The combination of zhi shi cha sha chu shu. Why do you need to remember the spelling of vowels in the letter combinations ZHI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SHCHU? F, _ zn, w _ on, machine _ on, h _ sty h _ sh _

Don't miss letter combinations: zhi, shi, cha, sha, chu, schu

In combinations live And shi write after consonants and And w letter And,

in combinations cha And now after h And sch - letter A,

in combinations chu And I feel after h And sch - letter at :and And uh, mash And on, h A now, h at before, sch at ka.


Why are we writing? and And, w And ? After all, the letter And usually shows that the consonant before it is soft, for example: artAnd st- [T'] . And the sizzling [f] and [sh] are hard! The fact is that this is a traditional spelling. Once upon a time, the sizzling ones were soft. Then they began to be pronounced firmly, and the spelling of the letters And after and And w preserved: skis And, mung bean And on the.

The writing of letters is also traditional A And at after h And sch: h A sch A, h at before, sch at ka.


Letter Yu found in borrowed words: and Yu ri, brosh Yu ra, parash Yu T, as well as proper names, for example AND Yu l Vern.

Don’t be surprised, you may also encounter complex abbreviated words that do not comply with this rule, for example IzhYu rcollegium(Izhevsk Legal Collegium). When forming complex abbreviated names and abbreviations, combinations of letters are possible that are not typical for the Russian language.

Pronounce these words correctly: bro[shu] ra, couple[shu] T,[Zhu] l Vern, and[zhu] rcollegium.
Don't be surprised: word and Yu ri pronounced differently: and [zh "u] ri, and [zhu] ri.

Selective dictations

1. Write down only words with letter combinations ZHI, SHI.

1) Reeds grow by the river. 2) After the rain there are puddles in the yard. 3) Lilies of the valley are blooming. 4) Siskins are singing. 5) The swifts flew away. 6) Ruffs live in the river, walruses - in the sea, hedgehogs - in the forest. 7) The skis were rubbed with grease. 8) Lena has pencils. 9) My ears are cleaner. 10) Fragrant roses are good. 11) The rose has thorns. 12) Write without mistakes. 13) Write, but don’t rush. 14) Snowflakes were spinning.

2. Write down only words with letter combinations CHA, SCHA, CHU, SCHU.

1) Frequent rain in the yard. 2) Yura Chaikin solved the problem. 3) The crows screamed loudly. 4) Seagulls were circling over the water. 5) The fishermen caught bream and pike. 6) Birds are looking for food. 7) The jackdaw has jackdaws. 8) The wolf has cubs. 9) Cup and teapot - dishes. 10) The children came to the grove. 11) Magpies are chattering. 12) Cows moo. 13) Mice squeak. 14) Woodpeckers are knocking. 15) Sorrel grew in the meadow. 16) Seagulls and bee-eaters are birds.

Test dictations

in winter

Winter. There is fluffy snow in the forest. There are dots and lines on the snow. The tracks lead into the thicket. At night, predatory animals look for food. Here is a forest river. Fishermen are sitting on the ice. My friend caught a big pike. (34 words)

In summer

Our dacha is near the forest. There is a river called Shchur. It was July. Morning. We were fishing on the river. Vaska the cat was sleeping in the grass. We caught a perch and two bream. We gave the cat some perch. (31 words)

Hare and cat

Dima lived with a fluffy bunny. Our cat Vaska and the bunny were friends. The cat loved milk. The hare was eating cabbage. In the spring the bunny began to get bored. The boy released the animal into the forest. (29 words)

Words for reference: o let go.

In the grove

How nice it is in spring! We are going to the oak grove. Siskins and blackbirds sing merrily here. The rooks scream loudly. Pileated woodpeckers are knocking. The nimble magpies are chattering. A bee is buzzing over a flower. (29 words)

Spelling minutes

1. Underline letter combinations in words with a hard hissing consonant sound.

Hedgehogs, siskins, floors, reeds, mice, ears, fat;

Spring, bug, fragrant, resident, cones;

Fat, sew, fluffy, awl, snowflake, ruffs;

Making friends, puddles, lilies of the valley, mice, skis, life.

