Distance admission to university. Finding a profession remotely: distance higher education in state universities. Requirements for part-time university students

Currently, young people are striving for more convenient living conditions that the Internet provides. Virtual stores, online consultations with doctors and even remote higher education! Reviews from students and graduates, advantages and disadvantages, wishes and warnings - all this is collected in this article.

The fact is that there are many who want to study without leaving home, but every such person has fears and doubts. Let's figure out what it is distance learning, what pitfalls and advantages it has. The information is based on various sources, which contain real reviews, discussions of students and experienced students.

What is distance education

First, let’s get acquainted with the concept of “distance higher education,” since many of you probably just want to know what it is. Imagine a student who was told: “Don’t come to the university, I will provide all lectures and assignments, as well as a list of references. e-mail" Probably, modern full-time students, as well as evening and part-time students, have at least once encountered such a situation when the teacher could not be present in person, but gave homework through the computer.

Distance education in this case occurs at a distance constantly. Often students come only for state exams and diploma defense. The rest of the time you need to study either at home (at a short distance from the educational institution), or at another point in the world.

How do teachers and students communicate?

Distance learning occurs in the following ways:

  1. The teacher sends the student a list of literature, a plan and series of lectures, as well as assignments by email.
  2. The university turns on the student Personal Area on the site, gives you a login and password to log in. On the internal server, the student must download all provided material.
  3. The lecturer provides a link to notes and a list of references.
  4. Training takes place online, that is, webinars are created.

It’s worth talking about the last way of interaction between teacher and student, since not everyone knows what a webinar is. Surely many of you communicated on Skype, in instant messengers using a microphone and a webcam. In this case, you can both see each other, talk, and write off letters. This is what a webinar looks like. The only differences are that:

  • the teacher does not see or hear a single student, but he can observe who has arrived for training (usually a list of participants is displayed on the right), and also, if he wants to get an answer from the students to his question, then he can read the answers from everyone in general chat;
  • You can only arrive at the webinar at the strictly designated time.

This is what distance higher education might look like. Universities should strive to ensure that the servers work uninterruptedly and have advanced functions for students, for example, the ability to check coursework for uniqueness, download a form title pages, send your work to the teacher through a special form, see your grades, rating, and so on.

Are universities real?

You can sometimes hear questions on the Internet on forums and communities: are universities real or are they virtual? Remember: there are no virtual institutes! Paperwork, tuition fees, admission - all this must exist in reality, that is, the university/academy must truly exist.

Often, reviews of higher education remotely are quite critical in terms of the fact that the money was paid for the studies, but the diploma was not issued. And it is impossible to understand whether the university is real or just some unaccredited center. Therefore, dear friends, if you are determined to study remotely, but the educational institution is unfamiliar to you, then first visit it.

One-stop center

There are unified centers for distance education (abbreviated as EDDC). Reviews about them vary. But most often they are negative. The fact is that when signing an agreement, many people are lazy or embarrassed to read absolutely everything. In addition, there may be questionable items, in which case people often take it for granted. Therefore, it is advisable to get acquainted with a single center or university in person, ask students (if possible), try to find graduates to ask whether they managed to successfully obtain an education and a diploma.

In addition, the single center may turn out to be fake, that is, the owner of the site has nothing to do with real universities. Therefore, you should study the information carefully.

And most importantly, to get a truly honest and decent education, it is recommended to visit admissions committee the university that interests you. It's better if it's accredited

Who is it suitable for?

People most often interested in this type of training are:

  • employed in production;
  • mothers on maternity leave;
  • disabled people;
  • compatriots living in other countries;
  • rural youth without the opportunity to regularly go to sessions, as well as those who do not want to live in a hostel and in rented apartments;
  • the poor.

For those who cannot even attend distance learning, distance learning will be available. Higher education in this case is considered full-fledged, as in by correspondence.

How to submit documents

On the Internet you can often find a tempting offer, for example: “You don’t need to come with documents! You can submit a request here. We contact you, clarify all the details, and you enter the university.” Don't fall for these scammers' tricks! Similar methods of “entry” can be offered by unified centers of higher distance education, reviews of which can only be found negative.

