Vov Hitler. Feat of the Red Army soldier Hitler. "Pirates of Edelweiss" and Gertrude Koch

On December 18, 1940, Hitler, in Directive No. 21, approved the final plan for the war against the USSR under the code name “Barbarossa”. To implement it, Germany and its allies in Europe - Finland, Romania and Hungary - created an invasion army unprecedented in history: 182 divisions and 20 brigades (up to 5 million people), 47.2 thousand guns and mortars, about 4.4 thousand . combat aircraft, 4.4 thousand tanks and assault guns, and 250 ships. In a group Soviet troops, resisting the aggressors, there were 186 divisions (3 million people), about 39.4 guns and mortars, 11 thousand tanks and more than 9.1 thousand aircraft. These forces were not put on alert in advance. Directive General Staff The Red Army received information about a possible German attack on June 22-23 in the western border districts only on the night of June 22, and already at dawn on June 22 the invasion began. After lengthy artillery preparation, at 4.00 in the morning, German troops, treacherously violating the non-aggression pact concluded with the USSR, attacked the Soviet-German border along its entire length from the Barents to the Black Sea. Soviet troops were taken by surprise. The organization of powerful counterattacks against the enemy was hampered by the fact that they were relatively evenly distributed along the entire front along the entire border and dispersed to a great depth. With such a formation it was difficult to resist the enemy.

June 22 on the radio with an appeal to citizens Soviet Union People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs V.M. Molotov. He said, in particular: “This unheard-of attack on our country is a treachery unparalleled in the history of civilized peoples. The attack on our country was carried out despite the fact that a non-aggression treaty was concluded between the USSR and Germany.”

On June 23, 1941, it was created in Moscow supreme body strategic leadership of the armed forces - Headquarters of the Supreme High Command. All power in the country was concentrated in the hands of the State Defense Committee (GKO), formed on June 30. He was appointed Chairman of the State Defense Committee and Supreme Commander-in-Chief. The country began to implement a program of emergency measures under the motto: “Everything for the front! Everything for victory! The Red Army, however, continued to retreat. By mid-July 1941, German troops advanced 300-600 km deep into Soviet territory, capturing Lithuania, Latvia, almost all of Belarus, a significant part of Estonia, Ukraine and Moldova, creating a threat to Leningrad, Smolensk and Kyiv. A mortal danger loomed over the USSR.


At 4.00 on June 22, 1941, the Germans, without any reason, raided our airfields and cities and crossed the border with ground troops...

1. Northern Front: the enemy, with a flight of bomber-type aircraft, violated the border and entered Leningrad district and Kronstadt...

2. Northwestern Front. At 4.00 the enemy opened artillery fire and at the same time began to bomb airfields and cities: Vindava, Libava, Kovno, Vilno and Shulyai...

W. Western Front. At 4.20, up to 60 enemy aircraft bombed Grodno and Brest. Simultaneously along the entire border Western Front the enemy opened artillery fire... With ground forces, the enemy is developing an attack from the Suwalki area in the direction of Golynka, Dąbrowa and from the Stokołów area along railway to Volkovysk. The advancing enemy forces are being clarified. ...

4. Southwestern Front. At 4.20 the enemy began shelling our borders with machine-gun fire. From 4.30, enemy planes bombed the cities of Lyuboml, Kovel, Lutsk, Vladimir-Volynsky... At 4.35, after artillery fire in the Vladimir-Volynsky, Lyuboml area, enemy ground forces crossed the border developing an attack in the direction of Vladimir-Volynsky, Lyuboml and Krystynopol...

The front commanders have put into effect a cover plan and, through the active actions of mobile troops, are trying to destroy the enemy units that have crossed the border...

The enemy, having forestalled our troops in deployment, forced units of the Red Army to take battle in the process of occupying their initial position according to the cover plan. Using this advantage, the enemy managed to achieve partial success in certain areas.

Signature: Chief of the General Staff of the Red Army G.K. Zhukov

The Great Patriotic War - day after day: based on materials from declassified operational reports of the General Staff of the Red Army. M., 2008 .


Citizens and women of the Soviet Union!

The Soviet government and its head, Comrade Stalin, instructed me to make the following statement:

Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without presenting any claims to the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed our cities from their planes - Zhitomir, Kyiv, Sevastopol, Kaunas and some others, and more than two hundred people were killed and wounded. Enemy air raids and artillery shelling were also carried out from Romanian and Finnish territories.

This unheard of attack on our country is a treachery unparalleled in the history of civilized nations. The attack on our country was carried out despite the fact that a non-aggression treaty was concluded between the USSR and Germany and the Soviet government fulfilled all the terms of this treaty in all good faith. The attack on our country was carried out despite the fact that during the entire duration of this treaty the German government could never make a single claim against the USSR regarding the implementation of the treaty. All responsibility for this predatory attack on the Soviet Union falls entirely on the German fascist rulers (...)

The government calls on you, citizens of the Soviet Union, to rally your ranks even more closely around our glorious Bolshevik Party, around our Soviet government, around our great leader Comrade. Stalin.

Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours.

Documentation foreign policy. T.24. M., 2000.


Comrades! Citizens!

Brothers and sisters!

Soldiers of our army and navy!

I am addressing you, my friends!

The treacherous military attack of Nazi Germany on our Motherland, which began on June 22, continues. Despite the heroic resistance of the Red Army, despite the fact that the enemy’s best divisions and the best units of his aviation have already been defeated and found their grave on the battlefield, the enemy continues to push forward, throwing new forces to the front (...)