2. Write down, changing the number of items.

Baby - babies, swift, floor, ruff, walrus, lily of the valley;

Pear, pencil, hedgehog, snake, reed, ear, puddle, knife.

3. Underline letter combinations in words with a soft hissing consonant sound.

Hour, tea, teapot, seagull, thicket, part, candle, cup;

Forgive, playground, washcloth, locust, glove;

Greet, shout, grumble, be silent, squeak, crackle;

Child, charm, tea, frequent, bowl, swing, gurgle;

Cloud, task, luck, thousand, heap, meeting, sorrel;

Pike, little dog, cast iron, stuffed animal, grumbler, miracle, stockings;

Closet, wonderful, alien, tentacles, squinting, cleaning;

I scream, I eat, I cry, I am silent, I fly, I knock, I drag.

4. Underline the letter combinations CHK, CHN, NSCH, CHT, SHCHN in the words.

Barrel, dot, girl, pen, wheelbarrow, line, daughter;

Thorn, little sister, chicken, duck, pipe;

What, to, mail, mast, dream, read, reading;

Precise, eternal, urgent, gloomy, river;

Helper, predator, carnivorous, vegetable (soup);

Powerful (blow), woman, mason, drummer.

Hedgehogs, knives, pears, skis, puddles, ears, cones, siskins, good, wide, be friends, sew, circle; thicket, grove, tea, cup, dacha, knock, be silent, shout; miracle, pike, looking, wanting, silent, teaching, crying.


1. Write down poems. Underline words with combinations zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, schu.

In combinations zhi, shi

Just and always write!

Mice, hedgehogs, snakes,

Skis, puddles, roofs.

Giraffes, tires and walruses,

Rose hips and pencils,

Circle, serve, make friends and live,

Hurry, laugh, hiss and sew.

Remember the syllables zhi and shi

And write only with the letter.

In combinations cha, sha

We write only the letter a.

Heap, thicket, tower,

Cloud, grove, locusts,

Thicket, dacha and seal

You need to write it with the letter a.

In combinations chu, schu

They only write the letter y.

I want to write correctly

I’m learning words for Chu and Shu:

Stocking, and miracle, and cast iron,

The eccentric, and the pike, and the grumbler,

Grimy, scarecrow, block,

Wonderful, feelings and closet,

I scream, I grumble, I drag.

I write and listen and listen.

(From the collection “Entertaining Grammar”)

2. Write down the sentences. Underline words with combinations zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, schu.

1. I am in first grade. 2. Siskins live in the forest. 3. The guys are looking for bumps. 4. Fragrant flowers grew in the flowerbed. 5. Never take other people's things. 6. Grandma treats us to a pie. 7. The giraffe has a long neck. 8. There are mice in the closet. 9. A seagull is circling over the sea. 10. I never cry.


1. Listen to excerpts from poems. Write down and read words with combinations zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, schu.

Good for the carpenter

And it’s better for an engineer

I would go build a house -

Let them teach me.

I'll draw first

The house is the way I want it.

Nice house, great house

On all four sides

And the guys will live in it

Comfortable and spacious.

(B. Mayakovsky)

Squinting my eyes

And frowning brows,

Growling into his mustache,

Watchmaker Ivan Petrovich

He carefully took the watch.

(S. Mikhalkov)

2. Listen to riddles and proverbs. Write down words with combinations zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, schu.

The golden sieve of black houses is full.

How many little black houses,

so many little white residents. (Sunflower)

He lies under the fence and wags his tail. (Pig)

I don't upset anyone

but I make everyone cry. (Onion)

Flies like an arrow

buzzes like a bee. (Airplane)

A one-eyed old woman embroiders patterns. (Needle)


1. Don’t rake in the heat with someone else’s hands! 2. You can’t hide an awl in a bag. 3. Don't rush with your tongue - hurry with your deeds. 4. It is better to lose wealth than to break your word. 5. No matter how eager the pike is, it will not take the ruff from its tail.