You should not assume that not a single UTDC works honestly. Actually this is not true. Indeed, most often it is suggested to leave your full name. and contact details on the application form. But all necessary documents must be brought to the university in person. In this case, the following documents (copies) must be present:

  • passport (person and registration) or birth certificate (if under 18 years of age);
  • document on previous education, including an insert with grades;
  • photo 3x4 cm;
  • certificate of change of surname (if it differs in the diploma and in the passport).

Remember that not a single real and serious university will accept documents remotely!

Reviews from students and graduates

Now let's talk about distance higher education in state universities. Reviews from real students and graduates are mixed. Everyone sees both the pros and cons in their own way. Some people like that the teacher gives assignments by email, while others like to ask questions about the topic of study, and there are a lot of them, but they cannot get an answer right away.

As for getting an education as such, each student expects something different: some just need a diploma, while others want to seriously study and become a competent specialist. Often expectations are not met, so let's look at all the nuances in detail below.

Advantages of distance education

Among the happy students enrolled in distance learning are: positive reviews. Let's take a look at them:

  • no need to travel to lectures and sessions, waste time and money;
  • You can study in your free time from other activities;
  • no need to receive unnecessary and off-topic information from the lecturer;
  • you can gain much more knowledge than through full-time and evening studies;
  • The training period is much shorter; you can become a specialist in 2-3 years.

As you can see, getting higher education remotely is a profitable business.

Disadvantages of distance learning

Despite such excellent advantages, one should also take into account the disadvantages, which can significantly affect further postgraduate activities:

  • no laboratory or practical classes;
  • teachers can answer questions using the Internet for a very long time (given their busy schedule and a large number of distance students);
  • you have to train your willpower to take up your studies;
  • there is no opportunity to communicate with classmates to analyze the material together.

Distance higher education only requires the presence of a computer or laptop, as well as uninterrupted Internet. If difficulties arise while completing tasks, you will have to act independently or ask for help from those who know the discipline (subject) well.

Therefore, almost all students and graduates of this form of education are strongly recommended to take their studies seriously, since tests, exams and diploma defense will be carried out in the same way as in full-time, evening and correspondence courses. You should not expect concessions and concessions from the examiners and the commission.

Second or first higher

Increasingly, people are striving to obtain more than one higher education. So, many once in their youth entered the wrong specialty, but the time to study was lost, or there was no desire to sit at the same desk with the younger generation. At the moment, there is a chance to catch up and get a second higher education remotely. Universities do not reject applications from those who already have a higher education. On the contrary, there are even those who receive it for the third or even fourth or fifth time.

As for the first higher education, you can choose distance learning if a person has at least secondary specialized education and also works in a field that is close to the specialty in which he wants to study.

Retraining online

Those who already have specialized secondary or higher education do not necessarily have to go to college or university and study for five to six years in order to gain new knowledge with the right to work in their specialty.

Retraining on the basis of higher education remotely is the dream of everyone who wants to change their profession to one they like. In addition, it is absolutely not necessary to spend money and time on acquiring new knowledge. Distance learning lasts no more than one year in total, and the number of teaching hours is about 700-900.

About universities

Above, we discussed possible fraud on the part of sites calling themselves single centers for distance learning. In addition, there are universities that also accept documents on their official website and send receipts for payment for the semester or year. Unfortunately, many students were left without diplomas due to the fact that the university is not accredited. There is another disadvantage: they can issue certificates, but they will not be of state standard.

To avoid getting into such trouble, you need to check the accreditation number, see whether it is a state university or not, and then accurately determine your higher education remotely. Student reviews online can be either real or false. Therefore, you should seriously approach the choice yourself or with the help of people experienced in this matter.

Is it difficult or easy to study (student opinions)

First of all, you need to understand that no one will force you to complete tasks on time. The student must manage his own time, and questions may arise when solving problems or completing coursework. This often applies to technical and economic specialties. Therefore, distance learning engineering professions suitable for those who already have a first degree

It is easy to study at a distance, usually in the humanities, such as law, sociology, and political science. Just to avoid mistakes, you should choose higher education remotely at a state university.

