Correspondence form on a budget basis. Who can apply for free education? Advantages of a master's degree remotely

Second higher education For modern man has ceased to be an attribute of prestige or an indicator of a special thirst for knowledge, having turned into a vital necessity. Many employers want to see in the resumes of applicants for their available vacancies information about the presence of two university or institute diplomas. However, the price of such “pleasure” is often prohibitive for the average person, so the question of how to get a second degree for free is still of interest to many future applicants.


Russian laws regulating activities high school, classify a second education at a university as exclusively paid services, the price of which depends on the following factors:

  1. Individual syllabus student. Obtaining a second specialty usually involves re-crediting some previously studied disciplines. If there are quite a lot of them, then it matters how the fee is charged:
    • a fixed amount, regardless of the number of items;
    • for completed academic hours.
  2. Form of training. The price of the course largely depends on the format of the program, which can be full-time, evening, distance, correspondence, etc.

Payment for tuition can be accepted at a time, by semester or every month, both from the students themselves and from the organizations that sent them to study.

The right to free second higher education is established by the law on the status of military personnel (Article 19 of Federal Law No. 76) for those who:

  • received his first diploma from a higher military educational institution;
  • served in the army under a contract for at least 3 years (you can enroll free of charge, regardless of the direction of previous professional training).

Free training options without benefits

If you do not belong to one of the groups of beneficiaries approved by law, you should not put off your desire to study until better times. There are many loopholes in the rules on mandatory payment for a second diploma that will allow a wider range of applicants to receive a second higher education free of charge.

From someone else's pocket

The “most legal” way of free education for a student is to have it paid for by other individuals or organizations:

  1. Payment employer. If you are a particularly valuable and promising employee, and the company needs to expand your skills, then to improve your skills, you may be sent to study a second specialty at the expense of the company. In government institutions this is possible after 5 years of experience, and in private companies - in agreement with management. Such payment imposes the following obligations on the student:
    • upon graduation from the university, work for the sending organization for the number of years specified in the signed agreement;
    • reimburse expenses to the employer in the event of interruption of the course of study at the initiative of the student or deduction for poor academic performance.
  2. Receiving a grant. There are many different funds from which you can receive a grant to study at any domestic or foreign university, regardless of the number of diplomas you already have. You just need to prove that you are worthy of it: prepare a presentation of the project for your future activities, etc.

In addition to paying for the training itself, the grant may also provide: a scholarship, reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses, insurance, etc.

Second education within the first

A master's degree provides the opportunity to obtain a second higher education free of charge in cases where it is counted as an increase educational level as part of your initial training, but its profile is different from the qualifications you already have. The right to study in a master's program is absolutely free for certified bachelors, and sometimes for specialists (this point must be clarified at a specific university). Moreover, in some areas it is much easier to enroll in a master's degree than in the first year of a bachelor's degree.

The “unfinished diploma” method to save on paying for the second university education from September 1, 2013, it is suitable for those who, out of pure sporting interest, try themselves for free in completely different areas. But it no longer works for collecting a collection of “undergraduates.” Incomplete higher education still gives the right to study in another specialty from scratch, that is, as part of the first free education. But an incomplete higher education diploma, which previously could be obtained on a budgetary basis an unlimited number of times, having completed at least 2 studies full courses, no longer issued.

With the entry into force of Federal Law No. 273, the concepts of “incomplete” and “unfinished” higher education were abolished, and accordingly, there are no documents confirming their existence. Instead, universities now issue not even academic certificates, but simple “scribbles” about the period of study (12th paragraph of Article 60).

It is unlikely that an employer will be impressed by even a dozen such certificates to learn “something and somehow.”

Cunning is the second happiness

If all of the above options are excluded for you, you can try a trick - hide your first diploma and enroll in a second university with a lower level education document:
  • by submitting only a school certificate to the admissions committee and studying in any form on a budgetary basis;
  • at the same time with full-time training receiving a second higher education free of charge in absentia, providing a certificate to the first university, and a diploma of secondary vocational education and a copy of the certificate to the second, citing the loss of the original.

When using such a trick, it should be taken into account that uncovering the deception will most likely result in expulsion from the “occupied” university.

Incomplete payment

If all the ways to get a second higher education are not completely free, you can try to reduce the payment at least partially:

  1. If expanding your professional competencies is part of your employer’s plans, he may share in the cost of your studies.
  2. Choose the least expensive form of training - for example, a correspondence course is always much cheaper than a full-time course.
  3. Consider studying the profession of interest in another city or region as an alternative - you have to pay much less for studying at universities other than the capital.

So it is quite possible to choose an acceptable option for obtaining a second higher education for free or for minimal money - if you wish.