Underline words with combinations zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, schu.

There is silence on the river in the morning. We are sailing on a boat along a wide channel. Wonderful white water lilies float on the water. A dragonfly circles above them. Dragonflies look like little helicopters.


My dad loves fishing. He often takes me with him. Yesterday we went by car to the lake. Dad caught a big bream and a pike. He put them in the fish tank.


Our school is inhabited by hedgehogs, mice and a hare. The guys take care of the animals. After lessons we run to the living corner and treat our friends to something tasty.

Teacher : Fasgieva Galina Tagirovna

UMK: "Perspective"

Lesson topic : “Words with letter combinations zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu”

Lesson type : generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills.

Form of conduct : lesson-game.

Target : consolidate the skill of spelling letter combinations ZHI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SCHU.

Lesson objectives:

    consolidate the spelling skills of the combinations ZHI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SCHU, generalize students’ knowledge on this topic;

    contribute to the development of students’ speech, the ability to clearly express their thoughts, the development of thought processes and cognitive activity;

    develop students' spelling awareness;

    cultivate interest in the Russian language.

Planned results


Plan your actions to implement the lesson objectives and exercise assignments.

Observe, characterize, analyze, compare.

Exercise mutual control and provide the necessary assistance in cooperation.


Distinguish between the basic means of language: words, phrases, sentences.

Correctly write words with the spelling “Vowels after sibilants”


Awareness of one's own achievements when mastering educational topic; positive attitude towards learning outcomes.

Equipment : Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. “Russian language”, interactive whiteboard, interactive encyclopedia on the Russian language, sheets with tasks, sheets for drawings, M.Yu. Polnikov “Didactic notebook on the Russian language”, colored pencils, markers, chips.

During the classes

    Stage of motivation to educational activities.

The bell rang and fell silent,
The lesson begins.
Everyone looked at me
They smiled and sat down.

2. Updating basic knowledge.

Guys, today we will start our lesson with poetry.

Students read poetry.

    In combinations zhi, shi

Just and always write!

Mice, hedgehogs, snakes,

Skis, puddles, roofs.

Giraffes, tires and walruses,

Rosehip and pencils

Circle, serve, make friends and live,

Hurry, laugh, hiss and sew.

Remember the syllables zhi and shi

And write only with the letter.

    In combinations cha, sha

We write only the letter a.

Heap, thicket, tower,

Cloud, grove, locusts,

Thicket, dacha and seal

You need to write it with the letter a.

    In combinations chu, schu

They only write the letter y.

I want to write correctly

I’m learning words for Chu and Shu:

Stocking, and miracle, and cast iron,

The eccentric, and the pike, and the grumbler,

Grimy, scarecrow, block,

Wonderful, feelings and closet,

I scream, I grumble, I drag.

I write and listen and listen.

What do you think we will talk about in class today?

That's right, about the spelling of words with letter combinations ZHI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SCHU.

Our lesson today is unusual, and it’s called “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” (KVN)

You need to divide into two teams, choose captains and come up with a name for your teams. Next, each team receives tasks and completes them (the guys choose their own tasks, and also help each other in the team)

The jury will evaluate the competitions and assign points. The winner is the team that receives greatest number points.

So, we begin our game, I wish everyone success!

A slide appears on the board.


    Captains Competition

Captains need to pronounce the tongue twister correctly.

1 team

In the bushes of fragrant jasmine

The hedgehog Josephine lives.

2nd team

Among the fragrant grass

A fluffy bunny is sitting.

    Competition “Draw a tongue twister”

The captains give their tongue twisters to the teams and the guys draw pictures for them.

Finger gymnastics.

Attention, girls!
Attention, boys!
Prepare the straws
Stretch your fingers!

So that we can get fire,
Three palms against palms.
Suddenly your palm sparkles,
Our tube will catch fire!

Legs together, back straight.
We are sitting at the piano.
We are learning scales.
Legs together, back straight.

Here are the guys at their desks
They got as naughty as kittens:
Rubbing the desks with your fingers,
As if they were scratching with their paws.