In general, if you take your studies responsibly, then nothing will be difficult.

Cost of education

Many people think that the cost of distance education is much lower than that of correspondence education, but this is not the case everywhere. In this case, the student saves money on travel and accommodation (if the university is far from their place of residence).

In addition, the cost depends on the following factors:

  • geographical location of the university;
  • volume of hours and duration of training;
  • specialties;
  • assigned qualifications.

There is a significant advantage here in that a person living in big city and who does not have much money to enroll in a prestigious specialty, may choose a university for distance learning in another city. However, he must come there only to submit documents and defend/receive a diploma.

To act or not? General conclusions

Perhaps after reading the article you will have a dilemma: is it worth getting a higher education remotely? Not everyone has positive reviews. In fact, a lot depends on the students themselves. Let’s say, if your first specialty is in the humanities, and now you want to become a civil engineer, then it’s better to abandon the idea. Remember studying mathematics, physics and chemistry at school: without the help of a teacher it is almost impossible to understand how to solve certain problems. Often you have to ask again many times until it becomes clear. Same with engineering sciences. That's why technical specialties suitable for those who are already intimately familiar with many disciplines that need to be studied. On the contrary, after an engineering specialty, you can without a doubt enroll in the humanities.

And in conclusion, we will again touch on the topic of a single center for higher distance education. Student reviews show that it is better to submit documents only in person to the chosen university, and not via the Internet. This way you will protect yourself from fraud. We wish you good luck in choosing distance learning!

Federal Education Law No. 273 has been “updated” since 2012, taking into account modern times, but many people still do not know what forms and methods of learning it “allows and offers.” About this and we'll talk In this article.

First, it’s worth saying what “distance learning” is. Distance education involves the relationship between a student and university staff at a distance, via the Internet, that is, without reference to a specific geographical location and, most importantly, class time. You take exams and tests in the same way, but you do it in a convenient environment for you, and at a time as you see fit.

Why do you need retraining, and why do you need to study “further” after receiving higher education? Gone are the days when a person, after graduating from higher education, got a job and worked in one place until retirement. The country is changing, the demand for labor is changing. Every year, new highly paid specialties appear, which few people knew about just yesterday: PR technologist, SEO optimizer, copywriter, etc.

Many people also lack new knowledge in their chosen profession: improvement is required so that their level corresponds to the programs of the Federal State Educational Standard(FSES). It is these reasons that become the main ones, when choosing which the modern Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” allows.

Any specialist can eventually “retrain” for another specialty in 3–5 months of training. As a result, you will receive a diploma established by the state with a qualification, giving the right to a new type of activity. It is enough to choose one of the professional retraining programs and start training. There is no need to go anywhere, everything happens remotely via the Internet. Regardless of what region of Russia you live and work in, you can become our student without any problems.

Modern trends in the labor market are developing in such a way that broad-based specialists are of greater interest. In three to five months of training, any specialist will be able to fully retrain or expand their existing qualification level. The diploma obtained as a result of training says that the holder has an additional specialty that is equivalent basic education and allows you to engage in a certain type of activity.

If we continue to talk about modern world and training, then this format of training is very convenient for many, because it is you who control almost the entire process of learning and obtaining relevant knowledge. The student can study at a time convenient for himself. At the end of the training, a diploma is issued that fully complies with the state standard.

Thanks to the new “amendments” to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” modern applicants have a constant opportunity to engage in self-development, study innovations, and improve the level of their education. It is also worth noting , which is several times lower than with full-time attendance. At the same time, there is no need for students to “break away” from their usual activities, leave their city, or take a vacation, which also significantly saves your money.

A distance learning student will quickly appreciate the enormous convenience of distance education and will be able to master a new specialty based on electronic manuals and lecture materials, which significantly expands the scope of the material and the quality of the knowledge gained. A distance learning program opens up additional opportunities for a specialist, and also provides an excellent chance for high-paying employment and rapid career growth.