Every school graduate understands how important it is for a future successful career to receive a prestigious and high-quality higher education. Unfortunately, it is no secret that training at contractual basis Today it is not cheap and not every family can afford it. The number of vacancies financed from state budget, is so limited that competition for such places is sometimes downright scary. Today we will talk about what are the chances of an applicant to get the opportunity to study at public expense and what efforts must be made for this.

Basic knowledge level

Of course, in order not only to enroll in a university, but at the same time not have to pay for studies, receive a scholarship and, if necessary, live in an average student dormitory, school knowledge not enough. It is necessary to have a high-quality certificate and high results from a single state exam(USE). Some higher education institutions offer to take additional exams or interviews upon admission - here it is also important to show deep knowledge school curriculum, competent and free speech, the ability to analyze questions, formulate answers clearly and to the point. When making a decision, members of the admissions committee evaluate not only the absolute results, but also the overall impression made by the applicant.

You should not follow the lead of popular opinion: “You just need to give money to the management of the institute - and budget place guaranteed." The selection procedure is so transparent and controlled that this method of getting a free vacancy is completely excluded today. It's better to spend these funds on good training courses or hire professional tutors. This way you can expand the range of your knowledge beyond the standard school curriculum and thereby increase your chances of admission to your chosen university.

Who can apply for free education

Only applicants receiving higher education for the first time can apply for a budget-funded form of education. Those who have already studied at a university once and decided to get a second specialty will have to pay for training.

The right to enter outside the general competition is given to the winners of competitions and olympiads, however, from this year - only for one specialty. If a future student submits documents to several educational institutions, or to several specialties at one university, he can take part in the competition on a general basis.

Similar admission benefits are provided to those categories of applicants for whom state social guarantees apply - in particular, orphans, disabled people, combatants.

There is also a targeted recruitment in areas provided by enterprises, institutions or organizations that need young specialists of one or another profile. However, in this case, you should be prepared for the fact that after graduation you will have to work at this enterprise for at least three years, most likely with a small salary and not always comfortable working conditions. Therefore, before you take target direction, weigh the pros and cons of this admission option.

State and non-state universities

Currently, not only state but also private higher education institutions have received free training. There is only one main condition: such a university must have a state license and accreditation. This is a positive trend, which leads not only to an increase in free vacancies for students, but also significantly expands the list of specialties. Therefore, today a student who wants to study at state expense has a fairly wide choice of diversified educational institutions.

Demon paid training for foreign citizens

Citizens of foreign countries (including countries former USSR), who have not previously received education in Russia at the expense of the federal budget. The same opportunity is provided to stateless persons living in the territory of the Russian Federation (if they have a residence permit), persons with dual citizenship and compatriots living abroad. For these categories of applicants, selection is carried out on a general basis.

Since foreigners do not have such a parameter as the results of the unified state exam, a so-called “certificate competition” is held for them. When submitting documents, you must ensure that all of them are translated into Russian and properly certified or legalized by means of an apostille. It is recommended to clarify details at embassies or consulates before submitting documents, or contact the chosen university directly for clarification.

What else should students consider?

Due to the fact that the number of government-funded teaching positions is limited, some higher education institutions are taking such steps as discounting tuition. A student who has demonstrated deep knowledge at the entrance exams or who has presented a high Unified State Exam result However, those who do not pass the “budget” competition may be offered a discount on paid education by the university administration. In some cases, its size reaches 100%, that is, training becomes free. However, such a student, of course, will not receive a scholarship. In addition, discounts are usually provided for a certain period ( academic year or semester). Therefore, there is a possibility that a student who has not lived up to the trust of teachers will subsequently have to pay for obtaining a specialty on a general basis.

Also, don’t forget that getting federal funding for your education is only half the battle. It is necessary to regularly attend classes, pass exam sessions on time and efficiently - otherwise you may lose not only a scholarship, but also the opportunity to continue your studies on a budgetary basis.

For applicants who do not have high result Unified State Examination, we can recommend applying for technical specialties. Unlike economic ones, the competition here is much lower, and in some cases there is even a shortage of students for budget places.

Master's degree remotely. Extramural master's degree studies. Benefits, terms of training.

Modern high technologies reveal unique opportunities that were not available to previous generations of students. You can study for a master’s degree remotely - it’s profitable, convenient, and interesting. A master's degree remotely is useful for people who want to build a scientific career, this is fundamental training, instrumental skills and knowledge, high professionalism.

Advantages of a master's degree remotely:

  • obtaining a master's degree on the job;
  • when studying remotely, it is easier to gain experience in practical activities;
  • the opportunity to continue education in another specialty – qualification + second specialty = successful career.

