In what words are roots grown, grown, written? Spelling of words with roots "rast", "ros" and "rasch". Certificate for active participation in working to improve the quality of education together with the Infourok project

Growing--growing--growing- GROWING PLANT GROWING GROWING GROWING GROWING GROWING GROWING GROWING GROWING Observations on the pronunciation and spelling of words with the root -rast-, -rasch-, -ros- according to the table. Observations on the pronunciation and spelling of words with the root -rast-, -rasch-, -ros- according to the table.

1. In which row is the letter A written in place of the gaps in all words? 2) break up, grow up, lie down, get together; 3), sl...g, moneylender, grow...become; 4) r...sti, R...stov,, ul...zhenie, nature...sli. 1) growing... growing, term,, grown; 2) break up, grow up, lie down, get together; 3), sl...g, moneylender, grow...become; 4) r...sti, R...stov,, ul...zhenie, nature...sli.

2. In which row is the letter O written in place of the gaps in all words? 2) growth, attachment, growth, consistency; 3) age, application, expected, growth; 4) river...flow, flow, supply, water...sleet. 1) grow, vent, vent, rip; 2) growth, attachment, growth, consistency; 3) age, application, expected, growth; 4) river...flow, flow, supply, water...sleet.

3. In which row is the letter O written in place of the gaps in all words 1) t...ptat, v...zit, teacher; 2) kick...kick, hunger, scream (for help); 3) pet, pet, pet, pet (puppy); 4), angry...bleaching, update. 1), v...t, teacher; 2) kick...kick, hunger, scream (for help); 3) pet, pet, pet, pet (puppy); 4), angry...bleaching, update.

4. In which row is the letter E written in place of the gaps in all words? 2) st...t, (home), sweating; 3) calm,, dedicate (with a lantern); 4) oppression, relief, development (in the wind). 1), hide...sing, surprise; 2) st...t, (home), sweating; 3) calm,, dedicate (with a lantern); 4) oppression, relief, development (in the wind).

5. In which row is the letter A written in place of the gaps in all words 1) long...long, long...dlina, r...stock; 2) def...give, enjoy...cheer; 3) vent, spread, sell; 4) grow...anguish, threaten...repress, region...mother. 1) long...long, length, r...drain; 2) def...give, enjoy...cheer; 3) vent, spread, sell; 4) grow...anguish, threaten...repress, region...mother.

12. Roots with verifiable vowels. In order not to make a mistake in the spelling of an unstressed vowel, you need to change the word so that this vowel is stressed: povr e child — vr éd, teacher A fuck — teacher A there, prib. I well — prib. I no.

Note. When applying this rule, remember the following:

a) Vowels after sibilants and ts are written on the basis of special rules (see paragraphs 9, 10, 11).

b) The spelling of an unstressed vowel cannot be checked using imperfective verbs -yat , -ive , in which under stress instead of the root O happens often A : Tue O bird — Tue A peek, n O sit — n A sew, and so on.

13. Roots with unverified vowels. The spelling of vowels in many words cannot be checked by stress: With O tank, V O bastard, V A trash and etc.; You should look up such words in a dictionary and remember their spelling.

14. Roots with alternation O — A. To spell some roots with alternation A — O The following rules should be noted:

a) At the root braid — cas (braid nudge — cas get on) is written A -A- : cas-a-tsya, cas-a-telny, at- cas-a-tsya, But: at- braid-well, at- braid-n-ovenie.

b) At the root lodge — lag (before lodge it — before lag at) is written A , if the root is followed by a suffix -A- : from- lag-a-t, WHO- lag-a-t, at- lag-a-telial, But: from- lodge-ing, WHO- lodge-it, at- lodge-ing.

c) At the root clone — clan (By clone — clan to be) under stress can be and O , And A O : on clone yat, on clone come, With clone education, By clone education.

d) At the root creation — creature (creation quality — creature b) under stress can be and O , And A , but without accent it is written only O : creation ez, with creation go, creation education.

d) At the root mountains — gar (mountains eat — behind gar , on gar ) letter A happens under stress; written without accent O : mountains education, behind mountains at, behind mountains there are, behind mountains fir.

f) Root float — pilaf spelled with a letter O only in two cases: pilaf ec, pilaf sneeze, in other cases it is written A : With float lie, float Nick, By float OK, float ounce (bug), float teaching(Remember the word pl s Woons subsoil layers saturated with water).

g) At the root zar star (dawndawndawn) without stress is written only A: h A rya, s A rnitsa, s A roar, oz A bark, oz A rhenium.

h) At the root growth height (grow - grew) without emphasis before st And sch is written A (ext. A style, age A st, nar A becoming, growing up A puppy, wed A tion); before With without follow-up T is written O (ext. O s, exp O sshiy, vodor O sly, nedor O sl).

Exceptions: p O drain, r O stockman, R O stov, R O stislav; negative A sl, neg A left.

i) Root equal- It is mainly written in words that are related in meaning to “equal” (“same”): R A numbered, R A pre-valued, Wed A understand, all R A clearly, and also in the words: R A opinion, R A pay attention, R A listening, since then A got involved, R A vnina; root exactly It is mainly written in words related in meaning to “even” (“smooth”, “straight”), for example: R O heed(tracks), other O heed(flower beds), etc., ur O ven, R O yay.