Training. Then all you have to do is the most important step into the future, and this step is admission. No less responsible and exciting undertaking than defense thesis. How to enroll in distance learning, what features are determined specifically E-Learning format, this process has, we will consider in the article. Come prepared!

How does the admission process for distance learning work?

This largely depends on where exactly you are applying. If we talk about distance courses, then everything is quite simple. Regular registration - and you can start learning. But if you choose distance learning to obtain a more serious education (college, university), then you will need to go through all the enrollment formalities specific to this educational institution.

The admission procedure and the set of required documents are generally determined by law, but may differ slightly depending on the university, distance learning program, and specific specialty.

Enrolling in distance learning is easier than enrolling in a full-time or part-time program, because you do not have to go to the university and communicate with representatives of the admissions committee. Although, if you have such an opportunity, you can come and bring all the necessary documents in person. If this is not possible, document circulation occurs via mail/courier; in some educational institutions, notarized copies of documents are suitable for creating a personal file.

What documents are needed to enroll in distance learning?

  • Passport (the first page plus the registration page or all pages may be required);
  • Document on education (diploma of higher education, secondary specialized education or certificate), annex to the diploma;
  • Document on marriage/divorce if you changed your last name.
  • Unified State Examination certificate with results in at least 3 subjects, the list of subjects depends on the chosen direction.


  • If you graduated from school before 2009 and did not take the Unified State Exam, if you already have a higher or secondary specialized education, an entrance test awaits you upon enrollment.
  • Since 2014 Unified State Exam results are valid for 4 years, so applicants have the opportunity to enter the university during these years.

Before enrolling, applicants, as a rule, fill out a questionnaire and write an application for study in the prescribed form.

The step-by-step enrollment process looks something like this:

  • Step 1: Choose a university and program, submit an application;
  • Step 2: You get everything necessary information from an employee of the Moscow Center for Distance Education (initial consultation on choosing an educational institution and training program);
  • Step 3: ICDO consultants hand you over to the admissions specialists of your chosen educational institution, and you begin preparation;
  • Step 4: You receive an agreement from the university, sign it and pay for tuition according to the specified details;
  • Step 5: By registered mail, courier or in person, provide the educational institution with the necessary documents to form your personal file (see the list above, upon enrollment you will receive an exact list of documents individually);
  • Step 6: You receive confirmation of enrollment. Celebrating successful admission.

Now you know everything about how to enroll in distance learning. As you can see, this is not difficult at all. Yes, the process is somewhat different from the usual admissions process, when you go to the admissions office, leave your documents there, and take an entrance test if necessary. Here everything is done indirectly, but sometimes this is the only opportunity to enter a prestigious university. Distance learning significantly expands your capabilities. So take the first step! Enter...

High competition in the labor market forces young people and adults to look for / change ways of their professional development.

Benefits of Higher Education

  1. Having a higher education is often a decisive condition for employment. For many employers, full-time and part-time distance* higher education with a state diploma is documentary evidence of the required knowledge and skills of the candidate.
  2. In a number of specialties, a university diploma is a mandatory requirement of the professional standard.
  3. Promotion by career ladder It will be easier if you have a specialist, bachelor's or master's qualification. In most companies, this is a necessary condition for inclusion in the personnel reserve and appointment to management positions.
  4. During the learning process, in-depth knowledge in a specific professional field is acquired. This will give you confidence and will contribute to the quality performance of your job duties.
  5. Studying at a university helps you acquire skills systematic approach to solve any problem.
  6. A person with a higher education can always be distinguished by a certain thoughtfulness in business, intelligence in relation to life and work issues.

More and more universities in Russia are offering distance learning* higher education - distance learning using distance learning educational technologies. Understand the learning conditions educational programs The “Bachelor-Master” website navigator will help you. Collected here detailed information by leading educational institutions in the field of online learning. On one resource you can:

  • Get information about universities and partner institutions.
  • Understand educational areas and higher education programs.
  • Compare admission conditions:

When to submit documents

How to submit documents to the university,

How is the competitive selection organized for those who took the Unified State Exam and those who do not have Unified State Exam results?

