensitivity, you can cry in front of others without fear of their judgment and without being ashamed of a temporary loss of control.

Read more about the transformation and elimination of these five traumas