There is a deep pond in the park.
Crucian carp live in the pond.
So that we can catch up with the flock,
You need to wag your tail.

Once a huge crocodile
Swallowed the stool.
And now he opened his mouth:
Make sure the desk doesn't fall apart!

    Competition “Mistakes of Dunno!”

The guys receive sheets of text and correct mistakes.

I lived next to a forest and walked in the thicket of the forest.

Rosehip bushes have grown out of nowhere there.

I pricked myself on a spike and fell like a log.

I look, there’s a hut in the bushes!

I squinted my eyes and saw a candle in the window.

But he didn’t go into the light - what if a monster lives there!

    Competition “Complete the word or the answer”

Condition - the words must contain the spellings zhi-shi, chu-shu or cha-sha.
The cat lives on our roof,
And _ _ live in the closet.

Won't go without gas
Neither the bus nor _ _ _ .

If there is a leak from the roof
And the snowdrifts below -
So the sun is hot,
Remove _ _ .
Streams run through the fields,
On the roads …
The ants will come out soon
After winter _ _.
Spun in the air
A little asterisk
Sat down and melted
On my palm. (This _ _ _)

White peas
On a green leg. (This _ _)

A ball, but not a fluffy one.
Prickly and rough. (This _)

They walk and run, but never leave their place. (This _ _)

    Competition "One - Many"

Write the words in the plural.

Ear, ski, baby, knife, snake, swift, reed, hut, siskin, lily of the valley, cake, walrus, beach, pear, pencil, stained glass, puddle.

Musical physical education session “Morning exercises with Serebryanka”

    Competition “Complete the words”

Write actions for objects that contain the spelling “zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-schu”

Cows - m________, birds - p__________, snakes - w__________, owls - cr__________, grasshoppers - tr__________, woodpeckers - st________.

    Competition "Replace the words"

Replace the highlighted word with a word close in meaning (synonym) with the spelling “zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-schu.”

Fragrant tea - d_____________ tea,

spacious streets - w_____________ streets,

fat cat - f___________ cat,

shaggy spruces - p_____________ spruces,

huge puddles - b___________ puddles,

beautiful baby - a substitute baby,

    Competition "Who is faster!"

Interactive encyclopedia on the Russian language for primary school. Fill in the missing letters in the words.

    Competition "Our History"

Textbook p.77 exercise 113, compose the text using key words.

    Competition “Look and Write”

Didactic notebook p.21 exercise 3

Summarizing. Reflection. Presentation of medals to the winning team.

What was the most interesting thing about the lesson?
– What did you find most difficult in the lesson?
- Thank you for Active participation, for correct answers, for Good work at the lesson.

Subject: “Cha-sha, chu-shu, zhi-shi-write correctly”

Lesson type: Lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Lesson objectives:

Strengthen the spelling skills of the combinations ZHI-SHI, CHASHA,

CHU-SHU, summarize students’ knowledge on this topic;

To promote the development of students’ speech, the ability to clearly express their thoughts, the development of thought processes and cognitive activity;

Develop students' spelling awareness;

Develop an interest in working in a group

Cultivate interest in the Russian language, a sense of the culture of intellectual work.

Preparatory work to the lesson:

· dividing the class into groups, learning the rules of working in a group.

1.Self-determination for educational activities

The lesson begins

It will be of use to the guys.

Interesting tasks,

Games, jokes - everything for you!

Good luck to work!

2. Setting the lesson goal

Your parents will evaluate your work.

Yesterday we split into teams and chose names. And I offered these words

Board: fulmars



grimy people



tough guys

merry fellows

What do these words have in common?(spelling on the topic: “Cha-sha, chu-schu, zhi-shi write correctly”)

Lesson topic - (children)

Board : Cha-sha, chu-shu, zhi-shi write correctly

Captains, explain why your teams chose these names

(we are all cheerful here, all the brave children are in our team, etc.)

All together rules of teamwork

We speak politely

speak one at a time without interrupting each other,

we listen carefully,

express our opinion clearly,

keep order at the desk,

We respect the opinion of the interlocutor.


