Essay on Harry Potter. Essay on the topic “My favorite book is Harry Potter. Essays by topic

The story of the brave wizard Harry Potter consists of seven books. I liked the first one the most. In it, Harry is my age. I recognize many of his traits in myself and my friends.

Many people ask me why I love reading about Harry and his friends. I think about this too. It's probably not the magic that attracts people most to the Harry Potter books. Although it is also interesting to read about him. The most important thing is the friendship that united Ron, Harry and Hermione. Neville Longbottom and other guys are very interesting. Dumbledore reminds me of Gandalf from Lord of the Rings. He is just as wise and brave. I don't know why, but I really like the strict Professor Snape.

Reading Harry Potter, I realized that a true friend will be with you even when there is no chance of winning. Ron and Hermione were very afraid of Voldemort, but they still did not give up and did everything to ensure that their friend achieved his goal. The scene where Ron leads the chess game shocked me. If I were a girl, I would probably cry. Weasley risked his life. There was a moment when I thought he had died.

Hermione seemed arrogant to me at first. People like her are called "nerds", but then I realized that without her, Harry could not have won. In all the books, her mind saves the heroes from death. She is the daughter of Muggles, but in magic she has surpassed all her peers and even the kids from high school.

I would like to get into the world of Harry Potter and study at Hogwarts. I would like to learn magic and find friends like Harry. The world of Harry Potter is fictional, but it teaches us a lot. The main characters of the book had such traits as courage and loyalty. They fought evil and never gave in to it. I think JK Rowling is a great writer. Thanks to her Harry Potter, many people who did not like to read began to love reading. I am also one of them. If there were more such books, all people on the planet would become fans of literature.

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  • The main question that still worries me is: why didn’t things work out for Harry with Hermione? Let's look at it from the point of view real life. Harry is a smart guy, a professional witch, brave - in a word, a tough guy. Hermione is smart, beautiful, good to everyone! The perfect match. Everyone is looking for an ideal in their life. Even I, for example, have found my happiness and am not going to give this treasure to some lop-eared Ron, even if he is my friend. As the great writer Oscar Wilde said: “I am not picky, I only need the best.” I think anyone normal person thinks like this. But not Harry! Our hero, apparently, does not realize what treasure he has at hand. Perhaps Harry Potter just didn't like Hermione? It’s worth wondering why Rowling needed to pair Harry with Ginny and not with Hermione? It seems to me that the answer to this question lies in the image of Harry Potter himself. Harry and Hermione are too similar: both are leaders, warriors - like two sides of one person. But the companion of a real hero should still be a little less bright. Let us at least remember the times of knighthood: a warrior capturing new lands, for whom a sweet, calm wife is waiting at home. And from this point of view, of course, Ginny is the ideal option. There is another important aspect to the theme of love in these novels. Why don't we take parental love into account? After all, if you look closely, it was this love that helped Harry survive. The key scene is, of course, Harry's rescue from Voldemort by his mother. "Parental duty!" - you say. You are wrong, friends! Nowadays, some mothers abandon their children not because they are in danger of death, but simply for the sake of a bottle. This is real horror. And Harry's mother sacrifices herself to save her son. The most important thing in the book, in my opinion, is that, despite all the horrors that happened, all the fears and sorrows, the heroes, including Harry, never stopped believing and loving. Harry knew he was not alone. He loved and was loved.

    Anastasia Sinitsyna, 16 years old, about love triangles, Professor Snape and Merope Gloom

    Rowling doesn't have to stoop to the love triangles that are now teeming with teen books, describe sex scenes to show passion, or force characters to save each other from mortal danger to depict true friendship. There are many love lines in the book, which do not always mean exactly romantic relationship. One of the most striking is the story of Snape and Lily, Harry's mother. In his adolescence, Lily was the only person whom Snape could truly trust, but it all ends with him losing the only person truly important to him. Snape takes Voldemort's side and does not see the immorality and inhumanity of his methods. Two forces are fighting inside him: the desire to become a Death Eater and his love for Lily. When a person falls in love with someone, the latter's desires and values ​​come to the fore. These desires may even conflict with your own. It doesn't matter. It is because of his love for Lily that Snape protects Harry so much. Even though Snape would like to stay as far away from Harry as possible, he continues to put himself in danger to protect him because that's what Lily wanted. He fulfills her dreams at the cost of his own - and ultimately pays with his life.