Municipal educational institution Saraninskaya secondary school

Russian language lesson in 5th grade

using ICT

on the topic " Spelling of roots rast/ rasch/ ros".

Lesson Objectives:

1. Teach students to use the method of action when choosing vowels

o - and in the roots grow/grow/grow.

2. To form the cognitive interest of students through various forms of educational activities.

During the classes.

I. Organizational stage.

II. Repetition.

On the board (possibly on an interactive one) words with missing vowels are written to spell the roots lag/lozh: ad..give,, sl..give, prod..give, region..lived, impose..give. offer...

Assignment: Write the words in two columns. Checking by columns.

Conclusion: in which roots is the vowel a, in which – o?

Tell the rule according to the table.

VI. Verification work using matrices. The words are written on the board.

Task: write only the letter a under the corresponding numbers

1. r…pretty

2. nurtured

3. grown...sla

4. grows up

6. time...if

7. pro...sti

8. por...sle

9. r...drain

10. grow...stim

VII. Summing up the lesson.

What new did we learn in the lesson?

What have you learned?

Tell us the rule for spelling the roots rast/rasch/ros.

What can we say to Princess Spelling?

VIII. Homework:

1. Learn rule p. 178 (spelling no. 13)

2. Do exercise 441.

teacher of Russian language

Municipal educational institution Saraninskaya secondary school

using ICT

on the topic of: “The letters o - e after hissing adverbs at the end.”

Lesson type: learning a new topic.

Lesson objectives:

1. Study the method of action when choosing writing o-e after hissing adverbs at the end.

2. Work on developing students' communication skills.

3. To form the cognitive interest of students through active forms educational activities.

During the classes.

I.Organizational stage.

II. Repetition.

1. Text on the board (possibly on the interactive one):

I love May and patiently wait for it in the January cold, in the February snowstorms, in the April flood. But May always comes unexpectedly. The streams will gurgle loudly, the lilacs will bloom wildly in my garden. May is all in bloom!

Student assignments:

Read the text.

Has your mood changed? Why?

Name the adverbs that appear in the text.

By what signs did you determine that these are adverbs?

2. Linguistic game “Fourth extra” (on interactive whiteboard). Method of action: insert the missing letter, underline the spelling, find the extra word, tell the rule.

· Sun...m,, lily of the valley...m, ray...m.

· Lead...howl, lily of the valley...howl, brocade...howl, reed...yellow.

Formulate general rule.

Thus, we have determined the main conditions for choosing this spelling: part of speech, morpheme, stress.

III. Determining the purpose of the lesson.

Why do you think words with these particular spellings were used for the game?

What topic should we study in class?

What problem is facing us now?

IV.Studying a new topic.

1. Let's start with observation. But the board examples:



Questions and tasks for students:

What parts of speech do the words belong to?

Which morphemes have missing letters?

What vowels should be written at the end of adverbs?

After which consonants are the vowels o and e written?

Formulate a rule.

2. Reading the rules from the textbook.

What seemed familiar?

What's new in the rule for spelling adverbs?

3. A table is posted.

Tell the rule according to the table.

V.Training exercises.

1. Exercise 212 on your own

In which adverbs did you write the letter o after the sibilants? By what rule?

What you need to remember about the adverb more ?

What rule did we learn in today's lesson?

Formulate a general rule for spelling nouns, adjectives, and adverbs.

VI.Verification work.

There are words on the board (possibly on the interactive one).

O or e?


2. landscape...m

3. looks like...

4. alluring...

5. good...

6. heart…m

7. fresh...

8. more...

9. fontanel...k


11. general...

12. oh best...m

13. bunny

14. creaky...

Punch cards are filled out and submitted to the teacher for verification.

Answers: ABOUT – 1, 5, 7, 9,10,11, 13

What rule did you use when completing the task?

Which word is an exception?

VII. Homework.

1. Learn the rule.

VIII. Work on speech development.

Let us remember once again the blooming May. Look at the paintings “Lilac” and Saraninsk artist N. Naumova.

Choose one of the pictures and compose a miniature using adverbs (on the board): fresh, still, good, fragrant, ebullient. exciting, alluring, refreshing, inviting.

And music will help create a spring mood.

The play "White Nights" is playing.

Students read the miniatures.

What role do adverbs play in the text?

What rule of spelling adverbs was used in creative work?

Safiullina Nuriya Akhmatovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, Osinovskaya Gymnasium of Zelenodolsk municipal district Republic of Tatarstan"

Lesson notes on Federal State Educational Standards in 5th grade.

Subject: Spelling of roots -RAST-, -RASH- and -ROS-.

Lesson type: mastering new knowledge.

Goals: develop the skill of spelling vigilance and competent writing;
cultivate a desire to write beautifully and accurately.
- familiarization with the conditions for choosing the letters A-O in the roots –rast-, -rasch-, -ros-.