History shows that there are no invincible armies and never have been. Napoleon's army was considered invincible, but it was defeated alternately by the Russians, English, by German troops. Wilhelm's German army during the first imperialist war was also considered an invincible army, but it was defeated several times by Russian and Anglo-French troops and was finally defeated by Anglo-French troops. The same needs to be said about the current Nazi German army of Hitler. This army has not yet encountered serious resistance on the continent of Europe. Only on our territory did it encounter serious resistance (...)

It may be asked: how could it happen that the Soviet government agreed to conclude a non-aggression pact with such treacherous people and monsters as Hitler and Ribbentrop? Was there a mistake made here by the Soviet government? Of course not! A non-aggression pact is a peace pact between two states. This is exactly the kind of pact Germany offered us in 1939. Could the Soviet government refuse such a proposal? I think that not a single peace-loving state can refuse a peace agreement with a neighboring power, if at the head of this power are even such monsters and cannibals as Hitler and Ribbentrop. And this, of course, is subject to one indispensable condition - if the peace agreement does not affect either directly or indirectly the territorial integrity, independence and honor of the peace-loving state. As you know, the non-aggression pact between Germany and the USSR is just such a pact(...)

In the event of a forced withdrawal of units of the Red Army, it is necessary to hijack all rolling stock, not to leave the enemy a single locomotive, not a single carriage, not to leave the enemy a kilogram of bread or a liter of fuel (...) In areas occupied by the enemy, it is necessary to create partisan detachments, horse and foot, create sabotage groups to fight units of the enemy army, to incite partisan warfare anywhere, to blow up bridges, roads, damage telephone and telegraph communications, set fire to forests, warehouses, and carts. In occupied areas, create unbearable conditions for the enemy and all his accomplices, pursue and destroy them at every step, disrupt all their activities (...)

In this great war, we will have faithful allies in the people of Europe and America, including the German people, enslaved by Hitler’s bosses. Our war for the freedom of our Fatherland will merge with the struggle of the peoples of Europe and America for their independence, for democratic freedoms (...)

In order to quickly mobilize all the forces of the peoples of the USSR, to repel the enemy who treacherously attacked our Motherland, the State Defense Committee was created, in whose hands all power in the state is now concentrated. The State Defense Committee has begun its work and calls on all the people to rally around the party of Lenin - Stalin, around the Soviet government for selfless support of the Red Army and Red Navy, for the defeat of the enemy, for victory.

All our strength is in support of our heroic Red Army, our glorious Red Navy!

All the forces of the people are to defeat the enemy!

Forward, for our victory!

Stalin I. About the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. M., 1947.


The anniversary of the Great Victory is getting closer. I would like to remind you that this is not just a victory - it is a victory of the Soviet people in the struggle for their very existence, because the goal of this war was the destruction of the Russian and other peoples of the USSR. This is the main thing that the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of those who gave their lives for the Victory should remember.

But after decades of work of a gigantic ideological machine, what is called the Second World War is associated in the minds of the modern average person in the West and increasingly in Russia itself with the so-called. The “Holocaust” - the genocide of European Jews, the caricature of Hitler, the horrors of Stalinism and D-Day - the opening of the Second Front in Europe. The Great Patriotic War increasingly seems to be one of the episodes, and not even the most significant, of the Second World War. Any idea of ​​the special, fundamentally different nature of the war of Nazi Germany and its allies against the USSR has been practically erased from modern mass consciousness. Meanwhile, this war was unique in its objectives, methods and consequences for world history. Between 1939 and 1945 two wars took place, partly coinciding in time and intertwined with each other, but, nevertheless, sharply different in nature.

One, from September 1939 to September 1945, was a “normal” “world” war between the largest imperialist powers of the world, differing from the first “world” only in its larger size and lethality.
The other - from June 22, 1941 to May 1945 - had all the traditional elements of the wars of European imperialism against non-European peoples, from the first crusades of the 11th century to the British conquest of India, the extermination of the peoples of the Western Hemisphere, the Opium Wars in China, the devastation of the African and Australian continents. The war of German imperialism and its European allies against the USSR absorbed this historical experience of colonialism and developed its techniques to an extremely concentrated and brutal expression. But her unique character lay elsewhere.

Plan Barbarossa was not just a military "blitzkrieg" plan to defeat the Red Army and Soviet state. And not even just the plan to conquer Lebensraum - “living space” for the German nation and its colonization. It was a plan for a crusade, an ideological “holy war”, which aimed at the eradication of “Judeo-Bolshevism”, the destruction of the Soviet people, the ideological, state and economic foundations of their existence, especially the state existence of the Great Russian and other Slavic peoples, which formed the backbone Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. For the Soviet people, the Great Patriotic War was a struggle for their historical existence- "to be or not to be".

But the genocide of European Jews was “unique” only in the sense that it was genocide in Europe against Europeans. But in this respect, the Holocaust was not unique. It was preceded by the British genocide of the Irish. The example of the Irish shows that the ideology of European racism originates within the white race and only then begins to spread to non-European peoples, to “coloreds.”
White racism is now growing in Russia. It would be useful for our champions of white racial solidarity with the whites of the West to recall the authoritative opinion famous historian Christopher Hill: “Most educated upper-class Englishmen of the seventeenth century spoke of the Irish in the same way as, for example, the fascists about the Slavs or white South Africans about the indigenous population - in all these cases, contempt was a justification for the need to exploit.” .
No, if we can generally talk about the uniqueness of any genocide, then, in the sense of its ideological origins and political objectives, such genocide was the genocide of the Soviet people, with which the Jewish genocide was inextricably linked.