    Despite the confrontation between Harry and Voldemort, I think Voldemort was the underdog from the beginning. His fate was to some extent predetermined by his mother, who bewitched the Muggle with whom she was in love: artificial love cannot bring happiness. Her name - Merope Gloom - speaks for itself. IN Greek mythology Merope is one of the Pleiades who married a mortal. Voldemort (then Tom Riddle) grew up in an orphanage, never loved by anyone, and this eventually led him to become bitter, even inhuman. And in this sense, Harry will always be stronger than the Dark Lord, precisely because he is capable of love. Dumbledore informs Harry of this: “You have a power that Voldemort never had. You can...” “I know! said Harry impatiently. “I can love!” - he could barely stop himself from saying “like this is so important!” So Joan Rowling just proves to us that yes, it is important.

    Sara Magambetova, 15 years old, about the living dead, Bookle and the tragic death of Fred

    Despite the entire fairy-tale story underlying the Harry Potter saga, some scenes in the books are striking in their realism and cruelty. When I was about seven years old, I picked up The Half-Blood Prince. In this novel, terrible and mysterious events took place: the death of Dumbledore, the solution to the mystery of the Half-Blood Prince, the discovery of the first Horcrux. When I read how dead people began to grab Harry Potter by the legs and drag him into the water, I became scared, and then I imagined this scene all night. However, this does not compare with what I felt when I read the seventh, last book. When I found out that Professor Lupine, his wife Tonks, Dobby the elf, Hedwig the owl and Mad-Eye Moody had died, I felt really sad - as if people I knew well had died. It's always very difficult to understand how someone you were talking to, who had bad habits, and whom you might not even like, could die. However, it was Fred's death that made the most profound impression on me. In my opinion, the twins Fred and George turned out to be the most lively characters in the book. They laughed constantly, they were creative and interesting. The deaths of the remaining heroes who died for their ideals can be somehow accepted; at least they knew what they were doing. But Fred's death seems accidental and wrong. When one of the twins dies, the balance of the world is disrupted. His death, at first glance, means the final collapse of all hopes. But that's not true. After all, evil is ultimately defeated. The deaths of loved ones and relatives were supposed to serve as tests for the main characters, who overcame all obstacles and won.

    Anastasia Vedenyapina, 9 years old, about bespectacled people, stupid kisses and Luna

    I wish Harry would date Hermione instead of Ginny. They somehow don’t look together, they don’t even look alike at all. Ginny loves to have fun, but Harry is the opposite. Actually, she's a redhead, and he's got glasses! In terms of appearance, they don’t fit at all! But when they kissed, it was still romantic. In fact, for some time I thought that Harry loved Luna, not Ginny. But when Harry and Ginny got married, I came to terms with it. I thought, okay, let them live happily. Ron and Hermione are actually an odd couple too. They fight constantly, and it seems their relationship is not very good. But at the same time, somehow unexpectedly they will suddenly pick you up and kiss you. Hermione is like a mother to him - she teaches Ron life all the time. Hermione is great, I really like her. And she needs Ron to cheer her up. When Ron was dating Lavender Brown, I was so angry. She always climbed up to kiss and hug him, and the worst thing was that she called him “my bonbon.” Poor Hermione, she was so jealous. It actually seemed to me that this Lavender had drunk on a love potion. She's completely stupid. But Ron doesn't.