Formation of skills to correctly write these roots;
- formation of practical skills,
-develop the ability to logically express your thoughts.
- foster a culture of learning activities.
Personal UUD:
ability for self-assessment based on the criterion of success in educational activities.
be able to determine and formulate a goal in a lesson with the help of a teacher;
be able to express your opinion based on working with the textbook material;
be able to work according to a collectively drawn up plan;
make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made;
plan your action in accordance with the task (Regulatory UUD);
be able to express your thoughts orally; listen and understand the speech of others; learn to work in pairs, formulate own opinion and position. (Communicative UUD);
be able to navigate your knowledge system and textbook; find answers to questions using the textbook; your life experiences and information received in class. (Cognitive UUD).
know the norms for the correct spelling of roots –rast-, -rasch-, -ros-.
know the conditions for choosing the letters O-A in the roots –rast-, -rasch-, -ros-.

Know exception words

Recognize words with alternating vowelsa - o in the roots -grow-, -grow-, -grew -;

justify the choice of vowels in these roots.
be able to apply acquired knowledge in practice,
be able to formulate in writing,
be able to indicate spelling No. 13.
Basic concepts: spelling of roots –rast-, -rasch-, -ros-.

Interdisciplinary connections: Literature Resources: Basic: Russian language. 5th grade. Textbook in 2 parts. Authors: Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A. and others. Publisher: M.: Prosveshchenie. Year: 2012.


1. Bogdanova G.A. Lesson developments in the Russian language for the textbook by T.A. Ladyzhenskaya and others.Enlightenment, 2010.

2. L.T. Grigoryan, M.T. Baranova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, L.A. Trostentsova. Didactic material for the Russian language textbook. 5th grade: Manual for teachers.Publishing house: Education.2009
Equipment: reference diagrams, tasks, algorithm of actions, test tasks, score sheets
Activation means: living word teachers, TSO, practical work, independent work, individual assignment.
Forms of work in the lesson: frontal survey, independent work, work in pairs.
Methods: visual, verbal, reproductive, research, partially search,

Materials from the site were used

During the classes:
- Motivation for educational activities -
1.Organizational stage:
Dear Guys! Today we will take another step towards new knowledge. I am glad of your desire to learn the unknown.

2.Checking homework completion.

3.Preparing students for work at the main stage

What root spellings did we learn about in the last lesson? (spelling of roots –lag-, -false-.)
-Which section of the science of language are we going through (Morphemics. Spelling-What have we learned about the spelling of roots?
-What topic did we study in the last lesson? (The letters O-A in the roots –LAG-LOG-.
-Repetition of previous material. Insert the letters into the words: exposition (?) zhenie, pos- (?) live, sentence (?) adjective (?) adjective.

What is the algorithm for selecting the letters O-A in the roots –LAG-FALSE-?

Give examples of words using this spelling. Write them in your notebook. Indicate spelling number 12.
- Do you want to expand your knowledge about the spelling of various roots? (Yes.)
- Why do we need new knowledge? (To write correctly)
- What steps need to be taken when learning new knowledge? (Two steps are required: find out what we know and don’t know).
- First, let’s find out by repeating what we know.
- Then we will try to complete the task for new knowledge.
“By analyzing its implementation, we will find out what we don’t know.”
- Let’s find out the cause of the difficulty: what we don’t know to complete the task.
- Let’s try to get out of the difficulty on our own, that is, to isolate new knowledge.
Updating previous knowledge.

4. Stage of assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action
Where do we begin to learn something new? (By repeating what we know on the topic: Dictation with elements of choosing the letters A or O. How can you do the work? - Divide the words into 2 columns: 1st if A is written, 2nd if O is written.
Purpose: to test students' ability to choose the correct option. The teacher dictates the words: adjectives, addendum, expound, offer, arrange, lay down.

Explain the conditions for choosing the letters A-O.
1. Now let’s look at the textbook table on page 34.

Read the assignment. Can you answer this question right away?

Let's build a project for getting out of the difficulty (goal, topic, method, plan, means).
5.Organizing the construction of a project to get out of a problem:
- Setting the goal of the project (the goal is always to eliminate the cause of the difficulty).
- Clarification and agreement on the topic of the lesson.
- Definition of tools (algorithms, models, reference books, etc.).
- Formulating the steps that need to be taken to achieve the goal.

Today we will get acquainted with a very important spelling in roots.

Try to formulate the topic of our lesson. (The letters O-A in the roots are RAST-ROS-)

What are the goals of the lesson: (learn to correctly write the letters A-O in the roots-rast-ros-).

How will we do this? (We will read and analyze)
-What method did we use in cases where we could not explain any spelling? (We usually used the observation method).

Let's observe the spelling of words in this table.
- Now we need to find out in which case we will write the letter O in the roots –rast-, -rasch-, -ros-, and in which case the letter A.
-What method of action can be applied here?