How to get higher education remotely* on the basis of secondary special education

  • Consult with project specialists regarding admission issues.

Distance* learning is the best form of higher education if you:

  • You work full time.
  • Have a flexible work schedule (shifts, seasonality, etc.).
  • A person with temporary or permanent health limitations.
  • You are on maternity leave.
  • Are you a mother of many children?
  • Do you want to get a correspondence higher education in Moscow or another region different from your place of residence?
  • Do military service or contract military service.
  • Are you planning to study in several areas of training at once?

Distance* higher education at state universities in Russia will be available to everyone who has completed secondary or specialized secondary education, as well as persons who already have a university diploma.

The Attractiveness of Distance* Education

  • You have the freedom to choose your pace of learning. Depending on your life circumstances, you can adjust the intensity of your training.
  • You determine your own lesson time. Access to educational materials, recordings of online lectures and webinars is usually possible 24/7.
  • You save time on travel/travel to your place of study. In most educational institutions, you can even submit documents without coming to the university. Notarized copies that you send by mail will do.
  • You get unlimited access to digital educational resources(textbooks, manuals, methodological recommendations, workshops, etc.).
  • You can take final testing, tests and term papers, projects, presentations remotely.
  • You reduce the financial costs of training. It is cheaper to obtain your first and second higher education remotely* than to study full-time or offline in absentia.

Where to study at a university remotely*?

Advantage remote technologies is the opportunity to study from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access. Russian universities have long been mastering interactive and remote forms of working with students, improving educational process, are looking for new high-tech solutions in order to improve the quality and prestige of distance learning*. In this regard, the location of the educational institution is not decisive.

What should you pay attention to first when choosing a university?

  • Availability of a license to provide educational services and state accreditation.
  • Conditions for admission.
  • Organization of the educational process.

Admission conditions depend on many factors: on the type of educational institution, on paid training or free. If we are talking about free distance courses, then you can start studying them as soon as you have such a desire. Often, sites that contain collections of educational videos or other materials do not even require registration.

But with paid distance education everything is different. To begin studying the material, you need to go through several intermediate stages, the number and content of which depend on the educational organization and the level of education it provides. Besides this, alone educational institutions accept students for distance learning throughout the year, while others only once a year within strictly defined periods.

Admission to the University

An applicant who decides to study remotely must provide the necessary package of documents (photocopies) to the admissions committee of the educational institution. They can be brought to the university or its branch in person or transferred through a proxy. Many universities practice accepting documents, namely their copies, through traditional mail.

The package of documents includes:

  • passport,
  • photos,
  • education documents,
  • application for admission,
  • application form for admission to distance learning ,
  • certificate of marriage (divorce) (if the surname in the identity and citizenship document does not match the surname in the education document).

Prospective students can download application and application forms from the official website of the university. Graduates from previous years will need to pass entrance tests, and for those applying for a second higher education - an interview.

If the applicant is enrolled, he receives a corresponding message to his e-mail box along with a training agreement and a receipt for payment for the first semester. Having completed and signed the agreement and paid the amount indicated on the receipt, the future student sends them to the university address. The university, in turn, issues an order for his enrollment. After enrollment, a letter with the login and password for your personal account will be sent to the student’s email.

If the student completed all these stages in person, the university will give him a package of materials (case) - a set teaching aids, assignments for the semester. This set usually includes extracts from curriculum for a semester summary lectures, seminars, guidelines and tutor recommendations for implementation independent work and tests, reporting schedules. After this, the student can begin studying.

Admission to colleges, technical schools, courses

The process of admission to distance learning in secondary vocational educational institutions or distance courses It may be easier than entering a university and take place entirely remotely. First, the applicant registers on the website and passes entrance examinations in the form of on-line testing. If the test is passed successfully, he receives admission information by email. Next, the student must fill out certain documents, pay tuition and send them to the college (possibly also electronically). After this, you can begin training.