    Artemy Kurishev, 17 years old, about young magicians, difficult choices and “The Captain’s Daughter”

    Joan Rowling in her novels touches on the theme of growing up - when, becoming an adult wizard, a teenager simultaneously thinks about his future and at the same time realizes all the responsibility that falls on him. Rowling writes about young magicians who still have everything ahead of them. In a war against the forces of evil, when the lives of friends and loved ones are at risk, these teenagers try to protect what is dear to them. Harry Potter, the chosen wizard, must rid the world of its main enemy - Lord Voldemort. On his birthday, Harry talks to Ron's sister Ginny, who has been partial to him for a long time, they kiss, and Harry realizes how dear she is to him. But thoughts about the upcoming fight against evil and the unknown future haunt him. And that is why Harry does not dare to take a serious step in their relationship. I agree with the author and share his position: when the destinies of many people are in your hands, love should fade into the background, at least for a while. There are many real-life examples when you need to do the same - due to preparation for entering a university, many young people have to forget for a while about communicating with their friends. Likewise, my friend, while preparing for exams, did not have the opportunity to communicate with his girlfriend.

    As a similar example from Russian literature, I will cite the work of Alexander Pushkin “ Captain's daughter", which tells about the young son of a nobleman, Pyotr Grinev, who entered service in the border fortress. He is still very young and not fully ready for difficult decisions. Already in the service, he fell in love with the captain’s daughter, and at that moment the Civil War. Grinev could have been saved together with his beloved if he had simply sworn allegiance to the enemy. But he did not do this, and despite everything he retained his honor. Love is a strong feeling, but sometimes you need to sacrifice it for a while in order to protect the people you love.

    Alisa Dovlatova, 16 years old, about the fear of death, growing up and fairy tales

    Death, as you know, is not a childish topic. Then why, in battle or simply in a dream, by a fatal accident or as a result of confused intent, do Harry Potter’s friends and enemies die in all seven volumes? Let's see what the author Joan Rowling herself says about this: “My books are mainly about death. They begin with the death of Harry's parents. Or take Voldemort's relentless desire to conquer death. Immortality at any cost is the goal of everyone who touches magic. I understand why he wants to conquer death - we are all afraid of it.”

    And in Rowling, not only negative characters die, but also a lot of positive, innocent characters. And this is a rather serious departure from the canons of fairy tales, where light forces always defeat dark forces, bad heroes die, and good ones live happily ever after. But the author does not kill heroes in order to add spice storyline. Every death has some symbolic meaning.

    Sirius' death deprives Harry of his mentor.

    Hedgehog's death symbolizes the end of Harry's childhood.

    Dumbledore's death proves that the death of a great leader cannot stop a war.

    Dobby's death is something that even a small creature can die like a hero.

    Snape's death shows that you can always change your path.

    Fred's death really shows that you can never get over someone's death. And that's okay.

    Harry is surrounded by death, it accompanies him from early childhood. And it turns out that even he, with all his magical powers, is not able to resist the inevitable. He is the same as us. At any cost, Harry tries to prevent the death of not only his friends, but even his sworn enemies. Everyone except Voldemort. Voldemort fears death even more than Harry or any other Muggle or wizard. To delay his own death, he is ready to mercilessly interrupt thousands of other people's lives. That's why he must die eventually. In Rowling's novels, both good and bad can die. I think this is what the author wanted to tell us: there is no need to be afraid of death. Harry learns this. And fears are gradually replaced by thoughts: “What would Sirius do now? What would Dumbledore do? Parents?" But the reality is that the time has come for him to decide for himself what to do, and to take responsibility for what he has done. This is the process of growing up. Through complex plot twists and turns, the author, on the one hand, shows us that death is inevitable. And on the other hand, paradoxically, it is an impetus for our internal growth, independence and responsibility.

    I thought for a long time, who do I like best? Whose character and behavior do I prefer? What hero is this? It turned out to be Harry Potter, I will say more, it was with this hero that my love for magic, and for magic in general, began. What does it lead to, and what follows a series of incredible events. Don't you want to dream, forget about all your problems? Therefore, there are moments when, falling asleep, I dream that one day I, too, will receive an invitation to the school of Witchcraft and Witchcraft. I know that it’s impossible to get there, and in general it’s all fiction, but exactly

    Dreams and a feeling of lightness caught me in it.

