Beautiful quotes about autumn

Autumn, autumn, you are beautiful!

Participants mini- project – 3rd grade students

Supervisor: Vasilyeva Elena Anatolevna

Target :

    explore what means and techniques are used by poets, artists and

composers, creating images of nature and natural phenomena;


    to form an idea of ​​poetry as a special view of the world;

    teach to perceive the world alive and animate;

    feel his beauty and defenselessness, empathize and sympathize with him;

    develop cognitive and aesthetic experience, artistic taste,

poetic ear, artistic vigilance;

figurative and logical thinking, attention, speech;

    formation of communication skills.

Project type:

    in content – ​​interdisciplinary;

    by form of organization - group, individual;

    in terms of implementation time - short-term;

    based on the results of implementation - practical.


    Organizational stage(1 day)

    Main stage (2 days)

III . The final stage(1 day)

Project progress:

.Organizational stage:

    A conversation is held, as a result of which the students come to the nomination

hypotheses “How much do we know about autumn?”

    Formulating research questions /what you want to know/

    Each student chooses one of the proposed topics:

    What is autumn?

    What proverbs, sayings, riddles, nursery rhymes are there about autumn?

.Main stage:

    Information is being collected on topics /independent work/

    Analysis of collected information /at school with a teacher/

    Preparation of work /independent work/

    Creative work is carried out /independent work/

. The final stage:

    Report on the work done /at one of the literary reading lessons/

    Protection of works

U. The fog swirls above the ground,

A spider knits a web.

Here comes the red fox

Paints leaves yellow.

Paints red, scarlet, blue,

Thin the paint with a shower.

We ask you to guess the riddle:

Who is this fox?

D. - Autumn!

U.- By what signs did you recognize this time of year?

Why is autumn compared to a fox?

Which poet has a similar comparison?

D. - D. Kedrin “Autumn Song”.

The forest lay like a black and brown fox under the mountain.

U. - Guys, we have been in various lessons for a long time - literature,

the surrounding world, labor training, visual arts and in

performed outside of school hours different kinds creative works. And all of them were dedicated to this amazing time of year - autumn. We chose a common name. Let's read:

Autumn, autumn, you are beautiful!

W. - Guys, why do you think we are so interested in this work?

What made us want to try our hand at being artists ourselves?

publishers and writers?

There were very beautiful poetic works in literature, in the lessons

drawing, labor training and performed various jobs!

Guys, I suggest continuing your research and trying to penetrate

some secrets of art.

Work in groups.


Find the missing words - verbs - to make a rhyme.

1. Colorful autumn……….(arrived)

And she set fire to the rowan trees.

Blackbirds scurry around them

And the fruits are fire……….(pecking)

2. ……. leaf fall in the grove (wanders)

Through the bushes and maples,

Soon he ...... will (look into the garden)

Golden ringing.

The first letter is missing.

1. ….painted the blue


.sinka I like it


.glitters on the gilded surface,

.the bottom is just a pity -’s floating.

2. ...sunset flies behind the forest


The fans are flying to the forest.

the lights glowed in the flower beds in the garden

Bare shadows tremble on the pond.

Choose rhymes.

In the morning we go to the yard

Leaves are falling like rain.

………………….. leaf fall

………………….. garden.

U.- Autumn is a skillful enchantress with a rich palette of colors. No other season of the year has such diversity and riot of color. It all fascinates, captivates, enchants. You experience inexplicable happiness and slight sadness.

Analysis of works of art.

U.- Which of the great Russian poets sincerely loved autumn and was fascinated by it?

D. - A.S. Pushkin. "It's a sad time!"

U.- The poet, like a brush, paints a very bright picture of a golden autumn with a word.

Let's read a poem

F. Tyutcheva “There is in the original autumn...”.

Which look is your favorite and why?

What allowed us to present this picture so vividly?

What technique does the poet use? (personification)

Read the poem A. Maykova “Autumn”.

Name general concepts, words?

Do poets write the same way?

Read the poem N. Nekrasova “Glorious Autumn!”