Hitler pointed out the need to learn from the British the art of domination over conquered peoples and their exploitation. The USSR was to become Germany's "India" - a Nazi laboratory of racial politics, a bottomless source of slave labor and natural resources.

John Toland, renowned Hitler biographer, says:
“Hitler stated that he owed much of the idea of ​​concentration camps and the practicality of genocide to his study of British and American history. He admired the Boer prison camps in South Africa and the Indian camps in the Wild West, and in his inner circle often praised the effectiveness of exterminating the "red savages" in America through starvation and superior military force."

From the Fuehrer's Guide to the Administration of the Eastern Territories:
The Slavs must work for us. If we don't need them, they can die. Therefore, compulsory vaccination and German healthcare are unnecessary for them. High Slavic childbearing rates are undesirable. They can use contraception and have abortions to their heart's content. Education is dangerous. That's quite enough... if they can count to one hundred. At the very least, education is permissible if it helps prepare useful servants for us. Every educated person is our future enemy. We will leave religion to them as a distraction. As for food, they should not receive more than the bare minimum. We are the owners, everything to us.

The contribution of the Black Hundred and the White Guard movement to the ideology of German Nazism and its practice of genocide remains underestimated. And he was decisive in his way. It was the White Guard that created and tested Hitler’s central ideological synthesis - a combination of old European anti-Slavic racism and anti-Semitism with anti-Marxism and anti-Bolshevism.

The decisive link between Hitler and the Black Hundred was the Baltic German from Latvia Alfred Rosenberg and his white emigrant friends led by staff captain Fedor Vinberg. In the early 1920s, Vinberg and Rosenberg became the ideologists of a secret organization of Russian and German reactionaries - Aufbau, Reconstruction. It was through the White Guard Winberg and Rosenberg that Hitler adopted the synthesis of anti-Bolshevism and political anti-Semitism, which formed the ideological basis of Barbarossa.

According to the Fuhrer’s explanations before the start of the war, the upcoming campaign would be a struggle between “two worldviews.” Hitler described Bolshevism as a "social crime" and communism as a "huge danger to the future." Therefore, in the East, German soldiers will have to abandon their usual respect for the enemy.

In final instructions dated May 13, Chief of the General Staff Keitel declared the problems of "pacification" (a word borrowed from the terminology of North American genocide) too enormous and complex for conventional military tribunals and authorized troops to "take ruthless action themselves," to "liquidate" guerrillas and use "the most extreme methods "against hostile civilian populations. All officers were instructed to decide on the spot whether or not to shoot those suspected of hostile activities behind the front lines, while battalion-level commanders became responsible for taking hostages for collective retribution against the residents of a particular location. Crimes German soldiers against civilians were to be tried only in cases where they threatened military discipline.

At the same time, from February 21, 1941, the propaganda services of the armed forces also prepared leaflets, posters and radio broadcasts addressed to Soviet military personnel and the civilian population. The first and most widespread of these accused Stalin's "Jewish-Communist" government of violating the treaties it had concluded with Germany. The leaflet implored the soldiers and officers of the Red Army not to “shed their blood for the Third International... for Stalin and his Jewish commissars,” whose regime was “hundreds of times worse” than the Tsarist regime. German troops were marching to put an end to “the criminal machinations of this Jewish clique that is tormenting and exploiting the peoples of the Soviet Union.”

One of the most enduring myths created by the Nazi generals and their American masters during Cold War, is a myth about the Wehrmacht’s non-involvement in genocide in the East. In reality, everything was the other way around. The Wehrmacht accepted the program of ideological warfare with such readiness and began to implement it with such zeal that it began to threaten the central role of the SS in cleansing the eastern Lebensraum of “Judeo-Bolshevism.” The Wehrmacht waged a political war of destruction, in no way inferior to its “comrades in arms” in black uniforms.

The central role in developing economic policy under the Barbarossa Plan was entrusted to a group of scientific experts at the General Staff. Their recommendations, outlined at two meetings in May '41, boiled down to the following plan. The European territory of the USSR would be divided into two zones: 1) a “zone of surplus” or “black earth” (Schwarzendezone) in the south, including the Caucasus, and 2) a “zone of hunger” (Hungergebiet) in the north, primarily around Moscow and Leningrad. In the “zone of surplus,” the population could hope to receive the minimum amount of food necessary for life. In the “hunger zone” it was doomed to extinction.

So the genocide of “many tens of millions” of Soviet people had to take the form of famine. And here, too, Hitler’s teachers were white settlers and the British in North America and Africa, the British in Ireland, Hindustan, China and Australia.
These were the historical origins and goals of Operation Barbarossa, which began in the pre-dawn hours of June 22, 1941 along a front from the Baltic to the Black Sea.

There was only one force standing between these goals and their achievement - the Red Army.

Red Army soldier Hitler, during the defense of height 174.5 of the Tiraspol fortification area, destroyed the enemy with his fire for eight days. Being the gunner of a heavy machine gun, he supported the advance of his platoon with fire. Finding himself surrounded and wounded, Comrade. Hitler fired until he ran out of ammunition, after which, without abandoning his weapon, he got out to his own, in total destroying more than a hundred Wehrmacht troops. For his feat, Hitler was awarded the Medal of Courage.