    This little boy, with green eyes, a thin build, who looks younger than his years, with black hair that is always tousled, and his round glasses, which he always adjusts so carefully, is his scar. He seems like an ordinary guy, but there is something about him, something unusual, something that attracts you. Perhaps it is simplicity, perhaps his hesitant voice, but I will focus on the fact that this is his character. Harry is actually very smart, but another thing is that he is hotheaded. If someone is in trouble, he will not hesitate, but will simply run to the rescue. This shows that Harry

    Clearly not selfish. The book teaches friendship, kindness, help, and life, of course. Reading “Harry Potter”, I realized that a true friend will be with you even when there is no chance of winning. His friends were very afraid of Voldemort, but they still did not give up and did everything to ensure that their friend achieved his goal. It was thanks to his friends that Harry became exactly like this, because if they didn’t support him, would he have confidence then? Harry was unlucky in life, his parents abandoned him, so he had to live in a family in which they always laughed at him and did not particularly love him. It was really hard for him, but how did he feel when he found out about his ability? He didn't say anything to anyone. Yes, of course, they would laugh at him, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was handed over to the doctors. What is it like to live when you don’t understand people, especially those with whom you live... He leaves for Hogwarts, in a word - paradise. Harry is not used to being in a new society, but he makes friends there. Harry Potter is a “man of first impressions.” If he doesn’t like someone (or, on the contrary, likes him) at first sight, he is very reluctant to reconsider his attitude towards him. True, he always easily and even happily forgives the offender, if only he says: “Sorry, Harry, I was deeply wrong.” This happened with Ron, this happened a year later with Seamus, this happened again with Dudley... Harry cannot get rid of his own emotions and rely only on facts like Remus Lupin, he does not know how to tenaciously notice details like Hermione Granger, he does not know how to relate to everything humorous, like the Weasley twins. But he is able to deeply and strongly love people, and anticipate what cannot be explained in words. “Always follow your intuition,” Lupine once tells him, “it almost never deceives you.” Find me a person who hasn't heard his name at least once? Who hasn't watched this one of the best children's films. kind, magical, teaches love and friendship. The sincerity of this boy, do you remember it? That Christmas present they gave him. He didn't receive much love, he is happy with any sign of attention. I speak thanks a lot Joan, for the emotions that I experienced when I read this book. For the times I felt free when I was there with Harry. The world of Harry Potter is fictional, but it teaches us a lot. The main characters of the book had such traits as courage and loyalty. They fought evil and never gave in to it. Thanks to her Harry Potter, many people who did not like to read began to love reading. If there were more such books, all people on the planet would become fans of literature.

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    Essays on topics:

    1. The Dursley family hates anything unusual. But one fine day strange people in bright clothes begin to walk the streets and...

    I thought for a long time, who do I like best? Whose character and behavior do I prefer? What hero is this? It turned out to be Harry Potter, I will say more, it was with this hero that my love for magic, and for magic in general, began. What does it lead to, and what follows a series of incredible events. Don't you want to dream, forget about all your problems? Therefore, there are moments when, falling asleep, I dream that one day I, too, will receive an invitation to the school of Witchcraft and Witchcraft. I know that it’s impossible to get there, and in general it’s all fiction, but it was the dreams and the feeling of lightness that hooked me into it. This little boy with green eyes, a thin build, who looks younger than his years, with black hair that is always tousled, and his round glasses, which he always adjusts so carefully, is his scar. He seems like an ordinary guy, but there is something about him, something unusual, something that attracts you.