Students' thoughts:

We see the roots in the 1st column -growth - The letters ST are highlighted here. This means that you need to write –A- at the root before ST. In the 2nd column the roots arerasch-, The letter –Sh- is highlighted, which means that before –Sh- you need to write the root –A-. In the 3rd column the letters are not highlighted, the root is written here-grown-.

Read spelling chart No. 13 on page 35 and draw your own conclusions.

6 . Application of knowledge and methods of action

Make a step-by-step algorithm for writing the letters A-O in the roots –RAST-,-RASH-,-ROS-.

Students: Step 1: read the word and see what the roots are. Step 2: see what letters are in the roots. Step 3: remember that before the letters ST you need to write A;. before the letters Ш you also need to write A. 4. You need to remember the exception words rO drain, negativeA sl.
- Let's read them again and remember them. Let's add the following exception words: P
O stov, RO stislav, rO stockist and remember them.

Let us express our conclusion in generalized form. Let's repeat the algorithm of actions all together.

Work in pairs: we pronounce exception words to each other one by one.

7.Primary check of understanding of what has been learned

Explain the condition for choosing vowels A- O-in the roots with alternation:

Grows, grown, thickets, plant, algae. (student explanation)

8. Stage of consolidation of new knowledge and methods of action

Using an algorithm, explain how to choose the correct letter. After completing the work, carry out a mutual check. When checking each other, use a standard, i.e. spelling number 13.

Write down the words, insert the letter O or A, explain your choice: Beautiful r-sthenia, young por-sl, small r-drain, roses are bursting, boy R-stislav, growing cherries, sea algae, city ​​of R-stov.

9. Application of knowledge and methods of action.

What is our next step? cognitive activity? (It is necessary to consolidate knowledge of the rule and the ability to apply it in practice).

Organization of independent implementation by students typical tasks to a new way of acting.
-Organization of correlation of work with a standard for self-test (in the case when students begin to master the procedure of competent self-control, it is possible to correlate work with a detailed sample).

Completing exercise No. 453. Write down in 2 columns words with roots 1) -rast- and rasch, 2) grew. Label the spelling you are studying. After completing the work, perform a self-test using standard spelling code No. 13.

10. Generalization and systematization.

Repetition educational material: standard spelling No. 13.

In which row is the same letter missing in all words?After finishing the work, perform a mutual check using the standard spelling code No. 13.

A. 1. Modification, presentation.

2. Zar - if, adj.

3. Assumption, water.

IN. Read the text on the screen. Title the text. (Red Book of r-stenii).

Insert the letters and explain their spelling. Write down the words with missing letters.

How the beauty and aroma of wildflowers pleases us. But often greedy hands reach out to them and mercilessly tear them. These beautiful flowers and medicinal plants may disappear forever. Many of them are listed in the “Red Book of Republics”

11.Reflection of educational activities.

- What is the essence of spelling vowels in roots with alternating –RAST-, RASH-, -ROS-.

Have we achieved our goal?

What remains unclear and to whom?

! ! !

I learned to check the vowel in the root -RAST-, RASH-, -ROS- and I can explain the topic to a friend, I will say to myself: “Well done!”

12.Control and self-control of knowledge and methods of action

- Everyone answer the questionHave you learned everything well, have you succeeded?

13. Summing up the lesson
-What topic did we work on today?
- Let's remember what research we did today?
- Have all the questions been answered?
14.Homework (three levels of homework)
- Remember how you worked in class today, did you learn everything well, did everything work out for you. Those who succeeded, take task No. 3, those who did not succeed, take task No. 2, and those who did not understand the topic of the lesson, take task No. 1.

1.Standard minimum - exercise 455: fill in the missing letters.

2. Advanced exercise 456: dictation; label roots with alternating vowels.

3. Creative: come up with a fairy tale about the kingdom of roots -GROW- and -ROS-.
-15.Grades for the lesson.
Thank you all very much for your work.

Municipal educational institution Saraninskaya secondary school

Russian language lesson in 5th grade

using ICT

on the topic " Spelling of roots rast/ rasch/ ros".

Lesson type: learning a new topic.

1. Teach students to use the method of action when choosing vowels

o - and in the roots grow/grow/grow.

2. To form the cognitive interest of students through various forms of educational activities.

I. Organizational stage.

On the board (possibly on an interactive one) words with missing vowels are written to spell the roots lag/lozh: ad..give,, sl..give, prod..give, region..lived, impose..give. offer...

Assignment: Write the words in two columns. Checking by columns.

- What morphemes contain spelling patterns?

— Tell us the rule for spelling the roots lag/lozh.

III. Learning a new topic.

Today we will continue our acquaintance with the most important morpheme of a word - the root.

The topic of our lesson is “ Spelling of roots rast/rasch/ros " Think about what problem we are facing?

As always, Princess Spelling, who lives in the country of Linguistics, is in a hurry to help us. The princess invites us on a difficult journey of discovery, during which we will be able to reveal one of the many secrets of the Russian language.

Well, do you agree to become pioneers?

So, Spelling gave us an encrypted letter. If we manage to solve it, then the secret of alternating vowels in the roots rast/rasch/ros will be revealed to us. This is the letter. Let's look at it carefully:

RA ST and you SCH imprisoned ROS Lee No. 13

Exceptions: industry, sprout

Questions and tasks for students:

- What morpheme is the spelling in?