The following also fought on the fields of the Great Patriotic War: Major General of the Red Army Borman, Red Army soldier Goering, Art. technician-lieutenant Hess - and other comrades. It probably wasn’t easy to live and fight with such names. Glory and eternal memory to the heroes!


Last name, first name and patronymic_____Hitler Semyon Konstantinovich

Military rank_____red army soldier

Position, unit_____gunner of heavy machine gun 73OPB Tiraspol UR

Presented for _____ award with the medal For Military Merit

1. Year of birth_____1922

2. Nationality_____Jew

3. Since when has he been in the Red Army?____since 1940

4. Party affiliation_____member of the Komsomol

5. Participation in battles (where and when)_____in the Tiraspol fortified. area

6. Does he have any wounds or concussions_____

7. What was previously awarded (for what distinctions)_____was not previously awarded

I. Brief, specific statement of personal military feat or merits

Being the gunner of the heavy machine gun Comrade. Hitler continuously destroyed hundreds of the enemy with his well-aimed fire for 8 days.

When advancing to a height of 174.5 comrade. Hitler with his fire Art. machine gun supported the advance of the platoon, but the enemy, coming from the rear, surrounded the platoon and scattered it, comrade. Hitler with his machine gun, already wounded, was left alone among the enemy, but he did not lose his head, but fired until he had used up all the cartridges, and then, at a distance of 10 km, crawled among the enemy...

II. Conclusion of superiors

Comrade Hitler S.K. being a gunner Art. machine gun showed exceptional composure, tenacity and courage in battle while destroying the enemy. Comrade Hitler was a well-trained machine gunner and a tenacious fighter. Comrade Hitler deserves to be awarded the medal "For Courage".

Commander (chief) ___________

III. Conclusion of the Army Military Council

Worthy of being awarded the medal "FOR COURAGE"

Commander Primorsk. Army Lieutenant General Safronov

Member of the Military Council, Brigade Commissar Kuznetsov

Note that at the beginning of the war, awards for very serious feats were given quite “modestly” (August 19 - two months of the war had not yet passed, the country had four more difficult years ahead), rather than later, when the army had already fought more, and people knew “that how much." It is very noteworthy that Comrade Hitler destroyed many fascists and retreated to his own, having used up all the ammunition and without abandoning the machine gun - in 1943-44-45. for such high performance he would most likely receive an order.

Borman Alexander Vladimirovich, major general. INRed Army since 1921. He took part in the Great Patriotic War from the very beginning. For skillful leadership of combat operations, organization of combat work of the 40th Army Air Force on the Southwestern Front awarded the order"A red star".

"... Comrade BORMAN by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 27, 1942, for the skillful leadership and organization of combat work of the Air Force of the 40th Army in Southwestern Front awarded the Order of the RED STAR.

Before the Patriotic War he was awarded the Order of LENIN. Participated in the Patriotic War from June 22, 1941 in the following positions: Deputy. Commander of the Air Defense Forces, Commander of the Air Force of the 40th Army, Commander of the 220th Air Division, now the 1st Guards Fighter Air Division, Deputy. Commander of the 8th Air Army and from December 1, 1942, Commander of the 216th Aviation Division.

From 18.5. to 4.7.42 by units of the 220th air division in air battles 117 enemy aircraft were shot down and 34 were damaged. In addition, 5 enemy aircraft were destroyed during attack on airfields.

From 12/1/42 to 5/4/43 during the period of command of comrade. BORMAN division and offensive operations to liberate the North Caucasus from the Nazi invaders, 2,610 combat sorties were carried out in units, with a total flight time of 2,670 hours, of which: to reconnaissance enemy troops - 497 combat sorties, to escort attack aircraft - 736 combat sorties, to cover friendly troops - 477 combat sorties, to intercept enemy aircraft - 75 combat sorties, to destroy enemy transport aircraft and clear the air of enemy aircraft - 50 combat sorties, to attack enemy motorized mechanized troops - 536 combat sorties, to reconnaissance of enemy crossings - 32, yellow. dor. objects - 30, enemy airfields - 10, and to destroy enemy floating assets - 13 sorties.

82 air battles were carried out. Shot down in air battles - 9(?) and 17 enemy aircraft shot down. In addition, 12 aircraft were destroyed on the ground during attack on enemy airfields.

During the assault operations, units of the division destroyed and damaged on the ground: vehicles with troops and cargo - 902, tanks - 45, armored vehicles and armored personnel carriers - 48, gas tankers - 20, artillery pieces - 42, mortars - 25, of which 13 were six-barreled, a cart with cargo and ammunition - 240, horses - 228, ammunition depots - 10 blown up, 2 locomotives, 2 railways damaged. wagons, 1 steamship, 4 barges, 4 boats. Suppressed 38 FOR, 21 Anti-aircraft machine gun points. Destroyed - 2815 enemy soldiers and officers.

The combat experience gained on the fronts of the Patriotic War comrade. BORMAN skillfully conveys to the commanders and flight personnel of the regiments. - Skillfully and courageously leads the combat work of the division’s air regiments. Disciplined. Demanding commander and organizer..."

Goering Shopshil Matveevich, Red Army soldier, signalman. In the Red Army since 1942

“... Red Army soldier Goering Sh. his own business, a signalman.