    Perhaps it is simplicity, perhaps his hesitant voice, but I will focus on the fact that this is his character. Harry is actually very smart, but another thing is that he is hotheaded. If someone is in trouble, he will not hesitate, but will simply run to the rescue. This shows that Harry is clearly not selfish. The book teaches friendship, kindness, help, and life, of course. Reading Harry Potter, I realized that a true friend will be with you even when there is no chance of winning. His friends were very afraid of Voldemort, but still they did not give up and did everything to ensure that their friend achieved his goal. It was thanks to his friends that Harry became exactly like this, because if they didn’t support him, would he have confidence then? Harry was unlucky in life, he was left without parents, so he had to live in a family in which they always laughed at him and did not particularly love him. It was really hard for him, but how did he feel when he found out about his ability? He didn't say anything to anyone. Yes, of course, they would laugh at him, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was handed over to the doctors. What is it like to live when you don’t understand people, especially those with whom you live... He leaves for Hogwarts, in a word - paradise. Harry is not used to being in a new society, but he makes friends there. Harry Potter is a "man of first impressions." If he doesn’t like someone (or, on the contrary, likes him) at first sight, he is very reluctant to reconsider his attitude towards him. True, he always easily and even happily forgives the offender, if only he says: “Sorry, Harry, I was deeply wrong.” This happened with Ron, this happened a year later with Seamus, this happened again with Dudley... Harry cannot get rid of his own emotions and rely only on facts like Remus Lupin, he does not know how to tenaciously notice details like Hermione Granger, he does not know how to relate to everything humorous, like the Weasley twins. But he is able to deeply and strongly love people, and anticipate what cannot be explained in words. “Always follow your intuition,” Lupine once tells him, “it almost never deceives you.” Find me a person who hasn't heard his name at least once? Who hasn't watched this one of the best children's films: kind, magical, teaches love and friendship. The sincerity of this boy, do you remember it? That Christmas present they gave him. He didn't receive much love, he is happy with any sign of attention. I say a huge thank you to Joan for the emotions that I experienced when I read this book. For the times I felt free when I was there with Harry. The world of Harry Potter is fictional, but it teaches us a lot. The main characters of the book had such traits as courage and loyalty. They fought evil and never gave in to it. Thanks to her Harry Potter, many people who did not like to read began to love reading. If there were more such books, all people on the planet would become fans of literature.

    Each person has his own favorite book, which he re-reads, remembers excerpts from by heart, whose characters he admires and strives to imitate. My favorite book is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Reading this book immersed me in an extraordinary fairy-tale fantasy world. While reading the book, it was interesting for me to observe the changes in our world, to see that it can be completely different, intertwined and unite other worlds.

    I have read a lot of books, but this book, which tells about a little wizard, made the greatest impression. The work has a fascinating plot, in which the author introduces the reader to a school of wizards. When reading fairy tales in childhood, we met wizards, but then we did not know where they were taught and where their amazing abilities came from, but it turns out that everything is simple - they learn magic at school. And this school is very unusual, it is both mysterious and dangerous. Once I started reading this book, it was already difficult for me to tear myself away from it; even at night I wanted to read and read. Having read it once, I immediately wanted to read it again.

    In the book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" I was able to get acquainted with a fascinating world and extraordinary characters. I really want to go to this school, at least for one day, where magic lessons are taught, teachers are able to turn into animals and birds, and students can perform miracles.

    This book is the embodiment of human fantasy, which everyone has their own. Who doesn’t want to feel like a real wizard, even for a minute? This is probably only possible in childhood, when the world of fantasy is so closely intertwined with the real. That is why the book about Harry Potter, the boy wizard, is so popular and beloved by many people who know how to see the extraordinary in ordinary things.

    The novel “Gentlemen Golovlevs” is a vicious satire on the noble class. With inexorable truthfulness, Shchedrin paints a picture of the destruction of the noble family, reflecting the decline, decay, and doom of the serf owners. The whole meaning of the Golovlevs’ life lies in acquisitiveness, accumulation of wealth and the fight for this wealth. The suspicion, soulless cruelty, hypocrisy, and mutual hatred reigning in this family are striking. Arina Petrovna’s acquisition activities, based on squeezing the last juice out of a man, are carried out under the pretext of increasing the family’s wealth, but in fact - only for personal approval

    Taras Shevchenko wrote about the share of national talents in his Russian stories. Through the darkness of darkness, carelessness, class brutality in Tsarist Russia, only a few talents made their way, such as Shevchenko himself, the prominent actor Shchepkin and others. Most of them perished in the chaos of corruption, reform crises, and revolutionary situations.

    Like the writer S. Vasilchenko, having lost all his life faithful to the village, the rural intelligentsia. Let's go out of our way and know the best about life.

    Pip, a guy, a teacher, perhaps, a zemstvo chief - the axis and everything on whom the spirituality and culture of the villagers was based. Ale tse