— What vowels are written in the roots?

- Choose words with these roots (written on the board).

- Who guessed in which case the vowel a is written, in which - o?

— How can we check whether we deciphered the letter correctly?

Open the textbooks and read the rule on page 178.

A table is posted on the rule.

- What conclusion can be drawn?

IV . Identifying the purpose of the lesson.

We have become familiar with the rule.

-What problem is facing us now?

— What goal should we achieve in the lesson?

V. Training exercises.

1. Teamwork.

Each student goes to the board, writes down a word as the teacher dictates it, identifies the spelling according to the model in the table and explains the spelling of the root vowel: plant, grew, grows, branch, growing, grew, grew, grows, thickets, growth, outgrown, grown, overgrown, fusion, will sprout.

Conclusion: what determines the spelling of alternating vowels o-a in the roots of words?

2. Exercise 437 on your own.

Checking using signal cards.

Conclusion: what rule did you use when performing the exercise?

3. The exercise is performed on a computer. This task is offered to us by Princess Spelling: insert the desired version of the root, highlight the alternating vowel.

Trees quickly you. sli.

Vz. young flower.

Children over the summer under. whether.

Under. There is fresh grass.

Roses from the greenhouse.

Small green...ok.

(Checked by the teacher after the lesson or during the test)

Conclusion: in which roots is the vowel a, in which – o?

Tell the rule according to the table.

VI. Verification work using matrices. The words are written on the board.

Task: write only the letter a under the corresponding numbers

Spelling of roots -lag-, -lozh-, rast-, -rasch-, -ros-

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

KSU school - gymnasium No. 103

In Russian

"Spelling of alternating vowels O-A

teacher of Russian language and literature

school-gymnasium No. 103

Open lesson on Russian language in 5th grade

Lesson topic: “Spelling of alternating vowels a-o in the roots –lag-, -lozh-, - rast- (- rasch-), -ros-”

1. Introduce students to the spelling of alternating vowels A//O in the roots –lag- -lozh- rast-(- rasch-) -ros-;

2. Develop the ability to reason when choosing an alternating vowel at the root

3. Be able to correctly write words with the specified spelling.

Before the start of the lesson, students are divided into two groups, and a coordinator is selected in each group.

Students are given grades after completing each task in the form of a daisy petal: 5 - red, 4 - yellow, 3 - green. At the end of the lesson, the results are summed up. Whichever color is greater is what the team gets.

Teacher's opening speech.

Vocabulary and spelling work: “Guess the word”

V...t...ran, v...trina, te...itoria, mi...ion, hello..., v...n...gret, profession...ia, r...mashka, p...stuh.

2. Insert the missing letters and explain the spelling.

By what principle are the words distributed in two columns?

3. Working with a table

Guys, what types of roots with an unstressed vowel do you know? Fill the table.

Write down the sentence and find the main members of the sentence

The tourist camp was located in a beautiful forest.

Find a word in the sentence with an alternating vowel (located)

Parse the word arranged according to its composition

Change the word so that the root is -lozh- (located)

What will we talk about in class today?

4. We observe: what does writing depend on?( work in groups )

Offer – offer to live grow – grow

The term - to add a plant - a bush

Adjective – application of growth – grew up

Students and the teacher formulate a rule.

After that, the coordinators of each group move to another group and explain the rule.

5. Application. Formation of skills and abilities.

(Work is carried out in groups)

Insert the missing letters and explain the spelling.

Rewrite the text. Insert the missing letters and explain the spelling.

We'll be a hundred years old without getting old. 2.Shadows lay…living along the dusty road. 3. Before going to bed, you should brush your teeth. 4. Porters offered their services to passengers. 5. I’m tall, sticky, thin and flexible. 6. Cultivated plants are grown in gardens and vegetable gardens. 7. Express your thoughts clearly and distinctly.

1. Tell us about the spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word. What groups are they divided into?

2. Tell us about the spelling of unstressed checked vowels at the root of the word.

3. Tell us about the spelling of unstressed unchecked vowels at the root of the word.

4. Tell us about the spelling of unstressed alternating vowels at the root of the word:

— Spelling LAG – FALSE.


Grading teams.

7. Reflection stage

Guys, now I’ll ask you to create a “mood daisy”. If you are in a great mood and you really liked the lesson, then attach green petal, if the mood has not changed during this time, then attach blue petal, if the mood has become worse, then red, and if you find it difficult then white.

Thank you for the lesson.

This development has been prepared taking into account the age characteristics of children. The tasks are selected in such a way that the teacher only guides his students. Students conduct their own research work, create a concept map based on a given spelling. All this contributes to the development of students critical thinking, mutual assessment, self-assessment and mutual learning.