In what words can you hear the poet’s admiration for autumn?

How do poets talk about autumn?

What are personifications used for?

Creative report of the groups.

Guys, you also played the role of writers. They made up stories and described autumn days.

* * *

Autumn , autumn, autumn you are beautiful !

You are like an unclear day.

We love you!

Without you there would be no trees!

You are preparing the trees for winter.

We all love you!

And we respect you! / Vasiliev Sergey/

/ Vasiliev Sergey/

Great ones about poetry:

Poetry is like painting: some works will captivate you more if you look at them closely, and others if you move further away.

Small cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creaking of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is what has gone wrong.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is the most susceptible to the temptation to replace its own peculiar beauty with stolen splendors.

Humboldt V.

Poems are successful if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is usually believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion on a fence, like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not only in verses: it is poured out everywhere, it is all around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life emanate from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. The poet makes our thoughts sing within us, not our own. By telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He's a magician. By understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful poetry flows, there is no room for vanity.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in the Russian language. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. It is through feeling that art certainly emerges. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

-...Are your poems good, tell me yourself?
- Monstrous! – Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! – the newcomer asked pleadingly.
- I promise and swear! - Ivan said solemnly...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from others only in that they write in their words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched over the edges of a few words. These words shine like stars, and because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Ancient poets, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. This is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times there is certainly hidden an entire Universe, filled with miracles - often dangerous for those who carelessly awaken the dozing lines.

Max Fry. "Chatty Dead"

I gave one of my clumsy hippopotamuses this heavenly tail:...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea, and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore, drive away the critics. They are just pathetic sippers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let poetry seem to him like an absurd moo, a chaotic pile-up of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from a boring mind, a glorious song sounding on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing more than pure poetry that has rejected the word.

Look at the forest
On blue skies
What beauty is there all around?
Look at the Russian birch tree
Her hair is made of gold
And she’s wearing a golden sundress
It's like a gold mine here...
Pine is a match for birch here
She doesn’t want to be left behind with her beauty...
It's so green... it's like it's spring again,
And autumn is just around the corner...
Draws...doesn't spare paint
The soul is delighted by such pictures...
Doesn't want to go home at all
Wants to bloom here with nature...
Even though the sky is a little cloudy
But the breeze here will blow harshly...

Wonderful autumn time!
How tenderly AS Pushkin described it!!
The terrible heat has left us
and not hear the cuckoo in my garden....

The rowan has turned red, the maple has already
gilded the paths in our park...
I will keep her warm in my soul
and before winter - autumn gifts.

The beautiful autumn time has come,
Nature gave us "Indian summer".
All the foliage sparkled in the sun,
The trees look like they are dressed in gold.

The forest froze, silence and grace,
Birches in festive attire.
The leaves began to fall from the branches,
Whirling in the autumn leaves.

Why are you crying, autumn?
Al don't like you?
Or sadness, longing,
Is your heart ruining?

Calm down, don't...
Everything will pass, believe me.
Red-red song,
It will awaken everything in you.

You are beautiful autumn!
Even in its decay...
Generating in the womb,
Ripe love seed.

And you don't have to think
Lonely thought...
About languid sadness,
Happy days past.

You are given to us by God
And taken by the earth...
We take from life
Everything you are rich in.

You are generous, beautiful,
You bring everything as gifts...
Renewing the earth
For love and growth...

The beautiful autumn season paints marvelous landscapes.
Autumn time is charmingly beautiful
And is replete with bright flowers that
They shine temptingly in the golden sunlight...

The blue of the sky is transparent and light
And only a little white from the snow-white clouds,
That are slightly illuminated by coolness sun rays,
Which play with tree leaves...

Majestic and slender trees
Autumn foliage sparkles and ripples with colors -
Crimson-scarlet, green with a yellow border and gold,
And the healing herb...

Autumn, October - golden time,
Sun last days
Apples abundance, harvesting,
Leaves of amber lights...

Forecasts foretell frost soon,
Even though I can't believe it -
Just like in summer, beautiful roses
They delight with the color in the window...