Team means together

Team - all for one.

Everything here is based on conscience and honor,

No one will be offended here.

The team unites us

Let's not be afraid of obstacles

Here everyone knows their business,

Works for results.

And if disputes arise,

They are decided immediately

And no talking

They won't distract us from our work.

We feel comfortable in our team

We didn’t suddenly find ourselves in it,

When things get difficult for someone,

A friend will lend his shoulder.

3.Updating knowledge

1 task “Experts of the Rules”

- The team tells one rule for the teacher to choose, they need to tell:

clearly, correctly and amicably- 3b

In ZHI-SHI combinations, write only AND always!


Skis, mice and snakes,

Tires, hedgehogs, siskins.


Always write with the letter I.

Siskins, grass snakes, hedgehogs, swifts,

Giraffes, mice and walruses,

Rose hips, tires, reeds,

Cars and pencils.

All combinations of ZHI - SHI

You only write with the letter And!

In combinations CHA-SCHA we look only for the letter A!

For example: CHA YKA, FOOD

CHA and SCHA, CHA and SCHA -

Grove, thicket and candle.

Food, cloud, locusts -

With the letter A and CHA and SCHA.

Food, thicket, grove, heap,

Locust, cabbage and cloud,

Dacha, grounds and candle -

All words are in Cha and ShchA.

Thicket, dacha and seal -

You need to write it with the letter A!

In combinations CHU-SHU we write only the letter U!

I want to write correctly, I’m learning words in CHU and SHU:

Stocking, and miracle, and cast iron,

An eccentric, and a pike, and a grump.

I don't knock, I don't eat,

I don't grumble or scream

And I teach and I teach

All words in SHU and CHU:

Chum, eccentric, stocking, block,

Pike, miracle and closet.

Combinations of Chu and ShchU

We write only with the letter U!

Results-results of task 1-board

4. Application of theoretical principles in the conditions of performing exercises

Task 2 “Good are someone else’s rules”

Read it. Explain the meaning of the proverb.


Life is given for good deeds. (Life is given for good deeds.)

Assignment for children : Read the rules, insert the missing spellings. Divide the rules into 2 groups« Good - someone else's rules»

give nicknames comrade. , laugh and shout in class, help out comrade. , fulfill promises. drink loudly, laugh at people’s mistakes, protect the weak, clean up after yourself, communicate politely

For parents - each correct spelling in the word -1b. , every word 1b., if correctly divided into groups (maximum quantity 11+9=20b.)

vyru cha th products now

do both now nia

protect now there are weak

clean up after yourself cha shki

about now be polite

give nicknames to friends I feel

sme shi Th and Cree cha be in class

laugh at chu live with mistakes

loud cha stick in

Results of task 2 - board

Task 3 “Crossword zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu”

I suggest you solve this crossword puzzle, which is called: “ZHI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SCHU.” (Do it in groups)

In all the words that make up this crossword puzzle, there are combinations of ZHI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SCHU.

Crossword puzzles


Night. But if I want,

I’ll click once and turn it on for the day. (Switch)

The tail wags,

Too toothy, but not barking. (Pike)

Before I go to bed,

I'll eat the cutlet again.

I'm growing and I need it so much

High in calories, delicious... (Dinner)

I bought bread today

I paid the money to the cashier.

It turned out that this was luck,

What is due to me... (Surrender)

I live in snowy regions.

I take them for a walk.

To run through the snow

And breathe oxygen. (Skis)

Patching a bad shoe

It’s impossible without him.

It looks like a needle

And it can hurt your finger. (Awl)

Otherwise it will never be solved... (Problem)

This day's routine

Was written for me.

I won't be late for anything

After all, I follow it. (Mode)

Mom bought me a pie

I put it on a plate.

I don't need to put much -

I can only eat... (Part)


Now we are not afraid of colds

And among the puddles we have fun.

Let's put them on our feet... (Galoshes)

Although he is not a samovar,

It also releases steam.

I'll pour water into a cup

And I’ll drink it with bagels. (Kettle)

Located in the city.