Under heavy enemy artillery fire, he repeatedly made communications from the firing positions to the observation point. paragraph. In just one day of fighting on 10/12/43, when the enemy launched a counterattack to Comrade. Goering caused 18 communications line breaks under enemy fire.

Red Army soldier Sh. M. Goering is worthy of the government award of the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree."

Hess Evgeniy Pavlovich, senior technical lieutenant, in the Red Army since June 1941

"... Comrade Hess has great experience for the repair and restoration of combat vehicles, acquired during the defense of Stalingrad. He skillfully applied his combat experience when repairing combat vehicles in difficult winter conditions. Long marches performed by a regiment where vehicles were most likely to fail required complex, flexible work of repair teams. Comrade Hess quickly and efficiently restored combat vehicles and they went into battle to mercilessly defeat the German invaders. Comrade Hess is proactive, resourceful, has good organizational skills. During the regiment's combat operations, its brigade repaired 8 medium and 10 small tanks."

Got Nikolai Vyacheslavovich, brigade doctor, in the Red Army since February 1918.

"... Brigadier GOT, Nikolai Vyacheslavovich has served in the Red Army since 1918. An active participant at the fronts civil war against Yudenich and the White Poles. In E.G. he works as a senior therapist and Chairman of the Hospital Medical Commission. At this work Comrade. Goth showed himself to be a genuine enthusiast, a qualified therapist, who perfectly understands the tasks facing him.

During his work in E.G. 1171, through the therapeutic departments led by Comrade. Goth passed 4,569 patients; through the Hospital Commission headed by him - 1,002 wounded and sick. Consulting all difficult therapeutic cases at the Hospital comrade. Goth, with his qualified conclusions, saved quite a few lives of patients. Day after day, in addition to his great main work, Comrade. Goth trains young cadres of military therapists, 4 of whom currently occupy the positions of Heads of therapeutic departments. Comrade Goth introduced a lot of new things into the clinic and treatment of patients with nutritional exhaustion and scurvy, significantly reducing the mortality of patients..."

Manstein Yuri Sergeevich, captain, with the Red Army since June 1941

"... In the most critical and difficult areas, Comrade MANSHTEIN personally supervised the evacuation of equipment from the battlefield and the neutral zone. For example, under his personal leadership, evacuation took place in the region of UST-TOSNO, IM IZHORA, STARO-PANOVO, RED BOR and on the left bank of the NEVA River in the area of ​​the last military operations.

In the period from January 9 to 28, under the leadership of Comrade MANSHTEIN, the joint evacuation group pulled out 231 combat vehicles from the battlefield and front-line roads."

(original spelling and punctuation preserved)

Source: fishki.net

Once with my search engine friends, we visited the “museum of the partisan movement” in a remote village in the Mogilev region. We learned many interesting things about the partisans. In particular, the grandfathers shared this fact - by the spring of 1942, the partisan detachments were conditionally divided into “Polish”, “Jewish” and “ours”. So, quite a considerable number of Germans and Czechs who deserted from the active army served in “ours”, although by the end of 1942, the NKVD had slightly less than complete control over “our” detachments.

No wonder! The country was international. I don’t know about the Hitlers, but quite a few Bormanns and Mullers lived in the USSR, and the tragedy is that many of them were exiled to the Kazakh steppes during the war, like a fifth column. Many of them laid down their lives for their Motherland, fighting against their compatriots, with whom contact was lost during the time of Peter I, when many Germans left for Russia and found their second homeland here!

“According to the founder of the Jewish Messianic community (the first community of Judeo-Christians in Russia) Joseph Rabinovich, the Jewish question can only be resolved if they believe in their brother Jesus Christ.”

Nikolas. Where are the examples of the fact that Jews are really raking in the heat with someone else’s hands? Besides the fact that the banking business is theirs.

BARON, yes I agree. Adapted, among other things, to seek opportunities to find cannon fodder instead of her sons while pursuing her own interests. The Patriotic War and today's Israeli army are exceptions to the rule, since this is a choice only between life or death and you have to put everything on the line. All-IMXO. More about the Jews, without me.

Nikolas. This suggests that this nation is more beaten, and therefore more adapted to everything. back IMHO

Yes exactly!
They are simply forced to be ready for war, because they live surrounded by enemies
And they really value their soldiers.
The guide told me (when I was there on an excursion) that if a Jew is captured, he must tell everything, because there is nothing more important than the life of one Jew, they immediately change all their dispositions.
And in Russia there are hardly any Jews in the army.

BARON, Alina noticed everything correctly. The country of Israel is their country, and especially surrounded by enemies, that’s why they serve there. HERE AND NOW people of this nationality are generally engaged in more profitable activities than some kind of military service. In general, you won’t find their children on the lists of participants in hostilities, and what’s more, even those doing military service in the army (but their dads really like to talk about patriotism, the Fatherland and duty to the Motherland). IN post-war USSR, and Especially in the late Brezhnev-Gorbachev times, exactly the same trend was observed. However, this is a completely different story of modern times, and that’s not what the blog is about. We're getting off topic.

Alina. Apparently the wrong Jews live in the State of Israel. Everyone absolutely serves in the army. It was like that in the USSR in those days

“Very mediocre ideas about Jews in the war” are also possible.
Although...I spoke to Nicholas, and I know that he is very delicate in his statements when communicating with girls.

I can’t imagine today’s Jews in war.
Perhaps only a few, or in the country of Israel.