Forest by the water behind a birch grove
Sleeping, reflected in the pond -
The curls of the birches gently rinse the waves,
Growing up next to each other...

In the morning I walk deep into the forest with a basket,
I decided to fry mushrooms -
And in anticipation of the delicacy,
I'm searching among the pockmarked leaves...

Autumn, October - it's time...

Beautiful women in spring
And also in summer and winter,
The firmament is above their heads
Shines with sunny beauty.

They are beautiful in the fall
As at any time of the year.
So may the days be bright
For them under this firmament.

Women are always beautiful
When Love illuminates them,
Then the years will not rule
And their beauty blossoms.

Women are beautiful in everything
What they show to us
And the heart is a quivering fire
They light up our chests.

I was fascinated by you
Your wondrous beauty.
It's so good that you...

Autumn is the time of year when you want to wrap yourself in a blanket, pour a cup of aromatic tea and watch out the window the drizzling rain and the dance of falling leaves. And poems about autumn suit the weather itself - lyrical, sincere, beautiful and at the same time full of emotions. We offer you beautiful short and not so short poems about autumn!

Beautiful poems about autumn for children 6-7 years old

Poem about September. Gifts of autumn.

After August, September is not hot
Autumn opens up for you and me.
Gives colorful gifts
red apples, blue plums.

Pot-bellied watermelons are striped
And the collapses of yellow melon bodies,
Juicy miracle grape bunches,
Volumetric pumpkins - as many as you want.

Our sunflower sprinkled the seeds
A full handful in everyone's pocket.
Red tomatoes for pickling
September came and flew away into the fog.

Poem about October. For mushrooms.

Mushroom rain opened the hunting season
On mushrooms that hide in the forest.
We could barely wait for Saturday with you,
To visit the beauty of the forest.

Here the leaves on the birch trees are turning yellow,
Aspen trees have purple on their foliage.
Only pine trees in a narrow strip
They turn green in a sensitive silence.

Those bird trills are not heard in the forest,
That they reigned here all summer.
The birds have flown to warm countries
And without them the forest is full of silence.

Sometimes a dry branch creaks
Under a gust of light breeze,
Sticks on the autumn web
A needle from a pine tree. So easy

And for now our basket is empty.
Let's visit the oak forest.
That’s right: two hats stick out. Backrests
I hid the draft in the moss from the cold.

On a tight and delicious leg
The porcini mushroom sits further away,
And almost right next to the path
A Polish mushroom covered itself with a branch.

A whole flock of yellow chanterelles
They jumped out into the green moss at once.
In a hurry, we take them. To the train
We are just on time with everything.

Poem about November. Winter is coming soon.

In November outside
First ice on the puddles.
In November in the kennel
The dog Zhuzhik is hiding.

In November you and I
It's cold without a hat.
In November the garden is empty,
The cherries' paws are freezing.

It's a gray day in November
The sun sleeps behind a cloud.
And Winter in the dark
The snow is prickly.

Short children's poems about autumn (for children 4-5 years old)

Autumn rain

The rain is falling from the sky
This autumn has come to us,
There is a canopy for the rain -
Mom took it from home.

This is an umbrella for rain
It's just right in the fall,
He will hide mom and me,
It will protect us from the water!

Birds in autumn

Very high in the sky
The birds have flown
They fly far away
To a land where there is no snowstorm.

It happens like this in the fall
Birds fly away
They're getting together,
The nests are abandoned.

So beautiful and easy
Above the top of the spruce
Very high in the sky
The birds flew.

Poem about autumn for a 5-6 year old child

Spun around me
The rain of leaves is mischievous.
How good he is!
Where else can you find something like this?
Without end and without beginning?
I began to dance under it,
We danced like friends -
Rain of leaves and me.

L. Razvodova

Cute poems about autumn for children 3-4 years old

Music of September

The rain started early in the morning,
The drums began to roll.
A concert sounded from the rooftops -
Can you hear the music, baby?
This is the music of the rain
This is the song of September!