  • Dorofeychik Oksana Ivanovna
  • 17.05.2015
  • Material number: 286302

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    Letters “O and A” in roots with alternating -rast-, -rasch-, -ros-

    Goals and objectives:

    • consolidate the rule of spelling roots -rast-, -rasch-, -ros-; repeat the spelling of the roots –lag-, -lozh-; spelling roots with verified and unchecked unstressed vowel; develop the ability to find words with a studied spelling, the skill of writing words with specified roots;
    • develop students’ memory and thinking, coherent speech skills;
    • cultivate a love of nature and interest in the Russian language.
    • Equipment:

      • Laptop.
      • Multimedia projector.
      • Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation ( Annex 1)
      • Textbook “Russian language grade 5” by T.A. Ladyzhenskaya and others.
      • Individual cards with multi-level tasks.
      • During the classes

        1. Organizational moment.

        “Soon the snow will melt, the rivers will be free of ice, and boats will be able to sail.” Today we will again go to the Land of Words to visit the well-known Sovunya and take a river trip with her. During the trip, we will review roots with an alternating vowel and the spelling of roots with an unstressed vowel. (slide 1)

        2. Checking homework.

        — Before we set off, let’s check that we have completed everything at home.

        Homework is checked at different levels.

        • 1 group students perform independent work on the card according to the words from homework: write down in columns words with an alternating vowel in the root and words with an unstressed vowel in the root.
        • 2nd group students insert the missing vowels in the same roots on the card.
        • Then a joint check is carried out.

          Oral survey:

          — What spellings did you work on?

          — What determines the spelling of vowels in the roots –lag-, -lozh-? In the roots -grow-, -grow-, -grew-?

          — How to check an unstressed vowel at the root of a word?

          — Is it possible to check roots with alternating vowel stress? Why?

          3. Consolidation.

          1) -We are going on a journey along the Grammar River. Notice how clear the water is. What plants can be seen at the bottom? (slide 2)

          — What roots are found in this word?

          — Insert the letters and explain their spelling (on the interactive board).

          - Make up and write down a sentence with this word.

          (In clear water you can see algae thickets.)

          —What grows along the banks of the river? (slide 3)

          - Pay attention to how the word is spelled cattail. Explain the spelling in the word reed

          (Tall reeds grow near the shore.)

          - What root with an alternating vowel did we come across? Explain its spelling.

          2) - After we looked into the depths of the river and examined the banks, now let’s look around.

          — What grows on the shore? (slide 4)

          Look how beautiful the apple tree has grown. The sun warms it, and the apples on it ripen. And how they keep up, we will read about this in the poem “Apple Tree” (slide 5).

          A student reads a poem.

          R_sti, r_sti apple tree
          Come on!
          Blossom, blossom apple tree
          Golden sun,
          Gray hotter!
          Grow some apples
          Hurry up!
          R_sla, r_sla apple tree
          Blossom, blossom apple tree
          The apple tree tore off
          Your outfit
          And the apples ripened
          For the guys.

          — Insert the missing letters and commas, explain the spelling.

          - Write down only those sentences where there are roots with an alternating vowel. Select them and indicate the spelling.

          3) — We admired the apple tree, now we can sail further. The sun shines brightly. What is that glittering on the shore in the waves? (slide 6)

          “And there’s a letter hidden in the bottle.” I wonder what's in this letter? (slide 7)

          - This is a letter from the guys. Let's read it.

          We have a garden in our yard. He was raised by the kids in our house. At first the yard was bad. Only barely noticeable grass grew near the fence. Then we planted trees and flowers and began to grow them.

          The first shoots appeared. We protected every plant. Flowers grew before our eyes. The trees grew noticeably. Our yard has become green, and the garden is growing and becoming prettier.

          - Indeed, to grow a good garden, you have to work hard. And to remember how to do this, we will work with the text.

          -Where was the kindergarten? Who raised him?

          —What did the yard look like at first?

          — What did the guys do to change the yard?

          — How did the garden grow?

          — Find words that contain roots with an alternating vowel. Name the roots.

          (grown, grew, grow, sprouts, plant, grew, grew up, growing)

          - Let’s read the text again and retell it, remembering where each word is.

          - But these are not simple stones, but grammatical ones. Under every stone there is a word.

          - Distribute these words into 2 columns: roots with an alternating vowel and roots with an unstressed vowel.

          (bank, laid, current, river, grows, settle down, garden, grew)

          - Let's check if we distributed the words correctly.

          5) The stones have been removed, you can go home. Look, Sovunya is meeting us. (slide 9). She wants to ask something.

          4. Lesson summary.

          — What spelling obstacles did you encounter today? Is it possible to check the alternating vowel at the root of a word by stress?


          Lesson topic: Spelling the roots rast, rasch, ros

          Lesson topic: Spelling the roots RAST, RASCH, ROS

          Goal: 1. developing the skill of spelling roots -rast, -rasch, -ros

          2. development of students' research competence;

          3. education careful attitude to nature;

  1. Today in the lesson we will continue to work on spelling roots with alternating vowels O - A. Let's try together to determine the topic of the lesson.

- Look at the screen and say what they mean question marks on the diagram?

(Unstressed vowels are fundamentally divided into 3 groups: 1-checked, 2-unchecked, 3-alternating)

^ What do you need to remember to correctly write unstressed vowels of groups 1,2,3?