I liked the way the veteran talks about the war.
About the attitude towards our women... and Georgians, for example, in those war conditions.

Andrey A, I won’t argue about the numbers and official statistics of the ratio of the number of GSS to the number of those who lived and fought. I think that the Second World War and fascism posed a direct threat to the very existence of Jews, hence these numbers. Wars that do not directly affect their interests and where they can limit themselves to the lives of workers and peasants, but not their own children, do not have such a correlation. In particular, the two latest Chechen wars (especially indicative) and Afghanistan (your example is more the exception than the rule). By the way, the attitude of front-line soldiers and home front workers during the Great Patriotic War to this topic was also very ambiguous. There were such expressions as “went to the Tashkent front” and “received a medal for the defense of Tashkent” in relation to persons of the specified nationality.
P.S. “The percentage of losses among Russians is slightly higher than the percentage of Russians in the population, 1.14-1.22 times according to various censuses.
For a significant number of nationalities, the percentage of losses and the percentage of the population are close. Including Jews, if we take data on the number of Jews in 1939. Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars, Chuvashs, Buryats are also like that.
So the Jews cannot be classified as “sitting in the rear” and having much fewer losses than the average. Such as the Ingush and Chechens, who account for a share of losses in Soviet army 10 times less than their share in the population. Or the people of Dagestan, where this share is 4 times less. But the Ossetians neighboring them - their share of losses is 0.6 of their share in the population (and, by the way, greatest number Heroes of the Soviet Union per 1000 dead from all nationalities of the USSR)". iguanodonna.livejournal.com website

Very mediocre ideas about Jews in the war. Jews fought for their existence, because... everyone knew about the extermination of them by the Nazis without exception and they did not surrender due to immediate destruction in the event of clarification of their nationality and of the more or less significant nationalities in Russia they have the largest ratio of the number of Heroes of the Soviet Union to the number of those who fought, and even to the number of those living in country at that time too.
From fresh. I personally know a Jew born in 1958, who was a long-range aviation navigator twice in Afghanistan and was wounded and concussed, so he couldn’t get away with these business trips (the connections and influence of his relatives were quite enough for this). I won’t say anything about Chechnya, I don’t know, I’m not my age.

I never cease to be amazed.
Jews and at war?

Yeah... A very eloquent example that a person should be judged by his deeds, and not by his last name, first name, and so on.
I read the blog and for some reason immediately remembered the TV series “Students”... educational institution, where the main characters received their profession, a mathematician worked with only one name that speaks to many - Adolf. Everyone around this teacher giggled and whispered: “Hitler.” But one day this man told his student why he was called that. It turns out that that was the name of his uncle, a violinist and a man with poor eyesight. That Adik went to the front and died there. And my sister, in memory of him, and not of Hitler, named her son Adolf. Like this...

If this was the case, we can give him a hero of the USSR.

Ordinary people were not shot; this applied to those who were close to greater power.

During the height of the war, my grandfather was given a medal for bravery for spotting a group of infiltrators from a telephone pole in the distance.

Alina, judging by the Red Army book, Hitler was a Jew. Regarding the other names, Imperial Russia and her army included quite a few Russified Germans. Manstein is one of them. In Wrangel’s civilian Drozdovsky division, this name is mentioned among senior officers (father and son Manstein were in it). History sometimes reveals such twists that you are amazed. It is known that the very first chairman of the Tsaritsyn city Cheka was a certain Alfred Karlovich Borman, from the Latvian riflemen.
For the rest, you need to delve into the sources, but it is unlikely to find anything about the origin of ordinary Red Army soldiers, and even junior and middle-level commanders. Here is something on the topic of Soviet Germans during the Great Patriotic War
To be fair, it is worth noting the opposite examples. Heroes of the Soviet Union in service in the Luftwaffe

At first I thought it was a joke.
The origins of these Red Army soldiers are interesting.
Find out who their ancestors were?

Yeah, Rzhevsky.. You’re an original, of course, in terms of finding non-trivial topics for communication. Well, how can you not give it a “five”?!

Yes, indeed, they shot me, it turns out. not all. *** Mikhalkov in his work “Burnt by the Sun-2” was forced to admit this.

Alish, I thought about that too. It's surprising that they didn't come under repression or change their last name.

Thank you, I read it with great interest!
It turns out that there were both our Hitlers and Goerings, or rather namesakes.
It’s surprising how the NKVD didn’t shoot them for having such names?

Very interesting information. Yes...with such surnames it was not easy for the soldiers of the Red Army, but people fought and showed heroism - Eternal memory to them and thanks for the Peaceful Sky! And of course thanks to all the veterans (no matter what surnames) who fought and defended our Motherland from fascism!

I have never looked at the soldiers of the Red Army from such a “family” angle.
What is called - the amazing is nearby. Unusual, non-standard and not in tune with the Russian ear, surnames and names often impose certain fetters on their owners, fetter them, and dictate a model of behavior that is unusual for them...

During the fighting in the Second World War, our Hitlers, Goerings, Bormanns... probably had to prove their patriotism, refute their unfortunate family affiliation and show double or triple courage in order to break out of the captivity of stereotypes and get away from ridicule...

Eternal memory to the heroes of the past war! And the Russians, and the Jews - and the Ivanovs, and our Hitlers...

And here’s another interesting fact.
Karl Marx-Standartenführer of the SS! :))


Thank you, Volodya, for an interesting blog.