After completing your studies and receiving a bachelor's degree, it is possible to continue your education through a form of study called a correspondence master's degree. When studying full-time in a master's program, students complete the entire course to the fullest extent, but studying in a master's program part-time is not as easy as it might seem at first. Yes, correspondence master’s students are not subject to such strict requirements, their visits to the university are not controlled, and master’s students receive more freedom for independent study. But with a correspondence course in a master’s program, a significant part of the knowledge comes from teachers and the main thing is to be prepared for academic discipline and self-control. If a student in a correspondence master's program has low academic performance, he will not be expelled, but this will be a concrete failure in the quality of knowledge, which will certainly have a bad effect on career growth.

The need for distance learning

The correspondence master's degree program is chosen by those applicants who already have a bachelor's degree and cannot continue their studies full-time, and by responsible employees who do not want to interrupt their work. Part-time study in a master's program is the most acceptable training option for those who are forced to combine study with work and want to receive quality education, without leaving his hometown or village, has minor children, wants to acquire a sought-after specialty.

The learning process in the correspondence master's program consists of a course of overview lectures, practical classes, independent work and certifications (tests, examination sessions). Master's students have the opportunity to undergo internships in their enterprises and organizations in the direction of the department.

Additional benefits of a master's degree by correspondence:

  • enroll in extramural master's degrees are easier;
  • relatively low cost of training;
  • Opportunity to find employment in your specialty at a university.
  • During examination sessions for out-of-town students Master's students are provided with hostel accommodation.

The duration of master's studies by correspondence is 2.5 years.

Detailed information about Russian universities that provide part-time master's programs, distance master's programs, tuition fees and requirements for applicants can be found on the website.

The phrase “free education” has long been turned into a humorous expression. In the new socio-economic conditions in which our country has lived since 1991, the right to study exists, but no one guarantees that such services will be provided completely free of charge.

Let's consider the question of the right to such training at a university.

So, is there hope for today's school leavers?

Of course, there is such hope. Many of the graduates of this year and the next few years will study in budget places and receive a long-awaited scholarship. Many, but not all.

After all, completely free education in the Russian Federation is provided only in schools, and even then there are paid additional educational services. It is also possible to study for free in colleges and universities, but not everyone who wishes ends up in such places.

If you have a benefit (you are disabled, an orphan, the son or daughter of a Hero of Russia), then it is easier for you to get into a university on a budget basis, but if you are not one of the beneficiaries, everything becomes much more complicated, and you enroll on a general basis.

But it is very, very difficult to enter a university on a budget-funded place on a general basis.

But more about everything.

All about budget places in universities

Every year the Ministry of Education determines the number of budget places in our country. As you know, such places assume that an applicant admitted to a university will receive his education completely free of charge (that is, without investing his personal funds in it), and the state itself will also pay him a small financial incentive (in other words, a scholarship) .

However, if the applicant does not score enough points to be admitted to a budget-funded place, he can study in a paid department, paying a certain fee for his studies at the university every semester (naturally, he will not receive any scholarship).

It would seem that budget places in universities are truly free education. However, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

After all, then our education system would be simply ideal, but this is far from the case.

Number of budget places

The number of budget places is calculated based on the number of school graduates. It is equal to approximately half of all eleventh-graders in the country who graduate from high school.

At the same time, not every second school graduate ends up enrolling in a state-funded place at a university, because in addition to yesterday’s schoolchildren, there are also college graduates, as well as graduates of previous years. As a result, throughout the country the competition for budget places is on average 4-5 people per place. For some specialties there is less competition, for others it is many times greater and reaches 20-30 people per budget place.

It all depends on the prestige of a particular specialty.

Therefore, with such “arithmetic”, getting a free education at a university becomes much more difficult.

Number of budget places in full-time and part-time departments

It should be noted that the number of budget places in full-time and part-time departments, as a rule, differs. Universities allocate a larger number of places to full-time departments, and fewer places to part-time departments.

It also happens that correspondence education It's impossible to get it for free at all. There are specialties in universities, but they are completely transferred to a paid basis.

The only thing that can be advised to an applicant is to collect as much useful information as possible. Already in the spring it is always known exact amount budget places. All universities have their own websites, where you can always find a page for applicants. The appointment plan is always posted on this page.

Hence the advice - if you want to get a free education, make every effort to achieve your goal. Find out in advance the number of budget places for a particular educational profile and calculate your strength.

What specialties can you enroll in for free?

There is enough a large number of specialties in universities that are considered not prestigious, so there is little competition for them.

Trends, of course, change over time, but in general such professions always exist.

For example, every fifth or sixth large university has teaching specialties that require training with the qualification “Russian language teacher.” And there is another department, after graduating from which you can get a diploma not as a teacher, but as a philologist or journalist. Of course, the last two professions are considered more prestigious, and therefore there is more competition for the budget for them.

The same can be said for other professions: livestock specialist, sociocultural specialist, librarian, etc. Here, it will not be at all difficult for a school graduate with an average Unified State Examination score to get a government-funded place.

But, for example, becoming a lawyer or economist for free will be much more difficult. And a specialist in international law- and even more so...