2. Read the text expressively:

All the attractiveness of the earth lies in the animals and flora. Fresh grass on the lawns, a poplar under the window, a flock of jackdaws hovering near TV antennas over the roofs of houses - is this a background or part of our life? Attention to arriving birds, to a flowering meadow, to the sprouts of a planted grove 2 , to the reeds growing along the lake - source 2 interest and love for them, a guarantee of mutual joy of nature and man.

Determine the topic of the text. Title the text. During the lesson we will refer to the text.

3. - Now, using punch cards, write out words with unstressed vowels from the text, distributing them into 3 columns

4. - So, let's turn to words with alternating vowels O-A. Take a careful look at the words in this column and tell me which root spellings we will talk about today in class?

^What are these roots called and why?

(Roots are written in words whose meaning is associated with growth, development, i.e. with life)

— Formulate the topic of the lesson. Grammar. Speech.

5. — What determines the spelling of vowels O — A in roots? A research project has been prepared for the lesson that will answer this question.

Project “Spelling roots with alternating vowels O – A in the root”

1. We have prepared a research project “Spelling roots with alternating vowels O - A in the root.”

2.The creative name of the project is “Roots of Life”.

3. The goal of our project is to learn how to correctly write the roots -RAST-, -RASH-, -ROS-, in which the vowels O-A alternate.

4. We put forward a hypothesis. Let us explain the meaning of the word HYPOTHESIS.

A HYPOTHESIS is an assumption put forward to explain some phenomena. What is our hypothesis?

  • If spelling is commanded by the consonants ST and Ш, then A is written at the root.
  • If the consonants ST and Ш are absent at the root, then O is written.

5. We know that roots with alternating vowels O –A can be commanded by:

  • Suffix A (roots KOS-KAS, LAG-LOZH)
  • Accent (roots ZOR-ZAR, GOR-GAR)
  • Meaning (roots ROVN-RAVN, MAK-MOK)
  • And who commands the roots of RAST - RASCH, -ROS?

    We conducted a study: we selected texts, determined the range of words with which we would work, and monitored their writing. It turned out that in words with these roots neither the suffix A, nor the stress, nor the meaning play a role. All that remained was to pay attention to the consonants at the root.

    6. We know about such a linguistic phenomenon as alternation of consonants. The combination of ST alternates with SH. The proof of this position is presented on the screen:

    This means that in the root RASCH, just like in the root RAST, A is written.

    7. To find out whether all of our classmates can distinguish the root RAST from the prefix RAS and the root starting with the letter T, we selected examples, wrote them down randomly, printed cards for each student and asked them to distribute the words in two columns.

    In the diagram you can see how you completed the task:

    • Didn’t complete the task - 15% or 3 people out of 28
    • Completed the task with 1 error - 42% or 11 people
    • Completed the task without errors - 53% or 14 people
    • 8. Where can we find words with the root of life? In nature, in the forest, these words are also connected with human life. The roots of life are called the roots RAST, RASCH, ROS, since they are present in words associated with growth, with life, with development.

      9. The results of our research were the creation business card roots. We give it to each of those present in the lesson as a reminder, a hint.

      In addition, the school will host scientific - practical conference, where we will present our project.

      6. - Let's check how carefully you listened to the speech and whether you remembered when A is written in the roots and when O. Before you is a crossword puzzle. Fill in the missing letters in the crossword words

      Lesson: Spelling the letters a, o in the root – rast, – rash, – ros.

      Hurry up to take advantage of discounts of up to 50% on Infourok courses

      Prepared and conducted:

      DOSH I - III levels No. 88

      Subject : Spelling letters a, o at the root - grow, - grow, - grew.

      Goals: introduce the conditions for choosing the letters a-o in roots; develop the ability to find and highlight spellings with alternating a-o; develop memory, skills research activities, cultivate interest in the Russian language

      Lesson type: lesson in learning new material

      I'm glad to meet you again
      I'm interested in you, friends!
      Your answers are interesting
      I listen with pleasure.
      Today we will watch
      Draw conclusions and reason.
      And so that the lesson benefits everyone,
      Get actively involved in the work, my friend!

      2.Updating basic knowledge

      — What is the name of the system of rules that establish uniform ways of transmitting speech in writing? (Spelling)

      - What is a spelling? (Writing a word according to spelling rules)

      - What spelling did we learn about in the last lesson? (Spelling of letters a, o in roots –kas-, -kos-; -lag-, -log-)

      - When to write a letter A, and when O? (at the root with alternation –kas-, -kos-; -lag-, -log- in an unstressed position it is written A , if after the root there is a suffix a, and O , if there is no suffix)

      2.2 Checking homework

      Two students hand over their notebooks for checking, the rest are checked along with the class “in a chain”

      A) Exercise 252 (p. 142)

      - What rule helped us perform this exercise correctly? (spelling ь and ъ)

      — When to put ъ, and when ь? (ъ put before e, e, yu, i after prefixes that end in a consonant; ь is written after consonants, before vowels e, e, yu, i in other cases)

      Exercise : Write down the phrase, inserting a word that suits its meaning. In the inserted words, highlight the root and explain the spelling of the roots.