The carpenter who could change history

Georg Elser is an ordinary German carpenter who single-handedly planned and organized the assassination attempt on Hitler in 1939. He was a staunch Protestant and sympathized with the Communists. Unlike many of his compatriots, from the very beginning he was not fascinated by the ideas of the National Socialists and was most afraid of new war. Listening to the Fuhrer's speeches, Elser came to the conclusion that only the murder of Hitler could stop the coming catastrophe. To eliminate the Fuhrer, Elser single-handedly developed a homemade bomb, which he himself mounted in a column next to the leader’s podium in a Munich beer hall, where Hitler spoke every year to fellow party members on the occasion of the anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch.

It took Elser almost a year to implement the plan. For this purpose, he spent almost 30 nights in the basements of the beer hall in order to hollow out a niche and mount the explosives without hindrance. As a result of the explosion, 7 people were killed on the spot, 63 were injured, but the Fuhrer himself remained unharmed. By an unfortunate coincidence, he unexpectedly shortened his speech to a short greeting and left the hall a few minutes before the explosion.

Elser was captured that evening on the Swiss border and confessed to everything, saying that he wanted to avoid more bloodshed. The Gestapo could not believe that the assassination attempt had been planned by them alone, and Hitler himself was convinced that the British intelligence services were behind the explosion. Georg Elser was placed in Dachau as a special prisoner and executed on April 9, 1945, just 20 days before the camp was liberated by the Allies.

Fighter against mass euthanasia

Kreissig went down in history as the only judge of the Third Reich who was not afraid to openly go against the decisions of the Fuhrer and even tried to turn the current legislation against the Nazis. Like many others, Kreissig voted for the NSDAP in the 1930s, but already in 1933 he refused to join the party. In 1940, he openly opposed Hitler's policy of euthanasia, calling it mass killing of the physically disabled, and even brought murder charges against one of the Nazis.

After this decisive act, Kreissig had to resign, and in 1942, by Hitler’s decision, he was retired, where he devoted himself to church activities. During the war, he was engaged in farming, on the territory of which he sheltered two Jewish refugees. After the war he was openly recognized as a hero of the resistance.

Hitler's personal enemy

Protestant priest Martin Niemöller, author of the famous poem “When They Came,” was sent to Dachau on Hitler’s personal orders for criticizing the Nazi regime. During the First World War, Niemöller was a submarine commander, but after the end of the war he went to study at a theological seminary and was ordained. From 1924 he voted for the NSDAP, and in 1933 he welcomed Hitler's rise to power as an alternative to communism. While remaining a National Socialist, he protested against the excommunication of “impure” nationalities from the church, he called for opposition to this law in his sermons and helped those who were persecuted.

In 1938, he was arrested for “attacks on the state” and sentenced to 7 months of hard labor. The Fuhrer, however, was very surprised by the leniency of the sentence and said that Niemöller would remain in prison until he turned blue. In 1941, the priest was sent to Dachau, where he served his sentence under relatively lenient conditions: the doors of his cell were not locked, and he was allowed visits. In conclusion, Niemöller came to the conclusion that the German church was equally responsible for the crimes of the Nazis. Martin Niemöller was released in 1945. IN post-war years he actively advocated peace and disarmament.

"When they came"

“When the Nazis came for the communists, I was silent, I’m not a communist.

Then they came for the Social Democrats, I was silent, I’m not a Social Democrat.

Then they came for the trade unionists, I was silent, I’m not a trade union member.

Then they came for the Jews, I was silent, I’m not a Jew.

And then they came for me, and there was no one left to protest."

Guillotine for "White Rose"

"White Rose" - an underground organization in Munich, the names of its members became symbols of the South German Resistance movement. The White Rose was created in Munich in the summer of 1942 by several students to agitate the city's residents against the Nazi regime. The organizers of the White Rose included a medical student from the Munich university - Hans Scholl, his sister Sophie and several of their mutual friends. The young people were interested in art and music, sports and were united in their rejection. political regime. Young people began writing and distributing leaflets calling for a fight against the Nazi regime.

At first, Hans Scholl intended to keep his sister away from political activities, but it was easier for Sophie to distribute leaflets - the SS did not stop her on the street so often to check. White Rose leaflets appeared not only in Munich, they were found in Cologne, Stuttgart, Berlin, Vienna, Salzburg, Linz. One of the leaflets reached the UK, where its text was broadcast by the BBC, and copies were scattered over Germany from British planes.

Another leaflet called for an uprising. But in February 1943, Sophie and her brother were arrested while trying to distribute a new batch of leaflets at the University of Munich, and after three days of trial and torture they were sentenced to guillotine along with other participants in the movement. The sentencing judge said later that he had never seen anyone more courageous than twenty-year-old Sophie Scholl. At the trial, Sophie said: "At the end of the day, someone had to start it. Our beliefs are shared by many others. They just don't dare say it like we do."

"Pirates of Edelweiss" and Gertrude Koch

The Edelweiss Pirates was a youth group that operated in Germany from 1939 to 1945. The name is due to the fact that edelweiss was one of the four symbols previously prohibited by Hitler German Union youth. Despite the ban, young people continued to gather, sing songs and fight with the Hitler Youth. Cologne is considered the center of the unification, among whose citizens there were about 3,000 “pirates” - teenagers 14–18 years old, who had neither a central leader nor a common organizational structure. They wore the edelweiss emblem as an identification mark. After the Second began World War, they helped shelter prisoners, Jews and political prisoners, distributed short anti-Hitler leaflets, and wrote calls to fight on the walls.