What is a target location?

However, there is another option for free. It is connected with admission to the so-called “target” place.

What is it about? The fact that an agreement is concluded between the employer of a potential applicant and the university, according to which the employer pays for the training of a young student, and then he has the right to demand that the specialist work for him for a certain number of years. Often such an employer is the state itself, represented by ministries and departments that need specialists of a certain type of training.

For example, a federal subject needs doctors (there is an acute shortage of them now). A quota of 30-70 target places is allocated for this subject. and studies on the same basis as other students, however, after receiving a diploma, he is required to work for several years in public medical institutions of the subject, thanks to which he received his target place.

Otherwise, the student is obliged to reimburse the state for the costs of his studies in full.

Is it possible to get professional retraining for free?

Some young people who already have a higher education realize over time that the profession does not suit them.

But they have already received higher education for free once in their lives. They have a need to undergo professional retraining to engage in a new type of professional activity.

Is this possible? Yes, it’s possible, but if budget places in universities are still available, then additional professional education is offered exclusively as a paid type of educational service. Therefore, such a person, in fact, has two ways to solve his problem.

First solution: pay for your own education.

Second solution: try to have the employer pay for it.

In fact, there are cases when employers are interested in improving the level of professional skills of their employees and even giving them the opportunity to gain the right to engage in a new type of professional activity.

You can use this to get a professional retraining diploma for free.

Is it possible to get a second higher education without paying?

Unfortunately, according to the law on education of our country, it is impossible to obtain a second free education at a university. The state guarantees only one education. Let’s immediately make a reservation that we are not talking about continuing education, for example, in a master’s or graduate school.

But, alas, it is no longer possible to study for a bachelor’s degree twice for free or to study for a master’s degree twice. This applies even to those cases where the first higher education was paid.

Is it possible to transfer from a paid branch to a free one?

Many students who enroll in paid departments of universities, sparing their financial resources, and sometimes simply not having enough of them, strive to transfer from a paid department to a free one.

Thus, they want to get higher education for free, just starting not from the 1st year, but a little higher.

Is this possible?

In general, this is possible, but there are certain nuances that you need to know.

Firstly, a paying student can get a budget place only if there are vacant budget places at the university. Simply put, if one of the state-funded students was expelled. Next, it is necessary that its translation be agreed upon with the curator of the group, the dean of the faculty. Many universities prescribe rules for transferring from a paid department to a budget one, indicating that such a student candidate for a budget place must be an excellent student or a good student, must show himself with the best side, his teachers should speak positively about him, etc.

If you received secondary education for free, is it possible to enter a university on a budget?

Yes, such a procedure is possible. Secondary specialized and secondary vocational education will not prevent a young person from continuing his education in higher education. educational institution. Moreover, college graduates today have an opportunity that school graduates are deprived of: they can enter universities without the Unified State Exam, passing only entrance exams.

Moreover, practice shows that such applicants receive higher scores on entrance exams than school graduates, so they have a better chance of getting a budget place.

What can help an applicant get a budget place?

Well, firstly, good knowledge in the field of the sciences that he will have to study. A high Unified State Examination for a modern school graduate is a “real ticket” not only to a budget place, but also to a prestigious university.

Secondly, the applicant needs to show real ingenuity, study carefully all the specialties that are offered at universities, find out what the competition is for these specialties, etc.

Thirdly, the applicant must be well aware of his rights. Nowadays it is not uncommon for members admissions committees At the request of university leaders, they refuse to accept documents for budget-funded education for far-fetched reasons. This is done in order to prevent “people from the street” from participating in budget training. Therefore, the applicant himself and his parents must firmly know all their rights and be able to defend them.

Are there other ways to get a budget place?

Basically, all the ways to a budget place have been listed above. There are, however, several more ways. For example, there are free competitions of the Ministry of Education. The prize for winning them is often the right to a budget-funded place at a particular university. Also, in rare cases, a university may accept a promising student not for a budget-funded place, but for a place that it will finance from its own internal funds.

Thus, in general, everything depends on the will of the heads of universities themselves and the executive secretary of the admissions committee.

What conclusions can be drawn?

Based on the above, we can conclude that getting education for free in modern conditions Maybe. However, this requires a lot of effort. You also need to have high academic performance, be able to navigate the modern labor market, and wisely choose a suitable specialty and a suitable university.

In fact, today, despite significant achievements of progress, a person who dreams of knowledge and scientific degree, it is also difficult to prove one’s worth, as in the time of M.V. Lomonosov. What did the Russian genius go through to get the proper degree of education: hardships, hunger, and cold. Meanwhile, he also studied at government expense, that is, speaking modern language, occupied a budget place.

His example proves that anyone who wants to learn can get a higher education for free. Therefore, everything is in our hands: our successes and our failures. You just need to boldly move forward and not be afraid of anything.