From here in all directions

The streets diverge.

What's the name of the place?

Who will guess? (Square)

One day the magician waved his hand,

By the will of the magician, what happened? (Miracle)

I wrote the essay,

I scribbled and corrected everything.

It even became unclear

Where is the end and where... (The beginning)

There's a car on the side of the road.

The nail hit - she deflated... (Tire)

This sweetheart will meet you and me... (Dacha)

A very long piece of fabric

This headdress

On the Indians for a long time. (Turban)

The sun was shining merrily,

Suddenly everything went dark at once.

It began to rain and even hail.

Who is to blame for this? (Cloud)

African with a long neck

He is in Russian foreigner,

And already, what year

He lives in the zoo. (Giraffe)

Results of task 3 - board

Task 4 “Keen Eye”

Find and fix errors

Life, pike, sorrel, stocking, width, machine, stranger, dragging, tentacles, seagull, transmission, stocking, learning, dragging, knocking, sorrel, wide, a little, looking, animal. (10 errors)

Task 5 “Rebuses”

Answers: car, ears, pike

Memo for parents: for each correct answer 1b. (max. 3b)

Task 6 “Collect parts of the word”

- Here are parts of words from which you will form whole words.

For parents : for each correct answer 1b

Results of task 6 - board

5.Reflection of activity

Task 7 “Collect a proposal”

we have us


parents children happy


1 option : We are wonderful parents. We have happy children.

Option 2 : We have wonderful parents. We are happy children.

- I invite mothers to announce the results.

Gift of candy “Fizzy”

So that only good and bright things hiss in your hearts and there is no room for bad things!

Homework (children's choice)

Write a fairy tale that tells why the letters “Zh” and “Sh” are not friends with the letter “Y”, but are friends with the letter “I”.

Write a fairy tale that tells why the letters "Ch" and "Sh" are not friends with the letter "I", but are friends with the letter "A".

Write a fairy tale that tells why the letters "Ch" and "Sh" are not friends with the letter "U", but are friends with the letter "U".

Attaching a photo to the lesson

Photo for Russian language lesson


Night. But if I want,

I’ll click once and turn it on for the day.

The tail wags,

Too toothy, but not barking.

Before I go to bed,

I'll eat the cutlet again.

I'm growing and I need it so much

High in calories, delicious...

I bought bread today

I paid the money to the cashier.

It turned out that this was luck,

What is due to me...

I live in snowy regions.

I take them for a walk.

To run through the snow

And breathe oxygen.

Patching a bad shoe

It’s impossible without him.

It looks like a needle

And it can hurt your finger.

I’m reading a textbook, I can’t do otherwise,

Otherwise it will never be decided...

This day's routine

Was written for me.

I won't be late for anything

After all, I follow it.

Mom bought me a pie

I put it on a plate.

I don't need to put much -

I can only eat...


Now we are not afraid of colds

And among the puddles we have fun.

Let's go for a walk now with Alyosha,

Let's put it on your feet...

Although he is not a samovar,

It also releases steam.

I'll pour water into a cup

And I’ll drink it with bagels.

The center is free space,

Located in the city.

From here in all directions

The streets diverge.

What's the name of the place?

Who will guess?

One day the magician waved his hand,

And suddenly my rabbit turned white,

At least he was black. I was surprised.

By the will of the magician, what happened?

I wrote the essay,

I scribbled and corrected everything.

It even became unclear

Where is the end and where...

There's a car on the side of the road.

The nail hit - she pulled it down...

That little house stands in the woods above the river.

And even if he is short, inconspicuous in appearance,

But summer will come, it can’t be otherwise,

This sweetheart will meet you and me...

A very long piece of fabric

Let's quickly remember.

This headdress

On the Indians for a long time.

The sun was shining merrily,

Suddenly everything went dark at once.

It began to rain and even hail.

Who is to blame for this?

African with a long neck

He is a foreigner in Russia,

And already, what year

He lives in the zoo.

Task: think and write 2 sentences correctly

we have us


parents children