During the war, the “pirates” went underground so as not to be involved in work for the benefit of the German army. In 1944, many members of the group were captured, 13 people were executed, and the rest were sent to concentration camps or to the front. After the end of the war, individual “pirates” continued to organize protests in the territory East Germany, and the Germans themselves for quite a long time considered the “pirates” more like bandits than heroes.

In the 80s, pirates were officially recognized as resistance fighters - albeit with low moral principles. Gertrud Koch - the last "Edelweiss pirate" - died in 2016. She was 17 years old when she was first captured by the Gestapo trying to write anti-Nazi slogans on a wall. She was arrested twice, interrogated and tortured, but somehow managed to escape and survive. Until the age of 92, she maintained a sense of humor and a fighting spirit, telling her loved ones: “No matter what happens, sing!” In 2008, she was awarded a bust of Heine for her activities in resistance to the regime of the Third Reich.

They warned Stalin about the start of the war

Scattered German Resistance groups associated with Soviet intelligence and transmitting valuable information to it, received the general name “Red Chapel” after the end of the war. The term itself was invented by the SS men who were searching for illegal transmitters in Germany. In counterintelligence jargon, radio operators were called “musicians”, “pianists”, and since there were several transmitters, a whole orchestra or “capella” was formed. Among the organizers of one of the most famous Kapella cells were the German journalist and Luftwaffe officer, Harro Schulze-Boysen (Petty Officer) and the lawyer Arvid Harnack (Corsican).

A circle of like-minded people formed around them, uniting doctors, journalists, economists, artists, dancers and writers with different political views, but a common rejection of the Nazi regime. Since 1933, members of the Red Chapel helped shelter victims of the regime from persecution, distributed leaflets, collected information about preparations for war and transmitted it abroad. A narrow circle of resisters came into contact with Soviet intelligence. Beginning on June 17, 1941, members of the Red Chapel warned the USSR about an impending German attack on the Soviet Union.

During the war years, they listened to Soviet radio stations and, based on reports from the USSR, created leaflets with facts contradicting Hitler’s propaganda, and Schulze-Boysen broadcast Soviet intelligence officers data obtained through service in the Luftwaffe. In July 1942, the Nazis managed to decipher a previously intercepted Soviet radiogram. military intelligence from Moscow to Brussels, where the name of Schulze-Boysen and his address were given. This led to the group's failure and the arrest of many of its members.

On August 31, the Gestapo arrested Schulze-Boysen. In December 1942, he, his wife Libertas Schulze-Boysen and Arvid Harnack were sentenced to death. Among the group members captured and executed later were the pregnant daughter of Russian emigrants, Liana Berkowitz, and the German woman, Elsa Imme. In 1969, the USSR posthumously awarded her the Order of the Patriotic War. In 1943, the Germans captured about 150 members of the Red Chapel movement, of whom about 50 were executed and 7 committed suicide. But it was not possible to completely stop the struggle of the Red Chapel.

Operation Valkyrie

The most famous and large-scale attempt to assassinate Hitler is considered to be the July 20 plot, organized within the ranks of the Wehrmacht. One of the key organizers of the conspiracy was Klaus Schenck, Count Stauffenberg, an aristocrat and colonel of the Wehrmacht. By the beginning of World War II, he had reached the status of second staff general and was sent to Poland, from where he wrote to his wife that “there are a lot of half-breeds in the country, they all need a firm hand and will serve Germany with their forced labor.” But, watching the mass shootings of civilians, Stauffenberg changed his views. In 1943, he was seriously wounded in Tunisia and lost one eye, his right hand and several fingers of his left hand. Having recovered from his injury, in 1943 he came to the conclusion that Hitler was leading the country to disaster, and began searching for like-minded people in the Wehrmacht, which was not accountable to either the Gestapo or the intelligence services.

The conspirators dreamed of killing Hitler. The plan to assassinate the Fuhrer and subsequently seize power was called “Operation Valkyrie” and appeared after the Allied landings in Normandy, when it became clear that defeat in the war was inevitable. The initial plan of operation was approved by the Fuhrer himself as a course of action to prevent internal unrest in the country. In fact, the conspirators’ plan of operation included the assassination of Hitler, the arrest of party members and senior officials of the SS, Gestapo and intelligence services, as well as the transfer of power to the military.

The head of the operation was Stauffenberg, who was supposed to carry out the murder and lead the putsch. But the implementation of the operation encountered difficulties - the twice planned attempt on the Fuhrer’s life had to be postponed, and finally, the date of the putsch was postponed to July 20. According to the plan, the murder was to occur during a staff meeting. The conspirators planned that the meeting would take place in a bunker, but at the last moment it was moved to a wooden building nearby, one of the explosive devices did not go off, and a suitcase with a bomb left next to the Fuhrer last seconds before the explosion, by an absurd accident, it was moved away from the Fuhrer.

The explosion killed four and injured 17 more people, but the Fuhrer, protected by a massive table, escaped with a slight injury and concussion. The putsch in the capital was also defeated. By the evening of the same day, Stauffenberg was captured and shot. His wife, pregnant with their fifth child, was sent to the Ravensbrück concentration camp, and the children were scattered to orphanages to erase the memory of the entire family of the traitor.

In Germany, the attitude towards Stauffenberg was very ambiguous for a long time: he was called either a hero or a traitor.