Funny poems about autumn for children 3-4 years old

Wasps are yellower in autumn
Striped and angrier, -
Apparently, grandma's compote
It gives them no peace.
And jam and marmalade
We have it, and they
It's a shame.
V. Stepanov

A crow screams in the sky: - Kar-r!
There's a fire in the forest, there's a fire in the forest!
And it was very simple:
Autumn has settled in!

E. Intulov

Poem about autumn for kids

Gloomy light rain
It's drizzling more and more often
It's cold for the bunny
Gray in the thicket.

And the bear is furry
I found a den
He'll go to bed soon,
Let's rest a little.

Leaf fall

Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Yellow leaves are flying.
Yellow maple, yellow beech,
Yellow circle in the sky of the sun.
Yellow yard, yellow house.
The whole earth is yellow all around.
Yellowness, yellowness,
This means that autumn is not spring.

V. Nirovich

A very cute poem about autumn - Uti-uti

Under the birch tree
Under the aspen tree
Barely moving,
Like a brood of ducks,
Foliage floats along the river.

- Don't forget, don't forget
Come back to us in the spring!..
- Ooty-ooti!.. Ooty-ooti...
The forest world is calming down.

And the mother trees stand
And they rustle alarmingly,
And they look at the very best
little ones

M. Yasnov

A very beautiful poem about autumn

Autumn you are beautiful -
Queen of the ball,
Red gold,
It crushed my heart.

Through rustling leaves,
I'm walking tired
You with your beauty -
Recent stress has been relieved.

I'm pleased with you
I feel easy with you
You scatter generously
Gold by hand.

The clouds are swirling
They float by
Autumn is golden,
Who did you love?

Following you
I'm going stubbornly
I tell you today
Incredibly glad!

Poem about November

November ends the autumn nostalgia, which was full of beautiful colors. Brings us closer to winter time, where frost and the first snow have already appeared. This is how we say goodbye to Autumn and welcome winter.

November has come,
farewell month to autumn
Slowly he reached us
And he became a little grayer...

We are unaccustomed to summer thunderstorms,
from long warm evenings.
And the frost descends like a veil
The work of stockpiling firewood began...

We are destined to be warm friends
In any season
We're used to valuing it.
even fighting the weather...

And here is a familiar valley
Falls into a blessed sleep
And the plain looks snowy,
where the wind gives her its winter bow...

Sad poem about autumn

Be sad with me, autumn
Be sad and shut up
Autumn, sit down and cry with me
On the excess of past years
Autumn is the time of year Autumn, the continuation of all sorts of troubles
Autumn, you are my sister (someone already sang about that),
Can not you see,
That I'm cold together.
It's cold... But what am I?
Where can I get away from you?
You bring trouble into the soul,
Autumn, you are sadder than the night
And now, at the beginning of the day... Maybe you can lift the veil of secrecy for me?
I have lived for many years. And the questions are like yesterday.....
I remind myself of a crazy child. Autumn, where is the edge beyond
Where it gets easy
And sheltered - carefree
Inescapable and bright?
Autumn, where is my English blanket?
Does one need it?
After all, it’s just the two of us under it that’s just cozy and warm.
Autumn, where is my carelessness?
What prevented me from living at times?
It's not an honor to send her away
And I didn’t become myself.
And you also know, autumn,
You are not the time where I am
I would sit with my beloved
Until the very morning.
In general, do you hear, autumn is a friend?
Even though I was born by you
I'll wait for the winter cold
To be left there alone.

Lyrical poem about autumn

It's autumn in your city.
The cold air stabs into your lungs.
And the soul still asks for warmth.
Maybe it’s not too late to bring back summer?

The maple leaf is spinning
In a dance with the wind, in your last one.
I wanted to fall in love so bad!
And breathe the clear, spring sky!

I wanted to decorate the world so much
Sparks of bright feelings and joy!
I wanted to sing so much with happiness!
And share, share goodness!

Maybe there's still some
Time to bloom and give beauty?
And give love?
And finally believe in your dream?

Everything in life is vanity.
After all, someday we won’t be there either.
Only in the autumn after a year
Maple leaf
He will dance his dance.