      Paste where needed ъ or ь. Explain usage graphically ъ

      Announce...announce a the magazine; present serious demands in writing; once...clarify errors when.... numbers; under…go to…. squad.

      Words for reference: addition, application, arrangement, presentation

      Announce(set ъ console about- ends in a consonant b before e, e, yu, I, root -I'm in-)about the new application(root – false) to the magazine; present(prefix pre- ends in a consonant d before e, e, yu, i put ъ) to written presentation (root -false-) serious (we put b, pred e, e, yu, i because it is at the root of the word seriously-) requirements; explain(put ъ because console once- ends in acc. before e, e, yu, i) errors during addition (root -false-); drive up (we set ъ; console under- ends with a consonant before e, e, yu, i) to location(root -false-) squad

      B) exercise 256

      Write down the phrases, inserting the missing letters, graphically explain your choice

      Izl O living (-false-) is the essence of the issue, this is not for you A touches (-concerns-), sl O zhi(-false-) two numbers, k O woke up(-kos-) interesting topic, point to A sania(-kas-), howled O lived (-bed-) products from the bag, hall O lived(-log-) property, sum of two words A heated(-lag-), floor O put the books in place, not on the floor A screw up (-lag-) in case, easy trick O dream(-kos-), not a problem A get involved with other people's things, to A touch the ground with your feet, point of contact O dreams(-cos-)

      Write down the number, cool work, leave one line empty for writing the topic of the lesson, we will write it down a little later. Two students do the work at the board, the rest in their notebooks.

      Exercise: write down the words, highlight the studied spelling

      Assume,, addition, expression, to...dream, express, clause, ad...dream, unapproachable, approach, proposal, supposed, ex... live, prl...gat, position...touch, touch...sanie, adjective.

      - Exchange notebooks, take red paste and let's check together. (One student comments on the assessment.)

      3.Learning new material

      3.1 Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson

      Today we continue our journey to the country of Spelling and get acquainted with a new spelling. Look at the topic of our lesson (the teacher attaches it to the board, written on a separate sheet of paper) write it down in your notebooks.

      - What do you think is the purpose of our lesson? (get to know the spelling, use it correctly in writing)

      3.2 Brainstorming (research work) )

      The words are written on the board: grow, plant, grow, grown, grown, thickets.

      - Write down these words and highlight the roots in them

      - What words are these? (cognate)

      —What phenomenon are we observing in these roots? (alternation of consonants st/sh/s)

      — Try to formulate a writing rule vowels a-o in the roots grow, grow, grow

      - Let's check our answers with the textbook. (p. 144 one student reads aloud)

      3.3 Words are exceptions

      Moneylender V Rostov lived

      He sprout bought myself

      Somewhere in the market.

      3.4 Lexical work

      A) Working with an explanatory dictionary

      Industry – a separate area of ​​activity of science, production

      Sprout – 1) the stem of a plant at the very beginning of its development from a seed, rhizome, tuber; 2) a piece of branch with buds for planting; 3) (trans. sign) manifestation of the beginning development of something

      A usurer is a person who lends money on interest. Borrowing at high interest rates

      B) Work in pairs

      Compose and write down sentences with exception words.

      4. Consolidation of what has been learned.

      4.1 Working with the textbook.

      A) p.145 exercise 262. One student is at the blackboard, the rest are in notebooks. The first three notebooks are for assessment.

      4.2. Orthoepic minute

      The teacher reads, the students repeat. Behind best pronunciation a rating is given. Group work.

      As she grew up, she grew a tail and wore a dark dress. As she grew up, she turned green and traded her tail for oars.

      The sprouts grew, grew, but the sprouts did not grow.

      4.3. Distributive dictation.

      On the board in ovals are written the roots of ras-, ros-, rasch-

      Task: decorate the oval with petals to make bright and beautiful flowers.

      The words are written on the petals: (one word on each). Students, one by one (optional or pass the baton to a friend), select a ray with a word (on the teacher’s desk) and attach it to the oval.

      R...stenia, grown...sli, razed...stays, r...growing, under...sli, dor...sti, zar...sli, r...drain, over...sli, grown, R...stov.

      5. Lesson summary. Reflection.

      - What spelling did we get to know?

      - When should you write the letter a, and when the letter o in the roots grow, grow, grow?

      - What exception words do you know?

      - Today we were the most active..., some difficulties arose..., you need to be careful....

      — Where did the difficulties arise?

      6. Homework

      P.37, learn.rule.exercise.263. Copy the text by inserting the missing letters. (for grade 3) Write down words with missing unstressed vowels in the root in two columns: 1- with a verifiable stress; 2 - with alternating (on 4 and 5). Additional task (optional): compose a vocabulary dictation, which we will conduct in the next lesson, on the spelling of the root -rast-, -rasch-, -ros-, -bir-, ber-, - kas-, - kos- (15 words, don’t forget about exception words)

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